Propp's maps - from work experience. Propp's maps as a means of teaching creative storytelling to preschool children (from work experience). Own fairy tales using the proppa method

Kuzina Irina Vladimirovna,
teacher GBOU 14, Nevsky district of St. Petersburg

The clarity and colorfulness of the execution of the cards allows children to retain in their memory large number information. In addition, these cards stimulate the development of mental processes, activate coherent speech, and enrich the vocabulary.

The functions presented in fairy tales (prohibition, appearance of a hero, victory, returning home) are generalized actions, concepts - this allows children to abstract from a specific act, hero, situation, and therefore will develop more intensively in children logical thinking. Maps also provide invaluable assistance in the sensory development of children, because they affect all senses.

The usefulness of Propp's maps

Visualization allows the child to retain a much larger amount of information in memory. The functions presented in the cards are generalized actions, which allows the child to abstract from the specific action of the hero, and, consequently, the child develops abstract, logical thinking. Cards stimulate the development of attention, perception, fantasy, creative imagination, volitional qualities; enrich emotional sphere, activate coherent speech, enrich the vocabulary; help increase search activity.

Preparatory games

Before you begin to directly compose fairy tales using Propp’s cards, you should organize preparatory games, during which the children will get to know and master all the fairy-tale functions:

“Miracles in a sieve” - how and with the help of what transformations and magic are carried out (magic word, wand and other objects, and their actions);

“Who is the meanest person in the world?” Revealing the evil and treacherous fairy-tale heroes, a description of their appearance, character, lifestyle, habits, home (positive characters are analyzed in the same way);

“Treasured words” is an attempt to isolate the most effective, meaningful words in a fairy tale ( magic words, fabulous sentences, repentance of a false hero);

“What will be useful on the road?” (self-assembled tablecloth, walking boots, scarlet flower, treasure sword, etc.). Inventing new helper items;

"What's in common?" — comparative analysis various fairy tales in terms of similarities and differences between them (“Teremok” and “Rukavichka”; “Moroz Ivanovich” and “Mistress Blizzard”);

"Magic names." Finding out the reasons why the hero was given exactly that name (Cinderella, Baba Yaga, Little Red Riding Hood, etc.);

“Good - bad” - identifying positive and negative traits the character of the heroes, their actions;

Sequence of getting to know the cards

Making cards. The maps used in the work must be made in a plot-based manner and colorfully. In the future, use cards with a rather schematic image of each function, the meaning of which would be clear to children, or together with them, specify each image (Appendix No. 1).

Reproduction of a familiar fairy tale, differentiation: semantic parts and relationships with a specific function. Joint search and finding of designated functions in new fairy tales (3-5 cards are used during one lesson). Independent search for functions by children based on familiar and then new fairy tales. Holistic development of fairy tale functions (the entire set of cards is used).

Writing fairy tales (first collectively and using a limited set of cards, gradually adding 3 - 4 cards). See Appendix No. 2. Working with an individual set of cards (at first, children can be offered a ready-made name for a fairy tale, specifying only the location of the action and the number of characters). Propp's maps contribute to the development of coherent speech, attention, perception, fantasy, and creative imagination in children; children's interest in search activity increases. Children learn to compose a new, interesting work of their own, in which good always triumphs over evil.

Preliminary lessons showed that children very actively act as writers of fairy tales. Subgroups of children with whom classes were conducted came up with a new line in fairy tales: the evil hero is evil because no one gives him gifts. And in their fairy tale, the children gave magical gifts to the evil hero so that he would become kinder. Consequently, Propp's maps also influence moral education children. Writing a fairy tale and then performing in front of other children requires children to have a certain courage and overcome themselves, which contributes to the development of strong-willed qualities.

In the process of preliminary work, it was revealed that the children very quickly and easily remembered the names of the functions on the cards, when reading and remembering fairy tales, they quickly divided fairy tales into functions, the children worked actively and they liked these activities, which also cannot but affect the internal psychological state child.

Examples of fairy tales invented by children using Propp's cards.

Venzhik Valeria

Fairy tale "Dragonfly and Beetle"

Beetle, Dragonfly and Bumblebee were friends. One evening the Beetle and the Dragonfly were playing hide and seek. But Bumblebee didn’t want to play, he told his friends: “Don’t hide in the flowers - you’ll get in trouble.”

The Dragonfly began to lead, and the Beetle hid in a flower.

The sun has already completely set, but the Dragonfly cannot find the Beetle. Suddenly he sees one flower swaying and somehow strangely ringing: “F - f - f.” With difficulty, the dragonfly opened the petals of the flower, and there was the Beetle: “Thank you, Dragonfly, for helping me get out. The sun set and the flower closed, so I found myself trapped. I didn’t listen to the Bumblebee, and that’s why I got into trouble.”

Functions (Propp's cards) used in inventing a fairy tale:

2. Violation

14. Difficult tests

15. Elimination of trouble

20. Lesson learned: “You need to learn from other people’s mistakes, not your own.”

I wish you, dear colleagues, creative success, inquisitive students, responsive and interested parents to your students!


Sidorchuk T. “Program for developing children’s creative abilities.” Obninsk 1998

Fesyukova L. “Education with a fairy tale.” Kharkov. 1996.

Belobrykina O.A. “Speech and Communication” (a manual for parents and teachers) // Game, learning, development, entertainment. - Yaroslavl: Publishing house "Academy of Development", 1998

Propp map for preschoolers

Own fairy tales using Propp's method

If you are teaching children, then Propp's cards will help children remember the fairy tale well and make it easier to retell it.


Here we provide a list of the main motives identified by the researcher Propp:

1. Once upon a time. We create a fabulous space. (Each fairy tale begins with the introductory words “a long time ago”, “once upon a time”, “in the thirtieth kingdom”).

2. A special circumstance (“the father died”, “the sun disappeared from the sky”, “the rains stopped pouring and a drought set in”).

4. Violation of the ban (characters in fairy tales look out of the window, leave the yard, and drink water from a puddle; at the same time, a new face appears in the fairy tale - an antagonist, a pest).

5. The hero leaves home (in this case, the hero can either set off, be sent away from home, say, with the blessing of his parents to look for his sister, or be expelled, for example, a father takes his daughter expelled by his stepmother to the forest, or leave home, turning into a goat after the ban has been violated).

6. The appearance of a friend-helper (gray wolf, puss in boots).

7. A method of achieving the goal (this could be flying on a magic carpet, using a treasure sword, etc.).

8. The enemy begins to act (the snake kidnaps the princess, the witch poisons the apple).

9. Gaining victory (breaking evil spells, physical destruction of the antagonist - the Serpent, Koshchei the Immortal, victory in the competition).

10. Pursuit (what fairy tale, like a detective story, is complete without a chase? Heroes can be pursued by geese-swans, Serpent Gorynych, Baba Yaga, Dashing Accursed and other, no less “cute” characters).

11. The hero escapes from persecution (by hiding in a stove, turning into someone, or using magical means and covering vast distances).

12. The donor tests the hero. And then it appears new character- a wizard, a gnome, an old woman who needs help or a beggar. Baba Yaga gives the girl a task to complete homework, The serpent invites the hero to lift a heavy stone.

13. The hero passes the test of the donor (everything is obvious).

14. Receiving a magical remedy (it can be transferred, made, bought, appear from nowhere, stolen, given by a donor).

15. Absence of the donor (Baba Yaga lets go in peace, the wizard disappears, the dragon hides back in the cave).

16. The hero enters into battle with the enemy (sometimes it is an open battle - with the Serpent Gorynych, sometimes a competition or a game of cards).

17. The enemy is defeated (in fairy tales, the antagonist is not only defeated in battle or competition, but also expelled or destroyed with the help of cunning).

18. The hero is marked (a mark is applied to the body or given a special object - a ring, a towel, an icon; he takes something from a defeated enemy).

19. The hero is given a difficult task (to get a ring from the bottom of the sea; to weave a carpet; to build a palace in one night; to bring something, I don’t know what).

20. The hero completes the task (how could it be otherwise?).

21. The hero is given a new look (a common technique is immersion in boiling water or hot milk, which makes the hero even more beautiful).

22. The hero returns home (usually this occurs in the same forms as the arrival, but it can also be a victorious arrival on a defeated dragon).

23. The hero is not recognized at home (sometimes due to what happened to him external changes, induced spell, injury, growing up).

24. A false hero appears (that is, one who pretends to be a hero or takes credit for his merits).

25. Unmasking a false hero (this can happen as a result of special tests or testimony of authority figures).

26. Recognizing the hero. (And then a substitution is discovered. The false hero is expelled in disgrace, and our character is embraced by a loving royal couple)

27. Happy ending (a feast for the whole world, a wedding, half a kingdom to boot).

28. Moral (what conclusion can be drawn from the story that happened).

where and how can I use this method?

How can you use the fairy tale method to help your child cope with some task?
Using this method, the child, one way or another, identifies himself with the main character, plays out the situation, which ultimately helps, again, to creatively approach the task that has arisen before him and prepare for it psychologically.

To do this, you can start a fairy tale, for example, with the words: “A hero who looks like a baby goes to solve a problem. During the fairy tale, he solves the problem (problem), finds new friends, defeats the “dragon” and returns back happy.

It is advisable to direct the child to take full participation in inventing (composing) a fairy tale, only sometimes helping and telling him how to “this way and that way...” build the development of the fairy tale.

In order to receive maximum effect When composing a fairy tale, it is recommended to follow a number of simple rules:

1 It is desirable that the main character and the child have some common features. Maybe they both like jam or watch the same cartoon.

2 When constructing a fairy tale, it is necessary to create a safe magical space for the main character. Therefore, formulas like: “A long time ago, in some kingdom-state” are used...

3 It’s good when the main character has a friend-helper in the space of a fairy tale. A friend in a fairy tale helps to ease mental stress and defuse emotions.

4 During the fairy tale, it is necessary to solve some problem. The main character solves a problem, acquires a certain skill and is transformed.

5 An antihero is introduced into the fairy tale - a character who must be defeated (or perhaps changed).

6 The ending of a fairy tale should be positive. The problem is solved, after which the hero returns home, receives half the kingdom and a beautiful wife.

Gulshat Sagitova
Propp's maps (from work experience)

Dear colleagues!

I would like to start my master class with the words of D. Rodari “Fairy tales, good and bad, can help educate the mind. A fairy tale can give the keys to entering reality in new ways, it can help a child get to know the world, it can gift his imagination and teach him to critically perceive his surroundings.”

Problem speech development children preschool age today is very relevant, because the percentage of preschoolers with various speech disorders remains consistently high.

Speech is one of the important lines of child development. Thanks to his native language, the baby enters our world and receives ample opportunities to communicate with other people. Poorly speaking children, beginning to realize their shortcomings, become silent, shy, and indecisive; it becomes difficult for them to communicate with other people (adults and peers,

is decreasing cognitive activity. This happens because a child with various speech problems becomes "complicated" interlocutor; it is difficult for him to be understood by others. Therefore, any delay, any disturbance in the development of a child’s speech negatively affects his activity and behavior, and therefore the formation of his personality as a whole.

Working in senior group , I came across the fact that many children can only retell with the help of leading questions, and when composing stories using pictures a tendency to list individual objects or actions is more often noted; it is difficult to observe storyline. For most children, the task of laying out a sequence of four plots is impossible. pictures and make up a story based on them, retell a familiar fairy tale.

Unfortunately, modern parents rarely tell fairy tales to their children. It’s much easier to turn on an audio disc, have your child watch TV or play computer game. This saves parents time and effort. As a result, many modern children are practically unfamiliar with fairy tales, they don’t even know "Turnip", "Koloboka", have not heard about "Teremok", "Mitten" And "Little Red Riding Hood".

teachers, working with children of senior preschool age, often find it difficult to choose techniques, methods and forms work on the development of children's word creation. To compile creative story With preschool children, it is most advisable to use models. Therefore, for this purpose I was developed method of teaching children retelling Russian folk tales by using Propp's map.

Many who are interested in fairy tales know the name Vladimir Proppa. Professor Propp studied Russian folk tales. The results of his research were published in the book "Morphology of a fairy tale". Studying the plot of fairy tales and the relationship between the heroes of the fairy tale, folklorist Vladimir Yakovlevich Propp, identified 31 permanent functions. In his work"Grammar of Fantasy" J. Rodari reduced their number to 20. Their sequence may vary and not every tale may contain them in in full. Fairytale situations or functions 20 :

Violation of the ban


Departure of the hero

Meeting with the donor

Magic gifts or magic remedy

The Hero Appears

Pest or antihero

Returning home

Arrival home

False hero

Difficult tests

Elimination of trouble

Recognition of the hero

Exposing the False Hero

Punishment of the False Hero

Wedding or happy ending.

The scientist also identified seven types characters according to them functions: pest (antagonist, giver, wonderful helper, stolen hero (sought object, sender, hero, false hero. The older preschooler meets all these characters in a fairy tale, so he knows their characteristics.

Cards, which were invented by Vladimir Yakovlevich Propp these are peculiar schemes by which children recognize those events and episodes of the fairy tale that are symbolically depicted on these maps. Children create from them various combinations, according to the plot of the fairy tale.

The functions presented in the diagrams are generalized actions and concepts. They are used for in-depth analysis of fairy tales, perception of traditional ways of constructing a fairy tale and organizing the plot in it, thereby promoting the development of creative, creative thinking.

The results of recent psychological and pedagogical research have shown that it is more useful for a preschooler to offer not only an illustration, but it is also necessary to show various directions: abstract, comical, schematic, realistic, etc. All this material provides significant assistance in development verbal creativity children, because the clarity and clarity of their performance allows them to retain a large amount of information in memory and model the plot more flexibly. This allows the author of the fairy tale, when composing his own narrative, to abstract from a specific act, character, or situation.

Let's consider Propp's cards using the example of a fairy tale"Geese-swans"(prohibition, violation of the prohibition, departure of the hero, task, magical gifts, supernatural properties of the antihero, struggle, victory, returning home, punishment of the false hero, happy ending).

Working with Propp's maps can be built as follows way:

At the first stage, I introduce children to the genre literary work- a fairy tale; we identify its difference from other genres and isolate the structure of a fairy tale - its composition.

Saying. Beginning (invitation to a fairy tale) sets listeners in a special mood, transports them into fairy world. Its goal is to prepare the audience for listening to the fairy tale, to interest it (Beyond the distant fields, beyond the deep seas; In a certain kingdom, in a heavenly state, once upon a time).

The narration is full of events and so-called fabulous formulas: speech clichés, rhythmic proverbs that characterize different actions and descriptions of the characters (He did such a good job - he couldn’t think of it, couldn’t guess, couldn’t describe it with a pen; Hut, hut, stand with your back to the forest, and with your front to me, etc.).

The ending, like a saying, limits the tale from real life and returns to reality reality: (They arranged a feast for the whole world, and there I drank sweet honey, it flowed down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth; Here’s a fairy tale for you, and for me a bunch of bagels).

At the second stage, "preparatory games".

"Miracles in a sieve"- identifying various miracles, how and with the help of which transformation and magic are carried out.

"Magic Words" or fairy-tale sentences that carry the main meaning.

“What will be useful on the road”- the main magical means of fairy tales (self-assembled tablecloth, scarlet flower).

"Know the Hero"– identification of positive and negative character traits of heroes.

"What's in common"– comparative analysis of fairy tales from the point of view of similarities and differences between them.

"The Fourth Wheel"– definition of an extra item.

"Solving Fairytale Problems".

"Lost and Found"– a golden incubator for golden eggs was found; lost three-collar chain mail, etc.

"Fairytale Dictionary"- come up with a new unprecedented word and, if possible, explain it or draw: walking boots, flying carpet, invisible hat.

At the third stage - direct familiarization with the functions of a fairy tale. We read a fairy tale and "lay out" its functions or we accompany it Propp's maps(schematic images). As you accumulate experience you can offer tasks or games:

Expose maps according to the story

Find "familiar" cards in the fairy tale I just read

Find an error in the location cards based on the plot of a fairy tale

Determine the absence of a friend cards

Separate the excess map

At the fourth stage, it is proposed to retell the fairy tale, based on Propp's maps. To do this, we need to highlight the key moments of the fairy tale, build diagrams based on the plot of the fairy tale and try to tell it according to Propp's maps.

At the fifth stage, you create your own fairy tales - a set of 5-6 is offered kart, it is agreed in advance who will be the main character, who or what will interfere with the hero, what magical means the hero will have, what the beginning and ending will be, what fairy tale words will be in the fairy tale.

Propp's maps provide invaluable assistance in the sensory development of children, since their influence extends to all senses, including tactile analyzers. The child acts not just as a passive observer, listener, but is an energy center creative activity, creator of original literary works.

Propp's maps allow you to stimulate and develop coherent speech, enrich children’s speech, allow you to study huge amount fairy tales, which contributes to successful learning at school.

Result working with Propp maps:

– the ability to determine the genre of a work;

– remember the sequence of events;

– highlight the main content of the tale;

– build a content scheme based on Propp's maps;

- confidently manipulate cards.

Working method Withmaps of Vladimir Yakovlevich Propp has been known for a long time. But it has not lost its relevance even today. Tasks, which are solved using this technique fully comply with the provisions and requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education:

— the ability to think through a plan, follow it in an essay, choose a topic, an interesting plot, characters is formed;

— cards develop attention, perception, fantasy, imagination, enrich the emotional sphere, activate oral coherent speech;

— cards develop personality activity, without leaving the child indifferent to the fairy tale plot.

Famous Russian folklorist, one of the founders modern theory text by V.Ya. Propp made an attempt to identify constants structural elements Russian folk tales, and in simple terms, I found out that fairy tales have a certain structure.

The structure has certain functions. There are 31 of these functions, but, of course, not every fairy tale contains them in full. The sequence of functions may also be disrupted: jumps, additions, combinations, which, however, do not contradict the main flow of the tale. A fairy tale may begin from the first function, from the seventh, from the twelfth, but it is unlikely to return, restoring missing events.

Propp identified 28 main functions. To work with preschool children, eight are enough.

The usefulness of Propp's maps

Visualization allows the child to retain a much larger amount of information in memory.

The functions presented in the cards are generalized actions, which allows the child to abstract from the specific action of the hero, and, consequently, the child develops abstract, logical thinking.

Cards stimulate the development of attention, perception, fantasy, creative imagination, volitional qualities; enrich the emotional sphere, activate coherent speech, enrich the vocabulary; help increase search activity.

Action plan

Stage 1: introduce children to fairy tales as a genre of literary work. Explain general structure fairy tales:
- saying, beginning (invitation to a fairy tale);

Target- prepare the audience for listening to the fairy tale, interest it. The teacher can start like this:

  1. Do you want a fairy tale? A fairy tale is a knitted yarn, it is woven from moonlight, tied with a sunbeam, and entwined with a cloud belt.
  2. Beyond the distant fields, beyond the deep seas, beyond high mountains, among the azure glades, in a certain kingdom, a heavenly state, there lived...
  3. In some kingdom, in some state...or in the distant kingdom, the thirtieth state...
    - narration;
    - ending of the fairy tale (returning the listener to reality)

Ending options:

  1. They organized a feast for the whole world, I was there, I drank honey and beer, it flowed down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth.
  2. Here's a fairy tale for you, and a bunch of bagels for me.
  3. This is where the fairy tale ends, and whoever listened, well done.
    Stage 2: reading a fairy tale and accompanying the reading by laying out Propp's cards;
    Stage 3: retelling the fairy tale, based on Propp’s cards;
    Stage 4: At this stage you can try to compose fairy tales yourself using Propp's cards. To do this, 5-8 cards are selected, the main characters are invented, and it is chosen who will be main character, the hero’s assistants and those who will harm him.

Preparatory games

Before you begin to directly compose fairy tales using Propp's cards, you should organize preparatory games, during which the children will get to know and master all the fairy-tale functions. The teacher suggests going beyond distant lands to the thirtieth kingdom: Let's think about what we will need on the road? What can you use to go to the search site?

  • On a magic carpet
  • In boots
  • On a winged horse
  • On a sivka-burka
  • On a humpbacked horse
  • On gray wolf
  • On a flying ship, etc.

Who can show us the way?

  • ring
  • Clew
  • Feather

Who will help us not to die of hunger and thirst?

  • Self-assembled tablecloth
  • That, I don’t know what, etc.

Remember the assistants who carry out any order of the hero:

  • Two from the bag
  • Aladdin's magic lamp
  • Well done from the casket

Remember the miraculous drinks and fruits:

  • Living and dead water
  • Rejuvenating apples
  • Fruits (nuts, apples) from which ears and nose grow.

Name the musical instruments:

  • Drum
  • Dudochka
  • Horn (troops appear)

Name the assistants who are needed to delay the pursuit?

  • Stick a comb in your hair (dies - comes to life)
  • Scallop - forest
  • Towel - river
  • Brush, tooth - mountains

Sequence of getting to know the cards

  • Making cards. The cards used at the beginning of the work should be made in a plot manner and colorfully. In the future, use cards with a rather schematic image of each function, the meaning of which would be clear to children, or together with them, discuss each image.
  • Reproduction of a familiar fairy tale, differentiation: semantic parts and relationships with a specific function.
  • Joint search and finding of designated functions in new fairy tales (3-5 cards are used during one lesson).
  • Independent search for functions by children based on familiar and then new fairy tales.
  • Holistic development of fairy tale functions (the entire set of cards is used).
  • Writing fairy tales (first collectively and using a limited set of cards, gradually adding 3 - 4 cards).
  • Working with an individual set of cards (at first, children can be offered a ready-made name for a fairy tale, specifying only the location of the action and the number of characters). But how you designate this or that function, and with what symbol, is not at all important, the main thing is that the child understands that if a “prohibition” is indicated by a crossed out circle or a lock on the door or as in signs traffic- entry is prohibited, then you need to remember this. Or the sign “giver, magic gift” - you can use a magic wand to mark it, like a box with a gift, as the teacher decides.

Result: - ability to determine the genre of a work;

Remember the sequence of events;

Highlight the main content of the tale;

Build a content scheme based on Propp’s maps;

Manipulate cards confidently;

Feel the beauty and imagery of your native language.

Prepared by: G.I. Litvinkova

It is not often that adults consider retelling for preschoolers as a way to develop their analytical thinking. The main thing is to reproduce the text you read in detail.

This is healthy and sufficient if you have a good memory. But let’s take hyperactive children, children with MMD. (For some reason they are separated) In searches, the question appears from time to time: how to help children with minimal brain dysfunction, how to educate them?

A peculiarity of children with MMD is weak attention, and, consequently, memory. Children, who often have a good level of intellectual development, learn for the most part poorly. What to do with these? How to compensate for losses? Only by focusing on the development of thinking.

And here a retelling will help. Because you can retell a text with poor memory only by analyzing it. Propp's cards will help us. With their help, preschoolers and younger schoolchildren can not only retell, but also invent fairy tales according to a figurative plan.

Analysis of fairy tales according to V. Ya. Propp

The domestic folklorist V. Ya. Propp, who studied Russian fairy tales, identified certain elements (functions) in their structure that are constantly repeated. According to Propp’s system, there are 31 of these functions. Of these, twenty are basic. Not every fairy tale contains them all. Most often, a complete set in fairy tales. The functions are represented by pictures.

Stages of working with Propp maps

  1. Making cards. They can be colorful or sketchy. Below is a description of fairytale function elements with support cards. But you can draw them yourself. It is only important that the pictures are understandable to children.
  2. We are slowly introducing the children to support cards, first reading small texts and accompanying them with Propp cards
  3. Retelling based on Propp's map
  4. Let's try to compose fairy tales using Propp's cards. We select 5-8 cards, come up with characters, determine the main character, his assistants, as well as those who will harm the hero.

It is important to remember: not all functions will necessarily be present in a fairy tale. Let's give a very simple example based on the analysis of a nursery rhyme.

Cucumber, cucumber! Don't go to that end. The mouse lives there. He'll bite your tail off.

What we have here:

  • The hero is a cucumber.
  • The ban is that you cannot go to the other end of the village.
  • The pest is a mouse.
  • Sabotage - the tail will be chewed off.
  • Moral - I didn’t listen - I was left without a tail.

Even in such a small folklore form there are elements of a fairy tale.

Description of the elements-functions of fairy tales

V. Ya. Propp identified the following structure of fairy tales. We will not take all (31) elements, but only the main ones. They are quite enough for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren.

1. Once upon a time. The fairy tale begins with introductory words that create a fairy-tale space: in a certain kingdom, in a distant state, they lived and lived in ancient times...

2.Special circumstance. An unusual, extraordinary event: someone tramples the rye every night, the goose lays a golden egg...

3. Prohibition. There are some things you can’t do: don’t leave your brother, don’t drink from a puddle, don’t look out the window...

4. Violation of the ban. Fairy tale characters violate the ban. And this is just what the pest (antagonist) is waiting for. Masha ran away to her friends...

5. Sabotage. The swan geese were right there, they picked up their brother and carried him away.

6. The hero leaves home. Options. He himself goes in search of (his missing brother). Parents send (for rejuvenating apples). Expelled from her home (stepmother orders her stepdaughter to be taken to the forest)

7. Task. What the hero must achieve: return his brother, free the beauty...7. Meeting with the donor. Good deed someone always helps. The appearance of a character who has something magical: a scooter ball of woolen threads, cherished words,...

8. Difficult tests. Weave a carpet, build a crystal bridge “from my porch to my palace” in one night...

9. Receiving magical gifts: objects or words. They can be simply given by a donor, made, purchased, appear out of nowhere, or stolen.

10. The hero appears and challenges the pest to battle. Supernatural properties of the enemy. The serpent Gorynych has three heads and breathes fire; Has no bones of death

11. Fight (persecution). Fight with the enemy (they fight with swords, have a competition: who can run the devil or the hare the fastest, who can carry the horse farther; they play cards), or kidnapping. Koschey is defeated. The hero is chased by geese, swans, and Baba Yaga. The hero fights with the enemy (in open battle - with the Serpent Gorynych, sometimes competes in speed, dexterity, cunning, or plays cards).

12. Victory. The enemy may be defeated in battle, lose in a competition, or be driven out or destroyed by cunning.

13. Elimination of trouble. The beauty was saved, the enemies were gone, the father recovered...

14. Arrival home.

15. People don’t recognize him at home because of a spell that changed his appearance.

16. A false hero posing as a hero or appropriating his merits: The witch’s daughter drowned her sister and took her place; brothers killed Ivan, took him away rejuvenating apples and told their father that they were the ones who got them.

17. Exposing the false hero. Ivan appears, saved by the wolf; a real king easily pulls a sword out of a stone...

18. The hero is recognized. Substitution detected. The false hero runs away on his own or is cast out in disgrace. The people welcome the hero.

19. Happy ending. Gifts, a wedding, a folk festival - a feast for the whole world...

20. Moral of this tale. The moral conclusion of the tale.

Propp's maps (pictures)

We print out the cards, stick them on cardboard (they will last longer this way), and begin to analyze the fairy tales, laying out the necessary cards. And then we retell the fairy tale one by one.

Once upon a time Ban Violation of the ban

Sabotage The hero leaves home Task

Giver of magical gifts Difficult tests Challenge a pest to a fight

Struggle Victory Chase