A short message about Nekrasov. Biography of Nekrasov: the life and work of the great national poet

Biography of Nekrasov

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov was born on November 28, 1821 (December 10, new style) in the Podolsk province. The father of the future great poet was a very powerful man with a complex character. It is noteworthy that Nekrasov’s mother, Elena Zakrevskaya, married against the will of her parents. She was a sophisticated, well-mannered girl, whose head was turned by a poor and poorly educated officer.

Still, Elena Zakrevskaya’s parents were right: her family life turned out badly. Nikolai Nekrasov, recalling his childhood, often compared his mother to a martyr. He even dedicated many of his beautiful poems to her. As a child, the classic of Russian poetry was also subjected to the tyranny of his cruel and power-hungry parent.

Nekrasov had 13 brothers and sisters. As a child, Nikolai Nekrasov repeatedly witnessed his father’s brutal reprisals against serfs. During his travels around the villages, Alexey Nekrasov often took little Nikolai with him. In front of the boy's eyes, the peasants were beaten to death. These sad pictures of the difficult life of the Russian people lay deep in his heart, and were subsequently reflected in his work.

The poet's father dreamed that Nikolai would follow in his footsteps and become a military man and at the age of 17 sent him to the capital of Russia to be assigned to a noble regiment, however, the future classic had an irresistible desire to continue his education. He did not heed his father’s threats to deprive him of his allowance, and entered the philological faculty of St. Petersburg University as a volunteer student. Nekrasov remembered his student years. It was a time of poverty and deprivation. He didn't even have money to have a proper lunch. Once Nikolai Alekseevich even lost his home and at the end of November he found himself on the street, sick and deprived of his livelihood. On the street, a passer-by took mercy on him and took him to a shelter, where even Nekrasov earned 15 kopecks by writing a petition to someone.

Gradually, life began to improve, and Nekrasov learned to earn his living by writing small articles, composing romantic poems and creating frivolous vaudevilles for Alexandria Theater. He even started to have savings.

In 1840, a collection of Nekrasov’s poems “Dreams and Sounds” was published. Famous critic Belinsky criticized his poems so much that Nikolai Alekseevich, in upset feelings, rushed to buy and destroy the entire circulation. Now this publication is a bibliographic rarity.

Nekrasov led the Sovremennik magazine for a long time, and under his skillful leadership the publication became very popular among the reading public.

Here, too, changes occurred in my personal life. Back in the 40s, the critic Belinsky brought Nekrasov to visit famous writer Panaev. His wife Avdotya Panaeva was considered very attractive in literary circles, she had a lot of fans. At one time, even Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky himself sought her favor, but he was refused. But they developed a relationship with Nekrasov. He managed to recapture his wife from Panaev.

Being already quite an adult and famous writer, Nekrasov became addicted to the game. It is worth noting that his paternal grandfather at one time lost his entire fortune at cards. It turns out that the passion for the game was inherited by Nikolai Nekrasov.

In the 50s of the 19th century, he often began to visit the English Club, where the game was taking place. When Avdotya Panaeva noticed that this gaming addiction can lead to disastrous results. To this Nikolai Alekseevich remarked to her that he would never lose at cards, because he plays with people who do not have long nails.

There was a curious incident in Nekrasov’s life. He was once beaten by a fiction writer, Afanasyev-Chuzhbinsky, who was famous for his long, well-groomed nails. By the way, at that time many men wore long nails. This was a sign of aristocracy and was considered refined. So, Nekrasov sat down to play a game of cards with the fiction writer “a little at a time.” While the game was going on with small stakes, the author of the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” won and was glad that Afanasyev-Chuzhbinsky had so fortunately stopped by for lunch. But when they decided to raise the stakes, fortune suddenly turned away from the poet and turned to the fiction writer. As a result, Nekrasov lost a thousand rubles (very large sum at that time). As it turned out later, Nekrasov was cruelly deceived. Afanasyev-Chuzhbinsky managed to mark the specks of the cards with his beautiful and long nails. It turns out that Nikolai Alekseevich became a victim of an ordinary sharper, but it would seem that he was a writer, a cultured person.

Every year Nekrasov put aside about 20,000 rubles for the game - huge money, I must say. During the game, he increased this amount several times, and then the game began at very high prices. big bets. It is worth noting that over time, the classic himself mastered some cheating techniques, which helped him out quite well from time to time and made him a very successful player who never knew losing.

This is how the following picture appears: a classic player comes home after a tense game, where he won many thousands of rubles, sits down at the table and writes:

Late fall. The rooks have flown away, the forest is bare, the fields are empty,

Only one strip is not compressed... It makes me sad.

It seems that the ears of corn are whispering to each other: “We are bored of listening to the autumn blizzard,

It's boring to bend down to the ground, bathing fat grains in dust!

Every night we are ravaged by the villages of every passing voracious bird,

The hare tramples us, and the storm beats us... Where is our plowman? what else is waiting?

Or are we worse born than others? Or did they bloom and spike unharmoniously?

No! We are no worse than others - and long ago the grain filled and ripened in us.

Didn’t he plow and sow for the same reason, so that the autumn wind would scatter us?..”

The wind brings them a sad answer: “Your plowman has no urine.”

He knew why he plowed and sowed, but he started the work beyond his strength.

The poor guy is feeling bad - he doesn’t eat or drink, the worm is sucking his aching heart,

The hands that made these furrows dried up into slivers and hung like whips.

As if leaning on a plow with his hand, the Plowman walked thoughtfully in a stripe.

Like all gambling people Nekrasov was a very superstitious person. One day his personal superstitions turned into a real tragedy. Ignatius Piotrovsky, who worked with Nekrasov at the Sovremennik publishing house, turned to Nikolai Alekseevich with a request to lend him a certain amount of money. But, unfortunately, Nekrasov refused him: a big game was planned, and lending money to someone before the game is considered a very bad omen. Piotrovsky threatened that if he refused, he would commit suicide, but Nekrasov remained adamant. As a result, the petitioner made his threat come true - he shot himself in the forehead. Nekrasov later recalled this incident for the rest of his life, and very much regretted that he did not come to the man’s aid in difficult times.

Women of Nekrasov

There were several women in Nekrasov's life. He loved a luxurious lifestyle and tried not to deny himself anything. He lived in marriage with Avdotya Panaeva for more than 16 years, and together with her legal husband. This “triple alliance” lasted until the death of the legal spouse.

It is worth noting that the beautiful Avdotya Panaeva did not immediately respond to the advances of the persistent and ardent Nikolai Alekseevich. Ivan Panaev - her husband literally a year later life together He completely stopped paying attention to her and began spending time with friends and easily accessible women. The wife turned out to be completely useless to anyone.

Nekrasov courted her for a long time, but could not achieve favor. Avdotya Yakovlevna did not believe in the sincerity of his feelings. One day Nekrasov took her for a ride along the Neva and threatened her that if she refused, he would jump into the river, and he didn’t know how to swim at all, so he would certainly drown. Panaeva only chuckled contemptuously, but Nekrasov did not fail to immediately put his threat into action. Avdotya Yakovlevna began to scream in horror, the poet was saved and she finally responded to his advances.

In 1846, the Panaevs and Nekrasovs spent the summer together and, upon arrival in St. Petersburg, settled together in the same apartment. In 1849, Nekrasov and Avdotya were expecting a child and wrote the novel “Three Sides of the World” together; unfortunately, the boy was born very weak and soon died.

Nekrasov was a very jealous and passionate person. His attacks of rage alternated with periods of black melancholy and melancholy. After all, they are. In 1864, Avdotya Yakovlevna married the critic Golovachev and gave birth to a daughter.

Nekrasov is dating Frenchwoman Selina Lefren. This flighty woman helped Nekrasov squander most of his fortune and returned to her homeland, Paris.

The last woman in the life of the classic of Russian literature was Fekla Anisimovna Viktorova.
By that time, Nekrasov was already heavily addicted to alcohol. Six months before his death, he married nineteen-year-old Thekla. The girl, whom he called Zinaida, remained with him until his death, which occurred on December 27, 1877. Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov died of rectal cancer.

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov (1821 -1878). He was born into a noble family. I spent my childhood in the village of Greshnevo. Father is a despot, mother long years was offended by him. He studied at the gymnasium, then at St. Petersburg University. I was hungry. I started writing poetry. The first collection "Dreams and Sounds" was unsuccessful. In 1847, together with a friend, writer Panaev, he bought Sovremennik, which, despite its popularity among young people, was banned in 1862. He wrote poems and verses about the difficult lot of the people (“Peddlers”, “Peasant Children”). Many poems were dedicated to the beloved poet A.Ya. Panaeva, their complex relationship, a “Panaevsky” cycle of poems appeared. He also had some successful ones. prose works"Dead Lake" and "Three Countries of the World", written together with A. Panaeva. In 1869, he began to manage the magazine "Domestic Notes", which published both Saltykov-Shchedrin and Leo Tolstoy. He began working on the poem "Who Should Live in Rus' well," he created the poems "Grandfather" and "Russian Women." I became seriously ill. He married a simple woman from the people, Fekla Anisimovna Viktorova (Zinochka). Dedicated "Last Songs" to her. He died in 1877, bequeathing the money he earned to build a school for peasant children.

The work of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov is lyrical and poetic. The significance of his poems and poems is so great that they will excite many generations to come.

In his views, the poet considered himself a democrat, but his contemporaries were ambivalent about his ideas and views. Despite this great poet and the publicist left behind a poetic legacy that allows him to be placed on a par with the greatest classical writers. Nekrasov's creativity is highly appreciated all over the world, and his works have been translated into many languages.

Origin of the poet

It is known that Nikolai Alekseevich came from a family of nobles who once lived in the Yaroslavl province, where the poet’s grandfather Sergei Alekseevich Nekrasov lived for many years. But he had a small weakness, which, unfortunately, was later passed on to the poet’s father - love for gambling. So easily Sergei Alekseevich was able to lose most of the family’s capital, and his children were left with a modest inheritance.

This led to the fact that Alexei Nekrasov, the poet’s father, became an army officer and wandered around the garrisons. One day he met Elena Zakrevskaya, a rich and very pretty girl. He called her Polish. Alexey made an offer, but was refused, as the parents were preparing a more reliable and secure future for their daughter. But Elena Andreevna fell in love with a poor officer, so she did not accept her parents’ decision and got married secretly from them. Alexey Sergeevich was not rich, but he and his entire large family were not poor.

When in 1821 the regiment of Lieutenant Alexei Nekrasov was stationed in the Podolsk province, in the city of Nemirov, a boy Nikolai was born into the family. This event occurred on November 28th.

It must be said that the parents’ marriage was unhappy, so the child also suffered. When the poet subsequently recalls his childhood years, the image of his mother will always be sacrificial and suffering. Nikolai saw his mother as a victim of the rough and even depraved environment in which his father lived. Then he would dedicate many poetic works to his mother, because it was something bright and tender in his life. Nikolai's mother gave a lot to her children, of whom she had thirteen. She tried her best to surround them with warmth and love. All surviving children owe their education to her.

But there were other bright images in his childhood life. So, his reliable friend was his sister, with a fate similar to that of her mother. Nekrasov also dedicated his poems to her.


Little Nikolai Nekrasov spent his entire childhood in the village of Greshnevo near Yaroslavl. The family settled on his grandfather's estate when the poet was barely three years old.

From an early age, the future poet saw how cruelly his father treated the peasants, how rude he was to his wife, and how often his father’s mistresses—serf girls—passed and changed before the boy’s eyes.

But his father’s hobbies for women and cards forced him to take the place of police officer. Traveling around villages and hamlets to extract arrears from the peasants, my father took Nikolai with him. Therefore, from early childhood the poet saw injustice and the great grief ordinary people were experiencing. This will then become the main topic for him poetic works. Nikolai never betrayed his principles, did not forget the environment in which he grew up.

Nikolai Nekrasov had barely turned eleven years old when he was sent to a gymnasium in the city of Yaroslavl, where he studied for five years. But unfortunately, his studies were not good for him, he did not do well in many subjects, and he also did not show good behavior. He had many conflicts with teachers, as he wrote his short satirical poems on them. At the age of sixteen, he decided to write down these poetic samples of his in a thin notebook at home.


In 1838, Nikolai Nekrasov, who was barely seventeen years old, was sent by his father to St. Petersburg so that he could serve in a regiment for nobles. But here the wishes of the son and father diverged. Father dreamed of military service for his son, and the poet himself thought about literature, which fascinated him more and more every day.

One day Nikolai Nekrasov met his friend, Glushitsky, who was a student at that time. After talking with a friend who told Nikolai about student life, about education, the young man finally decided not to connect his life with military affairs. Then Glushitsky introduced his friend to his other friends, the same students, and soon the poet had a great desire to study at the university. Although his father was categorically against studying at the university, Nikolai disobeyed.

But, unfortunately, he failed the exams. This could not stop him, and he decided to become a free student who simply came to lectures and listened. He chose the Faculty of Philology and attended it persistently for three years. But every year it became more and more difficult for him, since his father nevertheless fulfilled the threats and deprived him of financial support. Therefore, most of Nikolai Nekrasov’s time was spent finding at least some small work or even a part-time job. Soon the need turned out to be very strong, he could not even have lunch, and he could no longer pay for the rented small room. He got sick, lived in slums, ate in the cheapest canteens.

Writing activity

After hardships, the life of the young poet gradually began to improve. At first he began to give private lessons, and this brought him a small but stable income, and then he began to publish his articles in literary magazines. In addition, he was given the opportunity to write vaudevilles for the theater. At this time, the young poet enthusiastically works on prose, sometimes writing poetry. Journalism became his favorite genre at this time. Then he will say about himself:

“How long have I worked!”

In his early works romanticism is noted, although later all of Nekrasov’s works were classified by critics and writers as realism. The young poet began to have his own savings, which helped him publish his first book of poetry. But critics did not always praise his poetic works. Many mercilessly scolded the young poet and shamed him. For example, the most respected critic Belinsky reacted very coldly and disdainfully to Nekrasov’s work. But there were also those who praised the poet, considering his works to be real literary art.

Soon the writer decides to turn to the humorous direction and writes several poems. And new successful changes take place in his life. Nikolai Nekrasov becomes an employee of one of the magazines. He becomes close to Belinsky's circle. It was the critic who had the strongest influence on the inexperienced publicist.

Publishing becomes his life and source of income. At first, he published various almanacs, in which both young, aspiring poets and writers, and real sharks of the pen were published. He became so successful in his new business that, together with Panaev, he acquired the popular magazine Sovremennik and became its editors. At that time, writers who later became famous began to publish in it: Turgenev, Ogarev, Goncharova, Ostrovsky and others.

Nikolai Nekrasov himself published his poetic and prosaic works on the pages of this literary magazine. But in 1850 he fell ill with a throat disease and was forced to leave for Italy. And when he returned, he saw that changes were coming in an enlightened society. As a result of all this, the writers who published in magazines were divided into two groups. Censorship restrictions have also intensified.

Because of the bold publications, the magazine was given a warning. The authorities were afraid of the activities of writers. A real disgrace was organized against the most dangerous masters of the pen. Many ended up in exile. The activities of Sovremennik were initially suspended. Then, in 1866, the magazine was closed for good.

Nekrasov goes to work for the journal Otechestvennye zapiski. He begins to publish a supplement to the magazine, which has satirical content.

Personal life of the poet

In his personal life, the poet had three women whom he loved and whom he mentioned in his will:

A. Panaeva.
S. Lefren
Z.N. Nekrasova

Avdotya Panaeva was married to a friend of Nikolai Nekrasov. Their meeting took place at literary evenings. Then the poet was 26 years old. Avdotya, although not immediately, noticed Nikolai Nekrasov and reciprocated. They began to live together, and even in the house where her legal husband lived. This union lasted for 16 years. In this strange union, a child is born, but he dies in his early years, and discord begins between the lovers and soon Avdotya leaves for another revolutionary poet.

Nikolai Nekrasov met Selina Lefren by chance, since his sister lived in her apartment. The poet also stayed in this apartment for the summer. There was a small affair between the young people.

At the age of 48, he met Fekla Viktorova, who later became his wife. At the time we met, Fekla was only twenty-three years old, and she was from a simple village family. Nekrasov was involved in her education, and over time the girl changed her name and began to call herself Zinaida Nikolaevna.

last years of life

In their last days and for years the publicist and poet worked a lot. In 1875, he fell ill and upon medical examination it turned out that he had cancer, which could not be cured.

After this, Nikolai Alekseevich was confined to bed rest for two years. When the literary community learned about the serious illness of the writer, interest in him increased and his works began to enjoy success, fame and popularity. They tried to support him kind words many colleagues, he received letters and telegrams from all over Russia.

The poet died at the end of 1877 according to the old style. About eight o'clock in the evening of December 27th. Came to his funeral a large number of of people. Everyone who could attend the funeral wished to pay tribute to the great writer and poet.

The work of the classic, appreciated during his lifetime, remains an invaluable gift after almost 140 years, and some works amaze with their relevance, modernity and significance.

The list of universally recognizable works by Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov is quite large. From the poems “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares”, “Little Man with a Marigold” to the epic poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'”.

It was Nekrasov who expanded the range poetic genre colloquial speech and folklore. No one had practiced such combinations before him. This innovation had a great impact on further development literature.

Nekrasov was the first to decide on a combination of sadness, satire and lyricism within one work.

Biographers like to divide the history of Nikolai Alekseevich’s development as a poet into three periods:

The moment of release of the collection “Dreams and Sounds”. This is the image of the poet, which was created in the lyrics of Pushkin, Lermontov, Baratynsky. The young man still wants to be like this image, but is already looking for himself in his own personal creativity. The writer has not yet decided on his direction, and is trying to imitate recognized writers.

Since 1845. Now the poet depicts street scenes in his poems, and this is liked and welcomed. Before us is a poet of a new format who already knows what he wants to say.

Late 40s - Nekrasov famous poet and a successful writer. He edits the most influential literary world at that time.

At the beginning of your creative journey

Very young, with great difficulty, eighteen-year-old Nekrasov reached St. Petersburg. He kept with him a notebook of youthful poems. The young man believed in his capabilities. It seemed to him that the poet’s fame would happen as soon as people began to read his poems.

And indeed, a year later he was able to publish his first book - poetry. The book was called "Dreams and Sounds." The success that the author expected did not follow. This did not break the poet.

The young man strived for education. He decided to attend lectures at St. Petersburg University as a volunteer, but this was also a very short-lived project of his, which ended in failure. His father deprived him of all help; there was nothing to live on. The young man put aside his high title for several years and began to write for various magazines and newspapers, becoming a literary day laborer. Vaudeville, prose, satirical stories - that’s how he made money in early years Nikolai.

Fortunately, in 1845 everything changed. Together with the poet Ivan Panaev, the young authors published an almanac with the attractive title “Physiology of St. Petersburg.” The collection was expected to be a success. Absolutely new heroes appeared to the Russian reader. These were not romantic characters, not duelists. These were ordinary residents of St. Petersburg: janitors, organ grinders, in general, those who need sympathy.


A year later, at the end of 1846, young writers go even further. They are a well-known magazine "Contemporary" are issued for rent. This is the same magazine that was founded in 1836 by Pushkin.

Already in January 1847, the first issues of Sovremennik were published.

The contemporary is also a resounding success. New Russian literature begins with this magazine. Nikolai Alekseevich is new type editor. He assembled an excellent team of professionals literary genre. All Russian literature seems to have narrowed down to a narrow circle of like-minded people. To make a name for himself, a writer had only to show his manuscript to Nekrasov, Panaev or Belinsky, he would like it and be published in Sovremennik.

The magazine began to educate the public in an anti-serfdom and democratic spirit.

When Dobrolyubov and Chernyshevsky began to be published in the publication, the old employees began to be indignant. But Nikolai Alekseevich was sure that thanks to the diversity of the magazine, its circulation would increase. The bet worked. The magazine, aimed at diverse young people, attracted more and more readers.

But in 1862, a warning was issued to the writing team, and the government decided to suspend the publication’s activities. It was renewed in 1863.

After the assassination attempt on Emperor Alexander II in 1866, the magazine was closed forever.

Creative flourishing

In the mid-40s, while working at Sovremennik, Nikolai Alekseevich gained fame as a poet. This glory was undeniable. Many people did not like the poems; they seemed strange and shocking. For many it was not enough beautiful paintings, landscapes.

With his lyrics, the writer glorifies simple everyday situations. Many people think that the position people's defender- this is just a mask, but in life the poet is a completely different person.

The writer himself worked a lot on his own biography, creating the image of a poor man and therefore well understanding of the soul of the poor. At the beginning of his creative path He actually ate bread in public canteens, hiding behind a newspaper in shame, and for some period he slept in a shelter. All this, of course, strengthened his character.

When, finally, the writer began to live the life of a wealthy writer, this life ceased to fit in with the legend, and his contemporaries formed a counter-myth about a sensualist, a gambler, a spender.

Nekrasov himself understands the duality of his position and reputation. And he repents in his poems.

That's why I deeply despise myself,
That I live - day after day, uselessly destroying;
That I, without trying my strength at anything,
He condemned himself with a merciless court...

The most striking works

In the author's work there have been different periods. They all found their reflection: classical prose, poetry, drama.

The debut of literary talent can be considered a poem "On the road" , written in 1945, where a conversation between a master and a serf reveals the attitude of the nobility towards to the common people. The gentlemen wanted to - they took a girl into the house to raise her, and after an audit of the serfs, they took a grown, well-mannered girl and kicked her out of the manor’s house. TO village life she is not adapted, and no one cares about that.

For about ten years, Nekrasov has been published on the pages of the magazine, of which he himself is the editor. It is not only poetry that occupies the writer. Having become close to the writer Avdotya Panaeva, falling in love with her, appreciating her talent, Nikolai creates a kind of tandem.

One after another, novels written in co-authorship are being published. Panaeva published under the pseudonym Stanitsky. Most notable “Dead Lake”, “Three Countries of the World” .

To the early significant works Poems include: “Troika”, “Drunkard”, “Hound Hunt”, “Motherland” .

In 1856 it was published new collection poems. Each verse was imbued with pain about the people, their difficult lot in conditions of complete lawlessness, poverty and hopelessness: “Schoolboy”, “Lullaby”, “To the Temporary Worker” .

A poem born in agony "Reflections at the Front Entrance" in 1858. It was ordinary life material, only seen from the window, and then, decomposed into themes of evil, judgment and retribution.

IN mature creativity the poet did not betray himself. He described the difficulties that all strata of society faced after the abolition of serfdom.

The following nicknames occupy a special textbook place:

A large verse dedicated to the poet’s sister, Anna Alekseevna "Jack Frost" .

« Railway» , where the author shows without embellishment the other side of the construction medal. And he does not hesitate to say that nothing changes in the lives of the serfs who received their freedom. They are also exploited for pennies, and the masters of life deceitfully take advantage of illiterate people.

Poet "Russian women" , was originally supposed to be called “Decembrists”. But the author changed the title, trying to emphasize that any Russian woman is ready for sacrifice, and she has enough mental strength to overcome all obstacles.

Even though the poem “Who lives well in Rus'” was conceived as a voluminous work, only four parts saw the light of day. Nikolai Alekseevich did not have time to finish his work, but he tried to give the work a finished look.


The extent to which Nekrasov’s work remains relevant to this day can be judged by the most famous phrases. Here are just a few of them.

The 1856 collection opened with the poem “The Poet and the Citizen.” In this poem the poet is inactive, does not write. And then a citizen comes to him and calls on him to start working.

You may not be a poet
But you have to be a citizen.

These two lines contain such a philosophy that writers still interpret them differently.

The author constantly used evangelical motives. The poem “To the Sowers,” written in 1876, was based on the parable of a sower who sowed grain. Some grains sprouted and bore good fruit, while others fell on a stone and died. Here the poet exclaims:

Sower of knowledge for the people's field!
Perhaps you find the soil barren,
Are your seeds bad?

Sow what is reasonable, good, eternal,
Sow! Thank you from the bottom of my heart
Russian people…

The conclusion suggests itself. Not everyone and not always say thank you, but the sower sows by choosing fertile soil.

And this excerpt, known to everyone, from the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” can be considered the culminating last chord of Nekrasov’s work:

You're miserable too
You are also abundant
You are mighty
You are also powerless
Mother Rus'!

Creative path of N.A. Nekrasov (1821 - 1878) began with his arrival in 1838 in St. Petersburg. Contrary to the will of his father, he did not join the Noble Regiment - military school, but decided to take university exams. However, his intentions were not crowned with success, and he entered the historical and philological department as a volunteer student.

As punishment for disobedience, the father deprived Nekrasov of financial support. From this time on, the period of “St. Petersburg ordeals” began for the future poet, which lasted for three years. By the way, my father, also thanks to the works of N. A. Nekrasov, firmly established the reputation of a cruel landowner-tyrant - a characteristic that is far from indisputable, as N. A. Nekrasov himself later wrote about in his autobiography of 1877.

The poet's first book was a collection of poems, Dreams and Sounds, published in 1840. The poems included in it were weak and imitative. “Dreams and Sounds” was subjected to devastating criticism by V.G. Belinsky, after which Nekrasov bought the remaining copies and burned them.

After an unsuccessful debut, Nikolai Alekseevich writes articles, a play in verse “Lomonosov’s Youth”, children’s vaudevilles, and fairy tales. In 1841 he began collaborating with " Literary newspaper”, in which his poems, stories, plays, feuilletons, reviews are published.

Since 1847, Nekrasov has been editor of the Sovremennik magazine. In 1852, the first printed work of L.N. appeared on the pages of this publication. Tolstoy's story "Childhood". Sovremennik has established a lasting reputation as one of the best magazine publications in Russia. In 1853, N. A. Nekrasov met N. G. Chernyshevsky, who becomes a leading employee of the magazine.

An amazing team of talented writers is forming around Sovremennik, which includes I.S. Turgenev. L.N. Tolstoy, D.V. Grigorovich. V.G. Belinsky, N.A. Dobrolyubov. The editorial board is headed by I. I. Panaev and N.A. Nekrasov.

The mid-1850s for Nikolai Alekseevich - especially productive time. It was a period of growth social movement in Russia, marked by passionate discussions about the need to abolish serfdom and ways to emancipate the peasantry. Literary works began to be widely used as a means of political polemics and struggle, journalism with its sharp journalistic materials flourished. During these years, Nekrasov wrote especially a lot. In a letter to I.S. He reported with satisfaction to Turgenev on June 30, 1855: “This spring I wrote more poetry than ever before...”

Nekrasov's civic position, sounded in his poems, journalism, reflected in his editorial activities, makes him not just famous. The writer, according to contemporaries, becomes “a real idol, a god, a poet higher than Pushkin; they worship him..."

This fame is enhanced by the publication on October 19, 1856 of the first edition of Nekrasov’s Poems. The poems “Poet and Citizen” and “Forgotten Village” published in the book received the greatest public response. But not only public admiration awaited N.A. Nekrasova. After the publication of “Poems,” obliging dignitaries reported to Alexander II about the poet’s revolutionary sentiments, which threatened censorship persecution not only of Nekrasov, but also of the Sovremennik magazine.

In 1857, Nikolai Alekseevich became close to the young revolutionary-minded poet and literary critic N.A. Dobrolyubov, who becomes one of Sovremennik’s regular employees and a member of the magazine’s editorial board. Views of N.A. Dobrolyubov, no less radical than N.A. himself. Nekrasov, were not shared by all Sovremennik authors. A conflict is brewing, which reached its climax after the appearance of an article by N.A. in the third issue of the journal. Dobrolyubova " New story Turgenev”, later published under the title “When will the real day come?” It was a review of the novel by I.S. Turgenev "On the Eve".

Turgenev got acquainted with the article even before publication in proof and insisted on its removal from the magazine for ideological reasons. He categorically disagreed with Dobrolyubov’s interpretation of the novel. If Dobrolyubov’s material was published, Turgenev promised to resign from the magazine. For Nekrasov, the departure of Turgenev, with whom he was friendly, would have been a big blow. I had to choose between friendship, the desire to keep a talented writer as part of Sovremennik, and ideology.

Nekrasov chooses the latter and decides to publish Dobrolyubov’s article. Turgenev breaks off all relations with Nekrasov and leaves the magazine. The experiences of the break with Turgenev were subsequently reflected in the 1860 poem “...lonely, lost...”.

In the same year, Nekrasov’s poem “Reflections at the Front Entrance” was published in Herzen’s magazine “The Bell,” published in London, with the following comment from the publisher: “We very rarely publish poems, but there is no way not to publish this kind of poem.”

The most significant event of the 19th century for Russia was the abolition of serfdom, announced in royal manifesto March 5, 1861. Nekrasov and his like-minded people were not satisfied with the reform. They saw its half-hearted nature and believed that the manifesto did not bring actual liberation to the peasants - they remained dependent, because they did not receive the most desired thing - land. Nekrasov said to Chernyshevsky, who visited him that day: “Is this real will! No, this is pure deception, a mockery of the peasants.” Then this position was repeatedly manifested in his numerous poems: “Freedom”, “Every day, the strength decreases...”, most acutely sounded in the lines “The people are liberated, but are the people happy?..” (“Elegy”, 1874) and in the text of the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” (1877).

Feeling like a national poet, N.A. Nekrasov strove to ensure that his works could reach ordinary people. He begins to publish “Red Books” - cheap publications intended for peasants. However, after the second edition in 1863, due to censorship obstacles, their publication ceased.

The position of Nekrasov and his magazine, where sharp materials were published that criticized the reform of 1861, met with increasing rejection from the authorities and, as a result, censorship persecution. On May 28, 1866, Sovremennik was banned. November 29, 1867 N.A. Nekrasov enters into a lease agreement for the magazine Otechestvennye zapiski, which, continuing the traditions of Sovremennik, becomes a platform for adherents of revolutionary democratic ideas.

In the late 60s - early 70s, Nikolai Alekseevich worked hard to create the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus',” which is published in separate parts in the journal Otechestvennye zapiski. The poem immediately attracts the attention of readers and becomes the object of persecution by the authorities, subject to continuous censorship bans. In 1873, the fifth edition of “Poems” by N.A. was published. Nekrasov, where, along with the chapters of the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” written by that time, the poems “Grandfather” and “Russian Women” were also published. The poet's poems are firmly included in popular consciousness. folk song became the first 24 lines from the poem “Peddlers”. Nekrasov's works attract the attention of Russian composers. In 1875 P.I. Tchaikovsky creates a cantata based on the poet's poems.

By the end of the 70s, the health of I.A. Nekrasova's condition is deteriorating sharply. Published in April 1877 last book poet "Last Songs". Nikolai Alekseevich feels that his muse is weakening.

December 27, 1877 at 8:50 pm N.A. Nekrasov died. Behind the poet's coffin on December 30 it was about four thousand Human.