Diet and lifestyle of Svetlana Loboda: the secrets of the singer’s excellent shape. What is Svetlana Loboda's zodiac sign? Svetlana Loboda: biography, personal life, children, photo

I suffered a lot to show myself with the best side at Eurovision 2009. It's not just about rehearsals. The fact is that in the year preceding the festival, the singer gained significant weight, and many even began to laugh at her appearance. It’s no secret that there are strict laws in show business - just one kilogram can have a bad effect on your career. With Loboda’s height of 1.72 m, her weight did not exceed 50 kilograms, and then the scales “exceeded” 55. Probably, the stress and experiences of the qualifying rounds affected the body so much that it acted in self-defense and added kilograms “to the stash” . The savior for the young singer was... Verka Serduchka. In a situation where even colleagues began to hint to Loboda about her rounded forms, Andrei Danilko’s words had the most decisive effect.

At one of the “anti-crisis” speeches in Kyiv, in front of witnesses, I received a not-so-subtle hint from my colleague. Danilko delivered a touching speech in honor of the significance of Loboda’s speech at international festival, and, supposedly as a joke, issued a phrase in Ukrainian. Its meaning is approximately this: “Svetka will go to the competition and lose 12 kilos there, because Eurovision is such a blood donation!” The singer was shy, blushed, and upset, but by the end of the party she announced “on camera” that, of course, she was not in danger of anorexia. She further noted her endurance and good health, despite hours of rehearsals. But the most important thing is that her colleague’s phrase became an excellent motive stimulus for Svetlana. Considering that there was very little time left before Eurovision, Sveta took extreme measures. Training, as well as diet, helped little, and she hastily began using diuretics. Sources from her inner circle spoke about this in confidence. It is unknown what medications the singer took, but she came to Moscow in truly fighting shape. O. Petrova, a specialist at the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, commented on this situation. She noted that diuretics do help to quickly lose weight, but only due to fluid loss. But they do not solve the main problem - reducing body fat. Excessive consumption of such pills is not at all harmless. They should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor, because they are a medical product. Taking such drugs without indications leads to imbalance in the functioning of the body. And the duration of use leads to disruption of the natural functioning of the kidneys, nervous and cardiovascular systems.

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In 2017, Svetlana Loboda continues to amaze with her talents, but even more so – to delight her fans with her figure. When asked how the singer, designer and photography enthusiast manages to stay in shape, she often answered “diet and yoga.” And recently she gave a full interview, based on which it became clear what the main criteria for such a lifestyle are.

Self-care tricks from Svetlana

After the birth of her daughter, the singer gained weight, like all women who gave birth. But she managed to quickly return to her parameters - height 174 cm and weight 52 kg. This was largely influenced by habits developed over time, which she never changed.

  • Regular yoga classes, practice proper breathing;
  • giving up meat products and switching to a vegan diet;
  • active activities, be it dancing, cycling;
  • the use of natural-based masks. This is often traditional medicine;
  • regular muscle stretching;
  • contrast shower;
  • visiting spa treatments in the salon.

At the same time, you don’t have to give up sweets and tasty foods. You don't even have to go to the gym. The singer herself admitted that she rarely appears there, because fitness is alien to her.

Menu Basics

When approaching the preparation of her own menu, Loboda took into account factors such as:
calorie content of food.

  • The fewer calories the better;
  • refusal of meat. You can only eat fish, but in small quantities;
  • drinking liquid. It doesn't have to be plain water, it can be green tea.

Pay attention! At first, following such dietary rules is difficult. Willpower and motivation are important here, and when this becomes a habit, it will be easier to endure any diet.

Standard diet

When answering the question of how Svetlana managed to lose weight, it is necessary to talk about the diet that she follows every day.

Porridge, most often oatmeal, egg

A few fruits, occasionally bananas

Vegetable soup, vegetable salad

Afternoon snack
Fruit or vegetable juice

Vegetables prepared in different forms

The owner of the diet assures that adhering to such a nutritional system is not difficult. Perhaps this is explained by the singer’s busy schedule; she simply does not have time to spend a long time at the table.

Those who are just deciding to use this diet, but are afraid of not being able to stand it, are advised to take frequent walks on the fresh air. A visit to the park or just a walk along the nearest street helped keep me from eating too much. In addition, active movement promotes increased metabolism.
Thus, by observing nutritional standards and not abusing her body, the singer remains in shape.

She is loved, admired and amazed by her sex appeal and extravagance.

Height, weight, age of the singer. How old is Svetlana Loboda (singer)

Admirers of her talent want to know all the details about the famous artist and actress. Height, weight, age of Svetlana Loboda is not a secret behind seven seals. By her own admission, her height is 174 cm, but is that true? This question torments everyone: fans, journalists, and ill-wishers, the latter of whom insist that this fact is false. You can check it by comparing it with the height of a person whose authenticity no one doubts.

One of the photographs of the Viagra group shows the soloists standing next to each other - Svetlana Loboda and Nadezhda Granovskaya, whose height is 168 centimeters. Looking at the photo, you can be convinced of the veracity of the singer’s words, since in the picture she is not much taller than her friend.

The singer's weight is known with great accuracy. Most recently, a project with her participation took place on Ukrainian television, where the stars shared their secrets. During the project, Svetlana Loboda said that she had gained a little weight, her weight had increased from 49 to at the moment it is equal to 52 kg, which was confirmed during the tests.

The singer’s age is no secret to anyone. She doesn't rip it off. In addition, everyone knows her date of birth: October 18, 1982, therefore, in 2017 the singer will celebrate her anniversary. She will turn 35 years old, which, looking at her, one cannot say: she looks younger than her age.

Biography of Svetlana Loboda (singer)

The biography of Svetlana Loboda has no dark spots. It is common among show business stars.

The birth of Svetlana Sergeevna Loboda became a long-awaited event for her entire family. This happened in mid-October 1982 (18th), although she should have been born at the beginning. She spent early childhood in the capital of the Ukrainian SSR (Kyiv). Parents were far from playing music. But at the age of 3, they noticed the musical and creative talent of young Svetlana and took her to a special school to study piano. Later she began taking conducting and vocal classes.

Parents and friends were amazed at the talent of the young talent during the improvised home concerts she organized, during which she managed to receive standing ovations and every now and then hear exclamations: “Bravo! Bravissimo! Bis!"

After graduating from music and regular school, Svetlana decided to enter the Kyiv Variety and Circus Academy for pop-jazz vocal classes, where she entered without any problems. Soon the young student was invited to sing in the popular Ukrainian group “Cappuccino”. In just a few performances, Svetlana becomes popular, but suddenly the group folds its concert activities, so the decision was made to leave its composition. But according to the terms of the contract, she had to work in the group for two years. Here they tried to stop all the creative endeavors of the young singer. Not wanting to come to terms with this state of affairs, Loboda had to radically change her image in order to go on tour throughout Ukraine secretly from the production center, taking the creative pseudonym AlisiyaGorn. Here she gains invaluable creative experience.

2003 becomes a landmark year for the talented artist. She was taken for execution leading role in the Ukrainian musical "Equator". She, becoming the savage Miranda, caused a sensation with her performance. Thanks to this, “Equator” became incredibly popular. It was original, created by Ukrainian directors. In addition, general producer Alan Holley contributed to the success. Svetlana Loboda danced, wanting to seduce Miklouho-Maclay, one of the main characters. In 2004 Due to difficult economic conditions in Ukraine, the musical was closed.

At the same time, the singer organized the group “Ketch”. She thinks it through herself song repertoire, stage costumes that I had to sew myself. The group was invited to perform in one of the Ukrainian clubs during the New Year holidays. Here the young singer was noticed by the producer of the VIAGRA group, Dmitry Kostyuk, who invited her to a casting in his group.

The girl, without any doubt, went to the casting in mid-May 2004, where Konstantin Meladze selected her for his project. Svetlana became the leader, beating more than five hundred competitors and standing out with excellent vocal, choreographic and external abilities. This is how Svetlana Loboda managed to become a member of the cult group, which was VIA Gra.

Svetlana Loboda first appeared as a soloist of the group on Russian competition“Star Factory”, led by Igor Krutoy. The release of the first “Biology” video, in which she took part, was called by the public “a screening of the most erotic blockbuster.” With her participation, within a week, the entire repertoire of the group was rewritten, which included 21 songs. From now on, she begins to go on tour, participate in rehearsals and concerts.

But even then she begins to think about solo performances. The contract prescribed restrictions on the rights to improvisation and personal life. Producers expressed dissatisfaction due to excessive visibility and sociability with the media.

In November 2004, filming of “Sorochinskaya Fair” took place, which should be shown on screens in the post-Soviet space on new year holidays. Svetlana decided to leave VIAGRA and go on a free solo journey.

After rumors spread about the singer leaving the group and starting a solo career at the end of 2004. Through the media, the girl experiences psychological pressure from ill-wishers who talk about the agony of the singer and her imminent death as an artist. Close people have no doubt that she will achieve fame.

With an old acquaintance, musician Taras Demchuk, he writes a composition in a rock stele, called “Black and White Winter”. The famous music video director Alan Badoev starred in the video for this song. The video becomes the most shocking and erotic video filmed on the territory of Ukraine in 2004.

In 2005, the video for the song “I will forget you,” where Svetlana becomes a courtesan, became the winner of a video festival that took place in Portugal.

In 2005, the debut album “You Won’t Forget” causes a sensation among all fans and ill-wishers of Svetlana Loboda. She goes to chosen style, shocking and amazing everyone around. Soon the singer becomes a star, they talk about her as one of the brightest on the stage.

In 2006 A joint video with Nadezhda Meikher, “Black Angel,” is released, which raises both singers to unprecedented heights.

In addition to music lessons, the singer tries herself in different directions. It opens travel agency HappyVacations, an exhibition of our own photographs dedicated to India. She donates all the funds received from the implementation of these projects to orphans and young cancer patients.

After the release of the album “Macho”, Svetlana began to release her own designer clothes. In September 2008, the video “For What?” was shot, where the singer acted as a screenwriter and director.

From that time on, Loboda was offered to become the face of the company TM AxeJet on the territory of Ukraine, to which she agreed. At the end of autumn of the same year, Lyuboda began to issue new collection clothes.

Winter 2009 Svetlana submitted an application to participate in the Eurovision Song Contest 2009 with the single “BeMyValentine”, and on 02/8/2009. she won the final round for Ukraine. The song resonated in the hearts of the audience and the jury.

In May 2009 In the final performance at Eurovision 2009, Svetlana Loboda took 12th place. Throughout the summer, she tours European countries.

January 2010 becomes a milestone for her career: she comes out of depression, shocking the public with her weight of 98 kg. In the spring, the singer celebrates the 5th anniversary of her solo activity.

In 2012, the artist toured the United States.

In 2013, Svetlana Loboda received the title of “People’s Artist of Ukraine.”

At the end of 2014 The singer received a prestigious award for “Song of the Year 2014”, which was given for writing the single “Banned City”.

And in 2016 - the Golden Gramophone figurine in Moscow for the song “To hell with love.”

Today, the singer continues her creative activity, participating in various projects. She is as artistic, shocking and original as she was at the beginning of her career.

Personal life of Svetlana Loboda (singer)

The personal life of Svetlana Loboda seems like a Hollywood blockbuster. There is a place for dizzying success, high-profile romances, and media persecution. The personal life of Svetlana Loboda has always been a secret to others. She dated many men, but for a long time none of them managed to make her happy.

According to rumors, Spaniard Enrique Lopez, Mikhail Yasinsky, Alexander Shirkov (the last two were producers), and TV presenter Gennady Popenko are called her sexual partners.

In 2009, Svetlana became the lover of dancer Andrei Tsar. The meetings took place in secret from others; in 2010 they stopped hiding and began to live, without hiding from strangers, in a civil marriage. Soon the couple became the parents of a daughter named Gospel. Currently, the lovers have separated.

The press made attempts to connect the break with her husband with her new romance. Another dancer, Nazar Grabar, was named the singer’s new lover, but also Svetlana, and he denied this fact. Svetlana herself recently said in an interview that she is not dating anyone today, being in an active search.

The singer herself has said more than once that she is trying to follow the advice Alla Borisovna Pugacheva gave to her. If they don't talk about an artist, it means he's dead. The singer completely agrees with the words of the famous prima donna and tries to provoke rumors about various provocative stories with her participation.

For a long time, rumors were spread in the press about an unconventional relationship between Svetlana Loboda and Nadezhda Meikher. It seemed that the singers themselves were trying to add fuel to the fire, constantly appearing together in public and posting their photographs on the Internet in a provocative manner.

But now Nadezhda Meikher is in Russia, having married Valery Meladze, so these rumors have stopped appearing.

But on the other hand, every now and then rumors appear about the presence of connections with other girls, which the singer, although she does not confirm, does not deny.

Family of Svetlana Loboda (singer)

Svetlana Loboda's family is large. Svetlana is proud of her grandfather, Vasily Loboda, who worked for a long time as a policeman, then as an employee in the KGB. He has been abroad many times for work. In 1958 traveled to the island of Cuba, helping to develop the plans of Fidel Castro and Che Guevara to seize power and prepare a revolutionary uprising.

The singer claims that she took after her grandmother, Lyudmila Loboda, who worked as an opera singer.

Father and mother had nothing to do with creativity. Father, Sergei Vasilyevich Loboda (born 1957), worked for a long time at the plant. Nothing more is known about him.

Mother, Natalya Vasilievna Loboda, is an energy saving specialist. For a long time, my mother was constantly elected as a deputy to the Rada. But in 2016 she had to leave this post due to the good relationship between her daughter Svetlana and her family former president Yanukovych's Ukraine in the past. Members of the Right Sector blocked her activities in the Rada, which forced her to leave there and devote her time to raising her granddaughter.

In addition to Svetlana, the parents also raised their youngest daughter, Ksenia, born in 1992.

The singer remembers both her great-grandfather and great-grandmother, with whom she spent all the summer and autumn as a child. They lived in the small village of Lukashovka, which is located in the Circassian region. Young girl She was proud of her great-grandfather, who saved all the village residents by hiding grain from the Germans and distributing it to everyone in need.

Children of singer Svetlana Loboda

For a long time, many fans and journalists wondered, where are Svetlana Loboda’s children? She needs this information large number was secret for a while. The singer neither confirmed the rumors nor debunked them. And just recently, in 2015, she made a confession about children.

So far, Svetlana Loboda has only a daughter, named Evangelina. She was born in 2011 from Andrei Tsar. For a long time, the girl was hidden from the public eye and was raised by her grandparents. Most recently, Svetlana Loboda appeared with her daughter at a fashion show dedicated to children with cancer. Currently, every now and then Svetlana posts photographs of her daughter, telling interesting things about her.

Son of Svetlana Loboda (singer) - Sergei

For a long time, the singer said that the main dream of her life was to give birth to a son for her husband, Andrei Tsar. She dreamily said that she wanted to see a smaller copy of her beloved man.

At the moment, although the singer does not have a permanent partner, she has not stopped dreaming of a son. On Andrei Malakhov’s program “Let Them Talk,” Svetlana Loboda said that her most important desire at the moment is to raise a daughter and give birth to a husband from her beloved man, whom she is actively searching for.

Currently, the singer has a daughter, but plans to give birth to a son and name him in honor of her father - Sergei.

Daughter of Svetlana Loboda (singer) - Evangelina Tsar

The girl was born in 2011. For a long time, Svetlana Loboda hid her daughter from unauthorized persons, but in 2015 she showed the matured Evangelina to the public.

The girl was raised by her mother’s grandparents, but since 2016, the grown-up Eva has lived with her mother and dreams of becoming a figure skater, visiting a skating rink in Kyiv. Studying at school does not give her any difficulties. At first the girl looked like a boy, but now she begins to imitate her mother. The girl, according to her mother, is inquisitive and smart.

Evangelia loves classes in literature, mathematics, dance and song arts with playing the power drum.

The girl is very proud of her mother and dreams of becoming just like her. When meeting her, she is told that her mother is a great, rich and famous artist, whom she believes to be Svetlana Loboda.

The ex-husband of singer Svetlana Loboda is Andrei Tsar

Svetlana Loboda's husband, Andrei Tsar, was a civilian. He became the father of the singer’s daughter. It was Andrey who became the choreographer, taking part in the creation of all the artist’s videos.

Born in 1984. He participated in the work of the popular ballet “Freedom”, in collaboration with famous Ukrainian artists, in the filming of music videos and Russian stars stage. He considers his most important project to be collaboration with Dmitry Hvorostovsky.

He was a choreographer on the “Star Factory” project in Ukrainian.

Due to mutual misunderstanding, the couple separated in 2015, remaining friends. Andrey takes part in raising his daughter.

During its creative activity Svetlana changed dramatically several times, which gave the right to compare photos of Svetlana Loboda before and after plastic surgery. Singer fact surgical intervention there is no comment. Fans consider the fact to be real, comparing lips before and after possible plastic surgery. When comparing the nose, nothing indicates a radical solution to the issue. The same bend and hump.

Over time, she began to suspect that she often carries out plastic corrections that she needs to hide age-related changes. But the actress does not comment on these guesses in any way, which gives rise to even more assumptions and rumors.

Instagram and Wikipedia of singer Svetlana Loboda

Instagram and Wikipedia of Svetlana Loboda amazes with its popularity. Many residents of Russia, Ukraine and other countries who are fans of the singer’s work are regular visitors to her pages. The singer constantly shares news with fans, although hiding the details of her personal life.

On the artist’s Instagram page, she posts numerous photographs showing working moments of her creative activity, sometimes diluted with touching shots of her daughter.

Fans of the singer’s work, looking through her photographs, are amazed by her beauty, sex appeal and attractiveness. The singer herself points out the reason for this state of appearance in the use of taboos on drinking alcohol, daily fitness classes, as well as a special citrus secretion.

The actress has special feelings for yoga classes, learning from the best specialists That's why ancient occupation, including among the Hindus - its founders.

The girl is not afraid to gain weight. She loves tasty things, without trying to limit herself in anything. She loves Ukrainian cuisine including all kinds of sweets.

The actress loves it very much sports activities, but due to her busy schedule, she often replaces them with walking on a treadmill.

Svetlana Loboda loves films with the participation of Marilyn Monroe, who has become the model to which the singer strives. Currently, she is planning to make a film dedicated to this outstanding figure in world art.

Svetlana Loboda designs clothes, which are incredibly popular. If at first design changes concerned only T-shirts, then in 2017 it is possible to purchase a variety of types of clothing. There are representative offices of the singer in Moscow and Kyiv, from which you can order everything you need: from dresses to underwear.

In her house, the singer collects items of clothing that were important at any stage of her work.

The actress constantly participates in fundraising events for children with cancer.

She is fluent in English and Hindi. Dreams of learning to speak French, but now does not have free time for this.

Svetlana is an excellent painter and photographer, as the public recently discovered.

The outrageous singer Svetlana Loboda, whose biography has been associated with music since childhood, is one of the most bright stars stages in the post-Soviet space. She was a member of many groups, made a wonderful solo career, and later became involved in producing and design activities, without leaving the stage.

Childhood and youth

In 1982 (October 18), Svetlana Loboda was born in one of the maternity hospitals in Kyiv, whose biography is full of various events. From an early age the girl had a talent for music. Her parents sent her to music school for piano class. A few years later, Sveta mastered the art of vocal and conducting. First concerts future star arranged at home for the holidays.

  1. Father - Sergei Vasilyevich (an aircraft factory employee).
  2. Mom - Natalya Vasilievna (worked in an energy company).
  3. Grandmother - Lyudmila (opera singer).
  4. Grandfather - Vasily ( former employee KGB).
  5. Younger sister Ksenia.

Having received a good initial music education, Svetlana Loboda (Sveta’s biography as a professional singer began with the group “Cappuccino”) submits documents to the Variety and Circus Academy for the vocal department.

First steps on the stage

Participate in music group The singer became “Cappuccino” already in the initial year of a pop-vocal university. The team at that time was extremely popular in the singer’s homeland and had a lot of fans. However, the team soon falls into a creative crisis and stops touring.

Svetlana Loboda, whose biography confirms that she is an active person and thirsty for development, decides to leave the group. But this turned out to be not so easy to do due to the contract, which had not yet expired. Then the singer makes an original decision. She radically changes her image, comes up with the pseudonym Alicia Horn and, secretly from the producers, performs in nightclubs in the capital and country. This brings her not only precious stage experience, but also material bonuses. In 2003, the young artist auditioned for a role in the first Ukrainian-produced musical “Equator,” which subsequently became a wild success with audiences. She gets one of the main roles.

Project "Equator": before and after

Svetlana Loboda, a biography whose personal life is closely intertwined with show business, recalls that period as a period of life without prejudice and tension. Although the salary was ridiculous, it didn’t really upset anyone. The musical gradually fades into oblivion, after which the original project is closed.

Even during the era of the existence of “Equator”, the song and video clip “Black Angel” were released. Simultaneously with her work in the musical, the singer becomes a producer and soloist of the Ketch group, which she herself assembled. Her new team performs in popular clubs, and Sveta not only performs as a soloist, but also comes up with stage characters and selects the repertoire.

The era of "VIA Gra"

The charming singer Svetlana Loboda, whose biography says that the singer’s career was developing rapidly, in 2004 heard that a casting was being held in one of the cinemas to replace a member of the group “VIA Gra”. Thanks to her bright appearance, excellent vocal abilities and choreography, Sveta beats out more than five hundred applicants and becomes the soloist of a popular group.

The singer's debut performance as part of " VIA Gra"took place on the stage of the Russian concert" Star Factory from Igor Krutoy." The bold video for the song “Biology” remained the most erotic for a long time music video. In just a few days, the entire repertoire of the group, more than twenty songs, was rewritten. Then began endless rehearsal routines, tours, recordings and performances at concerts.

Leaving the team

Svetlana Loboda, photo, whose biography is presented in the article, continues to perform as a member of VIA Gra, constantly making plans for a solo career. She is contractually prohibited from improvising on concert programs, get married and become pregnant. The producers are very unhappy that the singer actively communicates with the press and becomes too noticeable a person.

After filming the New Year's musical parody “Sorochinskaya Fair”, the artist decides to leave the group, citing the fact that she wants to come up with something new herself, and not work for other people. This character trait was inherent in her since childhood. Sveta stated that she wants to write songs, actively develop, and engage in creativity to the fullest. From this period the individual ascent of the artist begins.

Start of a solo project

How did Svetlana Loboda start her solo career? Biography, personal life, photos only confirm the singer’s success. However, initially, after leaving the group, evil tongues predicted failures and setbacks. But her relatives and friends who believed in the artist’s success turned out to be right.

Sveta turns to her friend, excellent musician and arranger Taras Demchuk. Together they record the first song for the “solo album”. This dynamic and beautiful composition is called “Black and White Winter”. The video version of the song is being shot by famous video director Alan Badoev. Subsequently, the video received the status of the most shocking and erotic music video of 2004 in Ukraine. The video is also shown on Russian music channels. This is followed by the song “I will forget you” in a more lyrical performance. The video for it won first position in Portugal (category - “Foreign music videos”). At this point, Svetlana moves into the category of solo performers.

Project development

Svetlana Loboda, whose biography, height, weight, figure and expression has captivated millions of men, will soon release the controversial video “Black Angel”, in which her colleague Nadya Meikher (Granovskaya), an ex-member of VIA Gra, stars. For the sake of statistics, it is worth noting that Sveta’s height is 172 cm, and her weight is within 50 kg. Along with curvaceous and beautiful face this becomes a lethal “weapon” not only on stage, but also in real life.

At the same time, Sveta became the face of the Mac Coffee brand, starring in an advertisement where her humorous composition “Mishka is an ugly boy” is heard. In 2006, the artist hosted the music program “Showmania”, and a year later she became the co-host of the “Miss CIS” project. In addition, the singer opens her own tourism company. In the fall of 2007, a video work for the lyrical song “Happiness” was released. During the same period, Loboda organized an exhibition of his own photographs, which are dedicated to a trip to a beautiful and mysterious India. Proceeds from the event go to help orphans and children with cancer.

Own clothing brand

At the beginning of 2008, another video work called “Not Macho” was released. For filming, the singer herself creates an original T-shirt, which later became business card own clothing line. As the artist herself says, this idea arose spontaneously, but the result was a high-quality youth brand.

Six months later, Sveta is directing and preparing the script for a video for the song “For What?” The video was shot with funds received from the sale of the brand's launch collection F*ck The Macho. In early autumn 2008, the singer became the official representative of the Ax Jet brand. And seven months later she starred in an advertising campaign for the popular shoe company Beaver Boots. On her birthday Svetlana receives national award“Olympus” and an award in the “Original Stylistics” section for creative searches and the creation of an individual, unique image.

European competition scene

In 2009, the composition Be My Valentine, presented by Svetlana for the Ukrainian qualifying round of Eurovision 2009, wins the final, which gives the right to participate in the Eurovision contest. As the singer stated, participation in this event is very important for her. However, she wants to change the format, transforming it not into monotonous boring performances, but into a bright, interesting show. The artist is confident that a close-knit team of like-minded people will help her with this.

The video clip for the single Be My Valentine was recognized by the European media as the best among all Eurovision 2009 competition analogues. Taking into account the scale of the event, the singer initiates the creation of a social action against domestic violence, which attracts the attention of the general public to social problems. Patricia Kaas joins this project. In the Eurovision 2009 final, Loboda took twelfth position. In the summer of the same year, the artist organized a tour called “Anti-Crisis Girl” (in honor of the album of the same name) in European and post-Soviet countries.

Svetlana Loboda: biography, personal life, children, photo

The singer does not like to flaunt her personal life. It is known that Sveta had an affair with the Spaniard Enrique Lopez, presenter Gennady Popenko, producers M. Yasinsky and A. Shirkov. The latter even caused scandals involving bandits when he learned that Loboda was leaving him.

There were rumors about a relationship between Svetlana and Max Barskikh, but the singer categorically denies this information. At the end of 2009, the artist began an affair with Freedom ballet dancer Andrei Tsarev. For several months, the couple tried to keep their relationship secret, but they were constantly seen together at parties. In 2010, Loboda publicly announced her relationship with Tsarev. As a result, Andrei became the singer’s common-law spouse. On April 9, 2011, the young couple had a daughter, who was named Evangelina. Unfortunately, the union turned out to be weak, and in October 2014 the couple separated.

Svetlana Loboda, biography, personal life, whose children were kept out of the public domain for a long time, showed her daughter in public for the first time in the fall of 2015.

In conclusion

Now the singer performs under the new brand LOBODA. He continues to write and perform songs, shoot videos, and engage in commercial and production activities. One of her last songs and videos was the beautiful composition “Your Eyes.” Considering what creativity for the performer, we can say that the most interesting things are yet to come.

Everyone knows Svetlana Loboda - a singer who energizes the whole room, cool, fiery, bright... A chic outfit and bright makeup are the indispensable attributes of this popular performer. Very often, listening to the news, you can hear the name of this famous singer. Being very popular, Svetlana takes special care and diligence in her appearance. First of all, this includes a trip to a cosmetologist, a manicure-pedicure, and the necessary procedures for healthy hair, and it’s impossible to miss a jacuzzi with oils. Although in everyday life The singer practically does not use cosmetics. In the morning, Svetlana spends no more than 10 minutes to tidy up her appearance. Many Svetlana fans are interested in her attitude towards plastic surgery. So, in this matter Svetlana is quite conservative. She believes that every person has the right to undergo such an operation if he needs it. You need to live in harmony with yourself. As for Sveta herself, she never turned to plastic surgeons for help. Svetlana Loboda is happy with her appearance.

Svetlana's figure parameters are very close to ideal. After reading (Ukrainian news), I found out that they are 90-56-88. Huge number girls are ready to make any sacrifices and do anything to achieve such a figure. Let's find out what the owner of such a slender figure, Svetlana Loboda, does for this. As the performer states, her figure was inherited from her. Therefore, she doesn’t have to put in much effort. Slenderness is inherent in her by nature. Between you and me, Svetlana even stated that she wouldn’t mind gaining a few kilograms of weight. But the frantic pace, huge plans and constant work do not allow her to gain weight. It should be noted that Svetlana’s mother and grandmother are also very slender women. Today, Svetlana’s main dream is to take a vacation, relax and eat plenty of delicious food. Her responsible housekeeper makes sure that the singer eats regularly, who pampers her mistress with various delicacies. Svetlana admitted that her favorite dessert is tiramisu. Remember, fans of the work of this famous and talented singer. Tiramisu is the way to her heart. And don’t be afraid that this delicacy will ruin Svetlana’s figure. Sometimes she really wants to add a couple of kilograms, but the characteristics of her body do not allow her to achieve her plans. And she also loves Sveta fried potatoes, mushrooms, dumplings. This popular performer is not used to denying herself anything, even food. In addition, there is no silicone in Svetlana’s slender and luxurious figure. The performer’s entire connection with silicone lies in the inscription “No silicon” on her T-shirts from her own clothing collection.

A girl with a stunning appearance, Svetlana Loboda has never been to plastic surgeons, and therefore there is not a drop of silicone in her body - everything is natural, she does not mind eating desserts, and how does she manage to remain so slim, spectacular, attractive? The secret is simple. As Svetlana herself says - love! When there is a person next to you who loves you just like you, this is the best incentive to look your best. In order to relax and relieve the stress that has accumulated after difficult work, Svetlana Loboda loves to soak in the bath, listen beautiful music and read books. If you are interested in this popular performer, then read the news periodically, from which you will learn a lot of new things about her.