Relationship breakdown - “Meeting by Fate. Types of female and male fate in tarot

According to the esoteric concept of the Tarot, there are three types of feminine and male destiny:

1. When you have man of destiny . This type of fate is always fatal, since in this case fate is future life is formed even before the birth of a person and it is at that moment that the person with whom you will be in a male-female relationship in a new incarnation is determined.

2. When do you have free destiny . You can create a relationship with any man or woman you choose and who chooses you.

3. When do you have seal of loneliness . The type of fate in which it is impossible to construct significant male-female relationships with the opposite sex.

Each of these types of fate has its own characteristics, its pros and cons.

1 type of fate - Fateful relationships

This type of fate indicates the presence in your destiny of a person who is destined for you from above. It is this fact that determines several features of this variant of the female and male lobe.

Features of type 1 fate:

1. Relationships are karmic . The lyrical words “Marriages are made in heaven” are dedicated to such unions. If you have this type of destiny, then this phrase is definitely about you.

What do “karmic relationships” mean? The role of fate in a relationship will always be significantly greater than that of you. You are practically deprived of control levers and cannot significantly influence, change, avoid or escape from the relationship. You have almost no opportunity to change the type of fate, and therefore your partner.

A person is destined for you by fate to solve certain problems and these tasks must be completed, since you yourself previously voluntarily “subscribed” to this relationship. The reason for such unions is unprocessed or unfinished joint past life lessons and deeds.

This life is intended for a couple to learn past lessons, complete business, fulfill obligations towards each other, help a partner develop, solve important tasks, and so on.

2. Fateful relationships are of two types:

  • "karmic relationships" , that is, relationships designed to work out karmic lessons from the past in order to assimilate and work out the internal tasks of the individual. This difficult relationship, about which you can often hear “He (or she) is my cross.” From the outside, such relationships are indeed somewhat similar to heavenly punishment. Such unions are often painful for both and sometimes cruel. Heavy chains entwine the lives of two people into one single fate, one pain, and it is practically impossible to escape from this hell. This relationship reeks of fate and predestination. Everything in them testifies to an incomprehensible and beyond our control doom and hopelessness.
  • "bonus relationship" , intended as support or for the benefit and exclusively for the development of our personality, learning and living new positive relationship experiences. These relationships are given to us as a kind of Gift for the good karma of past lives. And we often hear “He (she) is a gift from above” or “I am grateful to God for giving me a meeting with this wonderful man (woman).” From these relationships, strong and happy families usually grow, which are bound by strong feelings towards each other. Such successful, fateful unions often last a lifetime and they say about them: “And they lived happily ever after...” This type of fate should not be overly idealized, since any relationship, even such a wonderful one, has its own tasks, problems, and obstacles. Only in this union there are significantly fewer of them, and the partners are prone to constructive behavior. Unfortunately, these types of relationships are very rare in our lives compared to the first option.

Pros of a life-changing relationship:

Predestination. Why is this a plus? Because you don't have to do anything for a relationship to appear in your life. One fine day the fateful hour will strike and you will meet your betrothed or betrothed. And, moreover, imagine, you won’t even have to do anything special: create relationships, work on them, maintain them, and so on. Everything will work out on its own, without your participation or consent! We can safely call them “self-developing relationships.”

Yes, dear ones, fate itself will take care of everything. The circumstances of your life will develop in such a way that a person will imperceptibly, but inevitably, end up in your destiny. As if some fateful whirlwind will bring it into your life, and at the same time they will forget to ask you, do you even need it? Did you want this or not? Of course, it’s great if you have a “bonus” fate option and then you get the situation, as people say, “Happiness has arrived!” That’s how happiness fell on your head and you didn’t even have to do anything yourself! There are such cases, however, they are very rare.

What if this is an option “for testing”? Not so much fun then. And after some time we complain about the villain’s fate for such a “set-up” and stories begin like “we met - she was an angel, but now she has become a witch.”

Cons of life-changing relationships:

1. Having a person of destiny in most cases does not mean that fate will be happy . A man of destiny may turn out to be a tyrant husband or a wife who constantly blows her mind.

2. You can wait years for a man of destiny . You will not necessarily meet your betrothed in your youth - the meeting can take place even in adulthood. Until then, you'll have to be content with a series of nothing worthwhile relationships or enjoy being alone.

3. This relationship is always given for study, for development . It doesn’t matter whether the relationship is karmic or bonus, in any case, the couple will always be faced with tasks and lessons that will need to be solved together, gain the necessary experience and acquire skills. It definitely won't be boring.

Fate will constantly encourage communication, regularly presenting the next dish of complex and problematic situations that will be the engine of this union.

4. It is almost impossible to end, terminate or escape from a relationship with a person of destiny. . In fact, it’s impossible.

Why is it “virtually impossible”? That is, there is still some kind of loophole to avoid unwanted relationships?

The answer is yes, the chances exist. But it is extremely difficult to do this!However, some particularly stubborn men and women manage to circumvent fate.Why is this possible?In this world, a person is endowed with the right of free will, so he can change the circumstances of his fate always, at any moment. But you need to remember that no one relieves you of responsibility for this.

Therefore, if you refuse the person destined for you even before birth, you risk getting new type fate. Guess what awaits you? That's right, you unwittingly doom yourself to the “stamp of loneliness.” This is the price: if you don’t want to work and work in a relationship, then you will be left alone, since you have already lost your destiny, and, sorry, you are not given another. At least until you figure out certain tasks with a specific person.

But some will probably not be left alone by the question, Is it possible to change 1 type of fate in a constructive way? What if fate in the form of a relationship with an alcoholic husband or a hysterical wife does not attract you in any way and you want a normal family with good man or a woman?

The answer is yes, it’s possible, but for this you need to make enormous efforts and do titanic work. Changing such a fate is truly heroic and hard work, but it is possible! How to do it? This is a topic for a separate large article, so we will not describe it here.

Another question naturally follows - Is it possible to somehow determine whether I have a man of destiny?

You can accurately determine the type of fate using Tarot cards.

There is another option - intuitive.When we meet a person of destiny, we automatically turn off "search behavior", that is, we no longer look at or evaluate other men and women as potential partners. We stop internally testing the opposite sex for “mine or not mine” and periodically glance in the direction of others.

At the same time, there is a very strong inner feeling of the “fatefulness” of the union and understanding on an intuitive level that there is no other option in your life.

2 type of fate - Free fate

By our choice, we let into our life a person whom we like and who reciprocates our feelings, and he becomes our destiny.

Pros of free destiny:

1. Feature and undoubted advantage of this type fate is undoubtedly freedom of choice any partner you like. This option is really in some way a gift from fate.

2. No restrictions on leaving the relationship . This type of fate provides the opportunity to break off a relationship at any time if you “do not get along” and try to build a new relationship with another partner.

3. Potentially happy relationship . Whether the relationship will be happy and harmonious or difficult and conflictual depends solely on both of you. No doom hangs over you. There are no difficult lessons, tedious tasks and insoluble problems that fate helpfully presents to you in type 1 fate. It all depends on you.

All the problems and difficulties that will arise in this relationship, you will create for yourself and you will successfully play out a tragedy, drama or comedy, or maybe a thriller with elements of fantasy, it’s up to you to decide.I want an idyll of love and lifelong honeymoon? Then please work on your relationship, everything is in your hands. Study, work, create your own happiness with your own hands.

Not everyone knows how to be happy due to their habits and stereotypes. Creating intimacy is hampered by our fears, lack of ability to trust our partner, desire to control, manipulate, suppress and demand guarantees.The main difference from the first type of fate is that only you and your partner are responsible for all the adversities and problems in relationships, and not the cruel machinations of fate.

If you have type 2 fate and all the relationships that arise in your life are very dissatisfying to you, then you need to understand the reasons for this situation and eliminate them.

Main reasons:

1. You do not know how to build constructive male-female relationships. That is, the reason lies in you. It could be your character, upbringing, lifestyle, views, stereotypes that interfere with building happy male-female relationships.

2. Sometimes it happens that people do not know how to take full advantage of the gift of freedom and choose a suitable partner for them, that is, they simply cannot choose “their person.” That is, the reason lies in the partner with whom you enter into a relationship. In terms of many life criteria and views, you may simply not agree.

3. Karmic reason - you do not have enough energy money for a relationship with a more “dear” partner.

Sometimes several reasons can operate simultaneously and the situation can become more complicated.

Disadvantages of free destiny:

1. Liberty , which was a plus, can act as an aggravating circumstance. Sooner or later it is necessary to make a decision, and the choice, as has been noted, is usually difficult for people to make. It’s easier to wait for it... to happen... somehow. But not in this type of fate. If you want a relationship, then enter, develop and maintain. Subconsciously, you feel that the responsibility for the relationship rests solely on your shoulders, and some people a priori do not like this burden.

2. This type of fate is often accompanied by eternal doubt “what if somewhere there is the best option"and a subconscious search for new, more promising relationships. Feelings of satisfaction with each other are rarely present in a couple.

How do you understand that you have type 2 fate?

This option can be assumed if you are in a relationship, but it does not turn off "search behavior" and every new man or woman internally evaluates the possibility of becoming a new partner.

3 type of fate - Seal of loneliness

Just don't confuse this type of fate with "crown of celibacy" . These are different things.

"Crown of Celibacy" is a magical program. Damage option. While "seal of loneliness" - this is a type of female and male destiny and it has nothing to do with magical effects.

Seal of loneliness there are three types:

1. Innate stamp of loneliness.

2. Ancestral seal of loneliness.

3. Acquired stamp of loneliness.

Innate seal of loneliness characterized by a complete lack of relationships throughout life. There is no opportunity to meet a partner and create a full-fledged relationship.

Also, sometimes there is an option when there is a relationship, but from the category of “it would be better not to exist,” as well as relationships that last no more than a week or a month with adequate behavior and not setting the bar too high for the partner.

Causes of the seal of loneliness:

1. Negative karma of past incarnations.

2. The peculiarity of the current incarnation, which includes important, specific, specific tasks in other areas of life.

Generic seal of loneliness can be traced through your maternal line. If all the women of the family were single and raised children alone, then there is a high probability that you have this particular type of loneliness mark.

Acquired seal of loneliness speaks for itself. A person is usually born with type 1 or 2 destiny, but due to his wrong actions in relationships with the opposite sex, he ends up in type 3 destiny. You create the acquired stamp of loneliness for yourself and you should thank yourself for it. Thus, after the end of your next relationship, you suddenly discover that you are left alone for quite a long period of time and there is no one suitable on the horizon or in sight.

Sometimes some men or women manage to artificially create a stamp of loneliness for themselves and then still suffer from it! They try to convince themselves and everyone around them that they are very happy alone, that they don’t need anyone. They create for themselves a certain illusion of happiness in solitude and block themselves from the possibility of significant relationships appearing in their lives. Someone is building a career, someone is not ready yet, someone wants to take a walk (if there is a person of destiny!), someone is in pursuit of some achievements. And as a result of an act of free will, there is a stamp of loneliness. Even somewhat interesting partners appear less and less often in your life, and then they disappear completely without a trace.

Especially often by creating artificial seal of loneliness men sin! When one day you finally realize that you want to start a family, it may turn out that there is no one nearby. You lost your destiny, rejected all your partners, being in the 2nd type of destiny, and deservedly found yourself alone.

How to determine that you have the stamp of loneliness?

If more than 6 months life path If you don’t meet partners of the opposite sex with whom you could create at least some significant relationships, or the opposite sex doesn’t pay attention to you at all, then we can say with great confidence that you have a mark of loneliness.

Even this type of fate has its advantages :

1. This type of fate opens great opportunities in other areas of life , in which great heights can be achieved.

2. Comfort and carelessness . The fate of an old maid or a confirmed bachelor may be a completely conscious and even desirable choice for some people. If you think carefully, this option is really simple and convenient to some extent and “no one will get on your nerves.” A whole load and a bunch of problems of couples are automatically removed from you, which can make life much easier. Although in our society this option is still not for everyone.

About disadvantages of this type of fate there is no need to write, since for many people they are already quite obvious. Not everyone can understand the delights of single life, and for most people, a happy and prosperous destiny is still associated with having a strong and harmonious union with a loved one. And sooner or later there comes a clear realization of the need to let another person into your life, who for some reason is in no hurry to appear. And then problems appear.

Is it possible to change type 3 fate?

The answer is yes, you can. With serious work, this type of fate can also be successfully corrected.

A person’s destiny may contain several life programs, which allows him to simultaneously have several types of destiny. Let's say you may have 1 and 2 types of fate, 1 and 3 or 2 and 3, or all three types of fate may be included in your life line at the same time. Several types of fate in one person are a common occurrence in modern world. This big topic for a separate article.

In conclusion, let's summarize:

1. Types of fate are not immutable; they can be changed consciously or unconsciously.

2. If desired, fate can be successfully adjusted.

As you know, consultation with a tarot reader, especially regarding fortune-telling about relationships, advice in the field of various matters, etc., is mainly in demand among women. And, of course, the most important issue V 90 cases from 100 is concern about your personal life, but what, strictly speaking, could be more important? Therefore, the main part of my work in the Astro7 service is focused on relationships , and I am convinced that the main party in a partnership is always led by a woman. A man can be strong, smart and vice versa - but in a partnership he almost always acts the way the woman wants, or the way the woman thinks. Well, what do you want, dear? What kind of love do you really need?

Why did I say specifically about thoughts? Because all our thought forms are our reality, whatever we do, whatever we strive for and whatever we receive in reality is all a reflection of our thoughts.

Well, what is a thought? This is our inner mood. In fact, wherever we go, no matter what situations happen to us, this is precisely our attitude (not to be confused with mood - it can change quite quickly), but the attitude sometimes takes root for years. In partnerships, everything remains the same. Inside every woman there is an image, a model, a standard of what her union will be like. Nose beautiful dreams and this model has nothing to do with good wishes. What experiences are you internally tuned to? What do you subconsciously expect from a relationship? This is exactly the kind of partner you will choose for yourself, this is exactly the situation you will create, this will be both your joys and family conflicts! Tarot cards capture this hidden, subtle information and reflect it.

We now live in an era when no one forces anyone to do anything. Everything that surrounds us is our own choice. If you yourself did not want and did not expect such experiences, if you were not internally attuned to them, then your soulmate would simply disappear from your life, or even from the very beginning would not come within gunshot of you. And this all happens because we attract into our lives those people who can give us the experiences and emotions that we need. And this rule always remains the same.

This mechanism works quite simply: even in early childhood we get used to a certain type of experience, and they become normal for us - this is the pattern of relationships, regardless of whether we like it or not. Over time, these experiences transform a little, and that's it, voila! The inner mood is ready. If it suddenly happens that these usual experiences do not exist, then we feel that something is wrong and begin to develop a double dose of emotions and thoughts so that everything returns to normal - and here it is, psychology family relations, imbued with feelings that we so lacked.

Based on the above, during Tarot readings, I very often advise my clients to look inside themselves and ask: what familiar experiences were you missing? What relationship style did you set your partner up for? What emotions did you emit? Is this what your partner is waiting for?

When answering these questions, you need to understand that if you dreamed that in response to your anxiety, dissatisfaction, irritation, he would begin to show wise, patient understanding, bring you affection and reassurance, you are deeply mistaken. If you are sad, he will be sad too. If you constantly “hiss” and your tone is offended during a conversation, you will receive rudeness in response. If you “stop a galloping horse” and generally behave like a commander, what remains for him? His behavior is always only a reaction to your inner mood. “I’m fighting like a fish on ice, I’m spinning with all my might, and he...”. Whatever experiences you were internally tuned in to, that’s what you received in real life.

Then the next stage begins. Women begin to torment themselves with the search: what was I to blame for, what did I do wrong - but in fact, this is not a solution at all. It's not that you're doing it wrong. The point is what is inside you.

I always remain silent and just sympathize when a girl marries a drinking guy, a lazy guy or a mama’s boy. At the same time, each one says that she can re-educate him, that he simply needs to be torn out from his environment. But this is all self-deception - in fact, she unconsciously chose an object for herself to receive suffering, because she is so used to it, for her this is the norm, this is her inner attitude - “I want pain!” But what can you do - she was brought up that way and, without this pain, she will think that “This is impossible, this should not be, this does not happen.”

The next example: when a girl thinks that as soon as she marries him, he will immediately change, he will not be a rude egoist, as he is now. But, again, all this happened in her life before, these are all those “normal emotions” that she has always experienced, and now she needs them. So, essentially, there is no nonsense in this.

Another category of women are those who constantly feel unhappy, who are most accustomed to the role of victim, sufferer. There are also vice versa - fighters, leaders who take on the role of a man. What can I say - the choice of behavior model is huge, but the point is always that the woman herself behaves the way she wants to be behaved towards her. And only according to this single principle a partner is selected. Now your partner has several options for the development of events. The first is that he accepts your style of relationship, the second is that the relationship between you ends. But in both the first and second options, you dictate the rules - regardless of his character, desires, etc. If development went according to the second option, he left - naturally, he will eventually meet another. Having learned about his relationship with another woman, namely what this relationship is like, you are shocked - how has he changed, how does he behave with her? But there is nothing mystical here, she is simply tuned in to other experiences and other emotions. Now look at yourself, at him and at “her” and you will understand that what you are is like him, what she is like is like him. This means that the conclusion is simple and clear - only a woman decides what her love should be, and she deserves the love for which she is ready.

If you want to ask a fortune teller a question: « Is he my destiny, the one and only who was destined for me? By higher powers? » then the answer will most often be like this: « You get exactly your King, your “destiny”, who will give you what you lack, who will complement you, so that you receive what you are set up for and are ready for».

Relationship fortune telling

How to find out your partner's attitude towards you using relationship fortune telling?

Fortune telling about relationships is very popular, as it allows you to find out your partner’s subconscious attitude towards you, as well as consider options for developing relationships and the consequences of such actions. You can guess about relationships not only between lovers, but also between any two people. However, most often there is a need to guess about relationships online or on cards when feelings have developed between a man and a woman. If you are interested in fortune telling about relationships, it means that the connection that has arisen is not indifferent, but not everything is clear yet.

Why is online attitude fortune telling so attractive?

Of course, the relationship between a man and a woman can be friendly, business, or family, but, as a rule, if you are looking for online fortune telling for relationships, then the first place here is a wonderful feeling - love. Perhaps you are just at the very beginning of a whirlwind of passions and the flame of love, and you cannot understand how your other half truly treats you, what goals he pursues when communicating with you, so you want to guess about the relationship. To solve this puzzle using fortune telling about the relationship between a man and a woman, it is important to understand what kind of relationship is between you now.

Relationships between people are connections of various nature, which arose in the process of communication and action in different life situations. As a result of such contact, we voluntarily and involuntarily form a perception towards another person and evaluate him on our own scale.

It is reasonable to assume that the desire to guess online about your relationship with someone specific confirms that you have already formed your attitude towards the person. Now you want to find out how similar your emotions, feelings and plans for communication are in the future. Fortune telling about relationships is a view from the outside: your “truthful” attitude towards a person and his vision of the situation with feelings.

Fortune telling by feelings can be realized using a 3-card Tarot card layout. With its help, you can understand the world of the subconscious, and this is very important, because often this way you can understand a person’s actions and behavior.

Online attitude divination will help you get answers to the following questions:

  • how strong is the love between you;
  • determine clarity in relationships;
  • consider options for developing your tandem in different ways.

Online fortune telling for relationships

Fortune telling about relationships online and in reality: types and purpose

Fortune telling by feelings is carried out:

  • playing cards in the “4 jacks” layout;
  • Lenormand cards – card spread“Two” and relationship layout “Short Lenormand layout”;
  • Tarot cards - “Pyramid of Lovers” layout.

Online fortune telling for relationships allows you not only to open all the love cards, but also to tell fortunes in the name of your betrothed, and also find out compatibility in the union, if one develops. Try online relationship fortune telling on Valentine's Day and get wise advice on Valentine's Day.

Mutual relations between a man and a woman are the presence of interest between two parties on some basis. Sometimes you feel a spark, a surge of passion and mutual sympathy, but there is no connection between you. general theme for communication. In this case, guess what, it’s unlikely that such a connection will develop into serious relationship.

You can guess about relationships online right now in order to find out how the person you are interested in feels about you. You may like the result of the alignment, but you will always be the conductor of your relationships, so only you yourself can correct your relationships. The fact is that it is difficult not to respond in kind to insults, but in response to affection and kindness, you want to do something pleasant and kind.

If you want to guess at a man’s attitude, then first study yourself: determine for yourself what you are ready to give and what you would like to receive from communicating with the person you are interested in. How your partner treats you depends on you, and the result of this communication will be a relationship.

Attitude fortune telling online

What types of relationships can there be between a man and a woman?

In order to correctly interpret the results of online relationship fortune telling, it is important to understand what type of relationship has been established or is just emerging between you. Just as there are no two identical people, there cannot be two identical relationships. Next, you will find out what types of relationships there can be, and in the future you will be able to predict your relationship based on the results online fortune telling on attitude.

A partner is a loved one and a friend. Many will agree that this type of relationship is the most ideal, because in them partners help each other in everything, and do not compete. Both partners realize that they are only strong as a couple. Men in such a tandem do not tolerate pity, and will gladly help and give advice.

Stormy passion. This type of online relationship fortune telling means that everything between you is bright, passionate and stormy. Both of you are emotional individuals, and it is simply impossible to imagine your relationship without quarrels, showdowns and passionate love. In such relationships, jealousy, scandals and passion rule the roost. It will never be boring here, but it is very important not to “go too far” in order to avoid insults and reproaches. If you find yourself in such a situation in a relationship, think about how ready you are for “Italian” passions.

Fortune telling for future relationships


Such relationships are built on benefiting from communication with each other. At the same time, they rarely have passionate love and friendship. If you receive such a card in a relationship scenario, do not expect tenderness and “lisping”, scandals and passion from your partner - everything is simple, smooth and stable.

Relationships without obligations. This type of relationship is typical mostly for men. Female partners in a relationship without commitment can only take the plunge if their love affairs have disappointed them and they are not yet ready to start a serious relationship. This type of relationship in your scenario suggests that sooner or later you will reach the line - your relationship will fall apart or develop into a serious one. Typically, in such relationships, someone is simply waiting for the turning point to come. In this case, fortune telling for future relationships will help you do important step and decide the fate of your tandem.

Fortune telling about a man's attitude

The simplest relationship fortune telling online

There are a lot of layouts for love and relationships, but we want to offer you a simple layout on a regular deck playing cards to find out the thoughts and feelings of the person you are interested in. Online attitude fortune-telling in order to clarify relationships in love, marriage, and also when it comes to business partners and transactions.

The layout “You and your partner” is interesting because it allows you to evaluate both participants in the process in a partnership, show true feelings, thoughts and emotions, which, at times, greatly influence decision-making in love affairs and business. As a result, you will see how your partnership may develop in the future and decide on further development events.

So, online fortune telling for relationships requires a playing deck of cards in the amount of 36 pieces; if we are talking about a virtual request for cards, the method will be the same. Each card has its own meaning, which is based on the interpretation of the pictures on the Lenormand cards. The meaning of the card according to the Lenormand system is tied to a specific phenomenon.

To make fortune telling online as truthful as possible, perform a small ritual:

  • Relax and discard all extraneous thoughts;
  • Concentrate as much as possible on the question;
  • Imagine a person who is in a relationship with you;
  • Shuffle the deck of cards several times;
  • Slide the cards toward you with your left hand.

This way, you can “tune” the cards and yourself to the upcoming layout. Now, one by one, you need to remove cards from the deck. Below you will find an explanation:

  • The first two cards from the deck of playing cards are you and your partner in a relationship with personal positions and ambitions;
  • The next two cards will show the subconscious and feelings between you and your partner;
  • The third pair of cards is responsible for conscious thoughts and those in the subconscious, between you, and shows a variant of the development of events in the future, provided that the components of your partnership remain unchanged;
  • The ninth card is an advice card that sums up the entire layout and offers an option for action for the future.

Fortune telling about a man's attitude is only advice regarding how your tandem can develop if you treat each other as before. Whatever the relationship between you, the main thing in it is the comfort of both partners, which is achieved through such unshakable components as love, trust, respect and support for each other.


The “Meeting by Fate” layout is suitable for analyzing a new acquaintance, new relationships and new feelings. Each relationship from the perspective of this scenario is perceived as a lesson from Fate. This lesson may not always be pleasant, but it is worth taking in order to further develop as a person. On the other hand, the alignment allows you to decide whether you should give in to your feelings and dive into this relationship, or whether you should devote time to other areas of your life.

Position values:

Exercise 1 for the “Meeting by Destiny” layout

He is married, she is married. They work together. Things flare up between them love affair at work. Our client is a man.

First position - Jester

How do new relationships relate to life goals for the period of life?

Interpretation of the Jester card

Interpretation of the Jester card

These relationships are not the main life task for the querent. But only for the querent. We don't look at the woman. It's more of a game, entertainment, something frivolous.

What is the main problem that needs to be solved in this relationship?

Interpretation of the Chariot card

Interpretation of the Chariot card

The Chariot directly indicates work, making a profit. This card is not family, not love relationship. The querent needs to learn to distinguish between what is work and what is pleasure. Where is the pleasure from various kinds of emotional experiences, and where is the pleasure from the profit received.

Third position - Knight of Swords

What is the lesson to be learned from the relationship?

Interpretation of the Knight of Swords card

Interpretation of the Knight of Swords card

The lesson of the Knight of Swords is that you cannot act without thinking. You cannot act based only on momentary desires and interests. You can't do something just because you want to do it.

Fourth position - Page of Swords

What is this relationship for the querent - a relationship of temptation or a relationship of development?

Interpretation of the Page of Swords card

Interpretation of the Page of Swords card

Page of Swords is not development. This is a stop, this is a freeze, a freezing. The entire previous alignment, including the Page of Swords, says that the querent should not develop this relationship, should not continue it.

Fifth position - World

How successfully will the lesson be resolved in this relationship?

Interpretation of the World map

Interpretation of the World map

The World card indicates that the querent will correctly understand the lesson taught to him by fate, and such situations will not be repeated in the future.

The scenario dealt with the romance that broke out between Adriano Celentano and Ornella Muti on the set of the film “The Taming of the Shrew.”

Exercise 2 for the “Meeting by Destiny” layout

After being married for ten years, the couple separated. The lady wants to know what this relationship was like for her, whether she learned the right lesson from it.

First position - 7 of Pentacles

How do new relationships relate to life goals for the period of life?

Interpretation of the 7 of Pentacles card

Interpretation of the 7 of Pentacles card

In this case, the 7 of Pentacles is the past, what preceded the marriage. Perhaps this was due to a poor financial situation, or perhaps to previous relationships that were perceived as painful, unpleasant, burdensome. If we consider the 7 of Pentacles in relation to a new relationship, then perhaps the main task of the querent was to learn patience and humility. However, this card has another meaning, which is not often found: to plant a garden and patiently wait for shoots. Then a new relationship for a lady is the foundation of her future life.

What is the main problem that needs to be solved in this relationship?

Interpretation of the Ace of Staffs card

Interpretation of the Ace of Staffs card

The idea of ​​something new is supported by Tuz Posokhov. A new marriage opens up new opportunities, creates conditions for a new life, for serious changes.

What is the lesson to be learned from the relationship?

Interpretation of the Ace of Swords card

Interpretation of the Ace of Swords card

The Ace of Swords in this scenario is consonant with the Ace of Staffs - new opportunities are not realized on their own. You need to learn to act.

Fourth position - King of Staves

What is this relationship for the querent - a relationship of temptation or a relationship of development?

Interpretation of the King of Staves card

Still, for the querent, this relationship is more likely a relationship of temptation than development. King Posokhov speaks of the desire to feel like a socially significant figure, to be in the center of attention, to command and control.

Fifth position - 6 Staves

How successfully will the lesson be resolved in this relationship?

Interpretation of the card 6 Staves

Interpretation of the card 6 Staves

It is obvious that the querent successfully completed all the tasks she set herself in this relationship. It should be noted that in this layout, firstly, there are no cup cards. That is, love most likely was not the main factor in this relationship. And secondly, not a single card in the layout involves interaction with other people. Maybe it’s interaction that the querent should learn.

Exercise 3 for the “Meeting by Destiny” layout

Attractive woman, divorced, looking for a new relationship.

First position - 8 of Swords

How do new relationships relate to life goals for the period of life?

Interpretation of the 8 Swords card

Interpretation of the 8 Swords card

It is likely that the querent does not feel free. In this layout, the 8 of Swords should be considered in tandem with the 9 of Pentacles.

What is the main problem that needs to be solved in this relationship?

Interpretation of the card 9 of Pentacles

Interpretation of the card 9 of Pentacles

Freedom for a querent is, first of all, the opportunity to live for one’s own pleasure, regardless of the interests of others, regardless of their desires. Relationship partners for her are nothing more than consumables that provide the opportunity to enjoy life. Captivity of the 8 Swords is precisely the absence of such a partner.

Third position - 4 Cups

What is the lesson to be learned from the relationship?

Interpretation of the 4 Cups card

Interpretation of the 4 Cups card

You can't miss the chance. That's the whole lesson that the querent learns from any relationship. But the situation shows that this is precisely her lesson.

Very important: the tarot reader only reads the layout. He is not a judge, not an appraiser of other people's karma. Perhaps this is what this person should learn in this rebirth.

Fourth position - Page of Swords

What is this relationship for the querent - a relationship of temptation or a relationship of development?

Fifth position - Wheel of Fortune

How successfully will the lesson be resolved in this relationship?

Interpretation of the Wheel of Fortune card

Wheel of Fortune is a cyclical card. Most likely, the situation will repeat itself again and again. The querent will find new partners and part with them, because the 9 of Pentacles can never be satisfied with what she has.

Every weekend I send out a Sunday School Tarot lesson to all my readers. It is not difficult to recognize these letters - their subject begins with the abbreviation [ВШТ].

Tarot Sunday School lessons will help you develop practical fortune telling skills and master new layouts for Tarot cards. To get maximum results, be sure to complete the exercise - write your interpretation of the layout in the comments, and after a week check with my version.

Do you want to make your wishes come true?

It makes no difference what you dream about and what you desire: love, money, health, peace in the family and so on. The reasons why you don't get what you want are the same. I'm talking about them.

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