I dreamed about my own daughter - we interpret it according to different dream books. “Dream Interpretation Losing a Daughter dreamed of why in a dream Losing a Daughter

Losing a child in a dream is an unfavorable sign. If a person lost his child in a dream, then he needs to prepare for great disappointments. Plans in which he is confident will fail miserably, so there is no point in hoping for success.

What if you dream about losing a child?

If a man has a dream in which he loses a child, this means that soon this will result in financial losses and costs for him.

If a pregnant woman had a dream in which she lost her baby, then this may mean a reflection of her fears and self-doubt. In this case, you need to try to calm down, since the dream does not mean any bad omens, it’s just a dream.

Losing someone else’s child in a dream means that soon your relatives will have difficulties and problems with their children.

If a person has lost a child in a dream and is trying to find him, then this means that he wants but cannot yet find meaning and hope in his life, also loss in a dream can mean a lack of something in reality. Therefore, it is recommended to think and understand what a person lacks.

Why in a dream you dream of losing a child, and not your own, this means that you need to treat your loved ones with more interest and warmth. If the loss of a child ends happily, that is, he is found, this means that good times will come in life, problems will be resolved and the person will gain meaning in his life.

When a pregnant woman sees a specific person in a dream, or he is familiar to her, and at the same time he steals a child, this speaks of her fear, the fear that she will not be able to become a good mother for her child. There is no need to worry about this dream, it does not carry anything bad in itself, you should just try to calm down and everything will work out.

What does it portend?

If a person dreams that he has lost a newborn baby, then this portends that soon life will pose before him intractable questions about the meaning of life, good and evil. Usually about like a dream Don't worry too much, everything will work out on its own.

If a person without children sees the loss of a child in a dream, it foretells that he will have great troubles, but there is no need to worry about it.

Losing your daughter in a dream due to death foreshadows that you will soon have to pay off your bills, moreover, under the guise and on the basis of a court decision.

A dream in which a person dreams that a person has lost his own child foreshadows the emergence of danger, which is why it is extremely necessary to be careful in absolutely everything, as this is fraught with losses in reality of loved ones or relatives.

In most cases, a dream always foreshadows something and tries to warn a person about some events or moments that will soon happen in his life. That is why the important meaning in any dream is its correct interpretation in order to warn both yourself and loved ones. The main thing to distinguish prophetic dream from the meaningless.

Our experts will help you find out what it means to dream about losing your daughter in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw it in a dream this symbol. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    My daughter and I walked along the road, along the outskirts of the village, where right side There were areas that were not fenced, such as vegetable gardens. There were no houses there. And there were no people either. I needed to go home for something. I didn’t have the keys, but I thought that there might be someone from whom I could take the keys and go home. There was no certainty about this. But I decided to quickly go and return, leaving my daughter near these vegetable gardens. When I left, I thought that I should have taken my daughter with me. Arriving at the house, I could not get there and began to return back to the place where I left my daughter. For some reason, it was necessary to make a detour: go far ahead, and then turn in the opposite direction onto the road that led to these vegetable gardens. I couldn’t go directly onto this road, because I had to go through a field where there was clay, black soil, and I would simply get stuck in this mud. When I reached the gardens, I didn’t see my daughter there. She began to run, search, cry, shout her name, mentally reproaching herself for leaving her. And so crying, calling her, I woke up. I felt anxious in my soul... I wanted to fall asleep again to find her. But when I woke up, I realized that it was a dream. I wanted to call my daughter to find out how she was, but it was early in the morning... I called in the afternoon, in the afternoon.

    I dreamed that I was tricked out of the train and I understood that I would not be able to catch up with the moving train, but when I ran, I easily caught up and jumped in the doorway as I went plump woman in white and didn’t let me through, but I pushed her away by force, and at the end of the dream I got home and was overcome by fear - my daughter wasn’t there, because I seemed to have forgotten about her for a while and started looking for her and woke up

    good afternoon. Please help me interpret my dream. I dreamed that I lost my newborn daughter in the maternity hospital, but it’s like “behind the scenes”, not in the foreground, but basically what I found a month later, holding her in my hands. She is healthy, plump, in a beautiful blanket, almost as tall as a one-year-old child. looks at me, smiles and doesn’t cry at all. And then I thought that she was hungry and offered her my breast. She took it, and as if in reality I experienced this feeling again) and also a feeling of great, great joy that I found her.. Not the first I once saw a dream involving a baby girl, as if I was pregnant with a daughter or giving birth to her. But I never had a daughter, I have a son. What does this mean?

    I dreamed of a little daughter in a stroller. we went for a walk with me, there were two more of my older children, I go into the store and the children with the stroller remain on the street, I go out and my daughter is not in the stroller, we start looking but don’t find her. but I don't have children

    I found out that my daughter was lost and my husband and I began to look for her everywhere, there were tall multi-story buildings in a circle, then I ran to the tram tracks, rode onto the trams, but my husband was not with me, there was another little girl and somehow she was also my daughter, she searched with me, although in real life I have one daughter, then she and I ran into the building, it was beautiful from the inside, we wanted to take the elevator to go up, but it seemed shaky to me, we ran to another elevator, it was small like a box, I put this little girl in there 5 years old, but she was afraid, and ran to the top along the wide marble staircases to look for her daughter, then she climbed to the very top and woke up, but she never found her daughter.

    Me, my husband and eldest daughter we are in our at home, and the youngest my daughter is walking in the yard. Then I see that the gate is open and the little ones are nowhere to be seen, I start shouting at my eldest daughter, she is indifferent and my husband does not react. I choose outside the gate, there are girls of 9-10 years old playing, there are sleds and ours too. I ask them if they have seen Are they the baby and together we begin to look for her. I’m running down the street, I’m already choking on roars and for some reason they react to the red color, as if she was wearing something red. I woke up in horror. It was a daytime dream on Monday (today)

    I dreamed that instead of some girl, my 13-year-old daughter was kidnapped, I looked for her and couldn’t find her, then I met a man who wants to marry me and his mother received me at a table with several tori

    my mother had a dream in which my daughter first tried to go into one water and my mother took me then into another and then we ended up in some kind of workshop and I disappeared somewhere and my mother woke up from calling me

    I dreamed that I lost my daughter, ran around in a panic looking for her, and then some people returned her to me. My daughter is 4 years old. I also dreamed that I fought very hard with my son, he is 14 years old. He just attacked me with hatred.

    We were traveling on the train with my daughter, she was five years old. There was a stop and we got out to get something to eat.. I discovered that my daughter was not around, I started looking for ways to travel further together. Then I realized that my daughter got on the train alone and left without me.. I started to get terrified. rush around and get ready to board the next train and go after her, but in the confusion I was again six minutes late... because the departure time was 8-16. and I saw on the dial of my watch 8-22... from the understanding that I had missed the chance to find my daughter and the realization that I would never find her again, because someone would steal her, caused me great pain. I cried and lamented to God why he did this to me. Then I have to tell you that you have another daughter, she is now 6 months old. I said yes, I feel sorry for my child, but I couldn’t console myself with the realization of the loss of my eldest. Such a HUGE pain filled my soul. I woke up and cried and prayed to God to leave me my children, because I don’t want and can’t survive that horror in reality.

    I, my husband and our 2 daughters were walking through a zoo - it was long, narrow and in labyrinths. I was holding the youngest daughter’s hand, my husband was holding the eldest, and they followed me, then I turned and saw that the eldest daughter was missing... they started looking and found it right away, at that moment I literally let go of the youngest daughter’s hand for a minute and she disappeared. we ran around looking for her, she was called by name, but we couldn’t find her... I don’t know if we found her or not - I woke up.

    We were walking along the path with a friend and daughter, we see how a wave is approaching, covering us without destroying or damaging anything much... then we see how in the distance there are whirlpools of water but do not move. Then I understand that my daughter is missing and I ask my friend to start her look to contact the police and she is trying to drag me to another place... I didn’t see the daughter herself in the dream, only sensations

Did you dream that your daughter suddenly disappeared? Get ready for troubles and troubles. Especially if you were unable to find it in a dream. Why else do you dream about this creepy dream plot? The dream book will explain its meaning and tell about various options interpretations.

How to interpret?

Did you dream that your daughter was missing, but you found her? An unfortunate incident is coming, which will later turn into a pleasant surprise.

More exact interpretation the dream will be given by accompanying details, namely: who helped in the search, how and where they were found, what they felt, what condition the girl was in, etc.

The dream book reminds you: in some cases, the plot is completely unrelated to loved ones, but only reflects in a dream a certain area of ​​life in which you experience particular uncertainty.

Miller's interpretation

Did you happen to see how you were knocked down trying to find your missing daughter? Miller's dream book warns: in real life you will be offered to participate in a dubious scam, which can equally bring both enormous profits and serious problems, including the loss of freedom.

Hold on!

A similar plot reflects in a dream a parent’s feelings about the fate of his own child. But sometimes it also marks the emotional state of the dreamer himself.

I dreamed that in big city missing daughter? In reality, this means that the desired goal will be achieved only after overcoming many obstacles and hardships.

Everything will work out!

Did you see that you were looking for your missing daughter in a dream? In reality you will receive a very sad message.

Why dream if the girl turned up alive and unharmed? The difficulties that have befallen you are temporary. The dream book is confident that the dark streak will soon end and everything will get better.

Decoding the place

To find out exactly why you dream that your daughter has disappeared, the dream book recommends establishing the place where this happened.

  • In the labyrinth there is hiding a secret, a financial trap.
  • In the house, rooms, corridors - soul searching, uncertainty.
  • On the street, in the city - loneliness, mistrust.
  • In a vacant lot - fear, defenselessness.
  • In the forest - doubts, indecision.
  • In the swamp - illness, trouble.
  • In the fog - hurry up with a choice or decision.
  • There is danger in the crowd, an important event.

Found it or not?

Did you dream that your daughter disappeared? The dream book promises in reality tears, worries, failures, losses and separation.

If the daughter is actually healthy, then she will have an unpleasant adventure; if she is sick, then the vision warns of a deterioration in her health, even death.

Did you dream that your daughter disappeared? The dream book promises in reality tears, worries, failures, losses and separation.

If the daughter is actually healthy, then she will have an unpleasant adventure; if she is sick, then the vision warns of a deterioration in her health, even death.

Are you sure?

Why do you dream if your daughter disappeared and never appeared again in the night? Unsuccessful searches most often symbolize heartache. So, to see that your daughter has disappeared literally means: a long depression awaits you as a result of some unpleasant event.

The dream book believes that the time has come to understand what you really want from life. And how effectively are you achieving your goal? If the phenomenon in question comes regularly in a dream, then it is worth thinking about the correctness of the chosen path or behavior.

Dreams about children reflect our worries about them. But there are other interpretations of similar dreams. We find out why our daughter dreams from the most famous dream books.

Why does a daughter dream according to the family dream book?

For a mother, a dream about her daughter foreshadows the imminent acquisition of news about her or from herself. The news will not be very happy: most likely, they will be associated with troubles, troubles or grief.

If a mother accidentally meets her daughter in a dream, then her family will experience unexpected events. Giving birth to a daughter in a dream means physical losses due to improper or careless handling of money.

Why do you dream of a daughter on her deathbed? The dream foreshadows a court verdict in some unpleasant matter. The dreamer will have to fully answer for something and pay the bills presented.

Treating your daughter with disregard in a dream means impending troubles. Later in dreams, you need to try to take a philosophical approach to troubles, squabbles, and financial tasks.

Why do you dream of a daughter according to Freud’s dream book?

A man who dreams of his own daughter in reality experiences a lack of attention from his husband or mistress. The dreamer requires a different level of relationship - more confidential. Another interpretation of such a dream is boredom for unfulfilled sexual desires.

A woman’s dream about her daughter signifies her desire to hide behind her partner from everyday troubles, to feel like a child under the protection of an adult.

Why do you dream of a daughter according to Miller’s dream book?

A dream about a daughter has a double interpretation according to this dream book. On the one hand, some kind of trouble awaits the dreamer. On the other hand, it is precisely this that in the final conclusion will turn into pleasure, the achievement of harmony.

To dream that your daughter treats you carelessly or sloppily is a sign of trouble. Why do you dream about your daughter, who was already an adult a long time ago, and is tiny again? To an acceptable quarrel with her, reproaches because of childhood grievances. Quarreling with your daughter in a dream means being dissatisfied with her real behavior. If a daughter attacked her parent with a knife, then in reality she will face dishonor and shame. Everything will turn out extremely badly if she was able to injure her mother or father to the point of bleeding.

To beat your daughter means to give up part of your energy for the sake of her well-being, to sacrifice for her something very important in your life. If a father sees how he kills his daughter with his own hands, then in reality he will stand up for her in a very difficult and even dangerous situation. Most likely, everyone will have to involve authoritative people to resolve the problem. The same interpretation has a dream in which you hear your daughter calling you.

Seeing your daughter die is a harbinger of financial ruin or the onset of a long and unexpected lack of money. Crying in a dream because of the death of a daughter who is actually alive means hard times in her life. It is possible that her life will soon come to grief. Seeing your daughter drown is a bad sign. The dream means that in real life she may find herself in crappy company and do a lot of nonsense. Seeing your daughter sick means a difficult conversation with her, one that awaits the dreamer in the near future.

Seeing your daughter pregnant means that she has a lot of problems that you don’t know about. Try talking to her. Perhaps this will make her situation easier, and it will help you save your power for your daughter’s life and truly help her.

A dream about a daughter, who actually does not exist, is a dream of a glorious romantic acquaintance. It will definitely continue.

It’s bad to see in a dream how you are looking and cannot find your daughter. This is a stern warning about the intrigues that your enemies have started, or about the troubles that someone is preparing for your child. According to another interpretation, the daughter will sooner or later move to live in another city.

Why does a daughter dream according to Vanga’s dream book?

If the dreamer dreams of a daughter, then after waking up he will become a participant in delightful, breathtaking adventures. They will be both extremely nice and trashy. Consequently, after awakening, it is necessary to prepare in the soul for any development of events.

Why do you dream of a happy, smiling, joyful daughter? Such a dream is definitely a sign of good luck, a joyful event, a sensation. All plans will come true, all wishes will come true.

If you dreamed of a daughter in the form of a newborn, but in fact she had already grown up a long time ago, then in reality the dreamer will experience happy, delightful events that will have a fateful significance.

Why do you dream about your daughter according to Longo’s dream book?

This interpreter gives dreams about a daughter family significance. It doesn’t matter whether mother or father dreams of a daughter. In any case, a dream is a symbol of kinship, family ties, a prediction that it is this side of the relationship that will have to be given increased attention in the near future.

None special significance there is no sleep only if the daughter separated from her mother’s family a long time ago, lives separately, independently, or even far away. The dream reflects the parents’ worries about their child, the desire to see and find out news. Occasionally such a dream foreshadows an imminent meeting.

Why do you dream of a daughter who lives in the same apartment with her parents? But this dream is unfavorable. It is possible that she faces a serious threat.

Why do you dream about your daughter according to Hasse’s dream book?

The daughter dreams of guardianship, troubles, and an abundance of everyday affairs. This interpretation is given by the dream book to the image of a daughter. If she has already grown up a long time ago, but in a dream you see her as a child or a baby, then in real life your daughter has a lot of tasks, the roots of which must be sought in her childhood. Perhaps the time has come to have a heart-to-heart talk in order to allow some of the children’s objections and questions to arise.

Seeing your daughter roar is a very good dream. It means that in reality everything is fine with your child, great fun and real bliss await her.

Why do you dream about a deceased daughter? Such a dream is not good. More often than not, it predicts to the dreamer a lot of problems that should have been solved long ago. Soon he will have to listen to many reproaches or be punished for some sin that occurred in the distant past.

Seeing the deceased daughter the other day parent's Saturday- a direct indication that it is necessary to remember her, read prayers, or order a magpie for the deceased.

Why do you dream about your daughter according to Loff’s dream book?

A dream about daughters is interpreted by the dream book as a manifestation of a relationship of dependence. If a girl dreams of being tiny, but has long ago become an adult, then her parents are tormented by the thought of gaps in her upbringing. It is possible that they did not give her anything very significant in childhood, and now it is difficult for her daughter to build relationships with people.

A dream about a daughter's funeral is a reflection of experiences associated with the alienation of mature children from their parents' home. This dream does not carry any special meaning, but predicts a weakening of the power of parental authority.

Hearing in a dream about the death of your daughter, but then meeting her alive and well is a warning dream. Parents need to pay attention to their daughter's behavior. It is possible that she considers herself an adult, but in fact she is still very vulnerable and dependent on her elders. This may push her to make mistakes in behavior.

Seeing in a dream the grave of your own daughter, who is alive and well in reality, is a symbol of a perfectly broken relationship with her. The dream suggests that every chance must be taken to improve family ties.

If a daughter is pregnant in a dream, then she is threatened with need or life’s hardships. A dream in which a daughter gave birth to a child has a similar meaning.

Why does a daughter dream according to the modern dream book?

If married man sees that he has a daughter, then in reality he will face most guardianships and even troubles. He will have to heroically endure a period of stress.

For a pregnant woman, a dream about the birth of a daughter is a signal to be more observant about her lifestyle, and exclusively nutrition. It's possible that you are doing something wrong.

If in a dream you kiss your daughter, then in reality carefully take a closer look at her behavior. It can present unexpected surprises, and unpleasant ones at that. Acceptable tasks.

Seeing a groom woo your daughter is bad. Such a dream foreshadows her long loneliness. Finding her soul mate in real life will be very difficult for her. But seeing your daughter crying is the opposite sign. After such a dream, you need to prepare for the wedding. In each case, you may have a son-in-law very soon.

Seeing your daughter in mourning is a harbinger of her imminent illness. The dream may warn of a tragic event that may happen to her in the near future. However, if black dress was not mourning, but rather evening, then this is a symbol of the rich, sophisticated life of your daughter in reality.

If a mother sees her adult daughter as a baby, then very soon she will be babysitting her grandchildren.

Home » Good to know" I dreamed about my little daughter. Why do you dream about losing your daughter - interpretation of sleep from dream books

A dream in which you lose a child, be it a grown-up baby or an unborn baby in the womb, makes you nervous. Of course, because the emotions of loss loved one, your own blood, always goes off scale. Usually, the interpretation of such dreams, in which there is a place for the loss of something or someone, is associated with the fact that in reality the person has some real losses. Most likely, such a dream is a sign that the meaning of life has been lost or hope has been lost.

Boy holding onto his mother — Image by © Royalty-Free/Corbis

Losing a child in a dream: what does it mean?

Depending on whether you were able to find the child in a dream or lost him completely, this dream is interpreted. If everything ends happily, then a favorable period will come in real life. This also means that the meaning of the events taking place will come to you.

Losing a child in a pregnant woman’s waking dream is not rare occurrence. It just so happens that pregnant women are too suspicious and unsure of their abilities. Under a strong impression, a pregnant woman may dream that a child has disappeared in a dream, this is a reflection of the fact that expectant mother obsessed with fear, she is not sure that she will cope with her future role and become a good parent. In this case, you will need the support of a partner.

To dream of being pregnant and losing a child or watching someone take a child away immediately after birth is again a sign of the fears of the expectant mother, her fear that she will not be able to become an authority for her children.

If in once again I dreamed that my child was missing, there is no need to despair and panic. Take a careful look at your life, do you enjoy everyday little things or have you lost the taste for life? Perhaps this dream will force you to abandon everyday routines and try to switch your attention to more interesting things, take up a hobby.

Losing your child in a dream almost always means future disappointment. At the same time, than younger child, the more likely it is that disappointment will come from a close relative.

Dream Interpretation: losing a child on the street

If a child is lost on the street in a dream, then in reality you may experience a disruption to planned events. In this case, it will be you or one of your blood relatives that will cause the collapse of your plans.

If you dreamed that a child had disappeared, and you were frantically looking for him all over the street and at the same time very worried, then your plans in reality will be disrupted, and your finances will suffer.

Did you dream that you lost your son or daughter? If in reality you have problems in relationships with children, then this dream is a projection of your complexes.

Why do you dream of losing your child?

Very often, the plot of a dream in which a child or children are lost continues for a very long time. At the same time, the sleeping person begins to make attempts to find his child, ask the people around him if they have seen his son or daughter. In fact, such a dream means that a person has long been looking for himself, his meaning in life or purpose.

Why dream about a child going missing: Miller’s dream book

In Miller's dream book there is an interpretation of a dream in which you lose a child. The psychologist says that this is a sign of loss of happiness. Such a dream will not bring anything good, but will only be the beginning of a prolonged depression.

Losing a child in the womb in a dream: what does it mean?

Having opened a modern online dream book, you will find out why a pregnant woman dreams of losing a child in a dream. An abortion or miscarriage in a dream is a true sign that in real life a girl is experiencing resentment and disappointment. She's lonely and worried better times. For a girl who is not pregnant in reality, to see a dream in which she loses a baby from the womb only means that there will soon be a place for betrayal or deception in her life. For a pregnant girl, such a dream means that she needs to be more attentive to her health.

Why do you dream about a child going missing in a dream? Vanga’s dream book

Vanga said that the mother might have a dream that the child was lost and could not be found. The image of the child may be clear or vague, but you need to listen to your feelings. The child symbolizes hope and meaning in this dream. Therefore, if you have lost it, then in reality you also have no meaning and hope. The Bulgarian clairvoyant insisted that after such a dream, a person should look more carefully at his relatives, perhaps they are infringing on him.