Write a syncwine on literature, quiet morning Volodya. Cinquain's story is a quiet morning. achieving your own goals

Sorokina Larisa Anatolevna
Job title: teacher of Russian language and literature
Educational institution: MBOU OOSH village. Pestrovka
Locality: With. Pestrovka Kameshkirsky district Penza region
Name of material: literature lesson notes
Subject: Y.P.Kazakov "Quiet morning"
Publication date: 14.12.2016
Chapter: secondary education

LESSON PLAN Grade – 7 Subject – literature (extra-curricular reading)
Y.P.Kazakov “Quiet Morning”. "Two boys - two different life experiences, two different characters."
: to reveal the problem of the relationship between Yashka and Volodya, following their thoughts, feelings and actions, finding and exploring the “points” of their moral “ups” and “downs”.

reveal the images of the main characters, promote the formation of the skill of formulating answers to questions and their argumentation, stimulate cognitive activity students through solving problem situations when working with text;

develop creative imagination, speech and thinking of students, communicative competence through work in groups, develop the ability to construct your own statement, reason, express your point of view;
- raising
: introduce to moral problems that the author raises in his works, to cultivate a sense of friendship and mutual assistance; Progress of the lesson. 1.
Organizational moment
Motivation for learning activities

1 slide
- Hello, guys. Sit down. Let's start our lesson. (quiet music sounds) Guys, sit back, close your eyes, remember your loved ones and friends. I see many people have a smile on their face. Open your eyes, if there are your friends in the class, smile at them. And I give you pigeons so that you can have even more friends. What's your mood now?
(show emoticons

2.Communication of the lesson topic, goals. Statement of a problematic question.

2 slide
-At home you read the story by Yu.P. Kazakov “Quiet Morning
-Who are the main characters of the story? -Do you think our heroes, Yasha and Volodya, are the same? -Are they similar to each other? -What will the topic of our lesson be?
3-4 slide
- Well done. Open your notebooks and write down the topic of the lesson:
: Y.P.Kazakov “Quiet


Two boys - two different life experiences, two different characters.

In the process of working in the lesson, we must reveal the problem of the relationship between Yashka and Volodya, following their thoughts, feelings and actions, finding and exploring the “points” of their “ups” and “downs”. 3.
Updating knowledge. 5 slide
Let's get acquainted with the biography and work of Yu.P. Kazakov KAZAKOV, YURI PAVLOVICH - Russian writer. Born on August 8, 1927 in Moscow into a working-class family. In his autobiography he wrote: “In our family, as far as I know, there was not a single educated person, although many were talented.” Kazakov's adolescence coincided with the years of the Great Patriotic War. Memories of this time, of the night bombings of Moscow, were embodied in the unfinished story “Two Nights”. At the age of fifteen, Kazakov began studying music and even graduated music school them. Gnesins. But he soon realized that music was not his calling, and in the late 1940s Kazakov began writing poetry, incl. prose poems, plays. While still a student, Kazakov began publishing his first stories - “Blue and Green” (1956), “Ugly” (1956), etc. Soon his first book “Arcturus the Hound Dog” (1957) was published. The story became his favorite genre; Kazakov’s skill as a storyteller was undeniable. During Kazakov's lifetime, about 10 collections of his stories were published. Kazakov died in Moscow on November 29, 1982.
6 slide
Y.P. Kazakov is an honest, truthful, sincere writer who does not hide anything unfavorable for his heroes. He is concerned about moral problems. How should you live? What qualities do you need to have? What is the basis of human behavior? What is GOOD? What is EVIL? As a rule, his stories are based on a real incident, the same can be said about the story “Quiet Morning”. So that you can penetrate more deeply into the spiritual world of the characters and comprehend their psychological state, I propose to discuss a number of issues.
4. Work on options.
1 in: What is GOOD?
KIND deeds that we do for the good

others, even if we have to sacrifice ourselves.
2 in: What is EVIL?
EVIL - actions we commit to the detriment of others for

achieving your own goals.

Check - 7-8 slide
- Where do good and evil exist - in the external world around us or in the human soul?
Slide 9
We read the statement of Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn (on the board)

“...The line dividing good and evil does not pass between states,

not between parties, it passes through every human heart..."
- Is it possible to unambiguously evaluate a person, whether he is good or evil? (it’s impossible, there is a constant struggle between good and evil in the human soul, moral “ups” and moral “downs” are characteristic of man) -Now we will follow the different actions and feelings of our heroes.
10 slide

Case assignments for groups:
The story can be divided into 10 semantic parts (indicated) + diagram - Follow the actions, thoughts, feelings of the characters through the text of the story, answering questions, find the “points” of moral “ups” and “downs” in different situations described in the story. Mark them on a piece of paper in the form of a broken line (the rise is an upward line in red, the fall is a downward line in blue) - 10 minutes.
Physical education minute
. Before listening to the group speakers, we will have a physical education session.
11-12 slide

Examination. Slide 13

1 group
- “The ups and downs of Yashka” - shows a diagram and answers questions (questions on pieces of paper are given in groups)
"Beautiful morning"
: What was Yashka’s mood after waking up and why? What words help to understand this mood? Read the description of the morning. (the mood was kind, joyful, cheerful, the morning seemed lovely) “
Yashka wakes up Volodya":
Why was the beauty of the morning poisoned for Yashka? What made him angry? (he did not receive the expected recognition) - Find words that convey Yashka’s irritable state. (expressive reading) (Yashka got angry, responded angrily, made sarcastic remarks, etc.)
"At the Well"
: How and why did Yashka’s attitude towards Volodya change?
"On the way to go fishing":
What knowledge did the village resident Yashka share with the Muscovite Volodya about the world around him and about nature? Find a description of nature and determine the role of landscape in this passage. (a good relationship has arisen between the boys, the beauty of the morning pleases them, the sun has risen, it has become light, the boys’ souls have become calm, the anger has fallen asleep. Nature is in tune with the mood of the heroes).
Find a description of the pool. What mood does it create in the characters? (anxious state, Yashka’s story about an octopus)
The fish is gone", "Bream" and "Lump of earth" -
All changes in Yashka’s mood are now related to fishing. Monitor these changes. "
Volodya is drowning":
- What feelings does Yashka experience, realizing that Volodya is drowning? - Why, without even running 10 steps, did Yashka stop, as if he had stumbled, feeling that “there was no way to escape”? (Yashka realized that Volodya’s life depended only on him). - Find words that show that Yashka is scared (read) "

: Why is Yashka crying so bitterly and inconsolably? Can we say that tears indicate weakness of character? (Yashka had not yet seriously encountered life, with its harshness, unpredictability, he experienced a feeling of fear for Volodya’s life, he was horrified by the thought that Volodya could drown, he felt sorry for him) Yashka cries with joy that he managed to save Volodya.
Group 2 –
“The ups and downs” of Volodya” - shows the diagram and explains.
"Beautiful morning"
“Yashka wakes up Volodya”:
- How Volodya reacts to Yashka’s irritable attitude towards himself at the beginning (
) and on the way to the well? How did you feel? (selective reading)
"At the Well"
: How did Volodya behave at the well? What did Volodya envy and admire when looking at Yashka?
"On the way to go fishing":
What knowledge did the village resident Yashka share with the Muscovite Volodya about the world around him and about nature? How did Volodya listen to him?
Find a description of the pool. What mood does it create? What state was Volodya in when he listened to the story about the octopus? (anxious state, Yashka’s story about the octopus) “
The fish is gone"
: How Volodya behaves, looking at Yashka, who was trying unsuccessfully to pull out a fish.
What feeling did Volodya experience when he saw the bream?
"Lump of earth":
How does the author describe Volodya’s unexpected fall? What feelings? "
Volodya is drowning":
What feelings does Volodya experience after falling into the water? Is Volodya scared? "
Volodya's rescue. True love»
: Why does Volodya, looking at Yashka, also cry bitterly and inconsolably? What does he understand?
Slide 14

Counting the number of ups and downs for boys.
-Why does Yashka, a rude and impudent boy, have more ups than downs, while Volodya, a delicate, cultured and calm boy, does the opposite? After the performance of both groups, a conclusion is drawn.


boys? What is true love born from?

15 slide

Conclusion: From feelings of pity and compassion, love for a person is born,

love for one's neighbor.

16 slide

- Forecasting:
Let's look into the future of the heroes. What kind of people do you think they will grow up to be? (kind, brave, courageous)
6. Consolidation. Sinkwine

17-18 slides
Line 1 – heading, which contains the keyword, concept, theme of the syncwine, expressed in the form of a noun. Line 2 – two adjectives. Line 3 – three verbs. Line 4 is a phrase that carries a certain meaning. Line 5 – summary, conclusion, one word, noun. Group 1 - Yashka. Group 2 - Volodya. They read it out.
7. Summary

the result of the lesson. Slide 19

I found out... I remembered... I was able...
--What did the author want to show us in this story?

any situation by a person. You have a lot to overcome in life,

The important thing is not to lose your face.

8. Grades.
Guys, you all worked well in class today. But your grades will depend on the degree of your activity. I believe that the following showed a high degree of activity today:... Rating-5. The rest - 4
21 slides

Compile a comparative description of the characters in a table using quotes from the story. (By semantic parts) Semantic parts of Yashka Volodya “Beautiful morning” “Yashka wakes up Volodya” “At the well” “On the way to fishing” “Whirlpool” “The fish left” “Bream” “Lump of earth” “Volodya is drowning” “Volodya’s rescue. True love"
Applications Assign responsibilities: 


keeps track of time. 
draws a diagram.

Case – task

for group No. 1.


“The moral “ups” and “downs” of YASHKA (based on the story

Y. Kazakova “Quiet morning”.
"Beautiful morning"
What was Yashka’s mood after waking up and why? What words help to understand this mood?
“Yashka wakes up Volodya”
Why was the beauty of the morning poisoned for Yashka? What made him angry?
"At the Well"
How and why did Yashka’s attitude towards Volodya change?

"On the way to go fishing"
What knowledge did the village resident Yashka share with the Muscovite Volodya about the world around him and about nature?
Find a description of the pool. What mood does it create in the characters? "
The fish is gone", "Bream" and "Com

All changes in Yashka’s mood are now related to fishing. Monitor these changes. "
Volodya is drowning"
What feelings does Yashka experience when he realizes that Volodya is drowning? Why, without running even 10 steps, Yashka stopped, as if he had stumbled, feeling that “there was no way to escape”
Volodya's rescue. True

Why is Yashka crying so bitterly and inconsolably? Can we say that tears indicate weakness of character? Mark the “ups” and “downs” on a piece of paper in the form of a diagram (up – red line up, fall – blue line down) Count the number of “ups” and “downs”. Prepare your speech.
Distribute responsibilities: 
leads the discussion, ensures that the group is not distracted from completing the task, and involves all group members in the work; 
reads assignments aloud, as well as quotes from the text to support the speaker’s words. 
writes down the answers and tells what the group decided. 
keeps track of time. 
draws a diagram.
At the same time, everyone answers questions and discusses.

Case – task

for group No. 2.


“The moral “ups” and “downs” of VOLODYA (based on the story

Y. Kazakova “Quiet morning”.
Follow the text of the story for the actions, thoughts, feelings of the hero, find the “points” of his moral “ups” and “downs” in different situations described in the story. Situation (semantic parts of the story) Questions for discussion. Practical task.
“Beautiful morning”, “Yashka wakes up”

How does Volodya react to Yashka’s irritable attitude towards himself at the beginning and on the way to the well? How did you feel?
"At the Well"
How did Volodya behave at the well? What did Volodya envy and admire when looking at Yashka?

"On the way to go fishing"
What knowledge did the village resident Yashka share with the Muscovite Volodya about the world around him and about nature? How did Volodya listen to him?
Find a description of the pool. What mood does it create? What state was Volodya in when he listened to the story about the octopus? "
The fish is gone"
How Volodya behaves, looking at Yashka, who was trying unsuccessfully to pull out a fish.

"Lump of earth"
What feeling did Volodya experience when he saw the bream? How does the author describe Volodya’s unexpected fall? What feelings? "
Volodya is drowning"
What feelings does Volodya experience after falling into the water? Is Volodya scared? "
Volodya's rescue. True

Why does Volodya, looking at Yashka, also cry bitterly and inconsolably? What does he understand? Mark the “ups” and “downs” on a piece of paper in the form of a diagram (up – red line up, fall – blue line down) Count the number of “ups” and “downs”. Prepare your speech.
Self-assessment sheet for work in class (example) by Artamoshkina Nadezhda. Types of work in the lesson Task No. 1 Detailed answer to the question (“good” - “evil”). Task No. 2 Analysis of the behavior of heroes (“ups” and “downs” Task No. 3 Sinkwine Oral answers The highest number of points for all types of work Actual number of points Score 20 “5” - 19-20 points “4” - 15-18 points "3" - 10-14 b. "2" - below 10 b.

“Biography of Gogol” - Gogol on the terrace of the villa. The writer's father. N.V.Gogol. Inspector. Major works. Gogol leaves St. Petersburg for Germany. Born in the town of Velikiye Sorochintsy. Writer's funeral. Department of State Economy. Money difficulties. Electronic educational materials. House No. 7 on Nikitsky Boulevard.

“Medieval lyrics” - Types of singers. Poetic sources. Church. Monasteries. Troubadours. A little about the Minnesingers. Names. Carmina Burana. The most famous troubadours. Courtly love. Outstanding vagantes. Trouvers. Reasons for the decline. The most famous trouvères. Vagantas. Knight's castle. Unnamed Alba. Cross song.

"Oster" - In 1969 he returned to Odessa. He took part in the creation of the presidential website for children in 2004. The future writer was born in Odessa into the family of a port mechanic. In 1975, the first children's book was published. Studying by correspondence. M. Gorky at the drama department. Today we will talk about the city of Oster. Grigory Bentsionovich Oster, Russia, 11/27/1947.

“Epic Heroes of Rus'” - Development Period. Heroes Ancient Rus'. Mythology. Questioning. Involvement in ancient traditions. Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. Study. Epics and heroes of Ancient Rus'. Ilya Muromets. Kievan Rus. What are epics? Heroes of epics. Russian army. Epic image.

“The Life Story of Turgenev” - Polina Viardot. Parents I.S. Turgenev. Literary heritage Turgenev. Hannibal's oath. Students' knowledge. On the road. Turgenev is entering his 5th year. Magazine "Contemporary". Brilliant education. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. There is no happiness outside the homeland. Turgenev died. We will fight again. 1818 in Russian literature. Peter the Great of Russian literature.

“Geraskina “In the Land of Unlearned Lessons”” - Fairy Tale. Sentence. Book presentation. Viti's mistakes. Textbooks. In a fairyland. Main characters. We got acquainted with the verb imperative mood. How did this book end up on my bookshelf? Breadfruit. Problems. There was a lot to think about. Vitya Perestukin returned from his trip. I agree with Vitya Perestukin.

Municipal budgetary educational institution School No. 9, Samara

Lesson summary based on the story by Yu Kazakov “Quiet Morning”

Teacher: Bogdanovich L.P.

Lesson topic:

Humanism and problems of the story “Quiet Morning” by Yu.P. Kazakov

Objective of the lesson:

Formation of the concept of humanism among students using a concrete example literary work

Lesson objectives:

1.Teach students the use of a variety of artistic and expressive means, how to find them in a work, and the ability to formulate problems revealed in the work.

2.Develop the ability to explain literary concepts and prove with examples from the text.

3. Foster love for nature, humanistic feelings: love and respect for people, compassion and empathy.


a) drawings by students;

b) projector, screen, computer, film

c) a chalkboard with a design based on the topic of the lesson

Board design:

1. Lesson topic recording:

Humanism and problematics of Y.P. Kazakov’s story “Quiet Morning”

2. Students’ drawings for the story “Quiet Morning”

3. List of the writer’s works.

- “At the stop”;

- “On the road”;

Easy life»;

- “Blue and green”;

- “The smell of bread”;

- “Two in December”;

- “Arcturus the hound dog”

a).Collections of stories:

- “Northern Diary”;

-"Autumn in oak forests»;

- “In your dream you cried bitterly”

- “Two nights”

4.Epigraph to the lesson:

No, it’s not the landscape that attracts me,

It’s not the colors that I’m trying to notice,

And what shines in these colors -

Love and joy of being.

5. Pre-work: tables are arranged for group work.

Lesson progress

1.Opening remarks teachers.

We continue to get acquainted with the work of Russian writers of the second half of the twentieth century.

Today we will analyze the story of Yuri Pavlovich Kazakov “Quiet Morning”.

What do we already know about the writer Yu.P. Kazakov?

2. Student message

Kazakov Yu.P. born on July 8, 1927 in Moscow in a working-class family. At the age of fifteen, Kazakov began studying music: first on the cello, then on the double bass, and graduated from music

School named after Gnessins in 1951 and was immediately accepted into the orchestra. K.S. Stanislavsky and V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko. In 1952 he was carried away literary creativity. Enters the Literary Institute named after. M. Gorky, who graduated in 1958. Since that time, amazingly musical stories, accurate in verbal design and unique in descriptions of nature, have appeared. The story became Kazakov's favorite genre. He had a special relationship with the Russian North; the heroes of his stories were sailors, fishermen from Arkhangelsk, Murmansk, and islanders of Novaya Zemlya.

For a list of works, see the board.


(On the screen there are slides with reproductions of paintings by landscape artists))

Since ancient times, Russian nature has attracted prose writers and poets with its inspired simplicity. The very title “Quiet Morning” captures one of the natural phenomena. But this name was not given by the writer in order to accurately determine the time of action.

The silence of the morning allows Yu. Kazakov to see the beauty of nature.

Nature is not normal background. The landscape helps the writer to reveal psychological state characters, to convey their emotional experiences.

The story "Quiet Morning" contains a true story.

4. A student reads a poem by I. Nikitin

The stars fade and go out. Clouds on fire.

White steam spreads across the meadows.

Along the mirror water, through the curls of willow

From dawn the scarlet light spreads.

The sensitive reeds are dozing. Quiet - deserted surroundings.

The dewy path is barely noticeable.

If you touch a bush with your shoulder, suddenly it’s on your face

Silvery dew will sprinkle from the leaves.

The breeze picked up and the water wrinkled and rippled.

The ducks rushed noisily and disappeared.

Far, far away the bell is ringing.

The fishermen in the hut woke up,

They took the nets off the poles and carried the oars to the boats...

And the east is still burning and burning.

Birds are waiting for the sun, birds are singing songs,

And the forest stands smiling.


The purpose of text analysis is to understand the humanistic issues of the story. But in order for us to successfully complete this task, we must understand the meaning of the word HUMANISM,

To do this, we have to create a CLUSTER

6. Students. Cluster

Conclusion: So, we have explained the word humanism, we still have to identify and identify the problems of the story

7. Working with text

Teacher (frontal conversation)

The narrative of the story begins with a description of the fog

b) What does the fog symbolize?

c) What else is causing concern? (Whirlpool)

d) What does Yasha tell, does Volodya believe that the octopus lives in the river? (No. Volodya is a more well-read boy)

e) Why does Volodya silently agree with Yashka’s statement about the octopus?

f) Prove with examples that Yashka knows better village life.

g) How does this characterize boys? (Yashka is observant, Volodya is well-read)

g) In which episode is Yashka’s ardent love for his village expressed?

(“water from the well is the most delicious here”)

h) What else is alarming in nature?

(They chose the wrong place, the ground was crawling underfoot. What conclusion can be drawn,

Is Yashka really an experienced fisherman?)

i) What artistic technique does the author use when describing nature?

(antithesis: fog - the river rang, the pool - turned pink)

Conclusion: Were the boys happy about the coming morning and fishing?

Fishing is always a holiday for boys, especially for a city boy.

8. Finding and explanation artistic techniques and means in the text

What does the word "kuga" mean? (sedge), bochaga (pool) ? What is this called? artistic medium? (dialects)

Antithesis: fog - “the river was ringing”, whirlpool - “the river was agitated”,

“heavy splashes”, “black water - the river turned pink”.


- “They walked through the village, and the fog was receding... like a stingy owner.”


-“The village seemed to be wrapped in a duvet”


"Heavy Splashes"

9. Movie “Quiet Morning”

10. Conversation.

What did Yashka do at first when he saw that Yashka was drowning?

(he froze and backed away)

Why was he scared at first and ran away?

(was afraid of octopuses)

What made Yashka return?


Why did he push Volodya away from him in the water?

(could drown with him)

What mistake did Yashka make?

(you cannot swim up to a drowning person from the front)

Why did he dive into the water again?


How should you help a drowning person?

(poster “First aid for a drowning person”)

Why was Yashka crying?

(Getting nervous)

And Volodya?

How does the story end?

Choose the appropriate word to complete the sentence

On screen:

On this quiet morning there was... (peace) all around

Conclusion: Now there is harmony in nature, in the relationship between man and nature, in the relationship between boys.

11. Fishbone






The problem of love for nature


First he ran away

Pushed Volodya away from me

Cried from

Quiet morning -

12.Work on speech development.


1Find the key words in the text (Rustic Yashka, Urban Volodya, quiet morning, fog, fishing, river, whirlpool, octopuses, water...)

Give examples from the text.

1.What is syncwine, what are the requirements for the form of syncwine?

(five lines,

Phrase, term,

Two adjectives

Three verbs

Proverb or aphorism)

2. Name keywords:

Quiet morning

Yashka, Volodya,


3. Proverbs about friendship ( homework)

4. Cinquain

Assignment to the first group.

“And there was no dearer friend...”

Assignment to the second group

« And there is no one to shout for help..."

For example:

1. And there was no dearer friend .

Yashka village, Volodka city,

Quiet weather black water,

We fished, drowned, saved ourselves as best we could

A friend is known in need.

For example:

2. And there is no one to shout for help.

Desired fishing, black water,

They argued, they made peace, disaster struck,

I helped out a friend - he’s mine forever

Die yourself, and help your friend.

13. Summing up

Why did Volodya become the most dear person?

(Harmony has come in the relationship between nature and man. Calm in nature, calm in Yashka’s soul, he has matured, showing the most best qualities character, coming to the aid of a friend)

14 Homework.

1. First group.

Write a letter from Volodya to Yasha.

2.Second group

Write a letter from Yashka to Volodya.

Sections: Literature

Class: 7

The purpose of the lesson: to develop in adolescents the concept of humanism using the example of a specific literary work.

Lesson objectives:

  1. follow the thoughts, feelings and actions of the characters;
  2. pay attention to the role of descriptions of nature in revealing inner world heroes;
  3. educate on the material literary text humanistic feelings: love and respect for people, compassion and empathy.

Equipment and materials: Exhibition of books by Y.P. Kazakov, textbook Literature 7th grade, part 2 (author-compiler V.Ya. Korovina), presentation for the lesson ( Appendix 1), musical recording (Mussorgsky, “Dawn on the Moscow River”, Appendix 2), a writing board, a screen, a projector, a device for playing music.

Preliminary preparation: tables in the classroom must be arranged for students to work in groups (4-5 groups).

No, it’s not the landscape that attracts me,
It’s not the colors that I’m trying to notice,
And what shines in these colors -
Love and joy of being.
I. Bunin.

1. A student reads a poem by I. Nikitin. 2 min.

The stars fade and go out. Clouds on fire.
White steam spreads across the meadows.
Along the mirror water, through the curls of willow
From dawn the scarlet light spreads.
The sensitive reeds are dozing. Quiet - deserted surroundings.
The dewy path is barely noticeable.
If you touch a bush with your shoulder, suddenly it’s on your face
Silvery dew will sprinkle from the leaves.
The breeze picked up and the water wrinkled and rippled.
The ducks rushed noisily and disappeared.
Far, far away the bell is ringing.
The fishermen in the hut woke up,
They took the nets off the poles and carried the oars to the boats...
And the east is still burning and burning.
Birds are waiting for the sun, birds are singing songs,
And the forest stands there, smiling.

2. Teacher's opening speech.

Hello guys. Good afternoon, dear guests.

We continue our acquaintance with the work of Russian writers of the second half of the twentieth century. Today in class we will analyze the story “Quiet Morning” by Yuri Pavlovich Kazakov, which you read at home.

3. Let's get to know the writer at the beginning of the lesson.

Each of you was given a card with a set of statements. You must listen to the message about the writer and mark the correct statements with a “+” sign, and the incorrect ones with a “–” sign. 5 min.

Teacher's lecture:

KAZAKOV Yuri Pavlovich was born on July 8, 1927 in Moscow into a working-class family. At the age of fifteen, Kazakov began to study music - first on the cello, then on the double bass, and graduated from the Music College named after. Gnessins in 1951 and was immediately accepted into the orchestra Musical theater them. K.S. Stanislavsky and V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko. In “Autobiography” he wrote: “In our family, as far as I know, there was not a single educated person, although many were talented.”

But already in 1952 he was fascinated by literary creativity, he wrote his first works and radically changed his life.

Enters the Literary Institute named after. M. Gorky, who graduated in 1958. Since that time, amazingly musical, accurate in verbal drawing and unique in descriptions of nature stories by Yu. Kazakov have appeared. The story became his favorite genre.

In the 1950s and 60s, the following books were published: “At the Stop Station”, “On the Road”, “Easy Life”, “Blue and Green”, “The Smell of Bread”, “Arcturus the Hound Dog”, “Two in December”, etc. .

He had a special relationship with the Russian North. Already early stories talked about love for this region. In 1961, a book of essays “Northern Diary” was published, which over the years was replenished with new stories of the writer’s travels on fishing seiners, the heroes of which were sailors and fishermen from Arkhangelsk, Murmansk, and the islanders of Novaya Zemlya. In 1969, a collection of short stories, “Autumn in Oak Forests,” was published, and in 1977, “In a Dream, You Wept Bitterly.”

The book “Two Nights” (“Separation of Souls”) was published posthumously, which collected his works that had not yet been published, including unfinished ones.

Cards with a set of statements (techniques: “advanced” lecture and true - false statements).

No. Statement +/-
1 Yuri Petrovich Kazakov was born in Moscow
2 Yuri Pavlovich Kazakov was born in Moscow
3 Kazakov played cello and double bass
4 Kazakov had no ear for music
5 Yu.P. Kazakov studied at the Literary Institute named after. M. Gorky
6 Y.P. Kazakov wrote the books “At the Stop Station”, “On the Road”, “Easy Life”, “Blue and Green”, “The Smell of Bread”, “Arcturus the Hound Dog”, “Two in December”, etc.
7 Y.P. Kazakov wrote books: “ Good attitude to the horses”, “Yushka”, “In the beautiful and furious world", "Doll"
8 Yuri Kazakov's favorite genre is novel
9 Yuri Kazakov's favorite genre is short story
10 Yuri Kazakov loved the Russian North very much
11 After the death of Yuri Kazakov, his books continued to be published
12 After the death of Yuri Kazakov, his books were no longer published

The correct answers are read out. 1min.


As a rule, his stories are based on a real incident. The same can be said about the story “Quiet Morning” (1954), which we will talk about in today’s lesson.

Please open the text of the work that is already familiar to you and tune in to its analysis, the purpose of which is to understand the humanistic issues of the story and draw moral lessons from it.

Let's give an interpretation of the word HUMANISM. 5 min

(Composing a cluster, for example: see Appendix 3)

5. Let's read the interpretation of the word “humanism” in explanatory dictionary Ozhegova: 2 min.

Humanity, humanity in social activities, in relation to people.

In the same place: humane - worthy of a person, responsive.

For Dahl: humane - humane, humane, humane, characteristic of a truly enlightened person, philanthropic, merciful, merciful.

Humanity - humanity, humaneness, complacency, philanthropy, mercy, love for one's neighbor.

6. You arrange yourself in groups. 5 min.

Each of the groups should now prepare 3 “thin” and 3 “thick” questions about the story “Quiet Morning”, based on the humanistic orientation of our analysis.

Examples of subtle questions:

  1. Who did Yashka save?
  2. Were the boys happy about the morning and fishing?
  3. What was the reason for the quarrel?
  4. What did Yashka do at first when he saw Volodya drowning?
  5. What (what action) reconciled the boys before fishing?
  6. What in nature surprises Volodya?
  7. What in nature makes Yashka happy?
  8. How do boys express their sense of escape from danger?

Examples of thick questions:

  1. Why is the morning called “quiet”?
  2. Why was Yashka offended by Volodya?
  3. Why did Yashka, seeing that Volodya was drowning, first run away?
  4. What made Yashka return?
  5. Why did Yashka cry after saving Volodya? How does this characterize him?
  6. How did Volodya feel after the rescue? How does this characterize him?
  7. Compare moral qualities Yashka and Volodya. How can we explain the differences?
  8. Why, after the story about the first one, unsuccessful attempt save Volodya the author gives a description of a beautiful quiet morning?
  9. Would Yashka be able to live in peace after the death of his friend?

7. Physical education lesson: “fishing” 2 min.

8. The groups take turns asking each other first thin and then thick questions, and answer them as the question is voiced. 10 min

9. Reflection.

10. So, what conclusions can we draw after analyzing the story “Quiet Morning”?

In his story “Quiet Morning,” Yu. P. Kazakov touches on the problems of conscience, duty, love for one’s neighbor, love for nature, etc., i.e. eternal humanistic problems.

Let's summarize our lesson by creating syncwines on the following topics:

  1. Yashka.
  2. Quiet morning.
  3. Volodya.
  4. Friendship.
  5. Humanism.

Mussorgsky's music plays for 5 minutes.

Representatives of each group read syncwines. 3 min.

11. Reflection questions: (lesson end option) 4 min.

  1. Was the lesson interesting or boring? Why?
  2. What moments of the lesson did you especially like or remember?
  3. What feelings changed in your soul?
  4. What did you most succeed in while working in class, what types of activities were you completed successfully.
  5. List in descending order the main problems and difficulties that you experienced during the lesson.
  6. What questions and wishes did you have?

Homework. 1 min.

Write a letter from Yashka to Volodya or from Volodya to Yashka six months after the events described in the story.

“A Knot for Memory” by Yakov Helemsky.

Never make concessions
Even in small things, be yourself
It is the action that wins,
A vigilant controller of fate.

Purposeful and restless
Every day that goes on.
Different words, single root –
Step. Offensive. Step.

When making every decision,
Combining labor with eternal risk,
Remember: real movement
People call it progressive.

Additional tasks:

  1. Find unfamiliar words in the text and explain them. Why are they used in this text?
  2. What would you depict (and with what colors) if you were asked to draw conscience, joy, silence, fear, friendship, help?

Materials used:

  1. Anikina S. M., Zolotareva I. V.. Lesson-based developments according to literature. 7th grade. M., “Vako”, 2005, p. 253–254, 340–341.
  2. Baranova S. V. The difficult path to true love. Story by Yu. P. Kazakov “Quiet Morning”. VII class. “Literature at school”, 2001, No. 2, p. 36–38.
  3. Rossinskaya V.S.“And there was no one to shout for help...” To study the story by Yu. Kazakov “Quiet Morning” in the 7th grade. “Literature at school”, 1994, No. 5, p. 82–84.
  4. Turyanskaya B. I., Komisarova E. V., Kholodkova L. A. Literature in 7th grade. Lesson after lesson. M., “ Russian word”, 1997, p. 232–236.
  5. Presentation elements Sudakova S.R., Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 5, Svetly, Kaliningrad region.

Please help me compose a syncwine for the story “Quiet Morning” by Yu. P. Kazakov. In advance to you Thanks a lot! and got the best answer

Answer from Battle Egg[guru]
Kazakov Yu. P.
Quiet morning
Early in the morning, when it was still dark in the hut and his mother was not milking the cow, Yashka got up, found his old pants and shirt, ate bread and milk and, taking fishing rods, left the hut. He dug up worms and ran to the barn, where his friend Volodya was sleeping in the hayloft.
-Isn’t it early? - he asked hoarsely, half asleep.
Yashka got angry: he got up an hour earlier, dug up worms, and wanted to show this polite Muscovite the fishiest places. Yashka is the best fisherman on the entire collective farm, just show him where to fish, and they’ll throw apples at you. And this one is for “please”, and he is still not happy. He wears boots when fishing!
- You should also put on a tie! - Yashka said sarcastically and laughed hoarsely. “Our fish get offended when you approach them without a tie.”
However, Yashka is not evil, he boasts about the best that is in him native village: the most delicious well water in the world, catching thrushes with a net, a two-meter catfish, which the club manager saw in a barrel - he thought it was a crocodile... Yashka tells about Fedya the tractor driver, who worked at night in the headlights, woke up - and again in the field.
Volodya suddenly begins to feel how nice it is to wake up early and leave the house, or even better - to run, squealing with delight.
Yashka led the Moscow guest to the pool (pool) and began to tell him that this pool was sucking everyone in - the water there was so icy that it wouldn’t let go. And at the bottom there are octopuses.
“Octopuses are only... in the sea,” Volodya said uncertainly.
-And Mishka saw it! ..There’s a probe coming out of the water, and it’s rummaging along the shore... Although, he’s probably lying, I know him,” Yashka concluded somewhat unexpectedly.
They abandoned their fishing rods. Yashka took the bait and went off. We waited and waited for a bite, got tired and stuck our fishing rods into the ground. Then it bit again. Yashka pulled out a healthy bream. And Volodin’s fishing rod, along with a lump of earth, crawled into the water. The boy tried to save her and fell into the pool. Yashka got angry with him, and suddenly saw that his friend was drowning. He struggled, choked and made terrible sounds: “Wa-a-a... Wa-a-a...” The thought of octopuses flashed through the village boy’s head. He rushed up to call for help, but there was no one.
When Yashka returned, only the top of Volodin’s head was visible on the surface of the water. Yashka jumped into the water and grabbed Volodya, but he clung to him so desperately and tightly and began to climb onto his shoulders so wildly that he almost drowned him. Yashka tore the drowning man away from him, kicked him in the stomach and rushed to the shore. I looked at the water - bubbles were rising on its surface. Yashka thought that he had drowned his comrade and dived. He found Volodya entangled in the grass at the bottom. He pulled him ashore and began performing artificial respiration and shaking him upside down. Finally, water gushed from the drowned man’s mouth and he came to his senses.
Both boys burst into tears.
- How I'm drowning!
- Yes... - Yashka said... - you're going to drown... and I have to save you... save you.. .
“The sun was shining, the bushes were blazing, sprinkled with dew, and only the water in the pool remained the same black...”