The love story of Hannah and Pasha: what lies behind the relationship of one of the most beautiful couples in show business. Who is the singer Hannah? Biography, weight, height of singer Hannah

In the world of show business there is one more lavish wedding! Singer Hannah married general director Black Star inc. Pavel Kuryanov, better known as Pasha. In an interview, Hannah and Pasha told their love story and talked about the fight against stereotypes and how difficult it is when your husband is also your producer

Photo: Andrey Baida Pasha and Hannah

Anna and I - and this is the name of the singer Hannah - are meeting in the company Black Star inc. While her husband is delayed, we talk about literally everything in the world: about fashion, the financial crisis, about animals and travel, about children... Anya herself dreamed of being a singer since childhood, studied vocals and went to music school, and then became seriously interested in sports ballroom dancing. “Every day when I went to bed, I said: “Mom, can you imagine, some famous coach will come to us in Cheboksary and take me to Moscow.” Mom answered: “Well, how will he pick you up? No one is ever taken away." “It’s true,” continues Anya, “Moscow trainers came, held seminars and left. Of course, when I, a twelve-year-old girl, was suddenly offered to go to Moscow, my mother let me go without hesitation.” Exhaustive training for thirteen hours a day did not go unnoticed: at the age of sixteen, Anya became very ill. After three months spent in a hospital bed, she was sent into “retirement.” “I had terrible depression: dancing was everything to me,” says the girl. “We had competitions every weekend, and it’s like a drug.” She was simply bored with going to school, and beauty contests replaced dancing. And although in life Anya is a very modest girl and assures that she does not consider herself a beauty, she still managed to win eleven beauty contests in a row. By the way, after one of them she met her future husband, Pasha. “I noticed him much earlier,” the girl smiles. - My mother and I were watching TV, on MUZ-TV there was some story about the Black Star company, first they showed Timati, and then an interview with Pasha. I say: “Mom, look how handsome the boy is, fair, looks like his dad, such a pleasant voice. I wish I had a husband like that.”

You can say, Anya, you have programmed yourself to get to know Pasha.

Anna: Yes, it was just two months before we met him. I went to a beauty contest in Turkey. Won it. The organizers asked me to stay a few days for filming jewelry. In the morning we went for breakfast, and Pasha and his friend were sitting at the next table. ( Addressing my husband.) Then continue.

Pasha: It is worth noting that at that time I was a real womanizer. My friend and I look: two beautiful chicks are sitting opposite us. ( Smiling.)

A.: Well, what chicks? Girls!

P.: Two girls, okay. We started laughing loudly and somehow flirting with them. Usually the girls themselves came to meet us, but these didn’t. I thought: one of them is too beautiful to miss, I need to go myself. ( Smiling.) After much persuasion, Anya left her phone number, then, already in Moscow, we began to communicate, but since I was spoiled at that time female attention And serious relationship If she wasn’t that interested in me, I didn’t offer her anything.

A.: Yes, and I had a young man then.

P.: For two years we just talked, sometimes we met. Then the moment came when I realized that I was tired of all this drinking and partying. Thoughts began to appear that it was time to give up the wild life.

And then you remembered Anya?

P.: We met her by chance.

A.: Like in the movies. I then lived in Kyiv and came to Moscow to young man, who asked me to marry him. He was old enough to have a child. He said that I was the ideal option for him. Can you imagine? I was twenty years old then. He gave me three days to make a decision. I decided to spend this time with my friends. We went to the restaurant, we entered, and there was some kind of buzz there, I saw: Leps, Timati. I immediately realized that Pasha should be there too.

P.: Anya wrote me a message: “Are you here?” I go down, look at her, and everything inside me turns over.

A.: At night he wrote to me that it was one of better days in his life, that he had decided a lot for himself and that he needed me more than anyone in the world. And I realized: the guy fell in love. He simply wouldn’t write such a message. I explained to my boyfriend that I couldn’t marry him because I loved Pasha. She said no and went back to Kyiv.

P.: A week later I arrive in Kyiv, call Anya, and she: “Why did you come?” - "To you". - “Come on, don’t tell me, you probably just have business here.” And I actually came to take her to Moscow. Two weeks later Anya moved in with me.

Pasha, when did you realize that you wanted to see Anya as your wife?

P.: In fact, the day I saw her in the restaurant, I realized that she would be my wife and the mother of our child. But for three and a half years we simply lived together, without thinking that the mark in the passport was important.

A.: I’m not one of those for whom a wedding is the main event in life. There were never thoughts in my head: “Lord, when will he propose to me?!” I already knew that we would be together all our lives, for this we do not have to put a stamp in our passport.

P.: But at some point I realized that official status was still important for you.

A.: The stamp in the passport is important not for me, but for the child. It's right and natural, not because I want it.

P.: You see, without any explanations, it’s just right, that’s all. ( Laughs.)

Anya, when Pasha proposed to you, did you agree without hesitation?

P: She burst into tears! ( Smiling.)

A: Well, not really. Okay, I cried a little. ( Laughs.)

P.: My parents still live together and love each other. And they are a model for me. It has always been important for me to get married once and for all.

And how did it all happen?

P.: I decided to propose to Anya at the end of last year, but it didn’t work out all the time. On January twenty-third, her birthday, I booked a table at a restaurant located in the hotel in the very high point Las Vegas. There were musicians, flowers, a luxurious limousine... We took a ride through the city shimmering with lights and went to dinner. At the restaurant, I realized I had made a mistake when I trusted the concierge, who described the restaurant as a magical place. The place turned out to be terrible. We got up and left. As a result, I proposed to Anya in Moscow on Valentine's Day, sitting on the balcony overlooking Moscow...

Anya, you probably immediately went to choose a dress?

P.: There was a trumpet with this dress! ( Laughs.)

A.: I put off choosing a dress until the last minute, and ended up buying it the day before the ceremony. There were more important things to do than to go shopping from morning to evening and look for a dress. I don’t have time to go shopping and salons at all. Look: I've been wearing this manicure for four weeks now. ( Shows his hands.) I'm ashamed, I hide my nails, but I don't have time to go to the salon. And it's not a joke.

Did you find time to prepare for the wedding? How long have you been doing this?

P.: Six months. Since the celebration was not held in Russia, appropriate preparation was required. We signed in Moscow, at the Kutuzovsky registry office. Only our parents and closest friends were there, but we wanted to make the celebration itself beautiful and memorable. Last year, while on vacation on the island of Capri, we were at the lighthouse and from there we looked at the sunset, and a line of guests from an Italian wedding passed by. It was like in a movie. And we decided: if we get married, then only there. And exactly a year later we got married in this incredibly romantic place.

Anya, tell me honestly, in the two years that you communicated with Pasha as friends, did you ever have the idea of ​​using your acquaintance with him to fulfill your old dream of becoming a singer?

A.: I didn’t even have such a thought. I am generally against using someone. I never thought that my husband would be a producer. I'm just lucky. ( Smiling.)

P.: But I also try not to give “crutches” to anyone. Otherwise, it turns out that by leaning on, a person moves, but cannot walk on his own. I didn’t do anything for Anya and I don’t do anything. She was not a ready-made artist who came with her own music. Anya knew how to sing, I saw that when she went on stage, she was shining. But she needed to “grow up.” For three years while we were dating, she developed. It was necessary for people to understand that she had reached a certain level. I didn’t want to hear the answer: “Of course, she’s your girlfriend, for whom you just want to find a hobby.”

And now Anya has finally grown to the level of an artist.

P: Right now, yes.

I wonder if you manage to abstract yourself from personal relationships when it comes to work?

P.: Anya is very vulnerable, she is sensitive to evaluation and comments, I think, like all ambitious people who want to be the best in everything. And when the conversation turns to a career and she suddenly starts to get offended, I explain to her: if she wants to become a big artist, then my comments and criticism should not concern our personal lives.

A.: At first, of course, it was very difficult. If he says that he doesn’t like something, he does it very clearly, and not like this: darling, let’s talk about it. Pasha is very tough in his work.

Perhaps men think it gets there faster this way.

A.: Don’t tell me. I didn’t perceive him as a producer then. We didn’t even have a production agreement. Imagine a young man who constantly yells at you. Naturally, I thought that he didn’t love me, and I was offended.

P.: Everyone told me that it was not hers, that it was going in the wrong place, and she simply had nothing to do.

A.: I was very worried about this. She could have cried all night. But he didn’t reassure me, didn’t say that everything would be fine. I was offended that people think so narrowly. I have been involved in music since childhood, and if I wanted to use Pasha, I would have done it right away, and not five years after we met.

Do you have a production deal now?

P.: Yes. Moreover, we even had a “swing” regarding financial conditions: I offered her some, and she “swinged” me on others. ( Laughs.) She said: I want to earn money myself, and not sit on my neck. The money is still in the same family.

Anya, were you satisfied with the financial conditions?

A.: Yes, completely. I think he does too. Is it true?

P.: Yes. ( Laughs.)

Are you spoiling your wife?

P.: Sometimes I indulge. She doesn't complain. I would like her to feel even better, and for this I work hard.

A.: He spoils, he spoils. In fact, he is very caring, soft and gentle.

P: I thought it was the other way around. ( Smiling.)

Biography of this charming girl and the showwoman arouses genuine interest among thousands of admirers of her work. What is Hannah's name, what is her height, age, weight, where is she from, what did she do, how much did she do? plastic surgery and why she became famous - these are only a small part of the questions that interest fans.

Hannah singer - biography

Future rising star pop artist, actress, talented dancer born in 1991 in Cheboksary (Chuvashia). The singer's real name is Anna Ivanova. Her biography is rich, full of high points. Hannah danced professionally, rose to the rank of Master of Masters, participated and won many competitions. Plasticity, grace, and attractive appearance have been appreciated more than once at numerous beauty contests (“Miss Volga”, “Miss Chuvashia”, “Miss Russia 2010” (Ivanova reached the final).

Hannah did not immediately become a singer - she conquered the capital, performed in the group of the Aleko club. It was 2013, after long preparation the girl released her first track, which became famous - “I’m Just Yours.” At the same time, a video clip of the future celebrity was released, which captivated many Russians. Hannah's husband is the director of Black Star, whose founder was Timati. Pavel Kuryanov significantly contributes to the promotion of his star wife, reasonably criticizes her, and teaches her to “own” the stage. The cooperation does not affect the couple’s relationship; Hannah the singer continues to listen to her husband and “grow.”

Pasha and Hannah - a love story

For a long time the singer did not pay Special attention personal life, did not consider the wedding the main event female destiny. Singer Hannah met her husband at a Turkish beauty contest and maintained a warm and friendly relationship for 2 years. Then the director of Black Star decided to win the girl’s heart. The couple began dating and soon had a modest wedding. Honeymoon took place not on the beaches of Monte Carlo, as fans believed, but in the Maldives. Numerous professional photos of the impeccable newlyweds delighted many fans.

Hannah's songs

The singer sang with Yegor Creed in 2014, this was her second song on Russian stage. By this time, Hannah had already undergone plastic surgery, changed beyond recognition, the girl’s face became more “media” than the usual Slavic unremarkable appearance. The popularity of Hannah’s songs grew, she tried herself as a presenter on the RU.TV channel. At the same time, the singer’s “piggy bank” was replenished with two new songs – “Lost My Head”, “Mom, I Fell in Love”. 2016 added a new hit - the track “Omar Khayyam” quickly began to conquer listeners of popular radio stations.

Hannah on Instagram

The girl follows fashion - she is often online in famous in social networks. She has an official website, accounts on VKontakte and Instagram. Anna is very popular, her pages quickly gained many subscribers. Singer Hannah on Instagram regularly posts new and old photos from vacations, concerts, interviews, demonstrating a beautiful figure, a sweet face, sharpened by plastic surgery, and a variety of leisure activities.

Hannah in contact

Singer Anya Ivanova visits all her accounts on social networks every day and does not allow her fans to forget about her. The 25-year-old star posts daily photos of various types - both personal (with her husband and friends) and professional ones taken at events. Hannah actively expresses herself in VKontakte life position, motivates fans, talks about every day he lives, about his interests in music, social life. The singer’s life is really interesting, there is a lot to learn. But just recently the girl starred in TV series in Ukraine and was unknown to anyone.

Video: who is Hannah

Hannah is the creative pseudonym of a girl from the capital of Chuvashia, who at a young age achieved brilliant success in her sports and modeling career. However, her childhood dream of becoming a singer also came true. Today the whole country sings her songs.

Childhood and youth

The girl's real name is Anna Ivanova. She was born in Cheboksary, from early childhood she was interested in music, and later graduated from a music school with a degree in piano. When the girl turned 6 years old, the list of activities was supplemented with sports ballroom dancing. A bright talent was discovered in this direction, and seven years later Anya, at the insistence of her coach, left for Moscow.

The life of the young ballerina consisted of school studies and dancing; there was simply not enough time for more - she had to forget about the computer, TV, and even just aimless walks around the city. Grueling daily training often lasted until midnight.

But already at the age of 15, the girl could boast of dizzying success in her chosen field. Ivanova is the winner of the Novorossiysk Cup, the Caucasus Cup and the Federal District Cup. The geography of the girl’s performances went far beyond home country. Anna “rose” to the rank of candidate master of sports.

Ivanova remembers this period as one of the most difficult in her life. As a result, the girl could not withstand such a load and fell ill, and after three months of treatment she had to give up ballet.

After school, Anya entered the branch of the St. Petersburg University of Economics, from which she successfully graduated in 2013 with a diploma in “Economics and management in a tourism and hotel industry.”


Anna's creative biography is rich. Tall, with a chiseled figure - all the qualities for a modeling career. The girl decided to try her hand at the beauty industry, and here she also managed to achieve success. Anya’s collection includes the crowns “Miss Cinema”, “Miss Chuvashia”, “Miss Apollo”, “Miss Volga” and other victories.

Hannah at the Miss Russia 2010 beauty contest

She graced the cover of the capital's glossy magazine"Elle Girl" And in 2010 she shone at the Miss Russia beauty contest, but was not included in the list of the first 15 contenders for the title of Russian beauty.

At this time, Anna Ivanova became interested in the acting path, the girl went to Kyiv, where she starred in a number of television series. However, she thoroughly prepared for her debut in the film industry by completing acting courses at the New York Film Academy (Los Angeles).


The old dream of becoming a singer, which the girl had cherished since early childhood, haunted her. And fate gave Anna such a chance. The ticket to show business was presented by the future husband, director of the Black Star label. The man became the producer of the rising musical Olympus stars named Hannah.

The pseudonym appeared back when the girl was dancing. Its origins are simple: Anna is the Russian interpretation of the Hebrew name Hannah, plus Ivanova admired the talent of the Latin American dancer Hanna Kartunen.

The singer's career started in 2013 and quickly took off. Music lovers, fans of popular music, appreciated Hannah’s first track “I’m Just Yours,” for which a colorful video was released. Soon the girl pleased with a duet with - the young people in the early spring of 2014 performed the composition “Being Modest is Not in Fashion.”

Anna turned out to be a hardworking and prolific singer, giving her fans several songs and videos every year. Some of them immediately fell into rotation on the main Russian radio stations. At the same time, she tried her hand at television as the author of the program “Hip-Hop Chart with Hannah,” with which she entertained viewers of the RU.TV channel.

Soon the girl traveled across the expanses of Russia and outside the country with concerts, the singer was warmly welcomed in Chelyabinsk and Shakhty, in Astana and Kazan. Hannah often visits small towns.

2016 was eventful. The artist was invited to participate in the large-scale project Big Love Show (organized by Love Radio), taking place at the Olimpiysky. The list of songs was replenished with three new tracks, two compositions received their own videos - “Omar Khayyam” and “I can’t live without you.” Another achievement is that Hannah was nominated for the Muz-TV Award in the “Breakthrough of the Year” category.

In 2017, the singer presented videos for the songs “Bullets” and “Te Amo”, and also became a participant in the show “Improvisation” on the TNT channel, performed as a guest on a project with “Icon of Style”, and appeared with her husband on the program “ Where is the logic?". At the same time, the artist was preparing for the release of her first album.

Personal life

Hannah knew her future husband in absentia. I noticed Pavel Kuryanov, famous in show business circles, on TV in my youth. In an interview with journalists, the girl said that she watched the program with her mother and noted that it would be nice to have such a husband, handsome, like dad, with in a pleasant voice.

The first meeting took place in 2010 at a Turkish hotel during breakfast. Anna came to this sunny country for a beauty contest, where she won. Pavel really liked the girl, and he asked for her phone number. However, for a couple of years the relationship did not go beyond pleasant conversations and non-binding friendly meetings. Moreover, Anya had a boyfriend with whom she almost walked down the aisle - the young man proposed marriage to the girl, giving her three days to think about it.

One evening, Anna and Pavel crossed paths in a club in the capital. The director of Black Star realized that he had fallen in love. The girl broke off relations with her potential husband, and in 2015 Ivanova and Kuryanov had a magnificent wedding on the island of Capri.

The girl's interests include fashion and beauty. Hannah released a capsule collection of clothes, became the owner of a beauty salon, and runs a beauty blog on YouTube. Page in "Instagram" replete with photos from concerts and vacations, interviews and TV shows.

Hannah now

In the spring of 2018, fans learned that. At the same time, the girl does not hide her position, appearing at social parties in tight-fitting outfits that emphasize her noticeably rounded belly.

And in winter, the artist’s first studio album “Thoughts” was released. Part 1,” which included 15 compositions, including the songs “Bullets,” “I Won’t Return,” and “I Can’t Without You,” which have long been familiar to fans.

Hannah (singer)

Hannah (real name is Anna Vladimirovna Ivanova). Born on January 23, 1991 in Cheboksary. Russian singer, TV presenter, actress, model.

Father - Vladimir Ivanov.

Mother - Tatyana Nikolaevna Ivanova.

As Anna said, with early years she wanted to stand out from the rest. In the 6th grade, she even dyed her hair red and kept it that way for a year and a half. She drew tattoos for herself and resorted to bright cosmetics. Together with my mother, I sewed original clothes that others paid attention to.

Since childhood, I dreamed of being a singer, studied vocals, and graduated from a music school with a degree in piano.

Then I became seriously interested in sports ballroom dancing. She recalled: “Every day when I went to bed, I said: “Mom, can you imagine, some famous coach will come to us in Cheboksary and take me to Moscow.” Mom answered: “Well, how will he take you? “And it’s true that Moscow trainers came, held seminars and left. Of course, when I, a twelve-year-old girl, was suddenly offered to go to Moscow, my mother let me go without hesitation.”

She took part in various competitions in Russia and abroad. Candidate Master of Sports in Sports ballroom dancing.

Grueling training for thirteen hours a day did not pass without a trace: at the age of sixteen, Anna became very ill and after three months spent in a hospital bed, she was forbidden to dance.

And then beauty contests came to replace dancing. She managed to win eleven beauty contests in a row! Among them are “Miss Chuvashia - 2009”, “Miss Volga - 2009”, “Miss Apollo - 2009”, Miss Viva Volga-Don - 2010, Miss Volga International - 2010, Miss Kemer International - 2010. She was a finalist in the Miss Russia contest 2010".

Hannah at Miss Russia 2010

In 2013, she graduated from the branch of the St. Petersburg State University of Economics with a degree in Economics and Management in Tourism and Hospitality Enterprises.

She lived in Kyiv for some time, starred in television series, worked as a TV presenter, then moved to Moscow.

In 2013 started solo career as a singer. The debut song was the composition “I’m Just Yours,” for which a video was then shot. The directors of the video were brothers Dmitry and Evgeny Misyur (they shot videos for Ivan Dorn, Vera Brezhneva, DJ Smashe and many other artists).

In the spring of 2014, she recorded the song “Being Modest is Not in Fashion” in a duet with Yegor Creed.

In 2015, she was the host of the author’s program “Hip-Hop Chart with Hannah” on the RU.TV channel. In the same year, she released two singles - “Mom, I fell in love” and “Lost my head” - the latter of which was included in the rotation of leading radio stations in Russia.

Hannah - Lost her head

In 2016, Hannah took part in the Big Love Show at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex (Moscow), and also released a new track, “Omar Khayyam.” In 2016, she was nominated for the 2016 Muz-TV Award in the “Breakthrough of the Year” category.

In 2017, she presented a video for the compositions “Te Amo” and “Bullets” (directed by Vlad Akushevich).

“I write all my songs with my music producers. Together we think about the melody, arrangement and theme of the text. Writing words is much easier for me than melodies, but we are working on it,” said the singer.

In March 2017, Hannah opened a beauty studio “X LASHES BY HANNA” in Moscow.

“The secret to success is one and has long ceased to be a secret! I tell everyone and everywhere about it. For me it works. You need to constantly go towards your goal, dream, clearly know what you want, work on it and be sure that it’s all real "," says Hannah.

Hannah's height: 174 centimeters.

Hannah's personal life:

Married. Spouse - Pavel Kuryanov, better known as Pasha, CEO of the Black Star inc. label. They met at the Miss Kemer International 2010 beauty contest. We got married in July 2015.

The singer resorted to plastic surgery. Although she herself does not comment on this topic, when comparing her more early photos with the current ones, it is clear that she enlarged her lips, changed the oval of her face - she sharpened her cheekbones, and her nose and eyebrows were also corrected.

Hannah's songs:

2013 - “I’m just yours”
2014 - “Sighs”
2014 - “So you know”
2014 - “I Know”
2014 - “Being modest is not in fashion”
2014 - “Mannequin”
2014 - “Sky”

2014 - “It’s better not”
2015 - “Instagram”
2015 - “Mom, I fell in love”
2015 - “Lost my head”
2016 - “When he comes in”
2016 - “Omar Khayyam”
2016 - “I can’t live without you”
2017 - “Innocent”
2017 - “Te Amo”
2017 - “Bullets”

Hannah's video clips:

2013 - “I’m just yours”
2014 - “Being modest is not in fashion” (with the participation of Yegor Creed)
2014 - “So that summer never ends”
2014 - “It’s better not” (Internet video)
2015 - “Mom, I fell in love”
2015 - “Lost my head”
2016 - “Omar Khayyam”
2016 - “I can’t live without you”
2017 - “Te Amo”
2017 - “Bullets”

Anna Vladimirovna Ivanova, better known to the public as singer Hannah, was born on January 23, 1991 in Cheboksary. The girl dreamed of becoming a singer since childhood; for this purpose she attended music school, studied ballroom dancing and participated in various foreign competitions. She even managed to achieve the title of Master of Sports in ballroom dancing. Singer Hannah's husband is the director of the Black Star Inc. label.

After graduating from school, Anna decided to enter a university to major in economics. However, this activity did not attract future star. Every now and then she took part in beauty contests, ranked in them top places and received enormous pleasure from it. In 2010, she reached the finals in the prestigious Miss Russia competition.

For some period of her life, Hannah lived in Kyiv and took part in the filming of Ukrainian television series, then decided to move to Moscow. Her solo music career dates back to 2013, when her song “I’m Just Yours” was released. After that, her joint video with Yegor Creed made a splash.
In 2015, Anna launched her own original program, “Hip-Hop Chart with Hannah.” At the same time, the girl did not stop working on new singles and delighted fans with new tracks.

Hannah met her future husband during the period when she took part in the Miss Kemer International - 2010 beauty contest, where she won first place. Pavel “Pasha” Kuryanov holds the post of CEO of the Black Star Inc. label, famous not only in Russia but also abroad. Now the husband is promoting his wife as a singer. It should be noted that Hannah’s popularity is growing, she is gaining more and more fans, mainly among young people.

Regarding strengthening family relations and the birth of children, while Hannah is keeping silent about her plans. She has a catastrophic lack of time for her personal life, and her children require enormous attention and dedication. Although the girl does not rule out that in the future she may give birth to a child from her beloved man, she is not going to give up her career.