All ranks in military service. Military ranks

Today I will tell you how to get a military rank in the army.

Initially, you will be a private, then comes a corporal, and after the corporal comes a junior sergeant, a sergeant and a senior sergeant. You may not hope for more, but this is not certain, since it is already very difficult to get a sergeant and senior sergeant in the army. Let's take it in order and start, of course, with the military rank of private.

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What military ranks can a conscript soldier achieve?

I would also like to remind you that in addition to the army, we also have Navy, where military ranks differ from land ones, namely:

Assignment of the military rank of private

The initial military rank in the army is private. A private is an ordinary soldier who serves in the army and does not stand out in any way. This rank is stamped on your military ID at the assembly point where you are from, and the date of assignment to the rank of private is the date of your dismissal from military service. Ordinary soldiers have clean shoulder straps, and, as they say, “clean shoulder straps mean a clear conscience.” There is nothing more to say about the military rank of private.

Assignment of the military rank of corporal

Let's talk about the next military rank - corporal, the so-called most trained soldier. As they say, “it is better to have the daughter of a prostitute than the son of a corporal,” I don’t know why this title is so disliked, but according to one of the many versions, this is connected with Tsarist Russia, where corporals at the front were placed in the first rank, and, accordingly, they died first.

How to get the rank of corporal? There is a so-called ShDS (staff list) - “shtatka”. This is in every company. In order to receive this rank, you need to hold the appropriate military position. That is, your position in this “staff” must correspond to your rank.

A corporal can be assigned to any soldier, for example, by title you will be , and the senior driver should have the rank of corporal.

Assignment of the military rank junior sergeant, sergeant

Military ranks of sergeants and senior officers

Next comes the rank of junior sergeant. Let's think about it, do you need it? A junior sergeant is usually a soldier who knows the regulations, who is able and willing to lead personnel, who is respected in the military team, not only by the soldiers, but also by the command. He may already be a squad leader. The squad commander is the soldier who will have him under his command. The squad leader must know everything about each soldier from his squad. And also skillfully manage them.

The direct superior of the squad commander will be the deputy platoon commander (zamkomplatoon) - this is the same junior sergeant or sergeant who will lead the entire platoon.

That is, there is a chain of military personnel, namely: private, corporal, junior sergeant and sergeant. Usually the platoon commander is a junior sergeant or sergeant, the squad commander is a corporal, and ordinary soldiers are simply in different platoons.

There is another method for obtaining a military rank. Let's say you approach your company commander and say that after the army you want to serve in the police or another power structure and you will need the rank of junior sergeant to make it easier for you to advance further. Perhaps this will be enough to award you the military rank of junior sergeant (provided that you are really worthy of it).

The third option for assigning a military rank

Let's say - February 23 or May 9, usually regular and extraordinary military ranks are awarded on these holidays, and accordingly you can fall under this topic.

How else can you get a rank in the army?

This is when the old conscription retired and vacancies became available for military positions, for which the state provides for the military ranks of corporal or junior sergeant. And, since there will be no platoon commanders and squad commanders, any worthy soldier can be appointed to this position with the assignment of the next military rank.

Also, the rank of junior sergeant can be given for some merit, but this is very rare. So let's look at it: a private is a soldier who simply serves in the army. A corporal is the same soldier, but no longer a soldier and not yet a junior sergeant. Next comes the junior sergeant, who leads the squad, and the sergeant, who can already lead an entire platoon. But not all soldiers are given a sergeant. There will be only two or three of them in the company.

Conclusion: if you want to run around at night on platoon or squad business, fill out various documentation, monitor the whole platoon, get “stuck” for them, etc., then you can become a junior sergeant. And if you just want to quietly serve in the army, then be a private.

As they say, everything is in your hands and in fact, make it so that you awarded military rank not that hard

Senior sergeant (rank) is assigned to the deputy platoon commander. You can call the position the most responsible among soldiers. There will be as many such officers in companies as there are platoons.

All senior sergeants are assistants to warrant officers and other officers. It is advisable that they be personally acquainted with each of their subordinates, know their strengths and weaknesses, knew how to manage, punish if necessary.

The senior sergeant has a wide area in pursuit.

General information

A senior sergeant represents (also found in other units). In accordance with rank, he is located below the sergeant major, but above the sergeant. Although all these ranks only superficially relate to the officer corps.

Sometimes senior sergeant is pronounced in conjunction with other words. It all depends on where he serves:

  1. Senior sergeant of the guard, if the officer is present in the corresponding military unit, or serves on a guard ship.
  2. Senior medical/justice sergeant, if the officer is in the reserves but has skills in medicine or law.
  3. Reserve/retired senior sergeant, if the officer does not continue to serve in the unit.

There are other categories within the Russian IMF. Here the senior sergeant receives the rank of chief petty officer. But the position on staff remains the same. The employee serves as deputy platoon commander.

Length of service of junior management personnel

All titles are assigned to employees of the relevant bodies depending on several parameters: position held, education, qualifications and some other factors that are noted in these Regulations. Those that are aimed at junior command staff are assigned by managers who are higher in the ranks.

This Regulation establishes the following periods of length of service:

  • private - one year;
  • junior sergeant - one year;
  • sergeant - two years;
  • senior sergeant - three years;
  • ensign - five years;

The sergeant major (the rank after senior sergeant) does not have a specific length of service. He is awarded subsequent ranks depending on his personal attitude to the service, qualifications, and various career achievements. The situation is the same with the senior warrant officer.

Early assignment of title

When talking about how long it is from sergeant to senior sergeant, one cannot fail to take into account the early assignment of rank. The standard version will have to last two years. But the title can be assigned before the expiration of the term. There are several rules:

  1. Anyone who is assigned a new rank ahead of schedule must excel in the service, earn high results, cope with responsibilities perfectly, and also show exemplary behavior.
  2. The one who is assigned the title must do something that is not part of his duties, quickly navigate his own actions.

Early ranks are assigned by senior management in strict accordance with the implementation of all clauses of these Regulations. Also, it cannot be prescribed to a person “over the head.” That is, only a sergeant can become a senior sergeant. If he is a private, then he will not be able to receive such an early promotion.

In some cases, early rank cannot be awarded. For example, if a person needs to undergo training or gain specific skills (senior sergeant of justice and the like).

Delay or deprivation of rank

Senior sergeant may not be awarded after length of service. This happens for several reasons:

  • Availability of written disciplinary statements.
  • There is a violation of the law, which is why a criminal case is initiated.
  • An audit is being conducted to identify official violations.

In such cases, a new rank is not assigned until the end of the proceedings, or the officer is completely deprived of it. It depends on the category of violation.

Demotion in rank is a measure when there is a disciplinary statement. Sometimes such a decision is made by immediate superiors if they find someone better for a regular position, in case of failure to fulfill official obligations, negligent attitude towards service. And it is possible to be restored to rank no earlier than in a year if the direct superiors make such a decision. They may also be completely deprived of their rank for crimes against the army and Russia as a whole.

Assignment of title

The rank of senior sergeant is received before the sergeant major. In order to achieve this level, you will need to take special courses in the training program for the relevant full-time employees of the service unit. This differs significantly from, for example, a private or corporal. Accordingly, this title is not awarded as an incentive, regardless of the rank of senior management.

But senior ranks can send a soldier to sergeant training courses. He has no right to do this on his own. Otherwise, all privates or corporals would have long ago become sergeants.

The minimum journey from junior sergeant to senior sergeant is six months. During this period, the officer can stand out and earn a reputation before senior management.


Thus, senior sergeant is the penultimate rank (the last is foreman) that an ordinary soldier can receive without graduating from college. It is enough to take several courses, some of them are conducted directly in the unit. To receive subsequent promotions, if an officer decides to remain in the military, he will be required to complete training.

Ranks in Russian army: comparison table+ samples of shoulder straps + 12 interesting facts on topic + 7 army customs.

Even if during military training lessons a mustachioed military instructor forced you to cram ranks in the Russian army, we are sure that nothing remains in your head except the uncontrollable “laughing” in class, the braids of your classmates and the first cigarettes smoked around the corner of the school.

It’s time to fill this gap in order to distinguish a “real colonel” from a “warrant officer Shmatko” at first glance.

Ranks in the Russian army? Where are they “distributed”?

In the Russian army, all military ranks are divided into 2 large categories:

  • ship's (those received by brave sailors);
  • military (assigned to “land rats”).

Category No. 1. “Ship”: “You are a sailor, I am a sailor...”

Those who serve in:

  • Navy(its submarine and surface forces). Oh, these brave officers in naval uniform - how many girls’ hearts they broke!;
  • military naval units Ministry of Internal Affairs. Yes, yes, there are also marine policemen!
  • protection (coastal) Border Service of the Russian FSB.

    No, they do not catch poachers with two buckets of crucian carp, but protect water boundaries from illegal immigrants and other violators.

Category No. 2. “Military”: “And I love military men, handsome, hefty ones...”.

Meeting a sea captain in a white jacket is quite a difficult task if you do not live somewhere near the gentle sea. But don't despair!

In the Russian army, ranks are also obtained in:

  • Armed Forces;
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs (precinct and other police “people”);
  • Ministry of Emergency Situations (brave “Malibu rescuers”);

    “If you think that the work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is pure heroism and a thriller, then I have to disappoint you: sometimes you just have to carry out explanatory work with priests so that they don’t burn the church with candles, and with them the old women parishioners and the cats from the trees film and tell grandmothers how to light the stove in winter and not suffocate from carbon monoxide. But the title, uniform and social benefits make the work much more bearable.”, - Vadim from Khmelnitsky shares his impressions of the service.

  • Intelligence Service (external) (yeah, yeah, those same followers of Stirlitz!);
  • Federal Security Service;
  • other military units.

All ranks of the Russian army in one table: let’s dispel the “darkness of ignorance”

So that you don’t fall asleep on the third line of a simple listing of ranks in the Russian army, we offer you a simple cheat sheet (military and ship ranks placed on the same line correspond to each other):

Ranks in the Russian army:
Type Military Korabelnoye
junior sergeant
senior sergeant
senior warrant officer
senior sailor,
foreman of the second article,
foreman of the first article,
chief petty officer,
chief ship's foreman,
senior midshipman
Junior officersjunior lieutenant,
senior lieutenant,
junior lieutenant,
senior lieutenant,
Senior officersmajor,
lieutenant colonel,
captain 1st rank,
captain 2nd rank,
captain 3rd rank
Senior officersmajor general
Lieutenant General,
Colonel General,
army general,
Marshal of the Russian Federation
rear admiral,
vice admiral,
fleet admiral

As you can see from the table, there is one more military rank! But what!

Find 10 differences: shoulder straps for different ranks in the Russian army

So that at first glance it is clear “who is who?” V Russian troops, insignia were introduced - sleeve insignia (for sailors), shoulder straps and epaulettes (for all fighters).

1) Shoulder straps of non-officer ranks

2) Shoulder straps of officer ranks

Top 12 interesting facts about ranks in the Russian army

  1. The only one who can command a Marshal of the Russian Federation (even give him the command “Take a prone position!”) ​​is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, who is also the President Russian Federation. Moreover, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief is a position, not a rank in the Russian troops.
  2. The current President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, left the FSB with the rank of colonel, but now the position allows him to “build” the holders of the highest military ranks.
  3. The Minister of Defense commands both sailors and ground forces. Therefore, there is no rank higher than fleet admiral in the Navy.
  4. Do not try to express your respect for the brave warriors by carefully writing out their ranks in the Russian armed forces with a capital letter. The fact is that all these words (from sailor to marshal) are written with a small letter;
  5. If you are lucky enough to serve in guard units, then the word “guard” is added to the rank, for example, “guard colonel.” Agree, it sounds!
  6. Even if you have retired or retired and are quietly growing cucumbers in your dacha, your title is assigned to you with the prefix “reserved” or “retired.”

    “A colonel, even if he is retired or in reserve, will still embarrass the traffic cop sergeant who stopped him for violating the rules traffic. The poor guy will scold and scold him and let him go without a fine. That’s how the title works for you!”– military pensioner Alexander from Kharkov says with a laugh.

  7. To the ranks of military doctors and lawyers they add “justice” (for example, “captain of justice”) or “medical service” (for example, “colonel of the medical service”).

    This, of course, is not George Clooney from ER, but it also sounds great!

  8. Those who entered a military university to study, but so far only see their high ranks in the Russian troops in sweet dreams, are called cadets, while those who have already managed to “sniff gunpowder” (have a military rank) are called listeners.
  9. For a whole year of (command) service, the maximum that you “shine” in the Russian army is the rank of sergeant.
  10. Since 2012, the ranks of chief petty officer and petty officer have not been assigned (they are simply “skipped over”), but they remain on pieces of paper. This is such a “wonderland”!
  11. Although the rank of major is higher than that of lieutenant, by some strange, inexplicable logic, a lieutenant general in the Russian Federation is higher in rank than a major general.
  12. In the Russian army, the next rank is awarded for personal merit and length of service. If about your bright moral character, high level“combat and political training” is up to your commanders to judge, then how much you need to “blow off” from rank to rank, we will guide you:

    No.Rank in the Russian armyLength of service
    1 Private, sailor5 months
    2 Junior sergeant, sergeant major of the second class1 year
    3 Sergeant, petty officer first class2 years
    4 Senior Sergeant, Chief Petty Officer3 years
    5 Ensign, midshipman3 years
    6 Junior Lieutenant2 years
    7 Lieutenant3 years
    8 Senior Lieutenant3 years
    9 Captain, Lieutenant Commander4 years
    10 Major, captain 3rd rank4 years
    11 Lieutenant Colonel, Captain 2nd Rank5 years
  13. Then, to get another “star” on your uniform, you will have to serve for 5 years. A prerequisite is also to have a position suitable for your new rank:

    RankJob title
    PrivateAll newly drafted into the army, all lower positions (gunner, driver, gun crew number, driver, sapper, reconnaissance officer, radio operator, etc.)
    CorporalThere are no full-time corporal positions. The rank is assigned to highly qualified soldiers in lower positions.
    Junior Sergeant, SergeantSquad, tank, gun commander
    Senior SergeantDeputy Platoon Leader
    Sergeant MajorCompany Sergeant Major
    Ensign, Art. ensignMaterial support platoon commander, company sergeant major, warehouse chief, radio station chief and other non-commissioned positions that require high qualifications. Can occupy lower officer positions if there is a shortage of officers
    Junior LieutenantPlatoon commander. Usually this rank is awarded in conditions of acute shortage of officers after completing accelerated officer courses
    Lieutenant, Art. lieutenantPlatoon commander, deputy company commander.
    CaptainCompany commander, training platoon commander
    MajorDeputy battalion commander. Training company commander
    Lieutenant colonelBattalion commander, deputy regiment commander
    ColonelRegiment commander, deputy brigade commander, brigade commander, deputy division commander
    Major GeneralDivision commander, deputy corps commander
    Lieutenant GeneralCorps commander, deputy army commander
    Colonel GeneralArmy Commander, Deputy District (Front) Commander
    Army GeneralDistrict (front) commander, Deputy Minister of Defense, Minister of Defense, Chief of the General Staff, other senior positions
    Marshal of the Russian FederationHonorary title given for special merits

The Russian army does not live by rank alone! 7 interesting military signs and customs

Ranks in the Russian army are, of course, a burning topic, but we also want to talk about interesting traditions, signs and customs in the army:

  • Only the lazy have never heard of “washing” a new rank with the ritual dipping of “stars” into a glass of vodka and Sabantuy with their colleagues.

    To carry out this important, almost magical ritual there is a whole instruction -

    a paratrooper is unlikely to take someone else's parachute.

    We suspect that this sign arose due to the fact that no matter how much you love your brother Seryoga, who sleeps with you in the barracks in the next bed, you cannot be sure that he will prepare the parachute as carefully as you;

    “Even though I still feel every unsuccessful jump in my bones and groan at bad weather, the landing is what made me a real man. And it’s not about shoulder straps, benefits and a normal pension, but the fact that it was there that I learned to do something through “I can’t”, I learned what real male friendship and traveled, thanks to his service, all over the world. I had a chic, rich youth without a mobile phone, the Internet and pretentious coffee shops", - Vladimir from Penza shares his memories.

  • One match cannot be used to light cigarettes for three or more fighters.

    Experienced people say that during this time the sniper will have plenty of time to open aimed fire;

    Submariners do not shave during combat missions.

    Well, well, you won’t find young ladies on a submarine during the day with fire, so there’s no one to show off to;

  • Submariners don't like the number 9, since many accidents occurred with boats in which this same “nine” was in the number (K-9, K-129, K-159, etc.);
  • Paratroopers swimming in fountains on Airborne Forces Day– this is from the “Understand and Forgive” series;
  • The paratroopers make their first “jumps” from a stool, holding a box of matches between their knees.

    Of course, you need to land softly, and the matches should not fall to the floor;

    graduates of military universities after the official part prom They hide several bills under each shoulder strap.

    The money is received by the junior cadet who is the first to salute the newly-minted junior lieutenant and congratulate him on his promotion to the rank.

All shoulder straps and ranks of the Russian

Federations in one video:

We hope that the article helped you “discover America” of ranks in the Russian army and deal with this interesting question once and for all.

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In the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, in government and law enforcement agencies, there is a specially created system of military ranks and class ranks, ensuring the order of subordination and subordination in intrastructural relationships. Military ranks in the army and navy characterize the level of professional training, official position and degree of responsibility of a serviceman. Class rank determines the status of a government official, employee of the judiciary, qualifies their competence, position and place on the career ladder. With the help of military ranks and ranks, you can get an idea of ​​the existing service hierarchy, who in the civil service is responsible for what and what powers are vested in them.

Military ranks for military personnel and class ranks

The army at all times has been a complex social mechanism, which is necessarily based on strict discipline, subordination and subordination. A person located inside this complex structure must, in accordance with his abilities, level of professional knowledge and training, occupy the place allocated to him. This situation has always existed, from ancient times and the Middle Ages to modern times. The modern armed forces of the Russian Federation are shining example how important the system of military ranks is for managing a huge mechanism.

It should be noted that with military ranks a certain order continues to be preserved, inherited by the Russian armed forces over the time of Peter I. As in the old days, this order implies the presence of a horizontal and vertical structure that determines the social position of a military man, his professional affiliation and competence . The order is as follows:

  • The horizontal structure is military and naval ranks, which are assigned to military personnel depending on their length of service and position;
  • Vertical structure - demonstrating a service hierarchy, i.e. who reports to whom in order of correspondence.

It is important to note that a similar principle applies to other government departments, organizations and services, ensuring the necessary controllability of the system civil service and the effectiveness of its work. An instrument for implementing the principle of subordination in in this case are military ranks and shoulder straps. Titles, classes and ranks are rather internal, psychological factors that determine the personal status of a soldier and official in military and civil service. Shoulder straps and other insignia allow you to approve this status at the social and everyday level, taking into account the existing hierarchy.

Military service presupposes a certain amount of official and power powers and outlines a range of rights and responsibilities. At each stage of a military career, a person in uniform occupies a specific post or position, which is distributed in conditions of strict subordination. For the armed forces, military ranks and positions are decisive in the chain of command. For civilian structures, the determining factor of subordination is the position held. Title, class or rank means the level of qualification of a civil service employee and is part of the information about the professional affiliation of the official and his experience.

Civilian public services, paramilitary institutions and law enforcement organizations in Russia are guided by a system of specialized knowledge. A system of special ranks has been introduced in the prosecutor's office and in the investigative bodies that are part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in the Federal Customs Service, in the Federal Migration Service and in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The hierarchical table of ranks, which provides for the presence of special titles, ranks and classes, determines the employee’s place in the system, the scope of his administrative powers and the level of professionalism.

In addition to military ranks assigned in order to employees of paramilitary departments, in some civilian departments there is a class rank, which is determined by the work experience, professional skills and competence of the official. This mechanism simplifies the ranking of officials, identifying the most worthy personnel. Class rank also determines the size of civil servants’ salaries, differentiates the system of benefits, provision of material benefits and remuneration.

What are military ranks for military personnel?

The main difference between military ranks and the ranks and classes that exist in the hierarchy of the civil public service is the determination of subordination. Each person in military service is assigned a military rank. This could be a conscript soldier or sailor, a civilian serving on a contract basis, or command staff.

In the army and navy, each serviceman has certain powers, responsibilities and rights, the range of which is to a greater extent determined by military rank. Shoulder straps and other insignia are carte blanche for a military man, indicating his powers, rights and responsibilities. The assignment of military ranks occurs from the moment a person’s social status changes and is associated with conscription for compulsory military service. The first military ranks - soldier or sailor - are assigned to a person from the moment he takes the military oath. Subsequent promotions are determined by length of service and level of professional training. For privates and sailors career ladder limited by service life. For officers, subsequent promotions are related to length of service, service compliance, experience and professional skills.

For persons who have chosen a military career and are undergoing training in the highest military educational institutions, awarded the rank of cadet.

In accordance with the horizontal structure, the existing military ranks in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation clearly follow an ascending line. The military hierarchy presupposes the following subordination, from a lower rank to the highest officer rank, from privates to the officer class. The main contingent of any armed forces (Russia is no exception) is the rank and file and sailors who hold non-officer ranks. In this regard, the picture looks like this:

  • for the army it is a private, for the navy it is a sailor;
  • non-commissioned officers for the army, senior officers for the navy;
  • warrant officers for the army; for the navy this rank corresponds to midshipman.

All of the listed non-officer military ranks have their own insignia, which indicate a higher level, determined by length of service and position held. Promotion in rank is carried out by Order of the immediate superior in accordance with the Regulations on promotion military service. The same trend in rank and distinction continues among officer ranks, but this structure is more complex and hierarchical.

The assignment of the very first or next rank is within the competence of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief - the President of the Russian Federation. You can receive another military rank based on length of service. This takes into account personal and professional qualities military man. In addition, the next rank is assigned to an officer only if the corresponding position is available. This may be the same unit or another military unit or ship where there is a vacant position.

Since 2016, amendments to the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” and the Law “On the Status of Military Personnel” come into force, which provide for re-certification for compliance before assigning the next military rank new position. Similar measures are being introduced in relation to officials and civil servants of other departments and structures.

Military officer ranks depend on the branch of service, however, in the table of ranks for all Russian armed forces, for the army and navy, a single trend for promotion remains.

The rank of lieutenants in the army corresponds to the ranks of lieutenants in the navy. Starting with the rank of captain, the division in the system of military ranks begins:

  • for the army, captain, for the navy, captain-lieutenant;
  • major in the army, captain 3rd rank in the navy;
  • a lieutenant colonel in the army corresponds to the rank of captain 2nd rank;
  • An army colonel is a captain of 1st rank in the navy.

In order for a captain to become a major, he must serve for four years with a creditable record. A major can only become a lieutenant colonel after four years, who only after five years of impeccable service has a chance to wear the shoulder straps and insignia of a colonel.

The ranks of generals in the army correspond to the ranks of admiral in the navy. So an army major general is equal in rank to a rear admiral. An army lieutenant general has a similar position in the navy - vice admiral. Colonel General and Army General correspond to the highest naval ranks, admiral and admiral of the Fleet.

To achieve high regalia and receive the highest military rank - Marshal of the Russian Federation, you need to go through the entire career ladder from beginning to end. This title is awarded only for great services to the Motherland. Individuals who are candidates for promotion to the highest officer rank, must not only have the necessary length of service, but also meet the non-service qualification. The only one in new history The Marshal of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was and remains Igor Dmitrievich Sergeev - Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation in 1997-2001.

Procedure for deprivation of military rank

The assignment of a military rank is an integral procedure that is based on clearly established regulations and procedures. Traditionally, thousands of soldiers, sailors and officers receive new ranks in Russia every year. Persons passing conscript service, become soldiers, corporals and sergeants. After a certain time, sailors become foremen. Every year, graduates of higher military educational institutions wear lieutenant shoulder straps. Senior officers receive promotions based on length of service and in recognition of services to the army and navy.

Like conferment, deprivation of a military rank, deprivation of a special rank is also regulated by law. A military man, like a civilian, has his rights and obligations and bears the same degree of responsibility before the law. For committed unlawful acts that fall under the articles of the Criminal Code, military personnel are brought to trial. Yes, you can only lose your military rank in the army and navy by a court decision!

This measure of influence is an additional, psychological factor to the main punishment. Deprivation of military ranks, achievements and merits in the military field can be used in exceptional cases when it comes to the commission of grave and especially grave crimes by a person liable for military service. The procedure for depriving a special title, class rank or honorary awards looks similar.

In conclusion

It should be noted that the system of military ranks, ranks, ranks and classes used in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, in other paramilitary departments and structures state power allows you to maintain the order of management and organization of the most complex government mechanisms. Subordination, clear subordination and service hierarchy are the three pillars on which modern army, navy and government structures rest.