Timur Batrutdinov and his fun. Timur Batrutdinov: about girls, marriage, rap and male friendship

Status: is in a civil marriage, and not with the finalist of the show “The Bachelor”.

I chose model and blogger Olesya Ermakova in the finals of the show “Bachelor”. The relationship was long-distance, which was the reason for the breakup, and ended nine months after the end of the project. Evgeny Levchenko and Olesya Ermakova parted as friends.

Let us recall that Evgeniy Levchenko wrote on his Facebook page that his feelings for Olesya Ermakova had faded: “Every fairy tale comes to an end. So our relationship with Olesya ended. The main reason is distance. Live in different countries, constant flights and busyness turned out to be an obstacle for us. We part without quarrels, peacefully, remaining friends.” Ermakova remained to live in Moscow, and Levchenko in Holland. But the football player was not bored alone for long. In 2015, Evgeniy resumed relations with ex-girlfriend Victoria Koblenko. The lovers spent their holiday in the Maldives, from where they shared photos together on social networks.

Olesya Ermakova

In April 2016, information appeared that Evgeniy Levchenko and Victoria Koblenko were expecting their first child. The happy future father himself shared the good news with his fans by publishing a post on his microblog. In August of the same year, the lovers had a son. Star parents gave the newborn unusual name Cue, and later created the baby’s own Instagram page. Evgeniy Levchenko and Victoria Koblenko did not officially register their relationship.

Evgeny Levchenko with Victoria Koblenko and son

Maxim Chernyavsky, 30 years old, hero of the second season of the show “The Bachelor” (2014)

Status: free

He chose lawyer Maria Drigola in the finals of the show “The Bachelor”. The romance lasted a year and a half after the completion of the project. The reason for the separation, as in the first case, was that the relationship was at a distance.

Timur Batrutdinov, 39 years old, hero of the third season of the show “The Bachelor” (2015)

Status: free

He chose student Daria Kananukha in the finals of the show “The Bachelor”. We broke up immediately after the completion of the project.

Before joining the show “The Bachelor,” not a single novel by Timur Batrutdinov was known. The showman remained the only free resident Comedy Club. Timur Batrutdinov chose Daria Kananukha, but as soon as the project ended, they separated like ships at sea. On official page TNT TV channel posted information on social networks that the novel was just part of the show: “So, the contract is over. Dasha and Timur were never together. Dasha immediately returned to Kazan, and Timur began his work.”

But Batrutdinova continues to communicate with the finalist of the third season of the show “The Bachelor” Galina Rzhaksenskaya after the show, although it is friendly. They tried to build a relationship, but realized that it was better to remain friends. Galina Rzhaksenskaya got married in November last year. A businessman became her chosen one Evgeniy Gromov. By the way, Timur Batrutdinov even met Galina Rzhaksenskaya’s husband. The winner of the third season, Daria Kananukha, is preparing for her wedding.

Daria Kananukha with her fiance

Galina Rzhaksenskaya with her husband Evgeny Gromov during their honeymoon to Venice

But Timur Batrutdinov, after the end of the show “Bachelor”, is again a bachelor. He continued to carefully hide his personal life. In July 2016, information appeared in the press that Timur met with a certain Maria. The girl came to the REN TV channel, where she told how Batrutdinov allegedly mocked her. According to Maria, she met Timur on the Internet. After several meetings, Batrutdinov invited her to move to a more serious level of relationship. Maria claimed that over time the showman began to treat her cruelly and even showed her bruises. But Timur’s representative denied information about the artist’s affair with Maria.

Timur Batrutdinov

Alexey Vorobyov, 29 years old, hero fourth season show "Bachelor" (2015)

Status: free

In the finale of the show “The Bachelor” he did not choose anyone.

Singer, actor and composer Alexey Vorobyov is the only one who sent two girls home at once in the final of “The Bachelor”. And after the project he completely ignored the contestants at social events. The finalist of the project, Natalya Gorozhanova, did not lose hope of renewing her relationship with Alexei and attended all the events where the singer appeared. So, on June 14, there was a high-profile premiere of another new directorial work by Alexei Vorobyov, filmed in Hollywood for a young singer Maria Mia. The event was attended by many celebrities, including foreign ones: Hollywood star Bai Ling, known to Russian viewers from films Star Wars , « Adrenaline-2" And " Taxi-3", with his American colleague Oliver Gruner; finalist of the German "X-Factor" Tallana Gabrielle; director Marius Weisberg. But a huge surprise was the appearance of Gorozhanova, for whom there was no invitation that evening. The “Bachelor” finalist came to a social gathering in the company of friends and spent the entire evening trying to attract Vorobyov’s attention. Alexey was so busy that he didn’t even notice Natasha, and she left the event.

Alexey Vorobyov with Natalya Gorozhanova

Alexey Vorobyov with Yana Anosova

In October 2016, a photograph of a girl appeared on Vorobyov’s microblog on Instagram. Even if the black and white photo is of poor quality, you can see a girl in lingerie and Elvis-Melvis, Alexei’s beloved dog. Well, the signature that Vorobyov left under the photo speaks for itself: “While I’m working, these two are indulging in treats in the kitchen :) #ElvisMelvis and her. #happiness". However, the happiness was short-lived. As they say, every fairy tale has its ending. That's the story touching love Alexey Vorobyov’s project also ended, and scandalously. On January 15, 2017, the artist announced his breakup with his lover on his microblog on Instagram. Vorobiev told subscribers that he decided to surprise his girlfriend and fly from distant States to spend a few hours with her. “Now I know for sure that miracles do not happen. I flew in to be with my girlfriend for at least a few hours, but I’m leaving as a bachelor... The moral of the story is this: if you want to make a surprise and fly across the ocean for a day for someone, it’s better to warn about your intentions,” wrote Alexey. Fans suggested that the artist caught his girlfriend cheating. The artist never disclosed the name of his beloved.

Alexey Vorobyov still does not despair of finding his soulmate. Last night, the artist went live on Instagram and hinted to fans that he was waiting for their photos. Fans hoping to win your heart eligible bachelor literally bombarded Vorobyov with their candid photographs. Perhaps one of them will be lucky, and the enviable bachelor’s heart will finally calm down.

Alexey Vorobiev

Timur "Kashtan" Batrutdinov one of the first residents comedy show Comedy Club, became popular thanks to its funny miniatures with its partner Garik “Bulldog” Kharlamov. Undoubtedly, this is one of the best comedians of our time; naturally, the public is interested in Batrutdinov and his wife, their personal life. We hasten to please you, Timur is still searching.

Timur Takhirovich Batrutdinov was born on February 11, 1978 in the village of Voronovo, Moscow region. Mother - Natalya Evgenievna - an economist, father - Takhir Khusainovich - a military man. The family moved often and changed several places of residence: Moscow, Kaliningrad, Kazakhstan, Baltiysk. Timur's grandfather Tatar nationality, in connection with his roots in the Comedy Club, jokes were often made about Batrutdinov’s nationality.

Timur school graduated from St. Petersburg, after which he entered the St. Petersburg State University labor economics and personnel management. As the artist himself admits, in the 1990s, the fields of law and economics were among the most in demand. As a university student, the guy participated in KVN from the Faculty of Finance, wrote scripts and was known as the youngest wedding host in St. Petersburg.

After university, he was drafted into the army, served and upon his return worked at the capital's PSA Peugeot Citroen company as a manager, from where he soon resigned to continue playing in KVN. This time he played for the “Ungolden Youth” team, where he was invited by his longtime acquaintance Dmitry “Lisyok” Sorokin, and in this team he became friends with Igor Kharlamov. Later, when the Comedy Club appeared, Kashtan and Bulldog organized a duet that remains popular to this day.

Career at the Comedy Club and filming

On April 23, the first episode of the humorous television show Comedy Club was released. At that time, the concept of the show was very risky and did not fit into the television format, but its popularity instantly broke all records. Producers Garik Martirosyan and Arthur Janibakyan invited Kharlamov and Batrutdinov as residents. The duet of these two comedians became the highlight of the show and quickly gained their fans; in 2009, Timur became the most popular resident according to the People choice website and received 53% of the votes.

In addition to filming at the Comedy Club, Batrutdinov was involved in several others, no less popular projects that were successful with the public:

Timur Batrutdinov also tried himself as an actor; his filmography is represented by the following films:

Resident's personal life

The comedian’s personal life was shrouded in secrets for a long time, while his colleagues on the show got married and had children, Timur, as before, attended social events alone. Numerous fans never ceased to wonder who Timur Batrudinov is with now. This is understandable: a young Muscovite, popular, well-built, with an excellent sense of humor, a regular at social gatherings, unmarried, a real gentleman.

Wherein famous comedian Already a godfather three times and a loving uncle, he has admitted more than once that he dreams of his own children. To direct questions from journalists about his personal life, Timur laughs it off and says that despite his age, the main women in his life are his mother and sister.

Journalists from all fashion publications are hunting for Timur, articles with enviable regularity appear on the Internet with headlines: “Timur Batrutdinov got married!”, “Who is Batrutdinov dating?” or “What is the name of Batrutdinov’s wife?” - but all this remains just speculation.

Participation in "The Bachelor"

In 2015, Timur took part in television project“The Bachelor” on the TNT channel, in this television project he had to choose one girl among 25 and give her a ring. In the final there were two girls left, Daria Kananukha and Galina Rzhaksenskaya, he made his choice in favor of the 25-year-old girl Daria Kananukha.

After the project, they dated for some time, posted common photos on social networks and appeared in public places. The couple gave a lot of reasons for rumors, journalists literally tore Timur up with requests for an interview, and at the same time the number of requests in search engines for “Timur Batrutdinov and his wife” broke all possible records.

The last time they were seen together was at the Comedy Club festival in Kazan, after which the lovers broke up, but as they themselves claim, they remained friends. Dasha made the decision to separate, admitting that separation and distances are too destructive for building strong relationships. The girl also hinted that it was she who was more interested in this relationship and more often than Timur took the initiative.

P after breaking up with Daria Timura began to see the second finalist of the show, Galina, more often in society. Fans gossiped that the comedian simply made a mistake in his choice. This time, all fans were interested in the question of whether the guy made a mistake with Dasha’s choice. But the couple did not comment on the meetings, which only fueled rumors and conversations. Again, the girl brought clarity to the situation, admitting that her heart had been occupied for a long time, and that she and Batrutdinov were just friends.

Batrutdinov and Buzova

At the moment, the most discussed couple is Batrutdinov and Buzova. They were first noticed in January 2018 on vacation together in Thailand; they freely showed joint photos on Instagram under the hashtag #friendship on the edge.

Timur himself wrote on his Instagram page that after a joint photo with Olya Buzova, several hundred thousand people subscribed to him; this did not happen even when he posted a joint photo with Hollywood actor Matt Damon. Timur himself calls Olga a “phenomenon” and admires her, saying that everything she touches becomes popular. Fans immediately decided that Timur and Olga were a couple, but the stars themselves stubbornly remained silent.

Next, they placed a joint advertisement on their blogs about the competition, where the winner will receive a house as a gift. Later they performed together on the stage of the Comedy Club and Batrutdinov tenderly hugged the girl, and even stated that he chose Olga and left the program. All this looks like a successful PR campaign. Now the most discussed and popular couple on the Internet is Timur Batrutdinov, whose personal life interests people more than anyone else’s.

It’s hard to say who Timur Batrutdinov is with now. Do they tie romantic relationship Olga and Timur or is it just friendship, we can only guess. By latest news Olga had a conflict with another Comedy Club resident, Andrei Skorokhod, and Batrutdinov immediately rushed to defend her.

Fans are divided into two camps: some are delighted with the current couple and dream that they will create a real family. Others believe that Olga is not suitable for Timur. No matter how fate would have it, their couple really beat all the popularity ratings, and who knows, friendship often develops into tender love.

Attention, TODAY only!

Timur Batrutdinov was born on February 11, 1978 into a Tatar family in the village of Voronovo near Moscow. The boy spent his childhood not surrounded by gloomy faces scurrying here and there in a dusty and stuffy metropolis, but among unique nature parks, squares, endless sandy beaches the greenest city in the Kaliningrad region, Baltiysk, where his father, a military man, was transferred for service.

Timur's school time began at the age of six. In elementary school, in third grade, he became creative path, successfully playing his first role as the Primer Man in a first-grade production. Timur Batrutdinov, a high school student, became famous for his brilliant play in the school KVN team.

Despite his love for literature, KVN and creativity in general, Timur Batrutdinov, having received the long-awaited certificate of secondary education, decided to follow in his mother’s footsteps: he entered the Faculty of Labor and Personnel Management at the State University of Economics and Finance of St. Petersburg.

As a student, he played on the KVN team of the highest-rated state economic university in Russia, and wrote scripts for the city team. The Major League remained a pipe dream; due to a personal conflict with one of the team members, it was not possible to get into the St. Petersburg KVN Team as an actor. He was content with scripts and “back-up dancers,” but did not give up KVN. Of course, Timur Batrutdinov at that time had no time for economics, for which he paid with academic leave.

After graduating from university in 2000, the young man was sent to the army in the Podolsk region for a year. The fighter Timur Batrutdinov decided to turn the army into a continuous Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. It was with him light hand the team became the champion of the Moscow military district.

Having conscientiously repaid his military duty to his homeland, Timur Batrutdinov remembered his diploma as an economist and went to Moscow, where he was immediately hired in his specialty at the Peugeot company. However, the company’s joy did not last long: economist Timur Batrutdinov was found by old friends from KVN, and he became a full-fledged player, already as an actor in the “Ungolden Youth” team in the Major League. The dream has come true.

True, “the emphasis in the team was already distributed, so I had to fight my way from the back rows and prove to myself and everyone...”. Apparently, it was not possible to prove to everyone: now no one can really remember what Timur Batrutdinov did in “Ungolden Youth”; in short, in KVN he simply did not have time to reveal himself 100 percent.

"Comedy Club"
But the avid KVN player managed to show himself to the fullest by becoming a resident of the “Kashtan” show “Comedy Club”. At first, he joined third in the duet of Garik Kharlamov, a native of the “Ungolden Youth”, and the famous TV and radio host Evgeniy Agabekov. Through natural selection, the original trio was nevertheless reduced to the size of a duet - Batrutdinov-Kharlamov.

It is this duet of two gifted people that is one of the main highlights of the current Comedy. At first, the bright comedic play of Garik “Bulldog” Kharlamov, of course, draws attention to himself in the duet’s play, but that’s why he has a nickname - “Bulldog”. But Timur "Kashtan" Batrutdinov with the magnificent middle name Takhirovich is a comedian by nature and can prove it at any moment. Periodically, the actor performs with Garik Martirosyan, Oleg Vereshchagin and Le Havre, Pavel Volya and Alexander Revva.

While on tour in the USA, Timur Batrutdinov and Alexander Nezlobin once went into the holy of holies - the Comedy Store, where the American Comedy began more than 60 years ago. It was there that Jim Carrey, Chris Rock, Chris Tucker, and Andy Kaufman performed, among others. For a long time the actor had the feeling that he was in the scenery Hollywood films either in the role of an undercover police officer or a spy intelligence officer.

A television
However, “Comedy Club” did not become the main thing in Timur Batrutdinov’s life; he was eager to go on big television. Luckily, Batrutdinov was noticed by employees of the Muz-TV channel and invited to the program “Hello, Kukuevo!”, for daily 15-minute episodes of empty chatter, but the program was still a success.

One of the main residents of the "Comedy Club" had his childhood dream to play romantic hero, successfully embodied under the circus dome in the lyrical image of Andrei Bolkonsky, unusual for him, in the project "Circus on the First", receiving maximum amount points and a flurry of applause.

In addition to participating in the Comedy Club and television, Kashtan did not give up his authoring activities. He successfully wrote scripts for KVN, humorous broadcast on NTV, for Sergei Mandrik, director of the "Street Jazz" ballet and host of the "Dance Floor Star" program. It is Timur’s merit that in the continuation of the popular program, the speech of the presenter Sergei was a little livelier, and jokes slipped into the repertoire, at least a little, not only to work with the body.


The first filming of the lively KVN player happened in St. Petersburg, while working part-time as an extra. His first role was in a Canadian film. Then the future Comedy Club star “deftly took the Winter Palace” in a huge pile of sailors. And the next day he was already a White Guard, defending the same Winter Palace. At that moment, the magic of cinema threw the seed into fertile soil, then subconsciously beckoned for a long time, but Timur Batrutdinov steadfastly refused, most likely, he was not ready internally.

The director of the series "Masha + Sasha", who was also the director of "Comedy Club", Ksenia Chashey invited "Kashtan" to play the role of a resident of Prague in her sitcom.

Then Timur Batrutdinov took a direct part in the series “Club” on MTV, playing the role of Grisha Loser. It turned out, however, that everything was not as truthful as the actor himself expected, who knew club life firsthand, and the series had certain film standards.

But, nevertheless, the first serious experience of working in cinema was a success: the actor discovered creative like-mindedness with the performer leading role Peter Fedorov, with the professional actors from the “Club,” he felt free, there was no fear of filming, he simply “took the image itself.”

"Most best movie-2"
In the film parody "The Best Film-2" on the images of the main characters in the highest-grossing domestic films of recent times: "Heat", "12", "The Irony of Fate. Continuation" Timur Batrutdinov got the role of Actor.

He even managed to hit Sergei Lazarev in the face in the frame, according to the script it was supposed to be so. But it was not a blow to defeat, a blow to the modern stage, but rather a friendly one, like “Guys, try harder.”

Self-critical Timur Batrutdinov was not very pleased with his role, and the image did not seem to have enough depth, and his hero is a rather stupid creature. Of course, the role of the Actor, a parody of the hero Arthur Smolyaninov in “Heat,” cannot definitely be called an Oscar-winning one, but still it was an important event in the resident’s film career, because it was Batrutdinov’s first full-length work.

Parody genre– new for Russian cinema. An absolutely Zuckerian parody, of course, could not be made due to a lack of art material, but the creators of “The Best Film-2” tried to take into account the shortcomings of “The Best Film,” inviting, among other things, new actors from Comedy: Timur Batrutdinov and Dmitry Khrustalev.

Timur Batrutdinov himself would not mind trying himself in dramatic role. But for this, and the actor always understood this very well, he would first need to get an education at least somehow related to theater and cinema.

Personal life
One of Timur Batrutdinov’s favorite sayings is "If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans". He did not plan to perform at the Comedy Club, and much more, but, nevertheless, everything turned out that way. Fate was kind to him, and he accepted her gifts with joy. But this does not mean that the actor was just waiting, no, of course, he was always doing something.

In many ways, the actor depended on the success of his family, on how things were with the main women in his life - his sister and mother. They always restrained him from more fraudulent, crazy actions.

In general, everything that is not banal, and sometimes even absurd, is very close to this person. Everyone just watched the stupid Tom and Jerry, and Timur managed to learn Polish while sitting in front of the TV screen. And he acquired both standard English and non-banal Polish languages.

The actor has a character trait: it’s interesting to live in different images. It's always different. One for parents, another for friends, and a third for girls. But he is always an open person, not a hypocrite. The world is so unpredictable for Timur Batrutdinov that he never knew what the next day might turn out for him.

Interesting Facts
The most unforgettable thing at the noisy party for Timur Batrutdinov’s 30th birthday was the surprise that the guests prepared for everyone’s favorite resident. A large number of The waitresses serving this event at some point grabbed Timur and, singing the song “Winged Swing,” began to undress him. The false waitresses turned out to be pre-hired strippers who were supposed to decorate the evening of the hero of the day.

Timur Batrutdinov published memoirs, an autobiographical tragicomedy about the year spent in the armed forces - “The Year in Boots.”

The Comedy Club resident, an economist by training, always proposed to approach the process of the global economic crisis philosophically: a change of priorities, after prosperity there should always be not just extinction, but simply a turning point.

Russian actor, TV presenter, showman, comedian. Resident of the top-rated television stand-up show Comedy Club.

Timur Batrutdinov. Biography

Timur Takhirovich "Kashtan" Batrutdinov born on February 11, 1978 in the village of Voronovo, Podolsk region. Since his father was a military man, the family changed several places of residence: Kazakhstan, Kaliningrad, Baltiysk, Moscow.

After graduation Timur Batrutdinov entered the St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance at the Faculty of Labor Economics and Personnel Management. He explained his choice by the fact that economics and jurisprudence were the most promising directions in the 1990s. As a university student, he performed on the stage of a student club, wrote scripts for the St. Petersburg KVN team and was known as the youngest toastmaster in St. Petersburg.

Timur: Once I managed to hold two weddings at once in two different halls. In my opinion, even now you can find an advertisement on the Internet: “Timur Batrutdinov. Carrying out weddings. Additional services - no. Price: $300.” From them I received, God willing, one hundred dollars. I think that many of St. Petersburg’s family archives contain videotapes of my performances at weddings.

Then Timur got tired of the role of the joker-entertainer. He decided to serve a year in the army, in his native Podolsk region, in order to later come and conquer the capital. He was offered a job in a car company in his specialty, but fate future star The stand-up show decided the case.

Timur Batrutdinov. Creative path

Batrutdinov came to Sochi for the KVN festival and met there an old acquaintance Dmitry “Lyuska” Sorokin, who played for the team "Ungolden Youth". Timur was offered to join, but he did not refuse. The star of the game at that time was Garik "Bulldog" Kharlamov, with whom they began to compose their unique miniatures while having dinner at McDonald's.

Timur: Garik is the person who sees me around as often as possible. If anything, I am an absolute straight man, and we are connected by a strong male friendship. Garik and I actually once had a period when we were literally married because of these miniatures. Surprisingly, in our time there is just male friendship. This is just about him and me.

From 2003 until September 2009, the duo Timur Batrutdinov And Garika Kharlamov was one of the brightest in the first Russian television stand-up show Comedy Club. In 2004, Timur became the host of the program “Hello, Kukuevo!” on Muz - TV, and four years later he surprised viewers of Channel One with his performance in the show “Circus with the Stars”.

In 2010, he took part in the First Channel project “Southern Butovo”, while continuing to perform on stage in a new format Comedy Club. He also starred in the sitcom “Two Antons” (2010), where he played the role of a guy who came to Moscow and rented an apartment. Another Anton (Le Havre) turned out to be his neighbor. A duo of provincial guitarists turned the sitcom into a comedy musical.

Among other things, Timur is developing as an actor. For example, he has a comedic role in the film “The Best Movie 2”. And in 2008, he voiced a baby elephant in the animated film “ Horton", and two years later he dubbed Jim Carrey in the comedy "I Love You, Philip Morris" .

In 2013, Timur teamed up with an old stage colleague Garik Kharlamov presented new program- “HB-show”. Their creative tandem had been dreaming about a joint author’s project for a long time.

At the beginning of September 2014, the showman entered the rating project of Channel One “Ice Age” (fifth season) paired with Bulgarian figure skater Albena Denkova, who performed in professional sports with Maxim Stavisky. Timur and his mentor went through nine stages, after which they dropped out of the competition based on the results of audience voting.

In 2015, a film with Timur’s participation “Horoscope for Good Luck” was released. This is a film about a guy Maxim, into whose hands a “lucky” horoscope falls, and the hero must follow it for 30 days, fulfilling all the crazy instructions in order to win the favor of a previously inaccessible beauty and good luck in all matters. Batrutdinov’s partners on the set were Dmitry Endaltsev, Svetlana Khodchenkova, Yan Tsapnik, Anna Chipovskaya, Vitaly Khaev, Gosha Kutsenko and others.

Viewers also saw Timur in his directorial debut Dina Shturmanova- comedy “Bartender” (2015), produced by Fyodor Bondarchuk and Timur Weinstein. The film about the life of night Moscow starred Vitaly Gogunsky, Yulia Parshuta and Ivan Okhlobystin. In addition, the film stars such stars as the host of the reality show “Dom-2” Olga Buzova, for whom this role became her debut, Yuri Stoyanov, Zhanna Epple, Konstantin Kryukov, Anton Bogdanov, Anatoly Bely and others.

In November 2015, Batrutdinov appeared in a scandalous comedy series“Concerned, or Love of Evil” from director Boris Khlebnikov and the TV channel TNT, and also became part of the team for voicing heroes animated film“Bogatyrsha”, in which the characters spoke in the voices of Anna Khilkevich, Alexey Chumakov, Garik Kharlamov, Mikhail Porechenkov, Alena Babenko, Boris Shcherbakov, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and others.

In March 2016, the Rossiya 1 TV channel aired the anniversary project “Dancing with the Stars,” in which Timur became a participant. His partner on the show was Ksenia Pozhilenkova. True, the couple did not reach the finals.

For 2017, Batrutdinov and Kharlamov planned the premiere of the second season of the sketch comedy “HB Show”, work on which the guys began in 2015.

Timur about the “HB Show” project: For Garik and me, this show is at the top among the rest creative projects... The second season will be incredible! Exactly. Because while filming the first one, we figured out on the fly how and what to do. Now the work began with awareness of the matter.

Timur Batrutdinov. Show Bachelor, season 3

In December 2014, the TNT channel announced that the hero of the next, third season of the most romantic show in the world “The Bachelor” (Russian version) will be Timur Batrutdinov, resident Comedy Club. Since the 36-year-old showman had never been married at that time, the TNT channel undertook to rectify this situation.

Batrutdinov, like the first two characters, is good-looking, famous, rich and witty. For the last ten years before participating in the project, he was constantly under the camera lens, but annoyingly little was known about his personal life. The Internet is full of rumors about his fleeting romances, but none of them developed into something serious. It is clear that Timur is radically different from his predecessors - football player Levchenko and businessman Chernyavsky. Until now there have been no comedians in the Russian " Bachelor", nor in the American The Bachelor.

Timur Batrutdinov: “I am constantly asked the question why I am still not married. I sometimes ask myself this question, but I can’t find an answer. Beautiful women a lot, but I still haven’t met the one with whom I would like to stay forever. There were different situations, but the result is the same: now I’m 36, almost all my friends are married, many have children. And I really want children too! I've been fighting my fears all my life. I was once afraid to speak in front of an audience - I went on stage. I was afraid of heights: I went to the “Circus” project and learned to walk on a tightrope. It's the same here. I hope the show “The Bachelor” will help me get rid of my fear of family life.”

Most colleagues and viewers felt that Batrutdinov’s participation in “ Bachelor" - this is PR. But the showman was not going to convince anyone, because, he says, no matter what he did a famous person, they will always say that this is PR. Timur’s personal life is in full view all the time, and so are any relationships.

Timur Batrutdinov: “So I decided - if that’s the case, then why not go all-in? Try to find your girlfriend and do it openly, as it is? I don’t know what will come of it, but it’s better to try than not to try. The main motto of my participation in this project is “What if it works out?” Sadness came over me more than once or twice during filming. At the beginning, when I first came to the project, I didn’t understand how serious everything was. I thought that the role of a comedian and a person who takes life lightly would help me hold out until the end, looking at everything with a dose of irony and jokes. I was sure that I would carry this cheerful image from beginning to end. But almost immediately, already at the first party after meeting the participants, I realized that there could be no image here. Girls came with real experiences, with whole life stories– sometimes funny, sometimes tragic. And I realized that here you can only be as sincere as possible - just like these girls.”

As a result, 22-year-old Daria Kananukha and Galina Rzhaksenskaya reached the finals of the show. Timur chose Dasha.

Timur Batrutdinov is an actor, comedian and simply an incredibly charismatic person. For many years now, this man has been performing brilliantly on the stage of the most popular show in Russia. He has come a long way to the pinnacle of humorous art, and rightfully ranks significant place among your colleagues.

Batrutdinov’s professional activity continues to gain momentum. During his life, he became very popular and in demand. What was the comedian’s childhood like, what did he do before the stage? We will shed light on these and many other events of Timur in this article.

Celebrities very often become objects of interest on the part of their fans - Timur was no exception. Some of the frequently asked questions are height, weight, age, how old is Timur Batrutdinov? He is now 40 years old, weighs 80 kilograms and is 185 centimeters tall.

The comedian tries to look 100 percent at all times. He takes care of his appearance, his wardrobe is updated in a timely manner, and his weight never exceeds the set parameters. Timur believes that it is very important to keep yourself in shape all the time. And given his activities, this is almost the most important thing.

Timur Batrutdinov photo in his youth and now. How are these photographs different? Nothing: young and funny guy, always looks at us with a wide smile from photographs in magazines, posters and photo cards on the Internet. He never has “cloudy” days, he is always cheerful and makes others laugh.

Biography and personal life of Timur Batrutdinov

He was born on February 11, 1978. In the small village of Voronovo, which is located in the Podolsk district of the Moscow region. This is where the biography and personal life of Timur Batrutdinov begins. Since childhood, the boy traveled throughout the country. Father - Tahir Khusainovich, was a military man. In this regard, the family moved from place to place. His mother is Natalya Evgenievna, an experienced economist. It was in her footsteps that Timur wanted to follow.

Like all children, he graduated from school and then entered college, studying at the department of economics and finance. This is where his artistry and innate sense of humor began to emerge. Batrutdinov constantly took part in all events related to positivity. He played for the KVN team of his faculty, and, in his free time from studying, he wrote texts for the St. Petersburg national team. After graduating from university, Timur went to serve in the army.

Upon returning from military service, he did not leave his favorite hobby– stage. But still, in addition to his hobby, he got a job in his specialty. After working in Moscow for some time, he receives an invitation to participate in KVN. Batrutdinov leaves the company and takes a place in the “Ungolden Youth” team. There he meets Garik Kharlamov, who, like Timur, plays for this team.

After several successful seasons, the guys became friends. They decide to create their own duet. So, in 2005, a couple of friends get on the stage of the Comedy Club.

Not limiting himself to a humorous project, Timur takes part in various television shows, tries himself as an actor and even voices the program “Survive Together” for the Discovery Channel. Today, he is one of the most popular and sought-after comedians.

The comedian doesn’t really like to talk about his personal life. Of course, there were girls in his life; once upon a time, photographs appeared in the press showing Timur Batrutdinov and Galina Rzhaksinskaya. Now it’s difficult to say whether something connected them or not, but they did not appear officially anywhere as a couple. On the set of the program “The Bachelor,” where the KVN player took part, he developed a relationship with Daria Kananukha. After the project ended, the couple broke up.

Family and children of Timur Batrutdinov

The family and children of Timur Batrutdinov, like any man, come first. But, unlike his colleagues and friends, he only has plans for the future. The young man did not have time to tie the knot. Timur devoted his entire life to the development and improvement of his stage images. Creativity consumed the guy headlong.

This year, Batrutdinov appeared in public with Olga Buzova, singer and host of the “House 2” project. The couple vacationed together at one of the resorts. Before this, there were rumors about the relationship between them, but only now the young people decided to open themselves to the public. According to the latest information, they are dating, but they are in no hurry to join family everyday life.

Timur Batrutdinov's wife

Girls who like the comedian often wonder what Timur Batrutdinov’s wife should look like? Looking at a slender guy, the imagination draws a long-legged, graceful beauty from the covers of glossy magazines. But Timur himself is sure that a wife should, first of all, be a good housewife and a wonderful mother.

Sometimes you can read information on the Internet where Timur Batrutdinov and his wife appear. 2017 was especially memorable for him, since it was during this period that a flurry of rumors and gossip on this topic began to fall.

Fans of the famous comedian's work are confident that he will not linger as a bachelor, and will soon appear on the covers of fashion publications hugging his wife.

Timur Batrutdinov orientation

Timur Batrutdinov, whose orientation is often questionable, has been criticized many times by the public. Lack of marital status and silence about personal life sometimes lead people to wonder if Timur is gay? Refuting such rumors, we can say with confidence, no - Batrutdinov is straight.

Also, after several numbers with Kharlamov, where they depicted the characters’ unconventional orientation, one might think that he was “gay.” But you can’t draw conclusions about the stage images real life of people. Let's hope that in the future Batrutdinov will appear before us in the form of a husband and father.

Instagram and Wikipedia Timur Batrutdinov

The most extensive sources of information about the comedian’s life are undoubtedly Timur Batrutdinov’s Instagram and Wikipedia. In the Wikipedia database, the most detailed information about his family, creative and life path, as well as a list of Timur’s labor achievements.

Instagram absorbs all the personal notes of the comedian. On the pages of this social network Photos of “Batrukha” – as Garik Kharlamov likes to call him – constantly appear. These include pictures from vacations, selfies with colleagues, and even footage from performances. The bright and dynamic personality of Timur Batrutdinov is attracting more and more subscribers.