We do our own freezing of eggplants for the winter. How to freeze eggplants for long-term storage

Fresh eggplants contain great amount nutrients and vitamins that are so lacking in winter. Since this vegetable is seasonal, and heat treatment during canning destroys most of the vitamins contained in the fruit, many housewives are thinking about how to freeze eggplants for the winter so that they remain tasty and juicy, but do not lose their benefits.

Freezing is considered one of the simplest and modern methods storing fresh vegetables and fruits in winter. At the same time, many factors should be taken into account during the freezing process. important nuances, which will help preserve the taste and benefits of the fruit. In this article you will find the necessary recommendations for successfully freezing eggplants for the winter.

How to freeze eggplants

Eggplants are considered quite capricious vegetables from the point of view of freezing. If the technology is violated, the raw pulp will become rubbery, retaining bitterness. In addition, they do not have their own distinct odor, but at the same time they perfectly absorb the aromas of other products. Therefore, if you store them next to aromatic greens or other foods with a strong odor, the eggplants will also acquire a similar taste, which is not always desirable.

If you are planning to cook a stew, you can easily freeze them with other vegetables: carrots, potatoes, zucchini, etc. But it is important to take into account that all components of the dish must be cut into cubes of the same size.


The first step in freezing is purchasing the vegetables themselves (Figure 1). When choosing them, they are usually guided by standard requirements: the fruits must be smooth and clean, and the skin must be dense and shiny. In addition, it is undesirable for the surface of the vegetable to have any stains or damage.

Note: You can buy vegetables of any variety. But it is desirable that the fruits be young: they do not have a too bitter taste, and the pulp contains a minimum of seeds.

When purchasing, be sure to pay attention to the tail. It should be green and not dry, since a dry tail indicates that the vegetable has been stored for too long.

Preparation for freezing includes the following important steps:

  1. Vegetables must be soaked in water to remove the bitterness from the pulp. To do this, the fruits are cut into pieces of the desired size and shape and placed in a container with salted water. If desired, each piece can simply be sprinkled with salt and left for a while, and then rinsed with clean running water. In this case, the duration of soaking directly depends on the size of the pieces: the larger they are, the longer the eggplants should be in salted water.
  2. Immediately before freezing, all fruits must be blotted with a towel or paper napkin to remove any remaining moisture from the surface.
  3. Vegetables should only be packaged in airtight containers. Both plastic containers with tight lids and special freezer bags are suitable for this. This condition is necessary because during storage in the freezer, eggplants absorb the odors of other foods, which changes their taste for the worse.

Figure 1. Preparing vegetables for freezing

To preserve the taste and benefits of vegetables as much as possible, you need to ensure that the temperature in the chamber is stable (-12 degrees). But even if the temperature conditions are observed, store vegetables more than a year does not make sense, since after this period they lose their taste. In addition, it is advisable to label each container or package so that you can clearly identify what is inside.

How to freeze eggplants in the freezer

It should be noted right away that freezing eggplants completely raw is not the best choice. After defrosting, such vegetables will turn into puree, which is unlikely to be suitable for preparing your favorite dishes. Therefore, before freezing, vegetables need to be subjected to minimal heat treatment. The easiest way is blanching.

First of all, vegetables need to be cut into pieces and soaked in salted water to remove the bitterness from the pulp. Next, you should prepare two containers. One needs to be filled ice water, and put the second one on the stove so that the water inside boils. After this, take a regular colander and pour the first portion of prepared vegetables into it. Next, lower the colander along with the eggplants into boiling water for two minutes, and then immediately immerse the vegetables in ice water and pour them onto a towel to dry (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Freezing technology

When all excess moisture has been removed from the pulp, the vegetables can be placed in bags or plastic containers. It is important to take into account that freezing should be carried out in stages, in one layer, so that each piece of vegetable is completely frozen. If you skip this step, the result will not be separate pieces, but an unattractive mass.

As a rule, it takes 3-4 hours to freeze one layer, but a lot depends on the size of the pieces. The smaller and thinner they are, the faster the freezing process will take place.

Methods for freezing eggplants

Storing blanched eggplants in the freezer is the easiest, but not the only way to preserve fresh vegetables in winter. There are others, no less effective options frosts (Figure 3).

Here's how to store eggplants in the freezer:

  1. Entirely: If you need whole vegetables, you can easily prepare this for the winter. To do this, you need to wash and dry the vegetables, remove the stalks and rotten or spoiled parts of the pulp. Next, the whole fruit is placed in a frying pan with hot oil and lightly fried on all sides so that the flesh becomes soft. After this, the vegetables need to be cooled, peeled off and each eggplant tightly wrapped in an individual bag or film.
  2. Baked: If you are sure that the vegetables are not bitter, you can easily prepare them for the winter. Place washed and dried eggplants without stems on a baking sheet, sprinkle lightly vegetable oil and put into a preheated oven for baking. When the pulp becomes soft, remove the vegetables, cool and remove the peel. Once they have cooled, you can freeze them whole or in halves, wrapping each piece in cling film. This way you will receive a ready-made semi-finished product that you can simply defrost and immediately start cooking your favorite dishes.
  3. Fried: Many people love eggplants fried in slices, and preparing them in this form for the winter is not difficult. The initial algorithm of actions remains standard: vegetables are washed, dried and cut into pieces. After this, they are fried in vegetable oil and placed in a colander to drain excess oil. Next, you need to wait until the fruits have cooled down, and they can be packaged in separate plastic containers and sent to the freezer.

Figure 3. Freezing methods: whole, baked and fried

By freezing such eggplant preparations for the winter, you will receive a high-quality semi-finished product for any seasonal dishes with which you can please your family or guests even in winter.

How to defrost eggplants correctly

Proper defrosting also plays an equally important role. If you do it incorrectly, the pulp of the vegetables will become too watery, and you will only have to throw away the vegetables.

For successful defrosting, forget about microwave or hot water defrosting. You just need to remove the eggplants from the freezer and put them in the refrigerator. In such an environment, the pulp will gradually defrost without losing its taste. If desired, defrosting can be carried out at room temperature, but if you are in too much of a hurry, you can cook such vegetables without preliminary thawing: during the heat treatment they will not lose their taste and density.

What to cook from frozen eggplants

Usually, eggplants are usually eaten fresh, but if you have learned how to properly freeze this vegetable, you will not have any problems preparing your favorite dishes using a frozen product.

Such preparations are perfect for baking, frying, and for preparing fresh salads. If you managed to freeze eggplants so that they retain their taste and benefits, we recommend that you try to prepare some tasty and healthy dishes according to the recipes below.

Hot dishes in the oven

The best hot dish that can be prepared from eggplant in the oven is considered to be stew. This is a hearty and tasty dish, the preparation of which will not take much time, but at the same time you will definitely love its spicy taste (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Steps for preparing stew

For the oven-baked stew, you will need two large eggplants (whole or a similar amount of chopped vegetable), 2 fresh tomatoes, 1 onion and carrot, three bell peppers, several cloves of garlic, a bunch of fresh herbs, vegetable oil, salt and pepper.

First of all, you need to wash the onion, cut it into strips or half rings and fry until transparent in vegetable oil. Next, add carrots, cut into thin strips, to the onion and bring the vegetable mixture until half cooked. After this, you can add sliced ​​peppers and eggplants to the mixture, even if they are not completely defrosted.

Now you can mix all the vegetables, add crushed garlic and herbs, add salt and pepper and place in a cast iron bowl. Place the container in the oven for a quarter of an hour and the stew will be ready.


Caviar is considered one of the most popular eggplant dishes. This is a healthy and extremely tasty dish, easy to prepare, which even a novice cook can handle (Figure 5).

To prepare tasty, satisfying and healthy caviar you will need 500 grams of frozen vegetables, 2 onions and carrots, 4 tomatoes, 1 bell pepper, a little salt and vegetable oil.

How to prepare caviar from frozen eggplants is as follows:

  1. First of all, you need to prepare frying onions and carrots. Peel the vegetables, wash them and cut them into cubes of any size. If desired, carrots can also be grated, but if there are pieces of this vegetable in the caviar, the dish will turn out more piquant and interesting. Chopped vegetables should be fried in vegetable oil until soft.
  2. While the onions and carrots are fried over low heat, take the frozen vegetables out of the refrigerator. It is advisable to transfer them from the freezer to the refrigerator 12 hours before cooking. But, if your “little blue ones” are not completely defrosted, don’t be upset. You can add them to frying as is.
  3. Next, wash and remove the seeds from the bell pepper and cut it in large pieces and add to the fry. After this, the mixture must be stirred and covered with a lid.
  4. Lastly, add the washed and diced tomatoes. You need to add them to the vegetable mixture when the eggplants become soft.

Figure 5. Cooking caviar

At this point, the preparation of caviar can be considered almost complete. All you have to do is salt and pepper the dish, and simmer it under the lid over low heat for 20 minutes. If after this time you see that the liquid from the caviar has not completely evaporated, simply remove the lid and continue cooking until the moisture has completely evaporated.

Other recipes

You can cook frozen eggplants delicious snack with sour cream. Stewed eggplants taste like mushrooms, so they can be stewed in sour cream.

To prepare this dish you will need 400 grams of frozen eggplants, 300 grams of sour cream and 2 carrots. Fresh dill will help give the dish a piquant taste. You will also need salt and pepper, as well as vegetable oil for frying.

The cooking process begins with defrosting the vegetables. They need to be removed from the freezer and placed on a plate so that they gradually defrost at room temperature. Meanwhile, peel the carrots, cut them into strips and fry in vegetable oil until soft. Now you can add eggplant to the carrots, even if they are not completely defrosted.

When all the vegetables in the pan become soft, add sour cream. To milk product did not curl during heat treatment, you need to add a little water. On average, 300 grams of sour cream requires only 50 ml of water. The liquid must be thoroughly mixed and poured into the frying pan. Now there are just a few touches left: salt and pepper the dish, and add a handful of chopped dill. After this, all that remains is to simmer the mixture for five minutes and serve.

In addition, if you have a lot of frozen eggplants in the freezer, you can simply fry them in a frying pan with potatoes, or bake them in the oven with meat and other vegetables. If you have a grill, you can easily cook whole vegetables on it, pre-marinated in soy sauce.

The process of freezing eggplants is shown in more detail in the video.

Thanks to freezers, which are now available in almost every home, many housewives make preparations for the winter with their help. The freezer compartment of the refrigerator contains fruits, berries and, of course, vegetables. It’s nice to get supplies from there during the cold season and pamper your loved ones with delicious gifts of nature. This simple method of preparation is liked by many housewives, because it does not cause much trouble. Frozen foods can be stored for a long time without losing vitamins. How to freeze eggplants fresh for the winter at home?

Should you freeze eggplants?

During the harvest season eggplants cost pennies, but in winter their prices are very high. Most often, many housewives pickle eggplants for the winter and use various preservation methods. Many people would like to freeze them, but they doubt this method. Is it possible to freeze eggplants for the winter and how to do it correctly, what recipes are there?

Eggplant differs from other vegetables in that after freezing it changes its taste and structure. For this reason, not everyone risks freezing this vegetable for the winter at home, because they are afraid of spoiling it. It turns out that there are methods and recipes that allow you to preserve the amazing taste of eggplant and preserve its maximum beneficial properties by freezing. Most people doubt the advisability of this method, but given the cost of eggplant in winter and its beneficial properties, it is simply necessary to use it.

In cooking, this vegetable has long taken its rightful place due to its taste and beneficial properties. Microelements and vitamins in its composition have a beneficial effect on the entire body. The vegetable has amazing properties, for example, it helps smokers overcome the craving for tobacco products. It contains a sufficient amount of nicotine, which is necessary for a smoker. Eggplants also activate the process of bile secretion from the human body, which is very important for normal liver function. Eggplant contains a lot of fiber, which improves intestinal function. The copper contained in the vegetable has a good effect on the hematopoietic system.

The vegetable is also distinguished by the fact that it has a bitterness that goes away only if it is cut and salted. Many people think that after freezing the bitterness will go away. In fact, it remains and, according to many experienced housewives, This vegetable cannot be frozen in its raw form.. To get a vegetable suitable for cooking delicious dishes In winter, you need to take into account several rules when freezing.

Experienced housewives with experience in freezing recommend that before loading the eggplant into the freezer, get rid of as much excess moisture as possible in the vegetable. To do this, it must be subjected to heat treatment using one of the available methods:

  • fry;
  • stew;
  • bake;
  • soak;
  • blanch.

For winter storage, you need to choose young vegetables whose skins are not very dense. The young “blue ones” have practically no seeds, which is also important for harvesting. The type of vegetable does not matter; any variety can be used. One of the important requirements in any recipe, so that the vegetable is fresh, elastic and not spoiled.

Eggplants can be cut in a convenient way, much in this matter depends on what dishes will be prepared from them after freezing. Also, the cutting sizes will depend on free space in the freezer.

If the “little blue ones” are not salted and the bitterness is not allowed to go away with the juice, you will end up with tasteless pulp. With any method used, vegetables should be sealed to prevent air from entering before freezing.

Also, for freezing, the “little blue ones” can be completely fried in a frying pan without oil. According to the recipe, the fruits need to be turned over so that they release the juice. After heat treatment, remove the peel, cool and pack in a convenient way for long-term storage.

Blanched vegetables

First you need to select the right vegetables, so that they are free from cracks and other damage with shiny and smooth skin. Then they should be washed well and cut in a convenient way:

  • longitudinal plates;
  • circles;
  • cubes.

To remove the bitterness, you need to sprinkle the chopped eggplants with salt. After this, the vegetables are mixed. According to the recipe, they need to sit in the kitchen for several hours. The eggplants will release dark-colored juice, which needs to be drained, and the vegetables should be rinsed well under running water and squeezed out of excess moisture. It is very important to do this carefully, not to deform the cutting.

The vegetables are now ready for blanching. You need to take a pan, pour water into it, and when it boils, place chopped eggplants in boiling water for 3 minutes. This will allow the eggplants to become softer and not lose their shape.

After this, the vegetables should be placed in a colander and excess moisture should be allowed to drain. At this time, you can prepare packaging for storing vegetables:

  • containers;
  • packages;
  • cling film.

Place the eggplants in the prepared storage container and place them in the freezer.

Fried "blue"

Selected eggplants should be washed thoroughly and the edges removed, after which you can cut it in a convenient way. The chopped vegetables are covered with salt and left for several hours to release the juice. This will help remove the bitterness and make the taste of the “blue” ones pleasant.

When the eggplants have released enough juice, it is drained. The chopped vegetables are washed with water and dried with a paper towel. This will help them fry well and not get soaked in too much oil.

Place eggplants in a hot frying pan with vegetable oil and fry. Place them on a paper napkin or towel to remove excess oil.

Next stage - preparation for freezing. To do this, you need to have a cutting board, plastic bags or cling film. The board should not be very large sizes so that it can fit freely in the freezer. A layer of eggplant is placed on the board so that each piece does not lie on top of the other, after which they are covered with cling film and then the next layer is placed. All vegetables are laid out in this order.

After this, the tray of vegetables should be placed in the freezer and left for several hours so that they harden well. When the eggplants are firm enough, you can take them out and put them in packaging convenient for long-term storage.

How to properly freeze baked eggplants?

This method is the most correct, since baked eggplants retain more nutrients. The “blue ones” need to be sorted out and washed, trimmed off the ends and cut to your liking.

Chopped vegetables sprinkle with salt and stand like that for several hours. All the dark-colored juice that the eggplants released must be drained and gently squeezed out. Now, according to the recipe, you need to prepare a baking sheet on which the eggplants will be baked. The surface of the baking sheet must be greased with vegetable oil and the eggplants should be placed evenly. Then the baking sheet is placed in the oven at a temperature of 180 o C.

To bake vegetables, it is best to use odorless vegetable oil. The baking sheet should be in the oven for no more than half an hour, this time will be enough if the vegetable is not cut very coarsely. Before freezing, let the vegetables cool and remove excess oil. Now you can put them in a prepared container and freeze them in the freezer.

Hello dear readers. The season of conservation and preparation for the winter began a long time ago. Fruits are ripe, vegetables are ripening. We have already made a lot of preparations. Now it’s time for the eggplants. We love eggplants very much and try to prepare them different ways. I really want to save the eggplants for vegetable stew. One of the gentle ways to preserve the product long term- to freeze. The most important thing is that you have enough space in the freezer. After all, freezing is now the most common way to preserve food for a long time.

For example, our friends bought themselves several freezers specifically for the purpose of freezing berries, herbs, vegetables and fruits.

We have also already frozen dill, sorrel, parsley, bell pepper, and some berries. Now it’s time to freeze eggplants, especially since we have an abundance of this wonderful vegetable on the market.

We buy eggplants from friends. They grow their own eggplants. Moreover, they are not bitter at all; you don’t even need to salt them to get rid of the bitterness. But in any case, it is important to know how to properly freeze eggplants for the winter before doing this. There are many ways to preserve vegetables for a long time.

Is it possible to freeze eggplants for the winter?

Eggplants are not only rolled into jars, but also frozen. Many people are interested in the question, is it possible to freeze eggplants at home? After all, we very often see eggplants in supermarkets, frozen as part of vegetable mixtures.

You can freeze eggplants, the main thing is to do it correctly. After all, eggplants are rich in microelements (potassium, iron, phosphorus..., vitamins), and the freezing process allows you to preserve about 70% of the nutrients.

The most important thing is to wait until the price of eggplants drops, usually in August-September, when eggplants ripen en masse.

Another important point, eggplants need to be frozen airtight so that they do not absorb foreign odors. For example, the smell of dill, parsley, etc. products that are stored in the freezer.

How to choose eggplants

If you buy eggplants at the market, be sure to pay attention to their appearance. Take young eggplants; they have practically no seeds, unlike large eggplants.

Take smooth, clean eggplants, without stains. The eggplant tail should be green, not dry. A dry tail, as a rule, indicates that they have been stored for a very long time.

As a rule, young eggplants do not taste bitter like large ones. Therefore, if you are absolutely sure that the eggplants are not bitter, you don’t need to soak them in salt water before freezing.

Eat various ways freezing eggplants: fry, blanch and soak. Moreover, you can freeze at least 1 kg. eggplants, at least 10. The most important thing is that you have enough space in the freezer.

The first way is to freeze whole eggplants. But this method is more likely for those who have freezers. Although they can be boiled, peeled, drained excess liquid, but I freeze eggplants in a slightly different way. And I haven’t tried to freeze whole eggplants; our freezer is small.

It is best to cut eggplants, and the thinner the better, they will freeze faster this way. You can cut eggplants into cubes, circles, strips, depending on what dish you are preparing the eggplants for.

For example, for example, it is better to cut eggplants into strips, since all the ingredients in the salad are cut into strips. This is how it is more convenient to store and then use eggplants.

Place the eggplants in a deep bowl and add salt, mix everything well and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then we drain the excess liquid, squeeze it out and dry it.

Dry the eggplants on a towel to absorb excess moisture. It is best to use a paper towel for this purpose. This is necessary so that the eggplants do not stick together.

After we have dried the eggplants, they can be placed in containers and sent to the freezer. It is better to use plastic containers to store eggplants.

I really like freezing eggplant in cubes. I cut the eggplants 1 cm by 1 cm. I try to ensure that all the pieces are even.

Be sure to add salt and leave for 15-20 minutes. As you can see, a lot of liquid drains from the eggplants. Then place the eggplants in a colander and allow the liquid to drain.

Place the eggplants in a thin layer on a paper towel. After excess moisture has been absorbed, you can freeze the eggplant cubes.

To prevent the cubes from being a whole piece of ice, it is best to place them on a cutting board, having previously covered it with either parchment or foil, at a distance from each other.

Place in the freezer for 2-3 hours until the eggplants begin to freeze. The eggplant pieces turn out whole and do not stick together to form a single lump. And then we put the cubes into bags or trays.

Eggplant storage packaging

If you freeze eggplants in cellophane bags, I advise you to place them in 3-4 bags so that the packaging is airtight. Be sure to release the air from the bag and tie it tightly.

You can also use ziplock bags; they are very thick and convenient for storing vegetables in the freezer.

If you have space in the freezer, it is best to place the eggplants in plastic containers with a tight lid. This storage method is the best, as you will be absolutely sure that the eggplants will not be saturated with foreign odors.

There are also special bags with clips that are designed for freezing vegetables. They can be purchased at a supermarket or convenience store.

There are also vacuum bags, but they are not so easy to get. Yes, and they are expensive.

Another method of freezing is to blanch vegetables and then freeze them. To prevent eggplants from being tough and to cook faster, they are heat treated before freezing.

First, you need to cut the eggplants into cubes or circles. I cut the eggplants into half centimeter slices.

Our eggplant slices are hot and need to be cooled and excess liquid allowed to drain. To do this, place the vegetables on a paper towel and let the liquid drain.

Then the eggplants need to be placed in small bags or plastic containers. But again, they can stick together and form a huge piece. Therefore, I recommend placing them on a cutting board and placing them in the freezer for a couple of hours. And then place the frozen pieces tightly in a bag or container. After all, it is important for us to freeze eggplants correctly so that there is no disappointment later.

What is the best way to freeze eggplants, with or without peel?

I don't peel the eggplants and freeze them with the skins on. You can freeze peeled eggplants. You can also completely do without blanching vegetables. But only if you are sure that your eggplants are not bitter.

It is enough to wash the vegetables well, dry them and cut them as you need them: into cubes, circles, strips.

But I advise you to first lay out the vegetables on a cutting board and let them freeze (about 2-3 hours), and then put them in bags or containers.

How to defrost eggplants

So, we figured out how to properly freeze eggplants for the winter at home. We also figured out whether eggplants can be frozen. Now another question arises, how to properly defrost eggplants?

You can defrost eggplants in different ways. Many people recommend doing this in the microwave, but I don’t use a microwave, so I prefer to defrost the eggplants at room temperature.

Or, for example, in the evening, remove the container with eggplants from the freezer and put it in the refrigerator.

It is believed that The best way defrosting eggplants means starting to cook them immediately after you take them out of the freezer. That is, cook immediately without defrosting.

What is prepared from frozen eggplants? This is another question that interests many. I use eggplants for cooking, caviar, Korean eggplants, I boil them in adjika. In general, everything that you want at that moment. What do you cook with frozen eggplants?

With unusual taste, but without its own characteristic smell. But it absorbs a lot of odors when it is near other products. Therefore, you need to know a few tricks before freezing to prevent this from happening. The advantage of freezing a fresh vegetable is that it preserves more nutrients than when consuming it canned. How to freeze for the winter, whether it is possible to do this at home and not spoil the product, this article will tell you about it.

Is it possible to freeze

Caring housewives actively practice freezing vegetables, and this method of preserving food is gaining more and more popularity every year. In winter, we often feel a lack of vitamins, and not everyone can afford fresh vegetables in stores. So can it be frozen?

Of course, because they contain many vitamins and minerals, which can be preserved in larger volumes 80% , and during canning only 60% .

Selection of fruits for storage

To avoid unpleasant surprises after defrosting and cooking various dishes, you need to choose the right eggplants before freezing.
They should be ripe, with an intact shell, dense and have a shiny, elastic skin. Ideally, choose young eggplants, because they contain less accumulated harmful substances.

Did you know? Store fresh eggplants in a dark place, otherwise they produce solanine, which is poisonous and large quantities can harm the human body. The substance is present in small quantities in these vegetables, which gives them a slight bitterness.

When slicing blue vegetables (as they are popularly called), pay attention to the cut; if it immediately darkens, it means the vegetable contains a lot of serotonin, which causes a bitter taste; if the cut is light, you can safely prepare the vegetable for freezing.

How to properly prepare vegetables

It is impossible to freeze the blue ones whole without some preparation, as they will look like bitter rubber. Therefore, first you need to prepare them correctly.

There are a few types of frozen eggplants: soaked, blanched, fried, oven-dried. Each type of blank has its own nuances, which we will discuss in more detail. But there are also basic freezing rules: the temperature in the chamber should be -12 degrees Celsius or lower; at this temperature they will be stored for 5-6 months, while maintaining their taste and composition.

Before freezing, clear as much space as possible from other vegetables, especially from. Prepare airtight containers or bags, because eggplants absorb odors from nearby foods well.

If you want to freeze a mixture of vegetables (for example, for a stew), do not forget that the blue ones must be frozen separately. Be sure to dry vegetables before freezing. excess water or oils by blotting them with dry towels or drying them.

Don't forget to label the container or bag at the end; this is very convenient in winter when taking food out of the freezer.

How to freeze eggplants for the winter: step-by-step instructions with photos

How to properly freeze eggplants for the winter can be found in the suggested recommendations. Before freezing, wash them well, dry them, cut off the stalks and, if any, spoiled areas.
Cut them into cubes or rings as you need, put them in a deep bowl, pour cold water and add salt.

Leave them in this state for a couple of hours so that the bitterness goes away, then drain the water and squeeze the cut pieces a little to get rid of excess moisture. Now the eggplants are ready to be frozen.


One of the most convenient and quick methods freezing eggplants is blanching.

Already prepared (washed and chopped), vegetables soaked in salted water must be dipped in boiling water for 2 minutes and immediately plunged into ice water, a colander will help you with this, then place the eggplant pieces on a dry towel to dry.
Ideally, apply the chopped vegetables in one layer, this way the moisture will escape better. Only after this procedure can you put everything in a container or bag, seal it tightly, sign it and put it in the freezer.

Important! It is best to defrost such vegetables at room temperature or in the refrigerator. Microwave oven use is not recommended.

Drying in the oven

There are housewives who do not like to blanch vegetables, so they use the drying method. To do this, you can use either a conventional oven, a vegetable dehydrator or an air fryer.

Blue's preparation remains the same as described above. The ideal method for this method is to peel the eggplants. If you are using an oven, then place the chopped pieces on a baking sheet and cover them with foil, but if you are using a dehydrator or air fryer, then simply lay everything out in one layer.
Place the contents in an oven preheated to 55-60 degrees Celsius, and leave it ajar; if there is a fan, then turn it on too and leave it for an hour. Freezing the resulting semi-finished product is the same as described above in the article.

Did you know? For this type of semi-finished product, it is better to cut the vegetable lengthwise (as into rolls). You can freeze baked eggplants in the same way, the only difference is that the oven temperature should be 170-180 degrees, and the foil should be greased with vegetable oil.

Fried eggplants for freezing

Blue's preparation does not change. After you have soaked them, drained the water and dried them, heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the slices on all sides.

To excess fat not absorbed, place the fried vegetables on dry paper towels.
Wait until they cool down, take a cutting board that will fit in the freezer, wrap it in cling film and place the cooled eggplants in one layer, wrap the pieces again in cling film, place the eggplants in a second layer, and so on.

Then place the board in the freezer. After a couple of hours, when the slices are frozen, remove the board from the chamber and put the resulting product in a sealed bag or container with a tight lid and label it. Before use, defrost and, if desired, brown in a frying pan.

Important! For canning, small-sized vegetables are used, without flaws, damage and elastic pulp. At the same time, it is better to take vegetables from a late harvest, because this way your preservation will be of better quality and will last longer.

A little about the beneficial properties of the product

Eggplant contains many useful substances, such as: fiber, pectin, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, B vitamins, vitamin C, nicotinic acid. (Frozen eggplant do not lose their beneficial properties.)
There are not many vitamins in this vegetable, but it is low calorie product and thanks to the pectin contained in it, it stimulates digestion, promotes the removal of bile and excess cholesterol.


Diets and healthy eating 16.08.2017

Dear readers, now is a wonderful time - summer. We see vegetables and fruits in abundance. Some people grow them themselves in their summer cottages. And some people buy in markets or stores. Surely many of you are making the most of the summer season, but we must not forget about the coming winter. How nice it is to pamper your family with homemade preparations, right? But are all our preparations healthy? Not everyone. And one of the most useful ways prepare food for future use - freezing. Today we will talk about how to properly freeze eggplants for the winter.

Thanks to deep freezing, eggplants retain their taste, original appearance and vitamin composition. The only thing you need to do is follow certain rules when freezing eggplants, since this process is slightly different from freezing other vegetables. Natalya Groznova will share with us the secrets and subtleties of preparing this vegetable for future use. I give her the floor.

Good afternoon dear blog readers. As Irina already said, freezing is the best way to preserve eggplants for long time. Low temperatures allow them not to spoil for months, preserving most of the vitamins and microelements. Therefore, this method is used by many housewives.

However, not everyone decides to harvest eggplants, fearing complex manipulations. Of course, the vegetable requires more attention than zucchini or Bell pepper, but the process itself is completely simple, as we will now see.

Is it even possible to freeze eggplants?

My first experience of freezing eggplants was not successful. I just cut them up and put them in a bag, thinking that deep freezing would destroy the bitterness. But this did not happen - the eggplants remained bitter, and I had to get rid of them.

A year later, I soaked the eggplants in a saline solution and only then froze them. Yes, the bitterness is gone. However, after defrosting, they turned into a puree-like substance, which is also unacceptable.

Now, before freezing, I remove bitterness and excess moisture from them and heat-treat them, after which the enzymes in the eggplants that lead to their spoilage are destroyed.

Remember that, unlike other vegetables, eggplants cannot be frozen raw, as the taste after defrosting will resemble bitter rubber. Therefore, they need to be processed: fried, baked, blanched, stewed.

Features of freezing eggplants

To avoid unexpected surprises after defrosting, you need to choose the right eggplants. However, the rules are the same as when choosing eggplants for canning or daily cooking - the vegetables must be clean, smooth, without spots, with shiny and elastic skin. The tail is fresh, green, not dried out. A dry stalk indicates that the vegetable has been stored for a long time. Any variety is suitable: dark purple, pink, white, striped. Buy young vegetables - they have a minimum of seeds, bitterness and harmful substances.

You should also follow the following rules:

  • You cannot freeze vegetables without first soaking them. Soaking is done in salt water, which removes the bitterness. You can also sprinkle the slices with salt and then rinse them with running water. The soaking time depends on the size of the pieces - the larger they are, the longer the soaking process;
  • Before laying for freezing, remove remaining moisture and oil from the workpieces with a paper towel;
  • Sealing is required for storage. The eggplants should be wrapped tightly to trap any air. Then oxidation will not occur, and the vegetable will not absorb the odors of other foods in the freezer. The packaging must be reliable: a thick plastic bag or plastic container with a lid;
  • when placed in the chamber, the packaging is signed, since during winter storage all packages become indistinguishable;
  • the product is stored in sealed packaging at a temperature of at least -12°C;
  • In order to preserve the taste as much as possible, the shelf life should not exceed one year.

Recipes for freezing eggplants for the winter

Now let's look at the different freezing methods.

How to freeze fried eggplants for the winter

What you will need:

  • eggplants – any amount;
  • salt – 1 tsp. for 0.5 kg of vegetables;
  • vegetable oil - for frying.


Wash raw eggplants. Cut into circles 5-7 mm thick. If you cut them thinly, then when frying the skin will separate from the pulp, which will damage the integrity. I don't cut the peel, but you can remove it if you wish.

Cutting can be different: cubes 2 x 2 cm, bars 1.5 x 5 cm, straws 1 x 3 cm, thin long plates. It depends on what dish the vegetable is used for after thawing.

Place the sliced ​​eggplants in a bowl, adding salt to each slice.

Leave for half an hour and wait until droplets of moisture appear on their surface. They indicate that the bitterness has left. You can also dip the vegetables in salt water and leave for an hour. To do this, dissolve 1 tbsp in 1 liter of water. l. salt.

Eggplants contain a small amount of bitterness - solanine, a poison that in large quantities harms the body. It is produced even more if the vegetable is exposed to light for a long time. Therefore, keep eggplants in a dark place. When cutting a vegetable, pay attention to the cut - if it immediately darkens, it means that the vegetable contains a lot of solanine, which gives a bitter taste. Light cut - feel free to cook eggplants.

Wash the eggplants thoroughly under running water and dry with a paper towel. Leave them on a wire rack to dry thoroughly.

Next, we subject them to heat treatment, in in this case frying Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and heat well. Place several eggplant rings and fry over medium heat on both sides until golden brown. Salt is possible, but not necessary.

Transfer the slices to a wire rack in a single layer and leave to cool slightly. If desired, blot with a paper towel to remove excess fat. Then, on the same wire rack or on a cutting board wrapped in cling film, place a batch of eggplants in the freezer for 1-1.5 hours. The temperature should not be higher than -12°C.

We pack the frozen eggplants in sealed bags, removing the air, and send them for storage in the chamber. It is better to place them in several small portion bags so as not to expose the vegetables to air when in Once again you will need to take them out for cooking.

For convenience, weigh the packages. Label them with the weight, cut shape, date, and cooking method. Vegetables can also be compactly folded into a plastic container.

How to get air out of a bag? Insert the cocktail straw into the slightly opened bag and suck in the air. When the plastic sticks tightly to the vegetables, quickly remove it and close the bag.

I have been using this freezing method for many years. In my opinion, it is the most successful. But there are other options that may suit you better.

How to freeze baked eggplants for the winter

Baking tray or other convenient form Grease with vegetable oil and place vegetables in one layer. Heat the oven to 180°C and bake the vegetables for half an hour. If necessary, turn them over to the other side so that they brown evenly.

How to freeze stewed eggplants for the winter

Place vegetables in a saucepan or frying pan with heated vegetable oil. Add salt and simmer, stirring occasionally, until soft and golden brown. Let cool completely and freeze.

How to freeze blanched eggplants for the winter

Place the vegetable pieces into a saucepan with boiling salted water and lemon juice (1 tablespoon). Boil for 5 minutes. Remove with a slotted spoon and place in ice water. Cool completely and dry. Vegetables are ready to be frozen.

How to freeze boiled eggplants for the winter

To remove bitterness, pierce the vegetables deeply with a toothpick and place them entirely in salted water. We increase the holding time by 3 times, since the vegetable is large and this process will require more time.

The whole eggplant is cooked. To do this, place it in a pan of boiling, lightly salted water and cook for 20 minutes. Using a slotted spoon or fork, remove the vegetables from the boiling water and leave to cool. After cooking with their skins on, they become “wrinkled.” We cut them in the desired way and dry the pieces well with a towel. We send vegetables for freezing.

How to freeze whole eggplants for the winter

Whole eggplants are frozen in the same way as sliced ​​ones. The prepared (washed, without bitterness) vegetable with peel and stalk is fried in a frying pan, boiled, baked in the oven or grilled until soft. When frying and baking, do not forget to turn over. Place the finished fruits on a plate, cool to room temperature and wrap each eggplant separately cling film. If desired, remove the peel first. Place in the freezer for the winter. All!

We also bring to your attention a video that shows three ways to freeze eggplants for the winter.

How to defrost eggplants

Place a portion of frozen eggplants in the refrigerator for several hours to gradually melt. Bring to room temperature until completely defrosted. I do not recommend using a microwave oven. However, most often eggplants are used in dishes without defrosting. They cannot be re-frozen.

What to cook from frozen eggplants?

I am sharing my recipes that are very loved in my family:

  • caviar - for its preparation, fruits are used with any heat treatment and cut into any pieces, since vegetables are still crushed into puree;
  • towers of eggplants and tomatoes with cheese - they require eggplants cut into slices. Before cooking, they are completely defrosted and placed with tomato slices, sprinkled with cheese;
  • rolls - fried or baked eggplant tongues are defrosted and a cheese mixture with garlic and herbs is wrapped in them;
  • pot roast – frozen eggplant cubes are placed in pots with meat and other ingredients and put in the oven.

In principle, you can cook thawed eggplants in the same way as fresh ones. But in fairness it should be noted that according to taste qualities Frozen vegetables are still inferior to fresh ones. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to buy fresh eggplants in winter, then do just that. If not, then use my advice. Well, what if you have your own useful tips, which you did not find in the article, how to freeze eggplants for the winter and what to cook from them later, then write in the comments. I think everyone will be interested!