Topics of knowledge lessons September 1. Convenient forms for conducting a class hour. Discovery of the land of knowledge

  • get the kids ready for the start of the school year;
  • create a great holiday mood;
  • talk about the importance of school and knowledge for a person;
  • develop observation skills and interest in new things.


  • map of the world and Russia;
  • cards with school-themed words;
  • a projector or other means of displaying images.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Updating knowledge

Teacher:“Guys, I congratulate you all on the beginning of the school year. Where did you vacation in the summer? Let's take the flags one by one and mark on the map the places where you rested. Guys, which of you would like to hear: where and how he vacationed.” (Children choose a storyteller, the teacher can also choose him)

Teacher:“I’m glad for you that you had a good rest. The main thing is that you have matured and are ready to work. Now answer:

It's the beginning of autumn, in what natural phenomena does it manifest itself?

III. Topic disclosure

Teacher:“Let the children read the verse with me.” The teacher turns on a slide with a poem on the projector.


“Wake up, please!

Jump up like the early birds!

Let's smooth out the cowlicks

And we’ll dress up our pigtails with ribbons.

Crowd of kids with flowers

The morning cool rushes through.

Please be cheerful

Collecting notebooks in a briefcase!

After all, we splashed around in the river,

We fried in the solar oven, -

At the beginning of autumn

I take colored balls

And I fly into school,

I write and read, -

Be quiet, please!

Sharpening balusters in class,

Play pranks

Make faces

Fool around,

Answer from the ceiling -

Don't hesitate, please!


Keep your ears on top!

Please be cheerful!”

Teacher:“Today is September 1 - the beginning of the school year, which begins today and ends in May. Gaining knowledge is a great luxury for a person. Not all children on the planet can study. After all, at school a person is enriched with knowledge - he becomes a person.”

Teacher:“The very word “school” was introduced into use by the Czech humanist educator Jan Comenius (1592-1670). This is an abbreviation word. And translated it means “Think Wisely, Act Noblely, Create Skillfully.” In Russia there are the following types of schools:

  • initial(1-4);
  • medium(5-9);
  • senior secondary (10-11);
  • vocational education institutions;
  • schools of religious education."

Teacher:“There are about 70 thousand schools in Russia, where 20 million children study. After graduating from school, children receive a matriculation certificate.”

Physical education and educational game

Teacher:"First lesson in academic year traditionally called the Day of Knowledge. This day is a symbol of the fact that everyone who crossed the threshold of our school this morning has already become a year older and smarter.”

Teacher:“You have known each other for several years now. During your studies, you became friends and learned to understand each other. Care to check it out? Let's play the Crocodile game. You will need to show the class, without using speech or pointing at the object itself, distinctive features the word that you get to show. Anyone want to be the first?

The teacher lays out cards with school-related words on his desk. The student comes up, selects a card, reads it and gives it to the teacher. Then he stands in front of the class and without words shows this object: what they do with it, how they use it. Children guess whoever guessed gets a plus sign and takes the place of the one showing. At the end of the game, the teacher looks at who has the most pluses and gives him a grade.

Teacher:“Did you children like the game?”

IV. Continuation of the lesson topic

Teacher:“In our country, grades are given on a five-point and twelve-point scale. Moreover, the higher the score, the better it is. But in other countries everything is different - the lower the score, the better. Getting a one or two is the dream of all excellent students. And when the guys from different countries they boast, for example, about the fact that they have only ones and twos, they rejoice in the fact that they are poor students and wish others to achieve this achievement. Therefore, you must first understand what country a person lives in, what characteristics his country has. Then just start communicating on such topics.”

Teacher:“Children, why do you think we need to study?”

Teacher:“That’s right, you need to study so that later, when you grow up, you will be able to achieve many victories in life, to become a specialist in a business that will bring you income and pleasure. You need to study in order to live life to the fullest. You can live without knowing many things, but then it will simply be a shame that someone next to you will talk about something generally known, and you will not know what he is talking about. You want to be worthy and confident people when you grow up, right? To do this you need to study. And we teachers will be happy to help you with this.”

Teacher:“Now, together with me, let’s read a parting verse for the new school year:

Listen, don't turn around

Learn to be smart!

Everything from today

Allowed to go to school!

All lessons, as always,

They start at nine!

Both big and small,

With and without freckles

Ordered to study

Try, don't be lazy,

So that there is something to be proud of!”

Teacher:“Guys, let’s fantasize about what kind of school you would like to see in the future, what should it be like in your opinion?”

Teacher:“Once again, happy holiday to everyone!”


Compose an oral story on the topic of the school of the future.

Set your children up for work. Let them know that the time for rest has passed, and it’s time to work. Learning is the most important process, which will only be effective when it is dealt with with due diligence.

Class hour: Journey to the Land of Professions

Goals and objectives:

  • Increasing general awareness of young children school age in the world of professions.
  • Promotion cognitive interest to the world of professions.
  • Activation of mental activity.
  • Formation of group work skills.


  • Sheets of A4 paper
  • Microsoft Power Point presentation.
  • computer;
  • projector.

Preliminary preparation:drawing up a script for the event, learning poems about professions, assigning roles according to the script.

My years are getting older

It will be seventeen.

Where should I work then?

What to do?

1 lesson
- I want to be a driver.
Carry different loads.

2 lessons
- I dream of ballet.
There is no better one in the world

3 lessons
- I want to become a great doctor.
I will treat everyone with medicine.
Very tasty, like candy.
I ate it - there are no diseases!

4 lessons
- I don’t like colors.
I dream of becoming an artist.
Order me a portrait.
I can handle it, there is no doubt.

5 lessons

You are with me, friends, don’t argue,
I want to become the first in sports.
It's a trifle for me to score a goal,
I play for Spartak!

6 lessons
- I want to become a pianist. A wonderful artist.
Music has been with me since childhood, I love it with all my heart.

7 lessons
- I dream of becoming a children's teacher soon.
Sing, walk, play with them. Celebrate birthdays.

8 lessons
All professions are wonderful.
All professions are important.
We know that our hands
The Motherland will need them!

Progress of the event:

I. Organizing time.

II. The main part of the event.


Teacher: Good afternoon, dear guys! Hello, dear adults. You all know very well that every person on earth, young and old, must work, since it is impossible to live without work. Labor was, is and will be the basis of life on earth. To become good specialist, a person must know a lot and be able to do a lot. Today you sat down at school for the first time. Teaching is also work and not easy work. When the years pass, you will think about what to be, and many are already dreaming about it. We, adults, must help you choose a profession for life and not make a mistake in your choice. Today we are about to travel to the land of professions. What is a profession?

Profession - this is the main occupation, the business that a person is taught to do. (For example, doctor, teacher).

I offer you riddles about professions. And to guess them, you need to choose the right rhyme.

Yesterday she gave me two injections... ( nurse).

An elephant or a mouse has a fever - it will save them...( vet) .

The kids know for sure: the food is delicious...( cook).

She sews beautifully, whips dashingly, a needlewoman... ( dressmaker).

He brings letters to the house, the long-awaited one... ( postman).

The king is today, tomorrow is a thief, He played all the roles... ( actor).

And now we hit the road.

Captain, look at route sheet and tell me which station?

First station: Professions of the sky.

Task 1. Attention game “Flies or doesn’t fly” (when the teacher names something that flies, the children clap their hands)

Chicken steamer rocket shoes hat

wasp pen bee duck sofa

Helicopter hare hippo airplane bear airplane

Well done, everyone completed the task!

Now name the professions related to the sky.

(Pilot, astronaut, flight attendant, aircraft mechanic, pilot)

Station two: Professions of law enforcement and security.

Exercise. Name the professions of those people who protect us and our lives.

Let's go to the next station.

Third station: Professions of fabrics and threads.

Exercise. Pantomime. Guess the profession!

Students show what a person in this profession does. Everyone must guess what profession we are talking about (tailor, shoemaker, knitter, spinner)

Our journey continues. The captain calls the next station.

Station four: Transport professions.

Task 1. What are the names of professions and specialties that are related to transport management. (Chauffeur, driver, taxi driver, electric train driver, auto mechanic, auto mechanic).

We continue our journey.

Station five: Tasty professions

Exercise 1.

Name professions related to cooking.

(Baker, cook, pastry chef, bartender, restaurant manager)

Task 2. Guess it!

Tell me who cooks cabbage soup so deliciously,

Smelly cutlets, salads, vinaigrettes?

Task 3. Create a menu for breakfast.

Captain! What's the next station?

Sixth Station: Health and Medical Professions

Exercise . Name the professions related to human health (Doctor, surgeon, orderly, nurse, pharmacist, veterinarian, etc.).

Well done! We continue our journey.

Seventh station: Professions of calculations and formulas.

Do you know any professions that require the person choosing this profession to have good knowledge of mathematics? These are professions in which attentiveness and the ability to concentrate are also important, in which people work with numbers every day. What are these professions and specialties? (accountant, programmer, economist, statistician, cashier, salesman, engineer, mathematician, accountant, etc.)

Exercise. “Everything about yourself in numbers”

Answer the question only with numbers.

1. How many fingers do you have on your hands?

2. And on your feet?

3. What floor is your apartment on?

Now guess the riddles:

- His work is in the depths, at the very bottom,

His work is in darkness and silence.

Let his work be difficult and difficult,

Like an astronaut he floats among the stars. ( Diver)

- He descends into the face,

His work is underground.(Shakhtar)

– Who in days of illness

The most useful of all?

He cures us of all diseases.(Doctor)

– He needs the following things:

Hammer, vice and pliers,

Key, file and hacksaw,

And the most important thing is skill!(locksmith)

– Master, master, help –

The boots are worn out.

Drive the nails in harder -

We'll go visit today. (Shoemaker)

- Funny tires rustle along the roads,

Cars and cars are rushing along the roads...

And in the back there are important, urgent cargo:

Cement and iron, raisins and watermelons,

His work is difficult and complex.

But how people everywhere need it.(Chauffeur)

There are many professions on earth,

And each one is important.

Decide, my friend, who you should be,
After all, we have one life.

Maybe you'll become a painter,
Or maybe an engineer.

Perhaps you will be a carpenter,
Possibly a policeman.

There are many professions on Earth,
But choose lovingly.

Decide, my friend, who you should be,

After all, each of them is important!

Our journey has come to an end.

III. Let's summarize our work.

Guys, what did you like most about the lesson?

What new did you learn today?

And parents would like to remind the words of K. D. Ushinsky:

“Children should be raised not for happiness, but for work - this will bring them happiness.”


The ability to think and create is the most valuable gift every person receives at birth.

However, they are not distributed equally. It is difficult to meet a person who could run fast, sing beautifully, cook amazingly and solve complex problems. math problems, lift enormous weights and easily master foreign languages, find contact with any interlocutor and draw wonderful portraits, playfully repair the engine.

A rarity and one who is deprived of absolutely all talents.

Each of us has a unique, unique set of gifts. Some appear in childhood, and some a person realizes only by looking back at the past. life path. Each of us has talents. Someone has already discovered them, and someone else is still searching.

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“Class hour on September 1 in the 2015-2016 school year. "I'm talented!"

What is talent?

Two millennia ago

this word was completely understood

not what we know now.

Talent (τάλαντον, “talanton”) - translated from Greek "scales"

or "cargo".

This was the name of the measure of weight, which ancient times actively used in Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, Babylon, Persia and other countries .

During the Roman Empire, a talent was equal to the volume of one amphora filled to the brim.

In addition to measuring weight, talent was also used as

monetary unit of account in trade. Gradually she

became the largest in the ancient world.

Talent people began to be measured over time talents- and, accordingly, to name - the special qualities of a person that allow him to do something with love, ease and an amazing, unlike anything else result.

When we use the word talent

in relation to a person, we mean his extraordinary, bright, noticeable abilities in some matter .

Happens talent

to sports,



Happens talent

make discoveries in science and technology,

invent something new.


win over people

lift their spirits

inspire and improve themselves

or living conditions for them.

Maya Plisetskaya

For a person with talent

and love for work

there are no barriers.


He is a talent, we all have different talents,

You just need to open it.

And you will understand that the world is beautiful,

And you can be happy .

There is never too much happiness

If you have someone to share it with.

We are all given talent from God.

To give joy to the world!

Ceremonial line-up on September 1– a festive and significant event for schoolchildren and teachers. For some, Knowledge Day will be the first day at school, which they will remember for the rest of their lives. Therefore, it is important to hold the ceremony in an interesting, bright, positive manner.
I propose a scenario for holding a ceremonial assembly on September 1 at your school.
The venue is the playground in front of the school.



Scenario line September 1, 2016-2017 academic year

TRACK No. 1 Fanfare sounds.

1 Presenter: Good morning, dear guests, teachers, dear parents! Good - first of all, because of the good it brings us. After all, today is the day of the beginning of school, new meetings with the huge world of knowledge that teachers are ready to open to us. Good mood to you and those who came here for the first time, and to those who have lived so many interesting and useful years in our school. Good luck to all guests and participants of our holiday!

2 Presenter: Why did it suddenly become a tradition?

Celebrate the change of years in December

After all, September is the beginning of all roads!

The year begins in September.

1 Presenter: The school year is knocking on the window

A maple branch burning with fire.

We begin to learn life

On the day given to us by September.

2 Presenter: First experience, example and tasks

And the read syllable in the primer...

All victories, mistakes, successes

It all starts in September.

1 Presenter: Happy New Year, friends, teachers.

For others, the change of years is in December,

And for us New Year is coming,

It always comes in September.

2 Presenter: Hello, students, teachers, veteran teachers, dear guests, parents! The new school year has arrived.

We are glad to see you again.

1 Presenter: And everything repeats itself: lessons and breaks, tests and exams. But all the worries and troubles will begin tomorrow, and today is a holiday. On this day, all roads lead to school. And Repen Secondary School once again opens its doors to its beloved students.

TRACK No. 2 dance

2 Presenter: How's it going, kids!
Both girls and boys!
We'll count you now.
And we will know everything about you.
1 Presenter:

11th graders important exams await

Rest assured, they will deliver them.

11th grade are you with us? (With you!)

Is class 10 all here? (Yes!)

Class 9 difficult,
It's almost graduation.
Come on, give us the answer:
Will there be many twos? (No!)

And the eighth Why are you quiet?
Have you lost the habit of studying?
This, brothers, is not a problem!
Does everyone want to learn? Yes? (Yes!)

Seventh graders, are you with us? (With you!)

So we will be friends!

Sixth graders, are you here? (Here!)

Friendly fifth class are you with us? (With you!)

Primary classes,guys, are you here? (Here!)

2 Presenter: Where is our replenishment?

1 Presenter: A solemn and exciting moment is approaching on our holiday. After all, now those who came to the first grade will enter here. Let's welcome them and invite them with their first teacher, since the first school bell will ring today for first-graders.

At the “First Bell” celebration, first-graders and class teacher Svetlana Tikhonovna Pozdnyakova.

TRACK No. 3 The melody from the song “First Autumn Day” sounds.

2 Presenter: Hello our little friends! We are glad to welcome you to our school. You are so beautiful and elegant. And, of course, you are very worried. I think your moms and dads are just as worried as you are.

1 Presenter: Today is your big holiday. Now all school family can begin the ceremonial line, dedicated to the Day Knowledge.

2 Presenter : We are pleased to welcome guests of our holiday:

(introduction of guests)

1 Presenter:

Dear Svetlana Petrovna! School in in full force built on a line! Do you allow the “Day of Knowledge” holiday for the 2016-2017 academic year to be considered open?

Director: The line dedicated to the beginning of the new school year is considered open!

2 Presenter: The right to raise the flag is granted to a student of ___ class __________________ and a student of ___ class ____________________________.

TRACK No. 4 (Music: Russian Anthem)

1 Presenter: From the first moment a person is born, he begins to learn. He learns to walk, talk, understand the world and people. They teach him: a ray of sunshine, a favorite fairy tale, a flying butterfly, funny picture, fun game... But then the day comes - and he comes to school, to his home school, from the threshold of which teachers greet him, outside of which science is eagerly awaiting him. The school year is ahead. Many interesting discoveries and meetings with your favorite teachers await you.

And according to tradition, the first to address you is our respected school director Svetlana Petrovna Lokteva.

Director's speech

2 Presenter: The guests who came to our holiday today also remember their school years with pleasure. How excited they were when they first crossed the threshold of school, how they received D's and A's, how they became friends, how they fell in love for the first time.

The floor is given





(Sad boy comes out)

1 Presenter: Boy, why are you so sad and confused? Are you perhaps lost?

Boy: It's not clear which of us

Enters first grade:

Mom or me?

Our bouquet is already ready,

Who doesn't sleep because of flowers?

Mom, not me!

Told all the strangers:

We'll be heading to school soon!

Mom, not me!

Before the first of September

Mom lost her feet

Come on, let's collect the books!

What do we have for breakfast?

It's not clear which of us

enters first grade:

Mom or me?

2 Presenter: Now everything is clear: only first-graders and their parents can worry so much before September 1. Dear first-graders, today you are joining the friendly Repenskaya family high school. I would like to wish you that the school becomes a second home for you, and your teacher a second mother!

1 Presenter: The floor is given to our first graders...

Performance by first graders

1 . We came to our school,

Spacious, bright house,

Where there are many happy days

We'll spend it together!

2. I woke up this night

I must have done it ten times!

It seemed to me constantly

I'm late for class!

3. How can we not worry?

We are the least among you.

You just have to show up

We immediately hear friendly laughter.

4. Oh, how interesting it is at school!

The bell will ring soon

And in the next class uncle

Everyone's height is up to the ceiling!

5. Are these guys really

What are the flowers?

They will go to this school

Also with us?

6. Everyone calls us kids,

Moms are somewhere near us.

Eleven years will pass

We will become adults!

7. We will remember forever

This day is beautiful.

There is no better school for us.

Hello school, hello!

2 Presenter: The floor for a solemn farewell to first-graders is given to their parents.

1 Presenter: On the difficult road to the land of Knowledge, your first teacher will be your mentor, friend and assistant. The floor is givento the first teacher Svetlana Tikhonovna Pozdnyakova.

2 Presenter:

Dear kids! Put your ears on top!

Now the luminaries of all school sciences will turn to you.

Masters of tests and essays.

Professors for passing tests and exams.

Inventors newest types cheat sheet.

The oldest students at the school are eleventh graders.

And I am pleased to give the floor to them.

Performance by eleventh graders

1. Dear first graders! Today is the most joyful day of your life!

Today you came to us just as boys and girls.

And in just a few minutes you will become students of our school.

And we, as her oldest students, want to give you some advice!

2. Our dear first class,
We give this order:

Wake up early in the morning

Wash yourself well

3. So as not to yawn at school,

Don't peck your nose at the desk.

Accustom yourself to order.

Don't play hide and seek with things.

4. Treasure every book,

Keep your briefcase clean.

Dress neatly

So that it was pleasant to watch.

5. Don't giggle in class.

Don't move the table back and forth.

Don't be teasing, don't be arrogant.

Try to help everyone at school.

6. Take care of our school

And love your teachers!

7. That's all our advice.

They are wiser and simpler.

Don't forget them, my friend.

Start your school journey!

1 Presenter: On the road of knowledge time to go.

The teacher will give it to us and heart and warmth.

We want to confess our love to our teachers.

They are so sometimes it's not easy for us.

And let all teachers know

That without them the Earth does not spin,

What would the boys do without them? not to live

And it’s happiness to be next to you!

2 Presenter: Our dear teachers! We congratulate you on the new academic year! We wish you all the best in your hard work. Accept on behalf your students this song.


1 Presenter: Happy holiday, friends!

Together: Happy holiday, dear school!

2 Presenter: At this point, we declare the solemn assembly dedicated to the Day of Knowledge closed. We wish success to everyone in the new academic year, strong friendship, many joyful and unforgettable moments school life!

TRACK No. 6 ( to the music from the movie “The Professional”).

1 Presenter: Opening the academic year,
Let our school bell ring
Welcoming with the ringing of bells
Everyone who came to the first lesson.

2 Presenter: It's time to study, hurry up kids!
There are many clear roads ahead!
So ring more merrily for happy children,
Our silver school bell!

1 Presenter: The right to give the first bell of the 2016-2017 academic year is granted to first-grader ___________________ and student 11 A of class _________________________.

(bell rings)

2 Presenter: It's a pity this wonderful holiday is ending!

But the call sounds and excites.

And the doors and classrooms are open.

The first lesson begins!

1 Presenter: It's come to an end ceremonial lineup, but the holiday does not end. Offers interesting travels into the world of knowledge...

2 Presenter: Traditionally, our first graders are given the right to be the first to enter school. And our eleventh graders take them to their first lesson.

TRACK No. 7 (First-graders leave the line to the music)

1 Presenter: Confidently step into the land of Knowledge!

2 Presenter: And we all see them off with thunderous applause...

TRACK No. 8 school-themed songs

The first school-wide Knowledge Day event has already come to an end: students accompanied by their class teachers and the very first teachers, went to their classes. According to tradition, on September 1, a class hour is devoted to a specific topic that is especially exciting now for students, parents, and all Russians. Of course, this Lesson of Peace is prepared in advance. Themes cool hours are selected depending on the age of the students. An interesting lesson is considered to be a prepared speech by the teacher, children and parents, a presentation, a slide show or a video clip.

Class hour scenario for September 1st for grades 1-11 - interesting ideas

Typically, according to the scenario, the class hour on September 1 begins with a song or poem about school, but the options allow for other possibilities. Previously, during the times of the USSR, children liked to watch slides telling about school life or watch films using a film projector. Today, conducting a class hour in high school can be entrusted to one of the students in grades 9-11. They (at the request of teachers) can help in conducting a Peace Lesson for first-graders.

Slideshow “My school: the years fly by” - an idea for a classroom script for Knowledge Day

It will be original to open the first school lesson with a slide show of old photographs of your native school. This presentation needs to be prepared in advance. Responsible for organizing photo slideshows different years can call all classmates and teachers with a request to send him (or her) scanned black and white or color photographs. By combining all the pictures so that the images turn into illustrations for the pages of school life, you can spend a fun and interesting first class hour.

“I’m a schoolboy now” - class hour for 1st grade on Knowledge Day

Homeroom on the first day of school for first graders can be a simple introduction to the school and teachers. Teachers with whom former preschool children will have to study for four years can come to the first lesson. In addition to the first teacher, teachers of physical education, labor, foreign language(if, of course, the school has such teachers for junior classes). The introduction to school lesson does not have to be done in the classroom. You can go out into the yard and inspect the sports ground, look into the Trudovik’s workshops, run around the gym, remember where the buffet, dining room and first aid station are located. Such acquaintance will help them quickly adapt to a new environment.

Class hour Lesson of Peace on September 1 Knowledge Day 2016-2017 academic year

Unfortunately, the theme of war is again relevant today. What’s even worse is that even first-graders know about the war not from books read aloud by their grandfather. Every day television shows us terrible footage of military operations, explosions in cities where not so long ago the guys went to visit friends or on vacation. Peace Lesson - a class hour dedicated to an anti-war theme - one of the options for the scenario for the class hour on September 1. During the lesson, photos from “hot spots” are shown on the screen, anti-war poems are read, and songs about peace are sung. There can be many options for conducting a Peace Lesson, but the main theme is the rejection of war and violence, a call for peaceful life. Sometimes schools are included in signature collection campaigns against military actions in certain regions and sign petitions demanding an end to violence. It is, of course, better to conduct such class hours with high school students. First-graders and students in grades 2-4 can be asked to draw a picture on the theme “Peace to my school.”

Class hour on September 1 with presentation for the 2016-2017 academic year

A presentation for the first class hour, prepared in advance at home in the summer by the teacher or schoolchildren, will bring excitement to the first lesson on September 1. Compared to the monotonous monologue of a teacher telling his students some news or even reading poetry about school, a presentation with slides and bright pictures certainly looks more advantageous. It is very easy to create a thematic presentation for a class hour on September 1 if you use a computer and the installed Power Point program. The program works simply, offering in advance templates for designing thematic presentations. High school students who are familiar with similar products from computer science lessons will cope with the task very quickly and help the teacher make a presentation for the first school lesson. The topics of the class hour can be chosen completely different. They depend mainly on the age of the students and on the availability of free time to beautifully design the lesson for September 1.

Topics for class hours on September 1 - ideas for a script for the Day of Knowledge for grades 1, 9 and 11

As already mentioned here, the choice of topics for the class hour on September 1 is limited only by the age of the students and the time to prepare for the lesson. Of course, the most important thing for first-graders is to conduct a mini-lesson to get to know the school. The topic of a class hour for high school students could be choosing a profession. For eleventh grade students, it will be informative to learn about the institutes and universities of the city, enrollment conditions, and the opportunity to study on a budget basis. Schools with in-depth study of various subjects (foreign languages, physics and mathematics, Russian language and literature, sports schools) can organize a lesson about professions where deep knowledge of the given subjects being studied will be useful.

Meet me, school! - topic of the class hour for September 1st for first graders

This theme for the first class hour of the school year can be chosen for first-graders. The children will be able to tell about the history of the school and its first teachers. Probably, every school knows not only its excellent graduates, but also those who have distinguished themselves in life. Maybe these are heroes or inventors, or perhaps they are winners of the Olympics and international competitions? Tell your newly minted first-graders about these people, or best of all, invite them to visit.

“I know what I will become!” - class topic for 9th and 11th grades

A similar theme for the class hour on September 1 can be chosen for the first lesson in grades 9 and 11 - graduation this year. During the lesson, you can talk about the advantages of professions (even about salaries!), about the availability of universities and colleges in the region, about the possibility of studying abroad and on exchange. Representatives of these professions can be invited to the first lesson of the year. These could be parents of schoolchildren who have agreed to help conduct thematic lesson.

Since the class hour on September 1 can be devoted to any topic, older students can also be assigned to prepare it. When preparing your first lesson of the year, choose a topic for your class; Present your presentation with slides. For first-graders, the first lesson can be a Peace Lesson, and for students in grades 9-11, a preliminary acquaintance with professions and educational institutions cities. You have already familiarized yourself with the approximate scenarios for conducting these lessons. Choose one of them or come up with your own lesson plan.