Traditional medicine Malakhov. Gennady Malakhov. Education of a Russian writer

Gennady Petrovich Malakhov is a Russian TV presenter, writer, creator of his own method of healing the body. Since 2006 he has been the chief actor programs “Malakhov+”, “Visiting Gennady Malakhov”, “Good Health”. Author of his own Internet project “Healing Cooking”.

Gennady was born and raised in the village of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, located 120 kilometers from Rostov-on-Don. The parents were simple workers who instilled in their son a love of learning and sports. Actually, classes in sports sections in childhood, Genes were the only ones affordable entertainment. The young man tried many types, eventually settling on weightlifting.

After school and vocational school, where Malakhov received a specialty as a mechanic, the young man was drafted into the armed forces. Having seen the conscript’s success in lifting the barbell, the military registration and enlistment office sent Gennady to the sports company, where he was able to fulfill the standard of a master of sports in weightlifting. And the record in weight lifting is young man was an incredible 202 kilograms. The young man managed to repeat the result Olympic champion at the 1960 Rome Olympics.

After the army, Malakhov graduated in absentia from the Moscow Institute of Physical Education. At the same time, trouble happened to the young man. Gennady became seriously ill - his tonsils became inflamed, but traditional medicine could not cope with the disease. Then the athlete found a folk healer who, through the symbiosis of yoga, traditional medicine and cleansing the body managed to defeat the disease. Healing played a big role in the biography of Gennady Malakhov, changing life priorities young man.

Since then, the man began to enthusiastically study the works of Russian and foreign doctors. Based on own experience, knowledge of medicinal herbs and alternative medicine, Malakhov created his own healing method. Plus Gennady connected to physical improvement and spiritual development becoming an activist healthy image life.

As a result, Gennady Petrovich’s hobby formed into the “Bodrost” club, which he founded in his hometown. This activity was non-commercial, since the healer earned money by working as the head of the Kamensk rescue station and as a correspondent for the Trud newspaper, where he wrote a column about health.


Having started writing for the newspaper, Gennady Malakhov thought about publishing a full-fledged book. The athlete was prompted to this idea by the fact that there were many similar volumes on store shelves, but they were written in complex scientific language, difficult for the average person to understand.

The first book, “Healing Powers,” published in 1989, gradually gained success among the masses. The collection was expected to have a large circulation and be reprinted several times. Since then, the writer has written 50 books about proper nutrition, medicinal plants, hardening, diets, methods of healing, and so on.

The collections “Creation of own system healing”, “Biorhythmology and urine therapy”, “Biosynthesis and bioenergetics”, “Cleansing the body”, which were published in the mid-90s.


Thanks to the increased popularity of Gennady Malakhov’s books, he was noticed and invited to Channel One. The healer was offered to host the program “Malakhov + Malakhov”, in a duet with his namesake. True, the program was aired with this composition for only a month, and then Andrei was replaced by an actress, and even later by a doctor. Therefore, the show received a new name “Malakhov+”.

A thousand episodes were filmed. The success was enormous and, according to the main TV presenter, the popularity of this program predetermined the appearance of many health programs on television. The Malakhov+ rating was really high. According to Channel One statistics, the program was watched more than the Russian Football Championship, and the morning broadcast of the show had record figures: 26% of TV viewers watched this medical show in the morning.

But it should be noted that from the very beginning, heated discussions and disputes swarmed around “Malakhov+” regarding the appropriateness and safety of Gennady Petrovich’s methods and advice. The folk healer repeatedly became a parody character in the TV show “Big Difference,” where the role of Malakhov went to the artist Sergei Volkovnitsky.

Malakhov worked at Channel One for 5 years; leaving Russian television became painful for Malakhov. According to some reports, Gennady Petrovich suffered from the commercialization of the project and even allegedly wanted to commit suicide. Malakhov demanded that the contract be terminated unilaterally, but since a penalty of 1.5 million rubles was required, the program was simply closed and repeats were broadcast for another month best issues. In 2010, Malakhov was invited to participate in the author’s project “Visiting Gennady Malakhov” on Channel Eight.

In 2012, Malakhov moved to Kyiv, where he began performing on the Ukrainian TV channel “Inter” with the program “Healthy Bulls with Malakhov.” Then, again in Moscow, Gennady hosted the talk show “Visiting Gennady Malakhov,” and since the end of 2012, he also hosted a new medical program, “Good Health.”

Gradually, Gennady Malakhov moved away from television and began to use the capabilities of the Internet. The healer created his own projects about a healthy lifestyle - “Natural Cosmetics” and “Malakhov about Life, Health”, and his latest brainchild was the Internet program about proper nutrition “Healing Cooking”.

The traditional healer has a personal website called “Traditional Medicine and Treatments”, on the pages of which you can find the author’s methods from Gennady Malakhov, descriptions of diseases and their treatment. The site has a forum, recommendations in accordance with lunar calendar, an online store selling herbal products.

Gennady Malakhov’s theory of healing was based on the ideas of cleansing the body using several methods - through the use of enemas, fasting, and the use of decoctions of medicinal herbs. Gennady Petrovich suggests starting liver cleansing with a three-day fast for apple juice, after which on the third day, in the evening, you need to take half a glass of lemon juice orally and sunflower oil. After the procedure, you need to lie down, applying a warm heating pad to the liver area.

To cleanse the kidneys, Gennady Malakhov recommends consuming a sufficient amount of watermelon pulp. For non-squeamish people, the healer recommends a method of self-purification - urine therapy, the use of one’s own urine as an enema, a solution for oral administration, and for washing the eyes.

In his own books, Gennady Malakhov offers folk recipes to eliminate common diseases - sore throat, gastritis, headaches, gallstones, high or low blood pressure. To treat hemorrhoids, the healer advises using mustard powder, which must be slowly dissolved in the mouth, while placing a tampon with boiled vegetable oil into the anus. Dilated veins of the rectum according to Malakhov can be treated with garlic cloves, placing them inside for a few minutes.

Personal life

Gennady Petrovich Malakhov lived his entire life with his only wife, Nina Mikhailovna, who worked as a technologist at a winery. The young people got married in 1981 and raised two children - son Leonid and daughter Ekaterina. Nina Mikhailovna is not a supporter of her husband’s ideas, but she also adheres to a healthy lifestyle and helps her husband in writing medical books. On the Internet you can find a number of joint marital photos of the Malakhov couple.

Malakhov is a sports enthusiast. Gennady is also an avid fisherman. And when the healer sits down to write the next chapter of the book, he always turns on his favorite ethno-style music. Malakhov prefers the groups “Deep Forest” and “Enigma”.

Gennady Malakhov now

Now Gennady Malakhov still works on television. In 2016, after a break, the author of books about healthy eating again appeared on Channel One in the program “Tablet”. In the fall, Gennady Malakhov was invited to take the place of TV presenter of the TV-3 channel program “The ABC of Health.”

In interviews with journalists from publications devoted to a healthy lifestyle, he often gives advice on raising the vitality of the body. For example, to improve well-being, Malakhov recommended doing enemas with a coffee drink in 2017.


  • 2006 – “Malakhov+”
  • 2010 – “Visiting Gennady Malakhov”
  • 2012 – “Good health!”
  • 2016 – “The ABC of Health”

Gennady Petrovich Malakhov is one of the most discussed personalities on Russian television. The author of several books on health, a popularizer of alternative methods of treatment and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, the author of many of which is himself, the TV presenter draws sharp criticism from qualified doctors. Are there those who were helped by Malakhov’s methods to recover from serious illnesses?

Early years: place and date of birth, childhood

TV presenter, author of several books and pseudoscientific publications about in various ways recovery, urinotherapist born on September 20, 1954. The biography of Gennady Malakhov began in a small industrial town in the center of the Rostov region - Kamensk-Shakhtinsky. About the parents of Gennady Petrovich information in open sources No. From numerous interviews and publications it is known that as a child he was an ordinary guy, was not interested in unconventional methods of treatment and did not even dream of working on television. Gennady went in for sports and completed eleven grades at school.

Education of a Russian writer

After graduating from school, Gennady Malakhov entered a vocational school, where he began studying to become a mechanic, while simultaneously doing physical training. After completing his studies, he received the specialty “electrician” and a rank. Gennady Petrovich got a job in his specialty, but stayed in working profession not for long. The young man decided to continue his education and entered the Central Institute physical culture. He dreamed about good education, so I set off to conquer the capital of our homeland - Moscow. Gennady managed to enter the chosen university the first time. Gennady graduated from the institute in 1988, when he was already 34 years old. It would seem that it was training in this profile that determined the future activities of Gennady Malakhov, but fate decreed otherwise.

Passion for a healthy lifestyle

How did Gennady Malakhov become interested in unconventional methods of treatment and healing the body? This did not happen at the institute, although the young man had been involved in sports since childhood and, one might say, followed the principles of a healthy lifestyle. But a common illness became decisive in his future life and career. When trying to leave the sport, Gennady Petrovich suffered severe pathology of the tonsils. He tried to cope with a complex disease on his own, since traditional medicine did not help. To do this, he turned to a certain Yuri Pavlovich.

All that is known about Yuri Pavlovich is that he is a trainer who practices yoga, who helped Gennady Petrovich improve his health. He managed to recover by doing breathing exercises. The disease receded, but left behind a passion for unconventional methods of treatment. Then Malakhov began to become interested in the works of famous authors from the USA and Europe. He read Norman Walker, Paul Bragg, Herbert Shelton and others. It was these authors who influenced his worldview and life attitudes.

It is also known that Gennady Malakhov (he would write books on his own later, at that time the man had just begun to “comprehend” alternative medicine) met a follower of the teachings of P. Ivanov, the writer V. Cherkassov. Ivanov called himself the Conqueror of Nature, Teacher of the People and God of the Earth. He was also known by the nickname Parshek. This is the creator of a health system that gained some popularity in the USSR. Ivanov himself walked barefoot, could easily endure frost and cold, dressed only in shorts, went for a long time without food and water, and practiced dousing. He led this lifestyle for 50 years, and lived for a total of 85 years.

Work: alternative medicine and writing books

Gennady Malakhov on television

In 2006, Channel One first aired a TV show about a healthy lifestyle. Gennady Malakhov’s program was called “Malakhov plus Malakhov,” he hosted it together with Andrei Malakhov, a showman, journalist, editor of StarHit magazine and journalism teacher at the Russian State University for the Humanities. A month and a half later, Andrei left, then the name was changed - “Malakhov+”. Gennady's co-host was Elena Proklova, Soviet and Russian actress and TV presenter.

Four years later, an exceptional incident occurred. Gennady Malakhov’s program was not aired; it was urgently replaced by “Meeting the Parents.” The follower of alternative medicine simply did not show up for filming. His neighbors said that Gennady tried to commit suicide, but stopped in time. He later told reporters that he was tired, he had neither the moral nor physical strength left to continue working on television. In addition, the presenter said that his brainchild in lately“lost its nationality”, “became heavy”.

The program changed its name, so Malakhov decided to break his contract with Channel One. Representatives of the television company replied that he could do this only if he paid a penalty. It was necessary to pay 1.5-2 million rubles. Malakhov then complained that he had a weak heart and injured his back during filming. The program was closed; until November 2012, only reruns were aired.

After this incident, in 2010, Malakhov moved to Channel Eight. There he became the host of the program “Visiting Gennady Malakhov.” Then he became widely known for announcing on air about the possibility of treating chickenpox with vodka. In 2011, Gennady Malakhov began talking about cleansing the body at Inter (Ukraine). The TV show was called “Healthy Bulls with Malakhov.”

In 2012, Malakhov took part in the “With a New Home” program on “Russia-1”. There he acted as an expert on alternative methods of treatment. From 2012 to 2014, Gennady Petrovich worked with Angelina Vovk. He led "Good health!" on Channel One. In addition, he took part (2016) in the Tablet program. In the fall of the same year, he became the presenter of “Tablets” on TV-3.

Harsh criticism of treatment methods

Qualified doctors have repeatedly argued that the treatment methods offered by Gennady Petrovich not only do not help, but can also be dangerous. The consequences can even be fatal. Malakhov offers kerosene treatment, urine therapy and other very unusual ways eliminate diseases. This is all aggravated by widespread advertising in media mass media and large circulations of books by him. So, associate professor of the Medical Academy. Sechenova calls the recommendations of the TV show host “nonsense.” Experts consider Malakhov’s methods to be pseudoscientific.

Most viewers who watched his programs also left negative reviews. People understand that the advice of an adherent of alternative medicine can be life-threatening. It is unknown whether Gennady Malakhov’s recommendations helped anyone. It was not possible to find such reviews in open sources.

Internet scandal involving Malakhov

Next time the name of Gennady Malakhov was remembered in a scandal in 2010. Then the “medic” showed in the program a boy with diabetes who had “jumped” off insulin. The boy was treated with proper breathing and squats. Experts commented on this by saying that the little patient was experiencing the so-called “ honeymoon diabetes." This condition, which occurs about a year after confirmation of the diagnosis, is characterized by an increase in insulin levels. But this is a normal course of the disease, and the patient should under no circumstances be able to stop insulin.

Personal life of Gennady Petrovich

The personal life of Gennady Malakhov is not discussed in the media, but it is known that he is married to Nina Mikhailovna Malakhova. The couple has a daughter, Ekaterina, and a son, Leonid. Gennady notes that his family helps him write “medical” books. This concerns primarily the wife; little information is known about the children. Leonid managed to start a family, and Ekaterina received a specialty as a linguist-translator.

Malakhov Gennady Petrovich now

What is the TV presenter doing now? Last on at the moment project with the participation of Gennady - “The ABC of Health”. The program airs on the TV-3 channel. In the interview, Gennady Petrovich continues to give advice on a healthy lifestyle. For example, for the general tone of the body, providing energy and improving health, he recommended doing enemas with coffee. This was in 2017.

Gennady Petrovich Malakhov was born on September 20, 1954, in the city of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Rostov region. In 1988 he graduated from the Central Order of Lenin Institute of Physical Culture in Moscow.

According to Malakhov himself, he came to the idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle when, while trying to give up sports, he suffered a severe disease of the tonsils. Gennady tried to cope with the disease through self-medication and for this he turned to a certain Yuri Pavlovich, a yoga practitioner, who managed to raise himself to his feet using the “correct” breathing technique. Later, Malakhov met the writer Vladimir Cherkasov, who gave him books by Paul Breguet and Shelton.

In 1986, Malakhov organized his own club “Bodrost”, in which he told how to cleanse the liver and eat right. A lot of people came. We did yoga, gymnastics, and a little wushu.

In the mid-90s, Malakhov’s first books were published - “Healing Powers” ​​volumes 1 and 2.

Married, has two children.


Since 2006, together with Elena Proklova, she has been hosting the program “Malakhov+” on Channel One.


“Life is the most precious thing a person has, and it is strange that, having gained intelligence at the age of thirty or forty, a person no longer has the strength and health to move on with this intelligence. Illness is an inferiority complex, overt or covert, that is a barrier to what you could be. And for those people who subtly feel their ill health, life becomes a curse. But very, very much can be corrected.”


Doctors warn that the recipes offered by Malakhov can lead to serious health consequences, including death. The danger of the recipes promoted by Malakhov (urine therapy, kerosene treatment, etc.) is aggravated by their widespread advertising in the media and books published in multi-million copies. Thus, V.D. Topolyansky[source?], Associate Professor at the Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy, calls Malakhov’s advice “nonsense”: “Malakhov says that ground eggshells and bones sea ​​fish will help with coxarthrosis. But this is nonsense. Coxarthrosis has different nature, and, without knowing the reasons, this shell can lead a person to disability... The presenter Malakhov evokes one association in me - the Malakhov Kurgan in Sevastopol, where there was a monument to an unknown sailor. And I don’t know how many people, having listened to his advice, will lie down in the new Malakhov Kurgan. I'm not even talking about the recommendation to exclude dairy products for a wet cough. It seems fantastic to me. With the air of an augur he tells us what they promise us lunar day. It turns out that on December 14th they will stimulate aggression and appetite. When a psychiatric patient says this, I don’t argue with him. But I’m not going to argue with Malakhov either.”

S. Varshavchik, TV critic of Novye Izvestia, reports that “experts consider Gennady Malakhov’s recovery methods to be nothing less than pseudoscientific.”

Yuri Polyakov, psychiatrist, candidate of medical sciences, believes that “for specialists, the pseudoscientific essence of Gennady Malakhov’s theories of recovery is obvious. The situation is by no means neutral. The dangers of some of his recommendations can easily be demonstrated. Firstly, this concerns his widely advertised urine therapy (treatment using urine). It is known that the daily amount of human urine contains up to 20-40 mg of corticosteroids and their metabolites. Evaporation of urine “according to Malakhov” leads to an increase in the concentration of steroid hormones. As a result, patients undergo long-term, uncontrolled hormonal “treatment” in unacceptable doses. Receiving additional portions of hormones, the adrenal cortex rapidly ages, and as a result, diseases of old age will occur much earlier: menopause, osteoporosis, obesity... Another recommendation - “cleansing the liver” with large doses of oil - is strictly contraindicated in the presence of stones in the gall bladder, it can lead to severe complications. Meanwhile, Malakhov advises performing this cleansing in case of gallstone disease, essentially putting patients on the brink of life and death.”

Gennady Petrovich Malakhov (September 20, 1954, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Rostov region) - Russian writer, popularizer of alternative methods of treatment, presenter of a number of television programs.

Life and career

After graduating from school, Gennady entered a vocational school (specialty: electrical mechanic). Then he studied at the Central Institute of Physical Culture. According to Malakhov himself, a severe disease of the tonsils prompted him to change his lifestyle. He dealt with the disease by cleansing the body. A certain Yuri Pavlovich helped him with this. It was he who, using the technique of “correct” breathing, raised Malakhov to his feet. Soon the future writer met Vladimir Cherkasov, one of the followers of Ivanov’s teachings. The latter advised Malakhov to read the books of P. Bragg, G. Shelton and N. Walker. Having enriched himself with some knowledge, he decided to devote his entire life to alternative medicine.

1986 - Gennady Malakhov organized the Bodrost club. Here he gave lectures on how to “cleanse the liver and eat right,” and also conducted classes in wushu, gymnastics and yoga.

2006 – the program “Malakhov+” began airing on Channel One. Gennady’s co-host was Elena Proklova.

2010 – the TV show “Malakhov+” was updated. Instead of Proklova, Malakhov’s co-hosts were Doctor of Medical Sciences V. Generalov and doctor N. Morozova. Now the program was to be called “Malakhov + Morozova”. But Gennady Malakhov himself refused to participate in the TV show. He explained this action by fatigue. Although in the same year the healer began working on Channel Eight in the television program “Visiting Gennady Malakhov.” In one of the episodes of this program, he stated that vodka helps with chicken pox.

2011 – began working in the project “Healthy Bulls with Malakhov” (Ukrainian channel “Inter”).

2012 – returned to Russian TV. At first he hosted the program “Visiting Gennady Malakhov” (Channel Eight). Then he began to participate in the program “With a New Home” (channel “Russia-1”) as an expert in the field of traditional medicine. At the end of the year, he and A. Vovk began hosting the talk show “Good Health!” (Channel One).

Malakhov wrote many books promoting his opinion on ways to heal the body:

  • “Biorhythmology and urine therapy”;
  • "Biosynthesis and bioenergy";
  • “Cleansing the body”;
  • "Healing powers."


Most doctors warn that Malakhov's recipes can cause unforeseen health consequences. Some even claim that it can be fatal. This is especially true for urine therapy or treatment with urine. The danger of “healer” recipes is aggravated by their widespread advertising.

V. Topolyansky, associate professor at the Moscow Medical Academy, calls Gennady Petrovich’s advice “nonsense.” He gives several examples to support his opinion. In particular, he points out that Malakhov claims that the bones of sea fish and ground eggshells help with coxarthrosis. In fact, such treatment may result in disability. Topolyansky also criticizes the “healer’s” recommendation, according to which, if you have a wet cough, you need to exclude dairy products.

According to TV critic S. Varshavchik, most experts consider Malakhov’s recovery methods to be pseudoscientific.

Yu. Polyakov, a psychiatrist, is sure that the pseudoscientific nature of Malakhov’s theories is obvious to any specialist. And the danger of some of his recommendations is quite easy to demonstrate. First of all, this concerns urine therapy. As a result of such treatment, diseases of old age can occur much earlier. This refers to obesity, menopause and osteoporosis. “Liver cleansing” with oil is also contraindicated if there are stones in the gallbladder.

In 2009, the live magazine “Malakhov+” discussed the release of a program of the same name, in which “they showed a boy who fell ill diabetes mellitus" According to Malakhov, thanks to his methods, the boy no longer needed insulin. In the commentary for this issue it was said that in fact, diabetes is incurable, and refusing insulin can lead to serious consequences. The author of the message also indicated that an application was submitted to the prosecutor's office to check for the presence of crimes such as “deliberate infliction of harm to health” and “illegal medical practice” in Malakhov’s activities.

Malakhov has already been parodied 5 times in the TV show “Big Difference.” He was played by Fedor Dobronravov and Sergei Burunov.

The “Malakhov+” program was often compared to Kashpirovsky’s sessions. Many called it ordinary quackery. Note that the guests of the program portraying doctors were often ordinary actors. Despite this, this program watched by more viewers than the Russian football championship in 2006. In general, its audience can be compared with the number of viewers of the Vesti program.

Recently, Gennady Malakhov became an academician of the Uzbekistan Institute of Traditional Medicine.

Gennady Petrovich admits that at the age of 27 he felt like a real old man: shortness of breath, pain in his legs and back... According to him, he consulted with different doctors until he realized that he did not need to be treated with pills, but completely change his lifestyle!

Gennady Malakhov is, without a doubt, one of the most colorful and extraordinary personalities on Russian television. His tips for building a system healthy eating, as well as unconventional recipes for healing diseases have long been the subject of heated discussions among scientists. Practical recommendations Our today's hero often becomes the subject of heated discussions, but his programs do not lose their popularity because of this. But who is he - an eccentric or a scientist? We will try to dot all the i's today.

Early years, childhood and family of Gennady Malakhov

Gennady Petrovich Malakhov was born on September 20, 1954 in the industrial town of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky (located in the central part of the Rostov region). As a child, he was the most ordinary guy. He loved sports and long gatherings with friends, and therefore never thought about alternative medicine, or working on television.

After completing the required eleven classes, Gennady Malakhov went to a vocational school, where he began to study to become a mechanic. In parallel with this, our today's hero continued to play sports, which, in fact, was his only bright hobby.

Some time later, having received a vocational school diploma and the rank of electrician, Gennady got a job, but pretty soon left it and decided to continue his studies at the Central Institute of Physical Culture. Driven by the dream of a good education, Malakhov went to Moscow, where he soon became a student at the chosen university.

Study proceeded normally, but the fateful significance in Gennady’s life was played not by the Moscow institute, but by the most common illness. The thing is that in his youth he “earned” serious inflammation of the tonsils.

Traditional medicine did not help cope with the disease, and therefore Gennady Malakhov decided to take a non-trivial path. Through distant acquaintances, he contacted the doctor, whom today he calls Yuri Pavlovich. At his insistence, Gennady underwent a course of treatment and special cleansing of the body, which was based on the principles of yoga and traditional medicine. As a result, the disease subsided, but left behind an extreme passion for alternative medicine.

Some time later, Malakhov began to study the works for himself famous writers Europe and USA. He read books by Herbert Shelton, Paul Bragg, Norman Walker, and several other authors. Based on their advice, our today's hero often created his own own recipes, improving and complementing existing practices.

Gennady Malakhov’s treatment methods were based not only on a combination of certain substances, plants, and medicinal herbs. At some point, gymnastic and yoga exercises and practices were also added to them. Thus, the healing effect on the body was carried out using several methods at once.

Gennady Malakhov: medicine, books, TV shows

At the end of the eighties, our today's hero began to share his work not only with friends and acquaintances, but also with outside listeners. For these purposes, Gennady Petrovich organized the “Bodrost” health club, where he began teaching his techniques for healing the body. Malakhov conducted classes in yoga, wushu, therapeutic exercises and also gave advice regarding proper nutrition and ways to cleanse the body. A few years later, his first books began to appear on the shelves of Russian stores. Thanks to them, Gennady Malakhov became very popular among ordinary Russians, and therefore some time later he was often invited to television.

From time to time, Gennady Petrovich gave advisory advice in the press and on TV, but our today’s hero acquired his own television program much later. In 2006, the Russian Channel One presented viewers with a series of morning programs “Malakhov + Malakhov”, in which Gennady Petrovich worked with his namesake Andrei Malakhov. However, he pretty soon left the “medical treatment” project. Therefore, the program received a new name “Malakhov+”. The co-host of our today's hero is Elena Proklova.

TV viewers sent topics for programs to the editorial office on their own, thus setting the vector for the flow of the program. Gennady Petrovich himself gave medical recommendations on certain issues.

However, from the very first days of its existence, the “Malakhov+” program became the subject of heated discussions on the Internet, the press and the scientific community.

Gennady Malakhov was compared to Kashpirovsky and often pointed out that the program was pseudoscientific in nature. IN social networks There were more and more references to Malakhov’s “didn’t work” recommendations. He was called a charlatan, and his methods were called pseudoscientific and dangerous. One example of this was the fact that the roles of guest doctors in the program were performed by ordinary actors.

But, despite the huge flow of criticism against its presenter, the Malakhov+ program was wildly popular. In particular, it is often mentioned that its television rating exceeded that of the Russian Football Championship. About 26% of TV viewers in morning broadcast they looked at her. And this is just a crazy rating for programs of this type.

Gennady Malakhov has become extremely popular. His books sold in huge quantities, and he himself began to often appear on television as an invited guest. He was successful. However, despite this, in

Gennady Malakhov today

In 2011, our today’s hero left the Russian Channel One and began performing on the Ukrainian television “Inter”, where he hosted the program “Healthy Bulls with Malakhov”. The Directorate of Russian Television threatened the TV presenter with huge penalties and fines, but the matter never came to court.

Some time later, Malakhov left Ukraine and returned to Russia, where he began working in the program “Visiting Gennady Malakhov,” which aired on Channel Eight. In addition, in recent years our today's hero often works as an author of books on medical topics.

In December 2012, after a long break, Malakhov returned to the Russian Channel One, where he began hosting the show “Good Health.”

Personal life of Gennady Malakhov

Gennady Petrovich Malakhov has been married to one woman for many years - Nina Mikhailovna Malakhova. The couple have two children - son Leonid and daughter Ekaterina. As the “people's doctor” himself notes, his family (and especially his wife) often helps him write medical books.