Dmitry Hvorostovsky - biography, information, personal life. How many wives and children does Dmitry Hvorostovsky have? Biography and marital status of Hvorostovsky

Dmitry Hvorostovsky died at the age of 55, leaving Florence Hvorostovsky as a widow - a 47-year-old woman, half Italian, half French by birth. They met in 1999, he was still married, but on the verge of divorce, she was free. A significant meeting took place on the stage of the theater, Dmitry performed the part of Don Juan, she played the role of one of his girlfriends. Florence Illy immediately set her eyes on the gray-haired Russian hero. Talented, handsome, well built.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky had a very difficult relationship with his first wife, as a result of which he even became addicted to non-mineral water, slowly destroyed himself, and did things that he recalled with shame much later. It is possible that the majority creative personalities prone to self-destruction. Some, like Dmitry Hvorostovsky, talk about it openly, while others hush up their problems. So I look at this man who should have lived and lived, but he died at the peak of his popularity, faded away in the prime of his strength. Stress probably contributes to illness, outwardly polished and successful, but inside broken and even though misfortunes befell him even before meeting Florence Illy, before the birth of children Max and Nina, but the self-destructive mechanism was launched a long time ago.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky's first wife, Svetlana, died in 2015, at that time she already knew about her illness ex-husband, the spouses even managed to reconcile, although for many years managed to spoil a lot of blood for each other. Dmitry Hvorostovsky and Svetlana had twins in 1996 - daughter Alexandra and son Daniil. In addition, Svetlana has a daughter from her first marriage - Maria, she was like Dmitry’s own daughter.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky was a convinced atheist. And I admire this man if only for the fact that before his death he did not rush to be baptized, go to church, confess, take communion, get married, venerate icons and relics of miracle workers, and did not travel to holy places. This is courage - not to console yourself with thoughts that in the next world they are waiting for us, that there will be a second chance to fix something. Dmitry Hvorostovsky believed that there is nothing after death. He was honest not only with others, but also with himself. Prayers do not help against brain cancer, even if you pray with the whole world...

Flosha, as Dmitry Hvorostovsky called his second wife, was a ray of light in his life. It was this woman who saved him from the past, gave him a second chance to become happy, successful, in demand, became a muse, wife, lover, mother. For the sake of her beloved, she mastered English and Russian, learned to cook borscht and make dumplings, gave up the stage, and devoted herself entirely to her family. She had no choice, this was the only way she could give her beloved the feeling of a reliable rear. Florence herself could have achieved a lot, she had all the data for this, but love turned out to be more important for her. At 47 years old, she remained a widow, with two children in her arms: 14-year-old son Max and 10-year-old daughter Nina. Dmitry Hvorostovsky struggled with his illness for two years, but the illness won.

With son Max.

And in this photo are the parents of Dmitry Hvorostovsky: father Alexander (chemical engineer) and mother Lyudmila (women's doctor).

On the right in the photo are the parents of Dmitry Hvorostovsky.

With Luciano Pavarotti.

As a child, Dmitry Hvorostovsky was like this.

With son Max.

Dmitry Aleksandrovich Hvorostovsky - famous opera singer, the best baritone on the planet

Date of birth: October 16, 1962
Place of birth: Krasnoyarsk, RSFSR, USSR
Zodiac sign: Scales
Date of death: November 22, 2017
Place of death: London, UK

“Life is wonderful, but very short.”

“I live in the world of music, I’m interested in it. There is no envy, no hatred, no lies here.”

Biography of Dmitry Hvorostovsky

Dmitry's parents were very musical: mother Lyudmila Petrovna sang well, and father Alexander Stepanovich played the piano, and then began to sing. Although by profession they had nothing to do with music: Alexander Stepanovich was a chemical engineer, and Lyudmila Petrovna was a gynecologist.

Dmitry was born prematurely (at 7 months) and grew up as a very weak child. At the age of 3, the boy was mistakenly given BCG, an anti-tuberculosis vaccine, twice in a row, which caused an outbreak of tuberculosis in the child. But it was not for nothing that his mother called him “the boy on the contrary”: he then survived against all odds. True, there was still a complication: little Mitya began to hear poorly.

And already in music school#6 He took his studies seriously. His photograph even hung on the stand “The school is proud of them.”

Then he studied at the Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical School named after A.M. Gorky and the Krasnoyarsk Institute of Arts. Dmitry was fond of rock, even performed at city venues. My father did not understand and did not accept this. But Dmitry himself moved away from modern rhythms and became “infected” with classical music.

Start of a career

Dmitry was the soloist of Krasnoyarsk state theater opera and ballet in 1985-1990.

One of his first concerts as a soloist of the Krasnoyarsk Opera was at a bakery for grandparents who did not know what opera was. And, as Dmitry Alexandrovich later recalled, a miracle happened: the audience understood the opera.

Great opera singer Irina Konstantinovna Arkhipova literally ordered Dmitry in 1989 to go to the BBC television competition, which was called “ Best Singer World" in Cardiff (capital of Wales, UK).

Hvorostovsky went and took the first prize. Moreover, as the jury members later recalled, they immediately, without even hearing his voice, understood from his demeanor that he would win.

At the very beginning of his world career, Dmitry, along with offers to sing on best scenes world, began to receive the first slaps in the face in the form of harsh criticism. It affected him like cold shower. He realized that he couldn’t do anything yet. And this quickly helped him and sobered him up from his premature “stardom.”

Since 1994, Dmitry Alexandrovich moved to live in London with his first wife, Svetlana Ivanova. The couple received British citizenship, but after 5 years they separated.

Misfortunes haunted Dmitry all his life short life. In 2001, when Dmitry was supposed to sing “Rigoletto” in Houston, he suddenly became very ill. The singer developed severe internal bleeding and an ulcer in the esophagus. Dmitry almost died then.

Over the years of his creative work, Hvorostovsky recorded about 40 albums. He even has an album with Russians to his credit folk songs“Dark Eyes” (1994). And in 2009, composer and producer Igor Krutoy wrote 24 compositions specifically for the famous opera baritone and proposed cooperation. As a result, the composer and singer gave three concerts in the Kremlin.

Life "before" and "after"

In 2015, the life of an indestructible Siberian, a superman from Krasnoyarsk, was divided into “before” and “after”: “before” is a real delight!

At the beginning of the year, the singer was preparing to become the Demon in Anton Rubinstein's opera of the same name. No one took on this work for almost half a century, so for Hvorostovsky it was a kind of challenge both to the public and to himself.

At one of the rehearsals, Dmitry became dizzy and could not maintain his balance. Then he was given a terrible diagnosis - a brain tumor. And life “after” began, in which he was sentenced to radiation therapy. For two and a half years, Hvorostovsky bravely fought the disease, but it won.

Personal life

Dmitry Alexandrovich Hvorostovsky was married twice. The first time was with corps de ballet dancer Svetlana Ivanova. From this marriage twins were born: daughter Alexandra and son Danila (born in 1996).

And the second wife is Florence Illy. Once half-Italian and half-French, Florence started out as an aspiring opera singer. But she gave up her career for famous husband and two children were born in this marriage: Maxim (2003) and Nina (2007).

A year before his death, Dmitry spoke about his beloved wife:

“My Flo helps me beyond words. When a man has such a rear, such intelligent and delicate support, it helps and inspires.”

Hvorostovsky is the first opera singer who was allowed to give a concert on Red Square. This happened in 2004.

Awards and titles

1990 – honorary title “Honored Artist of the RSFSR.”
1991 – State Prize of the RSFSR in the field of literature and art.
1995 – honorary title “People’s Artist” Russian Federation».
2015 – Order of Alexander Nevsky.
2017 – Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree.

Dossier of stars on the site:

The baritone met his first love at the Krasnoyarsk Opera House, where he worked after graduating from university. Ballerina Svetlana, a blonde with a chiseled figure, captivated young singer. Colleagues hinted that she was a walking woman, but Dmitry, who was in love, did not care. He was not even embarrassed by the fact that Svetlana was divorced, but continued to live in the same apartment with her child and first husband.

Hvorostovsky lovingly looked after Svetlana, showered her with flowers, and two years later the couple got married. Dmitry even agreed to adopt Svetlana’s daughter, Masha. None of the singer's friends and colleagues approved of this marriage. Soon the first wife showed her true nature: Dmitry found her in bed with his friend. The emotional singer attacked the traitor and her lover, sparing both.

Despite the betrayal, the couple reconciled. They say that after Hvorostovsky beat his wife, she could not get pregnant for a long time. Apparently in London she underwent an artificial insemination procedure and in 1996 gave birth to two twins - Alexander and Daniel.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky and wife Florence

After moving to London, the singer began to actively build a career, and his wife Svetlana looked after the children. But in his heart, Dmitry could not forgive her betrayal: his male pride suffered a complete collapse! Hvorostovsky began to “treat” this pain with alcohol, which had a bad effect on his voice and career, and soon the singer received an ulcer.

When the twins were three years old, Dmitry began an affair with the singer and actress Florence. He met her at the Geneva Theater, where he performed the part of... Don Juan. According to the script, Dmitry and Florence kissed passionately on stage, and this passion moved from the theater stage to life. The sultry brunette didn’t care that the singer was married and had small children; she persistently sought his love. And the baritone couldn't resist. Later, he admits to the press that it was Florence who helped him cope with his internal crisis and alcoholism. She became his “life jacket.”

The divorce from Svetlana was very difficult. The offended woman decided to take away all the singer’s property. As a result, she got about 200 thousand pounds sterling a year to support herself and her children. And 10 years after the divorce, she almost doubled this amount! Now Dmitry is doomed to pay his first wife as long as she is not officially married, so that she and his children from his first marriage do not experience financial difficulties.

How the second wife managed to keep Hvorostovsky

The baritone's second wife immediately showed what a temperamental Italian woman was ready for for the sake of her beloved man. She learned Russian, read Dostoevsky and Chekhov, and learned to cook her husband’s favorite Russian dishes. She stated that she was ready to devote herself to home and family so that her beloved Dima would always be well-fed and happy with his home life.

In 2003, his wife Florence gave birth to a son, Maxim, and a daughter, Nina, in 2007. This time, Hvorostovsky thoroughly enjoyed fatherhood. Still, the unlucky Svetlana could not give him what Florence gave, namely, care, fidelity and a reliable rear. In the photo of that period, the singer probably looked like the happiest man in the world. In 15 years living together Florence became his muse, lover, wife and best friend.

How many children does Hvorostovsky have and what do they do?

All four of the singer’s children live in London, they maintain friendly relations with each other. Since the divorce from his first wife was scandalous and painful, Hvorostovsky rarely sees the twins from his first marriage. They still live in the British capital with Svetlana and occasionally attend the singer’s rehearsals. But to the concerts ex-wife does not allow children in, citing the fact that they are “not yet grown up.” In the interview, the singer avoids the topic of communicating with children from his first marriage, calling it very painful.

But the singer’s wife Florence and the singer’s children support him with all their might. They not only attend concerts and rehearsals, but also often accompany Dmitry on tour. The singer is proud that Maxim and Nina already speak three languages! He tries to raise his children with love and does not even raise his voice at them. As the singer admitted in an interview, he now strives to get home as quickly as possible so that the whole family can be together. Next to children, an expressive and irritable man with a complex character becomes gentle and sentimental. And once Dmitry even cried when he heard his daughter Ninochka sing. The singer calls his children very talented and artistic. Who knows, maybe they will follow in the footsteps of their famous father!

In interviews, Hvorostovsky always speaks with love about all children, without singling out any of them. “I have four children, for their sake I am ready to do anything. No matter what difficulties arise with your child, children are the most beautiful and tender thing in life,” Dmitry said in an interview.

How did the children and wife react to Hvorostovsky's illness?

Having learned the terrible diagnosis, the baritone immediately began a course of treatment. At the hospital, Florence, Maxim and Ninochka support him. The singer does not observe strict bed rest, so he tries to go for walks with his family more. fresh air. By the way, on June 25, Hvorostovsky brought his family to his native Krasnoyarsk for the first time. Apparently, knowing about his illness, he decided to make such a symbolic trip in order to tell his family first-hand about his illness. small homeland and about the conditions under which he got to his feet.

The singer is very optimistic; moreover, on July 5, Hvorostovsky performed at the Russian Embassy in the UK, which greatly pleased the singer’s fans. And after the concert there was a gala reception in honor of Dmitry. We hope that support loving wife and children will help Dmitry Hvorostovsky overcome the disease, and in the fall he will return to a busy touring life again!

😉 Hello, dear readers! Dmitry Hvorostovsky received in this life everything that an opera singer could dream of. He had fame, wealth, four children, invitations to sing in the best opera houses globe. About this in the article “Dmitry Hvorostovsky: biography, interesting facts».

Hvorostovsky is one of the most famous opera singers on modern scene. A handsome man, a favorite of women, a friend of Placido Domingo, Luciano Pavarotti, Anna Netrebko, Igor Krutoy.

Biography of Dmitry Hvorostovsky

Dmitry Alexandrovich was born on October 16, 1962 in Krasnoyarsk. Profession: opera singer. Singing voice: dramatic baritone. Instruments: piano. Genres: opera, romance.

In honor of D.A. Hvorostovsky named the asteroid (7995) Khvorostovsky. It was discovered by astronomer Lyudmila Karachkina at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory on August 4, 1983.

  • Winner international competition singers in Cardiff (UK);
  • Honored Artist of the RSFSR;
  • State Prize of the RSFSR in the field musical art;
  • People's Artist of the Russian Federation;
  • Honorary citizen of the city of Krasnoyarsk;
  • Honorary citizen of the Kemerovo region;
  • Awarded a prize Opera News Award;
  • Honorary citizen of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.


Hvorostovsky's stage partners did not notice any changes in the singer's appearance or voice. Meanwhile, his health was getting worse and worse. Dmitry developed frequent dizziness and coordination of movements worsened. Problems with vision and hearing appeared.

As a result of the examination, a diagnosis was made: a hypothalamic tumor. Thank God we discovered this at an early stage of the disease!

“You know, before I got sick, I kind of felt like I was going to get sick. I developed apathy and a very dark perception of the world. Lack of perception of everything, no joy, no enjoyment of your work.

I was very tired, pessimistic and no longer liked living. As if I had already felt it. Therefore, naturally, when you start fighting an illness, you perceive life differently and want to survive.”

On June 24, an announcement appeared on the singer’s official website about the cancellation of performances until the end of the summer. He was diagnosed with a brain tumor!

The singer decided to undergo treatment at the Royal Marsden Cancer Clinic in London. The specialists here have extensive experience in treatment. In agreement with the doctors, conservative therapy was chosen.

Return to the stage

At the end of September 2015, the singer resumed his concert activities. He appeared on stage with Anna Netrebko at the New York Metropolitan Opera in Giuseppe Verdi's opera Il Trovatore. Hvorostovsky performed again main party Counta di Luna.

White roses at the feet of Dmitry Hvorostovsky from the musicians of the Metropolitan Opera. This is a sign of admiration for the singer, who emerged victorious from his battle with the disease. Hvorostovsky's first performance after treatment for brain cancer took place.

“I'm glad everything went like this. I was in normal condition, in normal shape. And, of course, huge public support! The incredible support and love of the public gave me even more inspiration.”

In this video additional information on the topic “Dmitry Hvorostovsky: biography”

Why gray hair?

Dmitry Hvorostovsky: “My hair is naturally gray. Genes, you know. On my mother's side. Mom turned gray in her twenties. I started going gray almost from the age of seventeen.”

Fortune teller's prediction

A colleague recalls that in his youth, a gypsy woman predicted fame, success, two wives and many children for Dmitry. Then he will become seriously ill, but will be able to cope with the disease and live to a ripe old age. But even good fortune tellers make mistakes sometimes...

Sad news

On November 22, 2017, People's Artist of Russia, opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky died. He suffered from cancer for a long time. It's such a shame...
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People's Artist of Russia, opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky died in London. long time suffering from cancer. The death of the singer was reported by Dmitry Malikov and Joseph Kobzon.

A terrible diagnosis - a brain tumor - was made to Dmitry Hvorostovsky, who lived in London for many years, in June 2015. When the illness became known, the artist canceled his performances for two months and underwent several courses of chemotherapy at one of the cancer centers in London.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky's return to the stage after a course of treatment took place on August 25, 2015 in New York on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera. However, in December 2016, the singer's health deteriorated and he again canceled all opera performances.

Date and place of funeral

A capsule with part of the ashes will be buried in Krasnoyarsk people's artist Russia of Dmitry Hvorostovsky, the Ministry of Culture of the region told RIA Novosti.

Hvorostovsky was born in Krasnoyarsk and is an honorary citizen of the region. He died on Wednesday morning in London after a long illness. At the end of June 2015, he announced that he was suffering from a brain tumor.

The department said that after farewell to Hvorostovsky, a cremation procedure will take place in Moscow. One capsule with ashes will be buried at Novodevichy Cemetery, and the other in Krasnoyarsk. Date of funeral in hometown The artist is still unknown.

Earlier it became known that farewell to will be an artist V Great hall Conservatory on Monday, November 27th.

First marriage

The owner of such a voice was famous for his passionate and gentle man. His first love arose on the stage of the Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theater. The first lover was the ballerina Svetlana Ivanova. But this connection was not approved by others. Svetlana was already married before, but the reason for the breakup was her uncontrollable passion for men. But Dmitry was fascinated by the dark-eyed beauty and did not listen to anyone’s advice.

Dmitry's mentor Ekaterina Iofel made every effort to destroy this union. She tried to influence Hvorostovsky by refusing to communicate with him. But nothing helped. The relationship with the ballerina lasted two years, after which Dmitry moved her and her little daughter to his small room in communal apartment. A year later, Svetlana and Dmitry got married.

The blow did not take long to arrive. One day Dmitry decided to surprise his wife and returned early from a tour. He bought huge bouquet flowers, came home and saw Svetlana in his marital bed with his close friend. The friends got into a big fight. Those around them believed that the relationship of the unsuccessful couple would end there. But Dmitry forgave his wife. In the early 90s, he was invited to work in the UK, and he moved his family to London.

Dmitry dreamed that Svetlana would be his support and support in everything. He wanted to appoint her as his director. But Svetlana did not want to take any part in her husband’s fate. She only wanted to devote all her time to herself and enjoy social life London. At first Dmitry took it calmly. He believed that there was nothing wrong with his wife going out into the world. In 1996, Dmitry Hvorostovsky’s personal life went uphill, his wife gave birth to two children. The singer was very happy with his wife and children. He gave birth to twins: a boy Danya and a girl Sasha. Dmitry was sure that he did the right thing by not listening to gossip about his wife.

But everything turned out to be the opposite. Svetlana did not settle down and did not calm down after the birth of her children. She became nervous and scandalous. In the house between spouses, problems began to arise frequently. major quarrels. As a result, the singer developed an ulcer due to nervousness. To relieve the pain, he began to drink.

Hvorostovsky also became addicted to alcohol because he was very worried about the current family situation. He would later talk about that time that he actually drank so much that he could even lose his job.


But for now it concert activity didn't stop. Hvorostovsky went to Geneva for one of his performances. There he had to perform the part of Don Giovanni with the charming 29-year-old Florence Illy. She discovered that the famous Russian baritone was also a real handsome man and went on the attack. They had a real kiss on stage. That's where she started. The sensuality of the singer of Italian-Swiss origin did not hide from Dmitry. "I am married!" - he immediately declared. "So what?" - Flo answered completely sincerely.

This woman seems to have returned her real self to Dmitry Alexandrovich.

He again understood what tenderness and romance are, what love and care are, what quiet happiness and enjoyment of each other is - without quarrels and scandals.

Returning to London, the singer raised the question of divorce. Svetlana couldn’t believe it: her Dimochka, who forgave everything, put up with her for so long, gave her two beautiful kids, suddenly started talking about divorce?! She was offended and disappointed and never expected that this could happen. But being the wife of a genius is difficult - you need to correspond to him on the one hand and develop with him on the other. Sveta, it seems, did not cope with this task.

In a fit of rage, the woman sued him for everything he had at that time: real estate, cars, as well as huge alimony for children and her own maintenance (more than 8 million a year, if counted in rubles). But Hvorostovsky was no longer with her, and Florence was able to survive all this.

Second marriage - a new meaning in life

With the appearance of Hvorostovsky in the life of Florence, life acquired new meaning. He stopped drinking and his popularity grew. He became even more famous opera singer. Florence became a talisman for him. She followed her husband everywhere and constantly supported him in everything.

In 2003, the couple had a son, he was named Maxim, and four years later a daughter was born. Personal life, wife and children became the most important for Dmitry Hvorostovsky.

Florence completely immersed herself in Russian life. In the first year of their life together with Dmitry, she learned Russian at a conversational level. They went on all the tours around the world only together. Sometimes they performed in concerts together.

As soon as the singer’s personal life improved, old relationships resurfaced. His wife Svetlana appeared and demanded that her alimony amount be doubled. The court approved her demands. Until the end of her days, she never worked anywhere, but lived only off these alimony payments.

After Svetlana learned about Dmitry’s diagnosis, she called him for the first time in 15 years. This was their last conversation. Svetlana died before Hvorostovsky. The cause of her death was complications from meningitis. After Svetlana's death, Dmitry learned that she was a very religious person. She often helped churches in London. She was greatly respected by her parishioners for this.

Dmitry did not abandon Svetlana’s children after her death. He continued to help them. His daughter from his first marriage became an artist, and his son became interested in music.

In 2015, misfortune came to the family. Dmitry became seriously ill. He was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Regular chemotherapy brought relief for a short time. The singer was forced to suspend his tours, and many concerts had to be abandoned. His performances were supposed to take place this summer, but his health did not allow his plans to be realized.


A happy father with children (from left to right): Maria (the daughter of the singer’s first wife, whom he adopted), 21-year-old Danila and 21-year-old Alexandra (children from his first marriage with ballerina Svetlana Ivanova), 10-year-old Nina, in the second row - 15-year-old Maxim.

All four of the singer’s children live in London, they maintain friendly relations with each other. Since the divorce from his first wife was scandalous and painful, Hvorostovsky rarely sees the twins from his first marriage. They still live in the British capital with Svetlana and occasionally attend the singer’s rehearsals.

In the interview, the singer avoids the topic of communicating with children from his first marriage, calling it very painful. But the singer’s wife Florence and the singer’s children support him with all their might. They not only attend concerts and rehearsals, but also often accompany Dmitry on tour. The singer is proud that Maxim and Nina already speak three languages!

He tries to raise his children with love and does not even raise his voice at them. As the singer admitted in an interview, he now strives to get home as quickly as possible so that the whole family can be together. Next to children, an expressive and irritable man with a complex character becomes gentle and sentimental. And once Dmitry even cried when he heard his daughter Ninochka sing. The singer calls his children very talented and artistic. Who knows, maybe they will follow in the footsteps of their famous father!