Anna Sedokova - biography, information, personal life. Anna Sedokova with her eldest daughter Alina. What is Anna Sedokova's real name?

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Biography, life story of Anna Sedokova

Anya Sedokova was born on December 16 in Kyiv. Her parents came to Ukraine from Omsk, and, undoubtedly, passed on to Anya the Siberian character and the ability to achieve her goals.

Anya has shown these qualities since childhood. She graduated from school with a gold medal, despite the fact that she also studied music in general education. She participated in the folk ensemble “Svitanok”, with which she traveled, in her words, “almost the whole world.”

She first tried herself as a presenter at the age of 16, when she hosted parties in nightclubs. For short time She not only learned the intricacies of working in show business, but also proved herself as a director of these parties.

The new hobby captured Anya so much that in choosing her future profession She had practically no doubt, so she entered KNUKiI to major in TV and Radio Announcer. Sedokova combined her studies at the University with work in her specialty. Already in her third year, she set her goal to become a TV presenter.

“I sat on the set in the 1+1 studio in the eighth row, in the crowd, and clapped so loudly that they moved me to the fifth row, then to the third, then to the first. They probably thought: “What an artistic girl! How loudly she claps, how she smiles! It needs to be removed in the story " hidden camera" Afterwards I was offered to star in an episode, then another, and another…” says Anya about the beginning of her television career.

Her first success as a TV presenter came when she worked on the O-TV channel. Over the course of a year, the young presenter went from working in live to the TV presenter. And then one day an event occurred in her life that became a turning point in her creative life. After reading about the casting for participation in a pop group, Anya Sedokova decided to take part in it. Out of 200 girls participating, she made it to the top 20, then to the top 10, then to the top 5. Immediately after the casting, Anya was about to go home, when suddenly she received a phone call on her mobile asking her to come back and sing again. That’s how she got into the lineup for the first time.” VIA Gra" For Anya it was very important step in her creative life, because she understood that participation in the legendary and most popular group meant for her a direct path to fame. As it later became clear, the experiment with the third participant was an action of the group’s management to “pacify” the group members, but Anya was remembered, and the song “Bomb” was added to her creative treasury.


After VIA Gra, Anya returned to television again – this time on “ New channel"in the program "Rise!", which she hosted together with Maxim Nelipa. It was hard work that had to be combined with studies, but it did not prevent Sedokova from receiving a diploma with honors.

And again “VIA Gra” appeared in her destiny. In 2002, she was offered to take the place of Nadezhda Meikher, who was going on maternity leave, in the group. The next two years of Anya’s life were spent on stage, and brought her truly national fame.

“Stop-stop-stop”, “Don’t leave me, darling”, “Kill my girlfriend”, “Third Ocean”, “No more attraction” - these are milestones in the history of Russian show business VIA group Gra and Ani Sedokova are familiar to almost everyone. Anya also starred in Valery Meladze’s video clip “I Can’t Live Without You” in one of the main roles. In addition to singing songs, Anya was involved in directing and staging the group’s performances.

“I was the director of almost all concert ideas. And what VIA Gra is doing on stage now is 30% mine. I don't mean dance or choreographic moments. I'm talking about a funny dance or going out with the kids. I staged all these moments. But, unfortunately, no one in the team remembers this. Although my director’s productions still live,” recalls Anya.

Anya Sedokova becomes a star of glossy magazines. In Russia, she appeared on the covers of fashion magazines more often than any other star. According to editors of leading magazines, covers with Sedokova sell best. Only for her, the Russian Playboy made an exception by publishing Anya’s photo shoot without a full “nude”. But, nevertheless, this number broke all sales records.

Sedokova's popularity skyrocketed, but fate played its part again: Anya met the man of her dreams - famous athlete Valentin Belkevich, and linked her fate with him. When the time came to make a choice - “group or family?”, Anya chose personal happiness. A happy family raised a little daughter, Anya took her husband’s surname, becoming Anna Belkevich, and even came up with stage name Annabelle, which she still doesn’t refuse to use. But fate wanted this marriage to break up.

Given the status of a star of the first magnitude, creative life Anna was determined. Her life is filled with concerts, interviews, photo shoots and... again television. True, now the Russian Channel 1 has become her new place of work. After participating in the “5 Stars” television competition, in which she received the “Prize audience choice", Anya received an invitation from the management of Channel One, and together with Maxim Galkin took a place at the remote control of the TV show "Old Songs about the Main Thing." Next creative career Ani made another turn - she was invited to film a television movie, then another. And in 2008, Sedokova received a role in the television series “The Power of Attraction.”

Anya Sedokova's television career is gaining rapid momentum - she is in demand both in Russia and Ukraine. Anya became the host of the Russian entertainment television project “King of the Ring-2. By the way, she passed the casting of TV presenters without difficulty, and her partner in the program was Tair Mamedov, a former resident of the Russian " Comedy club" But thanks to the Ukrainian entertainment TV show “Television Star - Superstar”, which aired on the Ukraine TV channel, another successful television couple was formed - Anna Sedokova and Andrey Malakhov. Famous singer and the popular showman were so “sung together” in the frame that all the media attributed it to the couple romance novel. The show has gained the love of the audience, so Anya and Andrey will become hosts in the second season of the project.

At the same time, Anya Sedokova continues her musical career- career as a solo singer. She's getting ready to release new album, a song from which is called “I’m getting used to it,” the main character of which was Andrei Malakhov. In the near future, fans of the singer can expect a real musical explosion, which she is preparing together with music producer Dmitry Klimashenko.

Anna Sedokova News

Followers of singer Anna Sedokova probably noticed that the stage star lately very rarely pleases them with new publications. In order to stop rumors (and you can come up with any excuse for the disappearance of an artist from social networks, even the most...

There is such a wonderful singer - Anna Sedakova. Her biography is worth attention, since the path to the pinnacle of fame was simply swift. Anna has repeatedly been included in the lists of the sexiest stars.

She succeeded as a singer, actress and TV presenter. The audience's favorite Anna Sedakova (whose biography, height, weight is of interest to many) was one of the brightest members of the VIA Gra group. Her beauty and talent are obvious.

Childhood years

Anya was born in Ukraine, in Kyiv (in 1982 on December 16). Before the birth of their daughter, Anya’s parents lived in Omsk, then moved to Kyiv. Anna Sedakova spent her childhood without her father. Her biography contains the fact that he left the family when the girl was five years old. Anna's mother is an intelligent, educated woman, teacher English language. She had to raise her daughter alone; they didn’t live well, so the girl early years I started working part-time as soon as the slightest opportunity presented itself.

Anna Sedakova achieved her goal through hard work. Her biography developed in such a way that already at the age of six the girl knew that she would be an artist. It was at this age that she joined the Ukrainian folk ensemble “Svitanok”, which toured all over the world. Mom, looking at her stubborn daughter, said that Siberian genes live in Anya, which means she will achieve everything she wants.

In addition to dancing, the girl studied at a music school and graduated with honors in piano. As soon as she had enough strength for everything, because secondary school she finished with a gold medal. Anya’s hard work can only be envied with “white” envy.

Anna Sedakova: biography, growth and early career

Her career began at the age of sixteen; at this age, a beautiful and enterprising girl got a job as a party host in nightclubs. Thanks to her natural talent, she was able to prove herself not only as a presenter, but also as a director of these parties. So Anna Sedakova did not immediately reveal herself as a singer. The biography of that time is evidence that she was first appreciated as a capable organizer and artistic presenter.

Inspired by, albeit small, success, Anya passed the exams at the Kiev National University of Culture and Art, her future specialty was called TV and radio announcer. While studying in her third year, the student decided to become a TV presenter. The girl, as before, managed to do everything: during the day she studied at the university, and in the evenings and nights she led parties in clubs. She had enough energy for everything.

In order not to miss the slightest opportunity to get on the big screen, Anna attended all kinds of filming in the “1+1” studio. She started as a spectator in the eighth row, then gradually she was moved to the first row, the very young beauty fit into the overall picture. She was noticed and began to be invited to appear in various episodes. Then something more serious came, Anna was offered to work as a TV presenter on a music channel. In just one year, she was able to overcome the distance from being an extra on live broadcasts to becoming a TV presenter. It was a wonderful start to my career.

Dream of life - “VIA Gra”

Tireless Anna Sedakova! Her biography takes a sharp turn - the girl comes to the casting of the VIA Gra group. Getting into this team became Anna’s life dream. It was clear that participation in the most popular group would be the next step to the height of fame. Standing out among the many contenders, Anya made it to the top five. Success seemed so close, the girl was appreciated, but was not accepted into the group because she looked too young, like a teenager.

Fate gave her a second chance! Sedakova graduated from the university, received a diploma with honors, and managed to work on the New Channel in the program “Rise!” together with Max Nelipa. At this time, the producers of the VIA Gra project decided that the girl was ready to become a member of a sexy trio. At the beginning of 2002, Nadezhda Meikher left the group on maternity leave, Anna took her place. Finally she is rewarded for all her hard work! For two years, the beauty “basked” in the rays of glory. But then Anna Sedakova, who had already become a celebrity, made a choice in favor of the family. Biography, personal life, work in the group - everything changed after the singer’s choice.

Solo career, success as a TV presenter and actress

After a break in creative activity, Anna Sedakova reappeared on stage under the pseudonym Annabelle. Now a solo career awaited her, life was again filled with performances, photo shoots, fans... Sedakova works as a TV presenter, gives concerts, shoots videos, records albums and takes part in TV shows. In a word, life is in full swing, Anna has risen one more step in her popularity. She is in demand both in Ukraine and Russia, her career is rapidly flying forward.

Anna really liked the profession of a TV presenter; she easily passes auditions and gets promoted. career ladder. Together with Tahir Mamedov, he leads the entertainment project “King of the Ring-2”, participates in the Ukrainian TV show “TV Star-Superstar” together with Andrey Malakhov.

Anna Sedakova's film career also does not stand still. The debut film was “Cinderella” in 2002. In 2006, Sedakova starred in the film “Relatives”, two years later - in the series “The Power of Attraction”, and this is not the entire list of her film works.

The singer's family happiness

Such a bright personality as Anna Sedakova did not stay as a wife for very long. The biography (both the first and the second husband occupy little place in it) continued off stage. As mentioned earlier, Sedakova left the VIA Gra group at the peak of fame because of football player Valentin Belkevich. Literally a month after leaving the project, the singer in love married her chosen one, who did not want to share her with the stage. Already in December of the same year, Sedakova gave birth to a daughter, Alina. But the happiness did not last long; at the beginning of 2008, the marriage broke up, and Anna again plunged headlong into creativity.

The bright beauty Sedakova was not alone for a long time; racing manager from Los Angeles, Maxim Chernyavsky, tried to win the singer’s heart, and he succeeded. In 2011, a couple in love got married in America, but Anna again did not have the chance to be a wife for long. The singer’s second marriage lasted only two years, during which time she gave birth to a daughter, Monica.

Anna Sedakova: biography, children

Alina and Monika live with their mother. There were fears that after the divorce Chernyavsky would take his daughter for himself, but ex-spouses managed to find common language when resolving this issue. Maxim can visit his daughter at any time.

Anna Sedakova managed to combine active creative activity with the role of a mother. After Monica’s birth, she had to hire a nanny, but Anna hurries to her daughters every free minute. During the tour, she is calm about the children; the nanny sincerely loves and cares for them, like a mother. Alina adores her little sister and tries in every possible way to spoil her. Monica is very similar to her dad, so he simply has to be a good father to her.

A lot of interesting things happen in the life of every pop star, here are some interesting facts from the life of Annabelle.

1. In 2008, the singer was recognized as the sexiest TV presenter in Russia and the most stylish TV presenter in Ukraine.

2. In 2010, she wrote the book “The Art of Seduction.”

3. Being in the fourth month of pregnancy, she starred for men's magazine"Maxim."

4. Having received a fee for filming in the film “Moscow. Ru,” Anna Sedakova gave it all to charity.

The biography of Anna Sedokova interests the most different people: both teenagers dreaming of a stellar career in show business, and those who are already over thirty - they are nostalgic for the early 2000s, the time of their youth.


In 1982, a girl was born in Kyiv, who had a stellar, although not at all simple, fate. The biography of Anna Sedokova had ups and downs, triumphs and failures, awards in song competitions and numerous love stories. Now she is a social media star, singer, TV presenter, actress, and remains on the crest of popularity.

Anna Sedokova in childhood


It is known that the fate of parents leaves an imprint on the fate of their children. In Anna Sedokova’s family, everything was not easy right away: mom and dad got married against the will of their parents, and it ended with them having to flee from Tomsk to Kyiv.

In Kyiv family life Things didn’t work out for Anna’s parents. In 1987, my father left the family. The girl began to pass from hand to hand: from her mother to her grandmother, then again to her father and, finally, again to her mother. For more than two decades, Anna heard nothing at all about her father. He tried to get in touch only once, Anna did not answer. And in 2010, Anna’s father died.

Anna Sedokova with her family

To feed Anna and her brother Maxim, her mother had to work several jobs. She taught music, English and prepared students for entering university. It must be said that as a child, Anna was a good student: she graduated from a regular school with a gold medal and graduated from a music school with honors. WITH youth Dancing also entered her life. Anna traveled to many countries with the Svitanok ensemble.

Anna Sedokova in her youth

Excellent external data, choreographic preparation and natural charm predetermined the choice life path: she graduated from the Kiev University of Culture and Arts, worked as a model, presenter on the O-TV channel and Super-Nova radio.


Beginning of the twenty-first century - turning point in the biography and personal life of Anna Sedokova. She participated in the casting for the first time as a soloist of the group “VIA GRA” in the year 2000, but did not pass the age criteria.

But two years later, luck smiled on her. And for Sedokova the countdown to her stellar life began.

Anna Sedokova as part of the group "VIA GRA"

Anna Sedokova, Vera Brezhneva, Nadezhda Granovskaya - this is the so-called “golden composition” of “VIA GRA”, the most brilliant, most erotic and successful in the entire history of the group. As part of the group, Anna took part in the recording of truly beautiful songs:

"Third Ocean"
"There is no more attraction"
"Don't leave me, my love"

Anna Sedokova, Valery Meladze, Vera Brezhneva and Nadezhda Granovskaya

Success at VIA GRE turned Sedokova into a real “cover girl.” Photos of her filled the pages of Maxim, Playboy and other glossy magazines. Naturally, the best grooms in Russia and Ukraine immediately aimed their eyepieces at the seductive starlet. In those years, Sedokova had almost ideal parameters: height - 172 cm, weight - 49 kg, volumes 90 - 61 - 88.

Anna Sedokova

In 2004, Anna got married and left the group, but we’ll talk about this a little later.

Solo career

For two whole years, fans wondered what changes had occurred in the biography and personal life of Anna Sedokova, where did her photos and news about her suddenly disappear? But in 2006 she returned and started solo career. She first appeared on stage again at the Five Stars festival with the song “My Heart.”

Not everyone knows that it was extremely difficult for Sedokova to make her way in the world of show business due to the powerful opposition of VIA GRA producer Konstantin Meladze, who did not forgive her sudden departure and accused her of direct financial losses to the group, disruption of concerts and tours. This incident has not yet been resolved. Thus, it is prohibited to perform songs from the repertoire of Sedokova’s group.

Anna Sedokova solo career

But strong character Anna helped her survive the media wars. IN different times she became a presenter and took part in the following shows and television programs:

  • “New songs about the main thing”
  • "TV Star - Superstar"
  • "King of the Ring"
  • « Ice age»
  • "Two Stars"
  • "Women's Logic"
  • "Project Runway"
  • "The Seventh Race"
  • "Five Stars" and others.

As for Sedokova’s songwriting, the attitude towards it is ambiguous. Not everyone highly appreciates her vocal abilities and composing abilities.

However, her songs, although they do not take first place in the charts, still have their listeners, and she has several music awards in her baggage.

Anna Sedokova received a music award

She has released three solo discs, and a total of twenty-three videos have been shot based on her songs. Scandals periodically break out around Sedokova’s videos. For example, the “Jealousy” video was accused of having too explicit lesbian content, and it was aired in a sleek, re-edited version.

Since 2002, Anna has starred in nine films, the most famous of which is the comedy “Pregnant” with Dyuzhev, and in 2010 she published a book under her own name, “The Art of Seduction.”

Anna Sedokova in the comedy “Pregnant” with Dyuzhev

Personal life

It should be admitted that those interested in the biography of Anna Sedokova are much more concerned about her personal life, children, husbands, and not about her work.

Anna Sedokova's first husband is football player Belkevich, star of Dynamo Kyiv. In 2004, the couple had a daughter, Alina, but two years later the marriage broke up. The reason turned out to be banal - her husband’s infidelity. Nevertheless, Sedokova maintained normal relations with her ex-husband, and the news of his sudden death at the age of 41 was a blow to her.

Wedding of Sedokova and Belkevich

Apparently, following own recipes seduction, Sedokova decided that she should start a family with a wealthier person. Her second husband was Maxim Chernyavsky, a businessman involved in the management of auto racing. The wedding took place in 2011 in Los Angeles, and the same year the couple had a daughter, Monica. However, two years later this marriage also broke up.

It cannot be said that the couple separated peacefully. There were accusations of treason and betrayal on both sides. It is quite difficult to figure out what really happened there.

It also had an effect that these family squabbles took place, one might say, in full view of the whole world. Mutually sharp posts and photos were posted on Instagram, and entire groups of advisers and sympathizers formed, which only accelerated the breakup.

Anna Sedokova, Maxim Chernyavsky and daughter

After the second divorce, Sedokova was tied up for quite a long time romantic relationship with Sergei Guman. Anna met the talented dancer on the set of one of her videos. This love story did not turn out to be cloudless: they quarreled and made up, broke up and got back together again, and, nevertheless, in 2016 they broke up completely.

However, this time the parting was peaceful, although painful. Judging by Anna’s posts on social networks, there were no betrayals or other banalities.

The reason for the gap is in some deep psychological problems and the inability to live in several cities at once. Thus, the love boat crashed due to a busy tour schedule.

Anna Sedokova with Sergei Guman

For some time, little was heard about Sedokova’s personal life, so the news about her pregnancy came as a shock to many fans. In April 2017, Sedokova gave birth to a son, Hector. The father of the child turned out to be a young millionaire Artyom Kovalev. But again there was a break: the couple broke up literally on the eve of the already announced wedding.

Sedokova herself remained silent about the reasons for the sudden separation. In a roundabout way, the journalists managed to find out that Artyom demanded that Anna leave the stage and devote herself entirely to her family and children. The role of a meek housewife did not suit her.

Anna Sedokova gave birth to a son, Hector

Anna Sedokova now

Today Anna Sedokova remains a media person, an Instagram star - she has more than four million subscribers. Recent posts are mainly dedicated to her children, as well as calls for modern women stay strong and independent.

In one of latest interviews Sedokova stated that although she is already a mother of many children, she does not intend to stop, she is ready to give birth to a fourth.

Selfie of Anna Sedokova

In addition to Instagram, the singer maintains her official pages both on facebook and others social networks. Her style, manner and subject matter of her posts have more than once become the target of criticism and rather sarcastic jokes. Ivan Urgant, for example, even started a special section in his show, “Wisdom from Anna Sedokova.”

We can only hope that Anna Sedokova will continue to delight fans with her creativity, will not stop in her development and will surprise her with new songs, videos and acting works. And, perhaps, she will finally find her main man in life and be happy with him for many years.

Anna Vladimirovna Sedokova is a famous Ukrainian actress, TV presenter, participant television shows. She performed for quite a long time as part of the scandalous musical group"VIA Gra".

Anna not only does not give up, but also tries to move forward, no matter what. The girl was never upset, but tried to find a way out of any difficult situation, while Sedokova constantly worked part-time from an early age, trying to help her mother.

Sedokova is confidently building a solo career, while she is a happy mother of three incredibly talented children.

Height, weight, age. How old is Anna Sedokova

After Anna Sedokova’s participation in the VIA Gra group, she had a whole army of fans who wanted to know what their favorite’s height, weight, and age were. How old is Anna Sedokova - a frequent request on the Internet, by which you can find out her date of birth.

Anna Sedokova was born in 1982, so this year she turned thirty-four years old. At the same time, Sedokova received all the character traits that were inherent in the zodiac sign Sagittarius, such as inconstancy, daydreaming, creativity, sociability, and friendliness.

At the same time Eastern horoscope managed to endow the girl with such character traits as loyalty, reliability, perseverance, which applies to Dogs.

Sedokova’s height is one meter and seventy centimeters, and her weight is set at forty-nine kilograms.

Biography and personal life of Anna Sedokova

The biography and personal life of Anna Sedokova are quite confusing, they contain a whole sea of ​​ups and downs. Little Anechka was born in the capital of Ukraine, where the family moved from Tomsk.

At the same time, the girl was very creative; she sang and studied music from a young age. Anya was an excellent student at school and graduated with a gold medal, and then received higher education in KNUKI.

From the age of sixteen, the girl worked as a presenter, model, toastmaster in clubs, and she became a journalist on local television. IN popular group“VIA Gra” Sedokova performed for only two years, since she became a wife and mother.

Then she became the host of the show “Rise!”, was involved in directing and staging concerts of the group “VIA Gra”, and in 2006 she took up solo career, taking the pseudonym Annabelle.

She constantly appeared in the television shows “King of the Ring”, “Ice Age”, “The Seventh Race”, “TV Star Superstar”, “Two Stars”, “I Want to Meladze”. The girl began acting in films and constantly released new videos.

Anna Sedokova's personal life was quite stormy, but her relationships certainly ended in marriage. At the same time, the singer dated choreographer Sergei Guman for a long time, but the couple could not stand living in a state of constant stress, and the guy turned out to be unprepared to raise two other people’s daughters.

After this, the press trumpeted that Anna Sedokova and Artem Komarov were dating and were even thinking about marriage. However, this marriage did not become a reality, giving the girl a son.

Family and children of Anna Sedokova

Anna Sedokova’s family and children are her pride, happiness and outlet. Anna was born into a single-parent family. The girl adored her father and grandmother, but they did not treat her very well.

Anna Sedokova's father, Vladimir Sedokov, came from a wealthy and professorial family, so his relatives did not favor the girl, which constantly caused quarrels and disputes. In the end, the family broke up, Anya and her older brother Maxim remained with their mother. The children did not live with their father for long, but they quarreled. Sedokova did not see her father for twenty years, although she was terribly upset when she learned of his death in 2010.

Her mother, Svetlana Sedokova, worked as a music and English teacher; she worked all day, while simultaneously doing tutoring. By the way, her parents were a photographer and radiologist.

When Anna Sedokova gave birth to a child from her first husband, she was a very quiet and inexperienced girl. The singer believes that her parents’ relationship influenced the fact that she did not find happiness, since she could not open her soul to any of her loved ones.

There are constantly rumors on the Internet about who Anna Sedokova is giving birth to. The woman is terribly worried that she does not have a permanent young man or legal husband. At the same time, all her children wear different surnames, although Anna considers this quite natural.

Recently Anna Sedokova gave birth to 3 children, who his father is is still a secret behind seven seals. The fact is that little Huck bears the surname of millionaire Artem Kovalev, but constantly appears in photos with Anatoly Tsoi. The singer herself does not comment this situation, claiming that only her son is her only and beloved man.

Son of Anna Sedokova - Hector Komarov

Anna Sedokova’s son, Hector Komarov, appeared in April 2017, and businessman Artem Komarov became his father. It was never legal or common-law husband Anna, but just met her.

They were introduced by singer and producer Andrei Kovalev, who was considered godfather relationships. At the same time, the baby was born in the same maternity ward in California.

By the way, fans of the singer often say that Gek’s father is singer Anatoly Tsoi. The boy is growing up healthy, he often smiles and pleases his mother with his first successes.

Daughter of Anna Sedokova - Alina Belkevich

Anna Sedokova’s daughter, Alina Belkevich, was born in 2004, and her father was Valentin Belkevich, the singer’s first husband and first love. The girl was left without early own father, since he left her mother.

At the same time, Alina studied well at school, she sings, dances and does gymnastics superbly. The girl is a blogger, and more than 40,000 subscribers have subscribed to her Instagram page.

She is incredibly beautiful, so she is trying her hand at modeling. The girl is the official face of a clothing line presented by her famous mother. Alina constantly appears in her mother’s videos and performs at concerts.

Daughter of Anna Sedokova - Monika Chernyavskaya

Anna Sedokova's daughter, Monika Chernyavskaya, was born in hot California in 2011. Her father was the famous and influential businessman Maxim Chernyavsky, who became Anna’s second husband.

Now the girl lives and studies in America, she is incredibly similar to her star mom and adores her. She is strongly attached to her older sister and constantly wears her clothes, imitating her in everything.

Little Monica draws beautifully, plays the piano and sings. She even participates in her mother’s concerts.

Anna Sedokova's ex-husband - Valentin Belkevich

Anna Sedokova's ex-husband, Valentin Belkevich, appeared in her life back in 2004; he was a worthy match for the singer, since he had already become a famous football player and captain of the Dynamo football club.

Anna was head over heels in love with the guy and even left the VIA Gra project for his sake, giving birth to Valentina’s daughter. Sedokova was ten years younger than her chosen one, but she was ready to do a lot for him.

The wedding was the most luxurious and bright, it was shown on many TV channels. The marriage broke up two years later, which was due to Anya’s inexperience, because of which Valentin began to constantly cheat on her.

Belkevich got involved with another woman, and Anna took her daughter and left him, becoming a single mother. In 2014, Valentin Belkevich died suddenly from a blood clot blocking a blood vessel.

Anna Sedokova's ex-husband - Maxim Chernyavsky

Anna Sedokova's ex-husband, Maxim Chernyavsky, began courting the singer back in 2009, although before that he was in a relationship with the model. He saw Anya during her performance on television, and then began to follow future fate girls.

In 2010, the young people went to the USA, where Maxim proposed marriage by the ocean. The guys got married the next year, and then their baby was born.

Journalists and fans were delighted beautiful couple, however, after a year and a half it broke up. The fact was that Maxim could not cope with jealousy, since his woman was constantly absent from home, she starred in explicit videos and did not react in any way to her husband’s remarks.

Anna said that the guy was cheating on her with Sandra Dimopoulous. Even though the couple broke up, Maxim constantly sees his daughter and does not lose hope of returning to his ex-wife again.

Anna Sedokova's common-law husband - Anatoly Tsoi

Anna Sedokova's common-law husband, Anatoly Tsoi, appeared in her life immediately after the birth of her little son. The fact is that fans started talking about the fact that Anna Sedokova and Anatoly Tsoi were together immediately after a scandalous photo shoot appeared on the Internet in 2017, in which the guys spent time together. They pose for a photographer, holding little Hector in their arms, and earlier a photo was posted in which the guys were together before he was born.

The photo was accompanied by several hearts and touching comments that Anya loves Anatoly, considering him unique. At the same time, it didn’t take long for fans to think that the guys were not only dating, but also living in a civil marriage. By the way, Sedokova and Tsoi neither denied nor confirmed these data.

Anna Vladimirovna Sedokova born in the winter of 1982 in Kyiv. When the girl was five years old, her parents divorced, and Anna and her younger brother remained to live with their mother.

Anna Sedokova With early childhood I was interested in dancing and music. At the age of six she joined the folk ensemble Ukraine "Svitanok". The artist has always been a perfectionist: she graduated with honors from high school, music school in piano and Kiev National University of Culture and Arts, specialty “Actor and TV presenter”.

Anna Sedokova began her modeling career at the age of fifteen and soon made her debut as a TV presenter of the O-TV Models project on a music channel.

Even as a little girl, I always knew that I would be an artist. And she sang Alla Pugacheva’s songs on a high chair, and dressed up in concert costumes, while ruining her mother’s dresses. I learned to be beautiful only after I was 20 years old. And I can say for sure that even if you are not the most popular girl at school, in a few years you can become one of the most desirable women scenes. You just need to work on this too and improve yourself by reading books and developing yourself.

The creative path of Anna Sedokova

In 2002 Anna Sedokova became a participant women's team « VIA Gra"and as part of the group released four albums. Anna Sedokova and her stage colleagues Nadezhda Granovskaya and Vera Brezhneva are called the “golden” composition of the VIA Gra group, as their participation caused an unprecedented stir around the scandalous and sexy group.

In 2004 Anna Sedokova shocked fans with the news that she was expecting a child and was leaving the group. In the fourth month of pregnancy she appeared in candid photo shoot Maxim magazine.

In 2006 Anna Sedokova began her solo career by presenting a video clip for the song “My Heart” under the pseudonym Annabelle. Within a year, she signed a contract with the record company REAL Records and announced the release of her first album. But the release was postponed indefinitely.

Anna Sedokova: “No matter how many times other artists draw a black square, they will never repeat Malevich’s success. You can hear the beat or take on the theme of the song, but if it doesn't come from the heart, the song will never be successful or loved. Songs are children. Mine for sure. I have always composed myself, but it was just scary to present it, as they say, “to the public.” And then I decided, I’d rather be myself, the real one. And today I don’t regret it one bit. Let me have a thousand fans than 100 million. But I know that I am important to them, and they truly love me.”

In 2008 Anna Sedokova became the host of the “King of the Ring” project on Channel One and the Ukrainian show “ TV star - superstar" She could also be seen as part of the participants in the second season of the Ice Age program, where Anna performed in pairs with a figure skater Andrey Khvalko.

In 2008 Sedokova released two video clips and received ELLE Style and Radio Monte Carlo awards as the sexiest TV presenter.

In 2009, the singer took part in the project “Two Stars” together with Vadim Galygin and spent the fee from filming the film “ Moscow. RU"for charity.

In 2010 Anna Sedokova made her debut as a writer, her book “The Art of Seduction” was published. She also performed with Viktor Loginov in the Ukrainian equivalent of the show “Two Stars”, shot two video clips for the compositions “Drama” and “Jealousy” and began touring around Russia.

In a year Sedokova appeared in the comedy film Pregnant. By a happy coincidence, the filming of the series coincided with the news that Anna was expecting her second child.

In 2011 Anna Sedokova became the host of the program “ Women's logic"on the Ukrainian channel ICTV and the Russian analogue of the reality show "Project Podium" on the MTV channel. In October 2011, Anna began hosting the Russian version of the reality show "Project Runway" on the MTV Russia channel.

At the beginning of the 2018 autumn television season, Sedokova became the star editor of Vokrug TV. “We are glad that Anna Sedokova agreed to take this position. A section will appear on our portal soon exclusive interviews, which Anna will take from Russian celebrities", - commented general manager Vokrug TV LLC Alexey Fedorko. The artist began her “duties” on September 26, sharing in her first column her impressions of the resonant TV show “Married to Buzov.”

“I am very pleased to become the star editor of the leading online TV guide on the Runet “Around TV.” In my column, I will raise topics that are truly important to everyone and discuss truly pressing issues, and in exclusive video interviews, I will reveal the characters from an unexpected side and show them as they are not used to seeing. I am grateful to Vokrug TV for its trust, and I think this will be the beginning of great cooperation,” said Anna Sedokova.

Personal life of Anna Sedokova

Summer 2004 Anna Sedokova married the captain of the Kyiv football team "Dynamo" Valentin Belkevich. On December 8, 2004, their daughter Alina was born. However, already at the beginning of 2006, the couple separated.

Anna Sedokova met her next lover at the fitness club hometown. It turned out to be a Ukrainian businessman Maxim Chernyavsky. In the winter of 2011, the lovers had a Hollywood-style wedding, and on July 24 of the same year, the singer’s second daughter, Monica, was born. In February 2013, the couple divorced, while Monica remained with Maxim in America, where she was born.

From 2014 to 2016, Anna’s chosen one was a dancer Sergey Gutman. The couple did not legalize their relationship.

April 8, 2017 Anna Sedokova became a mother for the third time. She gave birth to a son, Hector.

Anna Sedokova. Discography

Solo albums
On the loose (2017)
Present (Live) (2017)
Personal (2016)

As part of the group "VIA Gra"
Biology (2003)
Stop! Stop! Stop! (2003)
Stop! Cut! (2003)
Attempt No. 5 (Re-release) (2002)

Anna Sedokova. TV projects

  • Love is season 2 (2018) New Year's robbery (2003)
    Cinderella (TV) (2003)