Jedi: who is this? Opinion: Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order is a game about a Sith, not a Jedi What is the Jedi Order

In December 2017, the next milestone in the cult franchise “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” will be released, which all fans of the saga are awaiting with delight and trepidation. This is the eighth chapter of the film adventures in the "galaxy far, far away", which is credited big hopes, because Episode 7, “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” surprised and delighted. In the Episode 8 trailer, Luke Skywalker says we need to put an end to the Jedi. We will soon find out what he means. In the meantime, let's remember the 10 great Jedi in the history of Star Wars.

Mace Windu: Best Duelist

The greatest "duelist" of all time (among those wielding lightsabers) is considered Mace Windu, played by Samuel L. Jackson in the prequel trilogy. Very few could defeat Windu - it was almost unthinkable, since Mace was able to sense weaknesses in any of his opponents and exploit this in battle, thanks to a technique that brought him close to dark side strength. Ultimately, the Jedi managed to get closer to the villainous Senator Palpatine, but before Mace could deal with the villain, he was killed by Anakin Skywalker, who had recently turned to the dark side of the Force.

Shaak Ti: The Cunning Planner

A member of the Jedi High Council, Shaak Ti, a Togruta, achieved great heights: during the Clone Wars, she was a general in the Grand Army of the Republic. She is a cunning planner and an excellent performer, however, as a mentor she was defeated: two of her Padawans died. Shaak Ti became a member of the strike team organized by Mace Windu, and together with others rescued three of the most important figures in Star Wars history (Anakin, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Queen Amidala). However, when the clones went on the offensive and Anakin turned into a monster, Shaak Ti's days were numbered.

Quinlan Vos: powerful telepath

Trained as a Jedi, Quinlan Vos eventually became one of the Order's finest young Jedi. He was tasked with killing Count Dooku, but Quinlan was captured and, under the influence of the dark side of the Force, became Dooku's apprentice. However, Vos managed to escape from under oppression - thanks to the feat of Ventress, who sacrificed himself. Quinlan defeated Dooku, but refused to kill him; he became a Jedi again and took refuge on the Wookiee planet. A general in the Grand Army, Quinlan was a powerful telepath, and if he touched an object, he could penetrate the consciousness and memories of the person who touched the thing before him.

Revan: the most feared man in the galaxy

When people think of Revan (hero computer games franchise "Star Wars" and comics), they consider it the most scary person in the galaxy. Possessing rare and powerful abilities, Revan (aka the Prodigal Knight) discovered that he could tap into both the light and dark sides of the Force (and go as far as he wanted). He never felt that killing was wrong. Although Revan managed to become the ruler of the Third Sith Empire, he was also a Jedi who participated in the Civil and Mandalorian Wars. He created his own group of Jedi Knights who did not need the Order to lead them.

Qui-Gon Jinn: master manipulator

Best known for being the one who discovered little Anakin Skywalker, Qui-Gon Jinn was one of the finest Jedi in history. He was not only Anakin's teacher, but also Obi-Wan Kenobi's. His influence on the Jedi was enormous, and Qui-Gon also possessed Ataru's deadly fighting style, allowing him to outpace his opponents when it came to battle. He was also a skilled manipulator and could make people do whatever he wanted. Even the Hutt, who was immune to the Jedi's tricks, fell prey to Jin's mind. However, all these skills and talents did not help Qui-Gon in the unequal battle on Naboo. In Star Wars, this hero was played by Liam Neeson.

Jaina Solo: killed a twin who turned to the dark side

Another great female Jedi is Jaina Solo, who married Jagedd Fel. Solo (daughter of Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo) had a younger brother, Anakin Solo, and a twin brother, Jacen Solo. Jaina was well versed in technology, like her father, and felt the Force, like her mother. After training and a “baptism of fire,” Leia’s daughter became a member of the Jedi High Council of the New Order. Jaina had an interesting gift: she could create flashes of light by manipulating molecules and influencing the air. The Jedi also mastered the ability to destroy everything that could be destroyed. When Jaina's twin became part dark Force and called himself Darth Cadus, she killed him in battle.

Anakin Skywalker: The Chosen and the Fallen

Anakin Skywalker's story is similar to Lucifer's: he was the shining sword of the light side of the Force, and then he fell and turned to darkness. Found by Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin became a Padawan of the Jedi Order, who believed that he was the key to balance and the "chosen one." After Qui-Gon was killed, Obi-Wan became Anakin's sole mentor. Capable of understanding both the light and dark sides of the Force, Anakin (Hayden Christensen) could sense people with the Force and those in trouble, as well as foresee the future. Senator Palpatine managed to tempt Skywalker, using his visions of the death of his wife and child. Anakin almost died at the hands of Obi-Wan, but he was revived and made Darth Vader. After many dark deeds in the name of the dark side, Darth sacrificed himself to save his son, Luke, and thereby, according to some fans, restored the balance of the Force.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Anakin and Luke's mentor

During the battle on Naboo, Obi-Wan Kenobi witnessed the death of his teacher Qui-Gon Jinn, who managed to tell the student that from now on he was a Jedi Knight. Enraged, Obi-Wan killed Jinn's opponent, Darth Maul, becoming the first warrior to succeed (in over a thousand years) extra years) kill the Dark Lord of the Sith. Kenobi mentored Anakin, and together they succeeded during the Clone Wars. When Anakin came under the command of Palpatine, Obi-Wan fought with him, was one of those who hid Luke and Leia (twin children of Padmé and Anakin) in different corners galaxies to save them. As an elderly Jedi, Kenobi trained Luke Skywalker, but died at the hands of Vader, after which he merged with the force, and in the form of a spirit continued to help young Skywalker. The role of young Obi-Wan was played by Ewan McGregor, and Kenobi, white-haired (in the original trilogy), was played by Alec Guinness.

Luke Skywalker: Restored Balance

Like his father, Luke Skywalker's power was immense. He was trained by the old and wise Obi-Wan Kenobi, former teacher Anakin, as well as Master Yoda. Kenobi revealed Luke's ability to understand the Force and develop it within himself. He destroyed the first Death Star and ended the battle with his father (which he lost the first time). This time he defeated Darth Vader, restoring his balance, but refused to kill him (which forced Darth Sidious to intervene). Vader helped his son and died along with Sidious. Aged and disillusioned, Luke, played by Mark Hamill, is an important character in Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

Yoda: the wise teacher

The Great Yoda, voiced by Frank Oz, has long become a household name. This is a wise Jedi Master, a Master whose life was long and eventful. Yoda was able to defeat Darth Sidious, but did not kill him, because he realized that his vision of the Jedi Order was too outdated, and while they stood still under his leadership, the Sith evolved. A visionary and mentor, Yoda was a longtime member of the Jedi Council and served as Jedi Master longer than anyone else. He lived for almost 1000 years. When you think of Star Wars, you think of Yoda, his unusual appearance and a strange way of constructing phrases. He is a thoughtful veteran and a symbol of calm and strength that we all need (at least in our heads),

Cal Kestis wields a traditionally colored lightsaber, but draws his power from unconventional sources.



Cal Kestis wields a traditionally colored lightsaber, but draws his power from unconventional sources.

Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order tells the story - spoiler - unsuccessful attempt revival of the Jedi Order. A Padawan finds a controversial mentor, fights evil, follows the light side of the Force, and becomes a true Jedi.

In any case, this is what it looks like at first glance. But if you think about it, says Kotaku columnist Zach Zwiesen, Jedi Fallen Order is less a game about a Jedi and more about a Sith. Or, at least, about the transition to using the dark side of the Force.

The Star Wars universe in general and the Jedi in particular, Zack recalls, were George Lucas's response to the Vietnam War. Lucas came up with a very peaceful concept of the Force as an energy that binds all life in the universe.

His Jedi are somewhat reminiscent of hippies: they do not seek to start aggressive wars and develop through self-knowledge, self-improvement, study of spiritual practices and training. Cal Kestis does things differently.

In Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order, the game immediately tells you: kill your opponents, earn experience and become stronger. By killing and leveling up, Cal discovers new abilities related to the Force; in addition, kills restore the amount of Force that is available for use.

In the Star Wars universe, Zach notes, the Force doesn't work that way—at least not with the Jedi. The Sith and, perhaps, the Nightsisters know how to draw power from murder, but for a Jedi, a connection with the Force through violence and death is unthinkable.

Strength is not the power you have. Not something you can earn. All beings in the Star Wars universe are connected to the Force - even those who have lost all their light and gone to the Dark Side.

The idea that by killing various creatures or people, Cal replenishes his Force level is completely contrary to the original design of the Force. Zach Zwiesen
At the same time, Zach adds, from a gameplay point of view, such use of the Force is justified. After all, Jedi Fallen Order is an action RPG and the character needs to somehow level up and become stronger.

In theory main character could replenish the level of Strength or gain experience by blocking or dodging attacks: this way the Strength would not be passed off as overt violence. Or, perhaps, the Strength indicator should have been increased when the player avoided battles with obviously weak opponents.

It is interesting that, according to the journalist, the developers of Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order tried, if not all, then almost all of the described mechanics, which made it possible to replenish the Force not through killings. During playtests, it turned out that these mechanics did not work.

I'm sure something better could have been done with the Force. But on the other hand, I really enjoy cutting down opponents with my lightsaber. Perhaps I’m just a Sith at heart and I need to reflect less. Zach Zwiesen

Over the course of many millennia, the Jedi Order has undergone many changes, and from weak organized group"sorcerers", as it was in ancient times, during the time of the Old Republic turned into an organization consisting of disciplined warriors, defenders of peace and justice. Some changes occurred gradually and were implemented only after careful consideration by the Jedi; others arose as a quick response to unforeseen events and political upheavals.

Despite all these changes, the most significant aspect of the history of the Jedi is the fact that beings endowed with strength and power did not simply unite together, but began to use their abilities for the benefit of others. The Jedi can use their skills in the Force together, but the real unifying factor for them is the Jedi Order.

Strength and its mythical origins

Force is the energy that permeates and unites time, space and living beings. Although the predecessors of the earliest Jedi are often credited as the discoverers of this phenomenon, in fact the Force has always existed, and the Jedi were by no means the first to harness it as a source of energy. Ancient history knows many creatures who have discovered (and demonstrated) special abilities in themselves. This indicates that they were force users and understood the nature of the Force.

Although such individuals have always been in the minority, there are suggestions that in reality there are many more such creatures - at least those who can be classified as susceptible to the Force. The implication is that they are, to one degree or another, endowed with the potential to become force users over time.

Approximately thirty thousand years ago there was such biological species like a rakata. They used the Force as a power source for most of their technology - including engines spaceships, which allowed them to travel through hyperspace and visit distant worlds. Despite the existence of many ancient reliefs illustrating scientific achievements The Rakata and their dominant position in the galaxy, some historians believe that the Rakata may have borrowed technology from the mysterious Creators of the Corellian system, who existed many millennia before the Rakata.

Using fragmentary information preserved on dilapidated data disks, researchers have attempted to trace the history of the Jedi, from the current era to the existence of several long-vanished organizations - including the mystical Order of the Dai Bendu, the Followers of Palauan at the legendary Chatos Academy, or the worshipers of Ashla on Tython.

The Great Holocron sheds little light only on the organization located on Tython; As for the other groups, it seems that all that remains of them is the name.

The first Jedi

Approximately twenty-five thousand years ago, the development of hyperspace travel technology caused most of the Core planets to form a democratic union known as the Galactic Republic. According to the Great Holocron, the first community of Force-sensitive beings was formed on a young planet called Tython, where the Forceusers manipulated positive energy they called "Ashla". This energy allowed them to communicate through telepathy over vast distances. She also helped them heighten their senses, heal themselves, and see the future through the veil of time. Eventually, they learned that this energy was not limited to Tython alone, but permeated the entire galaxy. Apparently, it was these Forseusers or their descendants who ultimately became known as the Jedi - warriors professing a religion of harmony, knowledge, calm and peace.

The Jedi of Tython came to understand that the Force had two fundamental aspects: the light side, or Ashla, and the dark side, or Bogan. The bright side was regarded by them as the quintessence of creation, balance and development. They believed that it was originally naturally inherent in the entire galaxy. The Dark Side, in their opinion, was selfish at its core and consisted of negative energy, which made her both more isolated and more destructive.

It took generations for the Jedi to master the Force and transform it from what was once considered sorcery to what came to be considered science. When they learned that the Force permeates all space, they went to other planets to select and train beings who were susceptible to the Force like them. Some Jedi chose the diplomatic path, while others became martial arts experts. They began to call themselves, respectively, Jedi Consulars and Jedi Protectors. Jedi assigned to oversee specific sectors of the galaxy became known as "Jedi Watchers." The Great Holocron contains a record of the words of Sara Agorn, the Jedi Consular of the era. early days Republics:

“The ability to control the Force may seem unusual, but it is not a unique phenomenon. Given enough time and the right ingredients, almost anyone can learn how to harness the power of the Force to move small objects or influence weak minds. But this is not the way of the Jedi. The desire to use such skills for the benefit of others, and not for the sake of one’s own selfish thoughts, is what distinguishes a Jedi from all others.”

Through meditation and spiritual practices, the Jedi discovered that by avoiding emotions such as hatred, anger and desire, they became more powerful in using Light Side Strength. The Order did not forbid the ancient Jedi from having close relationships with someone or marrying. However, it was believed that powerful emotions ties associated with such relationships could influence the actions and behavior of most Jedi. Most members of the Order led a monastic lifestyle. According to some legends, the first of the Jedi Knights visited the planet Caamas in order to study moral principles local residents. The Jedi tried to figure out how to balance their abilities with their ethical standards.

Research into the Force continued in the school of Jedi philosophy based on Ossus after the Great Hyperspace War. Jedi students learned the art of combat while learning that patience, humility, and self-sacrifice were the path to enlightenment. This is what Master Odan-Urr said:

“A Jedi Master always says this to his students before their first lesson: “Try to cross an unfamiliar river without checking its depth and scouting out the shallows, and you will drown in the stream without reaching your intended destination.” The same applies to becoming a Jedi. You must be able to recognize traps and choose Right way“Otherwise you will only let the Order down and aimlessly sacrifice yourself.”

As the Jedi gained fame and notoriety throughout the Republic through their actions and accomplishments, the Jedi Masters did not forget the nature of the Dark Side. This is what Master Bodo Baath said:

“A Jedi is not attracted to power. A Jedi is neither a dominator nor an oppressor. The desire for power means abandoning the path of the Force. Such an individual ceases to understand the Force - except for its Dark Side. To crave power means to take a path that leads to destruction. The Dominator is the enemy, that's true. But a Jedi does not use the Dominator's dark techniques against him."

On Ossus, the Jedi began to come to the understanding that the Light and Dark Sides were reflections of real aspects of the living Force, a simultaneous manifestation vital energy, and a single Power - the planetary embodiment of prophecies and destinies. More precisely, they realized that both sides are closely intertwined and necessary to each other, as they ensure universal balance. The Jedi may avoid dealing with the Dark Side, but they cannot ignore its power. Millennia later, the understanding of the unified Force was lost to the Jedi, but was rediscovered during the New Republic's war with the Yuuzhan Vong.

The Jedi and Sith have been on opposite sides of the Force for centuries in the saga "Star Wars", but it appears that the Jedi were responsible for their creation in the first place.

While both orders of the Force have been fighting each other since the very first installment in 1977, the term "Sith" was first used on screen decades later, in the first episode of " Hidden threat" However, in reality, the Sith have always existed.

Darth Vader was known as the Dark Lord of the Sith even before " New Hope", and the Emperor later revealed that he is its master. But what did all this mean? Before the prequel trilogy" Star Wars ", released in the late 1990s and early 2000s, lacked canonical Sith history, at least in comparison to the Jedi Order. This is partly why Lucas took the time to establish certain principles of the Sith Order, such as Darth Bane's "Rule of Two".

However, despite the fact that eight films, dozens of novels, comics and video games have presented countless details about the history of the Sith, unexplored areas regarding their true origins still exist. Interestingly, one scene in " The Last Jedi " confirmed the story "Legends" about how the Sith were created, which would make them a canon origin. And Luke Skywalker blames the Jedi for all this.


For many years it was believed that people who use the dark side of the Force were Sith, but this is not true. These people, namely Kylo Ren and Supreme Leader Snoke. So far, only a small fraction of the real Sith have appeared on the big screen, with most of them mentioned in comics and animated TV shows. In the films, we could only see Darth Maul, Count Dooku, Darth Vader and Darth Sidious. And everyone else is just using the dark side of the Force.

The original trilogy gave the world an entire galaxy to explore both on and off screen, but the prequel trilogy truly delved into the past. As Yoda says at Qui-Gon Jinn's funeral, two Sith cannot be present at the same time. After they fell approximately a thousand years before the events of the films " Star Wars", Darth Bane established the "Rule of Two" and sent the Sith underground until they were ready to strike back.

It wasn't until Darth Sidious, aka Palpatine, and Darth Maul that the Sith felt capable of destroying the Jedi. Throughout the prequel trilogy, fans learned more about the history of the Sith, such as the infamous known history Darth Plagueis. Of course, much more was revealed in additional material films, as well as in various franchise media, but a major aspect of the Sith's history was left behind the scenes, especially their true origins, which had actually already been revealed; fans just couldn't understand it.


A story that was once considered canon and then relegated to Star Wars Legends, was a tale of the Hundred Year Darkness and an unidentified rogue who turned on the Jedi Order to explore the dark side of the Force. Outside of canon, this rogue Jedi was known as Ajanta Pall, who split from the Jedi approximately 7,000 years before Civil War in the Galaxy and fought the Order along with a group of Dark Jedi who founded the Sith Order on the planet Korriban.

It's a great story, but it's no longer canon. The role of Ajanta Pall has been reassigned to an unnamed rogue Jedi, who may no longer be canon as the original official databank " Star Wars", which contained his dark deeds, was destroyed. The Hundred Year Darkness itself was not mentioned again, that is until 2015. While the vast majority of the old Expanded Universe was reserved for Star Wars Legends, parts of these classic stories returned to this area. The Hundred Years' Darkness is one of these tales.

After first mention in the comic Tales of the Jedi, the Hundred Year Darkness was first mentioned in the 2015 comic Star Wars #9: Showdown on the Smuggler's Moon Part II, in which the holocron containing the teachings of Master Fin-Law says:

We were once brothers in the Force, but out of the Hundred Years of Darkness the Sith were born.

It is clear here that the Sith originated from the same time period, but it is unclear exactly how this happened. Fans know that mythology " Star Wars" is quite specific, and this Jedi Master does not mention anything about the rogue Jedi who caused the creation of the poems.


This is what the Sith Lord, Marka Ragnos, said in Tales of the Jedi:

We were once mighty Jedi of the Republic, brothers in the Force. But the Great Schism between dark side and with the light he turned the Jedi against the Jedi.

Compared to Fin-Law's words, it is obvious that the main difference is the mention of the Jedi. Ragnos reminds us that they were all once Jedi, something that Luke Skywalker also subtly mentions in " The Last Jedi", before blaming the Jedi for the Sith uprising.

Luke talks about this as part of his teaching to Rey:

Lesson two: Now that they are extinct, the Jedi are romanticized - deified. But if you put the myth aside and look at their actions from the birth of the Sith to the fall of the Republic, the Jedi's legacy is a failure. Hypocrisy, pride.

Here, Luke views the creation of the Sith as a failure of the Jedi; this is the first mention of the Jedi in direct relation to the formulation of the Sith in canon, especially in relation to the films " Star Wars».

Fans of the franchise may never get to see Korriban or hear the stories of Naga Sadow and Exar Kuna on the big screen, but looking at all the content that Lucasfilm has released over the past few years, the birth of the Sith has already been laid out, and it seems that the official position is at least The extent to which Luke is concerned is that the Jedi were responsible. We may not have heard of the unnamed rogue whose only mention in canon appears to be in old version website " Star Wars", but it is clear that these former brothers The Force split thousands of years ago, and during the hundred-year period, the Sith Order was formed.

In this article you will learn:

Star Wars has gained millions of fans around the world; there are few people who do not know Luke Skywalker. With the growing popularity of this fantasy universe, the question arose - Who is the most powerful Jedi who ever existed.

TOP 10 strongest Jedi

10. (Legends*)

Zane came to the Jedi with difficulty, as he had a weak connection with the Force. One of Kerrick's special abilities was the ability to easily converge with any creatures, which meant that he had a huge connection with the Living Force. Zane could also predict the future. Yes, he was very bad at fencing, but he was strong in spirit, since during the Mandalorian wars he was the only one who managed not to turn to the dark side on Malachor V. Carrick played a significant role in both the First Jedi Purge and in the victory over Darth Nihilus.

9. (Canon*)

The Jedi Master raised such a hero as Obi-Wan Kenobi. His deep sense of the Force made the Jinn help the oppressed in different parts Galaxies. Qui-Gon was very wise and promoted the Living Force, believing that even plants and other forms were imbued with the Force. The hero was an excellent engineer, philosopher, and warrior. It was he who discovered the secret of immortality, subsequently teaching it to Yoda and Kenobi.

8. (Legends)

Mithra was known as the Exile. Her mentor at one time was Revan himself. Among Surik's special abilities were: the ability to copy the techniques of masters simply by watching them, subjugate animals, control breathing, and read thoughts. Mithras could also feed her powers with the death of an enemy. She was a top swordsman and had proven herself to be a skilled hand-to-hand combatant. She was feared by many Masters, allowing her to become the greatest of the Jedi.

The consequences of Mithra's actions were felt in the Galaxy for as long as 4 thousand years.

7. (Legends)

Satele is a descendant of the great Shan line of Jedi. Her ancestors were such heroes as Bastila and Revan. The girl had a very strong connection with the Force, could absorb energy (she once stopped a sword with her bare hands), possessed powerful telekinesis (crushed trees and stones), and was distinguished by wisdom and a gentle character. Despite her gentleness, she played a key role at the very beginning of the Great Galactic War and maintained a fragile peace during the Cold War. The imperials placed a reward of 100 million credits on Shan's head.

6. (Canon)

Ani was a very Force-sensitive person. His level of midi-chlorians in his body was higher than Yoda's. It was believed that Skywalker was the Chosen One who would establish balance in the Force. Anakin had the powers of foresight, hypnosis, and telekinesis. He should have been the most legendary Jedi, if he had not gone over to the side of darkness. By defeating his master Kenobi, Anakin could reach the peak of power.

5. (Canon)

The Jedi Master possessed fantastic speed and was renowned as the best swordsman of the Order. He even developed his own own style fencing. Mace could resist the dark side with ease, being able to use dark side techniques without damage. Windu compensated for his inability to lift large objects enormous power.

4. (Canon)

Legendary person. Kenobi was the first in 1000 years to defeat a Sith, defeating Darth Maul who killed his master. Also, the Jedi Master defeated such characters as General Grievous and Anakin Skywalker. Ben was the second to survive Order 66. Kenobi was an excellent strategist and duelist, but his knowledge of the Force was weak, but luck came to the rescue. After going into exile, Ben mastered the secret of immortality, thus continuing to teach his student Luke even after death.

3. (Canon)

The Master was renowned as the strongest and wisest of the Jedi, despite his being so short stature. The hero mastered seven forms of sword attacks, he was incredibly agile and fast, he could lift huge objects into the air and instill hope in hearts.

2. (Canon-Legend)

Legendary person. Son of Darth Vader. Student of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda. Although he started training very late, he achieved significant results, influencing the fate of the Galaxy. Luke learned all the fighting techniques, could use lightning in battle, had telekinesis, foresight, and mind tricks. According to the Legends, Skywalker fought in many wars, always bringing peace to the Galaxy. He trained many Jedi and built more than one Temple.

1. (Legend)

Another legend from the days of the Old Republic. Revan was the most gifted of those times, which allowed him to become the greatest Jedi. Many masters claimed that they had never seen a person who controlled the Force like that. Having been on the dark side of the force, becoming a master, Revan could easily use both sides of the Force. The hero was an excellent leader, a genius of military tactics, a master of espionage, a technician, and a racer. Possessing great power, even after being captured by the Sith, Revan was able to subjugate their will to himself, allowing the Galaxy to live in peace for 300 years.

Who do you think is the most powerful Jedi?