Apple juice for the winter. Apple juice for the winter - the best recipes and useful tips

Homemade apple juice: a recipe for the winter

Homemade apple juice for the winter: step-by-step recipe and the best combinations with other fruits and berries. Simple ways stock up on vitamins for the whole year and get them from a delicious apple drink. It turns out healthy and very aromatic, and its taste is many times superior to its store-bought counterpart.

  1. Type of dish: drink.
  2. Subtype of dish: apple drink.
  3. number of servings out: 5-6
  4. Cooking time: .
  5. National cuisine: Russian.
  6. Energy value:
  • proteins – 0.4 g;
  • fats – 0.4 g;
  • carbohydrates – 9.8 g.

Secrets of making apple juice

Ingredients for making apple juice

  • apples (the quantity is calculated based on the available raw materials and containers for seaming);
  • Sugar is not used in the classic recipe, but if the fruits are very sour, you can add 50-100 g per liter of liquid.

Classic apple juice recipe

To prepare delicious and healthy juice for the winter, it is better to process apples only taken from the tree - they are more juicy. For these purposes, the varieties Anis, Antonovka, Semerenko, Strey Fling, Grushovka are more suitable, but if there are none, you can use others. It is recommended to mix several varieties of apples: the blended drink has a more interesting taste and aroma. The classic technology for preparing apple juice at home is as follows:

Bottle apple juice

  1. Place the containers upside down and cover with a blanket.
In this state, apple juice must be stored at room temperature for another 10-12 days. If during this time it has not begun to ferment, has not become cloudy or mold has appeared, then the jars can be moved to long-term storage in a cool, dark place. This drink can be stored for a very long time, so you can enjoy its taste for a whole year, until the time for a new harvest comes. If it spoils during the first two weeks, it can be boiled for 5-7 minutes and used to prepare jelly or fruit drinks. Adhering to this recipe, It is not necessary to heat the juice a second time. The only difference is that reheating allows you to get rid of sediment at the bottom of the can, which will appear during storage of the drink. It’s worth considering that you won’t be able to get completely clarified juice at home, but taste qualities this nuance will not affect. Using the pasteurization method, you can preserve the maximum of vitamins in the resulting drink. That's why it's recommended experienced housewives who care not only about the taste, but also about the benefits of their preparations. For the same purposes, it is recommended to use only enamel dishes for heating liquids.

Apple juice for the winter through a juicer

Preparing apple juice for the winter


  • apples;
  • other vegetables, berries or fruits (optional);
  • sugar if necessary.
This is the most common and easiest way to obtain any fruit and berry drink. To preserve the juice for the winter, you can use the first preparation method - pasteurization, which was described in the classic recipe. The second method is sterilization. To do this, strain the resulting juice through cheesecloth and pour into clean jars. If apple varieties are sour, you can add sugar, but not more than 100 g per liter of liquid. You can add granulated sugar just before seaming - it will completely dissolve in the hot liquid. Close the jars tightly with boiled lids. At this time, water should already be boiling in a wide saucepan, on the bottom of which a wooden circle or gauze is laid. Place the filled containers in boiling water (it should reach the neck of the jars) and sterilize for 15 minutes (for 3-liter containers - 30 minutes). The foam will need to be gradually removed. Remove the jars from the boiling water, turn them upside down and wrap them in a warm blanket.

Apple juice obtained through a juicer

If your household has a juicer, you can experiment with preparations for the winter - making blended drinks. Those in which apples are combined with the following fruits, berries and vegetables have excellent taste:

  • pears;
  • plums;
  • zucchini;
  • carrots;
  • tomatoes;
  • pumpkin;
  • chokeberry;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • grapes;
  • currants.
Many summer residents prepare this apple-pear drink - it turns out to be light, aromatic and very tasty.

To prepare it you will need:

  • apples;
  • pears.
The amount of ingredients must be selected based on the expected result and individual tastes.
  1. Wash the fruits thoroughly and cut into four parts.
  2. Pass them through a juicer.
  3. Pour the resulting mass into an enamel container and place on the gas stove.
  4. As the liquid heats up, foam will form on its surface. It needs to be removed with a spoon or slotted spoon.
  5. If there is not enough sweetness, you can add granulated sugar.
  6. As soon as the contents of the pan boil, immediately turn off the heat and quickly strain through 2-3 layers of gauze.
  7. Pour hot into pre-prepared glass jars and roll them up, turn them over and wrap them up.
After a week or a week and a half, check to see if the workpieces have deteriorated and put them away in a permanent storage location.

Apple juice: recipe without a juicer


  • apples – 3 kg;
  • water – 1 l;
  • sugar syrup - 4 cups (dissolve 2 cups of granulated sugar in the same amount of hot water).

Step-by-step cooking recipe:

  1. Peel the apples and remove rotten areas, remove the seed capsule.
  2. Cut into slices approximately 1-2 centimeters wide and place them in an enamel pan.

Slicing apples for juice

  1. Pour in water.
  2. Turn on the heat and wait until it boils, cook for 15 minutes.
  3. Remove the pan from the gas stove and puree its contents. To do this, pass the pulp through a meat grinder 2 times or use a blender.

Puree apples to obtain juice

  1. Combine the resulting mass with the syrup and put it back on the fire.
  2. Boil for 5 minutes, turn off the heat and cool slightly.
  3. Rub the mixture through a fine metal sieve.
  4. Put it back on the fire, bring to a boil and immediately pour it into prepared warm jars, roll it up and put the lids down.
Apple juice prepared according to this recipe is obtained with pulp. It contains more dietary fiber, so it will be beneficial for the intestines. It is recommended to use it without adding a sweetener for those who are on a diet. If you don’t have a juicer at home, but want to prepare a clarified drink, you can use classic recipe its preparations. To obtain juice, apples must be minced or grated on a fine grater, then squeezed through cheesecloth several times. Next, prepare the drink according to the first recipe.

How to make apple juice for the winter: video

Another way to prepare it for long-term storage can be seen in the following video. Its author suggests making a drink with sugar using the sterilization method. It is worth considering that every housewife finds her secrets over time. home canning, That's why various recipes may differ from each other. Each is good in its own way and can be used with equal success for winter preparations.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Agree that it’s time to stop buying juices in tetra packs at the store. What do they put in them, what are they made from? Either it's natural juice or not. In your favorite garden, you have harvested apples, made a sufficient amount of jam, marmalade and preserves, prepared drying for the winter, it’s time to close the apple juice. It will turn out tasty, healthy and you will pamper your body with vitamins. Apples contain enough a large number of iron, which will help ensure the required level of hemoglobin in the blood. The process of preparing apple juice for the winter is not complicated. The main thing is to have a good juicer. So, let's prepare apple juice for the winter using a juicer.


- apples – 5 kg;
- sugar – 0.5 kg.

Recipe with photos step by step:

1. Rinse the apples well, remove damaged and diseased areas, core and seeds.

2. Cut the fruit into pieces and run them through a juicer. This will create a large amount of foam. No problem, just go ahead and remove it.

3. Pour the resulting juice into an aluminum pan or basin, place on medium heat and bring to a temperature of 90 degrees. Watch carefully, the juice should not boil. When the desired temperature is reached, turn off the heat and add sugar. Adjust the taste to your liking. If your apples are already quite sweet, then you can add less sugar; if the apples are sour, then increase the amount of sugar.

4. Prepare jars or bottles into which the juice will be poured. To do this, rinse them thoroughly. Heat the oven to 100 degrees, place the bottles in it and hold for ten minutes until all the water on the walls has evaporated. Pour the juice into bottles, straining it through cheesecloth, and seal with lids previously scalded with boiling water.

5. Turn the jars over and let them stand upside down until they cool completely (this is done to better seal the lid with the jar). You can store this juice in pantries at room temperature, but it’s better to store it in a cellar or basement.

This is how easy it is to prepare apple juice for the winter using a juicer; we recommend writing down the recipe with photos so as not to forget the subtleties and secrets until next year.

- apples of later varieties are best suited for storing juice for the winter; they are juicier;
- to measure the temperature of the juice, use a special canning thermometer;
- it will still be more benefit if apple juice is combined with other juices in a 1:1 ratio and drunk in the morning for breakfast (for example, carrot, beet, peach or pumpkin);
- apple juice is useful in the treatment and prevention of kidney diseases; unfortunately, those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases (especially gastritis and pancreatitis) should not drink a lot of juice.

Take care of your health from a young age... And fruits and vegetables from the summer! And don’t just take care, but prepare. Yes, more. After all, in winter the body so needs nutrients, a full range of vitamins and a whole palette of pleasant gastronomic experiences. Prepare homemade apple juice for the winter in jars - and delight each family member with all the above benefits.

And simple ones step by step recipes with photos and videos, look in our convenient selection. Preparing pure apple juice with and without pulp at home, preparing apple-carrot, apple-pumpkin juice using a juicer, cooking a vitamin drink with spices in a juicer and much more...

Classic apple juice at home for the winter

You can prepare classic juice for the winter at home from a variety of apple varieties. However, it is not recommended to use exclusively sour or tart fruits. The taste of the finished drink will not be entirely pleasant, and excessive acids will lead to painful heartburn. Ideal 100% apple juice should be brewed from the varieties Gala, Vita, Golden, Snezhny Calvin, Glory to the Winners, Malinovka, McIntosh, Champion.

Necessary ingredients for preparing classic apple juice for the winter

  • fresh apples – 10 kg
  • sugar - to taste

Step-by-step preparation of traditional apple juice for the winter at home

  • Wash fresh (preferably homemade) apples, remove cores, stems and all spoiled areas. Cut the pulp so that the pieces fit easily into the neck of the juicer.
  • Pass the apples through a juicer. Make sure that the device containers are thoroughly washed and wiped dry.
  • At the same stage, you can process any other additional components in the juicer. For example, celery, pears, pumpkin, if they are indicated in the recipe of the product.
  • Wash large or small jars in a soda solution, rinse and bake in the oven at 100C. Boil the lids in clean water.
  • Remove all foam from the squeezed juice. Pour the liquid into jars without straining. Juice with pulp is more healthy and nutritious.
  • Add 1 teaspoon to 2 tablespoons of sugar to each jar. Focus on your own taste preferences.
  • On a note! If the juice for the winter is made from sweet apples, you can do without sugar altogether. This way the drink will be not only tasty and natural, but also low in calories!

  • Place jars of juice covered with sterile lids in a wide saucepan. Fill the vessel with water up to the shoulders of the jars. Pasteurize the workpiece over medium heat for 10 to 20 minutes.
  • After the time has passed, carefully remove the jars from the boiling water, placing a plate or board under the bottom. Roll up classic apple juice at home for the winter using a special key. Wrap the workpiece in a blanket and leave until the morning.
  • How to make juice with pulp from apples without a juicer

    Preparation of natural apple juice is carried out using one of several possible ways. Most often, the fruits are passed through a Soviet or modern style. The squeezed liquid is pasteurized in jars or brought to 95C in a saucepan. Wise life experience Housewives also use juice cookers - devices that steam fruits and thereby extract the maximum of the healthy drink. But even without these two kitchen machines, you can make juice with pulp at home. It is enough to grind the fruit on a fine grater or scroll in a meat grinder, and then squeeze through 2-5 layers of gauze.

    Necessary ingredients for preparing apple juice with pulp without a juicer

    • sweet apples – 10 kg
    • cinnamon - to taste

    Step-by-step preparation of natural juice from apples with pulp for the winter without a juicer

  • Wash juicy and ripe apples of sweet varieties thoroughly in two waters, remove stems and cores.
  • Grate the fruit with the peel on a fine or medium grater.
  • Fold the apple mixture onto 1-2 layers of clean gauze, folding the ends to form a neat pouch. Using pressure on the gauze bag, squeeze out all the juice from the fruit. Hang the cake over a bowl of liquid to catch all the valuable remains.
  • On a note! The more layers of gauze you prepare for squeezing juice, the less likely it is that pulp will remain in the drink. This means that it is better not to overdo it with the density of the “bag”.

  • Pour the apple juice into a clean enamel pan and simmer for 10-15 minutes, without bringing to a boil. Turn off the burner from hour to hour so that the temperature of the liquid does not exceed 90C - 95C. Add cinnamon powder to your drink according to your taste.
  • Wash three-liter or two-liter jars with soda, rinse and sterilize over steam (in the oven, in boiling water). Also treat the lids with high temperature.
  • Pour the pasteurized juice with pulp from apples without a juicer into a clean container and cover with lids until winter. Keep the workpiece “under the cover” for 8-10 hours. Then move it to a permanent storage location.
  • Delicious apple juice for the winter at home using a juicer

    It would seem that preparing delicious apple juice for the winter using a juicer is the easiest way to prepare it at home. But even such a primitive business has its pitfalls: it turns out that the apparatus is different from the apparatus! While Russian or Belarusian-made juicers can easily process several kilograms of apples in half an hour, an overseas device is only suitable for squeezing 2-3 fruits per glass of fresh drink. And after that it requires a long rest. In addition, foreign juicers, unlike “Soviet” ones, leave not dry pulp, but liquid juice. Thus translating useful products.

    Watch the video recipes on how to prepare delicious apple juice for the winter at home using a juicer:

    Natural apple juice through a juicer for the winter at home

    Juice cookers have been known to culinary experts since Soviet times. And, meanwhile, they still remain in the active kitchen arsenal of thousands of housewives. Which is not surprising at all!

    • juice from a juicer does not require additional heat treatment before rolling;
    • the pulp remaining after evaporating the juice can be used to make jam;
    • an open can of drink is stored in the refrigerator for at least 7-10 days, and not 2 days, as in options with other preparation methods;
    • It’s very easy to prepare natural apple juice using a juicer for the winter at home, without wasting energy on pre-twisting or grinding the fruit.

    Necessary ingredients for natural apple juice through a juicer for the winter

    • juicy apples
    • granulated sugar (if apples are sour)

    Step-by-step instructions for preparing natural apple juice for the winter using a juicer

  • Select the juiciest and ripe apples. It is better to set aside spoiled or limp fruits for other types of preparations. They will not produce a sufficient amount of juice, but will most likely spoil the quality of the product.
  • Wash all suitable apples in several waters, cut into slices, remove cores and roots.
  • Remove and prepare the juicer. Make sure fruit and liquid containers are clean and dry. No foreign odors should be present in the device.
  • Pour water into a clean juicer. After boiling, pour the apples onto the top tier. When the fruits have softened, sprinkle them with sugar in an amount depending on the acidity of the fruit. At first the juice will begin to drip, then run in a thin stream.
  • On a note! The hose from the juicer should be lowered into the canning jar. The container must be sterile, since the finished juice does not undergo additional heat treatment.

  • As you fill, change the jar to another. Use a mechanical or automatic key to roll up a container of natural apple juice through a juicer for the winter at home.
  • Diet apple juice - preparations for the winter without sugar

    Refined cinnamon is an amazing spice. It perfectly emphasizes the taste of apples and sets off their sweetness with its own tartness. Moreover, along with cloves and nutmeg, cinnamon provides invaluable benefits to the body: it speeds up metabolism, strengthens the immune system, stimulates brain activity, destroys harmful bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. Prepare diet apple juice recipe without sugar - and enjoy all year round not only tasty, but also a very healthy spicy drink.

    Necessary ingredients for preparing sugar-free diet apple juice for the winter

    • sweet and sour apples – 4 kg
    • cinnamon powder - 0.5 tsp.
    • crushed nutmeg - 0.5 tsp.
    • cloves - 5 pcs.

    Step-by-step preparation of spiced apple juice for the winter without sugar

  • Wash juicy apples of late sweet and sour varieties in cold water. Cut each fruit into 4 parts, carefully cut out the cores. Grind the fruit through a meat grinder.
  • Place part of the resulting apple mixture on a gauze pad. Form a bag and squeeze out all the juice. Process the rest of the fruit mass in the same way.
  • Pour all the available juice into a deep enamel pan, add spices. Without bringing it to a boil, pasteurize the drink at 90C-95C.
  • Wash and sterilize jars for preparations. Prepare the seaming lids in the same way. Diet apple juice - preparation for the winter without sugar. This means that the container must be clean enough to prevent bacteria from growing in the drink.
  • Fill sterile jars with pasteurized juice and seal the lids. Wrap the workpiece in terry towel or a warm blanket until it cools completely.
  • Apple juice with pear at home: a simple video recipe

    The composition of blended apple juices and assorted juices can be listed endlessly: apple-pumpkin, apple-carrot, grape-apple, etc. But the most delicious and popular is still the juice from ripe apples and pears, prepared by hardworking housewives from their own harvest at home. Such a drink, similar to the previous ones, can be sweet or spicy, with or without pulp, light or concentrated.

    Watch how to make apple juice with pear at home in a simple video recipe:

    Vitamin apple-carrot juice - canning at home for the winter

    Preparing homemade juice is the most convenient and practical way to harvest for the winter. And especially such a bountiful harvest as apples and carrots. Of course, they can be carefully packed in wooden boxes with dry grass or sawdust and hidden in a dark basement. But a glass of bright, vitamin-packed apple-carrot juice, canned at home for the winter, is much more appetizing than a wilted apple or shriveled carrot. Is not it?

    Necessary ingredients for carrot-apple juice for the winter at home

    • sweet and sour apples – 3 kg
    • juicy carrots - 5 kg
    • ginger root
    • lemon

    Step-by-step preparation at home according to a recipe with photos of vitamin juice from apples and carrots for the winter

  • Prepare all the necessary ingredients: wash and chop the apples thoroughly, peel the carrots, squeeze the juice out of the lemon, grate the ginger on the finest grater.
  • Using any convenient way, squeeze juice from carrots and apples. You can use a home juicer, a traditional press machine, a meat grinder, a fine grater, etc.
  • Sterilize the jars and boil the lids. Mix the resulting apple and carrot juice with lemon juice and grated ginger.
  • Pour the drink into the container and place the bottles with the preparation in a pan of water. Pasteurize vitamin apple-carrot juice according to the rules for canning at home for the winter: 0.5 liter jar - 10 minutes, 1 liter - 15 m, 2-3 liter - 20 minutes.
  • After the time has passed, remove the jars from the “pasteurizer” and roll them under the tin lids with a special key. Store your delicious vitamin drink in a cool, dark place, away from direct sunlight.
  • Tart apple juice with grapes - canning at home

    Apple juice is beneficial in itself: vitamin C, organic acids, potassium salts, magnesium, iron, phosphorus have a beneficial effect on the respiratory system, digestion, circulatory system and the entire body as a whole. But in combination with fresh homemade grapes, the drink becomes exponentially more miraculous. Tart apple juice with grapes according to recipes for canning at home is an amazing preparation for everyone: from kids to old people.

    Necessary ingredients for preparing tart grape-apple juice for the winter at home

    • juicy apples – 4 kg
    • pink grapes – 5 kg
    • blue grapes - 1 kg

    Step-by-step preparation of tart apple and grape juice at home for the winter

  • Wash all apples thoroughly. Cut large fruits into 4 parts, small ones into 2. Remove the cores with seeds.
  • Wash the grapes, separate the berries from the branches.
  • Pass the fruit through a juicer and pour the juice into a thick-walled saucepan.
  • Cook the workpiece for 5-7 minutes at 90C-95C, avoiding boiling. Skim off any foam that has formed.
  • Pour tart apple juice with grapes at home into sterile jars and roll up the lids. Turn the container upside down and wrap it in a blanket overnight.
  • Place the cooled juice in the pantry. The drink is perfectly preserved at room temperature.
  • Homemade apple and pumpkin juice for the winter

    Pure pumpkin juice is very valuable for the human body, but not everyone admires its taste. Some people don’t like the astringent structure with an abundance of pulp, others are confused by the “soapy” taste. Fortunately, there is an excellent solution to all these nuances - mix pumpkin with an apple and prepare a multivitamin juice for the winter. The technology for its preparation is not much different from the preparations from previous recipes. And the storage method is completely similar.

    See more details about preparing homemade apple-pumpkin juice for the winter in the video recipe:

    Homemade apple juice for the winter is the noblest preparation from the most primitive representatives of the summer-autumn harvest. A healthy vitamin drink can be made sweet and clear, devoid of any sediment. Or tart with carrot or pumpkin pulp. Having a juicer or juicer in their arsenal, every cook can prepare a whole batch of a delicious drink “in cans” at home without much difficulty.

    Post Views: 55

    Any homemade product has advantages over store-bought products. They are healthier, tasty, and contain only natural ingredients. The same applies to homemade apple juice, which is prepared for the winter. In cold weather, such a drink will delight you with a summer, fresh taste and fill the body with vitamins. But in order for it to be well stored and contain more useful components, you need to choose a suitable recipe and adhere to the proposed algorithm.

    Apple juice is often prepared at home, but is usually a drink intended for direct consumption. As for preparing it for the winter, it is necessary to take into account some features:

    • the most interesting taste can be achieved by using apples with other vegetables and fruits, or adding spices;
    • the foam formed during the cooking process must be removed - this will make the liquid lighter and reduce the amount of sediment;
    • homemade juice will not be as clear as store-bought juice, but it can still be clarified with citrus fruits.

    What varieties of apples are best to choose?

    The following types of fruit are suitable for making juice:

    • Anise;
    • Antonovka;
    • Grushovka;
    • Semerenko;
    • Strey fling.

    Mixing several varieties is encouraged; this allows you to achieve an interesting, blended taste and aroma of the drink. Autumn fruit varieties are more suitable for winter preparations.

    Preparation of the main ingredient

    There is nothing complicated about preparing apples. It is enough to sort through the fruits, removing completely spoiled ones. They should be washed under running water and rotten areas should be cut off. And then cut into pieces, removing the core.

    Recipes for making apple juice at home

    There are many recipes from which apple juice is prepared. Some require time and skill, while others are suitable even for inexperienced housewives.

    A simple recipe for the winter

    You can make apple juice for the winter, preserving maximum nutrients, using this recipe. It requires fruits and granulated sugar, which is added to taste.

    Cooking method:

    • the juice should be squeezed out in any suitable way - using a juicer or manually, straining from the pulp or leaving it;
    • add sugar to the liquid and place it on low heat until it boils;
    • when the juice boils, it should be removed from the stove and poured into pre-sterilized jars;
    • it is necessary to sterilize jars of juice for 20 minutes over low heat by placing them in a pan covered with a cloth;
    • The jars should be rolled up, turned upside down and left for a day.

    You can preserve the drink without sterilization, but then it should be boiled for 5 minutes.

    Through a juicer

    With this device you can get large volumes of juice without much effort. The drink will require fruits and sugar to taste. The cooking algorithm is as follows:

    • peeled fruits should be passed through the device;
    • freshly squeezed juice can be filtered by straining through several layers of gauze or cotton cloth;
    • the liquid is sent to low heat and heated to 80-85 degrees, it is important that it does not boil;
    • The drink can be poured into prepared containers and left for 20 minutes for sterilization.

    Thus, preservation can also be prepared from juice with pulp; for this, the liquid is not expressed or passed through 1-2 layers of gauze.

    With pulp

    You can make this drink from any apples, but it is better to use sweet, juicy ones. Give it to him spicy taste you can use cinnamon, which is added based on your own preferences.

    Cooking method:

    • pieces of fruit should be grated, without removing the peel;
    • the resulting slurry is placed on multi-layer gauze and squeezed out;
    • the liquid is placed in a saucepan and simmered over low heat for a quarter of an hour, but without boiling;
    • spice is added to the juice and poured into sterilized jars;
    • containers can be rolled up and placed under a warm blanket for 10 hours.

    In a juicer

    This kitchen appliance allows you to make excellent juice, which requires only apples. However, if the fruit is sour, it is recommended to add sugar.

    The drink is prepared as follows:

    • the juiciest and most ripe fruits, they should be cleared of the core and roots;
    • Water is poured into the juicer, and after it boils, the fruits are placed on the upper tier;
    • softened fruits need to be covered with granulated sugar, the amount depends on the sweetness of the fruit and the taste preferences of the cook;
    • the device hose should be lowered into a sterilized jar in which it will be stored;
    • As they are filled, the containers should be changed, and when they are all filled with drink, they must be closed with a sealing key.

    In a slow cooker

    This device will not help you make juice from fruits, but it allows you to cook it in 5 minutes. The cooking algorithm is as follows:

    • apples are cut into pieces, the core is removed;
    • The juice is squeezed out of the fruits - you can grate them and squeeze them, or use a juicer;
    • the liquid should be poured into the bowl and set to “Soup” mode;
    • the drink is brought to a boil, boiled for 5 minutes and poured into jars;
    • containers with cooled juice should be closed.


    According to classical technology, the fruit drink is prepared without additional sweeteners. However, for this you should use fruits of sweet varieties.

    Cooking method:

    • containers and lids are prepared - they must be sterilized;
    • apples are peeled - from rot, cores, petioles, and cut into 4 parts;
    • Juice is extracted from fruits - any in an accessible way, and filtered through gauze folded in several layers;
    • the container with liquid is sent to the stove and heated to 90-95 degrees;
    • the hot drink is filtered through cheesecloth; if it is too sour, add sugar and put it back on the stove;
    • it must be heated to 80-85 degrees, poured hot into sterilized jars and immediately rolled up;
    • The containers are placed upside down and wrapped in a blanket.

    With cherry

    Apple juice is good on its own, but the drink with the addition of cherries is also delicious. It requires:

    • cherry – 1.2 kilograms;
    • apple juice – 2 liters.

    Prepare as follows:

    • cherries should be washed and pitted;
    • the raw materials are passed through a meat grinder, the juice should be squeezed out and strained through cheesecloth;
    • two drinks are mixed in a saucepan and sent to the stove until boiling;
    • in order to preserve maximum nutrients, taste and aroma, it is not recommended to boil the liquid;
    • The drink should be poured into containers, rolled up, turned over and covered with a blanket until it cools, this will allow you to preserve the preparation in the winter.

    With pumpkin

    Apple-pumpkin juice is a drink with a rich taste, natural sweetness and a lot of vitamins. To prepare it at home, you will need:

    • apples – 1 kilogram;
    • pumpkin – 1 kilogram;
    • sugar – 0.4 kilograms;
    • water;
    • citric acid – 20 grams.

    Cooking method:

    • pieces of peeled pumpkin should be grated and then boiled with water for 3-5 minutes until softened;
    • it is rubbed through a sieve, sugar and lemon are added to the pulp;
    • peeled apples also need to be grated and squeezed;
    • both juices are combined and boiled for 5 minutes;
    • The hot drink is poured into jars and rolled up.

    With pear

    You can make a delicious drink from pears and apples, for which these components are taken in any proportion.

    The cooking algorithm is as follows:

    • the fruits are peeled, filled with water and boiled over low heat;
    • sugar is added only if necessary;
    • the workpiece should be cooled, passed through a sieve and squeezed out the liquid;
    • the juice is boiled for a quarter of an hour and poured into containers.

    With grapes

    There are many recipes, but the most interesting taste of the drink is obtained by combining apples with two varieties of grapes at once. For 4 kilograms of juicy apples, take 5 kilograms of pink grapes and 1 kilogram of blue ones.

    Cooking method:

    • all components should be washed, the apples should be cut into several parts; and the branches are removed from the berries;
    • the fruit is passed through a juicer, the liquid is boiled for 5-7 minutes in a thick-walled container, avoiding boiling;
    • The juice is poured into jars and rolled up.

    Storage Features

    During the first 2 weeks after preparation, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the preparations. At the first sign of fermentation, the jars are opened and the contents are boiled. Such a product will no longer be stored, so it is better to use it for preparing other dishes - jellies, marmalades, compotes.

    If the juice looks good, after a couple of weeks it can be stored in a dark, cool place.

    Can you refuse a glass of juice offered to you? I don’t, because both fruit and vegetable juices are not only very tasty, but also healthy. Natural juices prepared at home can be prepared for future use and drunk all year round. How pleasant and useful it is to open a jar of homemade apple or cherry juice in the middle of winter. And the process of canning juices is quite simple. Juices squeezed from fruits, berries or vegetables are heated, poured into jars, hermetically sealed and pasteurized in hot water. Juices prepared in this way are perfectly stored in a dark, cool place, for example, in a cellar. Nothing complicated, but the pleasure and benefits from such juice will be much greater.

    Canning juices at home can be done in two ways: pasteurization and hot filling. The pasteurization method involves heating the juice almost to a boil and pouring it into sterile jars, after which the jars are covered with sterile lids and pasteurized in a water bath at a temperature of about 90 ° C for 20 minutes. Then the lids are sealed tightly. The hot filling method has received Lately much greater distribution, since the conservation process is carried out much faster. The juice is heated, then boiled over low heat, poured to the top into sterile jars, and immediately sealed with sterile lids. Turn the jars upside down, wrap them in a warm blanket and leave them until they cool completely.

    Preparing juice at home is obtained by squeezing fresh, fully ripe, high-quality and healthy fruits, berries or vegetables. When squeezed or pressed, all the most valuable and beneficial substances for the body are extracted from them along with the juice - fruit acids and sugars, mineral compounds, vitamins and essential oils. Therefore, such 100% natural canned juices are especially useful for both children and adults.

    First of all, to ensure that your juice turns out tasty and survives storage well, select only whole, fresh fruits and vegetables that are untouched by various pests. You don’t need to think that, for example, fruits and berries that are not suitable for jam can easily be used for juice. In fact, fruits intended for juicing should not have wormholes, rot or mold. The fruits should be ripe, but again not too overripe.

    Now that high-quality fruits have been selected, they need to be thoroughly washed under running water (you can use a shower for this purpose), then peeled from seeds and stalks and crushed so that they better release the juice when squeezed. Soft berries, such as strawberries or raspberries, can be crushed by hand using a masher, and denser fruits can be passed through a meat grinder with a large grid. Some fruits, such as plums and black currants, have difficulty releasing juice, so they
    You can put it in a saucepan and heat it in a water bath. To extract juice, you can use either an electric juicer or a manual press.

    Some juices are clear on their own. Very good clear juices are obtained from cherries, raspberries, black and red currants. Other juices are usually cloudy because they contain suspended particles. To get rid of them, you need to filter the juice through a thin cloth and let it sit in a cold place. Previously, housewives tried to clarify the juices at any cost, for which they filtered through several layers of fabric, settled and drained from the sediment. Modern nutritionists claim that it is juices with pulp that are the most beneficial for the body, especially such as, for example, pumpkin, tomato, plum, apricot, peach, pear and others. They, among other things, retain fiber and pectin substances, which reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

    After squeezing, the juice is poured into an enamel pan and heated to 80-95°C. Here it is important to heat the juice almost to a boil, but not to boil. Then the juice is filtered and heated again. During the second heating, sugar can be added to sour juices.

    The hot juice is poured into jars, which must first be sterilized by holding them over hot steam for about a quarter of an hour or calcining them in the oven. You need to pour almost to the top, this way there is less chance that the juice will spoil. The jars are then sealed with sterilized metal lids. Jars of juice are pasteurized in hot water for about 15-20 minutes.

    Now about the hot filling method. To do this, the squeezed juice needs to be heated to 70-75°C, filtered, brought to a boil and boiled for 2-3 minutes, then poured into sterilized jars and rolled up. Immediately after this, the jars should be placed upside down and covered with something warm, for example, an old blanket or blanket.

    After cooling, the jars can be turned over and placed in a dark place at room temperature for a week. During this week, jars with low-quality juice will “prove” themselves: their contents will become cloudy and ferment. Only high-quality juice is stored in a dark, cool place. Juice canned at home can be stored for no more than a year.

    Well, you already know how to make juice at home, so it’s time to move on to recipes.

    Apple juice

    Apple juice has long and firmly won people's love. It not only tastes good, but and extremely useful. This drink will bring you back to life after have a hard day, will relieve fatigue. It will give you energy in the morning, even if you didn't sleep well. And if you have a headache after yesterday's fun, its refreshing taste will quickly bring you back to your senses. Apple juice can be mixed with other juices to make the drink to your own taste. Pear-apple, apple-cherry, apple-rowanberry, currant-apple, etc. are good.

    Apples of autumn varieties, juicy and not overripe, are most suitable for making juice. Wash the sorted raw materials, peel them from seeds, cut them and pass them through an electric juicer or squeeze them manually. Then pour the resulting juice into an enamel pan, add sugar (for 0.5 liters of juice, 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar). Place the pan on the stove and heat until boiling, stirring all the time. Don't boil! Remove from heat immediately after boiling. Then pour the juice into clean, thoroughly pasteurized jars, roll up the lids, turn the bottoms up and leave for a day, wrapped in a blanket. Then you can turn them over and put the finished juice in a dark, cool place.

    Plum juice

    All varieties of late-ripening plums are suitable for obtaining this juice. Sort the plums, rinse, remove seeds and heat in a steam bath until the juice begins to release. After this, place the plums under a press and squeeze out the juice. Pour it into prepared dishes and pasteurize from 15 minutes (0.5 l jars) to 30 minutes (1 l jars) at a temperature of 85 ° C. Or heat the juice to a temperature of 90-95 °C, pour into prepared containers and seal.

    Strawberry or strawberry juice

    Place the prepared berries in an enamel bowl, mash, cover with a lid and leave for 3-4 hours. Then add water at the rate of half a glass of water per 1 kg of berry mass and squeeze out the juice. If the juice does not separate well, heat the mixture to a temperature of 60°C. Then pour the juice into clean jars, seal and pasteurize for 15 minutes (0.5 l jars) to 20 minutes (1 l jars) at a temperature of 85°C.

    Raspberry and blackberry juice

    For this juice, you should prefer varieties that are intensely colored and have a distinct aroma. These berries are very delicate, they should be processed immediately after picking, since even with short-term storage they cake, juice leaks out of them, and they can become moldy. Clean the collected berries from stems and other impurities, quickly rinse in small portions, immerse the colander with the berries in water, and remove the sepals. Then squeeze it using a juicer or put it into a juicer. It is better not to add sugar, but to blend sour juice with other, sweeter juices. If you want to mix juices, different berries can be squeezed together.

    What could be better in the chilly winter season than delicious raspberry juice with its unsurpassed aroma! A great summer reminder for kids and adults!

    1 kg raspberries,
    150-200 g of water.

    Carefully wash the berries and mash them with a wooden pestle. Heat water in an enamel saucepan to 60°C, place raspberries in it and heat the berries to 60°C with constant stirring. Remove the pan from the heat, cover it with a lid and drain the juice after 15 minutes. Filter it, bring to a boil and immediately pour into bottles or jars. Then they can either be sealed or pasteurized at 85°C: for half-liter jars or bottles the time is 15 minutes, for liter jars - 20 minutes, for three-liter jars - 30 minutes.

    Some natural juices, no matter how healthy they are, still have to be combined with others to improve their taste and aroma. Sour juices from currants, cherries, plums are well mixed with pear or apple. Juice from cherries, raspberries, blueberries, cranberries, black currant very fragrant. It will be good in combination with apple, pear, or gooseberry.

    Juice from black, red, white currants

    The skin of black currants is quite dense, so for better extraction of juice, the berries must be blanched. To do this, sort them out and rinse them, put them in a colander or a special mesh and place them in boiling water for 4-5 seconds. Squeeze the berries in a juicer (each type separately or together, as desired), strain the juice, bring to a boil, pour into the prepared container and immediately seal it hermetically.

    If you want to remember in winter the past summer with its abundance of vegetables, prepare vegetable juice.

    1 l. zucchini juice,
    100 g grape leaves,
    1 PC. carnations.

    Wash the zucchini, peel, chop and squeeze out the juice using a press or juicer. Pour boiling water over the grape leaves and put them in prepared jars, and put the cloves there too. Bring the juice to a boil and pour into jars. Pasteurize the jars for 10 minutes at 90 °C.

    Carrots have long been famous for their healing properties. carrot juice useful for people with diseases of the liver, kidneys, and cardiovascular system. And it is simply necessary to use it to prevent various diseases. Carrot juice for the winter can be prepared in such a way that it remains fresh and preserves everything beneficial features for a long time. In addition, this is a product that is unique in terms of preservation. Therefore, when preparing it, you need to take into account all the features. Do not use metal utensils.

    Select a few fresh and ripe carrots, wash them well, then peel them. Grind in a food processor, juicer, or squeeze the juice out of grated carrots using a press.

    Then give the juice some time to settle. Remove the sediment and strain. Pour the liquid into a pan of suitable volume and heat to 85°C.
    Immediately pour the heated juice into bottles or jars prepared in advance. Don't fill them to the brim. Then seal and sterilize for half an hour at 110 degrees.

    Mixed vegetable juices

    Recipe No. 1

    1 l. tomato juice,
    1 l. carrot juice,
    1 l. pumpkin juice,
    dill seeds, salt to taste.

    Mix the juices, add dill and salt and boil for 5 minutes. While hot, pour into prepared jars and roll up.

    Recipe No. 2

    1 liter of tomato juice,
    0.25 l sauerkraut juice,
    salt, sugar to taste.

    Mix the juices, add salt and sugar, bring to a boil and pour into prepared jars. Pasteurize half-liter jars for 15 minutes, liter jars for 20 minutes at a temperature of 80 °C.

    By the way, the juice can be frozen in a bottle for the winter. Try it, you and your loved ones will love frozen juices and you will be happy to make them every year.

    Frozen juice in a bottle

    To freeze juice you need plastic bottles, which are used for packaging drinking water. Pour fresh juice into the bottle, squeeze the bottle slightly to squeeze out the air, and close tightly. Then wash the bottle, dry it and put it in the freezer. Before use, the bottle of frozen juice must be removed from the freezer and placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. In a day the bottle will thaw. With this juice you can cook compote, jelly, and prepare sauces and gravies with it. It depends on the type of berries you juiced. But it’s better, of course, to drink it.

    Making juice at home is simple, tasty and healthy. Enjoy your homemade juices! Bon appetit!

    Larisa Shuftaykina