The golden grove dissuaded me with its cheerful birch tongue. Yesenin Sergey - the golden grove dissuaded

You can read “The Golden Grove Dissuaded” by Yesenin on our website online. Yesenin is one of the most talented poets of the early 20th century. During his short writing career, which lasted only 15 years, he managed to leave behind a great legacy that has become a classic of Russian literature.

The poem was written, as the author himself dates it, in 1924, a year before his death. At that time, the poet lived in the capital, spending all day and night at his desk. Yesenin yearned for his small homeland, here in the capital, in the small shack in which he lived, the poet felt even more lonely and renounced from this world.

This work is considered to be philosophical lyrics, where the author raises the eternal question of the purpose of man in this world. The text of the poem “The golden grove dissuaded” conveys the poet’s gloomy mood. Sergei Yesenin analyzes his life, his creativity and worries whether it will be in demand after his death. He calls his poems “sad words,” which, in his opinion, no one cares about anymore. Golden Grove symbolizes the author himself, or rather his soul. Like her, he throws away the luxurious attire that he once “wore” in his youth.

The golden grove dissuaded
Birch, cheerful language,
And the cranes, sadly flying,
They don’t regret anyone anymore.

Whom should I feel sorry for? After all, everyone in the world is a wanderer -
He will pass, come in and leave the house again.
The hemp plant dreams of all those who have passed away
With a wide moon over the blue pond.

I stand alone among the naked plain,
And the wind carries the cranes into the distance,
I'm full of thoughts about my cheerful youth,
But I don’t regret anything about the past.

I don't feel sorry for the years wasted in vain,
I don’t feel sorry for the soul of the lilac blossom.
There is a fire of red rowan burning in the garden,
But he can't warm anyone.

Rowan berry brushes will not get burned,
The yellowness will not make the grass disappear,
Like a tree silently shedding its leaves,
So I drop sad words.

And if time, scattered by the wind,
He'll shovel them all into one unnecessary lump...
Say this... that the grove is golden
She answered with sweet language.

S. A. Yesenin is a significant poet for Russia. In his poems, he reflected the Russian soul and glorified his native nature, depicted the eternal and at the same time simple, guided by his own heart, and not by opportunistic considerations. This poet masterfully painted landscapes, his language is distinguished by rare imagery.

His early work was filled with optimism and delicate colors, but in the 20s S.A. Yesenin was overcome by melancholy. This was associated not only with growing up and understanding that the years are passing, but also with problems in creativity, self-realization, and love. One of the critics of the Russian diaspora, S.P. Postnikov, in a review of several issues of Krasnaya Novi, highlighted Yesenin’s poems “as a real thing, as an authentic piece of art", wrote:

Now Yesenin is entering a new period. He was tired, apparently, of being naughty. And thought appeared in the poems, and at the same time the form of the poems became simpler. This is felt not only in the above poem.<выше цитировалась «Русь советская»>, but also in the poems “In the Motherland” and “The Golden Grove Dissuaded”. I don’t presume to say that Yesenin’s current mood is stable, but, in any case, it now exists and is an interesting period in the development of this talented poet.

In 1924, S.A. Yesenin wrote the poem “The Golden Grove Dissuaded”, where he summed up the peculiar results of his creative path. A year later he committed suicide, so this verse can be considered a requiem.

The main theme of the poem “The golden grove dissuaded”

The main theme of the poem is the meaning of life, creative results. It is autobiographical, the poet, looking back, comes to the disappointing conclusions that the years have been wasted in vain, “everyone in the world is a wanderer,” “There is a fire of red rowan burning in the garden, but it cannot warm anyone.” Lyrical hero, like a grove, he had already “dissuaded him in a cheerful language,” the fun was replaced by thoughtfulness, thoughts that everything passes and strives for eternity. S.A. Yesenin feels loneliness (“I stand alone in the naked plain”), but he does not regret anything and does not expect anything. However, there is a certain harmony in his soul, concluded in a close connection with nature, which is changeable and at the same time constant, the laws of which are wise and simple: he admires the surrounding nature and finds peace in this. S.A. Yesenin also touched on the topic of the poet and poetry: he says that his “sad words” can be “raked into one unnecessary lump,” but they will still remain for a long time.

“The golden grove dissuaded”: means of artistic expression

The poem is filled expressive means. These are epithets (“golden grove”, “birch, cheerful tongue”, “broad moon”, “lilac blossom of the soul”, “sweet tongue”), metaphors (“the fire of red rowan is burning”, “time, scattering with the wind, will rake them All"). Despite the sadness that permeates the entire poem, it is incredibly beautiful and imaginative, like all of S.A. Yesenin’s poetry.

“The golden grove dissuaded”: verse size

Written in iambic, using cross rhyme. The composition has a ring shape, the poem begins with the phrase “The golden grove dissuaded...” and also ends, these lines can be considered main idea a work emphasizing the sadness and hopelessness in the poet’s thoughts, which will soon lead him into a loop.

Why is it relevant?

S.A. Yesenin is a brilliant poet, his poems resonate in the souls of readers to this day; every person experiences the same period of summing up and bright sadness about the bygone days of youth. Therefore, a person of any gender, age, social status, having opened the volume of S.A. Yesenin, he will find something of his own. Isn't this the main reward for a creator?

Interesting? Save it on your wall!

The golden grove dissuaded
Birch, cheerful language,
And the cranes, sadly flying,
They don’t regret anyone anymore.

Whom should I feel sorry for? After all, everyone in the world is a wanderer -
He will pass, come in and leave the house again.
The hemp plant dreams of all those who have passed away
With a wide moon over the blue pond.

I stand alone among the naked plain,
And the wind carries the cranes into the distance,
I'm full of thoughts about my cheerful youth,
But I don’t regret anything about the past.

I don't feel sorry for the years wasted in vain,
I don’t feel sorry for the soul of the lilac blossom.
There is a fire of red rowan burning in the garden,
But he can't warm anyone.

Rowan berry brushes will not get burned,
The yellowness will not make the grass disappear,
Like a tree silently shedding its leaves,
So I drop sad words.

And if time, scattered by the wind,
He'll shovel them all into one unnecessary lump...
Say this... that the grove is golden
She answered with sweet language.

Analysis of the poem “The Golden Grove Dissuaded” by Yesenin

Towards the end of his life, motifs of sad reflections on the past years increasingly appear in Yesenin’s work. One of bright examples Such philosophical reflection is the poem “The Golden Grove Dissuaded,” written in 1924.

Yesenin’s favorite technique is appealing to images native nature. Centrally The poem in question is the “golden grove,” which the poet compares with his youth. The work as a whole is full of many vivid comparisons that create a sad picture. The author raises a deep question about the meaning human existence. He compares himself to a lonely wanderer, for whom life seems like a short stop on a long journey. The most valuable and vibrant period of life is a person’s youth, when he is still full of strength and aspirations. People don't value theirs at all. early years and waste them. Only life experience and the premonition of inexorable death make them stop and think about what they have achieved.

Yesenin does not regret the years he spent thoughtlessly. If there was an opportunity to start all over again, he would not change anything. Knowledge of the future and a strict analysis of one’s life would cancel out all the charm of youth, its wildness and naive delight. Youth is valuable because it gives a person the opportunity in his declining years to relive happy moments and remember actions that are no longer imaginable in adulthood.

The author understands the pattern of old age. This is an inevitable law of the universe, to which all living things are subject. The same processes occur in nature in autumn, but they do not lead to eternal death and oblivion (“the grass will not disappear from yellowness”). Yesenin is close to the idea of ​​an immortal soul. A person is mortal only physically, his soul continues to live in the memory of future generations. How long and lasting this existence will be depends on each person personally. The author compares his works to falling leaves. He critically evaluates his creative achievements and claims that time can turn them “into one unnecessary lump,” which can be characterized by just one phrase - “the golden grove dissuaded me.”

There is no gravestone epitaph on the grave of Sergei Yesenin. Friends and relatives rightly considered that best words The memory of the poet was told by himself in his rich creative heritage. Soul " national poet"has truly become immortal, she continues to live in wonderful works and in the grateful memory of admirers of his great talent.