Preschooler route sheet sample. Individual educational route for a child. IOM

Individual educational route for the development of a child for the second half of the 2017-2018 academic year

General information:
Full name baby
Date of birth
Family information:
Mother (full name, education, place of work)
Father (full name, education, place of work)
Teachers (full name):
Educational psychologist
Speech therapist teacher
Physical education instructor

Health group
Regime of a child’s stay in a preschool educational institution
Conclusion of the PMPC
PMPC recommendations

Relevance: low level of mastery of the program in the field of “Socio-communicative development”
Target: provide an individual trajectory of comprehensive development, taking into account existing speech, psychological, and physical health.
development of gaming activities;
familiarization with basic generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults;
formation of gender, family, citizenship, patriotic feelings, a sense of belonging to the world community, preservation and strengthening of physical and mental health;
development of free communication with adults and children;
education of cultural and hygienic skills;
formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

Implementation of an individual route:

Situational conversations, conversations: (“Friendly family”, “ Magic words" - about friendly relations between people, etc.)
Didactic games of choice, different types of construction sets
Outdoor games “Hares and carrots”, “Put on your cap”, etc. (to encourage the manifestation of initiative to take a leading role in games)
Positive dynamics in development are observed. He began to show interest in the world around him.
Perseverance appeared. Can do things with peers
He began to take part in gymnastics and outdoor games more often.

Periodicity-In a day
Recommendations and forms of working with a child:
Solving logical problems.
Game situations “Teach a friend to play the game” “Check your friend’s work”
Friendly conversations with peers on topics suggested by the child.
Reading literary works, learning poetry, sayings. Compiling a story from pictures. Word games “Good - bad, Call me kindly”, “Who called?”
The level of aggression towards peers has decreased.
The child began to show interest in fiction. Favorite fairy tales appeared. I started bringing books to kindergarten for my peers to read from home.

Periodicity-2 times a week
Recommendations and forms of working with a child:
Labor activity.
Role-playing games and group games
(“Sailors”, “S.T.O”, Supermarket”, “Away”)
Construction from period material, paper.
Follows instructions from an adult and tries to finish what he has started.
Began to take on the role. Reacts calmly to suggestions from peers during the game.

Methods for assessing the success of a preschooler: observation

Recommendations for working with parents:
Individual conversations
Consultations “We educate with kindness” “Features of development of a 4-5 year old child”
Joint participation with your child in creative competitions
Recommendations for visiting the swimming section
Consultation with a teacher-psychologist at a preschool educational institution
Consultations with a teacher-speech therapist at a preschool educational institution

An example of an individual educational route for a preschooler (IER) is a mandatory element of the effectiveness of every modern educator.

The essence of a preschooler's IOM

The Federal State Educational Standard defines a new approach to preschool education. One of the main requirements for it is the effective use of all pedagogical resources to achieve maximum result in the education and development of future schoolchildren. Considering that the program is aimed at the average student, it is possible that the weaker ones may not learn it well enough, and the most capable ones may lose motivation to learn.

That is why an individual approach to all children, taking into account all their characteristics, is provided by the IOM of a preschooler. By it is meant educational program, which is aimed at teaching a specific child and takes into account all his personal qualities.

Purpose and directions of IOM

A preschooler according to the Federal State Educational Standard, an example of which is found today in all educational institutions, is aimed at solving specific problems. The purpose of development and implementation of the educational route is the formation in kindergarten factors that will be aimed at positive socialization and social personal development pupils. The latter includes the basic processes of intellectual, emotional, physical, aesthetic and other types of development.

The main task that the individual educational route of a preschooler solves is the development of cognition, an example of which is demonstrated in open classes. The directions of work of the educational route are as follows:

Formation of movement, which includes improving motor skills;

Opportunity to engage in different areas of activity;

Improving speech skills;

Development of ideas about the surrounding world of objects and social relations;

Development of ideas about time and space.

At the same time, the implementation of an individual route involves regular monitoring in order to track the degree of mastery of the educational program by each pupil of a preschool institution.

IOM structure

In the process of introducing new standards into the education system, all educators were required to take advanced training courses. They were shown an example of an individual educational route for a preschooler, a sample of which was examined in some detail. However, this type of monitoring of child development is important not only for educators, but also for parents, who are often unaware of the purpose of this pedagogical tool.

The structure of the educational route should include the following components:

Target, which involves setting specific goals that meet new standards;

Technological, stipulating the use of certain pedagogical technologies, methods and techniques;

Diagnostic, defining complex of diagnostic tools;

Organizational and pedagogical, determining the conditions and ways to achieve the goals;

Effective, containing the final results of the child’s development at the time of transition to schooling.

Necessary preliminary actions before drawing up an educational route

Since the main goal of the educational route is to identify difficulties in the learning process and social development each child, a thorough study of its characteristics is necessary.

An example of an individual educational route for a preschooler involves preliminary research activities before recording the child’s results and is mandatory, including the following actions:

1. Drawing up a profile of the child. This document must indicate the pupil’s visits to other preschool institutions and the break between their shifts. It is also necessary to note the speed and level of adaptation to the group.

2. To determine the key difficulties in a child, a thorough study of his family is necessary, followed by drawing up its characteristics. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the relationship between the child and the parents, since excessive guardianship can cause suppression of the student.

4. Determination of the degree of development of attention, memory, thinking, as well as speech development is mandatory for further monitoring of his progress;

5. It is also necessary to identify the child’s propensity for specific types of activities in order to help in development through such games.

Registration of the educational program

An example of an individual educational route for a preschooler proves the degree of need for a thorough study of all areas of the life of each individual child. Having studied all the necessary data, the teacher begins to draw up an individual route, which includes the following sections:

General information about the preschooler;

Family characteristics;

Peculiarities appearance preschooler;


Features of motor skills;

Cognitive sphere of a preschooler;

Level of knowledge by program sections;

Level of speech development;

Attitude to classes;

Characteristics of activities;

Having difficulties in communication;

Individual characteristics;

Additional information about the preschooler.

This in-depth analysis makes it possible to build individual work with a preschooler quite effectively.

Inclusive education and IOM for preschoolers with disabilities

The introduction involves removing barriers between children of all health groups through joint learning.

It is based on equal treatment of each child, but at the same time the creation of special conditions for children with health problems for a comfortable stay in an educational institution. The inclusive education system includes all categories of educational institutions: preschool, secondary, vocational and higher. Considering that kindergartens also practice such training, the example of an individual educational route for a preschooler with disabilities justifies its relevance.

When compiling it, the teacher is obliged to bring to the attention of parents the following information:

Load limits;

Availability of additional correctional and developmental programs at the institution;

Possibility of making corrections to the current educational route.

The IOM of a preschooler with disabilities is compiled taking into account diagnostic data and recommendations of a psychological, medical and pedagogical council. It is based on maintaining the strengths of a preschooler with a sufficient share of compensation for developmental defects.

It is important to take into account that when drawing up an individual route for a specific child, changes in the number of classes and their forms are possible.

An example of an individual educational route for a gifted preschooler

Every baby is born with certain abilities that need to be constantly improved. And considering that preschool- this is the first social institution child, it is he who plays the main role in this development.

This need is due to the fact that if you teach a gifted person according to a standard program, he will quickly lose interest in learning, and, consequently, motivation. To avoid such a phenomenon, each educator must identify gifted children in his group and create an educational route taking into account all their characteristics.

To create an effective educational route, it is important to take into account:

The characteristics, needs and interests of the child himself, as well as the wishes of his parents;

Opportunity to meet the needs of a gifted child;

Available resources to achieve results.

In drawing up such a route, the participation of parents is also necessary, who should continue at home the methodology used in kindergarten.

An example of an individual educational route for a preschooler with ODD

The creation of an IOM for a preschooler with speech impairments should be carried out jointly with a speech therapist and the child’s parents. It should be aimed at creating conditions that will help overcome speech barriers.

A psychological examination is necessary to identify the interests and inclinations of such a child. This research will help improve work efficiency. The directions that the educational route should contain are:

Medical and health work;

Issues of learning and social adaptation;

Correction issues;

Physical education;

Musical education.

Individual educational route in fine arts

A clear indicator of the importance of a creative approach to educational activities will be the example of an individual educational route for a preschooler in fine art. Since this subject initially presupposes the child’s creative abilities, it is necessary to direct it to their development. This can be either drawing or making various things with your own hands. The main thing is to identify what a particular child shows aptitude and ability for. Creating conditions for development will give every gifted preschooler the opportunity to discover hidden talents in him. Demonstration of creative achievements is important stage work because creative child public recognition of one's abilities is necessary.

Sample of an individual educational route for a preschooler in fine arts


Thus, the example of an individual educational route for a preschooler proves the need for a personal approach to each child and taking into account all his characteristics.

These factors make it possible to develop the future student as effectively as possible, giving him the opportunity to choose his preferred activity.

Explanatory note

In this methodological manual, an individual educational route for a child with developmental problems due to illness has been developed, consisting of types, causes of difficulties (pedagogical symptoms) of the child, as a result of which learning conditions are organized and described for the child in order to develop his potential and form the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities.

Introduction, which explains the reason for drawing up the child’s individual educational route, general information about the child at the time of development of the IEM, the purpose, objectives, number of IEM classes, form of IEM.

Diagnostic data for the child. Diagnosis of child development is the basis for building an IOM. Along with diagnostics, in the process of implementing IOM, monitoring is carried out in work with preschoolers - this is control with periodic monitoring of the child’s level of development with mandatory feedback. Monitoring allows not only to register the state of a child’s development in at the moment, but also provides materials for comparison, analysis and correction of developmental disorders and deviations. The purpose of pedagogical monitoring is to summarize and analyze information about the state of general development to carry out assessment, plan the correctional and developmental process (development of IOM) and predict the final result.

The child’s health route includes an individual motor regimen, hardening procedures, physical activity and therapeutic and preventive measures for the child.

The child’s employment grid, which indicates the sequence of introducing the child into activities common to all children;

Implementation of an individual route, which indicates the topic, content, result of the lesson and what needs to be improved.

A dynamic observation sheet is maintained where all changes are made. The purpose of such observation is the correction of the components of the educational process, the selection of optimal forms of its organization. Having an idea about desired result in the form of specific performance criteria, depending on the results of the interim examination, changes can be made to the IOM in a timely manner for better implementation of the educational process and its effectiveness for a child with limited health capabilities.

Effective implementation of IOM will ensure positive dynamics in the child’s personal development. Undoubtedly, such work will require the teacher to have professional competence and interest in the process and result of his work.



"TsRR-kindergarten No. 102"

Individual educational route for a child


Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"TsRR-kindergarten No. 102"

Individual educational route

Child's full name

Date of birth _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Last name, first name, mother's middle name, age, education________________________________________________________________

Father's last name, middle name, age, education________________________________________________________________

IOM start date______________________________________________________________________________________________

Reason for registration: persistent failure to assimilate OOP of preschool education due to illness______________________________________

Age at the beginning of correctional and developmental work: 4 years ______________________________________________________

Goal (IOM): opening new perspectives in the assimilation of pre-school education, enriching the child as an individual; assistance in adaptation to a group of children, development in the child of surprise at his own capabilities; encouragement and stimulation of individual _____ child's capabilities; involving parents in the creative process.___________________________________________________

Tasks: identify the child’s special educational needs; provide individual pedagogical assistance to the child; promote the child’s learning of the educational program preschool education; ensure positive changes in the development of the child, his targeted advancement in relation to his own capabilities, stimulation of individual capabilities; provide methodological assistance to parents of children with disabilities._____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Number of classes per week: 5 lessons _________________________________________________________________________

Form of conduct: lesson, play activities, joint activities, conversations, observations, individual work. ____

Expected result:________________________________________________________________________________________

Form of work with parents:consultations, workshop, interview, exchange of experience._________________________________

Parent ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Diagnosis of child development

The purpose of pedagogical monitoring is to summarize and analyze information about the state of general development to carry out assessment, plan the correctional and developmental process (development of IOM) and predict the final result.

Physical development

Somatic development


Speech development


Features of the development of cognitive processes














Types and causes of difficulties (pedagogical symptoms)

Compiled by: teacher Karpizenkova I.V.

These methodological recommendations reflect the individual educational route of a child’s speech development at academic year, based on the diagnostic results, an individual development route was determined in the following areas of development - sensory, development of mental functions, development of fine motor skills, development of general speech skills, correction of sound pronunciation, work on the syllabic structure of words, development of phonemic hearing and language analysis and synthesis skills, preparation for learning literacy, vocabulary development, improvement of grammatical structure of speech, development of coherent speech.

Individual educational route
child's speech development

for _____-_____ school. year

F.I. child: _____________, _______________ (date and year of birth).

Speech therapy conclusion: ______________________.

1. Understands spoken speech.

2. Polymorphic violation of the sound pronunciation of whistlers (_______________)); sonorous sounds (________________), etc.

3. Syllable structure complex words are broken (rearrangement, omission of syllables).

4. Phonemic hearing is impaired.

5. Phonemic functions are not formed. Confuses the concepts of sound and syllable. Doesn't always highlight the first sound in a word, rarely the last one. Cannot determine the sequence of sounds in a word / the number of sounds in a word.

6. Vocabulary poor Agrammatisms are present. Errors in inflection (in the formation of the plural of nouns in the nominative and genitive case, agreement of nouns and numerals) and word formation (formation of words, relative and possessive adjectives, etc.).

7. Coherent speech is poorly formed. Experiences difficulties in composing a story based on a series of plot pictures. Can't post pictures that make sense. Composes a story of 2 or 3 sentences based on leading questions. The story contains agrammatisms.

Based on the diagnostic results, the following individual development route was determined:

Gololobova Maria Alexandrovna,
speech therapist teacher,
GBDOU No. 26, St. Petersburg

N.A. Budaeva




Budaeva N.A.




Publishing house


Printed by decision

Program and methodological council


Budaeva N.A. Development and execution of an individual educational route. Methodical manual. Ust-Kut, 2015, p.27

Methodological manual compiled by the methodologist of the Children and Youth Center

Budaeva Nadezhda Alekseevna, includes theoretical and practical recommendations

on the development and execution of an individual educational route.

Given methodological manual is intended for additional education teachers, methodologists, teachers working in the system of additional education for children, and is of a recommendatory nature.

1. Individualization of the learning process _____________________________________ 5

2. Theoretical approaches to the design of IEP ____________________________ 5

3. Creation of an individual educational route______________________ 8

4. Gifted children and talented youth: identification, development, support__ 9

5. Individual educational route for gifted children______________ 13

6. Methodology for constructing IOM _____________________________________________ 14

7. Development and implementation of individual educational routes for children

With disabilities health ___________________________________ 15

8. Regulatory, legal, organizational and pedagogical conditions for design

individual educational programs and routes______________________________ 16

9. List of references ________________________________________________ 17

10. Applications _________________________________________________________________18

Individualization of the learning process

A feature of the last decades of the twentieth century is the growth of a wide variety of pedagogical systems, theories, concepts focused on the self-development of the personality of the child and teacher, on various ways of supporting its manifestation.

The difference between the current situation is that everywhere or locally there is a change in leading pedagogical concepts, or their significant correction is being carried out towards humanization and individualization.

Humanism in education is, first of all, recognition of the intrinsic value of each individual person,

ensuring his internal and external freedom. The task of education worthy of humanism is to know oneself, one’s “I”, one’s aspirations and opportunities for self-determination and better realization of one’s powers. As a young person develops, he acts, but not without problems. As soon as the child himself has a desire to join something, and difficulties arise, pedagogical support comes into force. Thus, pedagogical support acts as a necessary element educational activities.
The documents devoted to the modernization of Russian education clearly express the idea of ​​​​the need to change the orientation of education from the acquisition of knowledge and the implementation of abstract educational tasks - to the formation of universal individual abilities based on new social needs and values.

The main idea of ​​updating education is that it should become individualized, functional and effective.

One of the ways to implement the task of individualizing the educational process in the context of pre-professional training is the development and implementation of individual educational routes for students.

Thus, an individual educational trajectory provides for the presence of an individual educational route (content component), as well as a developed method for its implementation (technologies for organizing the educational process).

The development of a student can be carried out along several educational routes, which are implemented simultaneously or sequentially. This implies the main task of the teacher - to offer the student a range of possibilities and help him make a choice.

The choice of one or another individual educational route is determined by a complex of factors:

    characteristics, interests and needs of the student himself and his parents in

achieving the required educational result;

    professionalism of the teacher;

    the possibilities of an additional education institution to satisfy educational

student needs; capabilities of the institution's material and technical base.

By effective means the formation of self-determination skills are pedagogical situations of joint planning with children and parents of a program for the child’s own development in the process of play, communication, learning, etc., which is called an Individual educational route.
The principle of individualization - “every child has the right to independence” - presupposes the widespread introduction of new forms and methods of upbringing and education, providing an individual approach to each child, affirms the recognition of the self-worth of each child; dictates the need to predict the individual development trajectory of a preschooler based on his strengths, natural inclinations and abilities.

Theoretical approaches to the design of IEP

The main value for additional education teachers is the child’s personality, its uniqueness, originality. That is why additional education teachers create special student-oriented pedagogical technologies, one of which is the “Individual educational route”. This is what our conversation will be about today.

Let's consider the concepts that reflect the name of this technology.

Individual - personal, characteristic of a given individual, differing in characteristic features from others [Ozhegov S.I. Russian language dictionary: Ok. 57,000 words // Sub. ed. member – corr. ANSSSR N.Yu. Shvedova. – 19th ed., rev. - M.: Russian language, 1987].

    Individual – characteristic of a specific, separately existing individual;

relating to an individual, sole [Psychology. Dictionary / General Ed. A.V. Petrovsky, M.G. Yaroshevsky. – 2nd ed. – M., 1990].

    Individuality - characteristics of character and mental makeup that distinguish one

the individual from others; an individual personality as the owner of a unique set of mental properties [Dictionary of foreign words. – M., 1981].

    Individualization is a process of self-realization, as a result of which a person strives

gain individuality; taking into account in the learning process the individual characteristics of students in all forms and methods, regardless of what characteristics and to what extent are taken into account [Kodzhaspirova G.M., Kodzhaspirov A.Yu. Dictionary of pedagogy. – M., 2005].

    Education is a single, purposeful process that combines upbringing,

training and development. The content of modern additional education for children is based on the idea of ​​education as a factor in the development of the individual, his individuality.

    Route – the path of personal growth (upbringing, development, training) of a child;

Now we can consider the concept of “individual educational route”

An individual educational route is a pre-planned path to follow or move, which is aimed either at educating the student (responsibility, hard work, etc.), or at developing (physical abilities, etc.), or at learning.

    I.S. Yakimanskaya in her research uses the term “individual trajectory

development,” noting that the trajectory of a child’s mental development is built on two contradictory foundations. On the one hand, the child is forced to adapt to the requirements of adults: parents, teachers, educators. On the other hand, based on individual experience and methods of action, he creatively approaches each situation.

    The concept proposed by S.V. is considered the most optimal. Vorobyova, N.A.

Labunskaya, A.P. Tryapitsyn, presenting a designed differentiated program under an individual educational route, giving students the right to choose, develop and implement an educational program together with the teacher. Choice is a hallmark of a person-centered approach

The implementation of an individual educational route is carried out through educational programs that take into account the individual characteristics of the child, the level of motivation and the zones of current and immediate development of a particular child.

An individual educational route is associated with a specific goal (it is purposeful) and the conditions for achieving it; is created before the movement begins and is determined by the knowledge the student already has

and experience; designed as an individual educational program.

Individualization of the learning process involves the formation individual educational plans (IEP) And individual educational programs (IEP), which ultimately allows us to form individual educational route (IOM) student.

diagram 1 “Design sequence”)

IEP takes into account the types of educational activities of students, methods and forms of diagnosing educational results, technologies for mastering educational content, etc.

It is compiled on the basis of the student’s choice and coordination of his interests and requests with the teaching staff of the educational institution and represents a program of the child’s educational activities for a certain time period. The IEP can include all or almost all components of the preschool educational program.

IEP– a set of academic subjects (basic, specialized) and elective courses selected for mastering by students based on their own educational needs and professional prospects. The transition to the IEP is taking into account the educational needs of students, their cognitive capabilities, and the specific conditions of the educational process in the educational institution;

IOM– this is a purposefully designed differentiated educational program that provides the student with the position of the subject of choice, development and implementation of the educational program when teachers provide pedagogical support for his self-determination and self-realization, this takes into account the educational needs, inclinations, personal and pre-professional interests, abilities and cognitive capabilities of students.

scheme 2 « Structural Components individual educational program"

An individual educational route is determined by the educational needs, individual abilities and capabilities of the student (level of readiness to master the program), as well as existing standards content of education.

The development of an individual educational route occurs jointly with the additional education teacher, the student and his parents. However, the right to choose one or another route of one’s own education should belong, first of all, to the student himself.

The task of adults is to help him design and implement his project of targeted development. For this purpose, certain conditions are created in the educational institution: studying the interests, needs and abilities of students, ensuring variety and variety of activities and programs, providing freedom of choice, increasing the degree of teacher readiness to implement an individual educational route, organizing monitoring.

Designing individual educational routes is not easy, since the range of individual differences among students is extremely wide. Therefore, the construction of routes most often begins with determining the characteristics of the students (addressees). The basis for differentiating students may be age category; gender of students; physical and psychophysical characteristics; social factor; students' level of knowledge and skills; motives for children joining this creative association.

Distinctive features of individual educational routes from each other: the content may differ in volume, degree of complexity, which is characterized by the breadth and depth of disclosure of a specific topic, problem, conceptual apparatus, and the pace of learning by students. The logic of teaching, methods, techniques, and methods of organization also vary.

educational process. But all of them must be adequate to the specific student, the content of education and the model of the educational process.

Creating an individual educational route

Stage of building an individual educational route

includes the following steps: determining the content of education (including additional education),

level and mode of mastering certain academic subjects, planning one’s own actions to achieve the goal, developing criteria and means for assessing the results obtained ( own achievements).

The function of the teacher at this stage is to help the student by specifying goals and objectives and offering means for their implementation. The result of this stage, at the student level, can be a program of specific actions to implement the plan (individual educational route).

Components of an individual educational route

    target- setting goals for obtaining education, formulated on the basis of the state

educational standard, motives and needs of the student when receiving education;

systematization and grouping, establishment of inter-cycle, inter-subject and intra-subject connections;

    technological- determination of used pedagogical technologies, methods, techniques,

training and education systems;

    diagnostic- determination of the diagnostic support system;

    organizational and pedagogical- conditions and ways to achieve pedagogical goals.

In this case, the teacher performs the following actions to organize thisprocess:

    structuring the pedagogical process - coordination of motives, goals, educational

needs and individual educational route with the possibilities of the educational environment;

    support - providing advisory assistance in the development and implementation

individual educational route;

    regulation - ensuring the implementation of an individual educational route through

use of adequate forms of activity;

    productive- expected results are formulated.

Thus, IEP - the child chooses, IEP - the child plans, IOM - the child implements. All this allows us to talk about the formation student's individual educational trajectory (IET).

IET is a personal way to realize the personal potential of each student in education; this is the result of the realization of the child’s personal potential in education through the implementation of relevant types of activities (A.V. Khutorskoy).

“IOT is not an individual program. Trajectory is a trace of movement. The program is its plan” A.V. Khutorskoy. The scientific and methodological literature indicates that the child designs the IEP for himself, and the teacher only advises him.

Thus, the technology for creating an individual educational route is a more or less algorithmized process of interaction between a teacher and students, guaranteeing the achievement of the set goal.

An individual educational route is defined by scientists as a purposefully designed differentiated educational program, providing the student with the position of a subject of choice, development and implementation of an educational program when teachers support his self-determination and self-realization.

On the basis of the general developmental program operating in a given organization, an individual educational program (or module) is compiled for a student who wishes to master educational content on an individual basis. A personal individual program implements a method of individual development of an existing program, on the basis of which additional content is studied

The student’s transition to an individual educational program includes: assessment by the teaching staff of the student’s readiness to switch to the IEP; the child’s desire to switch to training in the IEP and his awareness of the responsibility of the decision; parental consent.

A training module is training material, instructions for studying it, time for completing each task, methods of control and reporting.

IOP is implemented by various ways of learning:

    Group classes. The educational route may involve studying one or

several modules using a conventional system. Along with attending classes on a chosen topic (module) in your team, training can be organized in another team of your own or another DDT.

    Group classes. For a group of students who have switched to individual learning,

group execution of individual modules (tasks) can be organized.

    Self-study is the main form of individual training, which

may involve varying levels of independence (consultations for students who have encountered any difficulties during their work).

    Ongoing verification and testing of achievements necessary, first of all, for the child himself,

to show him how successful his chosen self-study method is.

    Independent practice in large volumes and various forms.

Gifted children and talented youth:

identification, development, support

High social and professional activity, wide range of skills, abilities out-of-the-box thinking and behavior - distinctive features of talented youth and, at the same time, demand modern society, to the development of which highly gifted people can make the greatest contribution. This makes it important to support and accompany gifted children and talented youth, create an optimally comfortable environment for learning and developing a creative personality, and support personal and professional development. It is not surprising that the discussion of strategies in solving this issue is taking an increasingly important position, both in the scientific community and at the state level, and the formation of a harmoniously developed gifted personality is one of the priority government tasks.
As characteristics of harmonious personality development, it is necessary to highlight not only high level personal and intellectual development, but also physical and moral maturity. Also, an indicator of harmonious development should be the criterion of personal health - as a factor of personal and professional success in the long term, since a successful career and well-being of a modern person are directly related to his good health.
One of the most important aspects- training and education of highly gifted children. The stereotyped nature of the educational process is especially painful for such children. That is why they can often be attracted to informal associations. An alternative to them is design, research, scientific activity in school non-governmental educational institutions (scientific associations of students) as an opportunity for self-realization in socially significant activities. In addition, the work of scientific communities, organized by passionate, talented teachers, makes it possible to identify yet undiscovered talents, which sometimes “flare up” with unexpected facets.
The advantages of such a construction of educational space for the harmonization of social and personal development are obvious:

    within the framework of non-state educational institutions, the intellectual and personal potential of a talented teenager will be

appreciated, involved to the maximum, and will not make him a “hostage” of his originality;

    inclusion in joint research activities reinforces awareness of personal

responsibility in the general matter.
Another serious aspect in the long term is the socialization of gifted children and talented youth: their demand in society, involvement in socially significant activities creates an attitude towards “giving back”, realizing their own potential. This, at the same time, is an aspect of the moral development of the individual, who is actively involved in “activities for others” in contrast to purely individualized “activities for oneself.”
Physical health is no less important for the harmonious development of the personality of gifted children. Gifted schoolchildren and students, whom today's society needs, predominantly have specific developmental characteristics that lead to ill health: “...the desire for knowledge imposes certain restrictions on their lives ( long time they devote their time to study, which is characterized by a sedentary lifestyle, short stays in the fresh air, etc.),

which causes the so-called “developmental asynchrony,” which sometimes manifests itself in health deficits.”

In this connection, there is an acute problem of developing a culture and value of health in this category of children, and developing their healthy lifestyle skills. Since personal and professional success are associated with such qualities as initiative, intelligence, energy, responsibility, stress resistance, physical and mental health, which belong to the category of human health.
Problems in organizing work with gifted children are expressed by:

    in the contradictions between the need to create a regulatory and educational material base,

to organize work with gifted children;

    the absence of a new and specific management program for its implementation in

educational organization;

    the high demands placed today on the education and development of gifted children,

    social guarantees in the field of education that are provided to them;

    huge potential development opportunities for a gifted child;

    low level of culture of society;

    specificity and problematic development of gifted children;

    lack of psychological and pedagogical knowledge of teachers and parents.

It is necessary to create the potential of organizational and methodological conditions for a comprehensive solution to the problem of developing a child’s personality, his intellectual capabilities and creative abilities.

Children's giftedness and institutions of additional education

An important role in the development of children's giftedness and talent is played by institutions of additional education for children, which can compensate for the lack of educational load in various creative workshops and associations in which the child begins to develop special abilities and forms special talent.

Additional education provides every child with the opportunity to freely choose educational field, profile of programs, time for their development, inclusion in various types of activities, taking into account his individual inclinations.

The personal and activity-based nature of the educational process allows us to solve one of the main tasks of additional education - identifying, developing and supporting gifted and talented children. The individual-personal basis of the activities of institutions of this type makes it possible to satisfy the needs of specific children, using the potential of their free time.

When defining work with gifted children, it is necessary to distinguish the main characteristic differences between such concepts as “ability”, “giftedness”, “talent”.

Giftedness– this is a unique holistic state of the child’s personality, a great individual and social value that needs to be identified and supported; a systemic quality that determines a person’s ability to achieve exceptionally high results in one or more activities compared to other people. A gifted child is a child who stands out for his bright, obvious, sometimes outstanding achievements in one or another type of activity.

Capabilities are defined as individual personality characteristics that determine the success of performing activities that are not reducible to knowledge, skills and abilities, but determine the ease and speed of learning new ways and techniques of activity (B.M. Teplov).

Talent– these are innate abilities that ensure high success in activities. In general, one can imagine talent as a combination of the following traits: natural inclinations (anatomical, physical and emotional, i.e. increased sensitivity); intellectual and thinking capabilities to evaluate new situations and solve new problems; the ability to maintain interest in the object of labor for a long time, i.e. human will and energy; the ability to create new images, fantasy and imagination.

No separate ability may not be sufficient to successfully perform the activity. It is necessary that a person has many abilities that would be in a favorable combination. A qualitatively unique combination of abilities necessary for the successful performance of any activity is called giftedness. The main functions of giftedness are maximum adaptation to the world and environment, finding solutions in all cases when new, unforeseen problems are created that require a creative approach.

Gifted children are special children, and the task of teachers is to understand them and direct all efforts to pass on their experience and knowledge to them. The teacher must understand that these children need support from adults who are called upon to teach them to cope with unreasonably high expectations of their abilities. Each child is gifted in his own way, and for a teacher what is more important is not identifying the level of giftedness, but the quality of giftedness.

The following types of giftedness are distinguished: creative giftedness, academic giftedness, artistic giftedness, musical giftedness, intellectual giftedness, literary giftedness, psychomotor giftedness, general giftedness, intellectual giftedness.

In the system of additional education, the following forms of education for gifted and talented children can be distinguished:

    individual training or training in small groups according to creative development programs

in a certain area;

the mentor is a scientist, a scientist or cultural figure, a high-class specialist;

    full-time and correspondence schools;

    vacation camps, camps, master classes, creative laboratories;

    a system of creative competitions, festivals, olympiads;

    children's scientific and practical conferences and seminars.

Favorable opportunities for additional education are clearly manifested, in particular, in the field of artistic development. Children often come to these institutions whose talents have already begun to reveal themselves. They are motivated to master artistic and creative activities, and this creates conditions for the fruitful development of special skills and knowledge. In additional education, it is possible to use such a powerful resource for the development of giftedness as the unity and interaction of the arts, which in a regular school is complicated by the substantive division of the content of education. At the same time, this form of working with a gifted child is fraught with serious dangers. It is important not to create in him a feeling of exclusivity: both because it may not receive confirmation in the future, and because clubs and studios are attended not only by especially gifted children, but also by those who simply enjoy doing art, and relationships with them should develop harmoniously.

Two other dangers, unfortunately, often come from teachers. The first is the exploitation of the student’s extraordinary abilities for the sake of the prestige of the educational institution, which often harms the child. The second is the unconscious desire of the leader to realize himself through the students, which leads to the apparent success of the result due to the leveling of the personal aesthetic experience and individuality of the children. In both cases, the gifted child turns out to be not a goal, but a means to solve the problems of adults.

If all these difficulties can be avoided, then the field of additional education becomes extremely important for the development of a gifted child, preparing him for a professional path. Understanding giftedness as a systemic quality involves considering personal development as the fundamental goal of teaching and raising gifted children.

There are several stages in working with gifted and talented children:

First of all, it is necessary to find gifted children.

a talented person is talented in many ways, so the child should have the right to choose which subject to study in depth. Developing a person-centered approach to teaching gifted children: talented children always crave something new, more complex, and if their hunger for information remains unsatisfied, they will quickly lose interest in the subject.

At the next stage, it is necessary to develop the psychology of a leader in a gifted child, being careful so that this does not lead to the appearance of “star fever.” He should not be shy to show his abilities, not be afraid to express his thoughts, if only because they are non-standard and have no analogues.

In relation to teaching intellectually gifted children, of course, the leading and basic methods are methods of a creative nature - problem-solving, search, heuristic, research, design - in combination with methods of independent, individual and group work. They are extremely effective for the development of creative thinking and many important personality traits (cognitive motivation, perseverance, independence, self-confidence, emotional stability and ability to cooperate, etc.).

The most effective work should include such forms as specially organized interactive, project and creative activities; creativity development trainings; master classes for the development of creative talent; training seminars on the case method; networking; research work; competitions, festivals, scientific and practical conferences; self-government

Identification of gifted and talented children is possible using such forms of activity as analysis of the child’s special successes and achievements; creation of a data bank on talented and gifted children; diagnostics of children's potential using the resources of psychological services.

On the basis of an institution of additional education for children, it is necessary to organize psychological support for the parents of a gifted child; joint practical activities of a gifted child and parents; support and encouragement for parents of gifted children.

The following areas of development of children's giftedness are identified, which are also applicable in the system of additional education:

    Active attitude towards the surrounding world. Gifted people are curious, creative,

informed, active. The task of adults in this case is to direct the child’s energy in a useful direction.

    Independence. Gifted children eagerly strive for independence, but

adults often limit their aspirations.

    Arbitrariness in regulating one's behavior. Because gifted children have it easy

gets, then volitional efforts are minimal. Problems arise when a child needs to force himself to do something that is not interesting, when it is necessary to submit to the demands of adults.

    Organization of individual style of activity.

An individual style of activity is a system of unique actions, techniques, and methods that a person uses in his activities and behavior.

    Creating motivation for development and learning.

Needs and motives motivate a person to activity, action, activity, force him to set goals, objectives and determine ways to achieve them.

Teachers of the additional education system should be aware of the specifics of working with gifted and talented children.

Programs for gifted children differ in content, process, expected results, and learning environment. The development of such programs takes into account that gifted children are able to quickly grasp the meaning of the most important concepts, provisions, and principles; have a need to focus on the parties involved in the problem and understand them more deeply; show the ability to notice deep details, features and put forward explanations for what they notice; often anxious due to their difference from other children.

The behavior and activities of teachers working with gifted and talented children, in turn, must meet certain requirements:

    development of flexible, individualized programs;

    creating an emotionally safe atmosphere in the association’s team;

    stimulating the development of higher-level mental processes in children;

    the use of various teaching and educational strategies;

    respect for the student’s personality and values ​​and the formation of his positive self-esteem;

    Encouraging creativity and imagination in students.

The phenomena of children's giftedness and talent are integrative in nature. The design and implementation of targeted programs for the development of talented and gifted children in the conditions of municipal educational institutions of preschool education (as a factor in the systemic support of this category of pupils from adults) will contribute not only to the growth of their achievements, but also to influence the future life path.

Diagnostic stages of identifying gifted students

    Nomination (naming) - names of candidates for giftedness;

    Identification of manifestations of giftedness in behavior and different types student activity on

    Studying the conditions and history of the student’s development in the family, his interests, hobbies - information

about the family, about the early development of the child, about his interests and unusual abilities using questionnaires and interviews;

    Assessment of a student by his peers - information about abilities that are not manifested in

academic performance and achievements using questionnaires;

    Self-assessment of abilities, motivation, interests, successes using questionnaires, self-reports,


    Evaluation of work (including examination papers), achievements;

    Psychological testing - indicators intellectual characteristics abstract and

logical thinking, mathematical abilities, technical abilities, linguistic

abilities, memory, etc.) of the student’s creative and personal development with the help of psychodiagnostic tests.

Personal qualities of a teacher- the ability to create a favorable atmosphere for working with children, goodwill (gifted children are the most receptive), the ability to create educational motivation in various ways (create a situation of success, take into account the interests and abilities of the child), the ability to experiment in the classroom, the desire for educational cooperation: the child becomes the teacher’s partner, subject of educational activities, actively shows initiative and independence

Forms of work

Olympiads in subjects

scientific and practical conferences

speeches and reports

active extracurricular activities

subject weeks

role playing games

work in pairs, small groups),

consultation on the problem that has arisen

scientific circles, societies


multi-level tasks

various competitions and quizzes

word games and fun

projects on various topics

creative tasks

Portrait of a gifted child

    extremely curious about how this or that object works.

They are able to monitor several processes at the same time and tend to actively explore everything around them.

    have the ability to perceive connections between phenomena and objects and make

    relevant conclusions; they like to create alternative systems in their imagination;

    have excellent memory combined with early language development and the ability to classify;

    have a large vocabulary;

    do not tolerate having a ready-made answer forced upon them;

    have heightened sense justice;

    make high demands on themselves and others;

    have an excellent sense of humor;

    They often develop a negative self-perception and have difficulties communicating with peers.

Individual educational route for gifted children.

The documents devoted to the modernization of Russian education clearly express the idea of ​​​​the need to change the orientation of education from the acquisition of knowledge and the implementation of abstract educational tasks to the formation of universal individual abilities based on new social needs and values. Achieving this goal is directly related to the individualization of the educational process, which is quite feasible when training along individual educational routes.

The institution of additional education has enormous potential for working in this direction. It provides a wide range of types creative activity, among which every student can find something to his liking, which, perhaps, will become his profession in the future.

To develop giftedness, a child needs individual forms of education. The search for the development of individual forms of training organization is carried out by many specialists in different countries. Most researchers are inclined to believe that the only way to completely individualize a child’s educational activities is to develop individual educational plans (or educational routes) for each student, based on his individual capabilities and characteristics.

An individual educational route is defined by scientists as a purposefully designed differentiated educational program that provides the student with the position of a subject of choice, development and implementation of an educational program when teachers provide pedagogical support for his self-determination and self-realization.

An individual educational route is determined by the educational needs, individual abilities and capabilities of the student (level of readiness to master the program).

Directions for implementation

Variable curricula and educational programs that determine an individual educational route


special pedagogical technologies


organizational aspect

An individual educational route will help a gifted child discover all his talents and make a decision in the world of professions. The use of individual educational routes in the system of additional education is one of the forms of pedagogical support for the personal, life and professional self-determination of students.

Development and implementation of individual learning routes for students

The logical structure of designing an individual educational route includes the following stages:

    setting an educational goal (individual choice of pre-profile goal


    introspection, reflection (awareness and correlation of individual needs

with external requirements (for example, profile requirements);

    choosing a path (options) to achieve the goal,

    specification of the goal (choice of courses),

    preparation of a route sheet.

Structure of an individual educational route


Setting goals, defining objectives of educational work


Determination of the used pedagogical technologies, methods, techniques, systems of training and education, taking into account the individual characteristics of the child


Definition of a diagnostic support system


Expected results, time frames for their achievement and criteria for assessing the effectiveness of implemented activities are formulated

Requirements for the development of individual educational route programs

for gifted children.

In the spotlight modern education there is a process of cognition that orients the student toward independent search, research, discovery, and activity. To realize the individual characteristics of the development and learning of children, it is necessary to create an integrated model of the educational space - an individual educational route.

The purpose of individual educational routes:

ensure the formation and implementation of students’ needs for self-actualization and self-development.

    create conditions for significant differentiation of the content of training and education

students with wide and flexible opportunities to build individual educational programs;

    intensify the cognitive activity of students, increase the role of independent

creative research work teacher and student;

    ensure the development of a holistic structure of the student’s personal properties, allowing the most

successful ways to master educational material and unleash your creative potential.

An individual educational route is considered as educational-formative, correctional-developmental, diagnostic path, direction of movement subject (student), his choice of individual content of training and education, forms of organizing his educational activities, orientation towards his own personal development under the influence of personality-oriented interaction between teacher and student, and determination of the effectiveness of his educational activities;

The implementation of individual educational routes is ensured by the choice of individual educational programs. By developing an individual educational route, the student determines in what sequence, in what time frame, and by what means this program will be implemented.

Implementation stages

Forms and methods of teacher activity

Practical solution


Carrying out monitoring - questioning, observation, control activities.

Material for research and planning further work

Analytical and research

Analysis of diagnostic work, questionnaires, observations. Identifying student learning success on specific topics

Information about the individual characteristics of students, comparison with real learning opportunities (RUV)

Organizational and design

Finding ways of pedagogical support. Determining the topic and student competencies. Choice of forms and methods of work. Deadlines. Drawing up an IOM (individual educational route) for the student.

IOM (student's individual educational route)


Work on the student’s IOM for the purpose of his development and support.

Development and support of student’s creative talent.


Analysis of work on IOM. Identifying positive and negative aspects Determining prospects for further work

Methodology for creating an individual educational route.

A teacher drawing up an individual program for a particular child must rely primarily on the content of the additional educational program of his association.

The main question of any educational program or route is: “How to structure the material?”

When starting to create an individual educational route, the teacher needs to determine what type of material is structured in his program.

Stages of developing an individual route

Teacher developing an individual educational route

should work roughly like this:

    determine the level of development of the child - diagnostics (including his qualities and abilities);

    outline long-term and short-term goals and ways to achieve them;

    determine the time that a child should spend on mastering basic

and a special program;

    defining the role of parents;

    development of an educational thematic plan;

    definition of content;

    determine ways to evaluate the child’s progress.

It is very important and noteworthy that teachers in their practical activities, in order not to overlook or lose their talent, show great attention to establish the level of abilities and their diversity in children. And, on the contrary, by losing talent, talent and simply noticeable abilities, teachers of educational institutions lose everyone else. There are many methods for diagnosing the level of development of abilities and giftedness.

Based on the diagnostic results, the teacher, together with the child and his parents, determines the goals and objectives of the route. Individually, in agreement with parents and

The child himself determines the duration of the route in accordance with the goals and objectives set. Parents are expected to participate in developing the route, defining goals for joint creative activities with their child (For example, making a costume for performing at a concert, etc.).

The teacher must, together with the child and parents, select:

    lesson topics in addition to topics from the basic program, based on interests

the child, his capabilities and goals;

    methods of working with a gifted child on an individual educational route

and add them to the traditional methods from the basic program.

Forms and methods of classes

Summing up forms



practical lesson


creative workshop

creative report


heuristic conversation

demonstration of achievements

test work

open lesson

personal exhibition

The route developer, having analyzed the diagnostic results and based on the content of the educational and thematic plan, decides whether, in order to achieve the set goal, it is necessary to involve other specialists in working with this child (for example, if the diagnostic results revealed that the pupil has mental characteristics, then he needs sessions with a psychologist). The method of assessing and self-assessing success is chosen by the teacher together with the child. It is better to assess success at each stage of mastering the route using the giftedness map that was already used at the diagnostic stage. The student can conduct a self-assessment using one of the self-analysis surveys.

Explanatory note Your individual itinerary should include:

    features of child development;

    description of the student’s abilities and potential;

    features of the organization of the educational process;

    expected results;

    performance criteria;

    forms and methods of monitoring the effectiveness of the educational process.

In an individual route you need:

    offer a selection of tasks of a certain complexity (increased or simplified)

depending on the developmental characteristics of children and their capabilities;

    present the topic of research or creative projects.

Available materials, if necessary, are placed in the annex to the educational program.

Designing individual educational routes includes both academic and extracurricular activities of a gifted teenager. At-

than, the interaction between the teacher and the child occurs already during the design

individual educational route.

Development and implementation

individual educational routes

for children with disabilities

Currently time goes by an active process of modernization of the special (correctional) education system in its technological, content and functional aspects.

In this regard, one of the pressing issues of special pedagogy is the search for ways to qualitatively individualize the education and upbringing of children with disabilities in accordance with their special educational needs. This makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of correctional work and ensure further successful socialization of this category of children. The educational achievements and quality of socialization of children with disabilities are largely determined by the structural and content content of educational programs in accordance with which their educational process is carried out.

In turn, the process of individualization of education in relation to the category of children with disabilities is innovative due to the fact that it requires a change in the pedagogical paradigm in the direction of building the learning process, correction and compensation of disorders in children as their individual activities, support and development of the individuality of each child and the special organization of the educational environment.

However, the development of this area, despite its relevance and demand from practitioners, has not yet reached technological completion. Until now, there is no unity of approaches both in terms of structure and in matters of content of individual educational programs and routes for students and pupils with disabilities.

An individual educational program is a document that is drawn up on the basis of the basic program, taking into account the current level of development of a child with disabilities. A set of individual educational programs expresses the child’s educational route. An individual educational program is aimed at overcoming the discrepancy between the process of teaching a child with a psychophysical disorder according to educational programs at a certain level of education and the real capabilities of the child based on the structure of his disorder, cognitive needs and capabilities.

Regulatory, legal and organizational-pedagogical

conditions for designing individual educational

programs and routes

As regulatory grounds the design of individual educational programs for pupils and students is the Law of the Russian Federation No. 3266-1 of July 10, 1992 “On Education”, which notes that the development and approval of educational programs fall within the competence of the educational institution (Articles 9, 32). At the same time, the minimum content of the educational program is legally established, determined by the federal state educational standard for students with intact intellectual development. In relation to children with intellectual disabilities, one should focus on the requirements of programs for C (K) OU VIII type. The specified regulatory grounds allow an educational institution to develop and implement educational programs taking into account the interests and capabilities of students, including individual educational programs. An individual educational program, like any other program developed by teachers of educational institutions, must be approved by the pedagogical council of the educational institution, if it is drawn up on the basis of the basic program, since the educational institution, represented by the head, is responsible for the content of the educational programs being implemented. In other cases (when the program is compiled on the basis of copyrighted materials or programs that are not recommended for this category of children), the materials must undergo a review procedure in an external organization. If necessary, an individual educational route is drawn up for the child, which includes several programs on different directions.

Organizational and pedagogical conditions the design and implementation of an individual educational program and route include the following:

    the presence in the educational institution of an escort service, within which

A comprehensive assessment by specialists of the need and feasibility of developing an individual educational program for a child with a psychophysical disability is carried out. The optimal structure for supporting students in an educational institution is a psychological, medical, and pedagogical council;

    consent of parents (legal representatives) to individual education of the child

educational program.

The procedure for developing and adjusting individual educational programs and routes should be fixed by a local regulatory act (Regulations on the individual educational program (route)), which will streamline the work of teachers through a clear explanation of the structure in its content individual program or route, the order of their development, implementation and adjustment.

Individual educational programs for students with disabilities may have different kind and form and relate to the comprehensive education and upbringing of a child and the correction of his psychophysical deficiencies, allows for psychological and pedagogical work with students with disabilities in various areas

The structure of an individual educational program will vary depending on the age of the child for whom it is being developed, as well as on the target setting of the program and the tasks to be solved. When designing both the structure and content of individual programs for children of different age groups, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of each age period and highlight the corresponding tasks and main directions of correctional pedagogical work within the framework of the individual program.

Individual educational programs for school-age children indicate the content and scope of knowledge, skills and abilities to be acquired by academic subject. This is one approach to designing the structure of an individual program. When creating an individual educational route, the full range of individual programs for a particular child with disabilities is taken into account.

In our opinion, the mandatory components of an individual educational program are a brief psychological and pedagogical description of the child, the goals and objectives of correctional and developmental work, the content of the program, as well as requirements for the level of readiness of the child, which allow us to assess the completeness of the implementation of the content of the individual educational program at the level of dynamics of those or other components of the child’s psychophysical development.

Structure of an individual educational program for a student with disabilities can be presented in the following form:

1. Front page, which includes the name of the institution, the purpose of the program, the implementation period, the targeting of the program (last name, first name of the student, year of study), approval mark by the pedagogical council (or review by an external specialist), agreement with parents.

2. Explanatory note, which sets out a brief psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the child with a list of skills and abilities that have been developed and those that have not been adequately developed. Based on the data of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, the goals and objectives of accompanying the child for a certain period of time are formulated. IN explanatory note It is imperative to indicate the programs on the basis of which the individual educational program has been prepared, as well as justify the variation if there is a redistribution of the number of hours allocated to the study of certain sections and topics, a change in the sequence of study of topics, etc.

4. Basic requirements for the results of the program implementation.

In this section, the goal and objectives of the individual program should be correlated with its planned results, as well as specifically formulate the results of the program implementation at the level of dynamics of mental and psychological development the student and the level of development of key competencies. These requirements are the basis for the implementation of intermediate and final assessment of the effectiveness of the individual program.

Structure of an individual educational route:

    Front page(see above).

    List of programs included in this individual educational route.

    Determining the time frame route implementation.

The design of such programs will create conditions for high-quality individualization of the educational process of various categories of children with psychophysical disabilities.

List of used literature

1. Abakumova E. M. Development of the creative potential of pupils of an additional education institution / E. M. Abakumova // Teacher at school. – 2008. – No. 4. – P. 92 – 95.

2. Azarov Yu. Accelerated identification and development of children's talents. – M.: Education of schoolchildren. 2009. No. 1.

3. Akimova E. A. Individual training of a gifted child / E. A. Akimova // Teacher at school. – 2009. – No. 3. – P. 85 – 86.

4. Golovanov, V.P. Methods and technology of work of a teacher of additional education: / V.P. Golovanov. – M.: Vlados, 2004, – 239 p.

7. Konopleva N. Is it easy to be a child prodigy? // Head teacher. -2004. – No. 3. – p. 54-59.

8. Kutnyakova N.P. Learning to understand children. – Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2008. – 282 p.

9. Landau E. Giftedness requires courage: Psychological support for a gifted child / Transl. with him. A.P. Golubeva; Scientific ed. Russian text by N.M. Nazarov. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2002. – 144 p.

10. Lebedeva V.P., Leites N.S., Matyushkin A.M. and others. To the teacher about gifted children (a manual for teachers) / Ed. V.P. Lebedeva, V.I. Panova. – M.: Young Guard, 1997. – 354 p.

11. Leites N.S. Age-related talent of schoolchildren: Proc. aid for students higher pedagogical educational institutions. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2001. – 320 p.

12. Loginova R. N. Creatively gifted children: identification and development / R. N. Loginova // Teacher at school. – 2008. – No. 3. – P. 81 – 83.

13. Matyushkin A.M. Mysteries of giftedness. – M., 1993.

14. Gifted children: Transl. from English – M.: Progress, 1991. – 376 p.

16. Working concept of giftedness. – 2nd ed., expanded. and processed – M., 2003. – 95 p.

17. Rogers K., Freyberg D. Freedom to learn. – M.: Smysl, 2002. – 527 p.

18. Savenkov A. Creatively gifted children: identification and development / A. Savenkov // Teacher at school. – 2008. – No. 1. – P. 103 – 106.

19. Savenkov A.I. Your child is talented: Children's giftedness and homeschooling. – Yaroslavl: development academy, 2002. – 352 p.

20. Tamberg Yu.G. Development of a child's creative thinking. – St. Petersburg: Rech, 2002. – 176 p.

21. Ten K. B. Summer camp as a technology for organizing work with gifted children / K. B. Ten // Teacher at school. – 2010. – No. 3. – P. 86 – 91.

22. Khoroshko N.F., Golovko V.M. Pedagogical concept of the “School for Intellectually Gifted Children” // School Technologies, 2002. – No. 6. – P.97-105.

23. Shumakova N.B. Education and development of gifted children. - M., 2004.

24. Yurkevich V. S. Creatively gifted children: identification and development. Types of giftedness / V. S. Yurkevich // Teacher at school. – 2008. – No. 2. – P. 69 – 76.



Appendix No. 1

Scheme of self-analysis of a pupil studying on an individual educational route.

Full name age

What goals did I set for myself at the beginning of the year?

What actions have I planned to achieve my goal?

Did I manage to realize my plans?

What did you learn? What else needs to be done?

Date of completion______________

Appendix 2

Possible forms of classes for gifted students involved in

according to an individual educational route.

Practical lesson





Creative workshop


Creative report.


Dive lesson

Appendix 3

Possible forms of summing up

Test work

Show achievements

Personal exhibition

Open lesson


    Do not give instructions, help children act independently, do not give direct

instructions regarding what they should do.

    Don’t hold back your children’s initiatives and don’t do for them what they can do on their own.

    Teach your child to trace interdisciplinary connections and use the knowledge acquired

when studying other subjects.

    Teach children the skills of independent problem solving, research and analysis


    Use difficult situations encountered by children at school or at home as an area of ​​application

acquired skills in problem solving.

    Help children learn to manage the process of learning.

    Be creative with everything.

Appendix 5

Sample of creating an individual route for children (type of focus)


Number of classes per week



Date, time

Topic of the lesson, number of hours

Technologies, forms and methods used

Opportunity to work with other specialists

Implementation of an individual route


Date, time

Lesson topic

Lesson result

Purpose (what is aimed at):

(what was successful and what needs to be improved)

Methods for assessing student success

    Do not give instructions, help children act independently, do not give direct instructions regarding what they should do;

    Do not restrain children’s initiatives and do not do for them what they can do on their own;

    Teach your child to trace interdisciplinary connections and use the knowledge gained from studying other subjects;

    Teach children the skills of independent problem solving, research and analysis of situations;

    Use difficult situations that children encounter in everyday life as an area to apply the acquired skills in problem solving;

    Help children learn to manage the process of learning;

    Be creative with everything.

Appendix No. 7

Structure of the individual educational route program

1. Title page.

2. Characteristics of this child.

3. Explanatory note.

    Relevance (need) of this program.

    Program focus.

    Justification of the content of the program (analysis of the previous year of study).

    Duration of the program.

    Expected results.

    Conditions for the implementation of the program.

4. Educational and thematic plan.

6. Creative plan.

7. Methodological support of the program.

8. List of references.

Appendix No. 8

1. Title page contains the following information:

    full name of the higher education authority;

    full name of the educational institution where this program was developed;

    the name of the program (as short as possible and reflecting its essence);

Metaphorical(for example: “Sail”, “Nature Workshop”, “Northern Mosaic”);

    the type of basic activity in which program participants are involved and which should become

educational for them (for example: research, design, development, modeling, etc.);

    type of sociocultural object of educational action - the reality into which they “enter”

program participants (for example: society, region, knowledge, culture, etc.);

“Putoransky”, “based on the history of holidays of the peoples of Taimyr”), (for example: development and production of operating models of renewable energy sources, research and reconstruction of the life of a village and development of a project for the revival of this village, etc.);

    the name of the locality in which the program was written;

    date, number of the minutes of the meeting of the MS (methodological council) that recommended the program

for implementation;

    the age of the child for whom the program is designed;

    duration of the program (how many years this program is designed for).

2. Characteristics of this child.

Giving a brief creative description of a student, it is necessary to reveal his achievements, the level and content of cognitive needs, the level and quality of special abilities. The student’s achievement is initially determined by the method of fixed pedagogical observations, i.e. based on the results of pedagogical control, participation in exhibitions, competitions, competitions, etc.

3. Explanatory note.

The explanatory note reveals the goals of educational activities, substantiates the principles for selecting content and the sequence of presentation of the material, characterizes the forms of work with students and the conditions for implementing the program.

In justifying the need to develop and implement the program, its relevance and practical significance of the given student are noted;

When formulating the goals and objectives of the program, it should be remembered that the goal is the intended result of the educational process to which it is necessary to strive. Therefore, in describing the goal, it is important to avoid general abstract formulations, such as “comprehensive personal development”, “creating opportunities for the creative development of children”, “satisfying educational needs”, etc. Such formulations will not reflect the needs of a given student or a given program. In addition, the goal should be related to the name of the program and reflect its main focus.

Objectives reveal ways to achieve a goal and show what needs to be done to achieve the goal. The following types of tasks are distinguished:

activities, development of competencies, acquisition of certain knowledge, skills and abilities through project or research activities, etc.);

    educational (formation of competencies in the student: social, civil

position, communication skills, healthy lifestyle skills, etc.);

    developing (development of business qualities such as independence, responsibility,

neatness, activity, etc.; formation of needs for self-knowledge, self-development).

The formulation of tasks should also not be abstract. Objectives must be correlated with predicted results.

When describing the features of the program, you should reflect:

    the leading ideas on which it is based;

    stages of its implementation, their rationale and interrelation.

When characterizing the mode of organizing classes, you must indicate:

    total number of hours per year;

    number of hours and classes per week;

    frequency of classes.

When describing the predicted results and how to verify them, the author should:

    formulate the requirements for the knowledge and skills that the student must acquire

during the course of the program;

    list the personality qualities that can develop in a student during classes;

    characterize the system for tracking and evaluating learning outcomes under the program,

indicating ways to take into account knowledge and skills, possible assessment options personal qualities student. Testing, tests, exams, exhibitions, competitions, competitions, etc. can be used as assessment procedures.

4. Educational and thematic plan discloses the modules or sections of the proposed course and the number of hours for each of them; determines the ratio of study time (theory and practice).

Name of modules

Total hours



Introductory lesson


Project and research activities

Immersion in the subject (formation of competencies):

    Subject competence is the student's knowledge.

    Cognitive competence - ability

to lifelong learning.

engage in dialogue in order to be understood.

4. Information competence – mastery of information technologies.

5. Social and civic competence – compliance with social and civil norms of behavior, healthy lifestyle rules.

6. Organizational competence - planning and managing one’s own activities.

7. Autonomous competence – the ability for self-determination and self-education

Development of personal abilities

Final lesson

    indicate its name;

    list the main content points that are studied within the framework of this topic.

6. Creative plan determines the intermediate and final results of individual work with the student, as well as the forms and level of presentation of these results.

Forms for presenting the results of individual work:

    Research work (projects).


    Artistic works.

    Works of decorative and applied arts.

    Competition level: exhibitions, competitions, competitions, concerts, festivals, conferences and

7. Methodological support of the program:

    briefly describe the main ways and techniques of working with the student(s), which

are planned for each section - practical, theoretical, etc.

    note what forms of classes are planned to be used.

In addition, it is advisable to explain the reasons for the choice of such forms of classes;

    describe the main methods of organizing the educational process;

    list the teaching materials used;

    give brief description funds necessary for the implementation of the program (personnel,

logistics and others). Describing the personnel, list the workers involved in its implementation. When describing the logistics, it makes sense to provide a short list of equipment, tools and materials needed to implement the program.

8. References.

It is necessary to provide two lists of references. The first list should include sources that are recommended for teachers to use to organize the educational process; and in the second - literature for students and their parents.

9. Calendar educational and thematic plan.

II – Designation of a section (module) of the program.

1 – Identification of the topic.

Date of the lesson




II 1. Teremok “Smekalka”

Expanding ideas about the inhabitants of the forest. Spatial orientation. Basic skills of behavior in the forest. Collective creative design “Who lives in the little house?”

Appendix No. 10

Psychological and pedagogical monitoring of giftedness

Taking into account the specifics of giftedness in childhood, the most adequate form of identifying signs of giftedness of a particular child is psychological and pedagogical monitoring.

Psychological and pedagogical monitoring used to identify gifted children must meet a number of requirements:

    the comprehensive nature of assessing various aspects of a child’s behavior and activities,

which will allow the use of various sources of information and cover the widest possible range of his abilities;

    duration of the identification process (time-based observation of

behavior of a given child in different situations);

    analysis of the child’s behavior in those areas of activity that are most

correspond to his inclinations and interests;

    expert assessment of children's activity products; it should be kept in mind

possible conservatism of the expert’s opinion, especially when assessing products of teenage and youth creativity;

    identifying signs of a child’s giftedness not only in relation to actual

the level of his mental development, but also taking into account the zone of proximal development (in particular, in the conditions of an enriched subject and educational environment when developing an individualized learning strategy for a given child);

    multiple and multi-stage examination;

    It is advisable to carry out a diagnostic examination in a real situation

life activity, bringing it closer in its form of organization to a natural experiment;

    the use of subject situations that model research

activities and allow the child to show maximum independence in mastering and developing activities;

    analysis of the real achievements of children and adolescents in various subject Olympiads,

conferences, sports competitions, creative competitions, etc.;

    predominant reliance on ecologically valid methods of psychodiagnostics,

assessing the child’s actual behavior in a real situation - analysis of the products of activity, observation, conversation.

However, an integrated approach to identifying giftedness does not completely eliminate mistakes. As a result, a gifted child may be “missed” or, on the contrary, a child who does not confirm this assessment in any way in his subsequent activities may be classified as gifted (cases of discrepancy between diagnosis and prognosis).

Labeling someone “gifted” or “ordinary” is unacceptable not only because of the danger of errors in diagnostic conclusions. As psychological evidence convincingly shows, these kinds of labels can have a very negative impact on a child’s personal development.

So, procedures for identifying gifted children must be ecologically valid from the point of view of the specifics of children's giftedness and the uniqueness of the characteristics of a gifted child. It should be emphasized that the available valid methods for identifying giftedness are very complex and require high qualifications and special training.

Assessing a child as gifted should not be an end in itself. Identified gifted children must be associated with the tasks of their education and upbringing, as well as with providing them with psychological assistance and support. In other words, the problem of identifying gifted children and adolescents should be reformulated into the problem of creating conditions for the intellectual and personal growth of children in additional education institutions in order to identify as many children as possible with signs of giftedness

Appendix No. 11

Individual educational route

"Beginner choreographer"

The individual educational route “Beginner Choreographer” was developed for students of the children’s choreographic association “NAME”

Students have been studying in the association since the age of 7, show interest in production work, have pronounced imaginative thinking and imagination, and communicative and organizational skills (Table 1).

Student diagnostic card

Last name, first name of the student

State of the art

thinking, imagination, fantasy,

good manners (hard work, disciplined responsibility, etc.)

Level of mastery of special skills (demonstration and communication), formation of skills and abilities




1.Ivanova Anna

2.Petrov Ivan

N - low level; C – average level; B – high level

Purpose of an individual educational route: development of an independent creative personality of a teenager.


Acquiring skills to transfer special choreographic knowledge and skills to younger students;

Demonstration of creative initiative and independence in the preparation of new choreographic numbers;

Gaining communication experience.

The individual educational route “Beginner Choreographer” includes 2 courses: “Some features of the mental and physical development of children of primary school age” and “Composition and dance production”

The course “Some features of the mental and physical development of children of primary school age” gives students the opportunity to develop effective communication skills with young children.

The proposed program will allow children not only to work in-depth in their chosen direction, but will also provide opportunities for professional self-determination in the future.

As a result of mastering an individual educational route, the student should know:

    features of the mental and physical development of children of primary school age;

    basics of composition in choreography;

    stylistic features in choreography;

    methods of constructing dance numbers;

must be able to:

    compose a dance number based on the basics of dance dramaturgy;

    work on staging a composed dance;

    work with musical material and apply it in production work.

Section No. 1 “Some features of the mental and physical development of children of primary school age”

Number of hours




Manifestations of psychological and physiological characteristics of a child of primary school age in a choreographic group.

Pedagogical communication with primary schoolchildren.

Topic 1. Psychological and physiological characteristics of a child of primary school age and choreographic activity.

Theory. Features of attention and memory of children of primary school age. Emotionality of perception, figurative thinking. Techniques for mobilizing attention volitional efforts, relieving fatigue. Dosing loads on the child during staging and rehearsal work. Taking into account the age characteristics of the child when selecting and using lexical dance material when designing dance number.

Topic 2. Pedagogical communication with younger schoolchildren. Methods, means, forms of pedagogical communication. Speech and non-speech communication. Adult approval. Formation of voluntary behavior. Forms of active gaming activity. Psychological game "Constellation". Exercises “Do as I do”, “On the contrary”, “Kicking”, “Like me”. “Pass the rhythm”, “Face”, “Rooster”, etc.

Section No. 2 “Basics of production work”

Number of hours


The birth of dance

Dance performance

Dance rehearsal

Topic 1. The birth of dance

Theory. Drama of a dance number.

Practice. The idea of ​​a choreographic work. Determining the style and character of the music of the future dance number. Drawing up a dance pattern in accordance with the dramaturgy of the performance and musical material. Selection of dance vocabulary according to the dance pattern.

Topic 2. Dance performance.

Practice. Learning movements. Layout of the dance pattern. Placement by points, orientation in space. Definition of stage graphics. Plastic figurative content. Working on emotional expressiveness.

Topic 3. Dance rehearsal.

Practice. Practicing movements. Work on the artistic image of dance, expressiveness dance moves and gestures.

Control. Class - concert.