Men and women of Eva Polny. Personal life “Guests from the future. Eve, husband and demon in the rib

Eva Polna has long been established as creative personality, delighting his many fans with solo performances. She writes poetry and music herself, and is also the director of her own videos. The singer is not afraid of experiments, making her concerts multi-genre, where she not only sings, but also dances, and also reads poetry. In her personal life, Polna is just as happy: she has two wonderful daughters who need to be given good upbringing and decent education.

Eva was born in 1975 in Leningrad. As a child, she danced, loved jazz, and was interested in science fiction. After graduating from school, the girl studied and received a librarian's diploma, and then entered an art college. Since 1994, Polna has performed in various clubs and sang rock songs from the 70s. Soon she met composer Yuri Usachev, who invited her to become a soloist of the group “Guests from the Future”. In the early 2000s, the musical group was at the peak of its popularity, and this was largely due to Eva: the singer herself wrote the lyrics and created stage costumes for the group members. In 2009, Polna took up solo career. During this time, the singer delighted her fans with new compositions, some of which took first place on the Russian charts. Now Eva is known not only as a singer, she also paints with oils and pencils. The singer publishes them on her blog so that subscribers can appreciate her talent.

Pictured is Eva Polna with ex-husband Sergei

Polna’s personal life constantly worried her fans, who wanted to know about her men. In 2005, Eva gave birth to a daughter, Evelina, but never revealed the name of the baby’s father. This secret lasted for almost six years, and soon the entire public learned that this was the daughter of Denis Klyaver. The singer revealed details of his personal life in Andrei Malakhov’s program “Let Them Talk.” There was a passionate romance between him and Eva, which ended with the birth of a child. The singer had a family at that time, and Polna did not want to reveal their close relationship. Soon the singer married businessman Sergei, and in 2007 the couple had a daughter, Amalia. The husband also adopted Evelina, and for some time everything was fine in the family. But gradually, grievances and misunderstandings began to accumulate between the spouses, and they decided to separate.

In the photo, Eva with her daughters Amalia and Evelyn

Now children communicate with their dads, but since they are very busy people, then these meetings do not happen as often as everyone would like. Polna's family is quite large - these are her daughters, as well as her parents who help the singer raise her children. Eva has to work a lot and often go on tour. IN lately she began to think seriously about country house to start a garden there and have goats.

Eva's husband

Alternative descriptions

James (1732-1794) English architect

Robert (1728-1792) English architect

William (1689-1748) Scottish architect

Biblical gardener

In the Old Testament - the first man, the father of the human race

The name of the writer Mickiewicz, the name of Kozlevich

Male name: (Hebrew) man, literally: red earth

Man without a navel

Gave a rib to a woman

Cain's father

Forefather for all living

This was the name of the economist Smith, mentioned in Pushkin’s “Eugene Onegin”

Man sculpted from red clay

Paradise guy

First man

The man who had no mother-in-law

The novel by the English writer George Eliot "... Beed"

It was he who got a piece of a stolen apple across his throat

Film by Viktor Titov “... marries Eva”

Who was created on the sixth day?

Character from the operetta by Austrian composer Karl Zeller “The Bird Seller”

Name American actor Sandler

The architect whose buildings defined an entire cultural era in England

Scientist and inventor Alexey Dobrotvorsky claims that in history there was only one irreplaceable person. And who?

A man made of clay on Saturday

Antediluvian monogamous

The only one who ended up in heaven during his lifetime

First guy in heaven

A man missing a rib and a navel

On the Moon - Armstrong, on Earth - ...

Economist Smith's name

Women owe it to his rib

Meaning male name(Hebrew) person, literally: red earth

The snake's first victim

The most famous biblical character

Participant in original sin

Male name

First man

The first owner of an Adam's apple

Man number 1

Created on the sixth day

Both Mickiewicz and Kozlevich

Father of Abel and Cain

Man of Clay

Covered my nakedness with a leaf

Man from Eden

First of the people

Eva is his lady

Abel's father

Expelled from Paradise

The first of us

First among people

Deported from Eden

Tasted from the Tree of Knowledge

Both Smith and Miscavige

Molded from clay on Saturday

Actor Sandler


First Man

Didn't turn left from Eva


Deprived of rib and navel

Film "... Marries Eve"

First man in Eden

First woman's husband

God created man

The first inhabitant of Eden

Founder of humanity

Kozlevich (lit.)

Deprived of immortality

Man #1

Who was in heaven during their lifetime?

Gave a rib for his wife

Father of the first killer

Source Material Supplier for Eve

Eve raw material supplier

Poet... Mickiewicz

First man on Earth

. "father" of humanity

Driver... Kozlevich (lit.)


Exile from Eden

Who was evicted from heaven?

Bender's driver's name

Tasted the forbidden fruit in heaven

Biblical monogamous man against his will

He was evicted from heaven


. "bought" on the bull's eye

First to know God's wrath

Biblical exile from Eden

Sinner in Paradise

Name of the poet Mickiewicz

The only one expelled from heaven

The very first donor in history

Who was before Eve?

Eve's predecessor

The first one to know Eve

Eve's husband

He gave the men Adam's apples

He didn't have a mother-in-law (anecd.)

The only man without a navel

Flying Skier Kid

First to see Earth

The first apple consumer

Married Eve

Who gave people an Adam's apple

Representative of the stronger sex in Eden

Driver name Ostap Bender

He comes from Eden

The name of Kozlevich, Bender's companion

Actor Sandler

Gave his rib to Eve

The name of the driver of the "antelope"

The very first apple taster

Eve was made from his rib

Earth's firstborn

God's firstborn on earth

Beloved for Eve

The very first donor in the world

Rib donor for Eva

Firstborn on Earth

Athlete... Kid

The first person to taste apples

The only man from Eden

The first prophet of Allah

Man in Eden

Man from Eden

Mitskevich's name

The first homo sapiens

Name Kozlevich (lit.)

First donor, husband and father

Biblical monogamous

Ancestor of the human race

Who was the first person Eve saw?

The first guy in the universe

. "Eve's draft"

On the Moon Armstrong, on Earth...

Gave a name to a nudist costume

Biblical first man

Biblical character, first man and father of the human race

English architect (1728-1792)

. "Bought" on the bull's eye

. "Gave" Eve his rib

. "Father" of humanity

. "Paradise" guy

. "Eve's Draft"

18th century poet

In general, man in the flesh is a sinner; susceptible to temptation. you are Adam, and I am Adam; We are all Adams. Taken from the earth; forefather. Adam died neither to God nor to us, neither his soul to heaven, nor his bones to the ground, a broken pot. This happened under Adam, in ancient times. New Adam, church. Savior. Adam's tree, plant. Catalpa bignoides; plant Palolownia imperialis. Adam's head, death's head, i.e. human skull; tropical mandrake plant, Mandragora offic. or Atropa Mandragora, from the nightshade family. Plant. black sow thistle, Centaurea scabiosa, umbilicalus, coneweed, shelobolnik, emptysel or emptysel, erroneously postushel. Vyat. plant Cypripedium calceolus, cuckoo's boot. The largest moth, the death's head butterfly. Sphinx Caput mortuum, on the back of which there is an image of a human skull. Lives on potatoes, in southern Russia [Western Europeans must double their s where it is pronounced hard; we don't need this] harms the hives; This insect alone has a voice (others produce rustling, whirring, and bustling noises): a sharp whistle from the lateral spiracles. Adam's beard, plant. Asclepia, which has a beard root. Adam's bone arch. Sib. petrified wood, especially one washed up by the sea. Adam's fig, plant. and the fruit of Musa radisiaca, banana; Ficus indica, Indian fig tree. Adam's apple, Adam's apple, larynx, hard prominence on the human throat, from the head of the larynx. Apple of paradise, a genus of the larger, wedge-shaped lemon, Pyrus Malus paradisiaca. Adam's years, years, many years, more than a human century. Adam's years since the beginning of the world. Adam's children are all people, in the sense of sinners. Adam's sin, disobedience, disobedience; weakness to temptation. Adam's fork, spoon, fingers, handful. Adamovshchina collect arch. Sib. fossil wood and bones; the first goes for fuel and crafts; in some places such a tree that has not yet been petrified is called Noah’s wood, but petrified wood is called Adam’s bone, Adam’s bone

Unity a man without a navel

Exile from Paradise

Antelope driver's name

Who was evicted from heaven?

Who was the first person Eve saw?

Kozlevich Ostap Bender

Who was in heaven during life

Who was before Eve

Who was created on the sixth day

Husband from Eden

Father of Cain and Abel

Eve's first man

Character from the operetta by Austrian composer Karl Zeller "The Bird Seller"

Paradise male

The ancestor of people

The novel by the English writer George Eliot "... Beed"

The very first husband on Earth

The stronger sex in Eden

Seduced by Eve

This was the name of the economist Smith, mentioned in Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin"

Scientist and inventor Alexey Dobrotvorsky claims that in history there was only one irreplaceable person. And who

Film "... Marries Eve"

Viktor Titov's film "... marries Eva"

Biblical exile from paradise

Seduced by Eve

Eva Mendes - bright and incredible beautiful girl, who never ceases to delight her fans with roles in TV series and films. An American with Cuban roots has found her place on the modeling catwalk; she amazes with her charisma and angelic appearance.

The world might never have known the actress and model Eva Mendes, since she dreamed of becoming an interior designer or, at worst, a marketer. However, the girl got into right time and in right place, which predetermined her future future.

Height, weight, age. How old is Eva Mendes

A large army of fans strive to find out the exact height, weight, age. How old is Eva Mendes is the next most popular query entered into Internet search engines.

The girl was born in 1974, so, oddly enough, she is already forty-three years old. Eva Mendes: photos in her youth and now - this is beautiful well-groomed girl who does not have a single wrinkle on her face.

It is worth noting that because of this there are rumors about numerous plastic surgery, but the girl refutes this gossip.

The future model received the zodiac sign of dreamy, creative, persistent, imaginative and slightly absent-minded Pisces. It is worth clarifying that Eastern horoscope endowed her with character traits that are characteristic of a Tiger, including courage and ambition.

Eva’s height reaches one meter and sixty-seven centimeters, but she weighs no more than fifty-seven kilograms.

Biography and personal life of Eva Mendes

The biography and personal life of Eva Mendes also very often arouse the genuine interest of Internet users. The girl was born in Houston, but spent her childhood in hot Miami.

The father and mother were poor emigrants who moved to the States even before the girl was born; they did everything to ensure that the children never needed anything.

Brother - Juan Carlos Mendez - is younger than his sister, he is an incredibly emotional guy who simply adores Eva. Since about 1990, the guy has acted in films and TV series, he writes poetry and songs.

Brother - Carlos Mendez - was born in 1963, so he was much older than his sister, he was a businessman, got married early and raised two children. The man died suddenly in April 2016 after being diagnosed with throat cancer.

Mendes has another brother, about whom nothing is known at all, since he has nothing to do with the world of show business.

Eva’s personal life does not always work out; nine years ago she was treated for drug addiction and depression. The girl dated director George Augusto in 2002, but the romance quickly fizzled out.

After that talented actress met with Peruvian director George Gargurevich, as well as actor Jason Sudeikis.

Already in 2012, on the set of the film “The Place Beyond the Pines,” Eva realized that she had fallen in love with Ryan Gosling, with whom she still lives.

Filmography: films starring Eva Mendes

At school, Eva was a very diligent student; she decided to continue her education at the University of California to become an interior designer. At the same time, the girl was very happy, because her neighbor took a picture of her and showed her to an agent from Hollywood.

Eva was invited to the world of cinema, so her filmography was replenished with works in the films “Training Day”, “Children of the Corn”, “2 Fast 2 Furious”, “Out of Time”, “Once Upon a Time in Mexico”, “Ghost Rider”, “The Cleaner”, “Cops” in deep reserve", "Difficult Age", "Avenger".

By the way, the girl starred in commercials, music videos for a long time, and was also the face of the Revlon company.

Eva is a strange girl; for example, she doesn’t like going to loud parties, preferring quiet gatherings with her lover and friends. The girl practically doesn’t drink alcohol, she loves sushi and stylish women’s handbags.

Mendes looks absolutely gorgeous as she is quite active and loves to hike and mountain bike.

Family and children of Eva Mendes

Eva Mendes's family and children are her support and support, so she respects every member of her family. Each member of the Mendez family was in a hurry to help another who was in trouble, for example, the death of his older brother caused a surge of violent emotions on the part of Eva and his younger brother.

Eva grew up in a family of emigrants from Liberty Island, so she sacredly honors the traditions of her people. Eva Mendes and Ryan Gosling often appear in public with their children, so everyone talks about how great the kids look.

A woman talks to children in Spanish and English languages, teaches Cuban dance folk dances. The father of the little ones simply adores them, he devotes all his free time from work to them. When receiving prizes and awards, Ryan constantly devotes his victories to his wife and daughters.

Eva Mendes' daughter - Esmeralda Gosling

Eva Mendes' daughter Esmeralda Gosling was born in 2014, she is very similar to her Cuban mother. The girl speaks two languages ​​perfectly, often mixing Spanish and English words in one sentence.

Eva reads books in Spanish to the girl and sings Cuban songs so that she does not forget her homeland and traditions. Esmeralda loves to visit and travel, draw and dance folk dances.

The little girl also loves to spend time with her grandparents, devouring Cuban cuisine and delicious delicacies.

Eva Mendes' daughter - Amada Lee Gosling

Eva Mendes' daughter, Amada Lee Gosling, was born in 2016; she just celebrated her first birthday. The baby looks like her dad, so she often spends time in his arms.

At the same time, she loves listening to songs in Spanish and English, and also watching puppet theater, which is shown by your beloved mother. Little Amada is a real fashionista; her parents dress her in luxurious dresses, stylish suits and trousers.

Amada constantly visits her grandparents, eating homemade delicacies made according to old Cuban recipes.

Eva Mendes' husband - Ryan Gosling

Eva Mendes's husband, Ryan Gosling, appeared in her life in 2012, when the young people met on the set of the film “The Place Beyond the Pines.” At the same time, Ryan led a rather chaotic personal life before meeting Eva; among his fans were Sandra Bullock and Rachel McAdams.

The girl was older young man for 6 years, but in the film they played lovers. Ryan and Eva did not hide their relationship, however, they never advertised their romance.

In 2014, news spread across the Internet that Eva Mendes and Ryan Gosling had broken up, but this was due to the birth of their long-awaited first child.

Photo by Eva Mendes for Playboy magazine

The photo of Eva Mendes for Playboy magazine is false information, because the young woman has never posed for this men's publication, so the photos showing a naked woman are fake and no one will be held responsible for them.

Mendes' candid photos are often associated with photo shoots for other all-male publications, including Jane, Vogue and Maxim. At the same time, in the photographs, naked Eva Mendes takes various attractive and simply fantastic poses.

It is worth clarifying that Maxim magazine will help you see a photo shoot of Eva in lingerie, which attracts with originality, tenderness and a certain eroticism. At the same time, it is impossible to see Eva completely naked, but she often exposed her chest, legs and back.

Mendes in a swimsuit is a search on the Internet, photographs of which are easy to find, since she constantly travels, including to the ocean shores. The girl clarifies that she is comfortable in a swimsuit, but she can be naked in front of cameras easily and simply, since work is work.

Instagram and Wikipedia Eva Mendes

Instagram and Wikipedia of Eva Mendes are available and quite official, so all the information provided there is relevant, reliable and verified several times. At the same time, from the Wikipedia article you can find out information about childhood, youth, education, creative path actresses. Quite a lot of information is devoted to Eva’s career, as well as her extensive filmography and awards.

Polna Elena Leonidovna is a singer who was simply adored by millions of people, and her lyrics excited the hearts of many men and women. She was the lead singer music group“Guests from the Future”, therefore, for a long time was associated in tandem with Yuri Usachov.

The girl not only sang other people’s lyrics, but was also the composer and author of most of the group’s songs. She also constantly writes and publishes humorous poems, but not under her own name, but under the pseudonym Josephine Vozderzhak.

Five years ago, Eva invariably took first place in the ratings with her compositions, while she collected harvests of the Golden Gramophone award.

We will try to clarify the girl’s parameters, such as her height, weight, age. How old is Eva Polna is not a difficult question, since she does not hide her date of birth from anyone. Although Eva Polna: photos in her youth and now are practically the same photographs, which depict a luxurious, plump blonde.

Eva Polna was born in 1975, so she has already celebrated her forty-second birthday. At the same time, the woman is not very sociable, and is also prone to conservatism and patience, like all Taurus, although she is incredibly talented and resourceful, like Rabbits according to the Eastern horoscope.

Eva's height is only 172 centimeters, and she weighs no more than 85 kilos.

Biography of Eva Polna

The biography of Eva Polna began from the moment of her birth in Soviet Leningrad; at birth, according to one version, she received the name Elena Polna. And she became Eva Polna after the whole family moved to the Polish town of Lodz near Warsaw.

The baby loved everything beautiful, she was restless, so she often tried everything new. Eva was involved in music and dance clubs, constantly read about adventures and dreamed of going into space.

The father, Leonid Polny, was a talented doctor, and the mother took care of the house and daughter. Moreover, they had nothing to do with creativity, but were simply working and very intelligent people.

At the same time, the girl studied well at school, took part in amateur performances, so she easily entered the Leningrad Academy of Culture and Arts to become a librarian and bibliographer. By the way, Eva loved to sing, so as a hobby she performed in musical group“A-2”, the girl rapped talentedly.

Among other things, Polna danced and sang in nightclubs of the northern capital. Two years later, the girl joined the vocal and instrumental ensemble “Guests from the Future”, so in tandem with composer Yuri Usachov she sang in pop and jungle styles.

The girl was constantly invited to television shows, until 2009, when the group broke up after releasing their last successful album. The following year, Polna began touring Russia and the world, performing solo. The woman participates in various talent shows, loves performing in themed concerts and doing charity work.

Personal life of Eva Polna

The personal life of Eva Polna has always been quite stormy, because she is beautiful and incredibly bright girl invariably attracted attention from men. However, not all of the beauty’s romances ended in marriage, since she spent several years as a mistress and even gave birth to a daughter out of wedlock.

It's about whirlwind romance with the married Denis Klyaver, who lived with his wife Yulia, a ballet dancer of the famous Laima. At the same time, Timofey, a four-year-old son, was growing up in the family, so the singer did everything to ensure that no one knew anything about his betrayal.

There were rumors that Eva was dating and even going to marry her friend and partner Yuri Usachev, but then it turned out that this was done in order to stir up interest in the “Guests from the Future” group.

It was soon revealed that Eva was an open bisexual, so the girl was credited with an affair with singer Anya Pletneva and even a marriage in Holland with concert director Sasha Mania. By the way, both women do not recognize their close relationship with Eva, except for friendly and work ones.

Eva Polna's family

Eva Polna’s family was international, since on her mother’s side all relatives were Gypsies, and on her father’s side they were Poles. At the same time creative people There was never one in the family, so my parents treated singing and dancing as something frivolous.

Evochka was an incredibly bright child, so her parents protected and pampered their only girl. The mother constantly supported her child’s aspirations and carefully guided her in the right direction, since she was next to her daughter.

Her parents never abandoned Eva; they live with her and help raise their granddaughters, calling them their youngest daughters.

Children of Eva Polna

Eva Polna’s children are her pride and joy, since the singer and poetess raised the little ones on her own. The babies were born two years apart, their fathers were completely different people, and the eldest daughter was born out of wedlock. The girl's mother is seen very rarely, since she constantly tours the country.

About what eldest daughter Evelyn is his blood, Klyaver admitted only in 2010, so he constantly helps the girl. He often comes to school for parent meetings, takes his daughter to his place.

Sergei also provides a decent life for his daughter Amalia, whom he provides financially. The girls study well and attend various sections and creative clubs.

Eva Polna's daughter - Evelyn Polna

Eva Polna's daughter - Evelyn Polna - is a girl with difficult fate, since her mother gave birth to her from singer Denis Klyaver out of wedlock in 2005, so he stubbornly did not recognize the baby.

About the fact that Evochka is his own daughter he publicly announced only five years later, when it became clear that the baby was incredibly similar to him. At the same time, the flexible and artistic girl already proves that her parents passed on to her a penchant for creativity.

Evelyn is not only an excellent student high school, but also studies in music classes in flute and vocals.

Daughter of Eva Polna - Amalia Pilgun

Eva Polna’s daughter, Amalia Pilgun, is the second in the family, she was born in 2007, and her father was businessman and restaurateur Sergei Pilgun. Unlike her quiet sister, the baby is very capricious and very reminiscent of an obstinate boy in character, since she does everything in her own way.

Amalia is never inferior to her parents and friends in anything, but she loves visiting the museum. She constantly reads books about nature, animals and plants, and also about dinosaurs.

The girl simply loves to study; she has been purposefully studying at the ballet studio and gymnastics school since the age of two.

Eva Polna's ex-husband - Sergei Pilgun

Eva Polna’s ex-husband, Sergei Pilgun, appeared in her life in 2006, because the millionaire wanted to win over a talented beauty, and this worked out successfully. Despite the fact that a daughter was growing up in the family, Sergei and Eva constantly quarreled.

They separated several times, and after three years the family ceased to exist completely. However, Sergei Pilgun constantly supports his daughter and pays fabulous alimony for her.

It is worth noting that this is not at all difficult to do, since Pilgun received a controlling stake in Continent Invest and was able to become a millionaire.

Eva Polna lost weight and changed her image photo 2017 - this news greatly pleased her fans. The girl became spectacular thanks to the fact that she lost as much as 10 kilograms in a couple of months.

Eva began to look several years younger, so she immediately increased her army of fans significantly. The fact is that they began to think about the fact that there were assumptions that their favorite was an oncology patient.

The beauty just laughed at the terrible speculation, she said that everyone can lose weight, all they have to do is balance their diet and exercise. To top it all off, Polna made a spectacular hairstyle as she shaved one temple.

A photo of Eva Polna never appeared in Maxim magazine, although fans, especially male ones, would not refuse to see her most candid photos. This desire especially appeared after the beauty lost weight and began to look quite bright.

At the same time, naked photographs of celebrities on the Internet are not difficult to find, because Eva Polna is a woman without complexes who is happy to show her charms to the whole world. She appeared before fans in fishnet lingerie after a photo shoot for Penguin and Playboy magazines.

Eva never posted photographs in a swimsuit, including a closed one, apparently fearing her fatness.

Instagram and Wikipedia Eva Polna

Instagram and Wikipedia of Eva Polna have been officially collecting only reliable and up-to-date facts about the favorite of millions for many years. From the Wikipedia article you can learn about childhood, education, hobbies, family and personal life, daughters and ex-wife. You can learn about a woman’s unconventional orientation and her chosen ones.

Eva also has a page on Instagram, which has more than 124,000 subscribers, ready to rejoice at every photo or video posted from the star’s personal archive and comment on them.

Eva Bushmina is the creative pseudonym of Ukrainian vocalist, ex-member of “VIA Gra” Yana Igorevna Shvets. In 2016, she changed it to LAYAH, citing the desire to stop associating herself with the past.

There is a widespread point of view that the singer’s solo work has become favorably different in its drama, emotional component and intrigue not only from her own previous works, but also from most musical material, who captured the pinnacle of domestic show business.

Childhood and youth

The future artist was born on April 2, 1989 in the Ukrainian Sverdlovsk, Voroshilovgrad region (now Lugansk region). Her father Igor Mikhailovich is an entrepreneur, her mother Svetlana Aleksandrovna is a housewife. The singer has an older brother Oleg, who works in the field of information security.

WITH early age She was interested in and seriously studied dancing, developing plasticity and grace. But when their family moved to Kyiv in 2001, she did not find a suitable dance school and, on the advice of her father, a former musician, began attending vocal studio and learn to sing. Then she worked part-time in an audio studio, recording children's songs, CDs with which were included in magazines for children.

After graduating from school, she became a student at the faculty pop art Kyiv Variety and Circus Academy, but interrupted her studies without receiving a full higher education.

IN student years she met and became friends with a member of the duet “Potap and Nastya” Anastasia Kamenskikh, with whom she later continued to be friends.

Working at a recording studio on a permanent basis, the girl sang backing vocals and performed in show ballet. IN different periods she was a member of the pop group Lucky, a ballet dancer at The Best, and worked as a TV presenter for the infotainment program “Guten Morgen” on channel M1.

Star Factory

In 2009, a girl who had long dreamed of getting into show business managed to audition music competition“Star Factory” (Ukrainian version), the producer of which was Konstantin Meladze himself. According to her, a friend who was an administrator of a reality show helped her bypass the line of hundreds of applicants. As a result, she ended up in the “Star House” and took as her stage name the name is Eva and the mother’s maiden name is Bushmina.

Casting for "Star Factory-3". Eva Bushmina (2009)

During the three months of participation in the project, the manufacturer managed to sing on the same stage with such stars as Valery Meladze (“In spite of”), Sofia Rotaru (“I loved him”), Verka Serduchka (“I didn’t understand”) and many other pop artists .

Eva Bushmina and Sofia Rottaru - “I loved him” (2009)

The singer won the love of the audience by performing the compositions “Painful or Sweet”, “Stop”, “Beyond the River”, “Mysticism”. On reporting concert show her performance in a duet with Latvian singer Stas Shurins with the driving song “Goodbye, Mom!” caused a real explosion of emotions and a flurry of applause. At the end of the show, she took fifth place. By the way, another future “Viagryanka” Santa Dimopoulos took part in the project, but she never made it to the finals.

In 2010, the aspiring artist, together with other talented graduates of the show, including Alexei Matias, who was dubbed an “angel” in the press after performing the song “Angels Don’t Die”, Odessa comedian Kolya Serga, owner of amazingly flexible vocals Erica, went on a tour of Ukraine. She then took part in final concerts and in the Superfinal of the TV show, which she left after receiving an offer from Konstantin Meladze to become a participant in “ VIA Gra"instead of Tatyana Kotova.

Eva Bushmina and VIA Gra

At the end of March 2010, the singer’s debut performance took place in the “Evening Quarter” program as part of one of the most popular Ukrainian groups. In April, a video was released for the song “Get Out!”, followed by a tour of Ukrainian cities called “VIA-Grafia”. In September of the same year, the team, the relationships within which were quite complex, presented a new composition “A Day Without You”, and in October - a video clip.

At the enchanting anniversary concert dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the group and held in November in the Kiev palace “Ukraine”, the former and current sexy soloists of “VIA Gra” hugged and kissed on stage, and behind the scenes they did not hide their negative attitude towards each other. So, according to some media reports, at a rehearsal Meikher called Bushmina a “shitty ballerina” after the girl demonstrated several dance moves. Although it was possible that this was said as a joke, because Eva herself later noted that she saw off Nadya, who left the team in November 2011 due to pregnancy, literally with tears in her eyes.

"VIA Gra" - "Get out!" (2010)

In 2010, Life-Star magazine included the singer in the “Top 10 Discoveries of the Year.” Then, having starred in several candid photo shoots and demonstrating her slender figure, the performer took fourth position in the “Sex Symbol of Ukraine” rating from the BLIK publication.

In 2012, another VIA Gra video for the song “Hello, Mom!” was released. Then the artist, together with Max Barskikh, Erika, Stas Shurins and the group “DiO.films” (Dantes and Oleynik) took part in the duel Ukrainian factories against the Russians “Star Factory: Russia – Ukraine”, missing several performances of his team. In December of the same year, the collapse of VIA Gra was announced.

Solo career

At the beginning of 2013, the ex-Viagra woman began solo career, presenting the hit “By Myself,” which personified a new milestone in her work, and a video clip in which the singer meets the prince on a white horse. In July of the same year, the premiere of her composition “Summer for Rent” took place, where she sang the most wonderful time when everyone dreams of meeting true love.

In September, the singer pleased her fans with the single “Religion”. Filming of the same name music video were held in Lvov in black and white, allowing viewers to plunge into the world of experiences of its heroes - a young man and a girl who met on the station platform.

Eva Bushmina – “Religion” (2013)

At the end of the year, the artist shone on the Ukrainian television show of transformations “Yak dvi krapli”. Together with other participants - Olya Polyakova, Irina Rosenfeld, Alina Grosu, EL Kravchuk, Fagot, Dantes, Natalya Mogilevskaya, Valery Kharchyshin and Vasily Bondarchuk - she very believably, brightly and artistically played the role of show business stars. Among others, she embodied the image of Adele, Rihanna, Lara Fabian and even Michael Jackson and Mikhail Boyarsky, heroically imitating the hoarseness of a musketeer's voice.

In April 2014, the vocalist presented her next video work for the composition “#kakvoda” (“Like Water”), made in Spain in partnership with Ukrainian video director Tanya Muinho. This composition was created especially for the singer by the talented participant of “Voice of the Country” Rozhden Anusi.

Eva Bumshina – “Like Water” (2014)

In September of the same year, she presented the video “Cannot be Changed”, the creator of which was again Muinho, and the author of the music was Born Anousi.

In 2015, the singer presented a new extraordinary sound, “Not a Crime,” created by Rozhen Anusi in a unique style. He declares the idea that no matter how difficult it is to love a person without reciprocity, you still cannot go against your heart, since going against it means destroying yourself.

Personal life of Eva Bushmina

The singer is married to Dmitry Lanov, a businessman, the son of Ukrainian politician and former minister Vladimir Timofeevich Lanov. Their wedding celebration took place in September 2012 in Koncha-Zaspa, Nastya Kamenskikh was the witness. For the sake of the beautiful blonde, Dmitry divorced his first wife.

The vocalist has repeatedly named Michael Jackson and Beyoncé as her favorite performers. She enjoys wakeboarding, windsurfing, horseback riding, cycling, yoga, swimming and has even completed two parachute buckles (with an instructor).

Eva Bushmina now

In 2016, the vocalist, after a creative rebranding under the name Layah, which means “dissolution” in ancient Indian Sanskrit, presented the public with a sensual video clip from Tanya Muinho for the song “Shadows”, written by Rozhen Anusi. Its filming took place on the roof of an old Odessa house.

During this period she took part in social project brand Nika Medisan with the support World Fund WWF environmental protection team, performing together with Rudolf Krajewski, founder of the Vegano Hooligano fast food chain, in the short film “Swallow the Dust”.

"Swallow the Dust" (2016)

In September, she presented her first studio disc, “Layah,” the author of all eleven tracks of which was Rozhen Anousi. In support of it, a video was released for the song “Weightless,” filmed in Spain. The following month, the artist released the album, adding four new compositions. Its presentation took place in December at the Bel’etage nightclub in the Ukrainian capital. Released a month earlier new clip ex-Viagryanka “Betrayed”, which tells about devotion and betrayal.

Layah – “Betrayed” (2016)

In 2017, Layah presented to fans candid photo shoot and a new video for the song “Don’t Hide,” created in Los Angeles, a city where, according to the singer, “you want to create without wasting a second.”