On approval of the regulations on benefits in the provision of paid services by a municipal budgetary cultural institution. Benefits for visiting cultural and entertainment places Map of visits to state museums for large families

We all remember how much time we spent in museums as children. On school trips, with parents, when we got older - on our own or with friends. It is in the interests of every person, regardless of age, to instill a love for the enchanting world of beauty and satisfy children's curiosity. Few people know, but even today you can enter the museum for free or by purchasing a ticket at a reduced price.

Our online portal provides free initial legal consultations on social and legal issues. We will help you protect violated rights, apply for benefits and allowances, and consider complex cases in any branch of law.

Consultation is free, call:

  • Moscow and Moscow region - 8 (499) 938‑40‑68
  • St. Petersburg and Len. region - 8 (812) 425‑60‑94
  • Regions of the Russian Federation (toll-free call) - 8 (800) 511‑38‑19

Who pays for a free trip to the museum?

However, you need to understand that the provision of all types of preferential visits to museums presupposes the presence of a certain source that will cover the costs of lost benefits from the sale of entrance tickets or lost amounts from the sale of other core income.

This source can be one - compensation payments from the budget (federal or local), compensation mechanisms are established by the authority that is responsible for the state, municipal or departmental museum institution. In order to make timely compensation payments, the museum administration needs to submit information about attendance to the regulatory authority.

Moreover, the right to free or other preferential visits is usually granted by museums within the limits of the budget funds provided for the financing of a particular institution.

In the case of a “museum discount,” there may also be such a surprise as the need to independently examine the existing expositions and exhibitions. This mode radically differs in the quality of exploring museum attractions with a guide, which ultimately reduces the effectiveness of spending personal time on mastering cultural heritage.

At a minimum, you will need additional study of information on the Internet or in popular science literature, which will also take time.

List of preferential categories

We invite the thoughtful reader to take note of the circle of persons who, according to current legislation, Russian Federation and decisions taken by relevant local authorities, the right to free visit museums at the federal, municipal or departmental level of subordination.

  1. Heroes Soviet Union, heroes of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Glory (extraordinary right to purchase entrance tickets is provided).
  2. Veterans and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War.
  3. Disabled combatants.
  4. Non-working disabled people of groups I and II.
  5. Persons accompanying visitors with disabilities.
  6. Persons in government social institutions.
  7. Employees of museums of the Russian Federation.
  8. Members of ICOM, UNESKO.
  9. Students of universities of the Russian Federation (but without excursion services).
  10. Children preschool age.
  11. Disabled children (free admission applies to one accompanying person).
  12. Orphans who are in orphanages and boarding schools and children, as well as persons left without parental care (the right to free visits applies to one accompanying person).
  13. Students of art secondary and secondary special education educational institutions(without excursion service).
  14. Students secondary schools on holidays (according to the decision taken body providing financial support for the activities of the museum institution).

In some administrative units- the mayors of the largest territories of our vast homeland are especially keen on this - the right to free visits to state or municipal museums is also granted to:

  • large families;
  • students of Suvorov military, Nakhimov naval schools, cadet corps;
  • cadets of higher military schools;
  • persons exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, tests at the Semipalatinsk test site and equivalent categories of citizens;

These categories of citizens may be subject to both the right to purchase a ticket to the museum at a discounted price and the establishment a certain day, when they can get a ticket for free, but in a non-excursion mode.

Separately, it is necessary to say what documents are required in order for a visitor to a museum institution to receive a free or discounted ticket. The main conditions for such a basis are compliance with the following strict obligations:

  • provision of documents on the basis of which preferential services are entitled,
  • Such tickets can be issued once on the day of visit; they must be kept until the end of your stay in the museum.

Preschoolers usually receive a ticket without presenting documents. The museum institution reserves the right, in case of a large flow of visitors, to include the recipient in the excursion group.

The information presented above concerns mainly state and municipal museums. However, in order to attract attention, private museum institutions do not hesitate to offer free admission and reduced prices. Implementing a unique marketing policy, their owners often organize similar promotions.

A person who has visited the museum halls will certainly bring the lost profit or lost benefit from the sale of tickets to his friends or acquaintances, guests who came to your city for the first time. So you shouldn’t look for visible benefits in everything. Nice museum will always receive a grateful visitor, which will also affect financial side question.

Don’t be afraid to look ridiculous: feel free to ask the staff of the nearest museum if there is a discount or certain benefit for you when visiting it. And for this purpose it is not necessary to wait until May 18 (Museum Day, when any institution of this type organizes a free holiday for visitors).

Attendance at museums in Russia leaves much to be desired. And this happens not even because the cultural level of the population is falling, but because of the inaccessibility of cultural values ​​to the general population. Families with low incomes stand in line at the social security authorities to get a discount of several hundred rubles on housing and utility bills; of course, this money will not buy a ticket to the museum. This is why free museum visits are possible in Russia in 2019. From this article you will learn how a free trip to the museum is financed for Russians, who has the right to free entrance, and what documents will need to be presented at the entrance.

Who funds the provision of free tickets to museum visitors?

Receipt of certain benefits by the population does not mean that institutions provide services for free - each organization needs money for further functioning. Therefore, the fact that the beneficiary has received the right to visit the museum free of charge does not imply any losses for the museum itself - there is a source of funds that covers losses from lost benefits that could arise from the sale of entrance tickets or other core income.

The source of funding in the case of museums is the federal or regional budget. The procedure for reimbursement of expenses to museums is determined by the government body that controls the museums. Some of them are federal, and compensation is allocated from the state budget. And some museums are subordinate to the Moscow Department of Cultural Affairs.

In order not to lose the opportunity to receive compensation, the museum administration records data on the institution’s attendance and transmits the information to the regulatory authority. As a rule, the right to purchase free tickets or to purchase entrance tickets at a discount is provided to beneficiaries in a limited number budget funds allocated for such needs.

Typically, visiting a museum with free tickets means viewing cultural treasures without a guide, which significantly reduces the quality of your experience with the museum’s exhibits. At a minimum, the visitor will have to study information on the Internet or books in order to master cultural heritage.

Who is eligible for free museum admission in 2019?

Important! Representatives of privileged categories of citizens are offered either the issuance of free tickets to museums, or the purchase of entrance tickets at reduced prices, or a trip to the museum on a certain day of the month without payment.

Visit museums at the federal, municipal and departmental levels of subordination, in accordance with the provisions of the current federal legislation and the decisions of the relevant authorities local authorities, the following categories of persons are entitled:

Category of beneficiaries A comment
Schoolchildren studying in general education institutions During the holidays, by decision of the body financing the activities of museums
Students studying in secondary and secondary special art educational institutions Guide services are not provided
Orphans (kept in boarding schools and orphanages), children without parental care Free visits are also allowed for one accompanying person.
Children with disabilities One accompanying person receives a free ticket along with them
Children under 7 years old Children of preschool age, without any additional conditions
Students of Russian higher educational institutions Inspection of the exhibits is carried out independently, without a guide.
Members of ICOM, UNESCO Unlimited number of visits
Russian museum workers Unlimited number of visits
Citizens living in state social institutions No limits
Citizens accompanying disabled people Visit with disabilities must need help from someone else
Disabled people of groups I and II Not employed
Veterans of the Great Patriotic War and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War As a federal beneficiary
Heroes of the Russian Federation, Heroes of the USSR, Full Knights of the Order of Glory Right to purchase tickets ahead of the queue

In some prosperous regions, the list of categories of citizens entitled to free visits to the museum has been expanded, since the budget municipality allows you to enter additional privileges. In such constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the right to preferential visits to a museum may be granted to:

  • combat veterans;
  • victims of radiation (victims of radiation disasters, liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, test workers at the Semipalatinsk test site, liquidators of the accident at Mayak, liquidators of the consequences of waste release into the Techa River);
  • cadets of higher military schools;
  • students of the Nakhimov and Suvorov naval schools and cadet corps;
  • members of large families.

Each beneficiary must have with him a document confirming his right to a free visit to the museum. This could be a veteran's ID, a certificate from school, a student ID, etc. The discount ticket will need to be kept until the end of your stay at the museum, as it can only be issued once per day of visit.

Expert opinion

Employees of the Moscow Department of Cultural Affairs declare that regular holding of promotions for free visits to museums and granting the right to receive discounted tickets to certain categories of citizens helps to increase cultural level population, increases interest in the history of the country, increases the number of Russian patriots and generally has a beneficial effect on visitors.

According to museum staff, on free visit days the influx of citizens is 3 times higher than the expected attendance, which means that people are interested in cultural values, but often do not have financial opportunities to satisfy their cultural needs.



On approval of the Regulations on benefits when providing paid services municipal budgetary institution culture

In accordance with Federal law dated 06.10.2003 N 131-03 "About general principles organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation", Law of the city of Moscow dated November 6, 2002 N 56 "On the organization of local self-government in the city of Moscow", guided by the Charter of the Pervomaiskoye settlement, in order to streamline the activities of municipal budgetary cultural institutions in terms of providing paid services to the population, the Council of Deputies of the settlement Pervomayskoe decided:

1. Approve the Regulations on benefits for the provision of paid services by a municipal budgetary cultural institution (Appendix).

3. Entrust control over the implementation of this decision to the head of the settlement of Pervomaiskoye N.V. Kamneva.

Head of the Pervomaiskoe settlement
in Moscow


to the decision of the Council of Deputies
Pervomaiskoe settlement in Moscow
dated November 30, 2016 N 20/9

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Regulation on benefits for the provision of paid services by municipal budgetary cultural institutions (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) has been developed in accordance with current regulations:

Federal Law of November 24, 1995 N 181-FZ “On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation”;

Federal Law of May 4, 2000 N 57 “On Veterans”; Federal Law of July 24, 1998 N 124-FZ “On the Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation”;

Law of the Russian Federation of October 9, 1992 N 3612-1 “Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on culture”

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 5, 1992 N 431 “On measures for social support of large families”;

Charter of the Institution;

other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow.

1.2. The objectives of this Regulation are:

Ensuring the right established by law for certain categories of citizens to preferential attendance at paid events organized by the Institution;

Establishing a mechanism for recording categories of citizens visiting the Institution on preferential terms;

Effective planning of expenses and income of cultural institutions;

1.3. This Regulation is being introduced in order to streamline the activities of municipal budgetary cultural institutions in terms of providing benefits in the provision of paid services.

1.4. Benefits are provided by the Institution to citizens of the Russian Federation when visiting club formations (circles, studios, clubs, sections) operating on a paid basis and paid cultural and mass events held directly by the Institution.

1.5. Benefits for certain categories of citizens are provided by the Institution on the basis of certificates, uniform certificates, passports of citizens of the Russian Federation, birth certificates and other documents certifying social status citizen and confirming his right to benefits. Benefits are not cumulative.

1.6. To use the right to a benefit during an individual (independent) visit to the Institution, you must present Required documents(original and copy) confirming the corresponding status, if there is no copy of the document, the Institution employee independently makes a copy of the original document; if the citizen does not have the original document, a copy of the document (except for a notarized one) is not accepted, the right to benefits is not granted by the Institution.

1.7. To use the right to a benefit during a collective visit, you must submit an application addressed to the director of the Institution with a request for a payment benefit, attaching documents confirming the right to it. Within 5 (five) working days, the director of the Institution considers the specified application and, if a positive decision is made, issues an appropriate order to provide benefits for payment for the service.

1.8. Benefits are not provided for commercial (paid) cultural events organized by third-party legal or individuals using the material and technical base of the Institution. (In this case, benefits can only be provided by agreement directly with the organizers of these events, and the Institution can only provide contact information about the organizer of the event).

1.9. In the Institution, information about benefits and the procedure for their provision is posted on the information stand, as well as on the official website of the administration of the Pervomaiskoye settlement.

1.10. Information that a citizen is a recipient of a benefit is reflected in the journal(s) indicating the last name, first name, patronymic, name of the document(s) and its details confirming the benefit, as well as the amount of the benefit provided.


2.1. Categories of citizens entitled to preferential admission to paid events. Preferential admission to paid events is carried out in the form of free and preferential (discounted) admission. The right to free or reduced-price visits to a cultural institution is granted to the following categories of citizens:

Children from large families, orphans, children without parental care, children in full state care. provision (orphanages, rehabilitation centers)

Free visits for orphans, children without parental care, children in full state care. provision (orphanages, rehabilitation centers) of events conducted by cultural institutions once a month

A document confirming the status of an orphan or a child left without parental care, a certificate from the institution, signed by the head

Children under 5 years of age attending events with adults

Free entrance ticket to cultural events

Child's birth certificate


50% of the ticket price


Disabled people of groups 1 and 2

Free entrance ticket to attend cultural events

WWII veterans, children of war

WWII participant certificate

Employees of the institution

Free visit

Military personnel passing through military service on call

Free entrance ticket to attend cultural events

Military ID, certificate

Free entrance ticket to attend cultural events

Certificate for the loss of a breadwinner

Children of disabled parents

Free entrance ticket to attend cultural events

certificate, certificate of disability

2.2. Categories of citizens entitled to preferential visits to paid club formations. Preferential visits to club formations are carried out in the form of free and preferential (discounted) visits. The right to preferential visits to club formations of cultural institutions is granted to the following categories of citizens:

Amount of benefits provided, in %


Documents submitted by a citizen to receive benefits

Orphans, children without parental care

During a year

A document confirming the status of an orphan or a child left without parental care

Children who are fully supported by the state ( Orphanage, rehabilitation center)

During a year

Certificate from the institution

Disabled children of groups 1 and 2

During a year

Certificate of disability

Children from families (including large families) with two or more children

2nd child -75%;

3rd child and subsequent - 75%

During a year

Certificate or certificate of a single sample

Children, grandson
employees of the institution

During a year

Provided for validity period employment contract with an employee of the institution

Employees of the institution

During a year

Provided for the duration of the employment contract with the employee of the institution

Children who have lost one of their breadwinners

During a year

Certificate for the loss of a breadwinner

Children of disabled parents

During a year

Pension certificate, certificate of disability


3.1. Preferential visit to the Institution separate categories citizens can be carried out in groups and individually (independently).

3.2. Visiting the Institution by disabled children, orphans or children without parental care in groups:

3.3 The head of the institution, legal representative (mother, father, etc.) of the organization, foster family, family of guardians, trustees or foster family where disabled children, orphans or children without parental care are being raised, per week Before holding an event at the Institution, they personally submit an application addressed to the director of the Institution indicating the name of the event planned to attend, the date and time of visiting the event, the number of children and accompanying persons in the group, position, last name, first name and patronymic of the persons responsible for the visit. Maximum amount children in a group should not exceed 10 (ten) people.

3.4. The Director of the Institution reviews the application and gives consent or refuses to visit. The grounds for refusal may be: the sale of all tickets in advance; holding a commercial cultural and leisure event third parties using the material and technical base of the Institution; failure to submit (untimely or incomplete provision) of documents confirming the right to use the benefit.

3.5. When coordinating a visit to an event, the director of the Institution issues a corresponding order and communicates it to the responsible employees, and also informs about the date and time of the group’s visit to the event.

3.6. Responsibility for the life and health of disabled children, orphans and children without parental care when visiting the Institution lies with the group leader specified in the application.

3.7. Several groups are allowed to visit the Institution at the same time.

3.8. Disabled children, orphans and children without parental care apply to the Institution on a general basis and present a document confirming the status of a disabled child, orphan or child without parental care.

3.9. Disabled children, orphans and children without parental care receive a ticket from the Institution with a note indicating the benefit provided.

3.10. Disabled children, orphans and children without parental care under the age of 14 are allowed to issue tickets and visit the Institution only if accompanied by adults. Adults accompanying of this child, purchase tickets to attend cultural and leisure events on a general basis.


4.1. In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2008 N 257 “On approval of strict reporting forms”, when providing services, the Institution uses the form of a strict reporting form - a ticket.

4.2. The use of strict reporting forms is carried out by the Institution in accordance with Methodical instructions on the procedure for the use, recording, storage and destruction of strict reporting forms by organizations and institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation" (letter of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation dated July 15, 2009 N 29-01-39/04).

4.3. The procedure and conditions for providing benefits when visiting paid cultural and leisure events:

Persons entitled to a benefit in accordance with these Regulations, when visiting a paid cultural and leisure event, before purchasing a ticket, are required to present an identification document (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation) and document(s) confirming the right to the benefit.

The responsible employee of the institution, having familiarized himself with the documents submitted by the citizen, makes copies of all documents, after which he issues (sells) to the person entitled to a preferential visit to a paid cultural and leisure event a document (form) of strict reporting (ticket) with the stamp “benefit” and indicating the actual cost of the ticket, taking into account the amount of the benefit.

The provision of a benefit to a citizen who has the right to receive it is carried out from the moment of presentation (provision) of documents giving the right to receive the benefit.

4.4. The procedure and conditions for providing benefits when visiting club formations (circles, studios, clubs, sections) operating on a paid basis:

Persons entitled to benefits in accordance with these Regulations, when applying for enrollment in club formations (circle, studio, club, section) carrying out activities on a paid basis, in addition to the application for admission, submit an application to the director of the Institution for the provision of benefits.

Persons entitled to the benefit are required to provide the responsible employee of the Institution with an identification document (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation) and document(s) confirming the right to the benefit.

The responsible employee of the Institution, having familiarized himself with the document(s) submitted by the citizen, makes copies of all documents and prepares a package of documents for transmission to the director of the Institution for the purpose of making a decision.

The Director of the Institution, within 3 (three) working days from the date the authorized employee of the Institution provides documents from a citizen entitled to the benefit, makes a decision on the possibility or impossibility of providing the benefit. If a positive decision is made, an order is issued by the Institution to provide the citizen with a benefit, indicating the name of the cultural and leisure formation, the citizen’s full name, the amount of this benefit and its validity period.

The provision of benefits to a citizen entitled to receive them is carried out from the moment the order is issued by the Institution.

4.2. Documents confirming a citizen’s right to a benefit can be provided either by the citizen himself or by his legal representative acting on the basis of the law or a power of attorney executed in the prescribed manner.

4.3. The institution keeps separate records of persons entitled to preferential visits by maintaining a log book (clause 1.12 of the Regulations).


5.1. Control over the activities of the Institution for providing benefits in the provision of paid services is carried out by the Administration of the Pervomaiskoye settlement.

In connection with repair and restoration work, visitors enter the Kremlin through the Trinity Gate, and exit through the Borovitsky Gate. Visitors enter and exit the Armory through the Borovitsky Gate.

November 4

Due to government events, the territory of the Moscow Kremlin is closed to visitors, except for excursion groups made by reservation. The Armory is operating as usual. Full refunds will be issued for pre-purchased audio guide tickets.

November 11 from 14:00, November 12 and 13 during the day

The Patriarchal Palace is closed to the public.

From October 1 to May 14

The Moscow Kremlin museums are switching to winter operating hours. Architectural ensemble open to the public from 10:00 to 17:00, the Armory is open from 10:00 to 18:00. Tickets are sold at the box office from 9:30 to 16:30. Closed on Thursday. Exchange electronic tickets is carried out in accordance with the terms of the User Agreement.

From October 1 to May 14

The exhibition of the Ivan the Great bell tower is closed to the public.

In order to ensure the safety of monuments in unfavorable weather conditions, access to some cathedral museums may be temporarily limited.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Who can rightfully buy a ticket at a reduced price or even enter a museum or exhibition for free? It turns out that each museum makes its own rules! But more often than not, the preferential categories of citizens coincide everywhere.

Related materials:

The larger the museum, the more benefits for visitors

We learned the rules for visiting different exhibition halls - from the largest to the smallest. The preferential categories of citizens are almost the same everywhere, but there are also differences that need to be clarified in each specific case - by phone, immediately before the visit. Experience shows that there is no single law for all beneficiaries: in one place you will be classified as a benefit recipient and will be allowed in for free, in another you will be asked to buy a ticket, albeit at a reduced price. By the way, the concept of “preferential price” in different museums and exhibition halls also does not coincide. In one case, preferential cost entrance ticket only slightly lower than the regular ticket price and is approximately 100 rubles, in another case the discounted price is downright symbolic - about 15-20 rubles.

Having visited several different museums, from the largest public to small private ones, you can trace a clear pattern: the wealthier the museum, the more benefits it provides to visitors. The poorer the museum, the less state-supported it is, the more likely it is that you will be asked to buy a ticket, despite the fact that you clearly belong to the category of beneficiaries. For example, a disabled child is required to be admitted free of charge, the basis is Part 6 of Article 30 of the Moscow Law “On social support for families with children in Moscow. But in small private museums you do not have the right, as they say, to “download your rights”, because there is no law stating that pensioners are allowed in everywhere and everywhere for free.

Preferential categories of citizens

Preferential categories, as a rule, include preschoolers, schoolchildren, students, orphans, disabled children, WWII and military veterans, disabled people of groups I and II, members of large families. Often the beneficiaries include Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation, liquidators of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident and military personnel conscript service- soldiers and sailors. In art museums, teachers are given benefits art schools and universities, museum workers, art critics, artists - members creative unions Russia and guides-translators.

And yet, the benefits are different for everyone: for some, the benefit is a reduced ticket price, for others it is a free visit. What considerations guide the museum’s management when choosing which godfather should pay for a ticket and who not, remains a mystery.

Free days and hours

In every large museum, exhibition hall or estate there are days or times when visitors of certain groups are admitted free of charge. For example, Russian schoolchildren, students and pensioners can visit the territory of the Moscow Kremlin for free (upon presenting the appropriate documents at the ticket office), and after 16:00 these same categories of citizens can visit for free not only the territory of the Kremlin, but also museums, cathedrals and exhibitions. Or, for example, to the State Museum fine arts them. Pushkin all persons under 18 years of age, as well as members of large families, can enter for free on the first Sunday of every month. In the Moscow estates of Izmailovo, Kuskovo, Kuzminki, Lefortovo and other palace and park ensembles of the capital, free excursions for children are sometimes held - you just need to call the administration of the estate museum in advance and specify the day and time of the free excursions. True, sometimes such excursions are held at a very inconvenient time - on a working day in the morning. But there are also times that are convenient for visitors: say, on Saturdays at 12:00 noon, as groups are formed, free excursions begin.

For example, on September 12, 2011, the exhibitions “Treasures of Russian Art” of the palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and “Historical and Artistic Reconstruction” open for people with disabilities, for whom a special excursion route has been developed.

Don't hesitate to ask about benefits!

If you belong to one of the above-mentioned preferential categories of citizens, do not hesitate to ask whether you are entitled to free entry or a ticket at a reduced price: the cashier does not know that you, for example, were the liquidator of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident. Or, for example, if you have a disabled child, know that one person accompanying a disabled child also has the right to free admission to the museum - do not hesitate to tell the cashier about this.

Benefits laws

Heroes of the USSR, Heroes of the Russian Federation, Full Knights of the Order of Glory have the right to free visits to museums and exhibition halls in accordance with Article 7 of the Federal Law of January 15, 1993. No. 4301-1 “On the status of heroes of the USSR, heroes of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Glory.”

Disabled children, as well as children under seven years of age have the right to free visits to museums and exhibitions in accordance with Part 6 of Article 26 of the Moscow Law “On social support for families with children in Moscow.”

Students of general education institutions - shelters, rehabilitation centers, centers for social assistance to families and children have the right to visit museums free of charge and exhibition halls in accordance with the Decree of the Moscow Government of June 30, 1998 No. 510 “On the organization of free visits to Moscow cultural institutions for students of general education institutions.” By the way, according to this decree, students can visit not only museums and exhibitions, but also theaters - provided that a collective application is made in advance and an agreement is reached with the theater administration.

Students full-time full-time education Universities of the Russian Federation and CIS countries(including foreign citizens-students of universities of the Russian Federation) can refer to Federal Law No. 125 of 08.22.96 “On higher and postgraduate professional education” - ed. 07/18/2006 and also visit museum and exhibition exhibitions for free.

Members of large families have a benefit that guarantees free access to exhibitions in accordance with subparagraph “b” of paragraph 1 of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 05.05.92 No. 431 “On measures for social support of large families”, as well as paragraph 4 of part 2 of article 29 of the Law Moscow “About social. Supporting families with children in Moscow.”

Persons under 18 years of age can familiarize themselves with the Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation, Article 12 No. 3612 - edition 12/31/2005 and feel free to go to museums and exhibitions for free.

Be sure to present your document!

All benefits are provided upon presentation of the relevant documents at the ticket office: pension or disability certificate, certificate from school, student card. Be sure to carry these documents with you.