Ensigns of the Russian Army: in the area of ​​special attention. The history of the appearance of military ranks

Who is an ensign, who were the most famous ensigns in Russian literature and why in the 20th century the ensign turned into the hero of jokes

Prapor of the 17th century



The first mention of ensign as a permanent military rank dates back to 1630. Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich ordered that the standard bearers in the regiments of the “foreign system” be called this way (the word “prapor” is translated from Church Slavonic as “banner”).


Under Peter, all military ranks began to be called in the German manner - and ensigns turned into fendriks (from German: Fähnrich). It was under this name that they were included in the Table of Ranks of 1722. In addition to the usual ones, it also mentions “engineer fendricks,” that is, standard bearers at artillery batteries.


In the 1730 edition of the Table of Ranks, the option “ensigns” returned. Now this is the name given to the most junior officer rank, corresponding to the rank of midshipman in the navy or collegiate registrar in the civil service. There was a wall between the ensign and the private or non-commissioned officer: the first, as a rule, was a nobleman or, in the 19th century, a commoner, the second was a peasant or tradesman who had almost no chance of crossing the social border that separated him from the officers. Ensigns did not differ from the rest of the officer corps either in origin, education, or reputation. For example, Mikhail Bakunin, the future ideologist of anarchism, retired with the rank of ensign.

Captain and ensign of the musketeer companies of the infantry regiment from 1763 to 1786 From the work of A. Viskovatov “Historical description of clothing and weapons of Russian troops”,


In 1884, warrant officers were actually abolished during the next military reform and were replaced by second lieutenants. However, the reform was half-hearted, so in fact warrant officers remained: this rank began to be given to non-commissioned officers without education for military merit, which after the end of hostilities had to be confirmed by passing a mandatory exam for the officer rank.


First world war warrant officers are experiencing a real revival: due to the huge losses of the officer corps, it was necessary to replenish the army with people who had completed a short course of military training, and en masse to promote privates with at least some combat experience to junior officers. It was then that the ensign from the jokes was born - a poorly educated, incompetent, cunning and stupid junior officer, who is either too arrogant or too familiar in relation to the soldiers.

Ensign. 1916 Literary and Memorial Museum of A.P. Gaidar, Arzamas


After the revolution, warrant officers again fade into oblivion, only to reappear in 1972 after another military reform. It was from this moment that the era of army folklore about ensigns began to flourish, in which they appear as stupid, thieving and useless scoundrels. These stories probably have a basis in reality, since Soviet ensign turned out to be even lower in rank than the pre-revolutionary one and, accordingly, had even lower qualifications, representing a middle link between privates and officers and not really relating to either one.


In 2009, it was decided to replace all warrant officers with professional contract sergeants.


Ensigns, having already survived two military reforms, seem to be heading for a third: in 2013, it was announced that this rank would be restored.

Literary ensigns of the 19th century

1. Peter Grinev, main character « The captain's daughter» Pushkin. The son of a poor provincial nobleman, a retired military man. He proves himself to be an honest, brave and devoted officer.

2. Lapshin, the main character of Alexander Kuprin’s story “Army Ensign.” Typologically similar to Grinev: a young, honest, courageous man from a poor noble family who has not lost his illusions.

3. Alanin, the hero of Leo Tolstoy’s story “The Raid” - the first of the Caucasian cycle. A very young officer, looking forward to his first battle, in which he will die, rushing to attack the Highlanders at the head of his platoon.

Officers of the Dukhovshchinsky regiment. On the left is an ensign. 1916 Multimedia art museum

Folklore ensigns of the 20th century

The era of folklore about ensigns flourished in last decade existence of the USSR. This is probably connected with the war in Afghanistan - in any case, many stories about ensigns relate specifically to it.

Ensigns are credited with the following qualities, which become the butt of jokes:

1. Pointlessness.

“An Afghan dushman sniper is lying in a trench. He looks - a military man appears, and there is a stripe in pursuit. He looks into the directory: “Corporal, bonus - 5 Afghanis.” Just as he was about to shoot, he saw another military man with two stripes. He looks into the directory: “Junior sergeant, bonus - 10 Afghanis.” He raised his rifle and the sergeant disappeared somewhere. He looks and another military man appears, with two stars on his shoulder straps. Without hesitation, he shoots. He looks in the directory: “Warrant officer, fine - 50 Afghanis.”

2. Love for useless drills and drills.

“A private and an ensign on the beach.
- Over there, on the left, good legs. Isn't that right, Comrade Warrant Officer?
“I don’t know, I haven’t seen her march yet.”

3. Stupidity and tyranny.

“The ensign assigned two cadets the task of whitewashing the change house. Accepts work:
- What is it?
- Your shadow, comrade ensign.
“White it anyway!”

4. Thieving.

“The warrant officer is walking through the checkpoint and carrying a wheelbarrow full of garbage. The duty officer asks him:
- What did you steal?
- Yes, I didn’t steal anything, I’m going to throw out the trash.
- It can not be! Admit what you stole?
- Yes, I take out the trash! I didn't steal anything!
- Let's show you the trash.
Prapor dumps a bunch of garbage in front of him. The duty officer looked and looked - indeed, it was just rubbish. Prapor shoved everything back, drove the wheelbarrow further and muttered: “What did you steal, what did you steal... He stole the wheelbarrow!”

5. An inferiority complex associated with the fact that the rank and file did not consider warrant officers to be real officers.

“An ensign is walking through the desert, and a donkey meets him.
- Who are you?
The ensign looked around and said quietly:
- I am an officer, and who are you?
The donkey looked around and quietly said:
“And I’m a horse!” 

The Ministry of Defense plans to restore Russian army institute of warrant officers and midshipmen, but their number will be three times less than before the radical reform of ex-Minister of Defense Anatoly Serdyukov.

“As Deputy Defense Minister Nikolai Pankov said, today we are talking about the return of approximately 55 thousand positions of warrant officers and midshipmen, although it should be noted that before 2009 we had 142 thousand of them,” RIA Novosti quotes State Duma deputy Alexei Zhuravlev, which refers to Deputy Defense Minister Nikolai Pankov.

The elimination of the institution of warrant officers and midshipmen in the Russian army began in 2009, along with a general reduction in the armed forces. According to the plans of the then military leadership, warrant officers in the army were to be replaced by professional contract sergeants, but this idea remained unrealized.

“The institution of warrant officers has been abolished in the army. We had 142 thousand warrant officers. As of December 1, 2009, there were none left. Approximately 20 thousand warrant officers who held command positions were appointed, the rest were dismissed or transferred to the positions of sergeants,” reported the then Chief of the General Staff Nikolai Makarov.

Deputy Zhuravlev suggests that funds for the restoration of warrant officers and midshipmen in the army will be allocated from the budget through the sergeant training program.

“It would take quite a lot of time to develop a new federal target program, so the funds will most likely be allocated from the federal budget, and we will support this if the Minister of Defense makes such a request,” the deputy noted.

Institute of Warrant Officers and Midshipmen modern type appeared in 1972. The ranks were awarded after graduating from the schools of warrant officers and midshipmen, but they could also be received by military personnel with higher education. Most warrant officers were engaged in the maintenance and operation of military equipment, which soldiers could not master during the period conscript service, as well as in the logistics support system. Warrant officers often held positions corresponding to junior officers

The return of the institution of warrant officers and midshipmen was expected, says the head of the Center for Military Forecasting, Anatoly Tsyganok.

“If in the army the former minister and the Chief of the General Staff eliminated warrant officers, then in the Internal Troops, the FSB, and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, warrant officers remained,” says the expert and focuses specifically on the Ministry of Emergency Situations, which was previously headed by the current Minister of Defense.

Tsyganok explains that in practice, the planned optimization of troop command and control turned into complications. “When regiments turned into brigades, we were told that this was necessary for better management. And what happened: in the motorized rifle regiment there were 200 officers and 200 warrant officers, in the tank regiment there were 200 officers and 100 warrant officers. The ensigns were cut, and 1,800 people were added to the regiment; now there are not enough officers,” says Tsyganok.

According to him, many of the warrant officers dismissed from the army went to serve in the Internal Troops and can now return to their units. “They were initially appointed to equipment maintenance positions, now they can return to the same positions - primarily as deputy technical engineers (deputy for equipment - Gazeta.Ru). They are needed in submarine fleet, in long-range aviation, Strategic Missile Forces, Space Forces,” the expert sums up.

At the same time, Tsyganok draws attention to the fact that the creation of an institute of professional sergeants failed. “Out of 80% of those who signed the contract, they refuse to conclude it for the next term,” notes the head of the Center for Military Forecasting.

The return of the institution of warrant officers and midshipmen to the army will be Shoigu’s next step in revising Serdyukov’s military reform. Previously new minister ordered the restoration of the military education system, then it became known that the composition of the main commands of the Ground Forces, Air Force and Navy had been increased two to three times.

Ensign(from the Church Slav. prapor “banner”) - a military rank (rank, category) in the armed forces and other “power” structures of some states.

Russian empire


In the Russian army, by decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in 1649, for the first time warrant officers standard bearers began to be called, appointed from among the most courageous warriors, physically strong and battle-tested.

Peter I, creating regular army, in 1712 introduced the military rank ensign as the first (junior) rank of chief officer in the infantry and cavalry. Military rank « ensign » , in the infantry of the Russian Army, in the period from 1712 to 1796, corresponded to the rank of bayonet-junker in the artillery.

Since 1884, the first officer rank for graduates of military schools was second lieutenant (cornet - in the cavalry), but the rank ensign how the first officer rank was retained in the Caucasian militias for wartime; and also for reserve warrant officers. In addition, the rank of ensign was assigned to lower ranks promoted to officer for military distinction.

According to the Temporary Regulations on warrant officers of the reserve infantry and cavalry of 1886 lower ranks, enjoying benefits for education of the 1st category according to the Military Regulations of 1874, had the opportunity to voluntarily take the exam for the rank of warrant officer. Subsequently, the Temporary Regulations of 1886 were extended to other branches of the military. Those who passed the exam for the rank of warrant officer were in the reserve for 12 years and were required to undergo six-week military training, which was held annually since 1893. By Order of the Military Department of 1895 No. 171, this exam was established as mandatory for all conscripts enjoying 1st category education benefits. After the publication of the Order of the Military Department of 1899 No. 104, for six-week military training they also began to call up lower ranks in the reserve from among the volunteers who met the educational qualifications of the 1st category, who at these training camps had to pass exams for the rank of warrant officer.

In 1905, those in reserve were called up for the first time for two-month military training. lower ranks, corresponding to the educational qualification of the 2nd category, who voluntarily expressed a desire to serve these fees in order to pass the exam for the rank of warrant officer.

On 10/08/1912, Emperor Nicholas II adopted the Regulations on accelerated graduations during the mobilization of the army from His Imperial Majesty's Corps of Pages, military and special schools, according to which in wartime the training time for officers in military schools was reduced to 8 months, graduates of such accelerated courses received the rank ensign.

Before the mobilization of 1914, officers were everyone who held officer positions in the army and navy or was enlisted in the reserve or retired after service, there were also reserve warrant officers. After the outbreak of the First World War, the deployment of troops, on the one hand, and huge losses in the officer corps, on the other, required many and hasty graduations from military schools, and then from ensign schools.

Until 1917 rank ensign assigned to persons who completed an accelerated course of military schools or schools warrant officers and have passed exams according to a certain program. In wartime, it was also possible to assign the rank ensign for military distinction (without an exam) to non-commissioned officers who had a higher or secondary education. Usually warrant officers were appointed platoon commanders and to their corresponding positions.

After October revolution 1917 in a number of white armies the rank « ensign » was abolished, but all ensigns who voluntarily joined the armies wore it for some time before being promoted to second lieutenant.

In some white armies, such as, for example, the People's Army of Komuch and the Siberian Army of the Siberian Republic, on the contrary, the rank of ensign was retained, but completely different sleeves were introduced for him insignia .


Ensign- military rank, until 1907 the highest non-commissioned officer rank in Russia, in rank above sergeant major and below warrant officer (in 1907−1917 below the average warrant officer). Compliant modern rank foreman .

The position of ensign appeared in the Russian Streltsy army soon after the appearance of ensigns themselves - junior chief officers who were initially responsible in battle for the movement and safety of the banner (ensign). Due to the high responsibility of the task performed, the most intelligent non-commissioned officers were appointed as assistants to the warrant officer, which led to the fact that lieutenant officers began to be considered the most senior among non-commissioned officers.

In Russia in the 17th–20th centuries, lieutenant officer is one of the non-commissioned officer ranks:

· from 1826 until the introduction of the rank of ordinary warrant officer in 1907 - the highest non-commissioned officer rank

· in 1880−1903, the rank of those who graduated from infantry cadet schools before being awarded the rank of officer;

· in 1906−1917 the rank of long-term non-commissioned officers.

It should be borne in mind that since 1826, in the guard (in the so-called “old guard”), second ensigns were equal to army second lieutenants, but did not belong to the corresponding class of the Table of Ranks, in contrast to the sergeants and sergeants of the guard who were previously listed above them. Since 1843, in legal terms, cadets have been equal to sub-ensigns and the same standards have been established for them. insignia - shoulder straps, edged with narrow gold braid. Sub-ensigns appointed to perform the duties of officers (plutong commanders, etc.) wore a sword belt and an officer's lanyard on bladed weapons, and until 1907 were called sword belts-ensigns, although contrary to popular belief this was not a separate title or position at that time. In terms of status, the belt-ensign was practically equal to the belt-cadet.

Ordinary warrant officers

Zuryad-ensign- from 1907 to 1917 in the Russian army the highest military rank for non-commissioned officers. Rank insignia for rank and file ensigns were established shoulder straps ensign with a large (larger than an officer's) star in the upper third of the shoulder strap on the line of symmetry. The rank was awarded to the most experienced long-term non-commissioned officers; with the beginning of the First World War, it began to be assigned to ensigns as an incentive, often immediately before the assignment of the first chief officer rank (ensign or cornet).

Until 1907, contrary to a common misconception, the rank of ordinary ensign did not exist, nor did the position; this was the name given to sub-ensigns who performed the duties of officers and, in their legal status, were equal to ensign sword belts, but for some reason did not wear an officer's belt.

The ordinary warrant officers had an officer's uniform, but without epaulettes and with special distinctions on the shoulder straps; they received allowances according to their officer position; They had disciplinary power on an equal basis with junior officers, and they themselves were subject to the penalties established for officers. Upon demobilization, all ordinary warrant officers, not excluding those who had not served their mandatory terms of active service, were given the opportunity to take advantage of transfer to the reserve, or - having an educational qualification and not having passed the age of 28 - to enter the cadet schools to acquire the right to become an officer, or enter sergeant major positions in the army. IN the latter case they retained their rank and uniform and at the same time acquired the right to maintenance and benefits assigned to long-term serving sergeants.


In 1917−1946 in the Red Army, then until 1972 in the Soviet Army rank ensign or similar to it did not exist.

In the Armed Forces of the USSR the rank ensign introduced on January 1, 1972 (simultaneously with the rank of midshipman, Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of November 18, 1971).

Since January 12, 1981 in the Soviet Army, coastal units and aviation Navy, border and internal troops of the USSR Armed Forces introduced a military rank Senior Warrant Officer(simultaneously with the introduction to Navy USSR ranks senior midshipman ).

Russian Federation


In the modern Armed Forces Russian Federation(Russian Armed Forces) the rank of pre-revolutionary ensign corresponds to the rank Ensign .

Modern Russian warrant officers (and midshipmen) are separate category military personnel. In terms of their official position, duties and rights, they occupy a place close to junior officers, are their closest assistants and superiors for soldiers (sailors) and sergeants (foremen) of the same unit.

Since the beginning of 2009, the gradual liquidation of the institution of warrant officers and midshipmen in the RF Armed Forces began. It was assumed that the warrant officers would be replaced by professional contract sergeants, the federal target training program for which had already been approved.

“The institution of warrant officers, which amounted to 142 thousand people, has been eliminated in the army,” assured the Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Army General Nikolai Makarov. “We had 142 thousand warrant officers. As of December 1, 2009, there were none left.” Approximately 20 thousand warrant officers who held command positions were appointed, the rest were dismissed or transferred to sergeant positions.

By assumption, from December 2010 in January-March to military service persons with the rank were no longer accepted ensign or Senior Warrant Officer, and those whose contract had not yet expired served in their previous rank while maintaining their rank and insignia.

At the same time, the abolition of the institution of warrant officers did not affect the Internal Troops Ministry of Internal Affairs, Border Service, FSB , FSO, Troops Ministry of Emergency Situations and other military formations other than the Russian Ministry of Defense, in addition, in law enforcement agencies there is a special rank ensign .

In army jargon, an ensign was called a “piece,” and a midshipman was called a “chest.”

On February 27, 2013, at an expanded board of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Russian Defense Minister S. Shoigu announced the return of the institution of warrant officers and midshipmen to Armed forces Russia.

The Ministry of Defense introduced a new staffing table, in which for the first time in five years special positions appeared for warrant officers and midshipmen. According to the head of the Main Personnel Directorate (GUK) of the Ministry of Defense, Colonel General Viktor Goremykin, about 100 positions have been allocated for warrant officers and midshipmen, among which only combat positions - “no warehouses, no bases” was the main requirement of Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. These positions are generally divided into commander's (commander service platoon, commander combat group, combat vehicle, combat post) and technical (company technician, head of the radio station, electrician, paramedic, head of the repair shop, head of the technical unit, etc.). From December 1, 2008, these positions were considered sergeant positions. State Secretary of the Ministry of Defense Nikolai Pankov said that the positions of warrant officers require special education, but “do not reach” the officers’ level.

Heroes of Russia

IN modern Russia many warrant officers of the Russian Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Internal Affairs Russia was awarded the high title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

· Barinov Sergey Mikhailovich - policeman-driver

Garmash Artyom Vladimirovich - sniper mobile special forces unit

· Dneprovsky Andrey Vladimirovich - commander grenade-machine gun platoon

· Katunkin Artyom Viktorovich - employee of the special purpose unit

· Kozlov Oleg Anatolyevich - sniper· Tereshkin Oleg Viktorovich - deputy platoon commander of a special forces detachment

· Shantsev Sergey Vladimirovich - deputy commander of the reconnaissance group

In art

Two traditions of depicting warrant officers can be distinguished. Leo Tolstoy in his stories “The Raid” and “Sevastopol in August” shows warrant officers as young, talented officers. In both stories warrant officers are dying. On the contrary, Chekhov (the story “Abolished!”) portrays the hero- ensign petty and vain.

Since 1914−1915. in Russia there is a different perception of the word « ensign » . Since during the First World War, accelerated courses in military schools and schools warrant officers about 220,000 people graduated, the concept « ensign » often became a derisive designation for a narrow-minded, poorly educated officer from the “lower classes.” Ditties appeared: “I used to be a janitor, everyone called Volodya, but now I ensign- your honor! Due to the haste of military educational and military training, they were jokingly defined with the words: “A chicken is not a bird, ensign- not an officer."

In army folklore of the Soviet and post-Soviet period ensign, as a rule, is a narrow-minded, rude, thieving type, serving in a position related to the management of material assets and actively appropriating and selling these values. This stereotype is often reflected in art and media. mass media, for example, in the series “Soldiers” - the images of warrant officers Anatoly Danilovich Danilyuk and Oleg Nikolaevich Shmatko (even whose last name contains an allusion to the contemptuous nickname: “ shmat"in Ukrainian means "piece"). For the sake of fairness, it is worth noting that in the same series, Sr. ensign Zhanna Semyonovna Topalova is shown as honest and kind woman, who fought in “hot spots”. Also featured in the series ensign Sokolov, who was a private in the first season, who is shown smart person, but with too soft a character.

Satirically evil, practically mocking ensign vividly represented in the humorous television series “Caution, Modern! 2" and "Careful, Zadov!" ( ensign Vasily Petrovich Zadov performed by Dmitry Nagiyev). The same example is the “wild ensign” Kazakov from the film “DMB” (the role is played by Sergei Artsibashev).

Shown completely differently ensign in the most popular Soviet feature films“In the zone of special attention” and “Response move”, one of the main characters of which is the guard ensign airborne troops Volentir, personifying a combination of all positive qualities a real military man and is the complete opposite of the characters in the above-mentioned modern military-themed series. He teaches by his personal example private conscripts and, being older in age and worldly wiser, helps in the professional and personal development of a young officer who has just come from a military school (which most future officers entered after graduating from school, having bypassed military service in the armed forces).

In a similar form, but with a more tragic accent, the images of warrant officers are realized in the films “Checkpost” ( ensign Ilyich) and “9th company” ( ensign Dygalo). Without denying the positive qualities of a military man, these images demonstrate a person, a fighter, who took on the burden of war in “hot spots” and sacrificed all possible personal prospects and the future of his loved ones (family, career and just civilian life) to this cause.

The positive image of the warrant officer in the post-Soviet period is also shown in the series "Special Forces" using the example of special forces warrant officers Khrustalev (call sign "Khrust"), Shakhmametyev (call sign "Shah") and Kobrin (call sign "Snake") (roles played by Igor Lifanov, Andrey Zibrov and Alexander Nose). The complete opposite in the series are ensigns Funtasov and Agaptsev (appear in the series "Broken Arrow")

Ranks in the Russian army is a topic that I was able to understand only thanks to my service in the army. I remember how in life safety lessons the teacher forced all the guys to learn them by heart, but even after long cramming, only empty sounds were stored in my head.

Now I have the opportunity to compare these words with real people people I meet around. Thanks to this, I was able to structure this knowledge very simply and clearly so that each of you, dear readers, could easily and for a long time remember what sometimes takes soldiers a whole week to remember...

What are the ranks in the Russian army?

As you already understood, before joining the army I had almost no understanding of military ranks. I only knew the basics. The service forced me to memorize them so that I could easily determine who I was addressing or, conversely, who was addressing me.

As always in such articles, I want to start by defining the basic concept. Let's figure out what ranks there are in the Russian army.

In our country there are two types military ranks military personnel - military And ship.

Ship military ranks are assigned to sailors:

  • surface and submarine forces of the Navy;
  • naval military units of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;
  • Coast Guard Border Service of the FSB of Russia.

Military ranks are assigned to other military personnel performing military service in:

  • Russian Emergency Situations Ministry;
  • Federal Security Service;
  • Foreign Intelligence Service;
  • Federal Security Service;
  • Internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;
  • other troops, military formations and bodies.

Great. We understand the concepts. Now let's go upward. From lower rank to higher. What is their hierarchy?

Non-officer ranks in the army

  1. Private ~ Sailor.
  2. Corporal ~ Senior sailor.
  3. Junior sergeant ~ Sergeant major of the second class.
  4. Sergeant ~ Foreman of the first article.
  5. Senior Sergeant ~ Chief Petty Officer.
  6. Petty Officer ~ Chief petty officer.
  7. Ensign ~ Midshipman.
  8. Senior Warrant Officer ~ Senior Midshipman.

What did everyone think? What are all these ranks in our army? No, my friends. The most interesting thing is ahead - the officer corps. It is divided into several parts:

  • Junior officers.
  • Senior officers.
  • Senior officers.

Officer ranks in the army

Military rank ~ Ship rank.

  1. Junior Lieutenant ~ Junior Lieutenant.
  2. Lieutenant ~ Lieutenant.
  3. Senior Lieutenant ~ Senior Lieutenant.
  4. Captain ~ Lieutenant Captain.

These were junior officers. Now let's move on to the older one.

  1. Major ~ Captain 3rd rank.
  2. Lieutenant Colonel ~ Captain 2nd rank.
  3. Colonel ~ Captain 1st rank.

And finally, the senior officers.

  1. Major General ~ Rear Admiral.
  2. Lieutenant General ~ Vice Admiral.
  3. Colonel General ~ Admiral.
  4. General of the Army ~ Admiral of the Fleet.
  5. Marshal of the Russian Federation ~ There are no analogues.

As you can see, the number of ship ranks is exactly one less than the number of military ranks. But what kind!

OK then. We figured out the ranks and their order. How can we now distinguish them from each other? And for this, dear readers, people came up with shoulder straps and sleeve insignia (the latter only for ship ranks).

It is them that we will now analyze. First - in words, then - graphically.

Shoulder straps

  • Soldiers and sailors

They do not have any insignia on their shoulder straps.

  • Sergeants and petty officers

They have insignia in the form of fabric braids - stripes. In the army these stripes are called “snot”.

  • Ensigns and midshipmen

They have insignia in the form of small stars located vertically. The shoulder straps are similar to the officer's, but without gaps and may have edgings (for more details, see the pictures below).

  • Junior officers

One vertical stripe is a gap. The sprockets are metal, small (13 mm).

  • Senior officers

Two clearances and large metal sprockets (20 mm).

  • Senior officers

Vertical embroidered stars big size(22 mm), no gaps.

  • General of the Army, Admiral of the Fleet

One large embroidered star with a diameter of 40 mm.

  • Marshal of the Russian Federation

It has one very large embroidered star (40 mm) against a background of radiating silver rays forming a pentagon, and the coat of arms of Russia (without the heraldic shield).

For those who find it difficult to perceive the text and just to consolidate the information received, I suggest you look at the pictures corresponding to the above.

Shoulder straps of non-officers

Officer's shoulder straps

Russian Army Command

The next point of our analysis is faces. Those people who lead our army.

First of all, of course, I want to name the Supreme Commander-in-Chief - the President of the Russian Federation.

Supreme Commander-in-Chief - President of the Russian Federation

Supreme Commander-in-Chief is not a rank, but a position. The only position that allows you to lead the Marshal of the Russian Federation.
Interesting fact that Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin finished his service in the FSB with the rank of colonel, and his current position allows him to lead representatives of the highest officer ranks.

Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation

Please note that Sergei Kuzhugetovich bears the rank and shoulder straps of an army general.

The Minister of Defense is the commander of both the ground forces and the navy. This is why there is no rank higher than fleet admiral in the navy.

By the way. Which of you, friends, noticed that I began to write such high ranks as admiral and marshal in small letters? Do you think this is a mistake? I have to disappoint you. No! Why? Read the next part of the article.

Interesting facts about ranks in the army

  • The prefix “guard” (for example, “guard major”) is applied to the military ranks of military personnel of guards units.
  • In relation to military personnel of the legal and medical services, the words “justice” and “medical service” are added respectively.
  • For military personnel who are in reserve or retired, the words “reserve” and “retired” are added, respectively.
  • Military personnel studying at a military educational institution of professional education are called: those who do not have the military rank of officers - cadets, and those who have a military rank - students.
  • Citizens who did not have a military rank before entering the military educational institution or who had the military rank of sailor or soldier, upon admission to study, they are awarded the military rank of cadet. Other military ranks awarded before entering a military educational institution of vocational education are retained.
  • Military ranks are given after the required length of service and for personal merit. If everything is clear with merits, then let’s figure out how long it is necessary to serve in order to reach the desired rank. In accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 22 “Regulations on the procedure for military service” the following deadlines are established for military service in military ranks:
    - private, sailor - five months;
    - junior sergeant, sergeant major 2 articles - one year;
    - sergeant, foreman 1st article - two years;
    - senior sergeant, chief petty officer - three years;
    - ensign, midshipman - three years;
    - junior lieutenant - two years;
    - lieutenant - three years;
    - senior lieutenant - three years;
    - captain, captain-lieutenant - four years;
    - major, captain 3rd rank - four years;
    - lieutenant colonel, captain 2nd rank - five years.
    Next - 5 years.

Important point. The title can only be obtained if there is a suitable position in the unit. About positions and what ranks you can reach in a particular position in the next article.

  • The ranks of petty officer and chief petty officer have not been awarded since 2012. They still exist in documents.
  • All military ranks - from private to marshal of the Russian Federation - are written with a small letter.
  • The rank of major is higher than the rank of lieutenant, but major general< генерал-лейтенант.
  • The highest rank that can be achieved in a year of military service now is sergeant.

Dear readers. I hope that while reading this small but very important article, you have formed an understanding of what ranks there are in our army, and in what order they are located.

In order to know exactly how, according to the regulations, you are supposed to address a military personnel, you need to understand the ranks. Ranks in the Russian Army and shoulder straps provide clarity in relationships and allow you to understand the chain of command. In the Russian Federation there is both a horizontal structure - military and naval ranks, and a vertical hierarchy - from the rank and file to the highest officers.

Rank and file

Private is the lowest military rank in the Russian Army. Moreover, the soldiers received this title in 1946, before that they were addressed exclusively as fighters or Red Army soldiers.

If the service is carried out in a guards military unit or on a guards ship, then when addressing a private, it is worth adding the same word "guard". If you want to contact a military personnel who is in the reserve and has a diploma of higher legal or medical education, then you should contact - "Private Justice", or "private medical service". Accordingly, it is worth adding the appropriate words to someone who is in reserve or retired.

In a ship, the rank of private corresponds to sailor.

Only senior soldiers who perform the best military service receive the rank Corporal. Such soldiers can act as commanders during the latter's absence.

All additional words that were applicable for a private remain relevant for a corporal. Only in Navy, corresponds to this title Senior sailor.

The one who commands a squad or combat vehicle receives the rank Lance Sergeant. In some cases, this rank is assigned to the most disciplined corporals upon transfer to the reserve, if such a staff unit was not provided for during service. In the ship's composition it is "sergeant major of the second article"

From November 1940 to Soviet army a rank appeared for junior command staff - sergeant. It is awarded to cadets who have successfully completed the sergeant training program and graduated with honors.
A private can also receive the rank - Lance Sergeant, who has proven himself worthy to be awarded the next rank, or upon transfer to the reserve.

In the Navy, a sergeant of the ground forces corresponds to the rank foreman.

Next comes the Senior Sergeant, and in the Navy - chief petty officer.

After this rank, there is some overlap between land and sea forces. Because after senior sergeant, in the ranks of the Russian army appears Sergeant Major. This title came into use in 1935. It is deserved only by the best military personnel who have served excellently in sergeant positions for six months, or upon transfer to the reserve, the rank of sergeant major is awarded to senior sergeants certified with excellent results. On the ship it is - chief petty officer.

Next come warrant officers And midshipmen. This is a special category of military personnel, close to junior officers. Complete the rank and file, senior warrant officer and midshipman.

Junior officers

A number of junior officer ranks in the Russian Army begin with the rank Ensign. This title is awarded to final year students and graduates of higher military educational institutions. However, in case of a shortage of officers, a graduate of a civilian university can also receive the rank of junior lieutenant.

Lieutenant Only a junior lieutenant can become a junior lieutenant who has served a certain amount of time and received a positive educational certificate. Further - senior lieutenant.

And he closes the group of junior officers - Captain. This title sounds the same for both ground and naval forces.

By the way, the new field uniform from Yudashkin obliged our military personnel to duplicate the insignia on the chest. There is an opinion that the “runaways” from the leadership do not see the ranks on our officers’ shoulders and this is done for their convenience.

Senior officers

Senior officers begin with rank Major. In the navy, this rank corresponds to Captain 3rd rank. The following Navy ranks will only increase the rank of captain, that is, the rank of land Lieutenant Colonel will correspond Captain 2nd rank, and the rank ColonelCaptain 1st rank.

Senior officers

And the highest officer corps completes the hierarchy of military ranks in the Russian army.

Major General or Rear Admiral(in the navy) - such a proud title is worn by military personnel who command a division - up to 10 thousand people.

Above the Major General is Lieutenant General. (The lieutenant general is higher than the major general because the lieutenant general has two stars on his shoulder straps and the major general has one).

Initially, in the Soviet army, it was more likely not a rank, but a position, because the Lieutenant General was an assistant to the general and took on part of his functions, in contrast to Colonel General, who can personally fill senior positions, both in the General Staff and in the Ministry of Defense. In addition, in the Russian armed forces, a Colonel General may be the deputy commander of a military district.

And finally, the most important serviceman who has the highest military rank in the Russian army is Army General. All previous links must obey him.

About military ranks in video format:

Well, new guy, have you figured it out now?)