Pole exercises are an effective sports activity. Destroying myths about Pole Dance

Today we will talk about pole dancing - Pole Dance, because today it is one of the most relevant dance styles, and also about how pole dancing differs from pole dancing in strip clubs, because they are far from the same thing.

PoleDance is a dance performed on a pylon (steel pole), which combines elements of choreography, artistic gymnastics and acrobatics.

It does not require special physical training; all necessary skills and strength are acquired through systematic training.

Many people confuse it with striptease and female pole dancing in brothels, although there is nothing in common. “What about the pole?” you ask.

What is the difference between pole and pole dancing?

The pole or, more precisely, the pylon in Pole Dance is the main working element, it is a sports equipment on which all the tricks are performed. In striptease, the pole has more of a decorative role; the stripper spins around it, performing basic dance moves– there is no talk of any tricks or the active role of the “pylon”.

Striptease is a “freebie” and demonstrating oneself next to a pole. And Pole Dance is a physically challenging pole dance, more reminiscent of a strength sport. Do you now understand the main difference between pole and pole dancing?

In addition, women of all ages (children and adults, young girls and older women) practice pole dancing. Men, by the way, are no exception either - they dance on the pole, performing beautiful power elements of particular difficulty.

People usually go to Pole Dance because “I saw it at a friend’s beautiful photos, I want it too”, “I want to lose weight, I’ve tried everything”, “it’s so sexy”, “I want to tighten up my body” and for many more reasons - explainable and inexplicable.

Is Pole Dance a striptease?

Pole dancers are of course accused of resembling striptease not only because of the pole, but also because of open clothes in which the dance is performed. But even here there is little resemblance to striptease, because in Pole Dance it is simply necessary to keep some parts of the body open for the possibility of grip on the pole!

There is no debate about clothing in sports such as swimming, figure skating and tennis. It's the same principle here. But the controversy continues. Unfair, but true. Maybe this isn't so bad after all? As they say, black PR is also PR.

Types and varieties

Exists three main directions of Pole Dance:


They differ significantly from each other.

Exotic dance style

INExoticPoleDance choreography predominates over power elements in a ratio of approximately 70% to 30%, in addition to this, many dance elements are performed in the so-called stalls– i.e. on the floor.

Exotic is characterized by eroticism and plasticity of movements. But don't confuse Exotic with striptease! There is no undressing here; at competitions in this type of dance, a participant will be disqualified for nudity.

Art Pole Dance style

An art direction in pole dancing that is characterized by the most harmonious combination of choreography and power elements - approximately 50% to 50%.

Here the emphasis is on performance technique, the quality of tricks, and the performer’s costume. Pole Art is Pole Dance in its classical sense.

Sport/Fitness Pole Dance

Sport/Fitness is the most difficult direction in physical terms. Here, 70% is given to the quality and complexity of power elements. As the name implies, Sport is a sports direction of Pole Dance.

How does Pole Dance training work? First, be sure to warm up (warm up) to avoid injuries and sprains. This is a very important part of the workout, since a good warm-up makes the workout more fruitful and safe, prepares the muscles and ligaments for physical activity.

After this, you can begin performing simple Pole Dance elements on the pole and spins. Next, when the body is already sufficiently warmed up, a set of stretching exercises (both static and dynamic) is performed.

Flexibility is key to performing most pole dancing tricks, so stretching exercises are included in every workout, ideally performed both after the warm-up and after the workout itself.

After stretching, the actual strength training, on which elements on a pylon (pole) are practiced. Strength training requires a lot of physical energy, that's why it's strength training.

To perform complex tricks in pole dancing, a mat is provided (both literally and figuratively=). After the strength training is completed, the trainer conducts stretching and cool-down.

What are the advantages of Pole Dance over other types of dance? The main thing is that there is no place for boredom in Pole Dance. There are no boring learned movements here. Here you are constantly growing, learning more and more new tricks, from the simplest to the most complex - there is no limit to perfection.

You are always interested, because every workout is a victory over yourself in the literal sense! In Pole Dance training, you will be surprised at what your body can do, making sure you own experience is that a person can do anything. You just have to want it.

But Pole Dance is not only about euphoria and admiration for oneself and one’s own skills. These include calluses on the hands and bruises all over the body - especially at first, in the first months.

Then the bruises go away, returning mostly only when working on a new element. Sometimes, as in any sport, sprains and sports injuries occur.

PoleDance– this is constant work on yourself, honing your skills, overcoming fear and pain. But is this a minus? The more effort spent, the sweeter the taste of victory.


Music during training helps to relax nervous and muscle tension. With pole dancing, you become more flexible and graceful, and at the same time, more self-confident. Dance Pole Dance is the art of controlling your body, which you can’t help but look at with admiration. This is a cat's grace and lightness, behind which there are years of training in the gym.

Weight loss and sports

Pole Dance and sports pole dancing are a combination of business and pleasure. This is not only a dance, but also a sport. The pole is a simulator that allows you to work with your own weight, increase muscle strength and keep your whole body in good shape.

During pole training, the body experiences enormous physical activity on all major muscle groups, especially the upper ones (back, abs, arms). Half dancers work to the limit of their capabilities, so their muscles develop very quickly, their body becomes more toned and athletic.

In addition to a toned body, Pole Dance gives flexibility and health to joints and ligaments, because most of the elements of this dance are based on acrobatic elements that require not only remarkable strength, but also truly fantastic flexibility.

Paradoxically, in this regard, Pole Dance has much more in common with ballet than with striptease, as many mistakenly believe. But that doesn't mean you don't belong there without stretching—flexibility also develops over time! It also happens that a person finds out that he has good “hereditary” flexibility only through training.

Acrobatic stunts

Pole Dance This is a cocktail of thrills based on various acrobatic elements that make the audience tremble with delight. Tricks on the pole are the “salt” and the meaning of Pole Dance, the subject of envy and admiration of friends and acquaintances. To perform them, the development of coordination and balance, flexibility and strength is required, which is achieved during training. Every trick mastered is big victory over your fear, pain - this is a victory over yourself.

Hobby or lifestyle?

Many people come to Pole Dance and start learning power pole dancing out of curiosity and find their calling in it. For example, Anastasia Skukhtorova. Like most pole skaters, I started from scratch, but short time became one of the best in the world.

This is a vivid living example of the fact that Pole Dance does not require special physical preliminary preparation, everyone can do it, and the necessary skills are acquired during training (if, of course, you don’t stand idle next to the pole, but work hard on yourself at every training session). And there are many such examples.

The happiest sport

This article is my personal review of Pole Dance. There are many articles on this topic on the Internet, but, unfortunately, many of them can hardly be called truthful and reliable. I hope that my review of pole dancing will be useful, if only because I know what I am writing about from personal experience.

I did Pole Dance for 10 months – it was an incredible 10 months! Before my eyes, people changed beyond recognition. They arrive unfit, without stretching, without physical fitness, an absolute “tree”. And after a few months, even the most complete beginners hang upside down without fear, mastering more and more new acrobatic stunts- full of enthusiasm and desire for new victories, for new achievements.

In all the photographs for this article - these former newcomers, with zero preparation.
And on main photo to the article and here, this is me:

I would never have believed that I could do this in such a short time, and also achieve such good physical shape - thanks a lot to my coach Maria Khripkova - “Our Masha” and thanks to Pole Dance for such a self-discovery!

Well, this is where I will end my short story about impressions and a review of Pool Dance and pole dancing, also next time read in detail about pole dancing, and the features of this less sporting, but for men usually even more interesting direction in dance art. And also about other types of dances, about that, and even...

They know what the dance pole is called. But since this type of dance has not yet reached the masses, the word “pylon” may be an unfamiliar and incomprehensible term for the average person, associated with a disease or an unknown drink. Let's fix the situation!

Dance pole - pylon

The cultural name for a dance pole in Russia is "pylon". This is a word of foreign origin, used in architecture and literally meaning “support”, “column”, “pole”. If used originally Russian meaning, then it is best to choose the word “pole” as an analogue. But, it is not so attractive from an advertising point of view, so it is still a pylon. But in America they are not shy about calling words by their proper names. “Pole dance” literally means “dance on a pole, stick, vertical support, pole.” “Pole” is a support in a simple everyday sense, like a staff or pillar. “Pole dance” appeared as a fitness trend about 15 years ago, and its entire previous history is directly related to striptease and ritual prostitution (in the culture of ancient peoples). As we know, these professions rarely use aesthetic names for anything.

Spiral, exit from the flag

Chinese pole

As you know, pole dancing is divided into several categories. One of them involves mastering your own body at the level of acrobatics. In ancient and modern China, similar acts on a pole could be seen in any circus. The poles were made from bamboo so that they were strong, flexible and very tall. Climbing a flexible bamboo pole to a height is much easier than climbing a wooden pole with an arm-length diameter. Therefore, Russian circus performers preferred acts on ropes, and fun on poles was performed only during fairs.

Modern Chinese acrobats show miracles of flexibility that even the achievements of professional pole dancers cannot yet compare with. Another difference is that the pylons are made of polished metal pipes, and the Chinese poles have a rubberized coating. Thanks to this special coating, the acrobat has good grip on the support while fully clothed. In this regard, the Chinese are very conservative.

Khamb - Indian pole

In addition to metal poles for fitness, there are also wooden supports. They are most common in India. There, to this day, there is the practice of “mallakhamb”, which is called hatha yoga on a pillar. Khambas (poles) come in different thicknesses, but most often have a larger diameter than the pylon. Another difference is that khambas have a rounded top, which can be used to fix the legs or as a place to sit. There is a theory that mallakhamb is an analogue of the Russian pillar tradition, which in ancient times the “white wise men” brought to India. Practice on wooden post requires exposure, this is the only way to ensure the best grip of the body and support. IN historical sources You can find information about the old Russian sport, when half-naked young men climbed an ice pillar to its top to show off their prowess. Many analogies can be made. The official purpose of mallakhamb is the physical development of a warrior. It is believed that constant practice not only trains the body in every possible way, but also helps to manage intuition, emotions and one’s own thoughts.

Now you know the name of the pole of the pole dance day (pylon, if you forgot), as well as the Indian pole for training warriors, you will find more information in the video lessons on our website.

Pole dance is a very multifaceted type of sports dance, as it includes dance elements, and acrobatics, and fitness, and elements theatrical arts. Pole classes are very exciting and interesting. This sport is suitable for absolutely any age, regardless of weight category.

* The video shows professional Pole Dance dancers

Pole Dance (pole dance)

  • Basic Concepts
  • Equipment
  • Performance technique
  • Children's Pole Dance

Learn Dance Pole Both adults and children can dance. Classes for children can begin from the age of 5. There are no age restrictions for adults. It all depends on the desire of the woman herself.

It is generally accepted that pole dancing is an erotic dance of girls who dance for the amusement of men. This is not true at all.

Yes, no one denies that a graceful girl performing this dance attracts the admiring glances of men, but in fact, pole dancing is much more - this is primarily dance aesthetics and the transmission of emotional images through dance. Soon it becomes a way of life for the girl.

Every year it is gaining more and more popularity among modern youth.

Beginning dancers often have to in a certain sense“to step over oneself” in order to decide to master this direction dance. However, already the first lesson changes the idea of ​​dance, and especially of this type of dance, which they used to call pole dance.

It should immediately be noted that Pol dancing requires good physical preparation, and a person who has not been involved in sports for a long time will not immediately be able to even fix himself on the pole. Pole dancing requires regular training not only on the pole, but also on stretching, improving muscle tone, and flexibility.

You also have to fight your own fears - not everyone can hang upside down and let go of their hands.

Pole dancing helps you learn to listen to your body - to gently be able to trust yourself and your body in order to decide to perform certain movements on the pole.

Undoubtedly, Pol-dance is a very sensual dance, but only the girl who performs it can make it this way. Having reached a certain level in dance, a girl can demonstrate not only her sexuality, but all the sensuality of her inner world.

Like any dance, half-dance is designed to show the dancer’s inner state through movement.

Just as girls can be different: modest, playful, gentle, sharp, assertive, so their pole dance will be different: passionate, gentle, smooth, or vice versa, very fast. The only thing that matters is who the girl is dancing for.

Pole dancing is usually divided into two main types: sports dance on a pole, which is more like acrobatic exercises using a pole and variety, having an entertaining nature.

Pole dancing is officially recognized as a form of fitness and professional dancer organizations have been created around the world to popularize the sport. Every year there are many competitions where dancers can show off their acrobatic and dance skills.

Pole dancing is an excellent choice if you are looking for new emotions and impressions, want to improve your figure and health, and discover new aspects of your character. At first you will have to endure a little pain in the muscles, and maybe you will have to mask the bruises, but after a while this will be forgotten and only positive emotions and an adrenaline rush.

Pole dance(pole dance, pole dance, pole acrobatics, poledance) - type of dance sport.

Combines elements of choreography and pole acrobatics:

  • PoleArt- directions in Pole Acrobatics (the main emphasis is on the performance and costume of the performer),
  • PoleDance(Emphasis on elements of choreography, plasticity of musicality),
  • PoleSport(A separate area of ​​sport where the main emphasis is on the physical characteristics and complexity of the performers’ stunt elements),
  • PoleFitness(A separate direction of pole acrobatics combining PoleDance and PoleSport but with a more complex performance).

Execution options:

  • In the upper— acrobatic stunts are performed on a pole high above the floor.
  • On average— rotations are performed around the pylon (more than 360 degrees), as well as plastic elements and other dynamic elements.
  • Lower level- this is a parterre, elements of plastic and acrobatics performed with a pole on the floor.

It is important to be able to combine tricks; the transitions between them must be clean. Original combinations of elements are very welcome.

The article will reveal all the secrets of pole dancing and help you make a choice among the variety of ways to lose weight and tighten your body.

Pylon is a pole on which striptease dancers dance. This fitness trend is also called half-dance and is directly related to strip plastic. In Russia, this type of fitness has recently gained popularity.

The effect of pole dancing on your figure

Pole dancing has a beneficial effect on the female figure. Thanks to acrobatic sketches and unlike conventional strip plastic, pole dancing effectively tightens the skin and promotes weight loss. Thus, by dancing for an hour you can lose up to 600 calories, as well as become more flexible and learn to move beautifully.

These classes are similar to gymnastics, only on a vertical bar. It is useful for women who cannot maintain their posture or have a deformed back. Classes will help you find beautiful posture and gait when affecting all muscles and joints, become more flexible, attentive and coordinated.

When practicing pole dancing, girls lose up to 10 kg per month. It is better to exercise 3 times a week, but not every day, alternating workouts with weekends, thereby allowing the muscles to rest and prepare for the next load. Pol-dance your image gym without exercise equipment. All exercises take place on the floor or pole.

Where to start

First, you need to decide where and how your classes will take place: at home on your own or with a personal trainer, in a fitness room, in group classes or individual ones. Make your choice based on your capabilities and character. Shy girls will very quickly lose interest in group classes, and some get lost alone with a trainer. Optimal choice To begin with, you will begin to study individually with a master about three to four times, while gaining a basis for studying in a group.

Pole dancing is available to girls aged 18 to 30. It is not necessary to be physically fit and trained, as all this is acquired during the training process. This type sport helps to gain external beauty and self-confidence.

Interesting fact! In Russia there is a sports federation for pole dancing and it was officially recognized as a sport in 2009.

What is needed

The following clothing is required for pole dancing:

How the training goes

The entire dance process is dedicated to the interaction of the dancer with the pole, and the main elements pass vertically. IN in this case vertical positions are divided into several types:

Warm-up is needed for:


  • on the muscles of the arms and legs;
  • easy running;
  • body rotation to develop flexibility;
  • main part.

The main part of the classes includes practicing elements of pole dancing. Tricks, acrobatic elements, unusual combinations between tricks. All actions take place on the pole.

The following elements are processed:

These and many other elements are included in the bulk of pole training.

Strength exercises– practicing new complex elements that require heavy loads, taking place on the pylon.

Particular attention in half-dance is paid stretching, since most elements and tricks are performed using it. performed either alone or with the help of a partner.

Where to learn

You can learn this dance technique in specialized dance schools. In fitness clubs. There are also online courses, with which you can learn pole dancing at home. Please pay attention special attention choosing a place to study, thereby ensuring your future success. When choosing a club, school or coach, read reviews, talk to someone who is already doing it.


As in any other sport, there are contraindications in dancing:

  1. body mass index above 32;
  2. infectious diseases;
  3. chronic diseases during exacerbation;
  4. mental disorders;
  5. classes after operations;
  6. weak heart;
  7. weak musculoskeletal system;
  8. asthma;
  9. pregnancy.

You should immediately prepare yourself mentally. The first time in class will be very difficult, especially for those who are physically unprepared. You need endurance, training will hurt, there will be bruises and failures, but it’s worth it. The result will not keep you waiting: in 4-5 lessons, endurance will be developed automatically, and after 3 months, complex acrobatic feints will be achieved.

Problems with loved ones may arise. It is very difficult to explain to many that pole dancing is not a striptease, but a sport. You can introduce your family to half-dancing through videos or by attending classes.

Keep a positive attitude, believe in yourself, and everything will work out!

I have been doing pole dancing for almost three and a half years, and throughout this time some people have been very persistent in trying to prove that my hobby and striptease can and should be equated. Previously, of course, this bothered me, but then I realized: most people only know about pole dancing that a pylon (pole) is used for it. What do they associate with the pole? That's right, striptease.

Below my photos in social networks Quite unpleasant comments have appeared more than once, because the stereotypical idea that half-dancers are completely engaged in debauchery is still quite common. But it would seem that pole dancing has long since come out of the shadows and become one of the sports (officially - since October 2, 2017).

I always knew: half-dance is a dance, and dancing is an art. And I have always been fascinated by dancing. When I saw what the half-dancers were doing, I decided that I wanted it too.

It took about a year for my “I want” to turn into “I do.” There were some fears and doubts, which, by the way, other newcomers with whom I spoke also had. Basically they were formulated in the form of the phrase “I can’t, I have weak hands, weak muscles press, not a good figure, and anyway, am I an acrobat or something?” Doubts disappeared when I saw Olga Koda’s number. Then the idea that in any case everyone starts somewhere took over, and I began to act: I found a school near my house, came to a trial lesson, all such a small and trembling schoolgirl, enthusiastically looking at the experienced dancers who were performing crazy tricks somewhere under the ceiling of the hall.

In the first lesson, all I did was walk around the pole and try to master the basic elements, for which my level of physical fitness was clearly not enough. But I didn’t give up - I really wanted to surprise myself and find out what I was capable of. I must say that I was surprised. We sometimes cannot even imagine what our body is capable of. I believed that hangs and handstands were for the elite. Now I understand that this is the lot of those who train hard.

After a couple of months, I could climb onto the pylon without any problems. Right up to the ceiling, what a joy it was! Six months later I learned the basic tricks. And to those who say that pole dancing is just “walk around the pole and slowly take off your clothes,” I answer: you are wrong (I would have expressed it much more sharply before).

Firstly, pole dancing does not involve undressing. Exposing certain parts of the body (arms, legs, back) is allowed solely to improve grip on the pole. In other words, in ordinary clothes you will simply slide down the smooth steel stick and hurt yourself.

But dancers don't wear shorts, revealing tops or swimsuits to seduce anyone.

Moreover, the rules of various competitions are strictly regulated: how much nudity is permissible, which suit can be worn and which cannot, how wide the gusset of shorts should be, etc. Yes, there is a separate direction in half-dance - pole exotic - where it is not tricks that come to the fore, but choreography, grace, and sensuality. However, total nudity during performances is prohibited, which many people do not know.

In general, there is a lot in the history of pole dancing that people who are not involved in this area have hardly heard of. For example, the Indians originally used a pole, albeit a wooden one, as an equipment for yoga (12th century), and this discipline was called Mallakhamb (“pole gymnasts”). There was another one, which is more reminiscent modern dance on the pylon, - Mallastambha (“pillar gymnasts”). The iron pole was used for Indian fighters to train their strength and agility. Some sources report that women in African and Indian tribes used a pylon or pole in their ritual dances. Previously, it embodied the symbol of masculinity, but then pole dancing also had a spiritual aspect.

For several centuries, half-dance developed only in the circus arena (it still exists today). In the second half of the 20th century, the “function” of pole dancing was seduction. Since the 1990s, the pole dance that we see now has appeared, and this is the merit of the Canadian Fonnier Munday, who recorded educational videos, thanks to which society learned about this dance direction.

Those who think that half-dancing is a sport exclusively for girls are mistaken.

The dance genre is represented by older women (Greta Pontarelli, well-known in this circle, is over 60 years old), and men (winner of the 2015 World Championships in Beijing Dmitry Politov, three-time world and Russian champion Evgeniy Greshilov) and even children (Emily Moskalenko). Most half dancers say: the main thing is not age (gender, profession), the main thing is desire.

There are very active performances in Russia and around the world to develop and improve the sport; local and international organizations are appearing that pay attention to the promotion of dance, acrobatic and sports disciplines on the pole, and it’s somehow strange to think about the fact that pole dancers with their activities are trying to undermine the morality of society. Once I was lucky enough to talk with one of the most famous pole dancers, 2012 world champion Anastasia Skukhtorova, who admitted that she no longer even tries to convince others what the difference is between her favorite hobby and striptease: “In general, I heard that my videos are often show so that people themselves understand the difference. And it’s very nice.”