Fortune telling about the scarlet flower online. Fortune telling on a dandelion. Loves - doesn't love

Online fortune telling with a flower oracle

The flower oracle is a wonderful way to look into the future or get answers to exciting questions. Flowers can talk; Our ancestors always turned to nature for help and advice, because the language of nature is the closest and most reliable to us. Each plant has unique magical and healing properties; many legends and beliefs are associated with each flower. Flowers are our helpers.

Fortune telling with the Flower Oracle - On parting. This arrangement can be applied in a situation where the relationship has reached a dead end. With the help of this fortune telling, you will find out how your partner feels about the breakup, whether you will be able to continue the relationship and what the future is like.

Flower oracle fortune telling - Great Pyramid. With the help of this fortune-telling, you can consider an exciting situation, understand the reasons for its occurrence, find out what influence you yourself have, what will happen, and also what the outcome will be

Fortune telling on the Flower Oracle - Past love. This alignment will help you understand the relationship, find out what it really was for you and your partner, how you treated each other, what is holding you back, why you cannot let go of your past love

Fortune telling with the Flower Oracle - The next step. With the help of this fortune telling, you will find out what is really happening, what situation you are in, what really matters to you, and also what your next step will lead to, the actions you plan to take

Fortune telling on the Flower Oracle - Motives of relationships. This layout will show why you attracted this person, what he expects from you, how he perceives you, what he values ​​in you, what he found in you and did not find in others, what he thinks about your relationship, and also what you will get from relationships, satisfaction or disappointment

Fortune telling with the Flower Oracle - Analysis of loneliness. With the help of this fortune telling, you will find out what you really want to get from a relationship, what you are afraid of, what you should strive for, what you need to work on, what you should get rid of, what you are willing to sacrifice, what you cannot refuse, what will help you , what will hinder, and also the potential outcome, whether the relationship will be on time

Fortune telling with the Flower Oracle - Probability of marriage. With the help of this fortune telling, you will find out how others perceive you, how you can express yourself in family relationships, how do you imagine your future partner, where can you meet him, and also what is the likelihood of marriage in the planned period

Fortune telling with the Flower Oracle - For a new acquaintance. This simple three-card spread will show what your first impression of a person will be, what impression he will have of you, and what the prospects for the development of the relationship will be.

Fortune telling on the Flower Oracle - Seven Pearls of Isis. This layout will help you understand the problem, the troubling situation. With the help of this fortune telling, you will find out the underlying causes of the situation, what solution will be optimal, what will happen in the near future, what contributes and hinders the solution of the problem, and also what the outcome will be

Fortune telling with the Flower Oracle - Fears and reality. This layout can be applied in a situation where your imagination draws frightening pictures in connection with an exciting situation, what the situation really looks like, what negative things your imagination draws, what really exists, and what will not happen in reality

From childhood, we all remember fortune-telling with a chamomile, when one by one they tore off the petals, saying “loves or doesn’t love.” However, not everyone knows that in addition to this there are many in a variety of ways predict the future and get answers to questions using flowers.

Fortune telling by wish

Fill several flower pots with soil and plant a plant seed in each pot. All this is done at the same time, and the preferred time is the full moon. Try to create exactly the same conditions for each plant: the seeds should be planted at the same depth, equally illuminated by the sun, watered at the same time, and so on.

Write your wishes on pieces of paper, the number of which should correspond to the number of pots. Attach the leaves to the pots and water them as usual. The plant that is born first will determine the event that should be expected in the near future.

Fortune telling with lilacs

Buy or pick several branches of ordinary, non-double lilac. That is, one that nature intended to have four petals, and not eight or nine. Make a wish and look for the flower with five petals. If you are lucky and can find it, wait for the fulfillment of your plans. Some even eat such a flower “for good luck.” There will be no harm from such a “snack”, the main thing is to still find a flower, and this is already a harbinger of the fulfillment of a wish.

Fortune telling by acacia leaves

We take a complex acacia leaf, on which, as is known, there are many small leaves. You need to take the leaf by the base and slide it along the stem. You should end up with a handful of leaves in your hand. Then, having made a wish and having previously determined for yourself which of the options will say “yes” and which will say “no,” we raise our hand high above our heads and unclench our fist. So all the leaves were on the ground. Now let's see how they fell: front side or back side? Accordingly, we make a forecast about what is planned.

Fortune telling with sunflowers

In the summer, when sunflowers bloom, go to the field and remove 10 seeds from any plant. Of course, you must keep your deepest desire in mind. If among the seeds you come across at least one empty one, then you will need to try hard to achieve your wish. But it is still doable, unlike the case when among these ten seeds there were two or more empty ones. But it may turn out that all ten were complete. This should make you happy: wait speedy execution desires.

Dandelion fortune telling

This refers to the parachute of the fluffy head of a faded dandelion. When the wind blows, pick one dandelion and lift it not very high above your head. The wind should tear off the parachutes and carry them away. Watch where they fly, and also pay attention to whether at least one of them hits you. If this happens, the fulfillment of your desire is just around the corner. More more hope on successful outcome, if you manage to catch at least one dry flower. Well, if they all flew past you without hitting you, then, of course, you can’t count on your wish being fulfilled yet.

Rose fortune telling

We are talking about a flower that not only pleases with its beauty, but will also help you get a positive or negative answer to your question. Place fresh rose petals on left palm and clap vigorously right palm on them. If the clap turns out loud, then the answer is positive, and vice versa. This fortune telling may seem too primitive to you, but it owes its origin to Ancient Greece and goes back, as you might guess, many years! It even has a special name - phyllorhodomancy.

Another fortune telling using a rose. Take three equally fresh flowers and place them in three containers not filled with water. Label the first rose “yes,” the middle one “no answer,” and the right one “no.” The last flower to wilt will answer the question.

And finally, the third fortune telling, where the rose acts as an oracle of love. Fill the basin with rose water, or if this is not possible, then with plain water. Tear three leaves from rose bush. Name them after people you wouldn't mind hooking up with love relationship, but you just can’t make a choice in favor of one. Place the leaves on the surface of the water. The leaf that lasted the longest on the surface will help you decide on your choice.

Fortune telling with calendula

This plant is both beautiful and useful; it is also called the “flower of the dead”: due to its unpretentiousness and constant flowering, marigolds are planted in places of eternal rest. But now, of course, we are not interested in these qualities, but in the possibility of using them to find out the fate of our desire. Right in the garden, select the two flowers you like best and mark them mentally or in some other way. One should please you with a positive answer, the other should upset you with a negative one.

Towards evening, regularly check the condition of the marigolds: whichever closes faster at night will symbolize the fate of desire.

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IN ancient Rome the science of prediction using flowers appeared, which was called floromancy. Fortune telling with flowers remains relevant to this day, because daisies, rose hips, and lilacs have not changed over the centuries. The flower in your hands is no different from the one that was admired by an ancient Roman or a beautiful medieval lady.

You can not only admire flowers, but also look into the future with their help...

Since ancient times, flowers have been perceived as part of living nature, mother earth, part of what is created higher powers and carries some mysterious power.

Each flower is unique and has its own meaning, so depending on the purpose of fortune telling, you need to choose the appropriate flower. For example, when telling fortunes about love, you can use chamomile, and when telling fortunes about desire, you can use lilac flowers.

Previously, having received a bouquet of flowers as a gift from a fan, you could find out about his secret intentions or feelings that he has for you. Flowers could also be used to show respect, an expression of love, or a gesture of apology.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

How to tell fortunes with flowers

Mostly young women and girls tell fortunes with flowers, so it is recommended to do this on days with “female names” (Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays), although on other days, if you really want to, no one forbids fortune telling. The main thing is to believe in magical power flowers.

One of the most popular flower fortune-telling is fortune-telling for the fulfillment of wishes, in other words: “whether it will come true or not.”

On the lilac

Everyone knows the simplest fortune telling from childhood: loves, loves not, spits, kisses...

Probably each of you in childhood looked for a lilac leaf with five petals to fulfill a cherished wish. If you find and eat a lilac with five petals, it means that your wish will certainly come true.

On chamomile

Count the number of petals; if it’s even, the wish will come true; if it’s odd, it won’t come true. It should be borne in mind that if you know the number of petals in advance and make a wish, the result will not be reliable.

On a dandelion

Another way of fortune telling is fortune telling on a dandelion, moreover, on a ripe one, with a white cap. You need to make a wish, pick a dandelion and blow on it with all your might. If all the seeds have flown away and the stem has become bald, it means that your wish will soon come true. If there are a couple of seeds left, then the wish will not come true so soon. In the worst case, if there are a lot of seeds left, then it is unlikely that the wish will come true.

On the rosehip

You need to make a wish, pick a rosehip flower and throw it up. The answer to your question will depend on how it falls to the ground. If the flower lies with the stalk down, it means that the wish will come true, but if the flower lies with the stalk up, alas, it will not come true.

On the daisy

In Germany, the most popular is the daisy, which is also called the “measure of love,” although both lovers, young and old, use it to tell fortunes. Having played a trick, the children tear off the petals, saying the following words: “Beatings, scolding, praise.” On which word the last petal breaks, it will be waiting at home.

Fortune telling with chamomile for the betrothed

In Russia, chamomile was preferred as the best flower for fortune telling at all times. You can guess not only about desire, but also about love, about your betrothed.

During fortune telling on the night of Ivan Kupala, girls weave wreaths of daisies and lower them into the water. Whichever of the young men catches and catches the wreath will be her betrothed.

Why chamomile

Chamomile is a shy girl at first glance, but she knows almost everything about love.

She is the embodiment of sincerity, health and purity, and in Orthodoxy it is a symbol of marriage and love. And how many healing properties it has, it’s not for nothing that fortune tellers love this flower so much.

How to guess

There is a well-known method of fortune telling using chamomile. This method helps you find out how the mystery person treats you. You should think about who you are fortune-telling and tear off the petals one by one, while saying the following:

Loves - doesn't love,

Spit - kiss,

If he presses it to your heart, he’ll tell you to go to hell.

Which of these words ends with the petals means this is how the mystery person treats you. For greater reliability, you can perform this ritual three times, and if the same answer is given three times, then it is true.

In this way they tell fortunes not only about love, but also about other questions, ask them in such a way as to get a specific answer: yes or no.

Chamomile is associated with great, pure and sincere love in Russian folklore, but each person may have a different favorite flower for fortune telling.

Rose fortune telling

For a long time, young girls have been trying to figure out the attitude of a loved one towards themselves, because often you have to suffer from questions in your head: Does he love me? Will I marry him?

The answer to all these questions is known to the rose - the queen of flowers and the favorite plant of the goddess Aphrodite.

Method 1

You can ask chamomile questions, not only about love. Pick off the petals: “yes, no, yes, no”

Having mentally asked a question to yourself or conceived a wish, we take two identical roses with unopened buds and place them in a vase with water. Why two? One rose is a positive answer to your question, the second is a negative answer. The rose that blooms first will be the answer to your question or will determine whether your wish will come true.

Method 2

You need to choose the most wonderful rose that, in your opinion, will symbolize your sincere feelings to your loved one. You need to place your rose in a vase of water with the following words.

This fortune telling by flowers will tell you about your man, his intentions and desires.

In this fortune telling on flowers, a man will also be present. But of course you won’t tell him about it)

How is fortune telling carried out?

  1. Ask your beloved man to go to the garden in the morning and bring any flower he likes, including wildflowers, of course..
  2. If you do not have such an opportunity, then ask to pick in nature wildflower to your taste.
  3. Based on what he brings to you, it’s worth watching the transcript..


  1. Calendula. A man with changeable moods. The relationship will constantly be renewed and then faded.
  2. Aster. Smart. He is interested in science. He approaches relationships with calculation. Will give smart advice.
  3. Dahlia. An influential patron, a major businessman, a person of power or a military man. Will look after and support.
  4. Knapweed. A simple guy, albeit inconspicuous, but hard-working and sociable, ready to help.
  5. Narcissus. A narcissistic egoist. Requires attention to his person.
  6. Dandelion. A man without moral principles will cheat and lie like crazy.
  7. Rose. A man of serious intentions, caring and attentive.
  8. Peony. Smart, serious. A wonderful family man.
  9. Clover. This man will make your life a fairy tale.
  10. Kana. Influential, promising, slightly changeable in character. Show love, care and attention. Devoted.
  11. If the flower that he brings you is not on this list, consider that your man is full of riddles and not predictable.

You can also familiarize yourself with other sections of fortune telling.

This fortune telling is very interesting, you can turn to it if there are a lot of people who want to cast a spell, for this fortune telling you need at least ten people. In addition, there is one more condition - everything must happen in the summer, otherwise you will not be able to find a single flower. As a last resort, you can use dried flowers. You will need: acacia, aster, cornflower, carnation, dahlia, hyacinth, jasmine, bell, lily, lily of the valley, poppy, daisies, marigolds, peony, white and red rose, lilac, rosehip. Everyone participating in fortune-telling should stand in a semicircle, and in the center, slightly in front and with his back to everyone, stands the “priest” and next to everyone is the leader of the entire fortune-telling.

The named flowers should lie on the table in front of him, and he pulls them one by one and asks the “priest” who this flower is for, and the “priest” must name the name of this or that participant. The presenter interprets this or that choice and the fortune telling continues. Now let's give the interpretation of colors.

Acacia- platonic love awaits you.

Aster- someone is sad about your fate.

Knapweed- everyone loves you for your simplicity and delicacy.

Carnation- someone is watching you.

Dahlia- expect good news soon.

Hyacinth- an unexpected journey awaits you.

Jasmine- they love you and want to be your friend.

Bell- spend time in empty conversations.

Lily- you will soon receive an inheritance or a big win.

Lily of the valley- conjugal love awaits you.

Poppy- you will receive the consolation you need so much.

Daisies- someone will take care of your destiny.

Marigold- some kind of disaster will happen soon.

Rose white- a person from whom you do not expect will offer you his hand and heart.

Rose red- your suffering will end soon

Lilac- you have to go through a difficult test.

Rose hip- some woman wants to stop you.

Fortune telling by rose petals

Choose the most beautiful red rose, you can buy it at the market, or you can just pick it in the garden. But she should not only be the most beautiful, you should also like her. Therefore, when choosing a rose, consider the color of the flower that is most favorable to you. This flower is used to tell fortunes about a loved one. Place the rose in a vase with water, say, “Beautiful rose, you are the queen among all flowers, you conquer both people and animals. Tell me if my darling loves me.” Wait until it fully blooms. When this happens, look at how many petals are left at the base. If all the petals have fallen, it means that the person you dreamed of does not love you. And if there are at least 2-3 petals left, then you don’t have to worry, the one you are thinking about is also not indifferent to you.

The daisies hid, the buttercups drooped

Don’t be surprised, this is the poetic name for something known by everyone. favorite fortune telling on a chamomile flower. In general, there are two methods of fortune telling with chamomile, the one we proposed is one of them. With its help, you will find out how the hidden person treats you. You must think of the person you are fortune-telling about, be it a girl or a guy, and then tear off one petal at a time from the flower and say the following words: “He loves - he doesn’t love, he spits - he kisses, he presses him to his heart - he sends him to hell.” Don’t forget , that one petal corresponds to one value. Which one of them will end with petals will be the answer for you. But, if you want to have more accurate information, we advise you to carry out fortune telling three times and after that draw conclusions about the actual attitude of the person in question towards you.

Loves - doesn't love

This fortune telling is even simpler than the previous one, and you can use it when you want to confirm some facts or your guesses regarding the attitude of this or that person towards you. So, let's see if the one you have in mind loves you? For this, as in the fortune telling described above, chamomile flowers are ideal - they have a favorable arrangement of petals for divination and, in addition, chamomile has long been considered a “talking” flower for girls and boys. Pick one flower with a stem in the field and, tearing off one petal at a time, say the words: “Loves - loves not.” Which of these words the petals end on will be your fate. Just don’t forget to do these manipulations three times, then the results will be true.

Flower fortune telling for wishes

One of the most common “flower” wish fortune telling is fortune telling using lilac flowers. You make a wish and after that you look for flowers in a bouquet of lilacs that have five, and not four, as usual, petals. If you are lucky and you find such a flower, it means that your wish will come true, and if you come across only four-petaled flowers, then, alas, it is not your fate that your wish will come true. Here we need to stipulate one condition - the lilac must be ordinary, where the flower, as a rule, has four petals, and not eight or nine, like double lilacs; it is not recommended to guess with such lilacs. In addition, to find out whether your wish will come true, you can pick a chamomile flower and count whether it has an even number of petals. If you come across a chamomile with an even number, it means your wish is destined to come true. Naturally, you should not count the number of petals in advance, otherwise all the charm of this fortune-telling disappears. Here's another way to determine whether what you wished for will come true. To do this, pick a rosehip flower, make a wish and throw it up. Look how it fell to the ground - up or down with its stalk ( back side ) If the flower lies with its back side up, it means that the wish will not come true. And if the flower fell with its receptacle up, then everything you wished for will come true. Find chicory in a field or meadow, make a wish and pick one flower. Tearing off one petal at a time, say: “it will come true - it won’t come true” until the petals run out. Whatever word they end on is what will happen. You can determine the fate of your wish with the help of strawberries or wild strawberries when they bloom. Think of something and pick one small flower, then throw it above you and see where it lands. If a flower falls to your right, it means that what you want will come true without much difficulty. If you find it on the left or behind, then the wish is not destined to come true; and what you want will come true with considerable difficulty when the strawberry flower is right in front of you. In the summer, when sunflowers bloom, go to the field and, having made a wish in advance, take out ten sunflower seeds one at a time. If among them you come across at least one empty one, then you will need to try hard to fulfill your wish. In the case when there are more than one empty seeds in your sample, it means that what you wished for is impossible. And finally, it may happen that all ten seeds are full, therefore, expect the fulfillment of your plans soon. At a time when the dandelion has already bloomed, you can also use it to find out whether your wish will come true or not. In windy weather, pick one such dandelion and raise it above your head, but not very high; look where the parachutes will fly and whether at least one of them will hit you. If you managed to “catch” at least one, then everything is in order - everything you wished for should come true in the near future. Well, if all the dried flowers flew past you without hitting you, then, sad as it may be, you will have to refuse to fulfill your wish. If calendula grows in your garden plot or at your friends’ dacha, then with its help you can also find out the fate of your wish. Choose two from the whole variety of colors and make a wish on one that your wish will come true, and on the other that it will not. Just don't forget to mark them so you don't get confused later. And fortune telling is this: you must carefully monitor during the day - which of the flowers “closes” first at night will come true for you. And finally, the last “flower” fortune telling for the fulfillment of a wish. For this we need a lily of the valley, and we don’t even have to pick it. To find out whether your wish will come true, find a lily of the valley in the forest and, tearing off one flower after another, say accordingly: “it will come true soon, it will not come true soon, it will never come true.” At which phrase the flowers end, then you need to wait.

Fortune telling with bones

With the help of fortune telling on cherry pits, you can determine whether your wish will come true. Take blank slate paper and draw a circle on it with a diameter of 9-10 centimeters, and in addition, you will need nine cherry pits. Make a wish and throw the bones over the drawn circle, and then watch how they fall. If all of them remain within the circle, then your wish will soon come true. It will be performed with some difficulty if only one bone rolls out of the circle. And the dream will not come true at all if there is more than one cherry pit outside the circle. For the next fortune telling you will need apricot or plum pits. You can cast a spell in this way if you are starting a new business and are not confident in the success of your enterprise. Take one plum and apricot kernel and put them in a glass where you poured the rice in advance, mix all the contents. Without looking, pull out one seed and see which one you come across. Plum means that your new business will bring profit and success, so you can take on it without fear. If you pulled out an apricot pit, then it’s better for you to leave this idea, it does not bode well. And finally, fortune telling about peach pits. It will help determine whether your wish will come true. Before choosing a peach, make a wish and you can eat it. If on the remaining bone you find at least one straight line among all the variety of convolutions, then your wish will come true.

Fortune telling by pine cones

Absolutely any cones are suitable for this fortune-telling - spruce, pine, cedar. Take four pieces of paper and write your wishes on three (there should also be three of them), and on the remaining one write “not a single wish of mine will come true.” Fold the leaves in four, mix them together and place them in a row so that there is an equal distance between them. Now take one pine cone and push it towards the leaves. Whichever of them she “rolls up” to, what is written there will be fulfilled.

Fortune telling by acorns

Acorns are one of the most common means for determining one’s destiny, especially in middle lane Russia, where fortune telling with acorns is most popular. Especially loved in Rus' Christmas fortune telling when the process of divination turned into fun game. In this case, it is best if you have a few more of your friends with you. If you want to tell fortunes at Christmas time, you will need to stock up on 10-15 acorns from the summer. But it is not necessary to guess exactly on these days; you can also guess in the summer - on the holiday of Ivan Kupala. In general, you will only need 1-2 acorns, the rest you need as spare ones. Once you have collected a few acorns, you can prepare for the fortune telling process itself. All participants must stand in a circle, and one person will be the leader. He should ask questions that interest everyone (for example, which of us will go to live in another city or which of those present will get married first, etc.), and after that throw the acorn up next to whom it will fall, the question was about that person presenter

Fortune telling using acorn caps

This fortune telling is also very interesting, but more labor-intensive than the previous one. It is used when someone wants to bewitch their destiny. To do this, collect 10 acorns in the forest and tear off the caps from them, we will need them, but you can throw away the acorns themselves, they will not be useful. When you get home, cut out small pieces of paper and write.

Success in the business sphere awaits you in the near future.

Forget about everything and enjoy life with your loved ones. - Now is not the best time for any new beginnings.

You are living too busy a life and you need some relaxation at nature's inclination.

Take care of your loved ones, otherwise you will later regret that you did not pay enough attention to them.

The purchases you make in the near future will last a long time and will be especially loved by you.

You now love and are loved, and nothing threatens your union.

Get busy, because in all other areas of life you are not very lucky yet.

- Whatever business you undertake, success awaits you everywhere, except in the sphere of personal relationships.

A very bad period in your life, it’s better to wait it out somewhere in a calm place.

When you write these phrases on pieces of paper, carefully fold them and put them in acorn caps, you should have ten of these packages. Fold them either into a hat, or simply put them on the table, and after that, each of the fortune-telling participants must pull out one package and read what awaits them in the near future. To carry out this fortune-telling, you must wait until midnight and only after twelve o’clock can you pull out the leaves. In general, this fortune-telling is traditionally carried out in the summer on the night of Ivan Kupala, when a favorable atmosphere is created for this.