Russian literature lesson Bulgakov the master and Margarita. Additional material for teachers

Literature lesson. 11th grade on the topic “Heroes of the novel by M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita".

Podolskaya Irina Aleksandrovna, teacher of Russian language and literature, KSU Secondary School No. 4, Semey, East Kazakhstan region.
Every teacher study of this work sees it differently. And that's right. The lesson summary is traditional. Three main modules were used in the lesson: critical thinking, assessment, information Technology. Separate presentation slides have been created for each character. This way it will be more convenient to model the lesson; something may be left for self-study(my students and I exchange notebooks). Such a construction of slides will allow you to put an end to the lesson at any time or linger on difficult, controversial moments in the study of the role of a particular hero. All slides are created according to the same scheme: who this hero is, mythological information - an associative series - his doubles - his role in the novel - his “deeds” - conclusions. All illustrations are signed not with links, but with the name of the artist. Before using the presentation, look at which slides have animated actions. I wish you an interesting study of the novel and viewing the material for the lesson.

Purpose and objectives of the lesson:

Show the role of the Yershalaim chapters in the structure of the novel: “eternal” problems in the novel by M.A. Bulgakov;
expand your understanding of the characters drawn by the author;
develop skills for independent analysis of an episode in a work;
through detailed study the novel “The Master and Margarita” to develop interest in the work of M. Bulgakov;
cultivate moral feelings: intolerance of cowardice and betrayal, cultivate kindness and decency.

Preparatory work.

Group method of work in preparation for the lesson: try to answer the central question of the lesson by completing the following tasks.
1. Read M. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita.”
- Find “double” characters in two time layers of the narrative.
- Analyze the geographical and temporal correspondences between the Yerslaim and Moscow episodes of the novel.
- Pay attention special attention to the ending of the novel: the fate of the Master and Margarita, the flight of Volond and his retinue, the epilogue.
2. Selection of illustrations for the work.
3. Expressive reading of individual episodes.
4. Lexical work (each student works independently, creating his own dictionary of words for the novel).
5.Class for interest groups. Exercise: prepare a character description of the hero. Create a presentation/poster/cluster for the speech. Performance time is 4-5 minutes.
Group 1 – “Pontius Pilate”
Group 2 – “Yeshua Ha-Nozri”
Group 3 – “Woland”
Group 4 – “Margarita”
Group 5 – “Master”

Office decoration.

Starting from the left corner under the ceiling and up to the middle of the cabinet (the central window of the cabinet), we make a “sun” with rays from bright red and yellow silk. We attach them to the curtains with pins and needles, and sew them to the curtains.
In the right corner on the grid we place quotes about the novel and characters. We pass red cloth through the bars - a symbol of the bloody river. It took us 5 hours to do it, but it was worth it!
It is better to record the topic of the lesson on a chalk or magnetic board (I have this option), leaving the interactive board for showing slides.
A chair or armchair, preferably unusual. "Ask a Hero" technique.
On the table are the following items: a large globe, gloves, a crystal, a glass of wine - it’s better to pour pomegranate or cherry juice, in case they decide to taste it - candles, a jar of cream, a mirror, a beret with the letter M, glasses with one piece of glass, a cane.
Stand with illustrations to the Bible;
Portraits of the writer.
Table “Eternal problems in Bulgakov’s novel.”
Quotes for the lesson printed on A4 format:
-Are you a writer? I am a master. M. Bulgakov.
-One substance. B. Gasparov.
-Good and evil, grandiose and insignificant, pathos and ridicule turn out to be inseparable from each other. B. Gasparov.
-Theoretically, this is interesting... Well, but practically what?
-A novel about fear and fearlessness. V. Akimov.

Technical support.

Multimedia equipment: projector, computer, interactive whiteboard, presentation.
Feature film “Pontius Pilate. Directed by Irving Rapper, 1962.
Feature film "The Passion of the Christ". Directed by Mel Gibson. Screenplay: Benedict Fitzgerald, Mel Gibson. DWD
Feature film based on the novel by M. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”.
V.A. Mozart "Requiem".
M.A. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”, M. publishing house: Olimp; LLC “Firm “AST Publishing House”, 2000.–592 p. (School of Classics).
Handouts: tasks for groups, sick leave, autobiography – typographic sheets, booklets
Details: red robe, black beret, striped shirt, black cloak with white lining.


1. Organizational moment. Goal setting. Opening remarks teachers.
Positive attitude to work.
Kunstkamera. Look carefully and say: “Who could forget these objects?”
- Mirror, black beret, globe, crystal, cane, glasses with one lens, gloves, globe, glass of red wine, cream box, candles.

Working on the topic of the lesson.
1.Work on the epigraph for the portrait.
2. The teacher's word. Logical transition to the topic of the lesson.
In the first lesson, we talked about the unique composition of M. A. Bulgakov’s novel: a novel within a novel, a book within a book, a box within a box, or a double novel. Let us recall the scene from the novel and answer Woland’s question to the Master:
-What is the novel about? Quote what Woland heard?
- What conclusion can be drawn from this dialogue?
(Up to a certain point, the procurator of Judea was the main character for the author).
- Why?
- Analyzing the novel, the problem arose: “Is evil omnipotent?” We will work on this problem while studying the novel.
- What do you think? main idea novel?
(“All power is violence against people; the time will come when there will be no power either of Caesar or of any other power”).
- Who is the personification of power?
(The personification of power, the central figure is Pontius Pilate, procurator of Judea).
- How does M. Bulgakov portray Pontius Pilate?

I. Characteristics of the heroes of the novel. Group work.
Creation of a cluster, poster “Pontius Pilate”.
Message-characteristic of Pontius Pilate.
Performance of 1st group – "Pontius Pilate"

Questions to control the awareness of the work of art being studied.
-What was Pontius Pilate afraid of?
- What did the internal lack of freedom of the procurator lead to?
- Did Pontius Pilate change after the execution of Yeshua Ha-Nozri?
- What is the result of the events that took place? Did the procurator realize his mistake?
- How does the novel about the procurator end?

Working with literary text. Citation.
The Master’s last phrase, with which he “released” Pontius Pilate: “Free! Free!” Chapter 32 does not correspond to the one with which the Master wanted to end the novel. These words, conceived by the Master, will be completed twice (chapter 32 and epilogue) by M.A. himself. Bulgakov.
Conclusions and generalizations.
The result is retribution: immortality and recognition of oneself as a coward.
Teacher's word.
We hear the author’s voice: “Cowardice is the most terrible vice!”
The procurator is faced with a choice: to save an innocent wandering philosopher and lose his power, and possibly his life, or to maintain his position by executing an innocent man and acting against his conscience. Since he is unable to make a choice, he pushes Yeshua to compromise. But compromise is impossible for Yeshua. The truth turns out to be for him more valuable than life.
It is possible to demonstrate footage from the feature film “The Master and Margarita.
- Why does the author only mention the red rootstock in the epilogue? Is it by chance or is this due to the hero’s internal changes?

Teacher's word.
The second epigraph to the novel about the revolution “ White Guard“M. Bulgakov took the following words: “And the dead were judged according to what was written in the books, in accordance with their deeds” (Bible. Revelations of John the Theologian). How do you think:
- Will these words be appropriate when analyzing the work being studied? When would you say them? The second chapter of the novel “The Master and Margarita” occupies significant place in the work, it is she who reveals the true images of Pontius Pilate and Yeshua. The episode is based on a dialogue between Pilate and Yeshua, from which we learn about the characters and thoughts of the characters. In addition, the episode touches on eternal problems good and evil.
- What kind of person does Yeshua appear to us? (Yeshua appears before us as a good-natured man.)
- What is the essence of his philosophy? (His philosophy shocked Pontius Pilate.)
Group 2 performance - "Yeshua Ha-Nozri".
Students write brief conclusions and generalizations in their workbooks.

Questions to identify the awareness of the read work.
- Why does Pilate want to save Yeshua?
- Why is the procurator putting him to death?
-What is truth for a wandering philosopher? Please find the interrogation scene. (Chapter 2)
- Pilate asks a question that should not be asked during interrogation. What kind of question is this?
(“The truth, first of all, is that you have a headache, and it hurts so much that you are cowardly thinking about death./…./ And now I am involuntarily your executioner, which saddens me./…/ But your torment is now will end, the headache will go away.”
- What is the essence of Yeshua’s philosophy?
* There are no evil people in the world.
*You can’t control someone else’s life.
* There will be no one's power over people.
* Convinces Pontius Pilate of loneliness and lack of faith in people.
- How will the story of Pilate and Yeshua end in the epilogue? (Ivanushka’s Dream, I.N. Ponyreva).
Watching a short still from the feature film “The Master and Margarita”

How do Yeshua and Woland relate in the novel?
Work of the 3rd group – "Woland"
-Who is Woland?
Creating a Woland poster. 3-4 minutes. We enter the collected material into a notebook.

* "spirit of evil and lord of shadows"
* the right eye of Satan - “with a golden spark at the bottom”
* left - “empty and black... like the entrance to a bottomless well of all darkness and shadows”
* The “golden spark” of the eye is associated with sunlight: in the scene on the stone terrace, Woland’s eye burned just like the sun in the windows of the houses, “although Woland had his back to the sunset.”
* in the finale, the reins of Satan's horse are lunar chains, the rider's spurs are stars, and the horse itself is a block of darkness.
* Volond’s “department” includes both light and darkness, he himself does not lean towards either.
- What is Woland’s mission in Moscow and his role in the novel?
- Has Moscow changed after the disappearance of the hero?
- What is the plot role of the ball and what was its significance?
- Woland talks about mercy, comment on his words. (Chapter 24)
Conclusions and generalizations.

Teacher's word.
An example of following moral purity and love is one of the main characters in the novel, Margarita. “Love jumped out in front of us, like a killer jumps out of the ground in an alley, and struck us both at once.” “If you don’t like someone, ... you need to love him, love him, queen.” This is the advice Koroviev gives to Margarita at Volond’s ball. Who is she, Margarita?
Work of the 4th group – "Margarita".
Margarita is a symbol of that eternal femininity, about which the Mystical Choir sings in the finale of Goethe’s “Faust”: Everything fleeting -
Symbol, comparison.
The goal is endless
Here in achievement.
Here is a commandment
The whole truth.
Eternal femininity draws us to her.
(Translation by B. Pasternak)

Find confirmation and explanation of Margarita’s actions in the text.
Working with text. Reading and analyzing scenes. You can watch the video clip “Satan’s Ball”
Woland's ball scene - chapter 23.
Scene of Frida's forgiveness - chapter 24.
Conclusion and generalizations.
The writer claims that a successful outcome is the great secret of life, despite all the shortcomings of humanity. Mercy and love for people is one of the main themes of the novel.

Teacher's word.
The 27 mischievous chapters of the novel also contain strict ones, set by the rhythmic beginning of the second chapter, which describes the history of Pontius Pilate and Yeshua Ha-Nozri. Fragments of this story are introduced into the text in different ways: sometimes as Woland’s story, sometimes as a dream of Ivan Bezdomny, sometimes as parts of the novel created by the Master. Let's consider very important question: “The fate of the Master in the novel.”

Work of the 5th group – "Master".
Questions for the conscious perception of M. Bulgakov’s novel.
- How did the novel affect the Master’s fate?
- How was the novel received by society and the editors?
- Has the Master’s attitude towards criticism changed?
- What is the role of verbs in the scene of the burning of the manuscript?
- The master found “peace” and not “light”, when did this happen and why?
- What does Levi Matvey say about “peace” and “light”?
- Will the “peace” given to the Master be a reward?
- Draw parallels between the story of the Master and Bulgakov.
Conclusions and generalizations.

The other world of the novel "The Master and Margarita".
This material can be left for independent study.
- With whom did Woland come to earth?
- For what purpose did Woland and his retinue end up in Moscow?
- Who made up Woland’s retinue?
-What problem does the author raise in other world?
Woland does not betray, does not lie, does not sow evil. He discovers, manifests, reveals the abomination in life in order to punish it all. There is a scarab mark on the chest. He has a powerful magical power, learning, gift of prophecy.
-What is their reality in Moscow?
Conclusion: the struggle between light and darkness will end with the victory of light.

Knowledge control.
Group work.
1. Medical history.
- Today you are doctors. The main characters of the work have come to your reception.
Exercise. Fill out a medical card for them.
Filling out a hospital card takes 5 minutes.
The groups receive a card that is an exact copy of the card kept by doctors in hospitals. The speakers take a card with a photograph of the patient “glued” on it. Having determined which of the characters the photo belongs to, they begin to fill out.

So, we gather a consultation. Voice the results.
Groups had to fill out: Full name, year of birth, place of residence, marital status, place of work, education... diagnosis.

The groups listen to the answers. They make their own additions and amendments.

2. Reception "Ask a Hero"
- I invite 1 representative from the group. (Nobody knows why they come out.) Thank you.
Exercise the same for groups.
A. On an A4 sheet of paper, after conferring, ask one question from the group to the following characters: Woland, Master, Margarita, Yeshua Ha-Nozri, M.A. Bulgakov. Questions can be related to the text of the work of art or beyond it.
5 minutes to discuss and record questions.

B. Task for representatives from groups.
- Please come to the details table.
Determine who you would like to become today, whose life you would like to live for a few moments. “We are transforming.”
B. We ask questions to the heroes.
D. Assessment. Evaluate which of the characters seemed more sincere to you, managed to get used to the role, and correctly, in a laconic form, answered the question posed.
Since there were 5 groups in the class, each character will have to answer five questions posed. Can't help. This is their life, their destiny.
Groups can ask questions on their own, or the teacher, having collected sheets with written questions, can ask the “heroes” of the novel.
It is better to ask questions one by one. So that there is a little respite for our “heroes”.
All group participants listen carefully to the answers. They may agree or disagree with the answers. An answer will not be accepted if a factual error was made in the answer: dates, place, or the author’s idea was violated.
Conclusions and generalizations.

Lesson reflection.
Please rate your effectiveness in the lesson. Each of you has figures of multi-colored devils. We rate on a five-point scale.
Red devil - everything is great! so much information! working in a group brought us closer together!
Blue devil - a lot useful information, there was a desire to once again turn to the pages of the novel.
Green little devil - I liked the new techniques, it became possible to answer and speak out to everyone during the lesson.
Lilac little devil - poor knowledge of history, little contribution to group work, still have questions for the author.
Black devil - I didn’t like the lesson, it was long, boring.
Group participants stick the “evaluation” to a pre-prepared reflection sheet, then the speaker posts the reflections on the board.
Perhaps your children will not be able to give a definite answer. Why? Because the 4 questions complement each other. Savvy. Make the figure colorful by choosing more of the color that matches his reflection.

"Last question":
- At the beginning of the lesson we said: “The novel has a compositional structure “a box within a box.” Why did M. Bulgakov need artistic technique parallel narrative?

Conclusions and generalizations.
Lesson grades.
Homework and instructions on how to complete it.
Write an essay: “I am dying with you.”
Create a Venn diagram (creating a diagram, characterizing and selecting characters of the student’s choice).
Take a look if possible feature film"The Master and Margarita"
Learn your favorite passage from the novel you are studying - 200-250 words.
For students of groups A, B:
John Lestvenichek wrote: “On each step there is either a demon, ready to lend a leg, or an angel, ready to extend his hand.” Assignment: Build a chain of a person’s movement towards God and a person’s fall into hell.” For example: sympathy, mercy, sacrifice, love, family; contempt, betrayal, money-grubbing, “housing issue.”
Find and write down from the works of M.A. Bulgakov catchphrases and expressions belonging only to the author.
Start preparing for intellectual game“An expert on M. Bulgakov and his works.”
Thanks everyone. I'm waiting at the game.

Goals: show the humanistic orientation of the novel, identify the idea of ​​writing the work.


  1. Show the relationship between the three heroes of the novel: Yeshua, Pontius Pilate, Woland.
  2. Reveal the boundaries of power and activities of these characters.
  3. Identify the idea of ​​creating these characters.
  4. Show the relationship between moral criteria (kindness, truth, justice, mercy, humanity) and power, strength.
  5. Reveal the political, social and moral aspects of people’s lives in connection with the characters of the novel
  6. To lead to an understanding of the main conflict of the novel: personality and power.
  7. Contribute to the development of a moral personality.
  8. Trace the writer's affirmation of human values.

Methodological goal.

Show the use of technology for developing critical thinking using differentiated research activities during practical assignments.


  • video film “The Master and Margarita”;
  • music tracks from the film;
  • multimedia slides;
  • handouts;
  • novel "The Master and Margarita";
  • explanatory dictionary, dictionary of figurative expressions.

Preliminary homework:

  • watching videos based on the novel “The Master and Margarita” created by the Bibigon program;
  • memorize an excerpt from a novel describing one of the characters;
  • individual assignments: create a slide – “information about the hero”.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational stage.

Providing a psychologically comfortable environment for working in the classroom. Music from the movie “The Master and Margarita” is playing.

*on the board is a portrait of M. Bulgakov, on the table is the book “The Master and Margarita.” On the interactive board, slide No. 1 (title of the novel)

2. Setting lesson goals.

To the music, the teacher reads the text by heart:“Wearing a white cloak with a bloody lining and a shuffling cavalry gait, early in the morning of the fourteenth day of the spring month of Nisan, the procurator of Judea, Pontius Pilate, came out into the covered colonnade between the two wings of the palace of Herod the Great.”

(At this time, a portrait of Pilate appears on the interactive whiteboard.)

1 student reads the text by heart:“The person described did not limp on any of his legs, and he was neither small nor huge, but simply tall. As for his teeth, he had platinum crowns on the left side and gold ones on the right. He was wearing an expensive gray suit and foreign-made shoes that matched the color of the suit. He cocked his gray beret jauntily over his ear and carried a cane with a black knob in the shape of a poodle's head under his arm. He looks to be over forty years old. The mouth is somehow crooked. Shaven clean. Brunette. The right eye is black, the left one is green for some reason. The eyebrows are black, but one is higher than the other. In a word - a foreigner."

(During reading, a portrait of Woland appears.)

Student 2 reads the text by heart:“This man was dressed in an old and torn blue chiton. His head was covered with a white bandage with a strap around his forehead, and his hands were tied behind his back. The man had a large bruise under his left eye and an abrasion with dried blood in the corner of his mouth.”

(During reading, a portrait of Yeshua appears on the interactive board.)

Teacher: So, Pontius Pilate, Woland, Yeshua. 3 personalities, 3 arbiters of destinies, 3 people with their own truth, philosophy, life.

(Portraits of three heroes appear on the interactive board.)

Which one is fiction and which one is reality?

(A slide appears - three names connected to each other.)

How are they related?

What are the limits of their power on the pages of the novel?

What's in the center of this triangle?

And why did Bulgakov choose such heroes who do not belong to the time of his life?

These are questions that we have to answer and create a cluster that unites these heroes.

3. Challenge. Actualization of subjective experience. Checking homework.

Teacher: Let's first try to answer the question: Which of them is a historical figure, and which is fiction? And whose fiction is this?

So, Pontius Pilate.

(The student shows slides with historical information about Pilate.)

This means that we can say that Pilate is a historical person.

Let's write it in the HISTORY cluster (under the name Pilate).

The next hero is Yeshua. It must be said that this is what the Israelis called Jesus.

(The student shows slides containing information about Jesus.)

Is the name of Jesus mentioned in historical encyclopedias?

Is Jesus a fictitious person?

Let's write the BIBLE (under the name of Jesus) in the cluster.

Indeed, according to New Testament tradition, Pontius Pilate sent a man to execution. They took advantage of the execution of the wandering philosopher many years later and elevated him to the rank of saint, and his teachings to religion.

Look how interesting it turns out: Pontius Pilate is a real historical figure. He lived and truly ruled Judea. And he even sent a man to execution. Jesus does not exist in historical sources, we learn about him from the Bible. But nevertheless, the whole world knows Jesus and perceives him as a fact, believing that he really lived, but only a few know Pilate.

Where is the border between history and the Bible? (It's difficult to answer this question.)

Who is Woland?

(The student shows slides containing information about the hero.)

So, Woland is a fictional person, a character from myths and literature.

Let's write it in the cluster MYTH, LITERATURE (under the name Woland).

4. Reflection stage.

So what does Bulgakov do when he draws out these central characters of the novel? (He creates a hero who really existed, who probably existed and who, as a person, did not exist at all.)

5. Understanding.

We found out the source of origin of Bulgakov's heroes. Now let's try to figure out how they are interconnected. Let's turn to the novel.

Which character appears first on the pages of the book? (Woland.)

What does Woland say when talking with Bezdomny and Berlioz? (Jesus existed.)

But he begins to talk about Pilate, and Yeshua is brought in later.

Let's watch this episode.

(Film frames from episode 1 of the film “M. and M.” - Yeshua is brought to Pilate.)

What impression does Pilate make? (Relentless, cruel, evil, merciless, formidable ruler, self-confident, calm in appearance; he has no friends, he is sick and lonely.)

And in these moments of loneliness Yeshua is brought to him.

What impression does Jesus make? (Sage, kind, does not accept cruelty, is tolerant of everyone, humane, calm soul.)

What moral aspects did Bulgakov collide in the images of Pontius Pilate and Yeshua? (Good and evil.)

True, but this is only the outer shell of the conflict. Let's try to get to the bottom of this.

What is the essence of Yeshua’s “goodness”? (There are no evil people, all power is violence.)

Find lines that support this.

What did Jesus think should exist in the world? (Goodness and justice.)

Let's write this in the cluster: THE TRUTH OF GOODNESS AND JUSTICE (under the name of Jesus).

6. Reading with notes.

Let's turn to the text (Chapter 2) and complete the task in groups.

1 group. Write down the judgments of Yeshua and Pilate about power and truth and compare them.
2nd group. What are Yeshua and Pilate afraid of?
3rd group. What are the symbols in this episode and what do they mean?


1st group:

Yeshua opposes all oppression of the individual. He is free from prejudices and attitudes, from the framework of the state system.

Group 2:

Pilate is afraid of losing power, and Yeshua is afraid of losing his life.

How did Pontius Pilate achieve power and his position? (Deserved it, including in battles, i.e. by cruelty.)

What is the essence of Yeshua's authority? (Possesses the minds and hearts of people.)

How does Yeshua achieve this? (By the power of persuasion.)

This means that their concept of strength is different. What does strength mean to Pilate? (Physical.)

For Yeshua? (The power of words, emotions, soul, i.e. moral.)

Group 3:

  1. “Hateful city,” “I rubbed my hands, as if washing them.”
  2. The episode with the appearance of the swallow.

What phraseological unit is reminiscent of the phrase “rubbed his hands, as if washing them”? (Phraseological unit - “wash your hands.”)

Let's look in the phraseological dictionary for the meaning of this expression. (Wash your hands, wash your hands - distance yourself, evade participation in any matter; relieve yourself of responsibility for something.)

What does this phrase mean in the mouth of Pilate? (He will not fight for the life of Yeshua, because he understands that the power of Tiberius is stronger than him. If Pilate goes against the system of power, then this system will crush him.)

How do we see Pilate in this episode? What will he reproach himself for later? (Cowardice, he could not overcome himself - he became a coward.)

What kind of cowardice is this? (Moral, spiritual.)

Why was the episode with the swallow introduced? (In Christianity, the swallow symbolizes resurrection and represents hope. Each of the heroes hoped: Yeshua - for liberation, Pilate - to persuade Caiaphas to have mercy on Yeshua.)

***As a man, Pontius Pilate sympathizes with Yeshua. He hates Caesar, but is forced to praise him. Sending a wandering philosopher to execution, Pilate suffers terribly and suffers from powerlessness, from the inability to do as he wants. Yes, he does not share the thoughts of the wandering philosopher: can the traitor Judas and the robbers Dismas and Gestas be called “good people”? Never, according to Pilate, “will the kingdom of truth come,” but he sympathizes with the preacher of these utopian ideas. Personally, he is ready to continue the dispute with him, but the position of the procurator obliges him to administer justice.

When Pilate talks with Yeshua, is he disingenuous? (No, he is honest and straightforward.)

That is, Pilate defends his truth - the TRUTH of LAW AND POWER.

Let's write this phrase in a cluster (under the name Pilate).

What about Woland? In which chapters does he act? (Moscow and otherworldly.)

Why is he not in the Yershalaim chapters? (He is the opposite of Yeshua.)

Let's turn to the Moscow chapters. When does the novel take place? (Russia 30s of the 20th century.)

What social, political and moral aspects does Bulgakov describe? (Political – totalitarian regime. Social – everyone is the same, you can’t stand out. Moral – lack of spirituality, lack of faith in God.)

This means that the mythical character Woland appears in Moscow in the 30s of the 20th century to...

And for what purpose does Woland appear? (Expose Moscow society? Help the Master and Margarita? Punish someone?...)

What is Woland doing in Moscow? (Personally, nothing.)

And Woland is a symbol of what? (Evil.)

That is, it turns out that evil comes to Earth to show people that they are wrong, to help someone, i.e. do good? Paradox?

Let's turn to ch. 12, episode “Woland on stage at the Variety Show” and complete the task.

1 group. Analyze the episode and tell me what conclusions Woland comes to? (People haven't changed over the centuries.)

2nd and 3rd group. Compare the words about mercy, goodness and truth and Woland’s actions in the episodes from chapter. 12 and ch. 24.

Conclusion. Woland speaks the truth and does good things.

What did the retinue of the Prince of Darkness want to achieve in the Variety Show? (Expose the evils of society.)

But really, who wanted this? Whose words, actions, views on life are behind Woland? (Bulgakov.)

What did Bulgakov want to achieve by talking about this? (The author wanted to reach human hearts. Woland is just a symbol. Bulgakov wanted to show true face countries of the 30s and 20th centuries. Reveal human essence and the motives of their actions.)

What will we write to the cluster? (THE TRUTH OF CHARITY, HONESTY under the name Woland.)

Woland came to Earth not to execute and have mercy, but to tell the truth that we must live and value mercy and mutual assistance.

Reflection stage.

*** In fact, Woland is endowed with the author's omniscience. It contains echoes not of Mephistopheles, but echoes of the philosophy of Bulgakov himself. That’s why we find in him so much love for good people and so much hatred for crooks, liars and other “wickedness.” In the image of Woland are embodied humanistic ideals Bulgakov himself.

7. Reflection.

Let's return to the objectives of the lesson.

What unites Pilate, Yeshua, Woland? (Yeshua is goodness and justice, Pilate is the law, Woland is the honesty of life, and together - HUMANISM, THE TRUTH OF LIFE.)

Let's write this in a cluster (the idea of ​​the work is written in the center of the cluster).

Look in Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary what the word HUMANISM means. (Humanity in social activities and in relation to people.)

This means that Bulgakov asks questions on the pages of the novel: what are kindness and justice? What should power and strength be and within what framework should it operate? To whom should people show mercy and humanity?

Why does Bulgakov ask these questions?

The writer lived in totalitarian state, where all these virtues were trampled upon. And he wanted to reach people's hearts. “The Master and Margarita” is a mythical novel. But this was for the writer the only way to artistically contrast pagan barbarism and Christian humanism.

8. Homework.

We created a cluster aimed at the idea of ​​the novel, we were looking for the relationship between the 3 characters of the novel. But these heroes are connected with other characters in the book by no less significant problems. Which ones? This is what you have to think about at home and create a cluster based on your answers.

Literature used:

  1. Bulgakov M. A. The Master and Margarita: A Novel. – Nizhny Novgorod: “Russian merchant”, 1993.
  2. Petelin V.V. Mikhail Bulgakov. Life. Personality. Creation. – M.: Moscow. worker, 1989.
  3. Phrasebook Russian language.
  4. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language.

Margarita Emelkina
Summary of a literature lesson in grade 11 based on M. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita” using critical thinking methods

Open lesson on the novel M. Bulgakov« The Master and Margarita» .Afterword.

Lessons on creativity M. A. Bulgakov

(With using critical thinking methods)

The fate and personality of Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov are increasingly attracting the attention of researchers, directors, and readers. Books have been published about Bulgakov, films and plays were staged. But the mass reader and viewer do not always understand the unique ideas and heroes Bulgakov, the style of his works. At school novel« The Master and Margarita» study at 11 class, but schoolchildren do not like to read it. This is usually explained as follows: way: "not clear", "hard to read, boring", “I only liked the description of Satan’s ball”, “I read some episodes and gave up”, “I didn’t read it because I was bored, I looked at the contents in the book "All works in summary» , “I haven’t read it, I just watched the movie” etc.

How can a teacher overcome such an attitude? How to awaken the interest and desire of a thoughtful, critical reading?

In the proposed developments lessons emphasis is placed on techniques that will arouse interest in the individual Bulgakov and the novel« The Master and Margarita» , will help overcome reading difficulties, many will explain "dark" places that will emotionally prepare you to absorb complex philosophical implications.

Writer's personality. History of creation novel« The Master and Margarita»

Everyone has their own muse, you have to follow it.

From a letter from M.A. Bulgakov to his brother.


1. To bring to the consciousness of students the uniqueness of the writer’s personality, his subtle spiritual world, his deep creative insights;

2. contribute to the development of a sense of beauty, skills ponder;

3. promote the development of oral monologue speech and imagination.

Visibility: portraits Bulgakov, mirror, typewriter, drawings with images Margaritas, Masters, Woland, cat, illustrations to works, lamp, chair with a blanket, lantern at the entrance Class.

TSO: computer

Lesson progress:

Through the sieve.

So irreversible

but someone again lives with a premonition,

counting the days

that fly by

although he knows them firsthand.

He understands:

there, beyond the rooms,

behind this unhealthy silence

there is a woman

that waits for him and remembers.

How much he owes to her alone!

from the creation of the world,

The dirt of Moscow does not stick to it in the spring.

And somewhere there is a “bad apartment”

and the cavalcade rushes above.

The ball roars.

Strauss plays waltzes.

And someone hands Frida a handkerchief.

But it seemed only to her at that ball,

that life and death merged into one stream.

The incompleteness of ancient Scripture.

Distant thunderstorm.

There will be punishment for the crime -

Dostoevsky accurately predicted it for us.

Path of the Cavalcade

marked by eternity,

novel about life came out without embellishment.

“It’s not evening yet.” -

And makes us believe.

It's not evening yet:

someone is fixing Primus;

it's not evening yet:

why bother?

Only immortality has a very bitter taste.

You and I will not live to see it. .

The great mystery of love, of being

Shown Master of the Word.

God's creation is just him and her,

And their path is truly long.

It's so hard to walk through the fire of celebration

Ignorance, shame, deceit,

There are networks of lies everywhere.

Where and how can people escape?

*What a strange turn of fate -

In a country that betrayed God,

The reception is arranged by the one

Who would be driven out of the door?

Human sins are numbered

Under the arches of the law.

Those who are faithful to love are free

Any time of the year.

Student's word (as Bulgakov. Sits in a chair, then gets up):

Do you believe in true, faithful, eternal love? Who told you that there is no real, true, eternal love? May the liar's vile tongue be cut out! Follow me, my reader, and only me, and I will show you such love! - I am addressing you, people of the 21st century, Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. Each will be given according to his faith. Those of little faith will perish, non-believers will go into oblivion, but the strong and strong in spirit will be saved, faith illuminates their path in the darkness. I believe, I believe, I repeat after them.

Teacher's word:

And we believe. We believe in you, our genius Master. We follow into the world created by you, into the world where your ideas were born, lived and went into eternity...

Bulgakov created an unusual work - "text within text", « novel within a novel» . The action unfolds parallel to the story of the events in Moscow, in which Satan, the devil, appeared. The Master's novel about the times of the gospel. The reader must constantly switch from one text to another, and this switching carries the main meaning. Such a two-level composition novel Researchers compare it with the folk version - nativity scene theater. A nativity play is a folk version of a mystery play, the characters of which were simultaneously figures of a divine and satanic nature, depicting the struggle between light and dark principles. Of course, the resemblance to the nativity scene is more external.

Yes, there was 302 bis on Sadovaya interesting story. Let's hear stories from the characters themselves novel(slides depicting heroes are shown on the wall).

Student's word (as Woland):

I am Woland, prince of darkness, Satan, "the spirit of evil and lord of shadows» . Woland is one of the names of the devil in German. My image has an extensive literary pedigree: the serpent tempting Eve, the spirit of the desert, Mephistopheles in "Fauste" Goethe, "Demon" Lermontov, "Devil in Love" Jacques Cazotte, damn it "The Brothers Karamazov" Dostoevsky, Vrubel's Demon. IN novel I have not been given a tempting function, I do not do evil, but I reveal evil everywhere, I destroy what is subject to destruction. For dishonest swindlers I am a punishment, for higher spirituality and truth I am a blessing.

Student's word (as Masters) :

I am a historian turned writer. I am largely an autobiographical hero. My age at the time of action novel- this is exactly the age Bulgakov in May 1929. A historian by training, I worked in one of the Moscow museums. I was married, but I don’t remember the name of my wife, I lived “lonely, having no relatives and almost no acquaintances in Moscow”. I left my wife, my room, bought books, rented a basement on the old Arbat and wrote novel about Pontius Pilate and Jesus Christ. Novel brought me a lot of grief and suffering, but also gave me true love.

Student's word (as Margaritas) :

My name Margarita - love. I remind you of Goethe's Margarita, but my prototype was also the writer’s wife, Elena Sergeevna Shilovskaya. I leave my rich, wealthy husband for the love of To the Master, who wrote the brilliant novel about Pontius Pilate. Having sold my soul to the devil, I save Masters, and we find eternal peace.

Student's word (as Pontius Pilate):

I am the fifth procurator (viceroy) Jews in the late 20s - 30s. n. e., during which Jesus Christ was executed. The son of the astrologer king and the beautiful Jigsaw. A fearless warrior and a smart politician. People consider me cruel, in Yershalaim everyone whispers about me that I am a ferocious monster. Meeting the wandering philosopher Yeshua awakens true humanity in me.

Student's word (as Yeshua):

I don’t remember my parents; my father, it seems, was Syrian. I act as the bearer of the highest truth - truth goodwill, according to which “a person can do good, apart from and despite any selfish considerations, for the sake of the very idea of ​​​​good, out of sheer respect for duty or moral law.” I claim that evil people not in the world. And all power is violence against people, and the time will come when there will be no power.

(content check) Test work by content novel M. A. Bulgakov« The Master and Margarita»

1. How old were you? Master and how much Margarita?

2. Where is it located? Master when we meet him on the pages novel?

3. Which of the heroes wore "white cloak with bloody lining"?

4. Find out from the portrait character:

“A shaved, dark-haired man with a sharp nose, anxious eyes and a tuft of hair hanging over his forehead approximately 38 years old».

5. “...a man about 27 years old...His head was covered with a white bandage with a strap around his forehead. The man had a large bruise under his left eye and an abrasion with dried blood in the corner of his mouth. The man brought in looked with alarming curiosity...”

6. What was the name of Yeshua’s disciple?

7. List, who was part of Woland's retinue?

8. Which human vice does Yeshua name before his death?

9. Who is this? “His mustache is like chicken feathers, his eyes are small, ironic and half-drunk, and his trousers are checkered.”

10. " Small in stature, fiery red, with a fang, in a good-quality striped suit... The tie was bright... from the pocket... a gnawed chicken bone was sticking out.”

11. “On the neck... there was a white tailcoat tie with a bow, and on the chest there were mother-of-pearl ladies’ binoculars on a strap... the mustache was gilded.”

12. Interior details identify the owner of the house. “Books, a stove, two sofas, a wonderful night lamp, a small desk, a sink with water in the front room, lilac, linden and maple outside the window.”

13. Who betrayed Yeshua?

14. She was holding yellow flowers in her hands. Who is she?

“Forgive me and forget me as soon as possible. I'm leaving you forever. Don't look for me, it's useless. I became a witch because of the grief and disasters that struck me. I have to go. Goodbye".


1. The master is 38, Margarita is 30. 11. Cat Behemoth

2. In a madhouse. 12. Apartment Masters

3. Pontius Pilate 13. Judas

4. Master 14. Margarita

5. Yeshua Ha-Nozri 15. Margarita to her husband

6. Levi Matvey

7. Azazello, Koroviev (Bassoon, Behemoth, Gella

8. Cowardice

9. Koroviev

10. Azazello

Guys! Today subject our discussion is novel M. A. Bulgakov« The Master and Margarita» - one of the most controversial works in Russian literature. (slide No. 2)

It has been debated since the day it was published. novel, an open discussion took place on television channels after the screening of the serial film, a variety of assessments of the work are given in articles by teachers, writers, literary critics , church ministers. (read slide)

Points of view on the issue novels are different, sometimes just the opposite. We are finishing our study novel, and we also had our own point of view, our own arguments and our own answers to question:

What I wanted to tell my novel greatest philosophical writer of the 20th century?

Who main character novel by Bulgakov?

Master, who created novel- a revelation about Pontius Pilate, the procurator of Judea, who tried Yeshua and approved the death sentence. Woland is the Prince of Darkness, evil who appeared in the world, having abandoned faith and love, to remind people of goodness, mercy and God.

Master, who guessed with his novel that the greatest of all crimes on earth is cowardice and betrayal...

Margarita, his beloved, who gave up family and well-being for the sake of love...

(Word young reader- essay)

The word "essay" came into Russian from French and historically goes back to the Latin word exagium (weighing). The French ézai can literally be translated by the words experience, trial, attempt, sketch, sketch.

An essay is a prose composition of small volume and free composition, expressing individual impressions and considerations on a specific occasion or issue and obviously not claiming to be a definitive or exhaustive interpretation of the subject.

IN " Explanatory dictionary foreign words" L.P. Krysina essay is defined as "an essay that treats some problems not in a systematic way scientific form, but in free form."

"Big encyclopedic dictionary" gives this definition: "Essay is a genre of philosophical, literary-critical , historical-biographical, journalistic prose, combining the emphatically individual position of the author with a relaxed, often paradoxical presentation, focused on colloquial speech."

"Brief literary encyclopedia " clarifies: “An essay is a prose work of small volume and free composition, treating a particular topic and representing an attempt to convey individual impressions and considerations, one way or another connected with it.”

Today we will be with you ponder, think logically, read between the lines, identify the core idea novel, through text analysis, draw your own conclusions and give reasons for them.

Before we begin the analysis, let's remember, what is the history of the creation of this unique work?


Bulgakov worked on the novel for 12 years(from 1928 to 1940). At first he wanted to write a work about Moscow in the 20s and 30s, to expose all the vices of that time. At the same time he was working on a novel about Jesus Christ. He was worried question: Why did people find Christ to their death more than 2 thousand years ago?

At some point he decided to combine these works. This is how it began to be created novel« The Master and Margarita» Although its first names were these are: "Engineer with a Hoof", "Black Magician".

The work was difficult and intense. Bulgakov rewrote several times novel, tried to burn it, but his wife Elena Sergeevna managed to snatch the notebook from the stove. It was this woman who became the prototype of the main character novel - Margarita. This novel was the meaning of Mikhail Afanasyevich’s whole life. He was sick, almost blind, and only thanks to the efforts of his wife novel was published and saw the light of day.

What's so unusual about this? novel in terms of composition? (slide No. 5) the student will read.

Let's remember where and how it begins novel(movie)

So, the first hero is Woland (slide number 6)

Woland is an unusual devil. He punishes evil and injustice, helps truth and goodness to triumph.

What does Woland say about himself?


“I am part of that force that always wants evil and always does good”

Woland is the center, the connecting link novel. He is at the center both in the Moscow chapters and in the other world, where he is the master. He is the root cause of all Moscow events; after meeting him, the proletarian poet Ivan Bezdomny is reborn. With him begins a chain of exposures of mediocre poets, critics, bribe takers, liars...


Woland is the devil, and it seems like an evil spirit should only destroy and punish, but he also rewards.


And this is one of the mysteries novel. The thought itself is scary that good is impossible without evil, they are always nearby. But in novel It is thanks to Woland that truth and honesty are revived. His justice is sometimes very cruel, but without this, people would never have their eyes opened to the truth.

Can Woland be called a hero? novel?

Studying: Can. He is the bearer of evil, but evil that bears fair punishment (whom he punishes)

Conclusion: Woland shows a world that is mired in lies and betrayal. He is not absolute evil, but evil that not only punishes cowardice and betrayal, but also rewards. (in notebook).

Who is Yeshua?


Yeshua is a wandering philosopher from the city of Gamala, he is a criminal for Pilate because he preaches crazy ideas. He is dangerous with his utopian ideas about the kingdom of truth and justice, where there will be no power, no Caesars, no power of any kind. (slide number 8)

He is dangerous because he believes in the predominance of goodness in any person.


Yeshua is an ordinary mortal man, naive, wise, simple-minded, he is physically weak, but spiritually strong, neither fear nor punishment can force him to change the idea of ​​goodness and mercy. (read the slide to the teacher).

Teacher: What is the essence of kindness?

(write in notebook)

A good person is not one who does not do evil, but one who does good. Kindness is the beauty of the soul.


Goodness gives rise to mercy and justice.

Who's in novel who gave up justice, who acted contrary to his conscience?

Pontius Pilate

(Slide No. 10)


Pontius Pilate is the fifth procurator of Judea, the son of the royal astrologer, very rich and endowed with enormous power, but subordinate to the emperor.

The procurator was touched by the sincerity and kindness of this young man. Pilate understood perfectly well that Yeshua had not done anything for which he needed to be executed. However, the procurator did not listen to his "internal" voices, voices of conscience, but followed the lead of the crowd and executed Yeshua. Pontius Pilate was afraid and for this he was punished with immortality. He had no peace either day or night. This is what he says about Pontius Pilate Woland: “He says the same thing, that even under the moon he has no peace, and that he has a bad position. This is what he always says when he is not sleeping, and when he sleeps, he sees the same thing - the lunar road and wants to go along it and talk with the prisoner Ga-Notsi, because, as he claims, he did not say something back then, long ago on the fourteenth date of the spring month of Nisan. But, alas, for some reason he fails to take this road and no one comes to him. Then, what can you do, he has to talk to himself. And Pontius Pilate suffers for twelve thousand moons for one moon, for that moment when he became cowardly.


So, Pilate is a coward, he is driven by fear, and although he is endowed with power, he depends on the state. Why is the procurator suffering? Why does he have a dream that he did not send a wandering philosopher to execution and healer, as if they were walking together along a lunar path and talking peacefully, and he, the cruel procurator of Judea, laughed with joy and cried in his sleep. Pilate is tormented by his conscience. He will never have peace - he understands that Yeshua is right. Pilate made his choice. And the most big problem is that his actions were guided by petty fears.

Now let’s look at the images of the heroes whose names are named after novel:

Master(slide number 11)

Who is Master and why does he call himself that?


A historian by training, he received 100 thousand in bonds, left his job at the museum and began to write novel about Pontius Pilate.

How the meeting happened The Master and Margarita?

(love story The Master and Margarita)


Margarita walked along Arbat and carried in her hands yellow flowers(slide number 12)


“Her husband was young, handsome, kind, honest and adored his wife. Margarita Nikolaevna with

with their husband, the two of them occupied the entire top of a beautiful mansion in the garden in one of the alleys near Arbat...

Margarita Nikolaevna did not need money. Margarita Nikolaevna could buy whatever she liked...

In a word, was she happy?

Not for a minute. Gods, my gods! What did this woman need, in whose eyes some incomprehensible light always burned, what did this witch, slightly squinting in one eye, need... she needed him, Master…»

"Love Jumped Out" in front of them, “as a killer jumps out of the ground in an alley, and strikes... both at once!”

One could expect that such love would be passionate, stormy, ardent... But she turned out to have a calm, homely character. Margarita came to the basement apartment Masters, “... put on an apron... lit the kerosene stove and prepared breakfast... When the May thunderstorms came... the lovers lit the stove and baked potatoes in it... Laughter was heard in the basement...” (read out)

This is how the story of this love is carefully and peacefully told.

Margarita couldn't part with Master for a moment, even when he was not there and had to think, he will no longer be at all.

What happened to the heroes?


The Master and Margarita became one, they were happy, but The Master's novel was not published, he wanted to burn him, then he ended up in a hospital for the mentally ill, both to help him and take revenge on his enemies Margarita ready for any crime.

She is ready to sell her soul to the devil and becomes a witch, the queen of the great ball, Satan's ball.

By the power of your love Margarita saves the Master. (write down)

And eternal peace awaits them.

Why The Master and Margarita pass away?


Master artist, the creator, but he is helpless, incapable of meanness, intrigue, and incapable of existing in the material world.

(write down)

The master is broken, wants peace, he stops fighting.

Master couldn't stand the fight on the ground, so he goes into his eternal peace, to the last refuge.

“Look, ahead is your eternal home, which was given to you as a reward... I know that in the evening those you love will come to you... and who will not disturb you... you will fall asleep with a smile on your lips. Sleep will strengthen you, you will begin to reason wisely. And you won’t be able to drive me away. I will take care of your sleep.

That's what she said Margarita walking with Master towards their eternal home..."

Bottom line: Guys!

Today we talked about heroes novel: about Woland, Yeshua, Pontius Pilate, Master, Margarita...who are they?? What role does each of them play in novel?


Woland is a representative of evil, but punishes injustice

Yeshua is the representative of goodness and purity

Pontius Pilate is a representative of power, but a coward.

Master - writer, unable to exist in the material world.

Margarita - loving woman capable of sacrificing herself for love.

All these heroes carry their morality, their truth, their philosophy of life. Each of them is right in their own way, and we cannot blame them. But they also have a common quality - they are all heroes, heroes with a capital “G” novel« The Master and Margarita

Let's understand the magic Bulgakov and his novel...

Teacher's word:

Today we have an unusual lesson. We invite guests to our creative magic studio, where we will learn to comprehend the meaning of magical items, distinguish the voices of heroes, read magical writings... Today you are wizards-sorcerers, wizards-archivists, who will reveal secrets to us Bulgakov's novel.

Sorcerers, open the treasured cards. Let the words fly out into the light Bulgakov and his hero

1 card: Never talk to strangers...

The title of the chapter reflects the unspoken etiquette of human behavior during the Stalin era, which raised spy mania and the idea that life was riddled with all kinds of pests to unprecedented heights.

2 card: Well, come on, come on, come on... apricot dal...

Pun. Juggling with words.

3 card: The brick won’t fall down for no reason...

An application for a philosophical question about randomness and patterns.

4 card: meeting at 10 pm.

A feature of the era - the night vigils of Soviet institutions were associated with the habits of Stalin. It is typical that people were arrested at night.

5 card: 14th of the spring month of Nisan...

Nissan is the spring month according to the Babylonian calendar, corresponding to March-April.

6 card: A man of about twenty-seven... Yeshua Ha-Nozri.

The age of Christ is traditionally considered to be 33 years. Yeshua is a phonetic transfer from Aramaic.

7 card: What is truth?

According to New Testament tradition, this question was asked by Pilate to Christ. Pilate's question remained unanswered. Jesus remained silent. But there are words in the Gospel Christ: I am the truth, and the way, and the life...

8 card: Cat huge like a hog...

The appearance of the devil in the form of a black cat is traditional for demonology.

8 card: Woland messir...

Messire was the name given to feudal lords.

9 card: Man in a cap...

A secret agency agent monitoring the apartment.

10 card: Never ask for anything!

One of the commandments novel, important for the author, suffered by him in relations with the powers that be.

11 card: Pilate read: There is no death...

The recording was made by Levi Matvius during the execution.

12 card: a pun about light and darkness...

It still remains unsolved. It's about the line between good and evil.

13 card: words Azazello: peace be with you...

Game changeover. Adequate to the most ancient wish in the East - peace to this house and parody the greeting Christ: peace be with you.

Teacher's word: Of course, we cannot unravel all linguistic mysteries in such a short period of time. But you can continue to explore on your own.

And we would also like to know about the mysterious magical names and objects that fill the narrative. Researchers note that a total game with cultural heritage- one of the essential will accept creative method Bulgakov. Bulgakov generously sprinkles in novel elements of magic. Which ones exactly? Let's find out...

Archivists, reveal the secrets of your archive.

1. Mirrors and reflective surfaces.

The very principle of storytelling is mirrored, firstly, and secondly,

a mirror is a door to another world.

The mirror acts both as an impartial witness of events and as

“fixer of transformations” occurring in our reality,

and as a tool by which these changes

are being implemented.

2. Azazello cream - a magical ointment-cream. Transformative ointment

transforming a person, giving him the opportunity to fly. After

receiving ointment Margarita enters into a pact with the devil.

(mysticism around novel)


A hundred evil tongues will slander you in full

And they will pierce you into the very heart...

It's very deserted here - just me and the moon

Looking out the window at each other...

I create worlds with the movement of a pen

And I cry with happiness in silence.

This is the best hard time in life!

Here is a dream for a tired soul.

How to tell you, oh, how to tell you,

How do I feel at this hour!

I'm here! I am living! I'm ready to win!

I - Master, creating for you!

My soul is in a book... I'm ready to write

Years, no, centuries in a row!

And I'm still not tired of repeating,

That manuscripts DO NOT BURN

A person cannot control himself -

This is a dangerous game...

Remember, people, and know forever -

Without Evil there is no Good.

Interlocking fangs, Light and Darkness live -

They will die without each other...

Everyone appreciates spring, but there is also winter -

Cold, dull days.

Understand - it's not difficult to understand,

If you really think about it essence:

Pain teaches you to laugh, and work teaches you to rest;

A great goal is a long journey.

The more strength you have, the worse your shoulders are -

The burden will be on them.

You'll have to stay awake sometimes at night,

We'll have to solve problems.

The world is unfair - sometimes even to me,

He even teaches devils how to live.

The silence of the moon, the wind, the stars in the window -

You have to pay for all this.

You can't reach happiness with your hand.

I have no peace forever.

What is more important – day or night?

What is right – Darkness or Light?

So who am I? What do I bring to the Earth?

The pen has answered more than once:

“Part of the force that eternally dreams of Evil,

But always doing good.”

A huge number of people are captivated by the novel “The Master and Margarita”. Why do we like difficult and even bad heroes, violators of rules and boundaries? What is the secret of the charm of evil? What can resist him? The answers to the questions are in the experience of reading the novel “The Master and Margarita” by M. A. Bulgakov.

After reading, some questions remain: a literary masterpiece is a medium, but what’s so great about it? Why were they so keen on it at a certain time in our country, especially young people? And here such a concept as charm of evil . As an example, we can consider a real situation: a two-year-old girl’s mother told her a fairy tale about a naughty hedgehog, in which the hedgehog did not obey her mother, did everything wrong, and provoked some difficulties:

“But one day the hedgehog got tired of obeying his mother, and he decided to become naughty.

“Son, go pick some mushrooms,” my mother asked.

“I won’t go,” the son answered rudely.

Mom went and picked beautiful and large mushrooms, and dried them for the winter.

“Son, go pick some apples. “I’ll bake you a pie,” mom asked again.

“I don’t want to and won’t type,” my son answered loudly again.”

An excerpt from a fairy tale about a naughty hedgehog

Of course, everything ended well - everyone returned home. But since then, this girl has been asking every day for a year and a half to tell her a fairy tale about a naughty hedgehog, and so that he will be very naughty.

Children like Carlson (see Fig. 2), who in himself is a rather boorish guy who violates all the rules of decency. They are delighted with the cartoon "Masha and the Bear", which also main character She's also a difficult girl. Why do children love bad heroes?

Rice. 2. B. Ilyukhin. Stamp of Russia (1992) ()

The reason is that our life in society implies certain restrictions. From childhood we are taught these restrictions: not to do this, it’s not good, it’s indecent, it’s impossible. And naturally, a feeling of lack of freedom accumulates. And it leads to the fact that when a person is shown a person or some creature that has freedom, violates something, then the image of this person or creature becomes attractive.

It is interesting that often criminals are people who have stopped developing and behave at the level of 13-15 year old children. That's what they call each other - "boys". It’s as if they are deliberately emphasizing their underdevelopment in certain areas. And these boys are opposed to excellent students and “teachers,” where, say, businessmen can be excellent students, and law enforcement agencies can be “teachers.” The essence is the same as in childhood.

Humanity has accumulated mechanisms to combat such tensions arising in society. For example, carnivals are a means of combating fatigue from a rigid hierarchy: nobles, common people, serfs, etc. This is a carnival city European culture. At some point, everything turns upside down: those who were nothing become everything. A lot has been written about this, if you wish, study it yourself.

Another mechanism is called "scapegoat".

Scapegoat (otherwise called "Azazel")- in Judaism, a special animal, which, after symbolically placing the sins of the entire people on it, was released into the desert. The ritual was performed on the holiday of Yom Kippur during the time of the Jerusalem Temple (10th century BC - 1st century AD). The ritual is described in the Old Testament.

We look for such a mechanism in art. One of the ancient art researchers said that in the theater a person experiences what is in ordinary life he has no ability to do. For example, he sees how someone indignantly beats a neighbor, some kind of drama plays out, and he experiences catharsis, cleansing.

Catharsis - empathy for the highest harmony in tragedy, which has educational significance.

Woland is an incredibly charming character, even though he is a devil. Evil would not be evil if it were not charming. After all, otherwise it would be disgusting, no one would even want to pay attention to it, people would be able to distinguish sin. Therefore, the task of evil is to seduce and attract. Woland seduces with his strength, you want to lean against him. He does what he wants, for example, he allows some bad person to turn his head:

“By the way, this one,” here Fagot pointed to Bengalsky, “I’m tired of. He pokes his head around all the time where he is not asked, ruining the session with false remarks! What could we do with him?

- Tear his head off! - someone said sternly in the gallery.

- How do you say? Ass? - Fagot immediately responded to this ugly proposal, - tear off your head? This is an idea! Hippopotamus! - he shouted to the cat, - do it! Ein, bloom, drey!

And an unprecedented thing happened. The fur on the black cat stood on end, and he meowed heartbreakingly. Then he curled up into a ball and, like a panther, swung straight at Bengalsky’s chest, and from there jumped to his head. Grumbling, the cat grabbed the entertainer’s thin hair with its chubby paws and, howling wildly, tore the head off the plump neck in two turns.”

Is it possible to distinguish between good and evil? Someday you will definitely come across Goethe’s work “Faust” (see Fig. 3). There are words there that became the epigraph to “The Master and Margarita”:

“...So who are you, finally?

- I am part of that force,

That always wants evil.

And he always does good.”

Goethe. "Faust"

Rice. 3. Cover for the book by I.V. Goethe "Faust" ()

Perhaps the devil was initially allowed to do evil that would turn out to be good. After all, Woland doesn’t punish very much good people: all those whom he punishes are sinners in some way. This is the charm. Perhaps this is the charm of the revolution, because the newly arrived power punishes the annoying aristocrats and bourgeoisie, and there is a seemingly quick solution to all the accumulated issues.

There are many different definitions of evil. Believers sometimes follow St. Augustine (see Fig. 4) and say that there is no evil, there is a lack of good:

“On this basis, Augustine was ready to answer the key question? “Where is evil and where and how did it creep in here? What is its root and its seed? Or is it not there at all?” To this Augustine replied: “Evil is not any essence; but the loss of good is called evil.”

Greg Koukle. (translated by P. Novochekhov)

Rice. 4. S. Botticelli “Augustine in Clausura” (1495) ()

Indeed, one can think so, say that there are no rays of darkness, there is only a lack of light, and the Lord is omnipotent and all-good, but this goodness is not always enough. And you can notice such a trend - the complication of nature itself, not only at the physical level, but also at the cultural level. Studying history, you understand that society is becoming more complex, laws are becoming more complex. The system of checks and balances, the various branches of government - these are all complications of society. This is the general increase in goodness - complexity. And evil is resistance to this evolutionary process - simplification.

It’s easy to think that officials, bourgeoisie, Jews, and anyone else are to blame for everything, and in general, our nation is the greatest, and everyone else is somewhere below (we, unfortunately, had to observe the result of this in the middle of the twentieth century). But it’s difficult to think that all animals are important, that there are no harmful or bad ones, that all cultures are important, because they are different ways of life, of solving some social issues. Then the understanding comes that evil is forced simplification, the simplicity of theory.

Some books, such as The Master and Margarita, require an understanding of who the author is. Bulgakov (see Fig. 5) himself said that he was a mystical writer:

“ and mystical colors (I am a mystical writer), which depict the countless deformities of our life, the poison with which my language is saturated, deep skepticism regarding the revolutionary process taking place in my backward country, and the contrast to it with my beloved and Great Evolution... persistent portrayal of the Russian intelligentsia as the best layer in our country...”

M.A. Bulgakov. Excerpt from a letter to the government of the USSR,

Rice. 5. Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov ()

Sometimes Bulgakov is credited with the word occultist. In the novel, the author immediately states that Matvey Levi writes incorrectly and confusingly:

"- These good people“, - the prisoner spoke and, hastily adding: “hegemon,” he continued: “They didn’t learn anything and everyone confused what I said.” In general, I am beginning to fear that this confusion will continue for a very long time. And all because he writes me down incorrectly.

There was silence. Now both sick eyes looked heavily at the prisoner.

- I repeat to you, but last time“Stop pretending to be crazy, robber,” Pilate said softly and monotonously, “follow you.”

Not much has been written down, but there is enough written down to hang you.

“No, no, hegemon,” he spoke, straining himself in the desire to convince.

arrested - walks and walks alone with a goat's parchment and continuously

writes. But one day I looked into this parchment and was horrified. I said absolutely nothing of what was written there. I begged him: burn him

for God's sake your parchment! But he snatched it from my hands and ran away.”

M.A. Bulgakov. "The Master and Margarita"

It goes without saying that the reader is being drawn into a black mass. This work can be called good textbook, how to distinguish a masterpiece in an artistic sense from what it tells us.

“At the same moment, something flashed in Azazello’s hands, something softly clapped his hands, the baron began to fall backward, scarlet blood sprayed from his chest and poured onto his starched shirt and vest. Koroviev placed the bowl under the beating stream and handed the filled bowl to Woland. The baron's lifeless body was already on the floor at this time.

“I drink your health, gentlemen,” Woland said quietly and, raising the cup, touched it with his lips.

Then a metamorphosis occurred. The patched shirt and worn-out shoes were gone. Woland found himself in some kind of black robe with a steel sword on his hip. He quickly approached Margarita, brought her the cup and said commandingly:

- Drink!

Margarita felt dizzy, she staggered, but the cup was already at her lips, and someone’s voices, and she couldn’t make out whose, whispered in both ears:

- Don’t be afraid, queen... Don’t be afraid, queen, the blood has long gone into the ground. And where it spilled, grapes are already growing.”

M.A. Bulgakov. "The Master and Margarita"

The reader forgives sinners, and people who simply stumbled or did not understand something are severely punished. In order to distinguish where the writer takes us along with his work, we need to read and think.

An artist cannot be measured by what he should do and what he should not do. Let's remember Pushkin:

Poet of inspired lyre
He rattled his absent-minded hand.
He sang - but cold and arrogant
There are uninitiated people around
I listened to him senselessly.
And the stupid mob interpreted:
“Why does he sing so loudly?
In vain hitting the ear,
To what goal is he leading us?
What is he strumming about? what does it teach us?
Why do hearts worry, torment,
Like a wayward sorcerer?
Like the wind, his song is free,
But like the wind and barren:
What good does it do us?”

A.S. Pushkin. "The Poet and the Crowd"

That is, the author always does what he considers necessary. And the reader must use the work as a tool. His task is to understand how to do this, what good and evil are, why evil is charming.

And the solution to the problem that children and adults often like rule breakers is that a person needs to be educated in time so that he commits violations in the direction that is called progress. If Lenin had graduated from a technical university, we might have had another Lobachevsky. And so, reading his “State and Revolution”, you think how sad it all is, everything is gone, it has nothing to do with us now. The revolution is carried out by scientists, technologists, engineers, and revolutionaries only stop the movement.

Technologies: creating a presentation in Microsoft Power Point, using the Gimp program.

Lesson objectives:

2. Pay attention to the symbolism of the number “three” in M. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita”.

Lesson equipment: multimedia installation, CD with a recording of an electronic lesson, GIMP program.

Lesson Plan

Teacher: Hello, dear guys, hello, dear guests! 11 "A" class high school No. 20 named after Vasley Mitta with an in-depth study of individual subjects presents the author’s program for the lesson “Three Worlds in M. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita”.

Today we will continue our journey through the amazing world created by M. Bulgakov. The objectives of our lesson are as follows:

1. Show the features of the genre and compositional structure of M. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita”.

2. Pay attention to the symbolism of the number three in M. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita”.

3. Understand the writer’s intention, notice and comprehend the echoes of the novel’s lines.

4. Understand moral lessons M. Bulgakov, the main values ​​that the writer talks about.

5. Contribute to the development of interest in the personality and creativity of the writer.

We have three groups that will represent the three worlds of the novel:

Peace of Yershalaim;

Moscow reality;

Fantastic world.

Messages from trained students (philosophy of P. Florensky about the trinity of being)

Group work.

Ancient Yershalaim world


How does his portrait reveal Pilate's character?

How does Pilate behave at the beginning of his meeting with Yeshua and at the end?

What is Yeshua's core belief?

Student answers.

Teacher: If the “Moscow chapters” leave a feeling of frivolity and unreality, then the very first words of the novel about Yeshua are weighty, precise, and rhythmic. There is no game in the “gospel” chapters. Everything here breathes authenticity. We are not present anywhere in his thoughts, we do not enter his inner world - it is not given. But we only see and hear how it acts, how the familiar reality and the connection of concepts crack and spread. Yeshua-Christ gives from afar great example to all people.

The idea of ​​the work: all power is violence over people; the time will come when there will be no power either of Caesar or any other power.

Who is the personification of power?

How does Bulgakov portray Pilate?

Students: Pilate is cruel, he is called a ferocious monster. He only boasts of this nickname, because the world is ruled by the law of force. Behind Pilate big life warrior, full of struggle, hardship, mortal danger. Only the strong, who do not know fear and doubt, pity and compassion, win in it. Pilate knows that the winner is always alone, he cannot have friends, only enemies and envious people. He despises the mob. He indifferently sends some to execution and pardons others.

He has no equal, there is no person with whom he would just want to talk. Pilate is sure: the world is based on violence and power.

Creating a cluster.

Teacher: Please find the interrogation scene (chapter 2).

Pilate asks a question that should not be asked during interrogation. What kind of question is this?

Students read an excerpt from a novel. (“What is truth?”)

Teacher: Pilate's life has long been at a dead end. Power and greatness did not make him happy. He is dead in soul. And then a man came who illuminated life with new meaning. The hero is faced with a choice: to save an innocent wandering philosopher and lose his power, and possibly his life, or to maintain his position by executing an innocent man and acting against his conscience. In essence, it is a choice between physical and spiritual death. Unable to make a choice, he pushes Yeshua to compromise. But compromise is impossible for Yeshua. Truth turns out to be more valuable to him than life. Pilate decides to save Yeshua from execution. But Kaifa is adamant: the Sanhedrin does not change its decision.

Why does Pilate approve the death sentence?

Why was Pilate punished?

Students: “Cowardice is the most serious vice,” Woland repeats (chapter 32, night flight scene). Pilate says that “more than anything else in the world he hates his immortality and unheard-of glory.” And then the Master enters: “Free! Free! He's waiting for you! Pilate is forgiven.

Modern Moscow world

Never talk to strangers

Students: The master speaks of him as a well-read and very cunning person. Berlioz has been given a lot, and he deliberately adjusts himself to the level of the worker poets he despises. For him there is no God, no devil, nothing at all. Apart from everyday reality. Where he knows everything in advance and has, if not unlimited, but very real power. None of the subordinates is engaged in literature: they are only interested in the division of material wealth and privileges.

Teacher: Why was Berlioz punished so terribly? Because he is an atheist? Because he is adapting to the new government? For seducing Ivanushka Bezdomny with unbelief? Woland gets annoyed: “What do you have, no matter what you’re missing, there’s nothing!” Berlioz gets “nothing”, non-existence. He receives according to his faith.

Each will be given according to his faith (chapter 23) By insisting that Jesus Christ did not exist, Berlioz thereby denies his preaching of goodness and mercy, truth and justice, the idea of ​​good will. Chairman of MASSOLIT, editor of thick magazines, living in the grip of dogmas based on rationality, expediency, devoid of moral foundations who deny belief in the existence of metaphysical principles, he implants these dogmas in human minds, which is especially dangerous for a young, fragile consciousness, therefore the “murder” of Berlioz by a Komsomol member takes on a deeply symbolic meaning. Not believing in other existence, he goes into oblivion.

What are the objects and techniques of Bulgakov's satire? Work on the text.

Styopa Likhodeev (chapter 7)

Varenukha (chap. 10, 14)

Nikanor Ivanovich Bosoy (chapter 9)

Bartender (Ch. 18)

Annushka (Ch. 24, 27)

Aloysius Mogarych (chapter 24)

The punishment is in the people themselves.

Teacher: Critics Latunsky and Lavrovich are also people invested with power, but deprived of morality. They are indifferent to everything except their career. They are endowed with intelligence, knowledge, and erudition. And all this is deliberately placed at the service of the vicious power. History sends such people into oblivion.

The townspeople have changed a lot on the outside... a much more important question is: have these townspeople changed on the inside? In answer to this question, evil spirits gets involved, conducts one experiment after another, organizes mass hypnosis, purely scientific experience. And people show their true colors. The revelation session was a success.

The miracles demonstrated by Woland's retinue are the satisfaction of people's hidden desires. Decency disappears from people and eternal human vices appear: greed, cruelty, greed, deceit, hypocrisy...

Woland sums up: “Well, they are people like people... They love money, but this has always been the case... Ordinary people, in general, resemble the old ones, the housing issue only spoiled them...”

What is the evil spirit making fun of and mocking? By what means does the author depict ordinary people?

Students: Moscow philistinism is depicted using cartoons and grotesques. Fiction is a means of satire.

The Master and Margarita

Who told you that there is no true, faithful, eternal love in the world?

May the liar's vile tongue be cut out!

Teacher: Margarita is an earthly, sinful woman. She can swear, flirt, she is a woman without prejudices. How did Margarita deserve the special favor of the higher powers that control the Universe? Margarita, probably one of those one hundred and twenty-two Margaritas that Koroviev spoke about, knows what love is.

Love is the second path to superreality, just as creativity is what can resist the eternally existing evil. The concepts of goodness, forgiveness, responsibility, truth, and harmony are also associated with love and creativity. In the name of love, Margarita accomplishes a feat, overcoming fear and weakness, defeating circumstances, without demanding anything for herself. Margarita is the bearer of enormous poetic and inspired love. She is capable not only of boundless fullness of feelings, but also of devotion (like Matthew Levi) and the feat of fidelity. Margarita is able to fight for her Master. She knows how to fight, defending her love and faith. It is not the Master, but Margarita herself who is now associated with the devil and enters the world of black magic. Bulgakov’s heroine takes this risk and feat in the name of great love.

Find evidence of this in the text. (Scene of Woland’s ball (chapter 23), scene of Frida’s forgiveness (chapter 24).

Margarita values ​​the novel more than the Master. With the power of his love he saves the Master, he finds peace. The theme of creativity and the theme of Margarita are associated with the true values ​​​​affirmed by the author of the novel: personal freedom, mercy, honesty, truth, faith, love.

So, what is the central issue raised in the actual narrative plan?

Students: The relationship between the creator-artist and society.

Teacher: How is the Master similar to Yeshua?

Students: They are united by truthfulness, incorruptibility, devotion to their faith, independence, and the ability to empathize with the grief of others. But the master did not show the necessary fortitude and did not defend his dignity. He did not fulfill his duty and found himself broken. That's why he burns his novel.


Teacher: Who did Woland come to earth with?

Students: Woland did not come to earth alone. He was accompanied by creatures who, by and large, play the role of jesters in the novel, putting on all sorts of shows, disgusting and hateful to the indignant Moscow population. They simply turned human vices and weaknesses inside out.

Teacher: For what purpose did Woland and his retinue end up in Moscow?

Students: Their task was to do all the dirty work for Woland, serve him, prepare Margarita for the Great Ball and for her and the Master’s journey to a world of peace.

Teacher: Who made up Woland’s retinue?

Students: Woland’s retinue consisted of three “main jesters: Behemoth the Cat, Koroviev-Fagot, Azazello and also the vampire girl Gella.

Teacher: What problem does the author raise in the other world?

Students: The problem of the meaning of life. Woland's gang, committing murders, abuses, and deceptions in Moscow, is ugly and monstrous. Woland does not betray, does not lie, does not sow evil. He discovers, manifests, reveals the abomination in life in order to punish it all. There is a scarab mark on the chest. He has powerful magical powers, learning, and the gift of prophecy.

Teacher: What is reality like in Moscow?

Students: Real, catastrophically developing reality. It turns out that the world is surrounded by grabbers, bribe-takers, sycophants, swindlers, opportunists, and self-interested people. And so Bulgakov’s satire matures, grows and falls on their heads, the conductors of which are aliens from the world of Darkness.

Punishment takes different forms, but it is always fair, done in the name of good and deeply instructive.

Teacher: How are Yershalaim and Moscow similar?

Students: Yershalaim and Moscow are similar in landscape, hierarchy of life, and morals. Tyranny, unfair trials, denunciations, executions, and hostility are common.

Individual work:

Drawing up clusters (images of Yeshua, Pontius Pilate, the Master, Margarita, Woland, etc.);

Drawing symbolic images on a computer (GIMP program);

Presentation of student work.

Checking the completion of tasks.

Lesson summary, conclusions.

All plans of the book are united by the problem of good and evil;

Topics: search for truth, theme of creativity;

All these layers and space-time spheres merge at the end of the book

The genre is synthetic:

And a satirical novel

And a comic epic

And utopia with elements of fantasy

And historical narrative

Main conclusion: The truth, the bearer of which was Yeshua, turned out to be historically unrealized, while remaining at the same time absolutely beautiful. This is tragic human existence. Woland makes a disappointing conclusion about the immutability of human nature, but these same words convey the idea of ​​​​the indestructibility of mercy in human hearts.

Homework: create a test or crossword puzzle “Three worlds in M. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita” using modern computer technologies.

Tatiana Svetopolskaya, teacher of Russian language and literature at gymnasium No. 6 in the city of Novocheboksarsk, Chuvash Republic
