Novgorod Art Museum. State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land. Museum porcelain workshop

State Museum artistic culture Novgorod land - state state-financed organization culture and art in Veliky Novgorod.

The museum is located on the territory of the Desyatinny Monastery, an architectural monument of the 14th-19th centuries, and is one of cultural centers Veliky Novgorod. Until 1994, in the northern building of the Desyatinny Monastery there were creative workshops where icon painters, woodcarvers, painters, and ceramic artists worked. In January 1994, the Regional Training and Production Center was opened here artistic creativity, which received the status of the State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land in 2002.

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The initiator of the opening and the first director of the Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land (1994-2008) was Galina Viktorovna Gavrilova, Honored Cultural Worker Russian Federation. Like-minded people promoting the artistic creativity of the Novgorod land were the Honored Cultural Worker Inessa Leonidovna Zarakovskaya and the Honored Artist of Russia Alexander Alekseevich Varentsov.

In January 1994, the Regional Training and Production Center for Artistic Creativity was created, which opened to the public on April 12, 1994. The main idea of ​​creating a Center with exhibition halls was the idea of ​​uniting professional creative forces and promoting the artistic creativity of the Novgorod land.

From the first day of the existence of the Center for Artistic Creativity, it was planned to create a Museum. This was already discussed at the opening of the Center. The collection of subject and documentary materials was carried out, and the fund of the future museum was collected. The first works of art were donated by professional leading artists of the city to the Center for Artistic Creativity on April 8, 1994, thus laying the foundation for the future museum. This has become a good tradition when holding personal and group exhibitions. Already on April 12, 1994, the first exhibition of fine and decorative arts opened, where works of 27 professional Novgorod artists were presented.

During the work of the Center for Artistic Creativity, about 200 exhibitions of works of fine and decorative art by artists from Veliky Novgorod, the region, other cities of Russia and foreign countries. Thanks to creative collaboration with artists exhibiting at the Center, the funds of the future museum were constantly replenished with works of visual, documentary and subject material. Thus, gradually, from 1994 to 2002, a collection of art by Novgorod artists of the second half of the 20th century was formed, numbering 2,000 items.

In April 2002, the Regional Training and Production Center for Artistic Creativity received the status of the State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land.

The State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land displays works of art by Novgorod artists of the late 20th - early 21st centuries. The museum's holdings contain more than 6,500 items, including sculpture, graphics, painting, glass, porcelain, medal art, and personal archives of artists.

The level of exhibition corresponds to high world museum standards and traditions. The exhibition presents the work of Novgorod artists and masters of decorative and applied arts. Works visual arts executed in different techniques- painting, graphics (watercolor, pastel, etching, pencil drawing, linocut, etc.). The tapestries and batik are magnificent, as well as works of glass and porcelain, in which the artists continue the traditions of the largest factories of the Kuznetsov family in the north-west.

In 2007, the museum was elected a collective member of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts.

In 2011, a new exhibition “Museum Porcelain Workshop” was opened at the State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land.

Permanent exhibitions

Museum porcelain workshop

During 2010-2011 In the project's boundaries " Cobalt blue goes to the museum”, the exhibition “Museum porcelain workshop” was created at the State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land. The project became the winner of the VII Grant Competition “A Changing Museum in a Changing World.” The exhibition is dedicated to the brilliant historical past of Novgorod porcelain. The opening took place on March 17, 2011.

“Museum Porcelain Workshop” is an exhibition - an impression where the history of Novgorod porcelain is intertwined with technology, multimedia “miracles” are combined with author’s installations. The interior of the “Museum Porcelain Workshop” is made in the shape of a forge and makes it possible to be transported into the atmosphere of a porcelain factory.

As part of the preparation of the exhibition, the museum’s collection was replenished with Kuznetsov porcelain products late XIX beginning of the 20th century The exhibition presents items from four porcelain enterprises of the Novgorod region - the Volkhov porcelain and earthenware factory ("Comintern"), the Bronnitsky porcelain and earthenware factory (later the "Proletary" plant), the Georgian porcelain and earthenware factory ("Red Porcelainist"), ZAO "Vozrozhdenie" .

History of the exhibition creation

During 2010 – 2011 As part of the “Cobalt Blue Goes to the Museum” project, the exhibition “Museum Porcelain Workshop” was created at the State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land. The project won the VII Grant Competition “Changing Museum in a Changing World” in the “Technology of Museum Exhibition” category. The competition is held Charitable Foundation V. Potanin with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the operational management of the Association of Cultural Managers (AMK).

The author of the project “Blue Cobalt Goes to the Museum” is the director of the State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land, Yulia Nikolaevna Kolomytseva. The author of the art project “Museum Porcelain Workshop” is a member of the Board of the Guild of Artistic Design of Russia Leonty Ozernikov.

On March 17, 2011, on the 161st birthday of Ivan Emelyanovich Kuznetsov, the founder of porcelain production in Novgorod land, the monopolist of porcelain production in the North-West of Russia, a unique exhibition “Museum Porcelain Workshop” opened.

“Museum Porcelain Workshop” is the result of the fruitful work not only of the employees of the State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land, but also of many partners. About 20 companies and organizations from Veliky Novgorod took part in the creation of the project, more than 70 people personally collaborated with the museum. Thanks to the response of Novgorod residents, the museum’s funds were replenished by more than a thousand items, including the acquisition of unique “Kuznetsov” porcelain from the end of the 19th century.

Today, employees of the State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land continue to work on the project, adapting the exhibition with elements for various groups visitors.

Description of the exhibition

“Museum Porcelain Workshop” is an exhibition – an impression where the history of Novgorod porcelain is intertwined with technology, multimedia “miracles” are combined with author’s installations. The interior of the “Museum Porcelain Workshop” is made in the shape of a forge and makes it possible to be transported into the atmosphere of a porcelain factory - baked brick, a feeling of heat and fire, and sparkling porcelain products nearby.

The exhibition connected the brilliant historical past of Kuznetsov porcelain with the Soviet period - the production of products with cobalt coating, which became business card masters of the Novgorod land.

As part of the preparation of the exhibition, the museum's collection was replenished with pieces of Kuznetsov porcelain from the late 19th - early 20th centuries. The exhibition presents items from four porcelain enterprises of the Novgorod region: the Volkhov porcelain and earthenware factory ("Comintern"), the Proletarian porcelain and earthenware factory ("Proletary"), the Georgian porcelain and earthenware factory ("Red Porcelain"), and the Bronnitsy JSC "Vozrozhdenie". Among the products of these factories are both mass-produced items and absolutely amazing works that amaze with their beauty and elegance.

The uniqueness of the exhibition “Museum Porcelain Workshop” lies in the fact that elements of the porcelain production line, elements of museum-affiliated porcelain production, a collection of Novgorod porcelain, and archival materials are presented here in a single space.

In addition to a large collection of porcelain, real factory equipment is also presented here. And modern multimedia technologies allow you to be transported to a factory floor as if in a time machine. For example, a “disappearing” pre-revolutionary door will allow you to get acquainted with one of the porcelain production workshops: the interior, equipment, technology. Here everyone can monitor what is happening to the product in the oven by looking into the pyroscope. The touch screen allows visitors to independently get acquainted with the history of ceramics and porcelain, Novgorod porcelain factories.

The exhibition uses lighting and music to highlight certain elements of the exhibition. For the musical design, works by S. V. Rachmaninov were used.

The best implemented museum project in Russia

At a meeting of the Jury members of the Grant Competition “A Changing Museum in a Changing World”, the project “Cobalt Blue Goes to the Museum” of the State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land was named the best implemented museum project of the 2010-2011 competition season. For the competition in 2009 – 2010. 473 applications were sent from 345 museums in Russia. The winners were 22 museum projects from 19 regions of Russia, and only 6 of them were recognized as the best implemented projects, including the project “Blue Cobalt Goes to the Museum” of the State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land.

Today, the exhibition “Museum Porcelain Workshop” has become the most modern museum display facility in the Novgorod region. The exhibition was included in the programs of many out-of-town tours in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other Russian cities.

The project “Blue Cobalt Goes to the Museum”, within the framework of which the exhibition “Museum Porcelain Workshop” was created, as the best implemented project will be presented in Moscow at the International Exhibition and Discussion Platform “MUSEUM GUIDE” in September 2012.

Innovations in the “Museum Porcelain Workshop”

The exposition of the State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land “Museum Porcelain Workshop” is the most modern museum display facility in the Novgorod region. The museum management is not afraid to introduce innovations into the exhibition activities, so here, in addition to touch screens, modern multimedia technologies, the first audio guides appeared in Veliky Novgorod and the Novgorod region.

Using an audio guide, each visitor will be able to listen to the tour absolutely free of charge and without the help of a guide. A total of 12 exhibition points have been identified, introducing visitors to the history of porcelain production on Novgorod land, the best examples of Kuznetsov porcelain and the technology of manufacturing porcelain products.

The museum strives to make a step forward to meet any category of visitors. Therefore, the exhibition is adapted for the visually impaired. One of the rules of the exhibition is “You can touch the display cases!” Every visually impaired or blind visitor will be able to find out what is in the display case, since each of them is equipped with special relief images of the products. In addition, there is a label in Braille, which also helps to familiarize yourself with the exhibition.

calendar of events

The exhibition “Museum Porcelain Workshop” includes a large number of museum events. Many of them have already become traditional and are loved by Novgorodians and guests of the city:

  • Family holiday "Tea Yard" - is held annually on July 8 in honor of the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity.
  • Holiday “Russian Teapots” on Honey Spas – museum holiday, dedicated to Honey Savior.
  • Annual museum festival “Porcelain Chime”, dedicated to the day birth of I.E. Kuznetsova.

In addition, excursions, master classes, educational programs, which are interesting to both children and adults.

Cultural heritage of Novgorod monasteries

The project “Cultural Heritage of Novgorod Monasteries” was implemented by the State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land in 2012 as part of the Severstal OJSC Program to support the activities of fine art museums “Museums of the Russian North”. Organizational partner of CAF Russia.

On February 16, 2012, the opening of a new exhibition “Cultural Heritage of Novgorod Monasteries” took place in the halls of the State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land.

The exhibition “Cultural Heritage of Novgorod Monasteries” for the first time united in one exhibition space the cultural heritage of 25 Novgorod monasteries with preserved and reconstructed buildings. The exhibition introduces visitors to the history and culture of the Novgorod Land, allowing visitors to virtual trip. The artistic part of the exhibition includes modern works paintings, graphics from the museum’s funds, supplementing the section contemporary art north of the period 1970s - 2000s. An interactive guide to each architectural monument presented in photographs, documents from the archive, text materials and on electronic media. The exhibition is supplemented with video materials. The exhibition is based on the monograph by L. A. Secretary “Monasteries of Veliky Novgorod and the surrounding area.”

History of the exhibition creation

The exhibition was carried out within the framework of the project “Cultural Heritage of Novgorod Monasteries”. In 2011, the State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land became the winner in the grant competition “Museums of the Russian North”. The competition is held within the framework of the Severstal OJSC program to support the activities of fine art museums “Museums of the Russian North”, the organizational partner is the UK Charitable Foundation CAF Russia.

On February 16, 2012, the opening of a new exhibition “Cultural Heritage of Novgorod Monasteries” took place in the halls of the State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land. The opening ceremony of the exhibition was attended by:

Lyudmila Andreevna Secretary is the author of the concept of the exhibition “Cultural Heritage of Novgorod Monasteries” and the monograph “Monasteries of Veliky Novgorod and the surrounding area”. Alexander Ivanovich Orlov is the author of the photographs presented in the exhibition. Yulia Nikolaevna Kolomytseva is the head of the project “Cultural Heritage of Novgorod Monasteries”, director of the State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land. Sergei Borisovich Bogdanov is the chairman of the Committee of Culture of the Novgorod Region. Leonty Vladimirovich Ozernikov (member of the board of the Guild of Artistic Design of Russia, Moscow) is the author of the artistic concept of the exhibition “Cultural Heritage of Novgorod Monasteries”.

Description of the exhibition

The new exhibition “Cultural Heritage of Novgorod Monasteries” for the first time united in one exhibition space the cultural heritage of 25 Novgorod monasteries with preserved and reconstructed buildings.

The exhibition allows you to get acquainted with the history and culture of the Novgorod Land and take a virtual tour of the territory. The artistic part of the exhibition includes modern works of painting and graphics from the collections of the State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land, complementing the section of contemporary art of the north from the 1970s to the 2000s. An interactive guide to each architectural monument is presented in photographs, documents from the archive, text materials and on electronic media. The exhibition is supplemented with video materials. The exhibition is based on the monograph by L.A. Secretary of “Monasteries of Veliky Novgorod and surrounding areas”.

The exhibition presents fragments of frescoes from a unique monument by 14th-century architects of the Church of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary on Volotovo Field - a fragment of the composition “The Souls of the Righteous in the Hand of God”, copies of the crippled F.M. Fomina from 1894 and a brick from 1352 with a drawing of a sailing-rowing ship and three warriors from the ruins of the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary on Volotovo Field from the museum’s funds. The exhibition is equipped with video support. Stopping for a moment, each visitor will find himself in a museum cinema. The films presented in the exhibition reveal and complement it.

The artistic part of the exhibition includes 39 works of painting and graphics from the funds of the State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land. The exhibition presents works by artists whose creative heritage is the pride of Veliky Novgorod - Dmitry Sergeevich Kondratyev, Ilya Iosifovich Kushnir, Grigory Mikhailovich Shtender, Semyon Ivanovich Pustovoitov, Vasily Makarovich Chekhonadsky, Vladimir Viktorovich Zhuravlev and contemporary artists.

An interactive guide has been compiled based on the exhibition materials. Each architectural monument is presented in photographs, documents from the archive and text materials.

Competition "Museums of the Russian North"

The “Museums of the Russian North” competition, aimed at supporting initiatives for the development of art museums, is held on the initiative and financial support of Severstal OJSC. Organizational partner – CAF Russia.

The purpose of the competition is to identify and support best projects, aimed at enhancing the activities of regional art museums, developing connections between museums and other cultural and educational institutions, creating and developing new directions and forms museum work. In 2011, the competition received 22 applications from 21 cities in North-West Russia. As a result of the meeting of the Expert Council, which took place on July 29, 2011, one of the winners of the II open competition of projects “Museums of the Russian North” was the State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land with the project idea “Cultural Heritage of the Novgorod Monasteries”. The winners were given financial support for the implementation of declared projects.


The State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land is engaged in collecting, storing, studying and positioning contemporary art of the Novgorod Land. According to established tradition, artists and heirs of deceased artists donate works of art to the museum.

The chronology of works in the museum's collection begins with the second half of the 19th century century. The museum's exposition presents works of art by Novgorod artists and masters of decorative and applied arts of the late 19th - early 21st centuries.

Paintings and graphic works are made in different techniques - watercolor, pastel, etching, pencil drawing, linocut, oil painting, tempera, etc. Decorative and applied arts are represented by works of glass and porcelain, in which artists continue the traditions of the largest factories of the Kuznetsov family in the north-west - “Kuznetsov factories” of the early twentieth century, textiles - batik and tapestry. Sculptural works - busts, figurines, sculptural compositions. These are works of varying artistic merit, but they sufficiently reflect the processes that took place in Russian art of the last century.

Major museum projects

The State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land implemented the following projects:

  • The project “Cobalt Blue Goes to the Museum” was recognized as the winner in the 7th grant competition “A Changing Museum in a Changing World”, which is conducted by the V. Potanin Charitable Foundation with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.
  • The “Good Home” project was supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and was included in the plan of the Federal Target Program “Russian Culture (2006-2011)”.
  • The project “In secret around the world...” - winner in the regional innovation competition creative projects"Novgorodika - 1150".
  • The project “Cultural Heritage of Novgorod Monasteries” was implemented in 2012 as part of the Severstal OJSC program to support the activities of fine art museums “Museums of the Russian North”.
  • Church of the Assumption on Volotovo Field, near Veliky Novgorod. According to the first Novgorod chronicle, the church was built in 1352 by order of Archbishop Moses, and in 1363 the temple was painted. The temple gained worldwide fame thanks to not only its architectural merits, but also its unique fresco painting. The walls of the church were decorated with about 200 compositions.

    In the first months of the Great Patriotic War the monument was destroyed. Only the outline of the walls and pillars to a height of two to four meters have been preserved. In 1955, conservation of the ruins was carried out.

    In 1993, Novgorod restoration artists began restoration work, which was carried out very slowly due to lack of funding. As a result of dismantling the rubble in the Church of the Assumption, about 1.5 million fragments of frescoes were removed and 40 square meters of painting were discovered on the walls and pillars of the temple.

    In 2001, an Agreement was signed between Russia and Germany to provide free assistance in the restoration of the temple and its frescoes. Restoration of a unique monument under the leadership of outstanding Novgorod restorers, laureates of the State Prize of the Russian Federation - Kuzmina N.N. and Krasnorechyeva L.E. – was implemented in 2001-2003. with preservation of areas of ancient painting on the walls.

    The selection of fragments into pictorial compositions is carried out in the research and restoration workshop “Fresco” under the leadership of T.I. Anisimova.

An architectural monument of the XIV-XIX centuries, and is one of the cultural centers of Veliky Novgorod. Until 1994, in the northern building of the Desyatinny Monastery there were creative workshops where icon painters, woodcarvers, painters, and ceramic artists worked. In January 1994, the Regional Training and Production Center for Artistic Creativity was opened here, which in 2002 received the status of the State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land.


The initiator of the opening and the first director of the Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land (1994-2008) was Galina Viktorovna Gavrilova, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation. Like-minded people promoting the artistic creativity of the Novgorod land were the Honored Cultural Worker Inessa Leonidovna Zarakovskaya and the Honored Artist of Russia Alexander Alekseevich Varentsov.

In January 1994, the Regional Training and Production Center for Artistic Creativity was created, which opened to the public on April 12, 1994. The main idea of ​​creating a Center with exhibition halls was the idea of ​​uniting professional creative forces and promoting the artistic creativity of the Novgorod land.

From the first day of the existence of the Center for Artistic Creativity, it was planned to create a Museum. This was already discussed at the opening of the Center. The collection of subject and documentary materials was carried out, and the fund of the future museum was collected. The first works of art were donated by professional leading artists of the city to the Center for Artistic Creativity on April 8, 1994, thus laying the foundation for the future museum. This has become a good tradition when holding personal and group exhibitions. Already on April 12, 1994, the first exhibition of fine and decorative arts opened, where works of 27 professional Novgorod artists were presented.

During the work of the Center for Artistic Creativity, about 200 exhibitions of works of fine and decorative art by artists from Veliky Novgorod, the region, other cities of Russia and foreign countries were organized. Thanks to creative collaboration with artists exhibiting at the Center, the funds of the future museum were constantly replenished with works of visual, documentary and subject material. Thus, gradually, from 1994 to 2002, a collection of art by Novgorod artists of the second half of the 20th century was formed, numbering 2,000 items.

In April 2002, the Regional Training and Production Center for Artistic Creativity received the status of the State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land.

The State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land displays works of art by Novgorod artists of the late 20th - early 21st centuries. The museum's holdings contain more than 6,500 items, including sculpture, graphics, painting, glass, porcelain, medal art, and personal archives of artists.

The level of exhibition corresponds to high world museum standards and traditions. The exhibition presents the work of Novgorod artists and masters of decorative and applied arts. Works of fine art are made in different techniques - painting, graphics (watercolor, pastel, etching, pencil drawing, linocut, etc.). The tapestries and batik are magnificent, as well as works of glass and porcelain, in which the artists continue the traditions of the largest factories of the Kuznetsov family in the north-west.

In 2007, the museum was elected a collective member of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts.

In 2011, a new exhibition “Museum Porcelain Workshop” was opened at the State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land.

Permanent exhibitions

Museum porcelain workshop

During 2010-2011 As part of the “Cobalt Blue Goes to the Museum” project, the exhibition “Museum Porcelain Workshop” was created at the State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land. The project became the winner of the VII Grant competition “Changing Museum in a Changing World”. The exhibition is dedicated to the brilliant historical past of Novgorod porcelain. The opening took place on March 17, 2011.

“Museum Porcelain Workshop” is an exhibition - an impression where the history of Novgorod porcelain is intertwined with technology, multimedia “miracles” are combined with author’s installations. The interior of the “Museum Porcelain Workshop” is made in the shape of a forge and makes it possible to be transported into the atmosphere of a porcelain factory.

As part of the preparation of the exhibition, the museum’s collection was replenished with pieces of “Kuznetsov” porcelain from the end XIX beginning XX centuries The exhibition presents items from four porcelain enterprises of the Novgorod region - the Volkhov porcelain and earthenware factory ("Comintern"), the Bronnitsky porcelain and earthenware factory (later the "Proletary" plant), the Georgian porcelain and earthenware factory ("Red Porcelainist"), ZAO "Vozrozhdenie" .

History of the exhibition creation

During 2010 – 2011 As part of the “Cobalt Blue Goes to the Museum” project, the exhibition “Museum Porcelain Workshop” was created at the State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land. The project won the VII Grant Competition “Changing Museum in a Changing World” in the “Technology of Museum Exhibition” category. The competition is held by the V. Potanin Charitable Foundation with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the operational management of the Association of Cultural Managers (AMK).

The author of the project “Blue Cobalt Goes to the Museum” is the director of the State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land, Yulia Nikolaevna Kolomytseva. The author of the art project “Museum Porcelain Workshop” is a member of the Board of the Guild of Artistic Design of Russia Leonty Ozernikov.

On March 17, 2011, on the 161st birthday of Ivan Emelyanovich Kuznetsov, the founder of porcelain production in Novgorod land, the monopolist of porcelain production in the North-West of Russia, a unique exhibition “Museum Porcelain Workshop” opened.

“Museum Porcelain Workshop” is the result of the fruitful work not only of the employees of the State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land, but also of many partners. About 20 companies and organizations from Veliky Novgorod took part in the creation of the project, more than 70 people personally collaborated with the museum. Thanks to the response of Novgorod residents, the museum’s funds were replenished by more than a thousand items, including the acquisition of unique “Kuznetsov” porcelain from the end of the 19th century.

Today, employees of the State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land continue to work on the project, adapting the exhibition with elements for different groups of visitors.

Description of the exhibition

“Museum Porcelain Workshop” is an exhibition – an impression where the history of Novgorod porcelain is intertwined with technology, multimedia “miracles” are combined with author’s installations. The interior of the “Museum Porcelain Workshop” is made in the shape of a forge and makes it possible to be transported into the atmosphere of a porcelain factory - baked brick, a feeling of heat and fire, and sparkling porcelain products nearby.

The exhibition connected the brilliant historical past of Kuznetsov porcelain with the Soviet period - the production of products with cobalt coating, which became the calling card of the masters of the Novgorod land.

As part of the preparation of the exhibition, the museum's collection was replenished with pieces of Kuznetsov porcelain from the late 19th - early 20th centuries. The exhibition presents items from four porcelain enterprises of the Novgorod region: the Volkhov porcelain and earthenware factory ("Comintern"), the Proletarian porcelain and earthenware factory ("Proletary"), the Georgian porcelain and earthenware factory ("Red Porcelain"), and the Bronnitsy JSC "Vozrozhdenie". Among the products of these factories are both mass-produced items and absolutely amazing works that amaze with their beauty and elegance.

The uniqueness of the exhibition “Museum Porcelain Workshop” lies in the fact that elements of the porcelain production line, elements of museum-affiliated porcelain production, a collection of Novgorod porcelain, and archival materials are presented here in a single space.

In addition to a large collection of porcelain, real factory equipment is also presented here. And modern multimedia technologies allow you to be transported to a factory floor as if in a time machine. For example, a “disappearing” pre-revolutionary door will allow you to get acquainted with one of the porcelain production workshops: the interior, equipment, technology. Here everyone can monitor what is happening to the product in the oven by looking into the pyroscope. The touch screen allows visitors to independently get acquainted with the history of ceramics and porcelain, Novgorod porcelain factories.

The exhibition uses lighting and music to highlight certain elements of the exhibition. For the musical design, works by S. V. Rachmaninov were used.

The best implemented museum project in Russia

At a meeting of the Jury members of the Grant Competition “A Changing Museum in a Changing World”, the project “Cobalt Blue Goes to the Museum” of the State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land was named the best implemented museum project of the 2010-2011 competition season. For the competition in 2009 – 2010. 473 applications were sent from 345 museums in Russia. The winners were 22 museum projects from 19 regions of Russia, and only 6 of them were recognized as the best implemented projects, including the project “Blue Cobalt Goes to the Museum” of the State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land.

Today, the exhibition “Museum Porcelain Workshop” has become the most modern museum display facility in the Novgorod region. The exhibition was included in the programs of many out-of-town tours in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other Russian cities.

The project “Blue Cobalt Goes to the Museum”, within the framework of which the exhibition “Museum Porcelain Workshop” was created, as the best implemented project will be presented in Moscow at the International Exhibition and Discussion Platform “MUSEUM GUIDE” in September 2012.

Innovations in the “Museum Porcelain Workshop”

The exposition of the State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land “Museum Porcelain Workshop” is the most modern museum display facility in the Novgorod region. The museum management is not afraid to introduce innovations into the exhibition activities, so in addition to touch screens and modern multimedia technologies, the first audio guides in Veliky Novgorod and the Novgorod region also appeared here.

Using an audio guide, each visitor will be able to listen to the tour absolutely free of charge and without the help of a guide. A total of 12 exhibition points have been identified, introducing visitors to the history of porcelain production on Novgorod land, the best examples of Kuznetsov porcelain and the technology of manufacturing porcelain products.

The museum strives to make a step forward to meet any category of visitors. Therefore, the exhibition is adapted for the visually impaired. One of the rules of the exhibition is “You can touch the display cases!” Every visually impaired or blind visitor will be able to find out what is in the display case, since each of them is equipped with special relief images of the products. In addition, there is a label in Braille, which also helps to familiarize yourself with the exhibition.

calendar of events

The exhibition “Museum Porcelain Workshop” hosts a large number of museum events. Many of them have already become traditional and are loved by Novgorodians and guests of the city:

  • Family holiday "Tea Yard" - is held annually on June 8 in honor of the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity.
  • The “Russian Teapots” holiday on Honey Spas is a museum holiday dedicated to Honey Spas.
  • The annual museum festival “Porcelain Chime”, dedicated to the birthday of I.E. Kuznetsova.

In addition, the “Museum Porcelain Workshop” hosts excursions, master classes, and educational programs that are interesting for both children and adults.

Cultural heritage of Novgorod monasteries

The project “Cultural Heritage of Novgorod Monasteries” was implemented by the State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land in 2012 as part of the Severstal OJSC Program to support the activities of fine art museums “Museums of the Russian North”. Organizational partner CAF Russia.

On February 16, 2012, the opening of a new exhibition “Cultural Heritage of Novgorod Monasteries” took place in the halls of the State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land.

The exhibition “Cultural Heritage of Novgorod Monasteries” for the first time united in one exhibition space the cultural heritage of 25 Novgorod monasteries with preserved and reconstructed buildings. The exhibition introduces visitors to the history and culture of the Novgorod Land, allowing them to take a virtual trip. The artistic part of the exhibition includes modern paintings and graphics from the museum’s collections, complementing the section of contemporary art of the north from the 1970s to the 2000s. An interactive guide to each architectural monument is presented in photographs, documents from the archive, text materials and on electronic media. The exhibition is supplemented with video materials. The exhibition is based on the monograph by L. A. Secretary “Monasteries of Veliky Novgorod and the surrounding area.”

History of the exhibition creation

The exhibition was carried out within the framework of the project “Cultural Heritage of Novgorod Monasteries”. In 2011, the State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land became the winner in the grant competition “Museums of the Russian North”. The competition is held within the framework of the Severstal OJSC program to support the activities of fine art museums “Museums of the Russian North”, the organizational partner is the UK Charitable Foundation CAF Russia.

On February 16, 2012, the opening of a new exhibition “Cultural Heritage of Novgorod Monasteries” took place in the halls of the State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land. The opening ceremony of the exhibition was attended by:

Lyudmila Andreevna Secretary is the author of the concept of the exhibition “Cultural Heritage of Novgorod Monasteries” and the monograph “Monasteries of Veliky Novgorod and the surrounding area”. Alexander Ivanovich Orlov is the author of the photographs presented in the exhibition. Yulia Nikolaevna Kolomytseva is the head of the project “Cultural Heritage of Novgorod Monasteries”, director of the State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land. Sergei Borisovich Bogdanov is the chairman of the Committee of Culture of the Novgorod Region. Leonty Vladimirovich Ozernikov (member of the board of the Guild of Artistic Design of Russia, Moscow) is the author of the artistic concept of the exhibition “Cultural Heritage of Novgorod Monasteries”.

Description of the exhibition

The new exhibition “Cultural Heritage of Novgorod Monasteries” for the first time united in one exhibition space the cultural heritage of 25 Novgorod monasteries with preserved and reconstructed buildings.

The exhibition allows you to get acquainted with the history and culture of the Novgorod Land and take a virtual tour of the territory. The artistic part of the exhibition includes modern works of painting and graphics from the collections of the State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land, complementing the section of contemporary art of the north from the 1970s to the 2000s. An interactive guide to each architectural monument is presented in photographs, documents from the archive, text materials and on electronic media. The exhibition is supplemented with video materials. The exhibition is based on the monograph by L.A. Secretary of “Monasteries of Veliky Novgorod and surrounding areas”.

The exhibition presents fragments of frescoes from a unique monument by 14th-century architects of the Church of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary on Volotovo Field - a fragment of the composition “The Souls of the Righteous in the Hand of God”, copies of the crippled F.M. Fomina from 1894 and a brick from 1352 with a drawing of a sailing-rowing ship and three warriors from the ruins of the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary on Volotovo Field from the museum’s funds. The exhibition is equipped with video support. Stopping for a moment, each visitor will find himself in a museum cinema. The films presented in the exhibition reveal and complement it.

The artistic part of the exhibition includes 39 works of painting and graphics from the funds of the State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land. The exhibition presents works by artists whose creative heritage is the pride of Veliky Novgorod - Dmitry Sergeevich Kondratiev, Ilya Iosifovich Kushnir, Grigory Mikhailovich Shtender, Semyon Ivanovich Pustovoitov, Vasily Makarovich Chekhonadsky, Vladimir Viktorovich Zhuravlev and contemporary artists.

An interactive guide has been compiled based on the exhibition materials. Each architectural monument is presented in photographs, documents from the archive and text materials.

Competition "Museums of the Russian North"

The “Museums of the Russian North” competition, aimed at supporting initiatives for the development of art museums, is held on the initiative and financial support of Severstal OJSC. Organizational partner – CAF Russia.

The goal of the competition is to identify and support the best projects aimed at enhancing the activities of regional art museums, developing connections between museums and other cultural and educational institutions, creating and developing new directions and forms of museum work. In 2011, the competition received 22 applications from 21 cities in North-West Russia. As a result of the meeting of the Expert Council, which took place on July 29, 2011, one of the winners of the II open competition of projects “Museums of the Russian North” was the State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land with the project idea “Cultural Heritage of the Novgorod Monasteries”. The winners were provided with financial support for the implementation of their declared projects.


The State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land is engaged in collecting, storing, studying and positioning contemporary art of the Novgorod Land. According to established tradition, artists and heirs of deceased artists donate works of art to the museum.

The chronology of works in the museum's collection begins in the second half of the 19th century. The museum's exposition presents works of art by Novgorod artists and masters of decorative and applied arts of the late 19th - early 21st centuries.

Paintings and graphic works are made in different techniques - watercolor, pastel, etching, pencil drawing, linocut, oil painting, tempera, etc. Decorative and applied arts are represented by works of glass and porcelain, in which artists continue the traditions of the largest in the northwest factories of the Kuznetsov family - “Kuznetsov factories” of the early twentieth century, textiles - batik and tapestry. Sculptural works - busts, figurines, sculptural compositions. These are works of varying artistic merit, but they sufficiently reflect the processes that took place in Russian art of the last century.

Major museum projects

The State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land implemented the following projects:

  • The project “Cobalt Blue Goes to the Museum” was recognized as the winner in the 7th grant competition “A Changing Museum in a Changing World”, which is conducted by the V. Potanin Charitable Foundation with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.
  • The “Good Home” project was supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and was included in the plan of the Federal Target Program “Russian Culture (2006-2011)”.
  • The project “In Secret to the Whole World...” is a prize-winner in the regional competition of innovative creative projects “Novgorodika - 1150”.
  • The project “Cultural Heritage of Novgorod Monasteries” was implemented in 2012 as part of the Severstal OJSC program to support the activities of fine art museums “Museums of the Russian North”.
  • The project “My First Vernissage” became the winner in the regional competition of innovative creative projects “Novgorodika - 1150”.

Publishing activities

Kuzmina N.N., Filippova L.A. Desyatinny Monastery in Veliky Novgorod. – Veliky Novgorod, 2009. – 68 p.

Afanasyeva E.A., Guseva O.V. Museum porcelain workshop. – Veliky Novgorod, 2011. – 34 p.

Church of the Assumption on Volotovo Field

A unique object of display at the State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land is the 14th-century architectural monument Church of the Assumption on Volotovo Field, near Veliky Novgorod. According to the first Novgorod chronicle, the church was built in 1352 by order of Archbishop Moses, and in 1363 the temple was painted. The temple gained worldwide fame thanks to not only its architectural merits, but also its unique fresco painting. The walls of the church were decorated with about 200 compositions.

In the first months of the Great Patriotic War, the monument was destroyed. Only the outline of the walls and pillars to a height of two to four meters have been preserved. In 1955, conservation of the ruins was carried out.

In 1993, Novgorod restoration artists began restoration work, which was carried out very slowly due to lack of funding. As a result of dismantling the rubble in the Church of the Assumption, about 1.5 million fragments of frescoes were removed and 40 square meters of painting were discovered on the walls and pillars of the temple.

In 2001, an Agreement was signed between Russia and Germany to provide free assistance in the restoration of the temple and its frescoes. Restoration of a unique monument under the leadership of outstanding Novgorod restorers, laureates of the State Prize of the Russian Federation - Kuzmina N.N. and Krasnorechyeva L.E. – was implemented in 2001-2003. with preservation of areas of ancient painting on the walls.

The selection of fragments into pictorial compositions is carried out in the research and restoration workshop “Fresco” under the leadership of T.I. Anisimova.

The State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land was created in Veliky Novgorod in 2002. The museum is located on the territory of the Desyatinny Monastery, an architectural monument of the 14th century. Exactly at this place in 1170, during the famous battle of the Novgorodians with the Suzdalians, a removal took place miraculous icon"The Omen", which, according to legend, saved Novgorod. The year 1327 is considered to be the year when the monastery was founded.

The museum is located in the sister building of the Desyatinny Monastery, built in 1845. Desyatinny Monastery - one of 8 that existed in ancient times within the outskirts of the city- almost completely retained its territory, planning structure and most of the development.

The museum displays works of art by Novgorod artists late XX - beginning of the XXI V. The level of exhibition corresponds to high world museum standards and traditions. The exhibition presents traditional art Novgorod artists and masters of decorative and applied arts. Each of them has their own style, their own way of working. Works of fine art are made in different techniques: painting, graphics (watercolor, pastel, etching, pencil drawing, linocut, etc.). Works belong to the brush outstanding masters Novgorod, participants and laureates international competitions and exhibitions, including folk and honored artists of Russia. Decorative and applied arts are of particular interest. Magnificent tapestries and batik, as well as glass and porcelain works, in which artists continue the tradition of the largest in the northwest of the early twentieth century. factories of the Kuznetsov family (“Kuznetsov factories”).

The State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land is widely known in Russia and abroad. For those interested in Novgorod art, the museum holds master classes, meetings with artists, thematic classes with children, traveling exhibitions, “exhibitions of one painting” and other events.

In 2018, the permanent exhibition of the museum was replenished a unique exhibit: presented in the halls of the museum bronze bas-relief "Emperor Alexander I". The bas-relief was made in 1811 year. The author is presumably the famous medalist of the St. Petersburg Mint Karl Alexandrovich Leberecht.

During the excursions “From Temple to Temple” and “Journey through the Desyatinny Monastery”, your guests will be able to see the bas-relief and learn how Alexander I is connected with the Novgorod Desyatinny Monastery.

Excursion “From Temple to Temple”(.pdf) - a tour of the new exhibition of the museum “Cultural Heritage of Novgorod Monasteries” will allow you to take a virtual tour of the Novgorod shrines. The exhibition presents 25 architectural monuments: monastery ensembles and free-standing buildings located near Veliky Novgorod. An interactive guide to each architectural monument is presented in photographs and videos, documents from the archive and text materials. The artistic part of the exhibition includes modern works of painting and graphics from the Museum's collections. The tour includes a visit to the halls and exhibitions of the museum.

Excursion “Travel to the Tithe Monastery”- this is an opportunity to get acquainted with the history and architecture of the Desyatinny Monastery, to “see” (in an interactive mode) the lost Orthodox Shrines (the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary of the 14th century, the Church of All Saints of the 19th century), to visit the place where the famous battle of the Novgorodians took place in 1170 with the Suzdalians, in which, according to a widespread legend, the Novgorodians won thanks to the miracle of the “Sign” icon. The tour includes a visit to the halls and exhibitions of the museum.

Excursion “Museum Porcelain Workshop”. This is an opportunity to visit an exhibition filled with modern multimedia “miracles” and original installations. The interior is made in the shape of a forge and makes it possible to be transported into the atmosphere of a porcelain factory - burnt brick, a feeling of heat and fire, and sparkling porcelain products nearby. The exhibition connected the brilliant historical past of Kuznetsov porcelain with the Soviet period - the production of products with cobalt coating, which became the calling card of the masters of the Novgorod land. The “Museum Porcelain Workshop” is located on the territory of the Desyatinny Monastery, an architectural monument of the 14th - 19th centuries. The complex is one of the centers of artistic culture of Veliky Novgorod.

Excursion “History of Desyatinnaya Street”. Since October 1, 2015, the State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land offers new walking tour“The history of Desyatinnaya Street.” The excursion gives you the opportunity to travel back in time. Before the excursionists there will be thousand-year history Novgorod from the XII to the XXI centuries. The excursion tells why guests of medieval Novgorod considered the city huge in area, how Novgorod was connected with the imperial family, and what place the city occupied in the destinies of two great people: Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninov and Mstislav Valerianovich Dobuzhinsky. The duration of the excursion is 1 hour. The excursion starts at Church of the Twelve Apostles on Propastekh(Desiatinnaya str., 4a).

Master class “Novgorod souvenir”- this is an opportunity to paint a wonderful souvenir with your own hands - a piece of porcelain with an original painting, get acquainted with the wonderful “Kuznetsov” porcelain and learn the “secrets” of porcelain making. During the master class, visitors will independently paint a porcelain product under the guidance of the artist, put a mark on it, pack it and take it with them. The souvenir can be a wonderful gift for your friends and family! The master class takes place in the premises of the exhibition “Museum Porcelain Workshop”.

Master Class "The museum goes to kindergarten» - a program for preschoolers dedicated to various types porcelain products. IN game form the children will make a journey from the past to the future, get acquainted with such concepts as “service”, “sculpture”, “ souvenir products”, and in conclusion they will complete a creative task.

From June 1, 2013 we offer new program - "Child's Birthday at the Museum". The “Children's Birthday at the Museum” program will be held in the “Museum Porcelain Workshop” exposition. During the holiday, the children will get acquainted with the gifts that were given in the old days for birthdays, make cards for the birthday boy, play, and also paint porcelain items, pack them and take them with them. The duration of the program is 1 hour, after which time is provided for photography, as well as independent exploration of the exhibition. The program is designed for children from 7 to 12 years old. Parents can attend the celebration with their children, and can also book an excursion to the Museum during the program. Program cost: 200 rub. for each visitor, 1 accompanying person free of charge.

The exhibition “Museum Porcelain Workshop” is equipped with audio guides. The exhibition highlights 12 “sound points”, which allows you to independently study the history of Novgorod porcelain and get acquainted with the technology of its production. The text is read in Russian and adapted for age category from 10 to 17 years. Audio guides, photos and videos at the “Museum Porcelain Workshop” exhibition are free.

Exhibition halls

Address - Desyatinny Monastery, 3

Currently the museum hosts exhibitions:

  • Exposition “Cultural Heritage of Novgorod Monasteries”:

The exhibition “Cultural Heritage of Novgorod Monasteries” for the first time combined in one exhibition space the history of 25 Novgorod monasteries with preserved and reconstructed buildings. The exhibition presents fragments of frescoes from a unique monument of the 14th century architects of the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary on Volotovo Field - a fragment of the composition “The Souls of the Righteous in the Hand of God” from the eastern wall of the vima, above the arch leading to the apse of the temple. XIV century, copies of cripples F.M. Fomina 1894, provided by Tamara Ivanovna Anisimova - director of the scientific restoration workshop "FRESCO" and a brick from 1352 with a drawing of a sailing - rowing ship and three warriors from the ruins of the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary on Volotovo Field from the museum's funds. Films directed by Alla Dmitrievna Osipova “Time to Collect Stones” and “Like a Phoenix from the Ashes.” The artistic part of the exhibition includes 39 works of painting and graphics from the Museum’s collections. The exhibition presents works by artists whose creative heritage is the pride of Veliky Novgorod - Dmitry Sergeevich Kondratyev, Ilya Iosifovich Kushnir, Grigory Mikhailovich Shtender, Semyon Ivanovich Pustovoitov, Vasily Makarovich Chekhonadsky, Vladimir Viktorovich Zhuravlev and contemporary artists. Novgorod monasteries are presented in poster materials - these are 100 photographs of modern and early 20th centuries, 60 documents in copies and more than 150 photographic materials in electronic form.

  • Art project “Artist and Time”:

In 2013 at the State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land a new art project"The Artist and Time". As part of the project, throughout the year, memorial evenings and meeting evenings were held dedicated to unknown and forgotten pages of the life and work of famous Novgorod artists. Every evening is a meeting of friends and family, associates and spectators, exhibitions of the same day, presentation of photo and video archives.

In 2014 The project has gone virtual! On the museum’s website, in the “Collection” section, you can get acquainted with the works of Novgorod artists from the collection of the State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land.

Directions: Buses No. 26, 10, 17; from the railway and bus station - 10-15 minutes walk

Partner organizations:
LLC "Restavrator" - R865
Master City LLC - R1876

Sponsors, patrons and grant givers:
Grantors: V. Potanin Foundation.
Regional philanthropists: Tkachuk Oleg Alexandrovich (Jewelry House "Aquamarine"), Baronov Oleg Nikolaevich (LLC "Restorer"), Odinokov Alexander Nikolaevich.
On the territory of the ancient Desyatinny Monastery in exhibition halls The State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land presents the work of Novgorod artists of the 20th - early 21st centuries. We express our gratitude for the support and development of the museum’s creative initiatives and constant support cultural traditions Novgorod region. We hope for long-term fruitful cooperation

Storage units:
7347, of which 5710 are fixed assets

The most valuable (unique) collections:
Collection paintings Shtender Grigory Mikhailovich (1927-1992), executed in the 1970-1980s - 17 items.
Collection of drawings folk artist Russia Zhuravlev Dmitry Vlasovich born in 1933, made in 1960-1983 - 21 units.
Collection of paintings by Vladimir Stepanovich Ryabov (1932-1999), executed in the 1960s and early 1990s - 18 items.
Collection of People's Artist of Russia Boris Lvovich Nepomnyashchy, born in 1945, including photographs, catalogues, etchings, books with illustrations (1982-2006) - 23 items.
Collection of Tamara Alexandrovna Gavrilova, including documents, catalogues, photographs of works, booklets, invitations, drawings - 251 items.
Collection of porcelain products produced by I.E. Kuznetsov, late XIX - early XX centuries - 17 items.