Yuri Antonov: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo. Yuri Antonov: Three wives and beloved pets of the first Soviet millionaire from show business

IN Soviet years singer Yuri Antonov was adored by millions of music lovers. The singer's compositions were simple and sincere, making us think about life and our place in it. Popularity did not come to Yuri Antonov right away, but when it came, it made him recognizable and in demand throughout the Soviet Union.

Today Yuri Antonov is already 73 years old, but he still goes on stage and performs his old compositions, which were included in musical history countries. The singer remains a favorite of the public to this day and has his own listener.

In the 80s, the singer’s popularity was gaining momentum, at that time everyone wanted to know about rising star any details, including height, weight, age. How old Yuri Antonov is can be found in any online source. The singer's height is 178 cm, weight 67 kg. In February 2018, Yuri Antonov celebrated his 73rd birthday.

Despite the fact that the peak of the singer’s popularity has long passed, network users often look for information on the topic: “Yuri Antonov, photos in his youth and now.” By the way, he hasn’t changed much since his youth; he is still faithful to his haircut, which he has worn since his youth.

Biography of Yuri Antonov

Those who are interested in the biography of Yuri Antonov can plunge into the world of memories of a man who was born in Tashkent, in the distant and harsh year of 1945. Father - Mikhail Vasilyevich Antonov, a soldier, participant in the Great Patriotic War, mother - Natalya Mikhailovna Antonova, sister - Antonova Zhanna Mikhailovna.

After the capture of Berlin by Soviet troops, Yuri Antonov’s father continued to serve here for the good of his homeland, where the whole family moved. At this time, the singer's younger sister Zhanna was born. After Germany, the Antonov family moved to Belarus.

It was in Belarus that young Yuri Antonov began his creative path from music school, where he went to study at the insistence of his mother.

Having received secondary education and graduated from music school, Yuri Antonov takes the entrance exams to a music school in class folk instruments. Here the singer first organized his Music band, speaking at the House of Culture.

Yuri Antonov's first profession after graduation was teaching in music school Minsk. At that time, the singer’s entire family already lived in the capital of Belarus. Then the singer began working in the State Philharmonic as an instrumental soloist. In 1964, Yuri Antonov was drafted to serve in the army.

After serving in the ranks of the Soviet army, the singer returns to his previous place of work and heads the musical group “Tonika”.

Then, Yuri Antonov will create more than one music group, where he will also sing his own songs.

All-Union fame came to Yuri Antonov in the 70s, when he began collaborating with the Araks group. The new records released then broke all sales records. But the peak of the singer’s fame came in 1982-1983, when such famous songs as “Take care of the woman,” “There is a time for everything,” and “Life” were recorded. At this time, the singer released an album in Yugoslavia with a large number of songs, which were also sold in countries such as Czechoslovakia, East Germany, and Cuba.

For some time, the singer’s place of work became the Chechen-Ingush Republic, where he became a soloist of the Philharmonic.

One of Yuri Antonov’s most popular songs, “The Roof of My House,” instantly became a hit and also brought the singer a place in the finals of “Song of the Year.”

Some of the singer's compositions have been translated into English for a wider audience, but, as it turns out, their meaning is very different from the Russian originals.

1988 brought a little novelty to the life of Yuri Antonov, thanks to the singer’s filming in the film, which also featured his songs. One of them, “Bullfinches,” again received attention at the “Song of the Year.”

In one of the cities of Russia, an unpleasant incident occurred with the singer. He spoke unflatteringly to the public, which included rich and influential listeners; this led to consequences, or rather a 2-year ban on the singer’s broadcasting on television.

Although Yuri Antonov’s last songs were released a long time ago, many of them still attract full houses of fans of the singer’s work.

21 years ago, the singer received the People's Artist of the Russian Federation, and three years ago personally by President Vladimir Putin, Yuri Antonov was awarded the Order of Friendship.

Personal life of Yuri Antonov

Many fans of the singer are interested in the personal life of Yuri Antonov. He rarely speaks to the press on this topic and does not like to talk about any details. It is known that popular singer was married three times, but today, he is officially divorced and remains a confirmed bachelor.

It so happened that all three spouses of Yuri Antonov wanted to live abroad, but the singer himself is a true admirer of Russia and did not want to leave it. Last wife Anna gave him two children - a son and a daughter, with whom the father maintains relations in every possible way.

Family of Yuri Antonov

If we take into account all the wives from three marriages and children, then Yuri Antonov’s family is quite large: the first wife is Anastasia, the second is Miroslava, the third is Anna, and children Mikhail and Lyudmila.

The singer’s daughter lives in Paris and sometimes comes to Russia, while his son lives in Moscow.

In one of the interviews, the singer admitted that for a man who supports a family, his wife is obliged to obey and put his opinion above all else, perhaps it is precisely his peculiar view of family life Yuri Antonov and became the reason for his three unsuccessful marriages.

Grandchildren and children of Yuri Antonov

The grandchildren and children of Yuri Antonov attract a lot of public attention. You can only find a couple of lines about this on the Internet. It is known that both of the singer’s children were born from Yuri Antonov’s third wife, Anna, who today permanently resides in France. Daughter Lyudmila also lives in the French capital, and son Mikhail lives in the Russian Federation.

It is the son who is the singer’s closest relative, with whom he regularly maintains contact. There is no information about the grandchildren of Yuri Antonov; perhaps they exist, but no one knows about it.

Son of Yuri Antonov - Mikhail

The son of Yuri Antonov, Mikhail, lives in Russia. There is almost no information about the man’s fate. The singer did not agree with his mother, third wife Anna, about his permanent place of residence. According to the singer, one can understand that he is a powerful man who likes to keep everything under his control and does not tolerate characteristic women.

The popular singer maintains a warm relationship with his son Mikhail and helps him. The public and the media do not have more information. Well, everyone has the right to keep details about their personal life secret from strangers.

Daughter of Yuri Antonov - Lyudmila

The daughter of Yuri Antonov, Lyudmila, also appeared in the singer’s third marriage. She lives in France with her mother. The singer is silent about how their fate turned out, and he always reluctantly gives comments about his ex-spouses and children.

It is possible that the singer travels abroad to sometimes visit his daughter, because this is his blood, and, regardless of the fact that he and Lyudmila’s mother did not get along and could not save the family, blood ties take their toll. Whether Lyudmila comes here is also not known for certain. It is only reported that the singer, of all members of his family, considers his son Mikhail to be the closest person.

The ex-wife of Yuri Antonov - Anastasia

First and ex-wife Yuri Antonova - Anastasia, even before the wedding, warned the singer that she planned to leave for the United States after marriage. Yuri Antonov not only knew about this, but also actively prepared for departure: he bought tickets, prepared documents. But, on the day of departure, he changed his mind and stayed in Russia. Life apart left no chance for the marriage, which was dissolved soon after Anastasia moved.

It is unknown what prompted the singer to take such a step, but he sealed the fate of a marriage that might have been successful. But neither the singer himself nor the others will ever know about this.

The ex-wife of Yuri Antonov - Miroslava

The second and also ex-wife of Yuri Antonov is Miroslava. The identity of the singer’s second wife is unknown. Only her place of residence is reported - Croatia, Zagreb. Apparently, Yuri Antonov first married his second chosen one, and then learned about her plans to live abroad.

In any case, there is no more information about Miroslava, and the singer himself talks about her without enthusiasm, since nothing good came out of his second marriage with a certain woman named Miroslava. Whether this is fate, or an ordinary step in the life of Yuri Antonov, which he crossed, remains a mystery.

The ex-wife of Yuri Antonov - Anna

Yuri Antonov's ex-wife, Anna, brought greatest joy the singer from all three marriages, as she bore him two children - a son, Mikhail, and a daughter, Lyudmila.

Yuri Antonov always believed that a family cannot have two heads, two owners, one person must fulfill this role. Apparently, the third wife Anna laid claim to main role in family. The strong character of Yuri Antonov prevailed over the integrity of the family.

Anna moved to France permanently several years ago, and was also followed by the singer’s eldest daughter Lyudmila.

Height, weight, age. How old is Yuri Antonov

The famous performer was born on February 19, 1945, on this moment he is already 72 years old. This age does not prevent him from remaining on the list of the best and continuing to build a career. Yuri's height is 172. Like everyone else creative people, Antonov has his own oddities, namely an indescribable love for animals. Together with him in country house There are 40 cats and dogs. He often picks up stray animals on the street, giving them comfort and care. Such actions characterize Yuri as a very kind and even generous person. Question about Height, weight, age. How old Yuri Antonov is often worries his fans.

Biography of Yuri Antonov

Yuri was born in Tashkent, just three months before the end of the Great Patriotic War. His father was a military man, and his mother was evacuated. Soon after the birth of their son, the family moved to Berlin, where Yuri’s father was transferred due to duty. When the boy was three years old, another child was born in the family, this time a girl, who was named Zhanna.

Then the family moved to Belarus, where they could not settle in one place for a long time because of their father’s work, but soon they moved to the city of Molodechno. In this city, Yuri is sent to a music school, after which he enters a music school and even becomes the director of an amateur choir.

Soon after completing his studies, Yuri decides to move to Minsk, where the whole family later moves. In Minsk he worked as a teacher at a music school, then was drafted into the army, and upon returning from service he became musical director ensemble "Tonika".

Yuri's talent was quickly noticed and in 1979 he was invited to the position of keyboard player in the Leningrad ensemble "Singing Guitars". This is where the real one begins music career guy.

And in 1973, after changing two groups, Yuri Antonov’s first author’s album was released. His songs immediately fell in love with the public and his records literally “flyed away.” It was from that moment that the career and biography of Yuri Antonov began to develop rapidly.

Personal life of Yuri Antonov

The singer always said that he could not love the same woman all his life, which is why he has already been married three times. The singer is currently divorced. He doesn't need marriage anymore. Yuri always said that he was looking for an easy-going woman who would be meek and sweet, and he was not interested in girls with character. But at the moment he is already tired of unsuccessful marriages and is not going to enter into them anymore. Yuri Antonov’s personal life is closed to the press; he prefers people to admire his talents rather than women.

Family of Yuri Antonov

Despite three marriages and two children, Yuri now lives alone and his family is replaced by his beloved pets. The singer and composer has many friends and fans, so he never feels lonely. Yuri Antonov's family are his fans. He devoted his entire life to developing his talent and achieved unprecedented heights, not everyone was able to repeat his success, and even now, at 72 years old, he continues to shine with his talent and delight his fans.

Grandchildren and Children of Yuri Antonov

Despite the fact that the singer had three marriages, children appeared only in the last of them. But Antonov doesn’t communicate much with his children. Daughter Lyudmila lives with her mother abroad, and son Mikhail now lives in Moscow, but still does not maintain a warm relationship with his father. The grandchildren and children of Yuri Antonov are his animals. The composer does not like to talk about his children Lyudmila and Mikhail, in fact, as well as about his personal life in general, so information about them is closed; Yuri’s children did not follow in their father’s footsteps, and are now busy with their own lives, which are far from stellar.

* - click on the arrows to display another combination of biographies.

Son of Yuri Antonov - Mikhail Antonov

It would seem that Yuri Antonov’s son, Mikhail Antonov, lives in Moscow, which means the composer should help him, educate him, and maybe even help him build a career. But, unfortunately, the relationship between them does not work out in the best possible way and they don't communicate at all. Yuri Antonov is a very kind, generous and even emotional person, but when the conversation turns to his children, he stops talking completely, he is one of those who does not like to bring quarrels and failures out of his life into public view and only always jokes that his children are stray animals that he takes to his home.

Daughter of Yuri Antonov - Lyudmila Antonova

The daughter of Yuri Antonov, Lyudmila Antonova, lives with her mother abroad and also does not communicate with her father. Antonov’s third wife, Anna, after the divorce left for France, namely Paris, taking with her eldest daughter Lyudmila, while Mikhail remained in Moscow, apparently he was so used to this city that he did not want to leave the country. As was said earlier, Antonov does not talk much about his children, so there is no information about them, we can only say that Lyudmila did not connect her life with the stage.

Yuri Antonov's wife - Anastasia

Yuri tied the knot with his first wife in 1976, but the marriage did not last long because the girl’s family decided to move to America, and Anastasia wanted to follow them. Initially, Yuri was going to go with his wife, bought tickets, filled out all the documents, but still changed his mind and stayed in Russia, and as he says, he never regretted his decision. In Yuri's fate, all three wives will want to transport him to another country, but Yuri never succumbed to such desires. Yuri Antonov’s wife, Anastasia, remained to live in America.

Yuri Antonov's wife - Miroslava

Yuri Antonov's second wife, Miroslava, was from Croatia. She lived and still lives in the city of Zagreb. Yuri even lived with her for some time in Zagreb, but then the marriage broke up, due to the fact that Yuri has a career that requires him to stay in Russia. Here are all his undertakings and it is in Russia that his whole life is located. Therefore, not a single girl has ever managed to keep Yuri in another country for a long time. He always returned, breaking off his marriage, continuing to devote himself completely to the stage.

Yuri Antonov's wife - Anna

Another, and currently the last, wife of Yuri Antonov, Anna, now lives abroad. Little is known about Anna, as well as about Yuri’s previous wives, because he does not like to put his personal life on display. But it is still known that at the moment the woman and her daughter Lyudmila live in Paris.

After the end of this marriage, Yuri said that he would not marry again and perhaps he had had enough of relationships. AND famous composer can be understood. It is difficult to believe in a happy family future after three divorces.

Wikipedia Yuri Antonov

Wikipedia Yuri Antonov will help his fans find out the biography of their favorite singer and composer. Yuri has come a long way to fame and achieved everything on his own with his perseverance and talent. Now Yuri is building a new house, which looks like real castle, in which he will live with his pets. As the singer says, this castle will have everything from a swimming pool and a recording studio to rooms for your favorite animals. Yuri is not allowing anyone inside yet, keeping the secret until construction is completed.


The father of the future singer, Mikhail Vasilyevich, was a military man. In the summer of 1944, he was given leave and went to Tashkent, where his wife Natalya was being evacuated. 9 months after this “date” (February 19, 1945) Yura was born. Using simple arithmetic, you can calculate that this year the Soviet pop star turned 70.

The father rarely saw the boy, as he got a job in the Berlin commandant's office. After 3 years, the Antonov family reunited and moved to the city of Molodechno (Belarus). There the future singer went to school. He started studying music in high school. Everyone knew how old Yuri Antonov was, but almost no one was aware that at such a young age (14 years old) he was already leading the choir of railway workers at the local depot. To obtain notes for the orchestra, he had to go to one of the clubs in Vilnius (20 km from Molodechno), where the future singer sometimes gave concerts on the accordion. For this he was paid 60 rubles a month.

Antonov showed himself very actively during his years of study at the music school. He was able to organize Dixieland. Since there was no necessary equipment, it was necessary to use Russian folk instruments. Nevertheless, Dixieland was quite famous.

Believe in the dream

After completing his studies at the music school, Antonov began teaching music at a children's school. Then he became a soloist-instrumentalist in the Belarusian Philharmonic. After serving in the army, Antonov returned. And a few years later he received an offer to work with the legendary group “Singing Guitars”. The ensemble knew how old Yuri Antonov was and were familiar with his work. This helped him beat other candidates. In the new group, the singer begins to perform original songs. The hit “For me, there is no one more beautiful than you” brought him enormous popularity.

Moving to Moscow

The members of the Singing Guitars ensemble were aware of the composer’s ambitions and knew how old Yuri Antonov was. The singer, despite his young age (26 years), needed to develop further. Therefore, they did not mind much when Yuri announced his departure from the team.

In 1971, the singer left for Moscow and joined the ensemble “Good Fellows”. Yuri also wrote songs for the group “Jolly Fellows”. At that time, such compositions as “At the pines and birches”, “Summer is ending”, “Yesterday” appeared. Antonov becomes a soloist and vocalist and begins performing with the group “Good Fellows” throughout Moscow. The number of the singer's fans grew steadily.

Yuri Antonov submitted his program to Rosconcert as many as 18 times. He didn’t care how many years this could go on. He knew how to stand until the end, and this struggle hardened him. Moreover, the artistic councils found fault not only with the content of the songs, but also with appearance artists. For example, when passing the next program, Yuri and his musicians were asked to shorten their long hair, which was fashionable at that time. As a sign of protest, they cut their hair completely.

Lunar path

"Araks" - that's what it was called a new group, with whom singer Yuri Antonov began to collaborate. How many years before that they worked on the stage did not bother him. Working with Araks was for him a way to realize his own creative potential. And Yuri Mikhailovich was able to fully reveal it: such hits as “I Remember”, “Sea”, “Don’t Forget”, “20 Years Later” appeared. With the participation of the Melodiya company, almost 20 million copies of records were released and sold.

The Odessa film studio invited Antonov to write music for the film “Take Care of Women.” This is how the composer’s work in cinema began. He wrote music for such films as “Predators”, “Stranger Song”, “Order”, “Beauty Salon”.

In 1985, Polarvox Music invited Yuri Mikhailovich to Finland to record an album in English and Russian. Now the singer has his own recording studio. He spends a lot of time there, rewriting old songs and writing new ones.

Personal life

So, now you know how old Yuri Antonov is, and have become acquainted with his short biography. All that remains is to talk about the singer’s personal life.

Yuri Mikhailovich was married three times and has no desire to get married anymore. The singer's first wedding took place in 1976. He married a girl who was planning to leave Russia with her family. Antonov bought tickets and prepared Required documents for a trip to the USA. But in last moment I changed my mind about going with her. I just realized that I couldn’t live without Russia. Subsequently, he never regretted his decision.

The singer’s second wife is Russian by nationality, but lives in Paris. This is what Antonov Yuri himself said. How many years this marriage lasted is unknown. The composer does not really like to talk about the details of his personal life.

The singer's third wife was Yugoslavian. Despite the fact that Yuri Mikhailovich was married three times, he has only one child - son Mikhail.

Yuri Mikhailovich Antonov - Soviet singer and composer, People's Artist of Russia. Throughout his creative career, Yuri Mikhailovich received many awards. He was awarded the title of Honored and People's Artist of Russia, and he was also assigned to the Orders of Francis Skaryna, Friendship and Honor. Antonov also became a laureate of the Ovation Prize. Was born talented composer in Tashkent on February 19, 1945, three months before the end of the war.

Moving and music education

Yura was born in Tashkent, since it was there that his mother, Natalya Mikhailovna, was evacuated. She didn't work, she was a housewife. Father, Mikhail Antonovich, was an officer in the Marine Corps of the Soviet Army. After the end of the war, he remained in the army, but was sent to Berlin. It was there that Yuri’s sister Zhanna was born, at that time he was only three years old.

Because of military service father's family had to move frequently. From Uzbekistan they headed to Germany, and from there to Belarus. The Antonovs settled there for some time; the town of Molodechno became their refuge. It was in this city that little Yura received his education. He studied not only in general education, but also in a music school in the accordion class.

After graduating from school, the young man decides to enroll in the Molodechno Music College for a course in folk instruments. At this time, he organized a pop orchestra, which performed at the House of Culture. At the age of 14, Yuri receives his first salary - 60 rubles for the position of leader of an amateur choir at the depot.

Teaching and musical career

In 1963, the guy graduated from a music school and was assigned to one of the Minsk schools. The parents moved with their son. Yuri Mikhailovich decided not to limit himself pedagogical activity, and he got a job at the Belarusian State Philharmonic as an instrumentalist.

A year later, the young man was drafted into the army, and for some time his musical career was interrupted. After his return, Antonov became the leader of the Tonika ensemble. The ensemble was founded by People's Artist of the Belarusian SSR Viktor Vuyachich, at which time Yuri also met guitarist Vladimir Mulyavin.

The talented guy was noticed by representatives of the VIA “Singing Guitars”. They invited him to Leningrad as a keyboard player. It was in this group that the composer's abilities were revealed. Yuri performs with the musicians his first songs “Where is the courage?”, “Airport” and “Stop, don’t shoot, soldier!”

The composition “If You Love” was especially popular; Antonov wrote the music for it himself, and Irina Bezladnova and Mikhail Belyakov worked on the text. The song could be heard in 1971 on a separate record. In the same year, the Melodiya company released a recording with the hit “You Are No More Beautiful.” Now the composition has become unique business card Yuri Mikhailovich, but for the first time it was performed not by him, but by Evgeny Bronevitsky.

After some time, the composer decides to change the team. He moved to Moscow and began performing with VIA “Good Fellows”. A little later, Antonov became a member of the Sovremennik orchestra. He led the ensemble at the Moscow Music Hall and VIA Magistral at regional philharmonic society.

Visible successes of the artist

While working at the Moscow Philharmonic, Antonov met David Tukhmanov, recording the vocal part on his record. Thanks to his assistance, the composer's original disc was released in 1973. In order not to waste time filling out documents related to the release of large records, Yuri releases so-called minions. 1-2 songs were recorded on each of them, and they instantly spread among the listeners.

The compositions for which Antonov wrote music are performed by many famous artists that time. He gave the songs “Well, what to do with him”, “Why” and “If you love” to VIA “Jolly Fellows”. The ensemble “Singing Hearts” became famous thanks to the song “Indian Summer”; even Lev Leshchenko performed compositions by Yuri Mikhailovich. These include “Rainbow”, “Your Destiny” and “White Blizzard”.

At the end of the 70s, Antonov began collaborating with the rock group “Araks”; it was this period that brought him fame throughout the union. Together with the musicians, the composer released three EPs, their circulation exceeded 20 million copies. On these records one could hear songs such as “Don’t Forget,” “The Roof of Your House,” “The Sea” and “That’s How It Happens.”

In 1982 and the following year, Yuri was recognized best singer USSR according to the "Soundtrack" version. In 1983, he became a soloist of the Chechen-Ingush Philharmonic, and also began collaboration with the Blue Bird VIA. The composer also tries himself in other projects, in particular, together with Mikhail Plyatskovsky they are recording a children's musical “The Adventures of the Grasshopper Kuzi”. Yuri Mikhailovich collaborates with the Airbus group; together they record several records. During this period of his life, Antonov constantly performed; he once gave 28 concerts in 15 days in Leningrad. Each of them attracted a full house; the number of listeners daily numbered more than 14 thousand people.

For a long time, the musician was unable to appear on television screens because he was not a member of the Union of Composers. In 1983, he was finally able to perform in the finals of the “Song of the Year” show. In the same year, as part of the Blue Bird VIA, he performed the song “Wider Circle” in the program of the same name.

World fame

Amazingly, but the first big album Antonov managed to record abroad. The Yugoslav company Jugoton released his album in 1982. During this period of time, the singer moved to the Chechen-Ingush SSR, where he became friends with choreographer Makhmud Esambaev. Subsequent records were also released in neighboring countries - Poland, Cuba, Czechoslovakia. As part of the Airbus ensemble, the singer records two large albums - “Believe in the Dream” and “The Long-Awaited Airplane”.

Yuri Mikhailovich's compositions were used in some films of the Odessa Film Studio. In the “Take Care of Women” tape you can hear songs such as “There is a time for everything” and “Life.” Antonov later wrote soundtracks for other films of this film studio, including “Beauty Salon”, “Fools Die on Fridays” and “Before We Part.”

In 1985, two versions of the album “The Roof of Your House” were released, one of them was entirely on English language. It is noteworthy that the lyrics were completely different in meaning. Two years later, the album “From Sadness to Joy” was released, after which the artist was persecuted for the next two years. This is due to his harsh statements addressed to Samara officials. Only in 1990, after the collapse of the USSR, the next album, “Moonlight Path,” was released.

Antonov currently

In the late 90s, the singer tried himself as a producer, his project was the young Svetlana Almazova. Having enlisted his support, she recorded the album “ Sweet Honey", but the songs were not included in rotation. After this, the composer stopped releasing new songs, one of latest compositions his authorship was a duet with Leonid Agutin called “On the Arbat”.

The singer was on the jury of various talent shows for some time. Since 2009, he has been judging competition participants “ New wave" In 2014, Yuri assessed talents in the Five Stars project. A year later he was invited to a new show called " Main stage" The artist does not want to relax and leave the stage; he is full of strength and energy. He plans to release another album and hold big concert in Luzhniki. On December 8, 2015, the singer was awarded the Order of Friendship.

Popularity of Yuri Antonov in Soviet time was at such a level that no one could surpass it. From the outside it seemed that Yuri Antonov was a real darling of fate: he officially earned about 15 thousand a month at average salary across the country barely exceeding 100 rubles. He diligently avoids answering questions about his personal life, abruptly cutting off journalists trying to find out why the singer, who has been married three times and has two children, prefers to live surrounded by his pets.

The blue-eyed and fair-haired handsome man Yuri Antonov has always been popular with girls, even at a time when his name was not yet known. Each of his three wives made their contribution to the composer’s treasury of loneliness.

First wife Anastasia

At the age of 23, Yuri Antonov moved from Minsk to Leningrad to work in the popular VIA “Singing Guitars”. Soon after moving, he meets a girl. She was Jewish by nationality and dreamed only of going to America to live.

Yuri fell in love and fully shared her aspirations. They got married and began preparing documents to leave. They are inspired by their love and have plans for future life overseas. Surprisingly, Yuri Antonov and his wife were given permission to leave quite quickly. Everything was ready, plane tickets had been purchased, but at the last moment the composer had doubts.

Something prevented him from simply leaving his country. And the parents persuaded their son to stay. As a result, Anastasia flew to America alone.

Irina Bezladnova

The performer was sad alone for only a short time. Soon he met the Leningrad poetess Irina Bezladnova. The blond beauty with huge eyes captivated Antonov. They were not married, but the girl played a very important role in the composer’s life.

True, the singer did not have money for beautiful courtship at that time, but they walked a lot together, sometimes going to inexpensive cafes. At the same time, Yuri Antonov always hummed or whistled some melodies. They just poured out of him. One of them interested the poetess, she decided to ask what kind of music it was. It turned out that this was a chant that had just been born in his head. Irina suggested writing poems for it.

She sat over the text all night, and the next day she brought Antonov two verses of the song “For me, there is no one more beautiful than you.” In the original text, Yuri changed only one word, and later, on the train, Mikhail Belyakov added the third verse. It was this song that became Yuri Antonov’s first hit.

Their romance somehow ended quickly, the girl got married and went abroad with her husband. The composer does not seem to remember his relationship with Irina.

He became popular very quickly, every song he wrote became a hit. His official fees brought him a very good income. His savings book received monthly royalties in the amount of 13 to 15 thousand rubles. Yuri Antonov a little later became the first Soviet millionaire from show business.

Second wife of Miroslav Bobanovich

In 1980, Yuri Antonov fell in love again, with the young Yugoslav Miroslava Bobanovich. They were introduced by a mutual friend during Mira's short stay in the Soviet Union. She lived in Zagreb and won the heart of the then successful composer literally at first sight.

This time he firmly decided to leave the country with his bride. They tried to persuade him to give up his marriage to a foreigner and summoned him to the top management, but Yuri was inexorable.

On the way to the embassy, ​​a truck crashed into the car with the bride and groom. But one can only envy the star’s tenacity. After receiving injuries, with many fractures, on crutches, he went to the registry office. The bride received multiple bruises, but the lovers married, out of spite for all the injuries. And they left for Yugoslavia.

Their Honeymoon lasted all summer, and after that Yuri Antonov got bored. And he went back to the USSR. For several more years he flew to Yugoslavia to visit his Miroslava. But she refused to move to the Union. Living together at a distance there was only an illusion of family, Yuri and Miroslava divorced.

Third wife Anna and children

Nothing is known about the singer’s third wife, except that she lives in Paris. Antonov categorically refuses to talk about her and their joint daughter Lyudmila, who lives with her mother.

In the same way, the composer does not answer questions about his illegitimate son Mikhail. He simply interrupts journalists trying to develop the topic of his relationship with his children.

Cats, fish, dogs

IN huge house, built by the composer near Moscow, his sister Zhanna and nephew Yuri live with Yuri Antonov.

And many more animals for which they were simply created ideal conditions. Cats, dogs, fish, birds - they all have a place on his estate and in his heart. Yuri Mikhailovich believes that cats are very similar in behavior to women. They also rub all the time and ask: “Give me!”

In the lower part of the house there is a luxurious studio, with the most the best tools. But Yuri Antonov never met the one with whom he could be close, as in the song “Twenty Years Later”. He knows: there is real love, but he was not lucky enough to meet her.

Yuri Antonov’s colleague, the composer, was much luckier in life: he met his love in his youth.

This outstanding man appears before us in different guises. He is both an actor, entertainer and composer. People's Artist not only of the modern Russian Federation, but also of the USSR. Yu. Antonov, this is a whole era of our stage. He raised a whole galaxy of young romantics with his songs. Being, to the core, a Russian man, in the most difficult times of Russia, he did not abandon his homeland, following the example of many artists and pop singers, but stayed at home. With his art he helped to survive troubled times to many young Russians.

The beginning of life and biography of the maestro

Born in hard times Patriotic War in Tashkent, February 19, 1945, Yu. Antonov personifies the entire tragic post-war life of our people and the formation younger generation. Born into a military family, the poet and his family had to take a sip of traveling army life, when the father is sent to serve in the capital of Germany, in one of the military units. After a rather short period, the father was transferred to the town of Molodechko, Republic of Belarus, where the family settled for many years.

The favorite of many showed interest in music in school years. His mother sent him to a local music school. Upon graduation, the artist entered the school in Molodechko. In 1963, the musician graduated from this musical institution and moved to Minsk, where his family had moved by that time.

Stellar career of Yuri Antonov

Upon moving to the Belarusian capital, the singer entered the Minsk Philharmonic as a soloist, but service in Soviet army changed the composer's plans, and after demobilization he settled in Leningrad. In the city on Niva, Yuri is part of the popular ensemble “Singing Guitars” as a keyboard player, but soon becomes the lead singer of the group, begins to write and perform his songs, which bring him his first success. After that, creative life twisted Yuri Antonov, the maestro’s biography was closely intertwined with the country’s famous vocal and instrumental ensembles: “Good fellows”, “Jolly fellows”, “Araks”, “Earthlings”. All these popular groups At that time, songs by the poet and composer Antonov were performed, including by the already star singer Lev Leshchenko.

It was while performing with the Araks ensemble that the maestro achieved his popularity. The release of his albums begins. His songs are starting to appear in films. In 1982, in Yugoslavia, the most significant album poet-musician. However, the artist continues to be in active creative search. So, since 1983, he has been working at the Chechen Philharmonic, where he becomes closely acquainted with the world celebrity Mahmud Esambaev, which helped Yuri find own style writing and playing your songs. Being versatile creative personality, the singer tries to try on the role of a film artist and in 1988 he starred in a film, but still the main field of the singer-composer remains the stage.

Master's maturity

The difficult nineties turned out to be dramatic for the singer. His songs and creativity were forgotten for the sake of newly emerged pop artists for one day. It was during this period that the leading star performers fade into the shadows, but time puts everything in its place. And the audience again demanded real artists on stage. This is how we returned from oblivion:

  1. Kobzon
  2. Leshchenko
  3. Dobrynin
  4. Antonov

It was during this period that the maestro systematized his songs and released three audio cassettes in a new arrangement:

  • - "Mirror";
  • - “Moonlight Path”;
  • - “The current carries me.”

In 1995, he became a member of the Union of Composers, but this only increased the number of his envious people and enemies. Hatred went off scale in July 96, when his recording studio in Maroseyka was blown up at night. During this period, the poet closely converges with political party LDPR and meets with its leader V.F. Zhirinovsky, but political career The maestro was of little interest, and he did not stand for deputy, and soon withdrew himself from the elections altogether.

The active maturity of singer and composer Yuri Antonov is fully embodied in his albums, as follows:

  • - in 1983, his first album “The Roof of Your House” was released;
  • — 1985 was marked for the poet by the release of the collection “Believe in a Dream”;
  • - “Mirror” was published in 1993;
  • - then the “Moon Path” appears;
  • — again, during this period, “The Current Carries Me” was written;
  • — 2003 completes this stellar cycle with the collection “You Are No More Beautiful.”

Thanks to the extraordinary talent of the composer himself, and the breadth of his soul, his Star Trek found such stars as Ukupnik, Margulis and Zinchuk.

It was for his love and devotion to the stage that Yuri was elected 3 times to the jury of the international song competition “New Wave”, and once was invited to evaluate the song festival “Five Stars”.

Personal life of Yuri Antonov, wife of the composer and singer

The maestro is not inclined to talk about his personal life, much less allow someone to delve into it and look for gossip. He was married three times, and all three times were unsuccessful for the poet. In the end he was left alone, in the firm conviction of an inveterate bachelor. Fate seemed to be playing an evil joke on the singer. He did not want to leave Russia, but all his companions were eager and went abroad for permanent residence. The first wife, Nastya, fled to New York, the next, Miroslava, settled in Zagreb. The last one, Anya, lives in the capital of France with her daughter Lyudochka. The poet’s son Mikhail, from his third marriage, follows his father’s example and lives in the capital of the Russian Federation. If you reverse close attention then it is clear that Yuri Antonov himself, his personal life, his children, are taboo for journalists. The expression in which the author revealed his attitude towards marriage is very well known. “If a man brings money into a house, then there cannot be two heads in it. You need to respect the man and adapt to him. And if this doesn’t happen, then the family ends.” Such a phrase turned out to be most suitable for the poet and was taken by him as life credo. Although if you look a little closer, the maestro repeated GOD’s commandment.

For a long time, the composer lived in a country mansion in Peredelkino. He loves animals very much and keeps quite a lot of them. However, in 2011, the maestro moved to his next luxury mansion in the village of Gribovo, where he spends all his time.

Periodically, the maestro appears in public performing one of his songs, travels abroad quite a lot and writes his masterpieces.

February 19 People's Artist Russia's Yuri Antonov turned 70 years old. His songs are known and sung by several generations. They helped the eldest to build and live. Representatives of the era of gadgets and social networks dance to remixes of “I Remember” and “Golden Staircase” in fashionable clubs. Everything seems to be fine, but for more than 20 years we have not heard new songs from Antonov. Despite the dense tour schedule and active participation in national concerts, he rarely gives interviews and avoids communicating with fans... the site remembered life path great artist and tried to understand the reasons for his seclusion.

Yuri Antonov will become one of the mentors fourth season project “The Voice,” some journalists hastened to declare even before the end of the third season. And who else should I give the role of the honored grumbler who went through all the thorns of the Soviet stage? But Yuri Mikhailovich surprised everyone by unexpectedly appearing on a competing channel in the “Main Stage” project. To everyone's amazement, the artist even came to the presentation of the program. As usual, smiling, but not sociable. After sitting with Zhanna Rozhdestvenskaya and Konstantin Meladze, Antonov quickly took his leave. Already on the way out, we managed to catch up with the master and ask what prompted him to become a member of the jury of the popular show. He looked around, asked to get as close to him as possible and whispered confidentially in his ear: “Money, you understand? They decide everything!”

The answer was predictable. Antonov never hid his contempt for the popular prejudice that “an artist must be hungry.” The artist has always been able to monetize his talent.

Believe in the dream

Antonov earned his first fee at the age of 14 in his native Belarus. Freshman music school got a job at the House of Culture in the village of Molodechnoye as the director of the choir at the depot. And he received the same salary as adults - 60 rubles. The first successes became a springboard into great life. Next was the Minsk Philharmonic. And at the age of 24, Antonov was invited to work in the popular Leningrad VIA “Singing Guitars” as an instrumentalist-keyboardist. In this group the artist became a vocalist. His first songs “Airport”, “Where is the courage?”, “Stop, don’t shoot, soldier!” were performed here.

In the 1970s, Antonov’s songs were performed by the popular VIA “Earthlings” and “Blue Bird”, Lev Leshchenko and Valery Obodzinsky. And the 1980s become the golden period of the composer and singer. All-Union glory, crowds of fans, millions of records sold by the Melodiya company... Hits “I Remember”, “Don’t Forget”, “Mirror”, “20 Years Later”, “Sea”, “The Roof of Your House”, “I’ll Pass on Apricot" become the anthems of several generations.

It happened that at the final of the Song of the Year festival, several performers and groups performed works by an artist and composer. But how did the state thank its “nightingale”?

Golden staircase

While Elton John, Engelbert Humperdinck and Tom Jones were earning millions in the West, their no less talented Soviet colleague, according to the regular schedule of the Moscow Philharmonic soloist, received 30 rubles per concert. The salary was very average for those times. Like many Soviet citizens, the pop star had to “fart.” In the late 70s, the artist’s second wife was Mila Bobanovich, a native of Yugoslavia. Thanks to this marriage, the artist began to travel to the West, buy foreign equipment and sell it to colleagues in the Soviet Union. This unofficial extra income allowed Antonov in 1983 to purchase a very rare Volvo 244 car for the USSR for 14 thousand rubles. At this time, the singer and composer’s garage already contained the scarce and so desirable VAZ 2103 and VAZ 2106 for every Soviet citizen.

“Business went so well that he literally had bags of money. And Yura told me: “I don’t know where to spend it! Even if I drink every day, eat in the best restaurants, live in the best hotels, I won’t spend that much,” TV presenter Yuri Nikolaev recalled in an interview.

That's how it happens

For a quarter of a century, no new songs have been heard from Yuri Antonov. However, his phenomenon is that he is still one of the most popular and touring artists!

The singer and composer answers questions from journalists: “Those who have bad old ones need new songs.” And this is definitely not about him.

Meanwhile, friends of the hero of the day claim that Antonov’s resentment towards music industry modern times and the omnivorous public.

At the end of the 80s, the master began to be crowded out by cooperative ensembles such as “Mirage” and “ Tender May" The fickle public chose other idols. The artist received calls with offers of tours less and less often. But Antonov did not know how to remind himself, “shine” in all television programs indiscriminately, and did not want to learn. Then he tried to retrain as a producer.

His project was singer Svetlana Almazova. He wrote the album “Sweet Honey” especially for her, but the project did not take off, and, in the end, Antonov closed it and tried to remove the album from the market.

Only in the early 2000s, when retro festivals swept the country, did the public remember Antonov’s songs. Then the artist again found himself on a wave of success - and this without new hits!

As before, broadcasts on central television channels, tours throughout the country... True, the artist’s relationship with promoters today is tense. Concert organizers claim that Yuri Mikhailovich is a man of mood. He can refuse to perform literally the day before, but he always returns the fees honestly.

Roof of the house

The most important recluse of domestic show business lives in a huge mansion with an area of ​​1200 square meters 15 kilometers from Moscow along the Minsk highway. The artist has been building it for more than 15 years.

The artist moved “under the roof of his house” in 2011. According to the stories of Antonov’s friends, there is a 25-meter swimming pool and modern studio sound recording, and 8 bedrooms, and a cinema hall with 50 seats. There is also a pond with mirror koi and a tennis court on the property.

Oddly enough, the main guests of the artist’s residence were stray cats and dogs. Antonov collects them on the streets of Moscow. The singer even has a special room with a huge refrigerator stocked with food for his pets.

Antonov spends most of his time on his country estate. As the master admits, he is much more comfortable there, because there is no extra people. And a high fence saves you from intrusive society.

If love doesn't come true, do as you want

Yuri Antonov's first passion was Polytechnic College student Margarita, whom the composer met in his native village of Molodechnoye. And this love was tragic: the girl chose someone else. Many years later, she came to the star Antonov backstage, but he received her very coolly.