Winter evening beautiful paintings by artists. Winter landscapes of outstanding artists

Winter landscape!

“The snowball is fluttering and spinning,
It's white outside.
And puddles turned
Into cold glass."

Nikolay Nekrasov

Winter! A difficult test for all living things.

Nature freezes in anticipation of next spring.
Winter! It is a time that awakens hopes and dreams for the future.
Winter! One of the most interesting natural phenomena. And it is no coincidence that this time of year is glorified with delight by real artists in numerous works of famous Russian writers and poets.

Not only Russian poets admired the harsh Russian winter.
The best Russian artists did this brilliantly.

"Enchantress Winter"
Bewitched, the forest stands,
And under the snow fringe,
motionless, mute,
He sparkles with a wonderful life.”

Fedor Tyutchev

“Frost and sun; wonderful day!
You are still dozing, dear friend -
It's time, beauty, wake up:
Open your closed eyes
Towards northern Aurora,
Appear as the star of the north!”

Alexander Pushkin

This section contains paintings dedicated to the winter landscape.
Winter. Winter nature.
Winter landscape.
Winter landscape in the works of Russian artists.
Paintings with winter landscape.
Winter landscape in paintings by contemporary artists.

Paintings with winter landscapes are loved and purchased with pleasure both for yourself and as a gift to loved ones.

There are many beautiful paintings dedicated to winter, this is an interesting time of year. The winter landscape in the paintings of artists is very diverse.

« winter landscape paintings » Winter paintings
"Winter Tales: The Snow Maiden and the Twelve Months"
“Here the forest froze in frosty silence”
“A lonely traveler who has lost his way is walking through a snowy field.”
“Children play in the snow and sled and ski down the mountains.”
“The troika rushes along the snowy road”
All these are scenes with beautiful winter landscapes.
Winter landscape. Winter landscape paintings. The genre of winter landscape is very popular among many artists and is varied in the form it is presented in paintings.

« winter landscape paintings » Winter paintings
People have composed many proverbs and sayings about the sorceress winter, who is also called the gray-haired mistress, who “shook the fluff out of her feather bed.” Of course, the main theme in them is the cold. Here, for example, are how many options for the “fur coat” question:
- in winter, without a fur coat is not embarrassing, but cold;
- a fur coat in winter is no joke;
- winter - not summer, dressed in a fur coat;
- in a winter coat and frosts are a joke.

« winter landscape paintings » Winter paintings
Winter. Winter landscape.
Winter. Winter landscape paintings are filled with the romanticism of harsh and beautiful nature. They are remembered immediately and for a long time. There are many fans of paintings with winter landscapes. They have wonderful collections of paintings with a variety of winter landscapes. They already have many beautiful, original and beautiful paintings dedicated to the winter landscape in their home. But they search and find new and beautiful paintings with winter landscapes.

« winter landscape paintings » Winter paintings
Contemporary artists.
Our contemporaries also draw and write - winter landscapes. Paintings with winter landscapes can also be found in our gallery of contemporary artists.
Winter landscape. Winter. Winter landscape paintings. There are paintings in the winter landscape genre that can enchant true art lovers.

« winter landscape paintings » Winter paintings
We love our harsh land with its unique beauty. We love you very much good paintings with a winter landscape. We have a large selection of paintings dedicated to winter landscapes. We hope that the charm of these paintings will touch you too. Winter. Winter landscape. Love these pictures and you will love our real Russian winter even more!
Winter. Modern artists draw and paint real Russian winter nature. The winter landscape is beautiful. You love our Russian winter. Choose a painting with a winter landscape for yourself, choose your favorite winter landscape!

N.S. Krylov (1802-1831). Winter landscape (Russian winter), 1827. Russian Museum

No, after all, winter without snow is not winter. But in big city The snow doesn’t stick around yet, it falls today and is gone tomorrow. All that remains is to admire the snow in the paintings of artists. Having traced this theme in painting, I discovered that the best snow landscapes, of course, come from Russian artists. Which is not surprising, Russia has always been the snowiest and frostiest country. After all, these are ours - felt boots, sheepskin coats, sleighs, and hats with earflaps! I have already presented Aivazovsky’s winter landscapes. And now another 10 best snow pictures Russian artists late XIX- the beginning of the 20th century, very famous and little known, but no less remarkable, but this is only a very small part of the Russian heritage.
A few words about the artist whose painting begins this list. This is one of the first images of winter in Russian painting, painted at a time when landscape artists painted mainly views of Italy or Switzerland with waterfalls and mountain peaks. A.G. Venetsianov (teacher, member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, founder of the so-called Venetsian school) met Krylov in the Terebensky monastery of the Tver province, where he, as an apprentice, painted the iconostasis with the artel of Kalyazin icon painters. On the advice of Venetsianov, Krylov began drawing from life and painting portraits. In 1825, he came to St. Petersburg, settled with Venetsianov as his student and at the same time began to attend drawing classes at the Academy of Arts. The history of the creation of the painting is known. In 1827 young artist the intention arose to paint a winter view from life. When Krylov chose a place on the banks of the Tosna River, near St. Petersburg, one of the wealthy merchants and philanthropists built him a warm workshop there and gave him a table and allowance for the entire duration of his work. The painting was completed within a month. She appeared at an exhibition at the Academy of Arts.

1. Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin (1832-1898) - great Russian artist (painter, landscape painter, engraver), academician. Shishkin studied painting at the School of Painting in Moscow, and then continued his education at the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg. Having the opportunity to travel, Shishkin visited Germany, Munich, then Switzerland, Zurich. Everywhere Shishkin worked in workshops famous artists. In 1866 he returned to St. Petersburg. Traveling around Russia, he then presented his paintings at exhibitions.

I. Shishkin. In the wild north, 1891. Kiev Museum of Russian Art

2. Ivan Pavlovich Pokhitonov (1850-1923) - Russian artist, master of landscape. Member of the Association of Itinerants. He became famous for his miniatures, mainly landscape ones. He painted with a thin brush, using a magnifying glass, on mahogany or lemon wood boards, which he primed using a special technology. “This is some kind of sorcerer-artist, so masterfully, masterfully done; the way he writes, you just can’t understand... A sorcerer!” - I.E. Repin spoke about him. He lived most of his life in France and Belgium, without losing contact with Russia. His work organically combined the poetic mood characteristic of Russian landscapes with French sophistication and strict demands on the pictorial quality of works. Unfortunately, the work of this original Russian artist is currently in the shadows, and at one time his paintings were highly regarded as great artists, and lovers of painting.

I.P. Pokhitonov. Snow effect

I.P. Pokhitonov. Winter landscape, 1890. Saratov State Art Museum them. A.N. Radishcheva

3. Alexey Alexandrovich Pisemsky (1859-1913) - painter, draftsman, landscape painter, was engaged in illustration. Represents Russian realistic landscape of the 1880-90s. Entered in 1878 as a free student in Imperial Academy Arts, was awarded for his successes with three small and two large silver medals. He left the academy in 1880, receiving the title of non-class artist of the 3rd degree. The following year, for the paintings presented at the academic exhibition, he was promoted to artist of the 2nd degree. He was especially successful in watercolor painting and pen drawing, and has been a regular participant in exhibitions of Russian watercolor societies since its inception.

A.A. Pisemsky. Winter landscape

A.A. Pisemsky. Winter landscape with a hut

4. Apollinary Mikhailovich Vasnetsov (1856-1933) - Russian artist, master historical painting, art critic, brother of Viktor Vasnetsov. Apollinary Vasnetsov was not his timid shadow, but had a completely original talent. He did not receive systematic art education. His school was direct communication and collaboration with the largest Russian artists: brother, I.E. Repin, V.D. Polenov. The artist was interested in a special type of historical landscape, in which A. Vasnetsov tried to revive the appearance and life of pre-Petrine Moscow. At the same time, the artist continued to paint “ordinary” landscapes.

A.M. Vasnetsov. Winter's Dream (Winter), 1908-1914. Private collection

5. Nikolai Nikanorovich Dubovskoy (1859-1918) - academician of painting (1898), full member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts (1900), professor-head of the landscape workshop of the Higher art school painting. Member and subsequently one of the leaders of the Association of Itinerants. Developing the traditions of Russian landscape painting, Dubovskoy creates his own type of landscape - simple and laconic. Among the many now undeservedly forgotten artists who were famous in their time national painting, name N.N. Dubovsky stands apart: among Russian landscape painters of the late 19th - early 20th centuries, his name was one of the most popular.

N.N. Dubovskaya. At the monastery. Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, 1917. Rostov Museum of Fine Arts

6. Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar (1871 - 1960) - Russian Soviet artist-painter, restorer, art critic, educator, museum activist, teacher. People's Artist USSR (1956). Winner of the Stalin Prize, first degree (1941). After graduating from St. Petersburg University, he entered the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts in 1895, where he studied in the workshop of Ilya Repin. I.E. Grabar is one of the most famous names in the history of Russian culture of the 20th century.

I.E. Grabar. Snowdrifts, 1904. National Gallery of Art. Boris Voznitsky, Lviv

7. Nikolai Petrovich Krymov (1884-1958) - Russian painter and teacher. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1956), corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Arts (1949). N.P. Krymov was born in Moscow on April 20 (May 2), 1884 in the family of the artist P.A. Krymov, who wrote in the style of the “Wanderers”. He received his initial professional training from his father. In 1904 he entered the Moscow school painting, sculpture and architecture, where he first studied at the architectural department, and in 1907-1911 - in the landscape workshop of A.M. Vasnetsova. Participant of the exhibition "Blue Rose" (1907), as well as exhibitions of the Union of Russian Artists. He lived in Moscow, also spending (since 1928) a significant part of the year in Tarusa.

Nikolay Krymov. Winter, 1933. State Tretyakov Gallery

The most favorite genre of painting among artists and viewers is the landscape genre. Creators of works of art convey their own mood through their works. Paintings about winter by Russian artists reflect all the beauty and fabulous serenity of our nature at this amazing time of year.

Landscape by Nikifor Krylov

Decorates with images rural landscape, which is called “Russian Winter”. Its author, Nikifor Krylov, comes from the city of Kalyazin, which is located on the Volga. In your picture talented artist depicted the outskirts of a village, behind which stands a forest of wondrous beauty. The foreground is represented by slowly walking women, towards whom a peasant walking, leading his horse, walks. The feeling of spaciousness and lightness is emphasized by the serene winter clouds floating across the sky.

Painting by I. Shishkin

The famous Russian landscape artist gave preference to a summer theme when creating his works. However, he strived for variety in his work, painting paintings depicting other seasons as well. One of these creations is the canvas “Winter”. The painting is impressive as it reveals the torpor of winter Centrally is Pinery, covered with deep fluffy snow. Silence frosty day conveys the grandeur of the clear sky and mighty century-old pines, covered with a fluffy white blanket. Thanks to the bluish coloring, the work reveals the languid beauty of the sleeping forest. I. Shishkin proves that paintings about winter by Russian artists can inspire and amaze the imagination with their colors and shades, gradually revealing the meaning to the viewer.

Work by B. Kustodiev

The winter landscapes of Russian artists amaze with their magnificence. The most beloved in Rus' folk holiday- Maslenitsa - depicted in the painting of the same name by B. Kustodiev. The work conveys the mood of a mischievous and cheerful farewell to winter and welcome to spring. The main attributes of Maslenitsa are pancakes and folk festivals. It’s hard to believe that this cheerful picture was created when he was seriously ill and confined to a wheelchair.

March winter day in a painting by K. Yuon

Winter in the paintings of Russian artists seems mysterious and wary. The opposite mood is the painting by K. Yuon “March Sun”. Clear piercing blue sky, sparkling snow, bright spots convey the freshness of a frosty day. The temperamental artist depicted two horsemen moving on their horses along a narrow path. A beautiful horse catches up with them, with a dog running leisurely next to it. The triumphant joyful colors gave the picture fame and love from the audience.

Night as depicted by A. Kuidzhi

Paintings about winter by Russian artists convey a feeling of a fantastic atmosphere. As if proving this, A. Kuidzhi’s work “Moonlight Spots in the Forest. Winter” depicts the space of a small forest clearing surrounded by trees and bushes in the snow. Moonlight illuminates motionless objects, turning the entire clearing into a mysterious space. The light areas froze in a daze. From different sides, thick shadows creep up on them in dark spots, which smoothly turn into the tops of the trees.

Thus, paintings about winter by Russian artists are filled with a contrast of mystery and harmony. They convey to the viewer not only all the splendor and beauty of Russian nature, but also the deep meaning, mood, and creator. Winter in the paintings of Russian artists is presented in all its grandeur. All this together contributes to the creation of a special atmosphere in the viewer’s mind, allowing one to feel like a participant in the animated landscape and “touch” its details.

Fluffy white flakes. A cozy creaking sound underfoot. Sparkling snow reflects the sun's ray. Perfect winter- the grace of nature. And if he doesn’t become generous, art won’t let you down. Russian artists have been painting winter for centuries. Without knowing it - for future use. Looking at winter landscapes with Natalia Letnikova.

The mood of winter is a little childish. While in the village of Ladeiki near Krasnoyarsk, Vasily Surikov I decided to convey all the Siberian daring that comes through even in winter fun. “I wrote what I myself have seen many times.” The painter looked for images every market day. The organization of nature - a snowy town and a mounted Cossack on an “assault” - is the merit of the artist’s brother. Alexander Surikov himself took a place in the picture in “ auditorium" - on a sleigh covered with a bright carpet.

Taking the snowy town. 1891. State Russian Museum

Landscapes by a marine painter. A real rarity. Aivazovsky wrote for his creative life about six thousand paintings. And almost every job involves the sea. But the painter of the Main Naval Staff also used silver in his palette, painting not wave crests... but a snow-covered forest. The source of inspiration is not only southern Feodosia, but also northern St. Petersburg, where the gifted young man Hovhannes Ayvazyan grew into the artist Ivan Aivazovsky.

Winter landscape. 1876. Private collection

“In the wild north...” Poetic lines Mikhail Lermontov and the title of the painting by Ivan Shishkin. Half a century since the death of the poet... Russian artists painted pictures based on his poems. Shishkin chose the theme of loneliness and saw his pine tree in the town of Kemi in distant Finland, where the painter’s daughter had moved. Night, twilight, silence, solitude - not a sentence, but a marvelous winter dream. “...In that region where the sun rises, / Alone and sad on a burning cliff / A beautiful palm tree grows.”

“In the wild north...” 1891. Kyiv Museum of Russian Art

Fairy tale, opera, painting. And it's all about her. The Snow Maiden was invented by a playwright Alexander Ostrovsky, endowed with a coloratura soprano by composer Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov and brought to the edge of the forest by the artist Victor Vasnetsov. A touching girl, whose prototype was Sashenka, the daughter of Savva Mamontov, takes a step into Big world. Snow-white edge and gray haze in the distance. Anxiety in the girls' eyes and... the feeling of a fairy tale, even with a sad ending.