A dead person dreams of being dead. Interpretation of why a loved one dreams of being dead. Dream book data: to dream that a living person is dead

Seeing a living person dead in a dream- a terrible, frightening event. Why does a living person dream of being dead? What does such a dream mean?

Dreamers often panic after such dreams, they predict illness or even a quick death for relatives, they prepare mourning clothes prematurely and do not at all assume that in fact such a dream is interpreted completely differently.

Let's try to figure out why a living person dreams of a dead person?

Death of a living person in a dream- a harbinger of changes in the life of the dreamer or the “dead”. In itself, such an event as death foreshadows the abandonment of the old and boring in favor of the new, hitherto unknown and untested.

The dreamer may expect to move to another city or even another country, change his activity to a completely opposite one, meet a person short time occupying an important place in his life, or simply a reshuffling of priorities.

He may quickly lose faith in the principles he adhered to throughout life. His religious views may also change: his faith will become doubtful and shaky, or, on the contrary, very strong.

Changes can affect not only the dreamer’s life, but also the life of the “dead” in a dream. The dreamer can become the cause of change or simply be nearby at a certain moment, involuntarily finding himself in the center of events.

The death of a living person also indicates a change in relationship with him. The dreamer should analyze his attitude towards the “dead”: perhaps in Lately he shows aggression, envy or other negative feelings.

It is important to moderate your ardor in time to avoid scandals and conflicts.

Receive news of the death of a living person- also a harbinger of changes in the dreamer’s life, but not as radical as if he himself witnesses death.

A dream in which a living person dies can also serve as a warning. It is possible that someone from the close circle of the “deceased” wishes him harm, plots, puts a spoke in his wheels.

In this case, the “deceased” person is really in danger, but not physically., as the danger of death or illness, and financial or spiritual - the danger of losing a large sum or experience an unpleasant event.

Who died?

If a living close relative of the dreamer appears in the role of the deceased, in reality, a long and happy life awaits him, financial prosperity And good health.

The death of a close relative who is actually alive most often serves as a warning, a condemnation of the dreamer’s lifestyle. He should be careful in his actions and statements.

If the dreamer's mother dies in a dream who is actually alive and well, such a dream foreshadows the emergence of problems and responsibilities.

For girls, such a dream promises a loss of support and patronage, the need to put men’s responsibilities on women’s shoulders. People who have children should give them maximum attention and care after such a dream.

If the dreamer's father dies in a dream, problems and failures will soon await him. The reason for this will be his own recklessness and unjustified risk.

It is believed that the appearance of a deceased person alive in a dream is a warning of danger to the sleeping person. But each dream book interprets such a plot in its own way. To correctly determine why a dead man dreams of being alive, you need to study several sources at once.

Why does a dead man dream - interpretation from dream books

IN Psychological dream book the dead man turns out to be a symbol of a new life period. Such a guest of night dreams suggests that the sleeper will be able to start everything with clean slate. Old relationships, views on life and, perhaps, even work will become a thing of the past. But you shouldn’t worry about this, because they will be replaced by new events.

Miller’s work notes that an obsessive, revived dead man, whom the dreamer wants to get rid of, is a sign that the person is greatly disturbed by events from the past. He really wants to free himself from old problems. We must decisively agree to such changes and begin to act. The first step is to mercilessly say goodbye to all the ghosts of the past. After this, the man or woman will feel significant relief.

IN Gypsy dream book it is said that to see oneself in the role of a living dead person is great sign. He suggests that in reality a person will have a long, happy life.

David Loff's dream book explains that the appearance of a revived deceased person visiting the dreamer speaks of longing for this person. Surely this is some deceased relative or friend. Perhaps it's time to remember the deceased or go to church.

Dreaming of dead relatives alive

Most often, sleepers of both sexes dream of deceased relatives alive. As noted above, such a plot of night visions is primarily explained by the fact that a man or woman cannot get used to living without people dear to their hearts. If a strong longing for the deceased has not left a person for several years, then it is worth turning to a psychologist for help. After all, it is impossible to be happy in such a state. And prolonged depression can lead to serious health problems.

Dream about sexual relations with a deceased person means longing for him, a desire to communicate on an incorporeal level, penetration into the world of the dead and staying in it.

If you see yourself with a person who was your blood relative, the dream symbolizes nostalgia for how you once were, longing for bygone years, for former spontaneity, liveliness of judgment and freshness of outlook on life.

If in a dream your partner is simply a former acquaintance, the dream means your subconscious desire to find out what death is, what the meaning of life is, what happens to a person after his soul departs to another world.

Through sexual communication, the dead give us some knowledge about the most significant issues of life and death. With the help of the bodily apparatus, as the most accessible to understanding of a living person, they are trying to convey to us something important, something that needs to be known, something that we strive for.

Another option for interpreting sleep: sterility of body and soul, inability to generate thoughts, create ideas, inability to have children (literally and figuratively).

Dreams about sex with long-dead people have been considered very bad sign for the dreamer. An example of this is the fate of the famous Roman commander Mark Antony. Just before his death, he saw in a dream that he was in a love affair with the ancestor of the Romans, Romulus. At this time, the commander was hiding from the troops of Octavian Augustus in Egypt. He took the dream as a warning about violent death and committed suicide by throwing himself on his sword.

Interpretation of dreams from the Intimate Dream Book

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Death in a dream cannot be regarded as a mortal threat or incurable disease person in real life. If a living person dreams of being dead, this is good sign, who prophesies longevity in reality for the deceased in a dream. For correct interpretation you need to take into account all the important details: who died, how it happened, emotions and actions, the situation in the dream. The death of loved ones reflects the dreamer's concern for their health.

Interpretation by popular dream books

Dream books interpret death in different ways:

  • Small Velesov dream book: longevity, happy life of a deceased person.
  • Dream book of the 21st century: serious problems in the dreamer’s life. For a person who died in a dream - good health, good luck in all endeavors.
  • French: see the living relative dead in the coffin - general malaise, infectious disease, loss of strength.
  • Medea's fortune teller: the beginning of a new life period, favorable events.
  • Loff's Dream Interpretation: the death of a lover symbolizes faded feelings, parting with this person. The death of a mother or father who is alive - anxiety for their well-being, strong feelings for their parents.
  • Interpreter Vanga: seeing a sick acquaintance or relative dead in a dream means facing blatant injustice in real life.
  • Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus: the death of a loved one in night dream- his success and prosperity in reality. If the dreamer witnessed a painful and long death, he will have to face a cruel and unprincipled person.
  • Fedorovskaya's predictor: the death of a person who is seriously ill means his speedy recovery. If you dreamed of a close friend or acquaintance who died, something will happen in the life of the sleeping person. significant event.
  • Autumn: resist emotional impulses, restrain your true emotions.
  • Summer: a surge of strength, energy, improved health.
  • Female: you should prepare for a difficult life test.
  • Freud's dream book: negative emotions, a feeling of disgust or great hostility towards the deceased in a dream.

If a friend died and then came to life again, a night dream promises an unexpected turn of events


To experience fear when seeing a close relative in a coffin is to be in confusion, to be in hopeless situation, avoid responsibility for actions committed. Joy is putting material values ​​above spiritual ones. Closed coffin symbolizes easy overcoming of obstacles and life's difficulties, open - the denial of obvious things.

Bury ex-lover- lose touch with the past. If a mother dreams of the death of her own child, this is a reflection of internal worries about the fate of her son or daughter.

The death of a close relative in a car accident - unexpected circumstances can take the dreamer by surprise. If the cause of death was a natural disaster - dramatic changes in personal relationships and professional activity deceased. Sudden death in a dream symbolizes peace of mind and harmony in the dreamer’s family. If a friend died in a night dream due to the fault of the sleeping person, the dreamer is tormented by doubts about his actions and a strong feeling of guilt for what he did.

A dream in which a dead person appears before the dreamer cannot be ignored under any circumstances. Such night vision carries important information. To interpret it correctly, you need to remember everything you saw in detail. Only after conducting a deep analysis should you turn to the dream book and find out why a dead person is dreaming.

A dream in which a dead person appears before the dreamer should under no circumstances be ignored

Seeing a dead person in a dream is quite creepy, but nevertheless such a dream does not foretell any trouble. The only exception can be the case when he takes the sleeping person by the hand and leads him along.

To understand the meaning of each individual nightmare, you need to take into account all the nuances:

  • in the house - life will be long and quite calm;
  • acting as a dead person yourself means happiness, longevity, a successful undertaking;
  • at the cemetery - good health;
  • the dead man came to life - love relationship will flare up with renewed vigor, it is possible to resume already abandoned cases and their successful completion;
  • in a coffin - soon something unusual will happen to the dreamer, illness is possible;
  • in water - problems that did not allow you to live in peace will soon disappear;
  • the deceased in the coffin turned out to be alive - you will have to face a problem whose solution seemed completed;
  • see the hand dead person– a person has to do something that he doesn’t like;
  • see only the head - careless and long life.

Dead man in the dream book (video)

Seeing a living person dead in a dream

It is generally accepted that seeing a healthy person dead in a dream is a good sign; he will live for a very long time. But in some situations, such night dreams can be taken literally. If in real life a person is very sick or already very old, then he may turn out to be prophetic. Sometimes, relatives see the death of a loved one in their dreams, and after a while this happens in reality, but this does not mean at all that death is inevitable.

It is generally accepted that seeing a healthy person dead in a dream is a good sign; he will live for a very long time

Depending on who the dreamer is with the person acting as the dead man, the meaning of the dreams may change:

  • familiar - in real life he will appear in a new light, his former authority will be lost;
  • the picky boss - the dreamer treats him with hostility, but due to circumstances is forced to restrain his emotions. It is recommended not to go into open conflict with him; it is still better not to demonstrate your emotions. Otherwise, many problems may arise;
  • stranger - the weather will change soon;
  • beloved - serious changes are coming in family life;
  • co-worker - changes are expected in the work environment.

If death in dreams overtakes a healthy and young man, then you should prepare for a lot of troubles. Serious conflicts and even separation cannot be ruled out. It is possible that the dreamed person behaves insincerely towards the dreamer. In addition, such night vision can promise news or profit. Life can change dramatically.

Why do dead people dream?

You should not perceive a dream in which you saw a dead person alive as something bad. It is these dreams that have special meaning. Often the development of the plot takes place in a room decorated in white tones. This could be a hospital ward, an operating room, or another room that can be easily recognized. Details in in this case no need to pay attention. The dream only indicates that the dreamer to this day cannot survive the bereavement.

Do not perceive a dream in which a dead person appears alive as something bad

If you happen to talk to the deceased on the phone, then it is very important to remember the entire conversation. All words spoken by the deceased must be taken literally. The meaning of everything that was voiced will be clear only when all the instructions without exception are fulfilled.

Only if the deceased takes the dreamer with him does the dream have a negative meaning. It is extremely important at this time to understand own life and improve your health.

Seeing a dead person in a dream who comes to life: what does it mean?

The meaning of dreams in which the dead suddenly come to life can vary. Many details are taken into account. Such night vision may portend problems in the family circle. You should take a close look at your loved ones; perhaps it will become clear where trouble can come from and try to prevent it.

The meaning of dreams in which the dead suddenly come to life can vary

There is no clear explanation for such dreams in dream books. Perhaps the person will make a hasty decision to get married. Family life It will be a torment for both spouses, the children will get sick very often.

Several more meanings can be identified if we take into account the details:

  • the revived dead man moves senselessly from place to place - the person whom the sleeping man has been looking for for a long time will soon be found. The lost item may also be found;
  • many dead people who have come back to life - a catastrophe on a global scale;
  • talking while lying in a coffin - joyful changes in life. Even the birth of a child is not excluded;
  • talking outside the coffin - soon you can expect unexpected guests;
  • it had to be revived - a long-standing problem, the solution of which had not been completed, would again make itself felt. Initially, the dreamer may panic, but he will collect his thoughts and be able to resolve the issue as soon as possible.

Why do you dream of dead acquaintances?

For correct interpretation night dreams, you need to remember the identity of the person who appeared in the dream in the form of a dead man. Most often it turns out to be someone you know; depending on who the dreamer is, the meaning of the dream can be different:

  • a person who is dead and in real life - you should be as careful as possible, fate is preparing new turn in life;
  • a child promises him a long life. If in this moment in reality he is overcome by illness, then complete recovery will soon come;
  • enemy - the enmity will soon end and be crowned with the dreamer’s victory;
  • animal - the emergence of problems that the sleeper will be able to cope with on his own, without resorting to the help of loved ones.

To correctly interpret night dreams, you need to remember the identity of the person who appeared in the dream in the form of a dead man.

If you often dream about dead people, what should you do?

For most people, the frequent appearance of dead people in dreams causes real fear. In fact, there is nothing sinister about this. If a recently deceased person is seen alive in dreams, this indicates that the dreamer cannot cope with a strong heartache because of such a great loss. The dreams will stop as soon as he comes to terms with this grief.

If in night visions a person appears who has died a long time ago, then it is extremely important to go to his grave to calm his soul. If he asks in dreams to give him something, then this thing or delicacy must be taken to the cemetery or given to the poor. It would be a good idea to order church service, but you can just light a candle in the church.

Dream Interpretation: dead man (video)

Naturally, dreams about the dead cause unpleasant, strange sensations. You subconsciously expect something bad from them. In fact, such dreams have a favorable meaning. For the dreamer himself, such a dream can mean a long and happy life. If in reality there were already dead people present in it, then it is worth listening to their words that were heard in the dream. Perhaps the secret lies in them, and with their help serious problems will be solved.

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