Edgar Cayce's Predictions about Russia: The Rebirth of the Soviet Union and Relations with the United States. Edgar Cayce on the future of the USA and Russia

10.04.2014 - 16:43

It turns out that the famous predictor Edgar Cayce told everything at the beginning of the last century about the current Russia-US confrontation, which began this spring. Moreover, he told how it would end.

Transcript of revelations

American clairvoyant Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) is one of the most famous fortune tellers in the world. He made his predictions in a trance - a state similar to sleep. He was asked questions to which he answered “without regaining consciousness.” The words of the prophet were recorded by a stenographer, and, when he woke up, Casey himself did not remember what he was talking about.

There are numerous editions of these shorthand records, the first of which were published back in the 30s of the 20th century. Many of these predictions have come true and continue to come true, and humanity gasps every time, making sure that Cayce had long foreseen this or that event.

Thus, Cayce predicted both world wars, and named the exact dates of their beginning and end and all the main battles. He also predicted the collapse of the USSR and that one day the communists would lose their power. And this is where the fun begins...

However, it is best to give the floor to Edgar Cayce himself, or rather to the transcripts of his revelations. There are many fake Cayce predictions on the Internet, and these are documented.

Based on the data that is available in each transcript of Cayce’s revelations, you can make sure that these forecasts are not a fake:

“Reading 3976-29. This psychic reading was given by Edgar Cayce at the Association's office on Arctic Crescent, June 22, 1944.

Present: Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Casey, conductor; Gladys Davis and Mildred Tansey, stenographers."

In subsequent predictions in this article, only numbers and dates are indicated, but in each of them the witnesses and the place of their voicing were also named.

Spirit of America

What did Casey say on this day, June 22, 1944?

“What is the spirit of America? Most people will proudly say "freedom". Freedom from what? When you restrict people's hearts and minds in various ways and ways, does that give them freedom of speech? Freedom of religion? Freedom from want?

These words are more relevant than ever now, when the US policy towards weak and developing countries is bombing civilians, financing color revolutions, etc. cause outrage among many people, including in America.

Remember, for example, the American director James Cameron's film Avatar - it allegorically criticizes the predatory intentions of the United States. The huge success of this film around the world and in America itself suggests that most people around the world understand that the United States is "restricting people's hearts and minds."

Let us recall that according to the plot of the film, armed people from the States carry out an operation to rob the free but weak natives of the fantastic planet Pandora, in the depths of which there are rich deposits of a rare earth mineral. However, Pandora managed to defend herself from the aggressors. Who can make this weak and oppressed in reality, and not in a science fiction film?

“From Russia will come hope for the world; but not from communism or Bolshevism, no, but from free Russia. Each person will then live for his fellow man."

I must say that this phrase has a deep meaning for us. In the mentality of Russians (which, of course, includes not only Russians), this idea has always been present - to live not for money, but for something more - friendship, general happiness, “for the sake of a brother.” It’s enough to remember our fairy tales, proverbs, sayings - “Money can’t buy happiness”, “If you get lost, but help your comrade”, “Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.”

If in the West and, especially in the USA, the cult of money and individualism has always reigned, then in Russia the people have always been “the world” - i.e. community, acted together. And he strived for something more sublime - it’s not for nothing that our Russian literature with its intangible values, ideas and thoughts - Chekhov, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, is still considered an unsurpassed standard for the whole world.

Power is in the truth

Casey said:

“The mission of the Slavic peoples is to change the essence of human relationships, free them from selfishness and gross material passions, and restore them on a new basis - on love, trust and wisdom.”

The Russians, being very strong, have always sought to help the weak. There are many examples of this in our history. Here you can recall many historical events, comparing the difference in the mentalities of Russians and the West, but you can limit yourself to just one. And everything will immediately become clear - the victory over fascism in World War II - everyone knows whose blood it was mainly paid for.

Even in the crazy 90s, when Russia began to be plundered and killed, something real remained in the depths of the people. Remember the films “Brother-1” and “Brother-2” - their popularity in our country suggests that the ideas from this film resonate in the hearts of millions of people.

This film is about how a young guy tries to seek justice, and in the second film in the same USA. He is alone, there is devastation and banditry in Russia, he has nothing to rely on, he acts against the rules, but he is looking for his truth.

Remember the quote from this movie:

“Tell me, American, what is the strength! Is it in money? So my brother says it’s about money. You have a lot of money, so what? I think that strength lies in truth: whoever has the truth is stronger! So you deceived someone, made money, and what - you became stronger? No, I didn’t, because there is no truth behind you! And the one who was deceived has the truth behind him! That means he’s stronger!”

Now a lot has changed for us, the country has woken up, felt its strength, and our truth has something to rely on. And many peoples began to associate hope for a bright future with Russia - everything as Cayce predicted.

“There is great hope for the world in the religious development of Russia. The people or group of peoples who have the closest relations with Russia will be able to live better, gradually changing living conditions throughout the world.”

Shortly before this (reading 452-6, November 29, 1932) Cayce said: “Changes are coming, you can be sure there will be an evolution or revolution in the ideas of religious thought. The basis for this for the whole world will ultimately come from Russia; it will not be communism, but what Christ taught - his kind of communism.”

Center of the world

It is interesting that Casey claims that Russia will be the new center of the world.

Moreover, at the same time, Americans and Russia will be friends:

“Hope for the world will come again from Russia. Driven by what? Friendship with the people, on whose money it is written: “In God we trust » (inscription on US dollars).

At first glance, Casey means that something will change in the government of the United States itself, other forces will appear that will understand “what strength is.”

But this is not the only problem - according to the prophet, the United States faces serious difficulties, and the people of America will inevitably have to be friends with Russia. By the way, we note that the most informed Americans are already moving to our country - let’s remember Edward Snowden, a CIA employee who fled to Russia precisely because of disagreement with US policy.

According to Casey, the United States and other countries are facing terrible natural disasters and global warming (reading 3976-15, January 19, 1934):

“The earth will be split in the western part of America. Most of Japan is about to sink into the sea. The top of Europe will be changed in the blink of an eye. There will be changes in the Arctic and Antarctic, which will lead to volcanic eruptions in hot areas, and there will be a pole shift such that cold or subtropical climates will become more tropical, and moss and ferns will grow there."

“Many areas of the east coast near modern New York, or even most of New York itself, will disappear. However, this is the lot of future generations. Much earlier, the southern parts of the states of Carolina and Georgia will cease to exist. The waters of the lakes (Great Lakes) will most likely flow into Gulf (Gulf of Mexico) area (Virginia Beach) will be among the safe ones, as will areas in the modern states of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, as well as most of southern and eastern Canada. At the same time, most of the western lands will be affected. destruction, which, of course, will occur in other countries"

For many years this prediction was not taken seriously, but now the climate has indeed changed significantly - towards warming. And recently, there have been more and more reports of volcanic activity in South and North America. Recently there was a message that animals have begun to leave the famous Yellowstone Park, and seismologists are warning of an impending serious eruption of the Yellowstone volcano. Recently, information appeared about a strong volcanic eruption in Chile.

Casey also said that after all these upheavals the planet will change greatly, but Russia will suffer less than others. It is she who will lead the new civilization, the center of which will be Western Siberia.

It is interesting that in our country we are now actively developing Siberia and the Far East - the prediction seems to be already beginning to come true... Let us add that not only Cayce predicted such a great future for Russia, but also other soothsayers of the past, but we will talk about this in our next article ...


Edgar Cayce is a famous American predictor who made several accurate predictions regarding important world events during his life. Casey died in 1945, but his predictions still come true. The medium predicted a lot important events For modern Russia. Casey was accurate when talking about the breakup Soviet Union, and also left many mysterious messages. According to the prophet, Russia should become the most powerful power in the world.

Who is Edgar Cayce?

Casey was born into an ordinary farmer's family and did not show supernatural abilities as a child. At the age of 23, the young man became seriously ill and lost his voice. Trying to recover, he collaborated with several hypnotists. After a course of treatment with one of them, Al Lane, Casey not only regained his voice, but was also able to constantly fall into a trance. In this state, the American did not remember anything, but chose the optimal treatment for people.

The future medium first gave advice on treating and restoring the throat. Soon he began to help with other diseases, and already in adulthood he discovered the full-fledged gift of a fortuneteller. From 1925 to 1945, Cayce became a professional medium. He gained tremendous fame in the USA. His activities were no longer limited to helping sick people. Edgar, in a trance, began to give global predictions for the future modern world. Surprisingly, most of them came true.

How did the medium make prophecies?

The American medium made almost all of his predictions in a state of trance. When he came to his senses after the session, he did not remember anything that was said. His family helped him write down information. After Edgar gained popularity, a special team was already working for him, who tried not to miss a single thought of the owner of the mystical gift. IN different time the prophet helped write down:

  • Hypnotist Al Lane.
  • Secretary Gladys Davis.
  • Children Hugh Lynn and Edgar Evans.

Vanga about America - what awaits the country in the next 50 years

What has already come true from the medium's predictions?

Edgar Cayce is compared to the famous fortune teller Vanga and famous astrologer Nostradamus. The American earned enormous authority during his lifetime, and after his death, people were shocked that most of Casey’s predictions were beginning to come true.

The American made several incredible predictions, which eventually came true later long years.



Economic crisis in 1929

The Great Depression was a global economic crisis that lasted from 1929 to 1939

Military conflicts in China, Spain and Ethiopia

Second Italo-Ethiopian War in 1935, Spanish Civil War from 1936 to 1939, Sino-Japanese War from 1937 to 1945

Beginning of World War II

World War II, lasting from 1939 to 1945

Kennedy assassination

The US President was shot and killed in 1963

Collapse of the Soviet Union before the end of the twentieth century

The USSR collapsed in 1991

Japan will sink into the sea

In 2011, Japan was rocked by its worst earthquake in 140 years.

Prophecies about Russia

During the years of his life, the clairvoyant was partial to the Soviet Union and treated the country with great respect. Casey predicted a bright future for Russia in the 21st century. According to the prophet, the country will give hope to the world.

The medium predicted that Russia would go through a crisis caused by the collapse of the Soviet Union, and would soon unite again with its geographical neighbors into a great empire.

The clairvoyant always spoke about global climatic and seismic disasters, which would have a very serious impact on the state of our planet. The medium believed that Russia would suffer minimal damage due to cataclysms, while other countries could be completely wiped off the face of the earth. Casey did not specify the exact date, but said that Russia would become the center of a resurgent civilization. Western Siberia will remain perhaps the only place on Earth that will not be affected by natural disasters.

Casey predicted that Russia would give the world hope. The medium emphasized that we are not talking about communists who cannot be in power. Edgar left a cryptic wording. Verbatim he said the following:

“Hope will come from Russia to the world. Not from the communists, but from free Russia. The religious development of Russia through God will give the world hope.”

Medium Special attention focused on the relationship between the two superpowers - Russia and the USA. The American made a dubious prediction that only friendship between the two states can solve all the world's problems. Casey emphasized that in the 21st century Russia will have much greater influence on the world than the United States. Countries will stop conflicting. Casey suggested that the countries would become so close that the US motto “In God We Trust” would appear on the Russian currency. Now it is printed on dollars.

Edgar Cayce's predictions that didn't come true

The American remains a very respected predictor, but it is difficult to go against the facts - a significant part of Casey’s predictions did not come true. During his lifetime, the Prophet guaranteed certain events, indicating exact time, but now we can confidently say that he was mistaken.

Cayce predicted the wrong course of World War II. The American, even before the military events, said that Hitler’s main goal was democracy throughout the world and one big state, where human rights and freedoms would be above all else. Cayce's second famous error was the prediction that Atlantis would rise from under Atlantic Ocean. The predictor promised that such an event would occur in the late 60s.

Casey predicted a geological cataclysm in 1998, which did not happen. The Prophet believed that the Earth was about to break apart in the western United States.

Casey made a mistake when he mapped the world for the future. Almost nothing of his thoughts coincided with reality. Casey suggested that England, Japan and part of Russia would go under water, and earthquakes and other natural disasters would destroy the United States, South America and Africa.

Historians have doubts not only about Edgar Cayce's predictions about the future, but also about strange explanations regarding the great mysteries of mankind. Cayce explained that the Egyptian figure of the Sphinx has hidden information. Allegedly, a capsule with a message to descendants is located at the base of the Sphinx's front paw. However, you can find out whether this is true or not only by destroying the famous pyramid.

Cayce himself did not guarantee that all his prophecies would come true. He promised to return to our world in 2100. Before his death, the Prophet said that he would be reborn in Nebraska to see how right he was.

06/12/2014 18:51


As our regular readers know well, ARI has always paid a lot of attention to the analysis of various kinds of prophecies - both the predictions of ancient prophets and the words of modern prophets - futurologists, contactees, mystics and others. Unlike most (if not all) analysts, we build versions not within the framework of “official paradigms of the generally accepted,” but taking into account the entire variety of facts and circumstances in the analysis.

For example, in Ancient Rome, according to Cicero, fortune telling before a battle was the first point of disposition: before the troops were lined up, augurs watched the flight of birds, and haruspices told fortunes by the entrails of sacrificial animals. How justified this was is shown by the map of the ancient Roman Empire.

Today times have changed. The “official paradigms” are completely different. Naturally, in NASA, in the Pentagon, most likely all presidents have staff magicians and astrologers, but this is not officially advertised. Therefore, analysts working in “official paradigms” most often hit the mark, because they model the future based on linear motion, and the world is developing differently, with kinks. If this were not so, the Roman Empire would still exist and Golden Horde. These are the kinks that prophets and soothsayers see.

However, it is impossible not to notice that the prophecies we analyzed were very one-sided - focusing on Russian readers, we examined exclusively predictions that, one way or another, related to Russia, almost without affecting forecasts for other countries. But at the same time, there are forecasts, and very interesting ones. In particular, predictions for the USA. Considering the global influence of this state on the whole world, they are of particular interest.

Of course, when getting acquainted with these predictions, you need to make some allowance for the tendency of all predictors to be somewhat apocalyptic. You can even clarify - predictors in general most often like to predict all sorts of cataclysms. Also, we ask our readers not to perceive this information as ARI journalism, this is a selection. We would like to preface the accusations of unreliability of some predictions, or distortion - we use different sources and perhaps we come across such ones. Speculation with prophecies has always taken place in human history. However, in general, I think the predictions included in the collection are quite authentic and belong to well-recognized predictors.

The public has often heard about the 44th President of the United States, that this number marks a certain turning point in the history of this state, however, the predictions themselves have somehow become forgotten.

In the early 1930s, during one of his trances, Edgar Cayce (the American “sleeping prophet”) saw himself on board a ship that could travel through time. The creatures that controlled it showed Casey the Earth of the early 21st century. Casey saw American and Japanese coastal cities, as well as Northern Europe, lying in ruins and half-flooded. The time travelers explained to Casey that these were not the consequences of the war, but a gigantic natural disaster - movements of the bottom ocean tectonic plates. The aliens did not name the exact date of the disaster, but made it clear to the prophet that it occurred during the reign of the 44th president of the United States.

In the USA they have known about this for a long time, but in Russia Cayce’s prophecy became known only after the fall of the Iron Curtain, that is, in the early 90s of the last century. But the human psyche is structured simply: who is interested in the astrological forecast for 2034 today? No one. Much more interesting is what will happen soon. Therefore, in the 1990s, the 44th President of the United States was talked about a little - and forgotten. At the same time, the reign of this man seemed so significant to the prophets of antiquity, and it is surprising that he was mentioned long before Cayce.

The European prophet of the 15th century, Federico Martelli, also known as Ragno Nero, compiled a book of prophecies of the development of our civilization until 6323 (the so-called “Eternal Book”). There is this quote:

The power on the shores of two oceans will be the strongest on Earth. It will be ruled by rulers for four years, the 44th of which will be the last.

The medieval Russian prophet Vasily Nemchin, often quoted by Pavel Globa, also wrote the following:

Big problems will come from overseas when a “black man” is in power.

Finally, Vanga also has hints about the black president of the United States, as the last one:

When the black man wins, America will freeze and fall into the abyss of its greatest crisis. Perhaps even split into southern and northern states

This prophecy was made by Vanga in 1978, when only science fiction writers could imagine an African American as president of the United States.

The topic of the future of the United States is covered in sufficient detail in the American press; thousands of volumes of commentaries on them alone have been written, but the Russian reader is almost unfamiliar with these prophecies, and many have never heard anything about the American prophets. Therefore, we decided to somewhat fill the information vacuum by offering our readers some of the prophecies concerning the future of the United States. Preference will naturally be given to American prophets, although other people will be represented.

We would like to clarify something right away. Some part of the public that has a negative attitude towards the United States may express some gloating in connection with apocalyptic predictions. We in no way share this approach.

The United States is home to over 300,000 million people, most of whom are good, good people, which have nothing to do with the decisions of some representatives of the US elite.

Finally, let's not forget that the United States today is a financial, industrial, technological and other leader modern civilization, simultaneously being the largest global military-political player. If tomorrow, according to the above prophecies, for some reason the United States either disappears from the world map, or plunges into the abyss of its internal problems, forgetting about the whole other world, a lot of things can happen in this world that will somehow affect everyone and few I'll like it.

Therefore, together with everyone else, we continue to hope that no particularly terrible cataclysms will happen in the United States, at least in the coming years. But, nevertheless, we consider it necessary to give the floor to the prophets.


David Wilkerson (American clairvoyant):.... In the not-too-distant future, the United States will experience the largest earthquake in history. The day is approaching when in this country the means mass media They will report terrible news - the most powerful and destructive earthquake in history. This message will cause widespread panic and fear. All television broadcasts will be interrupted, day after day they will talk only about this catastrophe. It will be preceded by a very strong earthquake in Japan... I am not entirely sure that the future earthquake will be in California, but I know that it will be where it is least expected, i.e. not at all in the earthquake zone...

Dannion Brinkley(American prophet who gained worldwide fame after predicting the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant):

The end of America as a world power would come with two monstrous earthquakes, during which houses swayed and fell to the ground like children's toys. I knew that earthquakes would happen at the end or beginning of the century, but I could not determine where they were occurring. I remember seeing a large body of water - perhaps a river. The cost of rebuilding destroyed cities should be the last straw for a state whose finances have been depleted to the point that it can no longer support itself. The screen showed hungry Americans standing in line for food. Scenes of war in the desert appeared. I saw armies fighting in clouds of dust raised by tank tracks. The gunfire and explosions sounded like lightning flashes. The ground shook. But suddenly there was silence, and like a bird I flew over the arches of sand strewn with the wreckage of military equipment.

Joe Brandt (American clairvoyant):.... Looking at a huge map of the world, I could see what was happening on Earth and with people. Hollywood and Los Angeles... they were shaking from the earthquake. I could see the mountains coming together - the Sierra Nevada, San Andreas and Garlock. I knew what would happen in San Francisco - it would be turned upside down... much faster than Hollywood...

Joan Schmidt of Lakeland (American clairvoyant):.... I saw myself rummaging through a garbage bag. This surprised me so much that I said: “Lord, what am I doing, digging through a garbage bag?” A man appeared in front of me. He was skin and bones, with sunken eyes. The Lord said to my soul: “Hunger.” The next vision is the street. The air was so dark, but I saw people gathered on the corner. At that moment I realized that there was a war and a big crisis. The Lord told my soul that many would die by sword and hunger... appeared large map U.S.A. As I continued to watch and listen, my attention was drawn to the West, where earthquakes began, which were accompanied by enormous destruction. I heard the Lord say, “The earth will shake back and forth on its axis.”... My attention was drawn to California and the regions surrounding it. The entire area was under water. It was as if water came out of California and flowed down around the Earth, through the Florida peninsula, which was covered with water except for one small area. The water continued to flow all the way to the East Coast. It was then that I saw something like a giant wall that stood off the coast of New York. While I looked at the giant waves, I wondered what it was. Then the Lord opened my understanding, and I realized that it was a tidal wave. While I was looking at the giant wave, it grew in height and overflowed the skyscrapers. It was then that I shouted: “Lord, Your people, Your people!” He then replied: “The peoples of the Earth must be united on one common land - Survival.”

Vision of the Romanian Prophet DumitrADudumanA(1984):......I stopped in front of our apartment and sat down on a large stone. Suddenly a bright light reached out to me. I jumped to my feet because it seemed to me that a car was rushing straight at me with the intention of running me over! I thought that the Romanian Secret Police had tracked me to America and were trying to kill me. But it wasn't a car. As it approached, the light surrounded me on all sides. From it, I heard the voice that I heard so many times in prison. He said: “Dumitru, why are you so desperate?”

I said, “Why did you punish me? Why did you bring me to this country? Now I have nowhere to lay my head. I don't understand anyone."

He said: “Dumitru, didn’t I tell you that I will also be here with you? I brought you to this country because this country will burn."

I said, “So why did you bring me here to burn? Why didn't you let me die in my country? You should have let me die in prison in Romania!”

He said: “Dumitru, have patience, let me tell you. Stand here." I stood on something next to him. I don't know what it was. I also know that I didn't sleep. It wasn't a dream. And it wasn't a vision. I was fully conscious as I am now. He showed me all over California and said, “This is Sodom and Gomorrah! All this will burn in one day! Her sin reached the Holy God.”

Then he took me to Las Vegas. “This is Sodom and Gomorrah. One day it will burn.”

Then he showed me New York State. “Do you know what this is?” - he asked. I said "No". He said, “This is New York. This is Sodom and Gomorrah! One day it will burn.”

Then he showed me all over Florida. “This is Florida,” he said, “This is Sodom and Gomorrah!” One day it will burn.”

Then he carried me back home to the stone where it all began. “Everything I showed you - ONE DAY IT WILL BURN!” I said, "How will it burn?" He said, “Remember everything I tell you, because you will go on television, on the radio and in churches. You must shout with a loud voice. Fear nothing, for I will be with you."

I said, 'How can America burn?' America is the most powerful country in the world. Why did you bring us here to burn? Why didn’t you allow us to at least die where all the deceased Dudumans lie?”

He said: “Remember, Dumitru. Russian intelligence officers found out where nuclear warehouses are located in America. When Americans think that they live in peace and security, in the middle of the country itself some people will begin to fight against the government. The government will be busy internal problems. Then, from the ocean, from Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexico (he told me two more countries, but I didn’t remember their names) they will attack! The Russians will bomb nuclear silos in America. America will burn."

Vision GeorgeAWashingtonA (first US President):....I don't know whether it is due to the restlessness of my soul or something else, but this afternoon, as I was sitting at the table, I saw an extraordinary figure standing before me. beautiful woman. I was very surprised because I had given strict orders not to be disturbed. Therefore, for only a few moments I could ask about the reason for her visit. The second, third and even fourth time I repeated my question, but received no answer from my mysterious petitioner. She just opened her eyes wide. This time I felt something strange. I wanted to get up, but the gaze of this creature made my intention impossible. I tried to speak to her again, but my tongue seemed numb. Even the thought itself was, as it were, paralyzed. Something unfamiliar - mysterious, irresistible, powerful - took possession of me. All I could do was stare at my unknown visitor without stopping. Gradually, the surrounding atmosphere began to fill with strength and radiant light. Everything around me began to clear up, the mysterious guest herself became more airy and, however, more distinct to my vision than before. I began to feel like someone dying, or rather experiencing the sensations that I sometimes imagined accompanying the end of life. I do not think. Didn't reason. Didn't move. All this was equally impossible. I was only aware that I was looking at her intently and perplexedly.

Then I heard a voice: “Son of the Republic, watch and learn.” And my visitor raised her hand to the east. I saw heavy white steam rising in clouds at some distance from me. This steam gradually dissipated, and I saw a strange scene. In front of me lay on a vast plane all parts of the world - Europe, Asia, Africa and America. I saw how agitated and raging the waves of the Atlantic Ocean were between Europe and America. Between Asia and America lay the Pacific Ocean. “Son of the Republic,” repeated the same mysterious voice, “watch and learn.”

At that moment I saw the shadow of a being like an angel, standing, or rather floating, in the air between Europe and America. Scooping water from the ocean into the palm of each hand, the creature splashed some water on America from right hand, and from the left hand - to Europe. Immediately a cloud rose from these continents and united in the middle of the ocean. For some time it remained unchanged and then slowly obscured everything with its dark clouds. Sometimes lightning flashed sharply in it, and I heard suppressed groans and screams of the Americans. The angel scooped up water from the ocean a second time and sprinkled it as before. The dark cloud moved back towards the ocean and disappeared from sight in its billowing waves. The third time I heard a mysterious voice: “Son of the Republic, watch and learn.”

I turned my gaze to America and saw villages and cities springing up one after another until the entire country from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean was dotted with them. And again I heard a voice: “Son of the Republic, the end of the century is coming, watch and learn.”

And I saw that an ominous ghost was approaching our country. He slowly moved from Africa to every small and large city. The inhabitants lined up in battle ranks facing each other; I continued to look and saw a bright angel, over whose brow rested a crown of light, on it was inscribed the word “union.” This angel held the American flag that he placed between the divided nation and said, “Remember that we are brothers.” And instantly the people, throwing away their weapons, became friends and united around the banner.

I again heard the mysterious voice: “Son of the Republic, watch and learn.” At the same time, a dark, shadow-like angel put a trumpet to his mouth and blew three times; Having scooped up water from the ocean, he sprinkled it on Europe, Asia and America. Then a terrible sight was revealed to my eyes: thick black clouds rose from each of these continents, which soon merged into one. A dark red light appeared and I saw hordes of armed people moving with the cloud, walking on the land and sailing across the seas towards America. And through the veil of fog I saw that these huge armies were devastating the entire country, burning villages, small and large cities that had only recently arisen. Through the thunder of guns, the clash of swords, the shouts and cries of millions of people in a mortal battle, I again heard the mysterious voice: “Son of the Republic, watch and learn.” Then again the dark, shadow-like angel put the trumpet to his lips and blew a long and terrible sound.

Instantly, a light as if a thousand suns shone before me and pierced and tore into shreds the dark cloud that had enveloped America. At the same instant, an angel, over whose head the word "union" still shone, and who carried the national flag in one hand and a sword in the other, descended from heaven, surrounded by legions of white spirits. They joined the inhabitants of America, whom I had seen almost defeated, but who took heart, united their broken ranks and renewed the battle. And again, among the terrible noise, I heard a mysterious voice: “Son of the Republic, watch and learn.” An angel like a shadow scooped up water from the ocean for the last time and sprinkled it on America. The dark cloud disappeared along with the armies of enemies it brought, leaving the inhabitants of the country victorious.

Again I saw villages, towns and cities springing up where I had seen them before, while the white angel, setting up an azure banner, exclaimed in a loud voice: “As long as the stars remain, and the heavens send dew to the earth, so long will there be the "union" will continue. And, taking from his forehead the crown on which the word “union” was inscribed, he placed it on the banner, and the people knelt down and said “Amen.”

The picture began to fade and gradually disappear, and, in the end, I no longer saw anything except the rising and swirling steam, as at the very beginning. When he also disappeared, the mysterious visitor appeared before me again. In the same voice as before, she said: “Son of the Republic, what you saw is interpreted as follows: three great dangers await the Republic. The third one will be the worst. Even if united, the world will not be able to overcome it. Let every child of the republic learn to live for his God, his country and his union.”

With these words everything was gone. I jumped out of my chair and realized that this was a vision in which I was shown the birth, development and destiny of the United States....

Grigory Rasputin (Russian mystic, psychic and prophet):..... Two bloodthirsty princes will take over the Earth: Blizzard (as Rasputin called the USSR) will come from the east and enslave man with poverty, Grayug (as Rasputin called the USA) will come from the west and enslave man with wealth. The princes will contest each other's land and sky (Cold War?). And the field great battle there will be four demons in the land. Both princes will be victorious and both princes will be defeated. But Grayug will enter Blizzard’s house and sow his ancient words there, which will grow and destroy the earth. This is how the Vyuga empire will end (the collapse of the USSR). But the day will come when the Grayuga Empire (that is, the USA) will also collapse, for both laws were wrong and both brought death. Even their ashes cannot be used to fertilize the land on which a new plant of the third world will grow

Gene Dixon (American fortune teller):... Where there is water now, there will be earth, and where there is earth today, violent streams will rush there in whirlwinds, sweeping away everything in its path... We will all be eyewitnesses of the shadow of the cross, the shaking of the earth and three days of darkness

Thomas Descartes (American Prophet):.... I saw a large piece of the state of California fall into the ocean due to a strong earthquake. The Lord said it was because of sin, mainly homosexuality, that He would judge California. I saw another devastating earthquake in the Midwest [of America], destroying bridges and completely stopping interstate transportation.

Ellen White(American clairvoyant, one of the organizers of the Seventh-day Adventist Church) : ..... The storm is coming, and we must prepare for its fury, repent before God and believe in our Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord will appear and crush the earth. We will see problems from all sides. Thousands of ships will be sunk in the deep sea. War will come and millions of human lives will be sacrificed. Fires will break out unexpectedly and cannot be extinguished by human efforts. The palaces and the land will be destroyed by the fury of fire... At the end of the history of this land, war will rage. Then there will be pestilence, plague and famine. The waters will overflow their boundaries. Fires and floods, destruction of property and life. We must prepare for Christ to come and love Him....

Ziyad Silwadi (Palestinian prophet):... The United States will be washed away by a powerful tsunami. Water death will fall on America simultaneously from the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans...

Keith F. Marston(young American prophet, our contemporary): .... I stood in the rubble of a destroyed city. It was a big city, its skyscrapers were on fire. The ground was covered in ash, and when I looked up, the sky was crimson, like blood. In the ruins of the city I saw a flag, torn and burnt. As I approached him, I noticed that he was familiar to me. The Stars and Stripes was the American flag. In horror, I suddenly heard the voice of the Lord. It sounded throughout the country, loud and powerful: “Babylon the Great has fallen! Mother of all harlots and abominations on earth!

Michael Gordon Scullion (American Prophet): ... during an earthquake, the earth's crust will split along a line connecting Eureka and Bakersfield, and then turning from Bakersfield to the Gulf of California. A giant gap in the ground will cross the San Joaquin Valley and the Sacramento Valley. The area west of the rift - a long segment of the Californian coast - will begin to move independently from the main part of North America. It will move relative to the North-South axis and form an angle with respect to the split line. The western edge of the breakaway segment will begin to sink. As it sinks, the Pacific Ocean will move further and further until it reaches the rift line. Thus, the entire segment will go under water. An earthquake of this magnitude will have several simultaneous consequences. Giant tidal waves will sweep across the Pacific Ocean. The sonic shock wave will spread to eastern North America. The shock wave will cause sedimentary rocks beneath the Sierra Nevada and Rocky Mountain systems to vibrate, reducing their height and causing major destruction. While the western regions of the United States will begin to splinter, the eastern regions will also undergo significant changes. Parts of New York will be submerged, Manhattan will lose approximately 50% of its land area, a third of the coast of Maine will be inundated, most of Rhode Island will disappear under water, Connecticut will be more than half submerged in the ocean, Long Island will completely disappear, Florida will be half flooded. The Midwest will also experience significant disruption. The main change will be the transformation of the Great Lakes into one huge continental sea, and the Mississippi will turn into a giant sea strait. All these events will be followed by a shift in the Earth's poles.

Global changes in the United States will begin with faults and separation of parts of the North American Plate, which will turn into 150 California islands. The waters of the Pacific Ocean will flood the faults and form a new coastline, and the west coast will move east. All the Great Lakes will merge and unite with the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the flooded Mississippi will connect them with the Gulf of Mexico. Rising sea levels will push the entire eastern coast from Maine to Florida many kilometers inland.

Vast areas on the coasts of the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico will be flooded. The California Peninsula will become an island, and the Yucatan Peninsula will disappear under water. Hudson Bay and Fox Basin form a huge inland sea. The centers of survival and migration of the population of Alaska and British Columbia will be Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta.

In the Pacific Ocean, off the coast of the former west coast of the United States, a new land will appear.....

Clairvoyant prophecy Norwegian nun, 1968:

In this country everything will be destroyed, and the destruction will be great, and the fall will be great, and they will say: “Babylon is fallen, fallen, and there is no one to help, for this country has corrupted all countries with its wealth and has brought it closer to the fall...”

Ross Peterson (American clairvoyant):.... as a result of a terrible tectonic cataclysm, Georgia, the Carolinas and the entire West Coast of the United States will suffer. California will be flooded and New York will be submerged in the ocean.

Robert Wolf-Ghost (Indian shaman):....Darkness and gloom will descend on the Pacific coast of the United States at the beginning of the new millennium, for several months it will be as dark as it can only be during the long polar nights. This will happen because dozens of volcanoes will erupt almost simultaneously, and ash and smoke will cover the entire western part of America for a long time. And the eruption of volcanoes at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean will cause a sharp rise in coastal waters to almost one hundred meters....

Ruth Montgomery(American clairvoyant):...Shortly before the actual movement of the poles, two special events will occur. Eruptions of ancient volcanoes in the Mediterranean islands, South America and California will cause epidemics, and soon after this, as a result of powerful tremors affecting Northern Europe, Asia and South America, gigantic tsunamis of a hitherto unknown scale will form. New York will disappear. Florida is unlikely to survive. Southern states facing the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico, including Texas, will be changed beyond recognition. In the west, the remnants of California will disappear into the boiling sea. Canada will be in warm latitudes and relatively safe from tsunamis, this seems like a good place to survive. Washington will be devastated, but not completely destroyed...

Prophecy Hopi Indians: ...The end of all Hopi rituals will come when the Kachina (the dancer representing the deity), during a national dance, takes off his mask in front of the children (uninitiated). After this, for some time there will be no rituals, there will be no faith (Hopi). Then, Oraibi (the oldest Hopi village) will be renewed with its (traditional) faith and rituals. The Third World War will be started by those peoples who were the first to receive the Light (Iraq, Iran, other countries of the Middle East, China, India). The United States - the land and the people - will be destroyed by atomic bombs. Only the Hopi and their homeland will be saved as a refuge for refugees. Bomb shelters are a myth. Only materialists strive to build bomb shelters. Those who have peace in their hearts already (dwell) in the great refuge of life. Evil, however, has no refuge. Those who do not participate in the division of the world into ideologies are already ready to resume (their) life in another world. Whoever they are - Black, White, Red or Yellow, they are brothers of the same Family...

Sarah Hoffman (attempted suicide in 1979and during clinical death experienced a vision that was talked about even in the Vatican):....As the Earth approached, I saw the whole world, and then various countries. I don’t know the countries of the world very well, but when I looked at the Earth, I instinctively knew what countries they were....

Soon after this there was no trade, no one was buying anything. The country's economy is completely destroyed... I saw sick and dying people in four cities in particular: New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Salt Lake. The disease was accompanied by white blisters, some of which appeared on the hands and face, the size of ten cents. This quickly turned into white, swollen sores and blisters. People tripped and fell, and then many of them died within a short time, maybe 24 hours. I also saw other people with blood flowing from their nose, mouth, eyes and ears. The disease began as a flu virus and it spread very quickly, faster than the white blistering plague. People who got sick died even faster from this. This disease has spread throughout the United States. Hundreds of thousands of people were affected by these diseases. I knew that there were several different types of diseases, but at first two came out of small containers that were imported into the United States. These containers looked like a jar. I was surprised that the people who delivered them simply placed the cans on the ground, where there was a large crowd of people. People became infected without realizing it.

Then huge, thick and dark clouds of smoke appeared... An earthquake occurred. It started in winter. It seemed like it had been going on for a very long time. The chaos continued for almost a whole year, until the next winter. The earthquakes appear to have started in the West, near Idaho and Wyoming, and then spread throughout the world.

I saw a huge earthquake in Utah and then in California. The earthquake hit all of California, but they were especially destructive in Los Angeles and San Francisco. These earthquakes caused volcanic eruptions throughout the West. They started throwing into the air great amount ash and smoke. The air became very dark and dirty. The sun was darkened by smoke and ash that rained down everywhere. I also saw that huge tsunami waves came to the West Coast. Then I realized that this happened in all coastal cities around the world. Los Angeles was almost completely wiped out. The waves were huge.

I saw a large wall of water, taller than many buildings, perhaps 20 feet, appear over Salt Lake City. I thought it was strange because it was so far from the ocean. Wondered how an ocean wave could reach Salt Lake City? I realized that she was not from the ocean, but from underground. Large cracks opened in the ground around the city and water simply poured out of it. I believe that there is a huge amount of water very deep underground, and earthquakes have forced it to the surface. When the water swept over the city, there were almost no buildings left, huge destruction everywhere, only a few buildings remained. The water also came out into Idaho, all the way to Cedar City, and it was very bad there too.

There is huge destruction in the cities, most of the buildings were destroyed, only a lot of garbage remained. Although earthquakes, diseases, floods, volcanoes, tidal waves killed many people, most of them died from gangs and everyone killed each other... A terrible tragedy. I thought that the Earth itself had reacted and created these terrible disasters. The earth wanted to be cleansed of the most terrible chaos and evil that overwhelmed people.

Then I saw four visions. Strong earthquake in the central part of the United States of America. It was devastating; it seemed as if the earthquake had split the country into two halves near the Mississippi River. The cracks that appeared in the ground were huge and completely swallowed up this area. Mile-wide cracks open and the ground caves in. Everything seemed to be swallowed up.

Then water poured in from the Gulf of Mexico, sweeping away everything in its path to the Great Lakes. Only they were no longer lakes, they became part of the inland sea.

Chuck Lungbrandt (American clairvoyant): ... The shaking and ground breaking will be so severe that there will be destruction in Des Moines, Iowa, which is 316 miles from Chicago. During the Chicago earthquake, people will be knocked off their feet. In Detroit, trees will be torn from the ground, as well as in St. Louis, Missouri - 269 miles from Chicago. The sound of the shaking will be heard in Denver, Colorado. Literally, the entire continent will tremble. I heard a loud roar and the movement of the earth, noticed that this movement was in the direction from east to northwest... The water in Lake O'Hara splashed out in a heavy wave, and then rolled back into its bed...

Above the treetops, I was a long way from them, a huge wave of water was moving to the west. She seemed not to come to this place, but was moving west from the south. Yes, the wall of water was definitely from the south. My location is Des Places, Illinois. The wall of water from Lake Michigan roared loudly, so ominously that it made me tremble. It was at that moment that I realized that I had witnessed the destruction of Chicago by a monstrous earthquake, after which it was destroyed by a huge wall of water.

After the earthquake, the waters of Lake Michigan quickly calmed down and rested in a strange, ghostly silence. The calm waters seemed to begin to tremble and vibrate. I watched as the water level began to drop rapidly. A “whistle” of water was heard, and it literally disappeared in a north-easterly direction, leaving behind only large puddles here and there...

Later I got a bird's eye view of downtown Chicago as the wall of water from Lake Michigan returned. The flow of water crashed into the city with incredible force, but most of the skyscrapers are still standing. They withstood the flow for a minute, slowly fell apart and disappeared forever in the foaming water.

The wall of water swept away the city completely. I noticed that the endless stream of water was moving steadily to the west... the roar of the water continued for several days. I lost track of time, how long she walked... Further from the city, to the west, I saw areas that were over water, and were not damaged, except for damage from the earthquake.

I also saw bodies of dead people and animals floating everywhere. The dismembered were scattered in the disaster area; fortunately, most of them were buried in layers of mud carried by the water. When the water subsided, I saw corpses in the rubble and roots of uprooted trees. The smell of rotting flesh, the stench of decaying plants in stagnant water, and the hot and humid weather were unbearable.

I observed other survivors who I later identified as "looters". These people, hoping to get rich, rummaged through the corpses, removing rings, gold and other jewelry, and even gold fillings in their teeth. They were armed and when they came to the surviving community, they captured them by force, raped, tortured and killed as they wanted... I realized then that Christians must be prepared to defend themselves. I knew that almost a year had passed before the troops arrived. When they finally arrived, tired, dirty, hungry and ragged, they quickly disarmed the marauding men, killed them all on the spot, and then moved on. This event puzzled me at the moment of the vision. I didn’t understand why the American soldiers came on foot, why they were so ragged, why they shot the looters right away, without a hint of trial.

Chet B. Snow (Andfamous American psychic, while under hypnosis, togetherl): ....Recently there have been volcanic eruptions, terrible storms and subsidence of the soil, which led to severe floods along the west coast. The consequence of this was atmospheric disturbances and quite severe destruction throughout the entire Pacific region.

What kind of volcano was this? Where did it all start?

Where? Tell me the name of this volcano again. Your voice sounds clear and precise as you pass the entire scene through your consciousness, just like in a dream...

It was Fuji, I think. At least, a volcano in Japan. Its eruption caused a chain reaction of powerful earthquakes and subsequent volcanic eruptions in the Pacific region, all the way to Alaska. The newspapers called it the “ring of fire flash.”

When did it start?

Around the beginning of March, it seems. More exact date I didn't find out because there were only small tremors in our area before Mount Fuji exploded.

What about California? Did anything happen there?

Yes, there were strong storms, large floods... perhaps even what is called a small tsunami. I think there were subsequent aftershocks, even perhaps one strong earthquake. This led to terrible floods. Part of the coast simply went under water, and as a result sea ​​waters penetrated into the central valleys of the country and flooded the lowlands. The worst part is in southern California, where a huge part of the earth's surface that was subjected to tremors simply collapsed...

Edgar Cayce (world famousAmerican fortune teller, known as the "sleeping prophet"):

Most of Japan must go under water. In the western part of America the earth will begin to split apart.” California and southern Nevada will plunge into the waters of the Pacific Ocean...

Look at New York, Connecticut and the like. Many areas on the East Coast will shake, as will the central United States. Los Angeles, San Francisco, most of these cities will be destroyed even before New York.

The East Coast areas near New York, and perhaps New York itself, will virtually disappear from the face of the earth. Here, however, another generation will live; as for the southern parts of Carolina, Georgia, they will disappear. And this will happen sooner...

Eduard Albert Meyer (Swiss prophet):....Civil wars and anarchy in America and suffering on Earth will continue. Two terrible civil wars, one after the other, will break out in America. After this, the United States of America will fall apart, mortal hostility will prevail there. The civil strife will lead to its division into five different territories. This is inevitable, since sectarian fanatics will play the role of a dictator.

Analytical department of ARI

As we have already noted above, it is not at all necessary that every prophecy necessarily come true. Even prophets like Vanga can make mistakes, at least with dates and years. However: if the mass is completely different people, and people who lived in completely different eras suddenly he starts saying almost the same thing - there is a serious reason to think about it.

The second reason to think is the collective unconscious.

Hundreds of films and dozens of television series are shot in Russia every year. Very often, or rather, as a rule, the idea, or even the entire script, is bought (or stolen) in the West and reshot in Russia by local shit directors. But even in the shitty version, post-apocalyptic films are not of interest either to the public or to directors. For main topic it contains life after the Apocalypse. Our viewer doesn’t like this because it’s somehow far away.

Producers, as a rule, know the needs of the public and therefore do not invest money in such projects and, apparently, never will. A good example is the controversy surrounding the book about “Metro 2034” on the topic of post-apocalypse in Moscow. The book even has some kind of audience, for whom they even made a game. But things didn't go any further. There is no excitement among players, let alone imagine that people would come in droves to see life in Moscow after the End of the World.

The same can be said about China. In Europe, however, they film something from time to time. Filming in Australia. But they get money from this after showings in... the USA. The public there... the word “loves” doesn’t even reflect the essence of the situation. The public in the United States is simply in awe of the post-apocalypse. Below are only the most acclaimed films and TV series recent years about this theme:

Mad Max, The Postman, Divergent, Judge Dredd 3D, Priest, The Divide, The Book of Eli, I Am Legend ( I Am Legend), The Postman, Waterworld, The Road, The Day After, Jericho

The general plot is the same - one or another global ass happens to America (earthquake, nuclear war, tsunami, a virus escapes from a laboratory, aliens attack) - and the people begin to survive, simultaneously dealing with each other.

In the USA, in film and television premieres, a global flood ends - an earthquake begins, an earthquake ends - zombies crawl out of laboratories. We didn’t have time to kill everyone - here you have a pole shift, electricity went out, frost hit 70 degrees - and new adventures.

After the appearance of nuclear weapons in the world and the beginning of the Cold War, the public in the United States became massively nervous about this topic and several films were made about the exchange of nuclear strikes with the USSR. But the topic died down there. The post-apocalypse has come to the fore. In the same Terminator, the plot is based on a nuclear attack on the United States, provoked by Skynet. But this is so - mentioned in passing. The main video sequence from the future is how tattered Americans are sitting in holes, a fire is burning and rat meat is being fried for dinner. They like it that way. Why?

To complete the picture of the interest of Americans, you can look at the site http://natgeotv.com/ru/doomsday-preppers dedicated to the Apocalypse and survival after it. There are many such resources in the USA. Visitors number in the millions. But if anyone thinks that these are just “forum woodpeckers”, they are very mistaken. These are specific people who are preparing for the End of the World in very specific ways: buying weapons, food supplies, strengthening houses, digging basements. Moreover, they are not preparing for an attack by Moscow or atomic bombs from China - people are preparing for an attack by their own compatriots, which will inevitably begin when US government institutions collapse. And there is a whole business based on this preparation - shops, publications, websites, consultants, and so on, the main idea of ​​which is the sale of goods necessary after the apocalypse - weapons, generators, food, seedlings, books on how to set up a shelter. The business is so big that it makes a significant contribution to the US GDP.

There is such a phenomenon as the Collective Unconscious. Prophets are people who can directly see ongoing processes in the future. But everyone else - they don’t see it, but someone, as they say, feels it in their backside. And this subconscious irrational feeling is precisely what manifests itself in interest in the post-apocalyptic theme and stimulates preparations. This is what we see in the USA. Of course, there are people who are attracted to such films and such preparations everywhere - both in Russia and in China. But there are very few of them. Statistical error and nothing more. And in the USA it is a whole society.

It is impossible to say with certainty and unequivocally that this will be the case. But it’s a very serious reason to think about it, you see.

In contact with


He could heal the sick and predict the future of the whole world. E. Casey knew in advance the time of the beginning of the Second World War, the victory of the USSR in it, named the date of the signing of surrender by the Germans, and even listed the cataclysms that would befall the earth in the 21st century. For example, the recent earthquake in Japan. Casey's predictions about Russia were banned in the USSR because they promised its collapse and predicted the collapse of communism.

How is this possible?

In 1877, the future healer and prophet was born. How could an ordinary boy develop such talent? Researchers, psychotherapists and medical doctors describe this state as the ability to reach a level of transnational consciousness in which a person is able to see cause-and-effect relationships. In this stay there is no past and future; the medium is in the present.

E. Casey himself called this state the universal mind. His prophecies throughout his life fit on fourteen thousand sheets. Among the records, researchers discovered the predictions of an American soothsayer about Russia. Edgar Cayce gave her the role of savior of the world and humanity.

What contributed to this gift?

Information sources vary about the origin of Casey’s gift to foresee the future. There is evidence of a hereditary component. His mother heard voices all the time and acted according to their promptings. Edgar's grandfather knew how to move pieces of furniture with the power of his thoughts. The medium himself, being a schoolboy, could sleep on a textbook, and the next day tell all the material presented in it. At the age of thirteen, after suffering from laryngitis, Edgar was left without a voice. And supposedly a meeting with a local hypnotist turned his life upside down. He managed to fall into a trance, describe the reasons for his muteness and prescribe treatment for himself. Casey woke up already talking.

The exact details of what happened are unknown, but Russia is known over the years. And this arouses humanity’s interest in his person.

Events that took place

The first good mission of the American psychic was to heal the sick. He, going into the astral plane, described aloud the ailment tormenting a person and gave recommendations for eliminating it. Incredibly, sometimes these were entire prescription instructions. Waking up, Edgar forgot what he was talking about, and he himself did not believe what was written by the stenographers (assistants) during the session. While conscious, he did not even know the names of the drugs he prescribed to patients.

Later, in addition to seeing hidden illnesses, he discovered the gift of prophesying the future of nations. Casey's first predictions about Russia concerned the collapse of the Union. Why do these events only apply to Russia? This question may arise from the reader. Because this state is the legal successor and successor of the USSR.

From what happened in history, he foresaw: earthquakes in Chile (1960), Antarctica (1988), Turkey (1990), Japan (2011); death of a woman's premiership in Great Britain; date and outcome of World War II. There were also Casey's predictions about Russia. He promised a crisis in the country after the collapse of the totalitarian regime, which the state would overcome in the future. And Edgar prophesied the Great American Depression and the fall of stock markets to his homeland.

Was there a connection with space?

In his notes, Edgar talked about a mysterious incident that happened to him. Allegedly, unknown people flew in on an object that was unrealistic for that time and took it into space. In an unknown space, he was told about extraordinary abilities and was told that he could teleport to anywhere in the world and broadcast about events that had or would happen in a specific place. From a scientific point of view, such a case seems absurd. Everyone knows that at that time humanity did not know about rockets spaceships, not to mention UFOs.

Cayce claimed that, once in space above the planet, he saw the near future of the Earth. Only Casey's predictions about Russia in environmental terms were rosy. Edgar witnessed the most terrible events. He saw the consequences of the atomic attack on Hiroshima, volcanoes in Hawaii, the flooding of America, earthquakes and a radioactive disaster in the Land of the Rising Sun.

3000: Russians will become Martians

Edgar Cayce saw the end of the world and the coming of the Messiah before the coming apocalypse. Predictions about Russia promised her salvation and new religious development. It is this country that will become the revival of civilization with its center in the western part of Siberia. The climate on the planet will change due to a shift in the earth's axis, and many coastal states will disappear. Russia will accept on its territory those who will lose their native lands. And the peoples who will have friendly relations with Muscovy will live better.

Casey foreshadowed China's dominant position in the world and friendship with Russia. He prophesied for these countries the joint colonization of the Moon and Mars, and that this process would be facilitated by the civilization of individual galaxies. In publications on this matter, the skeptical attitude of the authors can be traced. Who knows, maybe in a thousand years it will still be possible to expand the territory suitable for human life.

Heart of the world

“Natural disasters are designed to destroy those who have sinned,” this is how Edward Cayce interpreted the cause of all environmental troubles. Predictions about Russia concerned its saving role for all humanity. He said that the religious development of this country can give hope to the world.

“The unbelievers still have a chance for salvation, and they must take advantage of it. The goal of the entire earthly society will be the construction of a new Jerusalem. Only then will revival come.” The medium promised changes in the ideas of religious thought, which would be promoted by Russia. He believed that the principle of living in friendship with one's fellow man was rooted in this country. And thanks to this feature of the Russian people, Muscovy will give humanity hope for salvation and will become the heart of the world.

Casey's predictions about the future of Russia also applied to its leader. Edgar described him as a person with unique capabilities, such that no one else in the world has. And the intellect of the new leader will allow the country to experience fantastic technologies.

Agreement between the USA and Russia

In his prophecies, Cayce mentioned the relationship between the two superpowers. If only the seer knew then what kind of competition for dominance began between the above states after the Second World War! And after the annexation of Crimea and the outbreak of hostilities in Ukraine, the situation escalated to the limit.

However, E. Casey's predictions about Russia are connected with friendship with the American people. Perhaps the reason for such reconciliation will be the natural disasters that the clairvoyant predicted for his country. There is a possibility that the United States will resort to the help of its opponent. In 1934, information appeared about the split of the Earth in Western America, about the flooding of part of Japan, about changes in Antarctica and the Arctic. Later, in 1941, the prophet expanded the description of the disasters. He spoke about the cessation of the Carolinas, and the east coast of America. Safe areas will be southeastern Canada and Indiana.

The future belongs to the Russian people

Many may ask: “Why will Russia become a beacon of hope?” The Russian people have always had unity, friendship and spiritual development as a priority. Children are taught through fairy tales, proverbs and example to love and help their neighbors. In Western countries, relations between people are more mercantile. Everyone knows the broad Russian soul. Poets sang about it, and it remains unknown to other peoples. It is the Russians who are characterized by selfless friendship, generosity and submission to God. And Casey’s predictions about Russia were based on the religious aspect and the principle of mutual assistance inherent in the people.

Concerning Western Siberia as the center of civilizations, this is even a scientifically proven fact. The territory where this region is located is considered a safe place. There have not been and will not be seismic shifts, floods or tsunamis. Edgar described it as a place where clean energy is accumulated, capable of protecting the earth from energy and environmental disasters.


Cayce did not consider his prophecies to be true. He understood that it was impossible to completely predetermine the course of events, explaining this by the dependence of the future on the will of man and the entire population of planet Earth. “By living by the word of God, you can expect the best changes in life,” said Edward Cayce.

Predictions about Russia concerned its victory over the United States in terms of world domination. Due to the tilt of the earth's axis and impending disasters, Cayce singled out Russian soil, dubbing it the safest place. And religiosity, spirituality Slavic people Edgar put the salvation of all non-believers at the forefront, who in the future will suffer from their position in life.

The scale of the legacy of the outstanding seer is impressive, and his predictions seem ridiculous to a sane person. But it is a fact that climate change is occurring in the world at the present time. The reversal of the Earth's poles is a prophecy that is coming true today.

There are quite a lot of predictions about the future of the United States of America, but almost all of them do not promise a happy future for this country. After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the establishment of a unipolar world, the Americans behaved like masters of the world, interfered in the affairs of other states, and started a war in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya.

Edgar Cayce spoke of the future troubles that the United States would face: “Though there will be periods of great upheaval, when brother rises against brother, group, sect or race rises against race, there must still be a balance.” He also warned of a major upheaval in the United States, calling on “those at the pinnacle of power to use their means, money, education and position” to consider those less privileged in society: “As for these people, Ultimately, there will be a revolution in this country - and one region will rise up against another. Because this is a question of equality and the means to which people resort when there is plenty in some areas and a lack of livelihood in others.”

Orson Pratt (1811-1881), one of the first Mormon prophets, the writer in 1879 predicted another civil war that would break out in the United States in the future: “And in what conditions will the people find themselves when this war breaks out? It will be completely different from that war between North and South (civil war of 1861-1865 - Note by S.V.). Neighbor will go to war against neighbor, city will rise up against city, town against town, state against state and state against state. And they will, without stopping, exterminate others and die themselves, and the industry will eventually fall into complete decline... Cities will be empty. The time will come when the vast and crowded New York... will become completely uninhabited.”

The famous Grigory Rasputin at the beginning of the 20th century predicted the collapse of the USSR (“Blizzard”) and the USA (“Grayug”): “Two bloodthirsty princes will take over the Earth: Blizzard will come from the east and enslave man with poverty, Grayug will come from the west and enslave man with wealth. The princes will dispute earth and heaven with each other (Cold War - Note by S.V.). And the great battlefield will be in the land of the four demons. Both princes will be victorious and both princes will be defeated. But Grayug will enter Blizzard’s house and sow his ancient words there, which will grow and destroy the earth. This is how the Vyuga empire will end (the collapse of the USSR).
But the day will come when the Grayug Empire will also collapse, for both laws were wrong and both brought death. Even their ashes cannot be used to fertilize the land on which a new plant of the third world will grow.”

According to the predictions of the Indian prophet Osho (Bhagawan Shree Rajneesh), which he published in 1986, it is the United States that will provoke the Third World War: “And all this is a sign of the decline of a society driven to a state of suicide; a society that has lost the meaning of life and feels that no one has any reason left to continue existing. Everything depends entirely on America, as America is rushing to enter World War III…. The threat comes from the White House in Washington. Now this is the most dangerous place on Earth... However, the American people still have time to avert disaster. And if the people of America cannot do anything, then politicians will drag the life of the entire planet to the cemetery.”

“Bloody conflicts will become more frequent, wars for resources, water and food will devastate the continents. Within a few years, the entire world is facing anarchy. Countries with unstable governments, such as Pakistan, will be tempted to use their nuclear arsenal to seize resources and fertile land. This will be the war between India and Pakistan in 2029. In this case there will be a danger of using atomic weapons, which could lead to the devastation of vast areas of India and Pakistan."

Ellen White (1827-1915) - American clairvoyant, author of numerous books, pamphlets and articles. Ideological reformer and one of the organizers of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Many of her predictions have already come true.
“Wars and Natural Disasters: “The storm is coming, and we must prepare for its fury, repent before God and believe in our Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord will appear and crush the earth. We will see problems from all sides. Thousands of ships will be sunk in the deep sea. War will come and millions of human lives will be sacrificed. Fires will break out unexpectedly and cannot be extinguished by human efforts. Palaces and land will be destroyed by the fury of fire...”
“At the end of this land's history, war will rage. Then there will be pestilence, plague and famine. The waters will overflow their boundaries. Fires and floods, destruction of property and life. We must prepare for Christ to come and love Him.”

Prophecy of a Norwegian nun. In 1968, a 90-year-old nun from Norway predicted: “I saw the world as a map, country by country. I saw the events that should happen literally before the coming of Jesus Christ, the end of the time of the Church before humanity befalls a disaster the likes of which people have never experienced. There will be lasting peace shortly before the coming of Jesus Christ. During this period, total armaments will occur in many countries. The Third World War will begin in a way that no one expected. It will begin just before the coming of Jesus Christ. It will be a short war. Everything that I experienced in connection with the past war can be compared to a child’s game. This war will start as normal, but will end with atomic bombs. The air will be so polluted that it will be impossible to breathe. The land will be unusable, the water will be impossible to drink. There will be very few people left. People who will survive from rich countries will try to flee to poor countries that will be less damaged, but they will not be very willing to accept them.”
Prophecy about America: “In this country everything will be destroyed, and the destruction will be great, and the fall will be great, and they will say: “Babylon is fallen, fallen, and there is no helper, for this country has corrupted all countries with its wealth and has brought it closer to its fall.” The smallest country and the most insignificant in My eyes, but it is preparing a great weapon to destroy others. That day and that hour are approaching.”

Prophecies of the Hopi Indians: “The end of all Hopi rituals will come when Kachina (the dancer representing the deity), during a national dance, takes off his mask in front of children (uninitiated). After this, for some time there will be no rituals, there will be no faith (Hopi). Then, Oraibi (the oldest Hopi village) will be renewed with its (traditional) faith and rituals.
The Third World War will be started by those peoples who were the first to receive the Light (Iraq, Iran, other countries of the Middle East, China, India). The United States—the land and the people—will be destroyed by atomic bombs. Only the Hopi and their homeland will be saved as a refuge for refugees. Bomb shelters are a myth. Only materialists strive to build bomb shelters. Those who have peace in their hearts already (dwell) in the great refuge of life. Evil, however, has no refuge. Those who do not participate in the division of the world into ideologies are already ready to resume (their) life in another world. Whoever they are - Black, White, Red or Yellow, they are brothers of the same Family...
That time is not far away. It will come when the god Sasquasohu takes off his mask while dancing in the square. It depicts a blue star, distant and invisible, which will soon appear (perhaps we are talking about the appearance of a neutron star near our planet - Note - S.V.). This event is predicted in a song that was sung during the Vuvuchim ritual. It was sung in 1914, just before the outbreak of World War I, and again in 1940, before World War II, describing the discord, vice, and hatred infecting Hopi rituals, which resulted in the spread of the same evil throughout the world. . This song was sung again in 1961 during the Vuvuchim ritual.
The exit to the future Fifth World has already begun. Already the humble peoples of small nations, tribes and racial minorities are crossing over. This (transition) can be read in the Earth itself. In our world, seeds of plants that existed in previous worlds germinate. This could become a new branch of botany if people have the wisdom to study them. Such seeds sprout in the sky in the form of stars. Similar seeds are also planted in our hearts. They are all the same thing, depending on how you understand them. This is the transition to the next, Fifth, World.”

John Runing - Indian shaman. He predicted two world wars, the death of Adolf Hitler, the American landing on the moon (this prediction dates back to 1901), the assassination of John F. Kennedy, and the collapse of communism in the Soviet Union. He warned humanity that another war could break out due to the conflict between China and Japan, in which the United States of America would intervene. One of the most interesting predictions of the shaman is that in the future we should expect unprecedented hurricanes and earthquakes that will kill many people, including in the United States. This catastrophe will be caused by the impact of a certain celestial object from space.

Prophecies of the Indian White Feather: “You will hear of a dwelling in the heavens, above the earth, which will fall with a great noise. It will look like a blue star (the fall of the Mir orbital station - Note by S.V.) Soon after this, the ceremonies of my people will stop.
These are the signs of things to come great destruction. The world will turn back and forth. White people will fight with other people in other lands - with those who possessed the first light of wisdom. Huge columns of fire and smoke will rise, similar to those that the white people light in the desert not far from here. White Feather saw them. But these pillars will cause great disease and pestilence. Those of my brothers who understand the prophecies will be saved. Those who remain to live with my brothers will also be saved. But then a lot will need to be rebuilt. And soon - very soon after this - Pakana will return. He will bring with him the dawn of the Fifth World. He will sow seeds of wisdom in their hearts. Even now the seeds are already being sown. This will make the transition to the Fifth World easier.
But White Feather will not see this. He is old and dying. You'll probably see this. In due time, in due time...”

Christina Gallagher was born on Achill Island in Mayo, Ireland. Since January 1988, Christina has received many messages from the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ about the future of humanity.
Message about America: “The pains of childbirth are over. The world has been handed over to the Antichrist. A civil war will break out in the United States of America and many people will fight and kill each other. Foreigners have already moved and taken root in the United States.”
Christina was shown scenes of the future. “When the war starts, it will be used terrible weapon, blood will flow like a river.”
She saw the explosion atomic bomb, which will be dropped on America. The consequences of the explosion are the most terrible.
After some time, earthquakes will begin, which, she believes, are a direct consequence of the explosion of the atomic bomb. Events in the United States will affect Europe and then the whole world. There will be a great “oppression of peoples.”
Many, including church authorities, will agree to a voluntary alliance with the Antichrist. Will fall under the control he has.
Christina was shown how the Holy Father suffered. Numerous revolts and hatred, even within the Church. The Catholic Church plunges into darkness, emitting fog. This scene was surrounded by many angry angels who wanted to get rid of the Church and Christianity. Archangel Michael, dressed in red and gold robes, held a sword in vertical position. Behind him the Mother of God and many angels were visible, ready to fight the enemy.
Civil wars will be accompanied by pestilence and defeat. Mosquitoes will be carriers of new types of diseases. Locusts like no one has ever seen, a new form of plague.

Conference of Pastor David Wilkerson (June 28, 2001) in Moscow. Almost no one took his sermons seriously, perceiving them as some kind of religious delusion. David was called a renegade, an “enemy of America,” an accomplice of the Russian special services, but the events of September 11, the US war in Iraq, Afghanistan, the earthquake in Japan, which he predicted, make many Americans think about fundamentally reconsidering their views.
“In the last days the evil one will come down in great wrath, unleashing a great flood of filth against the church of God. Not the entire church will withstand this onslaught. Those who are unsteady will retreat and surrender. I have nothing to say to those who love comfort and peace. The more society is captured by wickedness and dirt, the more real Christians will be visible and manifested against its background. It is precisely the secularization of a certain part of the church that today gives such a convenient reason for the evil one to accuse the saints. Compromise, wickedness, worldly methods in achieving anything deprive the church of its strength and reduce it to the level of an absolutely worldly organization. The blood of Jesus is the single greatest weapon the real church will have in these days. Satan had accused the church before, but today he will intensify his efforts tenfold; the Christians themselves give him a reason for this. The church will be cleansed by pressure: “he who endures to the end will be saved” will be raptured, the rest of the “Christians” can only sympathize. Be strong and courageous, and remember, God does not owe you an explanation for what He is doing, on the contrary, you owe Him your faith, your sufficient trust in Him, in everything that He does or is going to do. First we, the church, will endure the cross in our walk with God, and this cross will reveal who is who, and only then will Jesus and His millennial kingdom come.
People ask me about America, what am I saying, what am I prophesying? I have said, I say and will continue to say what I know, what I saw, what was shown to me. I, by the spirit of God, predict the economic decline of America and a revolution in it, similar to the one that Russia experienced in 1917! All of Wall Street is already shaking, right now, but the overthrow of America's economic power is not far off, and only some kind of temporary recovery is possible, an extension of this agony, or a game of “we're fine.” Hundreds of thousands of people will lose their homes, the United States will be covered in horror. A mountain of debt is already a pressing problem in America today, especially among young people. At least half of America are people who simply live on credit; this cannot continue indefinitely. One day we will read in the newspapers about the fall of the United States. How can I say this, because I am an American myself? Yes, I'm an American, but I'm not a liar. I had this vision: “The President of the United States looks through the window for a very long time at all the horrors happening below in the streets, then slowly turns to his advisers and asks them: “How could this happen?” Below there are fires, robberies, violence, in a word, revolution. America will fall in one night, and this fall will be reflected throughout the world, and the whole world will live in fear.
I predict the complete economic collapse of the United States, wicked people are completely unprepared for this, but Christians must be ready for this. I also had this vision: “New York, 42nd Avenue, young people are setting cars on fire, there is rioting all around, self-will, anarchy.” How can you say that? I am often asked this question. I answer: I know a little about America and its youth! America and especially its youth want to live the way they have long been accustomed to, well-fed, free, rich, comfortable, but America will become completely different and will no longer be able to provide them all with this, then they will simply go into stores and take whatever they want. like. The youth of the United States are too accustomed to comfort, because for the sake of this comfort, for the sake of maintaining the position of this comfort, they can afford to cross any line! The worst thing, however, is not this, the worst thing is that the majority of the US church is absolutely not ready for this! Most churches are deceived by comfort and prosperity, satiety and contentment. They don’t understand the times they live in; I’ll say more, they don’t even want to understand.
You Russia, the Russian Church, will have to give an example to the world, a church that is ready for this! God does not need lovers of comfort and prosperity with sermons about the same, but selfless, healthy “doers” who are not afraid of what is happening to their country and its economy. It is always clear from such people, on any day of sorrow, that the blood of Christ is their main, only support and reliable and unshakable hope. Reliance on prosperity has already led America to spiritual catastrophe, but economic catastrophe is not far off.
And now about the most important thing: As you yourself understand, for all this collapse (what happened to America and the whole world), the Jews will be blamed and the surge of hatred towards them will coincide with the fall of the United States, which for 50 years has been the most important partner and patron of Israel . The fall of the United States will produce an unprecedented surge of hatred towards Israel, and all the demonic centers of anti-Semitism will sharply increase their activity and behave: brazenly, cheekily and impudently! US patronage today is a major deterrent to open and widespread hatred of Jews, but when it disappears, the pressure on Israel and anti-Semitism around the world will increase like never before.

Predictions from the book "The Inevitable Fall of America" ​​by Malcolm B. Heap. From 1947 to 1951, Robert G. Millar (USA) was shown images of great disasters that would shake all the continents of the Earth, as well as a vision of an attack on the USA and the collapse of this country. Prophecy: “I come to bring peace to all people, but you prefer war. I come to bring abundance, but you will not hesitate to steal the little that others have, hoarding in your greed. I give you My love, protection and blessings beyond measure, but you prostrate yourself and worship other gods.
I will not wait forever, but I will deliver you into the hands of your enemies, into the hands of those who hate you. They will kill you on the streets of your cities and in your own homes, having no pity even for the little ones - your beloved children, just as you have no pity for My little ones, praising every abortion and calling it a human right. This is the genocide of My beloved children. The enemy I will raise up against you will just as surely strike down the old and the weak, killing as mercilessly as you do, approving and reconciling their deaths, caring more about your financial policies than about theirs. You are merciless, so I will be merciless.
You take my gifts and turn them into curses. Never again will America be called the land of the free, but will become Nazi America, a police state, and you, who have never known war or oppression, you who have grown fat on the fertile land, you will become slaves and go under the yoke of a people who hate you. For truly, you have strayed from God in everything.