How to draw a daisy with a pencil step by step. How to draw a daisy, the queen of wildflowers


Probably everyone has tried to draw this flower. It would seem that this is complicated, just a few petals, a stem, leaves and the drawing is ready. However, not everyone succeeds in drawing a daisy very similar to a real one. Perhaps this is due to the fact that many people immediately grab the petals, which are not quite even. And besides, the petals should look symmetrical, otherwise you won’t get a beautiful design. If you need to draw not just one flower, but a whole bouquet, then you already need a good eye.

It is better to start drawing the stem, and then draw the flower itself, and not vice versa. Thus, by drawing a daisy step by step, you will get a flower very similar to the real one. To begin with, you will need a simple pencil, and only then you can color your picture with colored pencils. If you have skills in painting with paints, then this is welcome. So, let’s start creating a real bouquet of daisies.

Initial contours of the flower

As in previous lessons, this time we will begin our masterpiece by drawing the contours of our daisy. I won’t say that this is very easy to do, but it’s not that difficult either. You should sketch a small circle, which will serve as a bud, and then with a simple pencil draw a line or so-called stem. This way, it will be easier for you to maintain the proportions and the petals in your drawing should turn out to be in a circle.

Let's start drawing the outer border of the petals

Here, for accuracy, it is necessary to make a circle with a slightly larger diameter than the one we already have. So, draw a circle around the drawn outline. This figure gives us the opportunity to make a conditional border, and the petals of our flower will no longer be able to come out from behind it. We tried, therefore, to draw the same petals, that is, their length and width do not differ from each other. This will make the picture more attractive.

Drawing petals

No element of this flower requires as much effort as the petals, so we must give them our full attention. You need to draw petals without going beyond the outer border, and also without disturbing its inner part. By fulfilling this condition, your petals should turn out not only even, but also attractive. Perhaps, one condition for making the petals still exists - they must have the same width.

Final stage

So, we are slowly approaching the final stage of our art and the task is almost completed. However, now we need to paint the stem of the chamomile and we need to do this in detail. Let's start with the leaves, they should be sharp. You can depict them in any size, at your discretion, but do not make them too large. Also no need to draw large number leaves.

Then we move on to drawing lines, the so-called veins. There should be several of them. Now that the drawing is almost ready, it's time to start coloring it. You can do this with colored pencils, which is probably easier. And whoever is stronger, let him take up the paints. You don't need a lot of different tones, just green and yellow are useful here.

Drawing a daisy on a tablet

No one will argue that flowers, regardless of their type, look better in a bouquet. However, maybe you don’t want to start drawing a bouquet, then you can draw on a daisy beautiful butterfly. You can also draw a bee on a chamomile. The insect is able to give a lonely daisy a more attractive appearance, reviving it.

Chamomiles are delicate and beautiful flowers. Daisies collected in bouquets or small groups look especially impressive if you draw them while sitting in a sunlit clearing.

Flowers can be drawn with a simple pencil. Don't worry about not being able to convey bright and subtle colors: with the help of smooth shading, light and dark areas, you will draw a flower no worse than using a set of colored pencils.

But if you still want to make the drawing closer to reality, then for you - step by step lessons watercolor painting.

How to beautifully draw a daisy with a pencil step by step for beginners?

For the drawing you need to prepare:

  • thick paper
  • simple pencils: soft (B2), (B4) and hard (H)
  • eraser

Let's try to draw a simple but quite effective drawing of a daisy. The lesson is intended for beginners, but requires attentiveness and patience.

The purpose of this or that line will not always be immediately clear, but you just need to exactly repeat all the stages of creating a drawing. The end result is worth the effort and time!

Let's draw such a chamomile.

Stage 1:

  • To draw the main contours of the chamomile we will use a hard pencil. Let's estimate how much space the depicted flower will take on the sheet and separate the working surface with a rectangle-frame. We will create our masterpiece inside the rectangle.
  • First, draw the core or eye of the daisy. We depict it in the form of a not very large oval. Let's mark the edges of future petals with a second large oval.

Stage 2:

  • We begin to draw each petal in a circle with a hard pencil. The shape of the petal is a highly elongated oval. Their size should be 1.5 times larger than the core.

  • At the base we draw the petals slightly narrowed, as if cutting off the edges of the core. The tips of the petals may be slightly rounded or sharp.

Stage 3:

  • At the top of the core we draw another small circle, from which we will draw lines down to the outer border of the core. Inside the grooves drawn in this way we will draw rows of seeds.

Stage 4:

  • We draw the seeds in the form of circles. We monitor the boundaries of the grooves: the circles should not go beyond their limits.

Stage 5:

  • Let's move on to tinting. Color the space around the seeds with a soft pencil. Please note: right side is in the shade, and the left one is under lighting.

Stage 6:

  • The top of the core also needs to be darkened around the edges.

Stage 7:

  • Take a soft pencil (B4). We will need to convey the shadows on the petals. In order for them to turn out the same as in the figure, you need to approximately outline the border of the shadow with a line and only then begin shading.
  • Try this method. It will make your task much easier. After all, it is much easier to paint over a certain area than to check the original with each new stroke.

Stage 8:

  • Using a soft pencil we continue to shade the petals. We clarify the line of the stem and shade it, remembering that the right side is shaded and the light source is directed to the left.

Stage 9:

  • Paint the background with a soft pencil.

Second option

This drawing can be done with colored pencils. To make the chamomile beautiful, like a real one, you need to make preliminary markings. If you follow this simple rule, the petals will be symmetrical and even.

Beginners most often start drawing from the core, instead of first drawing the stem and outlining the contours of the future bud.

By repeating all the steps step by step, you will make sure that drawing a daisy is not difficult.

1. Outlines of the stem and bud of a chamomile

We draw the circle of the bud, from which we draw down the line of the stem. Now it will be much easier to maintain the proportions and arrange the petals exactly in the circle of the core.

2. Outer border of petals

Draw a circle around the core. Its diameter is twice as large. The outer border will allow you to draw petals inside without worrying that they will turn out to be different lengths. The width of the petals should also be the same.

3. Petals

To make the petals smooth and neat, you will have to work on them. We will draw the petals, slightly changing both the size and length. Don't be afraid to draw some long petals that extend beyond the outer border.

After all, in nature, a chamomile cannot have calibrated, absolutely identical petals. Let's draw two more straight lines along the stem line. Let's draw the stem of the flower itself a little wider - this will be a cup.

4. Leaves and detailing

Let's draw sharp leaves of the chamomile. They can be both small and large. The main thing is that they look harmonious in the drawing. Add veins to the leaves.

5. Completion

In order to decorate the daisy, you will need colored pencils or yellow and green paints. To enliven a drawing that shows one daisy, you can add a butterfly or a bee.

Chamomile: pencil drawing for children

Children often start drawing flowers, but beautiful drawing It can only work out after accessible explanations from an adult. How can parents who do not have special drawing abilities get out of this difficult situation?

Shouldn’t we “torment” the image of a flower by erasing the eraser and throwing away more than one sheet of paper until we get at least some kind of flower? To prevent your child from getting upset because of an unsuccessful drawing, try drawing a beautiful daisy flower with him, following our step-by-step recommendations.

Stage 1:

Start drawing from the stem: draw one from the bottom curved line and carry out the second one in parallel with it. But you should not make the stem too thick. At the top of the stem, draw a circle - this will be the middle of the chamomile.

Stage 2:

Start drawing the petals. To begin, draw four narrow and long petals, arranged in pairs opposite each other.

After the two pairs of petals have taken their places in the drawing, start adding three petals between them, maintaining symmetry, length and width. When the petals are drawn, you can proceed to the next stage.

Stage 3:

Let's draw two leaves: long and narrowed at the tops.
Now you can paint the chamomile. The middle is yellow, the petals in some places can be decorated with a soft blue color, and the leaves can be green.

Video: drawing a daisy with children in watercolor

Drawings and sketches of chamomile for copying

Sometimes children ask you to help them draw a flower. And it’s good if you have simple but beautiful schematic images of the desired flower at hand. All you have to do is invite your child to choose the one he likes and show him how to reproduce the picture.

How to draw a bouquet of daisies with a pencil step by step?

Small flowers look good in a bouquet. And if we figured out the drawing of one daisy, then why not try to draw a bouquet of daisies?

Do not think that drawing a bouquet of three daisies is a difficult and impossible task. This is not true at all. You don't need to be particularly familiar with the intricacies of pencil drawing.

Just follow all the lines like in the pictures below and you will see how easy it is. You won't even need to make preliminary markings, everything is so easy to draw. Enjoy the creative process

Step 1:

Draw a circle in the upper right half of the sheet. It is not necessary to use a compass or other aids for this: draw as you see fit, without worrying about even and regular boundaries. This is a flower, not a balloon.

Step 2:

Now draw petals around the core: there should be 6 of them: the upper edge of the petals is wide and wavy, the lower edge is narrowed.

Step 3:

Stepping back a little from the first daisy, draw the core of the second. Draw the petals again. Notice that the first daisy seems to cover the petals of the second.

Draw a third daisy on top of them. It is slightly smaller than the previous two because it is further away.

Step 4:

Start drawing the stems: draw two parallel lines down from each flower and connect them at one point. Don't forget the leaves: leave four empty spaces on the stems where the leaves will go.

Step 5:

Add leaves. There should be five of them. Let's decorate.

Complete the leaves

The fifth leaf “hid” behind the stems

The drawing is ready. Just need to decorate

Second option:

A bouquet of daisies can be drawn differently. Although this drawing will be more difficult, a beginner who has never held a pencil in his hand can handle it.

Step 1:

Let's schematically draw stems and flowers on a piece of paper. Preliminary contours daisies are two circles: one smaller one is the core, and the second one is larger. Let's outline the bow.

Initial contours of the bouquet

Draw the petals of each chamomile. It is not necessary to draw them the same: some can be long and curved, others short. The edges of some can be drawn wavy. We continue drawing until all 7 daisies are ready. Step 3:

It's time to add volume to the original contours of the flowers. We shade some areas on the stems and leaves, not forgetting that the illuminated part should remain light.

When shading the bow, leave the ends of the ribbon hanging down light. In some places, you can erase the shaded area to create a highlight.

Core detailing

Step 4:

We take a hard pencil and begin to shade the areas on the petals. You don't need to press hard on the pencil, but the strokes should fit snugly together.

We draw the cores of the flowers with a soft 2B pencil. They should look darker than the petals. Let's add volume to the cores. To do this, we will cover the lower edge of the core with dashed lines.

Using a soft pencil 4B or 6B it is necessary to correct the contours of the colors in some areas.

You can use gouache to paint some illuminated areas

Let's make some of the petals more shaded. This will give the drawing expressiveness. Well, we've done it with this bouquet!

Chamomile: watercolor drawing step by step

Even a beginner can handle the following drawing.

1. Let's decorate the background. Let's draw a dark spot closer to the center of the sheet. This will be the chamomile core.

2. We draw white petals different in length and location, but they all come out from the edges of the core. Flat brush put it on paper, draw a stroke towards the center of the flower, narrowing the base. At first, the smear may not work out well, so it’s better to practice on a separate sheet of paper.

3. Add a bottom layer of petals, and then use clean white paint to apply the same strokes on top of the ones already painted. The lower petals seem to be shaded by the upper ones, which are closer to the viewer.

4. Let's draw the contours of some petals. Let's paint the core. We highlight the lower part of the oval in light green, thereby emphasizing its convexity.

Mix yellow and red paint and paint the entire core with dots. Let’s add a white “smile” with dots for expressiveness.

Petal outlines

5. Finish the stem and leaves with green paints.

Video: chamomile in watercolor

How to draw a daisy step by step? I suggest you draw one daisy flower or a bouquet of daisies.

In general, the name “chamomile” came to us from the Polish language. In Rus', these flowers were called bachelorette, belyushka, sunflower. So simple and dear Slavic man names, like the flowers themselves.

Chamomile is widely used for medicinal purposes. Chamomile infusion is given to patients with fever. This plant has antidote properties and is good for poisoning.

Chamomile is also used in the production of cosmetics. The plant extract is added to toothpaste, creams, lotions. Chamomile acts as a rejuvenating agent. These properties of the flower have long been known in Tibet. Yes, and in our folk medicine exists huge amount recipes using chamomile that heal all sorts of diseases.

First, I suggest drawing a daisy with a pencil in a single copy.

How to draw a daisy flower step by step?

We draw an oval, inside it there is another smaller one and mark the place where it will be.

Now we draw the rays from the sun. It’s not for nothing that chamomile was called sunflower. She really looks like the sun. The rays go in different directions and they are not straight, but curved.

How to draw a daisy petal?

Now we begin to draw the chamomile petals. They are all different lengths and shapes.

How to draw a daisy for children? The petals grow from the middle of the chamomile not in one row, but in several. In some places, 2, 3 and even 4 petals are layered on top of each other. They look out from under each other. The middle of the chamomile is convex and voluminous. By the way, another name for chamomile is navel. Because the middle stands out on the flower, like a navel. And the center of this navel is slightly flattened, pressed down.

Now we erase the construction lines (the original circle).

We begin to carefully shade the petals with a hard pencil (T, H, HB). In the future you will need softer pencils (2B, 4B). You can get by with just a simple pencil, but if you use a soft pencil at the last stage of working on the drawing, the daisy will turn out much more expressive. Try it and you will understand the difference. The strokes should be placed in the shape of the petals. There is no need to shade all the petals. Shade areas selectively. As a rule, the petals look a little darker at the “umbilical cord” itself.

How to draw a beautiful daisy?

Now let's start shading the middle of the flower. For this I used an unusual stroke. We paint over the dark areas of the core with a “lamb” stroke. I don’t know what it’s actually called, but I like the word “lamb.” We cover the bright areas randomly with dots.

This is what these strokes look like upon closer inspection:

Now we take a soft pencil in our hands and emphasize some lines in our drawing. In particular, I emphasized the darkest places on the “navel” - the center and the junction of the petals and the middle of the flower. Some petals were darkened at the tips. Chamomile is ready!

Well, we've sorted out the individual flower. Now we will learn how to draw a bouquet of flowers.

First of all, let's define the composition. In other words, we will decide where the flowers will be located, where the bow will be, how long the stems will be. We outline all this schematically.

We begin to draw individual flowers in our bouquet. How to draw a flower is written above.

So we drew 7 daisies.

Draw flower stems and a few leaves. We draw in more detail the bow with which the daisies are tied. How to draw daisies in a vase? To do this, instead of a bow, draw a miniature transparent vase. You can choose a suitable photo of a vase on the Internet and draw it.

Use an HB pencil to carefully shade the flower stems. In the shadow part we make them a little darker, in the light - lighter.

Now we shade the bow. The ends of the ribbon that hang down look lighter. Using an eraser, we erase the pencil in several places, creating light areas - highlights.

Using a hard pencil or HB pencil, we darken some areas on the daisy petals. We do not put pressure on the pencil; we place the strokes close to each other. It is better to draw the centers of the flowers with a softer pencil, for example, 2B, as they look darker compared to the petals. To show the volume of the umbilical cords, darken one of the edges of the circle more than the rest of the middle.

Now take the softest pencil (4B or 6B) and highlight the flowers in some places. This will not take much time, but will have a very good effect on the expressiveness of the drawing.

The bouquet of daisies is ready!

Everyone can probably draw a picture of a daisy. Several petals, a stem with leaves and a picture of a chamomile are ready. But for some reason, painted daisies don’t always turn out beautifully, like real ones. The reason is that you start drawing a daisy with the petals. And to draw them even and symmetrical, you need a good eye, especially if you are drawing a bouquet. It is best to draw the chamomile flowers at the end, and first draw the stem and outline of the chamomile bud. By drawing in stages, first with a simple pencil, and then coloring with colored pencils or paints, you will definitely get a real bouquet of chamomile flowers.

1. Initial contours of the flower

It is not at all difficult to draw a small circle for a chamomile bud and draw a preliminary line of the stem with a simple pencil. Now you can definitely maintain the proportions in the daisy drawing, and the petals in your drawing will be exactly in a circle.

2. Draw the outer border of the petals

By drawing another circle around the first contour, but of a larger diameter, you will thereby draw a boundary beyond which the petals will not extend. This way they will all be the same length and width, which will make chamomile drawing more attractive.

3. Draw chamomile petals

Chamomile petals are perhaps the only element of the design that requires effort and attention. But having an internal and external border of their location, it is easy to draw them even and neat. The only condition is that they must be the same width.

4. How to draw a daisy. Final step

At this stage, almost the final one, you need to draw the chamomile stem in detail. Draw sharp leaves of arbitrary size and number. Make a few veins on the leaves and you can start coloring the picture with colored pencils or paints. You only need two colors to draw a daisy- yellow and green.

5. Drawing a chamomile on a tablet

Any flower always looks better in a bouquet. But if you don't want to draw a bouquet of daisies, you can draw a butterfly or a bee on the daisy. This will bring the lonely daisy drawing to life.

Even small children can draw a daisy, but not everyone, even an adult, can draw a rose. The rose flower itself is not difficult to draw, but it is very difficult to accurately draw the petals of the bud so that the rose is voluminous and of the correct shape.

To draw a sunflower correctly, just like a chamomile, start by first drawing the stem and leaves, having first drawn general outline sunflower flower. Once you are sure that the proportions are correct, you can draw the sunflower petals.

When drawing flowers, try to focus all your attention on the flower bud itself, even if it simple chamomile. The leaves, stem and additional details of the drawing should be drawn in the background, without drawing the viewer's attention to the details.

When drawing a daisy flower, you definitely want to draw a butterfly sitting on it. Its bright colors will go well with and complement simple beauty this flower.

Bees have many small details, which makes drawing difficult, but since such tasks develop attentiveness and the ability to maintain proportions, try drawing one. One of the “characters” for a chamomile drawing can be a drawing of a bee flying up to a chamomile.

Chamomile is a herbaceous plant from the Asteraceae or Asteraceae family. This plant is small in height, usually 20-30 cm, very smelling and has a pleasant aroma. Chamomile flowers are usually small in wild species and large in garden species. The flower has a lot of white petals and usually a yellow center. A chamomile flower looks like a sun with rays. It is customary to use daisy to tell fortunes for lovers. They tear off the petals of a flower - one after another - while saying: “Loves, loves not, loves, does not love...” Whichever last petal falls out, that feeling will mean. Many chamomile is used for medicinal purposes to prepare medicines, decoctions and rinses, because it has many healing properties. Chamomile is also used in cosmetics and perfumes. And she, without a doubt, greatly decorates the flower beds of our gardens and parks, pleasing the eye with her modest beauty... Do you want to learn how to draw this sunny, cheerful flower - a daisy step by step with a pencil? Then get started!

Stage 1. First, draw an oval at the top of a sheet of paper, from which downwards draw a slightly curved line, from which, in turn, three lines extend at small distances from each other in different directions. Then, in the center of the oval, draw another one, much smaller. This will be the core of the chamomile flower.

Stage 2. Now from the small oval - the core - to the edge of the large oval, begin to draw adjacent petals. Draw them long, thin, densely set. First the lower part of the flower, then top part flower.

Stage 4. Draw chamomile leaves. On the stem, on the first line under the flower, draw the outlines of a leaf. The chamomile leaf is dissected, the edges are pointed. Then on the second line we also draw a leaf, its length is longer, and at the end on the third line we draw last sheet, the biggest. In general, the shape of the leaf is somewhat reminiscent of a Christmas tree.

Stage 5. Let's outline the contours of the entire chamomile flower again.

Stage 6. Color the flower. The core is yellow, the petals will be left white, and the stem and leaves, of course, will be green.