Mantras - what are mantras, types of mantras, how to read mantras correctly, the influence of mantras on human life. General meaning of mantras. Our dear visitors

Mantras are sacred words, one might say “hymns” in Buddhism and Hinduism. mantras translated from Sanskrit mean an instrument of thought, a means of transmitting thoughts. Mantras, when pronounced, require accurate reproduction of the sounds of which they are composed. Every sound, word, syllable in mantras has a deep sacred meaning. Therefore, the correct pronunciation is so important. mantras - appealing to the gods of Hinduism, praising natural phenomena (such as mantras to the rising sun).

But mainly mantras are used to appeal to the gods. But mantras differ from prayers in that, when pronouncing them, a person tries, as it were, to identify with that god, with that hypostasis of God, which is indicated in the mantra. And after identification, a person receives the necessary qualities or changes in life that he wanted to obtain by reading mantras.

Mantras tune a person to a certain state, and as a result, his life begins to change. There are healing mantras, mantras of wealth, prosperity, good luck, success, mantras of love, mantras of knowledge, enlightenment, etc.

Mantras also differ from ordinary prayers in that they consist almost exclusively of the names of deities. Therefore, when pronouncing them, a person tunes into the energy of one or another deity, merging with him.
Most often, mantras are read during meditation. The most significant number of repetitions of mantras will be 108. The most active “mantrists” read mantras a thousand times or more. But in principle, it will be enough to read mantras in any number divisible by 9. To make the process of reading mantras clearer and more disciplined, beads made from sandalwood or rudraksha, as well as from other types of trees, are used. These beads are called "mala". The rosary contains 108 beads, and one large bead - “Meru”. You need to read the beads starting from “meru” and move further - one matra per bead. Having reached the “meru”, turn the rosary and start again, going “backwards”. You can’t go over the “measure”, because... It is believed that the rotation of the rosary will be the rotation of the “wheel of samsara,” and in Buddhism and Hinduism they try to avoid this - to get rid of samsara.
When pronounced, mantras should cause a vibration effect in the human body - each sound of the mantra resonates with internal organs, cells, causing a beneficial effect. Mantras are usually not pronounced, but sung. at the same time, the state should be joyful, pleasant, sublime.
Below are examples of mantras for different cases life.
1) mantras are universal.
a) OM - TRIYAMBAKAM - YAJAMAHE - SUGANDHIM - PUSHTI - VARDHANAM - URVARUKAMIVA - BANDHANAN - MRITIYOR - MUKSHYYA - MAMRITAT (mantra for health, protection from accidents, diseases. gives a joyful mood, love, happiness, improves existing relationships, helps to meet your Love)
b) OM GAM GANAPATAYE NAMAHA (mantra to the god Ganesha. Gives good luck in business, prosperity in everything, purity of thoughts and intentions)
c) OM MAHADEVAYA NAMAH (mantra for unity with God. Clears all negativity on your life path. Calls on guardian angels for protection, protects from enemies)
d) OM GAM GANAPATAYE SARVE VIGHNA RAYE SARVAYE SARVE GURAVE LAMBA DARAYA HRIM GAM NAMAH (mantra for obtaining great wealth, and also brings joy, love and happiness)
2) mantras for wealth:
a) AUM MAHALAKSHMYAY VIDMAHE VISHNUPRIYAYAY DHIMAHI TANNO LAKSHMI PRACHODAYAT (Mantra to the goddess Lakshmi. Grants luxury, good position in society, promotion, wealth).
b) OM DRAM DREAM DRAUM SAH SHUKRAYE NAMAH (a mantra that helps increase material wealth, as well as the acquisition of spiritual wealth)
c) OM - HRIM - KSHIM - SHRIM - SRI - LAKSHMI - NRISINHAYE - NAMAH (a mantra that brings success, well-being and prosperity)
d) OM - RINJAYA - CHAMUNDE - DHUBHIRAMA - RAMBHA - TARUVARA - CHADI - JADI - JAYA - YAHA - DEKHATA - AMUKA - KE - SABA - ROGA - PARAYA - OM - SHLIM - HUM - PHATA - SVAHA - AMUKI - RAJODOSHA - NASHAYA ( this mantra includes the names of all the gods of wealth. Therefore, the mantra will help you get rich, give you prosperity and well-being)
3) mantras that help in love affairs:
a) AUM JALAVIVAYA VIDMAHE NILA-PURUSHAYA DHIMAHI TANNO VARUNAH PRACHODAYAT (this mantra will help strengthen feelings between a man and a woman, strengthen relationships)
b) OM SRI KRISHNAYA GOVINDAYA GOPIJANA VALABHAYA NAMAH (mantra for those who want to find their soulmate, find love)
c) OM - SRI - KRISHNAYA - NAMAH (manta dedicated to Krishna. Gives love to everything that exists, allows you to feel universal all-pervading love)
d) OM KLIM KAMA DEHI SVAHA OM MITRAYA OM MITRAYA AHAM PREIMA AHAM PREIMA (a mantra that enhances love and passion in relationships)
4) mantras for health:
a) AUM SRI GAYA ADI SHIVA GAYA ADI KALI GAYA ADI KALA BHAIRAVA NAMAH FORAM (a mantra that helps to get rid of any form of addiction - alcohol, drugs, tobacco, etc. It is better to read on the waning moon)
b) OM BRAM BRIM BRAUM SAH BUDHAYE NAMA (a mantra that helps to achieve excellent health)
c) OM BHAIKANADZE BHAIKANADZE MAHA BHAIKANADZE RATNA SAMU GATE SVAHA (a mantra with a very strong healing effect. When you read it, imagine how the disease disappears, dissolves and goes away)
5) mantras that are protective and have a cleansing effect:
a) AUM APAVITRO PAVITRO VA SARVAVASTHAN GATOPIVA YA ISMARED PUNDARIKAKSHO SA VAHIYA ABYANTAR SUCHIH AUM (this mantra cleanses the field of your life very well. Everything negative becomes positive, purifies)
b) GATE - GATE - PORO - GATE - PORO - SOM - GATE - BODHI - SVAHA (very strong protective mantra)


Maha mantra – Great Mantra

Mach - Great.

Mantra - Liberation of the mind.

Transcendental vibration resulting from repetition mantras:

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama Hare Hare

Word Hara- this is a form of appeal to the energy of the Lord,

A Krishna And Frame- forms of appeal to the Lord himself.

AND Krishna And Frame, both names mean “supreme pleasure”,

A Hara- this is the highest energy of pleasure of the Lord, taking the form in the vocative case Hare. The Supreme Pleasure Potency of the Lord helps us to reach Him.

This is the sublime method of reviving our transcendental consciousness. As living eternal souls, we are all primordially conscious Krishna beings, but now our consciousness is contaminated by the material atmosphere because from time immemorial we have been in contact with matter. The material atmosphere in which we now live is called Maya, that is, an illusion. Word Mayan means “that which is not there.”

Good afternoon everyone!

Thank you for reading me :)

Today we will study another type of meditation, which is perfect for both beginners and experienced practitioners. We will talk about mantra meditation. Already from the name it is clear that mantras are used in this technique. Let's first discuss what mantras are and what they are actually needed for.


In my article about types of meditation, I already wrote a little about what a mantra is. "Man" means "mind" and "tra" means "to liberate." A mantra is something that frees the mind. Typically, a mantra is a syllable, word or sentence that is used in meditation to focus the mind and achieve a certain emotional state.

A mantra is a sacred verbal formula charged with a lot of energy and information. It can influence a person’s consciousness and help him in spiritual improvement. Each mantra has its own meaning, and the vibration of the sound when recited has a certain effect, depending on the meaning of the mantra.

The most powerful are mantras that contain the names of the Gods. The name of God is believed to have absolute purifying power. When we pronounce the name of God, we turn to God himself, create a connection with him, through which we receive grace.


Reading a mantra during meditation helps a person enter a special state of consciousness, in which the practitioner clears his mind of obsessive thoughts, images, experiences and anxieties, that is, the mantra helps to dive deeper into a meditative state.

But that's not all. Each mantra carries a deep sacred meaning, an appeal to the Gods with a request to attract health, love, prosperity, protection, peace and joy into your life. When repeated many times, the mantra reveals its power and, combining with the energy of intention, can change a person’s life for the better.

In addition, the sound vibration created when pronouncing a mantra also affects the human physical body. This manifests itself in the form of a feeling of relaxation, stress relief, and the appearance of more energy and strength.


OM(also pronounced as AUM) - for the feeling of unity with the Lord, A means the Personality of God, U means the Internal Energy of God, M means living beings (as the Energy of God), and AUM is the sound vibration of the Supreme Personality of God, the unity of all that exists!

OM MANI PADME HUM is the mantra of the goddess Guan Yin, the goddess of mercy and compassion. The mantra is universal. This is a very powerful cleansing mantra. Plus, her practice bestows success in all areas. The mantra has a calming effect on nervous system and helps eliminate nervous diseases.

OM NAMAH SHIVAYA- it is believed that the five syllables of this mantra contain the entire universe, consisting of five primary elements (“Na” is earth, “Ma” is water, “Shi” is fire, “Wa” is air, and “Ya” is ether) , which correlate with the chakras from muladhara to vishuddhi. Repeating a mantra purifies the elements, which promotes inner transformation. It is Shiva who, in certain cycles of the evolution of the Universe, destroys old world and creates a new one.

OM GAM GANAPATAYE NAMAHA- this is the mantra of God Ganesha. The mantra bestows purity of intentions, good luck in business and all kinds of prosperity.

OM SRI MAHALAKSHMIYAYNAMAH- this mantra bestows all types of prosperity: spiritual and material. It promotes harmony in the family, helps to gain wealth, health, luck, wisdom, humanity, compassion, humility, virtue, self-knowledge.

OM MAHADEVAYA NAMAH – This is a magical mantra for union with the Divine. Removes everything negative energies out of the way. Summons guardian angels, protects from enemies.

OM SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI- a mantra for attracting light and joy into your life. She will protect from evil and bring peace to the heart.

OM NAMO BHAGAVATE VASUDEVAYA is a mantra for purification. It bestows spiritual enlightenment, self-realization, awareness of higher values, and success in all endeavors. Literally translated from Sanskrit: I offer my respects to Lord Vasudeva (Krishna). Vasudeva is one of the names of Krishna. Also the name Vasudeva is translated as pure consciousness.

OM NAMO NARAYANAYA- for vocation protection! Literally translated: I offer my respects to Lord Narayana. Lord Narayana is the four-armed form of the Lord. Narayana is translated as the totality of all living beings and their place of residence, their refuge.

MAHA MANTRA(Great Mantra):

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama Hare Hare

This is a 16-word mantra in which 3 names are repeated - Hare, Krishna and Rama (where Hare is an appeal to the Energy of God, and Krishna and Rama are the Names of God Himself). This mantra is considered the most powerful of all, it has a cleansing effect on the mind, mind, soul, body; anyone who hears this mantra, even casually, as a joke or by accident, will benefit greatly!

USING THE rosary

During mantra meditation you can use a rosary. They also help you go deeper into a meditative state and maintain concentration. They are also convenient for counting how many times you have already said the mantra while moving the beads. Traditionally, meditators perform 108 or 1008 repetitions of a mantra during a meditation session.

There are different types of rosary. They are made from various types of wood, plastic, stone, glass, seeds and other materials. The number of beads also varies and depends on the person of what nationality, religion or doctrine they will serve. The rosary may have separators (larger beads that divide the rosary into steps) and pendants (certain symbols that have great value for meditating or praying, for example, a cross, the OM sign, the Hamsa hand, etc.).

Interestingly, the rosary helps in the treatment of joint diseases, since during fingering the rosary is activated fine motor skills fingers.

We have already decided what mantras are, what they are needed for and what they are like. But before moving directly to mantra meditation, I would like to give a few recommendations that will help you build your practice correctly.

  • Pronounce all the sounds of the mantra clearly. Every separate sound, the syllable and word of the mantra have a deep meaning, so it is very important to pronounce all the sounds of the mantra correctly and clearly.
  • Learn the mantra by heart. It is best to practice mantra meditation with your eyes closed; this will help you relax more deeply and immerse yourself in a meditative state than if you read the mantra from a piece of paper.
  • Choose a mantra according to your intention. When working with a mantra, it is important to clearly know what you want to achieve. Try to feel as if you have already achieved this. If you do not have a clear intention (prosperity, love, health, etc.), then use universal mantras or those that you like based on your inner feelings.
  • Read the mantra in accordance with your internal tempo and rhythm, measuredly and calmly. The mantra should flow like a song. Without any tension, discomfort or rejection.
  • If you are uncomfortable reading Indian mantras, they are not for you.Read orthodox prayers. This is my personal advice; I have never seen confirmed information about this anywhere. On the contrary, there is an opinion that if instead of a mantra you read texts in your native language, then the mind will cling to the meanings of the words, which interferes with deep relaxation. I believe that Orthodox prayers are in no way inferior in impact to Indian mantras, and for a Russian person, perhaps, they have a greater effect. Again, this is mine personal experience, I do not pretend that it is true for everyone. I really like to meditate on the prayer of the Universe.


All existing mantra meditation techniques can be divided into several types.

1. Saying the mantra to yourself, in a whisper or out loud, using beads and without.

The technique of this version of mantra meditation is quite simple. Before the session, choose a suitable mantra for yourself, memorize it and prepare your rosary (if you plan to use them).

Take a comfortable meditation position with straight sin, take the rosary in your hands and close your eyes.

According to ancient tradition keep your rosary right hand with the first (thumb) and third (middle) fingers, move the beads towards you with your thumb, and lightly twist each bead from side to side, the middle finger acts as a support, index finger do not touch the rosary, move it a little to the side.

So, touch the first bead and use it to pull the rosary towards you. While continuing to hold this bead, say your chosen mantra out loud, in a whisper, or silently (whichever is more comfortable for you) once. Now, using your thumb and middle finger, touch the second bead and say the mantra again. So you will go through a full circle, that is, you will say the mantra 108 times. To begin with, 2-3 circles are enough, in the future you can increase them, guided by your well-being.

If you prefer to meditate without a rosary, then set an alarm for 15-20 minutes or meditate until you get tired and decide that enough is enough.

Come out of meditation gradually, open your eyes, track your sensations and emotions, stay a little longer in this state.

2. Pronouncing mantras to yourself and out loud with concentration on breathing.

This technique is also very simple. Usually, when performing it, the mantra OM is used.

So, take a comfortable position with your back straight, close your eyes. As you inhale and exhale, say the OM mantra out loud or silently (whichever is more comfortable for you), stretching the sound throughout the entire inhalation or exhalation. You can meditate by time with an alarm clock or guided by internal sensations, or you can again use beads to count the number of mantra pronounces. One inhalation and one exhalation count as one utterance.

3. Listening to mantras.

Simply listening to mantras also has beneficial effects. Now on the Internet you can find huge amount video and audio of mantras performed by various musicians. Choose something you like and listen to it at home just like background music.

Or you can take any of the comfortable meditation poses, close your eyes, relax your body and concentrate your attention on the music of the mantras. You can remain in this position as long as you want. If you fall asleep, then it’s okay, to the music of mantras you will rest very deeply and wake up full of strength and energy.

I often do this meditation when I apply a cosmetic mask to my face. You need to keep the mask on for just 15-20 minutes. I turn on the mantras, make myself comfortable, close my eyes, relax and rest. After such a session I feel very rested and joyful.

I really like the mantras performed by Deval Premal. Perhaps you will like them too.

4. Collective mantra meditation.

An example of such meditation is OM-Healing or otherwise OM-Chanting. In my previous articles, I have already talked about this practice and my experience of participating in it.

In short, OM Chanting is a very ancient healing technique that is performed in a group and uses the cosmic vibration of the sound of OM to heal people and the planet.

While chanting the OM mantra within a group of participants who sit in a special way, the healing power of OM is enhanced. Feelings, thoughts and negative energies are dissolved, transformed and changed by this healing power. Emotions are released and inner peace, happiness and love arise. This leads to a more joyful life, maintains health and helps the practice of meditation.

If you are interested in the practice of OM Healing and want to participate in it (participation is free), then in my article OM Chanting or OM Healing you will find a lot of relevant information.

As a conclusion, I would like to say that before I was not interested in mantras; it seemed to me that it was all superfluous and unnecessary. I preferred to use other types of meditation such as

Loosely translated from Sanskrit, mantras mean a tool that helps to carry out a mental act. In a more understandable interpretation, mantras can be described as tools that help to reveal one’s spiritual potential, eliminate failure, give health to the body and spirit, and open up the unlimited possibilities of a person to everyone. Mantras can consist of one syllable, several, even dozens. Moreover, each of them is a deeply philosophical and even religious symbol. The meaning of the sound “Om” alone is worthy of description in many volumes of relevant literature.

All mantras came to us from the Indian Vedas, where they were written down many thousands of years ago. According to some sources, these sounds were given to humanity by the gods, according to others - by creatures flying from other worlds. The interpretation can be very different. What is more important is that mantras are spoken, sung, written and drawn, depicted on flags or drums, always in strict accordance with the correct sound or display. For this purpose, the oldest known language is used - Sanskrit. Even in mandalas, mantras are reflected.

It is believed that mantras must not only be pronounced correctly, but also done in a certain way. Because the vibration caused by a certain sound acts on a subtle level and is able to penetrate every level of our subtle bodies. In addition, mantras can make the area where a person lives ennobled. If you chant them in a temple, it acquires a special attunement to the vibrations of the universe. Even the use of mantras at home in an ordinary city apartment makes it more favorable for a person. Everything is saturated with positive energy, charged in a special way, which affects family well-being generally.

Mantras can not only be spoken or chanted, but also drawn, written, and even depicted artistically. For example, in Tibet it is customary to write them on flags, which then flutter in the wind and are “read” themselves. You can use them in the form of engraving on special prayer drums that stand in churches and which every parishioner can spin. Thus, mantras are “pronounced” without human participation. They were brought to Tibet from India, where they acquired eigenvalue and meaning. However, this did not make them less effective and energetically rich. It is interesting that even one of the most famous mantras “OM-MANI-PADME-HUM” in this country is pronounced in Tibetan, which makes its effect no less powerful. This confirms the fact that all mantras are universal. And it doesn’t matter what language you pronounce these magic syllables in. The main thing is faith and a true manifestation of your participation in the process. This gives the right to assert that the syllables of mantra are an expression of universal, universal thought, universal for everyone!



Most often, the mantra “OM-MANI-PADME-HUM” translated from Sanskrit means “Om, you are the treasure in the lotus flower.”

Let's analyze individual syllables to better experience this mantra. Each syllable means one of the 6 worlds of the Universe, or rather, the color of each world.

  1. Om - white light - the gateway to the world of the gods (deva-loka). Copes with pride and conceit.
  2. Ma - green light - the gate to the world of the titans, the warlike inhabitants of the asuras (asura-loka). Eliminates envy and jealousy.
  3. Ni - yellow light - the gateway to the world of people (manaka-loka). Affects selfish desires and attachment.
  4. Pai - blue light - the gateway to the animal world (tiryaka-loka). “Cures” confusion and ignorance.
  5. Me - red light - the gateway to the world of unfortunate spirits, the eternally hungry preta demons (preta-loka). Copes with greed and greed.
  6. Hung - gray or black light - the gate to the world of hell, the underworld (naraka-loka). Removes anger and hatred.

However, to achieve a specific goal, just repeating a mantra is not enough. It is necessary to use meditation, look at the symbols, draw them and the mandala and try to unravel the symbols.

Rules for working with mantras

There are a number of rules that must be followed for mantras to work correctly:

  1. Choice - for now we are small specialists in this matter, so that we know exactly what is suitable in each specific case. But there is one universal mantra - OM-MANI-PADME-HUM. It is able to charge with positive energy everything it is directed at.
  2. Important point! Never miss it! The main thing is the sound that is produced when performing the mantra. It is best to find the desired recording; it is advisable that the performer has clear diction. Listen carefully and imitate. This will give you the correct pronunciation over time.
  3. Setting a goal. This is not required, but can be used. Mantras work on their own or in combination with what they focus on. Relax, feel the energy circulating throughout your body and mentally collect it at approximately head level. As soon as a lot of energy has accumulated there, say your goal and start reading the mantra.
  4. A certain attitude towards mantras. Here you need to calm down, no worries, no bad thoughts. Disconnect from everything real and concentrate only on the mantra. This way the soul will become more joyful, and the sounds will flow on their own. It's difficult to do this at first, but then it will become easier.
  5. Let's sing the mantra! It is usually repeated 3, 9, 27, 54 and 108 times. If you suddenly lose count, a rosary will help. There are isolated cases where mantras are repeated many thousands of times, but this is usually for religious purposes.
  6. Experienced gurus do not recommend reading multiple mantras. They advise you to choose one to solve your issue. When the issue is resolved, you can move on to the next one.
  7. There are no clear recommendations regarding when and how to chant the mantra, on the waxing moon, in the morning, lying down or sitting. Listen to yourself, and your inner need will not allow you to make mistakes.

And from words to deeds

We present the most famous, energetically powerful, charged mantras for health, luck, prosperity and much more. They will help you in the most various aspects life.

OM KALIM GOPALA VESHDHRAYA HUM VASUDEVAYA PHUT SVAHA - protects from bad influences, evil people, negative forces, protects children.

OM KUMARA KUSHALO DAYAYEI NAMAHA – Lakshmi’s mantras are different great power, and this particular one serves as protection for children.

OM HRIM SHRIM LAKSHMI BYO NAMAHA is one of the mantras dedicated to Lakshmi. Can attract wealth and prosperity. This should be repeated at least 108 times.

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OM HRIM SHRIM SHRIM SHRIM SHRIM SHRIM SHRIM SHRIM LAKSHMI MAM GRAHE PURAYE PURAYE CHINTA DURAYE DURAYE SVAHA - gives social success. The peculiarity of the mantra is that it can be repeated for only 2 days. It is best to work with the mantra once a month.




OM BHUR BHUVAH SVAHA TAT SWITUR VARENYAM BHARGO, DEVASYA DHIMAHI DHIYO YO NAH PRACHODAYAT - perfect for those who are concerned about the state of their own karma. It helps perfectly to cleanse it and also to attract good luck into life.

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OM ARA VAZA NAGI – thought processes are better activated

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OM SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI - will protect from evil and give peace to the heart.

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OM TRIYAMBAKAM YAJAMAHE SUGANDHIM PUSTI VARDHANAM URVARUKAMIVA BANDHANAN MRITHIYOR MUKSHYYA MAMRITATT is a universal mantra for health. It can give happiness, love, improve relationships, help find a life partner. If you need to get rid of a disease, the mantra should be used on the waning moon. And if only for prevention, then on an increasing scale. The power of the mantra is truly great.

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OM BHAIKANADZE BHAIKANADZE MAHA BHAIKANADZE RATNA SAMU GATE SVAHA - also helps healing when taking medicine, recite it and it will help revive the medicine.

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OM NAMO BHAGAVATE RUKMINI VALABHAYA SVAHA - allows you to strengthen your self-confidence and your own charm.

OM SRI KRISHNAYA GOVINDAYA GOPIJANA VA LABHAYA NAMAH - a mantra for the god Krishna, gives love to all living things.

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OM NAMO BHAGAVATE VASUDEIVAYA - dedicated to the god Vishnu - the source of all things. Helps to find psychological balance, develop intelligence, memory and imagination.

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MANGALAM DISHTU ME, MAHESHVARI - gives the blessing of heaven in all matters, as well as love and happiness.

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HARE KRISHNA, HARE KRISHNA, KRISHNA KRISHNA, HARE HARE; HARE RAMA, HARE RAMA, RAMA RAMA, HARE HARE – the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra should not be condemned. She not only belongs to Hare Krishnas, but can also help everyone in fulfilling their desires. All mantras are beyond religions and denominations.

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AUM HRIM STREAM HUM PHAT - you can attract the universal Absolute and receive its protection. It can bring great knowledge into your life, deliverance from illnesses, delusions and various failures. It should be repeated 108 times.

AUM SRI MAHAZURDIVIYA NAMAH is a simple, but no less effective mantra for getting rid of toothache.

AUM KRISHNA PUTRAYA VIDMAHE, AMRITATATVAYA DHIMAHI TANNO CHANDRAH PRACHODAYAT - the power of the mantra is that it helps to get rid of fears, anxiety, neuroses and psychoses.

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AUM GIRIJAYA VIDMAHE SIVAPRIYAYAY DHIMAHI TANNO DURGA PRACHODAYAT is one of the mantras to Goddess Durga. Usually in India it is customary to turn to it when you need to cleanse your house of evil forces. It serves to protect and destroy everything that interferes with the path of development.

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AUM SARASWATYAY VIDMAHE, BRAHMAPUTRYAY DHIMAHI TANNO SARASWATI PRACHODAYAT - the mantra is dedicated to the goddess Saraswati. It is customary to call upon her when inspiration is needed; she is the patroness of the arts and protector. It can improve memory, increase concentration, and also cure various diseases. All mantras dedicated to this goddess have truly great power.

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AUM NAMO DHANADAYE SVAHA - read this mantra five times a day, and happiness along with wealth will come to your home.



RAYA POSHASYA DADITA NID HIDO RATNA DHATUMAN RAKSHO HANO VALAGA HANO VAKRA TUNDAYA HUM - troubles will not affect your property, and will also increase it very much.


GO-DO-SI, RO AN-VAT, MONO-RAN - a mantra for love, you need to have inner readiness and conviction that you will meet your love. It is repeated for a month.

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GATE GATE PORO GATE PORO SOM GATE BODHI SVAHA is a mantra of great knowledge, its repetition gives a person invulnerability to negative influences.

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PASHYAMI DHANINAM KLESHAM, LUBDHANAM AJITATMANAM BHAYAD ALABDHA-NIDRANAM SARVATO BHIVISHANKINAM - helps to comprehend science, develop intelligence, and find success in life.

Mantras to pacify the planets

Mantra for pacifying the Sun OM TEMPLE HRIM HRUM SAH SURYAYE NAMAH (7000 times, Sunday)

To pacify the Moon OM SHRAM SHRIM SHROOM SA CHANDRA MASE NAMAH (11000 times, Tuesday)

To pacify Mercury OM BRAH BRIM BRUM SA BUD HAYE NAMAH (9000 times, Wednesday)

To pacify Jupiter OM GRAM GRIM GRUM SA GURAVE NAMAH (19000 times, Thursday)

To pacify Mars OM KRAM KRIM KRUM SA BHAU MAYE NAMAH (10,000 times, Thursday)

To pacify Venus OM DRAM DREAM DROOM SA SHUE RAYE NAMAH (16000 times, Friday)


Each mantra relates to its own planet and neutralizes its influence on a person.

The power of individual sounds

Krishna. Mantra of immortality

And – perfectly stimulates the brain

A - gives peace, you need to sing as if rocking a child.

SI is the best sound for getting rid of fear.

U – has power and gives great wisdom.

E – helps in developing sociability.

Yu – gives well-being in life

E - tunes in to a feeling of love for everything that exists.

OE is the best sound for building relationships.

Oh - harmony occurs in time, when you chant this sound, balance comes to life, it becomes measured and orderly.

II – The Anahata Heart Chakra is activated by this sound.

OH – improves a person’s inner harmony.

This is how you can independently and intuitively select various mantras, but if possible, it is better to consult a master. He will be able to choose mantras for you that best match your vibrations. Next, you can select mantras in the “Information” section, where they are divided according to their influence on the state of a person’s soul and life.

Mantras are used in many aspects human life. Many cultures have already adopted them into their arsenal various techniques self-knowledge, combat or health systems. Despite the fact that mantras were originally of Indian origin, they have become a true gift to the whole world.

And remember that self-development is not only about mantras. They are just one of the tools. Think, learn, develop, become better, and the master... When the student is ready, the master comes himself. Remember this simple truth, and then everything will be fine!

Text of the mantra OM-MANI-PADME-HUM

The word can kill, but it can also heal. This . Each nation had its own traditions of working with words: spells, conspiracies, prayers. A special place belongs to mantras. What a mantra is and how it works, you will learn from the article.

Magic formula

These unusual prayers are associated with the traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism. In our usual Catholic, Orthodox and Muslim prayers, we see an appeal to certain forces - God, angels, saints. Such an appeal is reminiscent of a request that one person can make to another. We pray to be saved from danger, to be helped to heal from serious illness or meet your soulmate.

The mantra has a structure less familiar to us. It resembles not an address, but a formula. It is pronounced in the ancient language Sanskrit, and it consists of several words, each of which has its own meaning. According to Hindus and Buddhists, mantra removes all negative energies from the path. It is important for representatives of these religious movements not to voice a specific request. What matters is only a set of sounds that create certain vibrations that remove obstacles standing in a person’s path.

How to use prayers in Sanskrit?

Not only followers of Buddha want to know what a mantra is and how it works. Elements of Eastern philosophy managed to penetrate among Orthodox Christians. Representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church disapproves of such practices. However, it would be a big mistake to consider reciting mantras a sinful act. Whoever you turn to, you come into contact with light forces. After all, the guardian angel with whom some people talk is also not God, but communication with him is quite acceptable for an Orthodox person.

To use mantras you do not have to be Tibetan monk and live far from civilization. Even those who do not consider themselves adherents of any particular religion use prayers in Sanskrit. The reading rules are as follows:

  • It is advisable to read mantras in a state of meditation. You can simply set aside 20-30 minutes a day to work with prayers. No one should distract you.
  • The mantra removes all negative energies from the path if it is recited a certain number of times, for example 9 or 27. The best number of repetitions is 108. It is believed that the successful number of recitations is divided by 3.
  • You need to say the prayer in a chant, clearly pronouncing the sounds.
  • For each life situation has its own mantra, for example:
  • AUM NAMO DHANADAYE SVAHA NAMAH AUM. Those who practice these words attract material well-being. Don't expect easy money (inheritance, winning the lottery). Improvement material well-being happens with the help of a new source of income appearing in your life: you will find high paying job, open profitable business etc.
  • OM KRI KIRIM KARIM KRIM. This mantra is necessary for schoolchildren, students, and those who are constantly engaged in self-education. Prayer will help you quickly absorb complex information and significantly improve your memory. It is not recommended to repeat it too often. One possible side effect may be depression.
  • MAN GALAM DIESHTU ME MAHE SWARI. The mantra is read for any undertaking - before buying an apartment, opening a business, etc. The prayer should be read before going to bed.
  • SAN SIA CHI NAOH PAI TUN DOU. Suitable for those who devote a lot of time to their physical improvement. You can read the mantra in the gym, while playing sports, or in a beauty salon during procedures. In order not to attract the attention of others, say a prayer to yourself.

  • Some people believe that use in everyday life elements of a foreign culture is unacceptable and unpatriotic. However, we should not forget that some Russian traditions were also once borrowed from other people. The same Christianity came to Rus' from another country. Once you learn, you will begin to actively apply these short prayers and soon you will notice that they are no longer perceived as something unfamiliar and incomprehensible.

    Mantra - this is a syllable, word or verse that has the ability to influence a person’s consciousness and helps in spiritual improvement if they are repeated, listened to or reflected on. Mantras have the amazing ability to attract into a person’s life not only spiritual development, but material benefits. With the help of mantra practice, you can recover from diseases, attract a loved one into your life, gain wealth, harmony, joy, luck, and happiness. Magically mantras can fulfill our desires, help in difficult moments, protect us and protect us from dangers!

    All mantras are pronounced in Sanskrit, one of ancient languages. This is probably why some call a mantra a prayer, some a conspiracy, some mystical combinations letters But it would be more correct to call a mantra an ancient sacred formula that carries a powerful charge of Energy! This is Energy concentrated in sound vibration, it is a carrier of special spiritual power and a code in which the Highest knowledge is encrypted. All sounds of the mantra are endowed with supernatural power!

    The word "mantra" is derived from two Sanskrit words. The first is "manas" or "mind" which means "thought". The second syllable comes from the Sanskrit word "trai" meaning "to protect" or "to save". Therefore, Mantra is also something that saves the mind from itself, leads to salvation through concentration of the mind.

    Mantra of wish fulfillment

    As soon as you pronounce the mantra once, special vibrations begin to operate in the human body. At first they are invisible and are lost against the background of our thoughts, daily routines, stress, and inability to concentrate. But after some time - it is different for each person - the vibration of the mantra intensifies, and other vibrations become less noticeable, and soon disappear altogether. Ultimately, a mantra can bring a person to a state where the body vibrates completely in unison with the Energy of the Universe. At this stage, significant changes occur in the state of the body and state of consciousness, the main result of which is that the person becomes more harmonious, calm, relaxed and achieves what he wants.

    It is believed that if you repeat a mantra 108 times daily, for 11 or 21 days, you will automatically connect to the Universal channels of abundance.

    How to Practice Mantras

    First of all, remember a simple rule: don’t try to think about the meaning of the words of the mantra or try to translate it, just repeat it.
    Mantras are divided into three categories:

    1. Male, or Solar
    2. Female, or Lunar
    3. Neutral or sometimes called neuter mantras.

    They are easy to recognize by their endings. Men's ends in "um", "phat". Women's - on "tham", "matchmaker". Neutral mantras have endings “namah”, “pamah”. It should be noted that neutral mantras help very well with a lack of vitality in humans.

    Mantras can be repeated any number of times, as long as the number of repetitions is a multiple of three. You can repeat them 3,6,9,15 times, but the greatest effect is achieved by repeating the mantras 108 times daily, because the number one hundred and eight is considered sacred, the Unit in it symbolizes the Highest Energy, the Divine. Zero is the perfection of Divine creation, and eight is a symbol of eternity and infinity.

    Of course, pronouncing a mantra while counting is not very convenient, so in order not to get confused, we recommend using rosary beads when practicing mantras. In esoteric stores you can find rosaries with one hundred and eight beads. By the way, the rosary will not only allow you not to lose count, but will help you better concentrate on the mantra and its essence, plus, while chanting the mantras, they are charged with powerful Energy and can serve as an excellent talisman.

    You should not practice many mantras at the same time; it is better to choose one or two that will help solve your problem at the moment. When you solve your question, you can start solving another one and choose other mantras. Therefore, if you need wealth, love, a career, and ideal health, we advise you to decide what you need first.

    1. Find a quiet and peaceful place where no one will bother you. It is advisable to light a candle or incense.
    2. Close your eyes, concentrate, imagine yourself in a stream of bright shining light. Take a few deep breaths and exhale, imagining yourself breathing in light.
    3. Express your intention, your request to the World, or express a problem that you want to solve.
    4. Say the mantra.

    How, where and when exactly to repeat mantras is up to you. Some recommend saying mantras only in the morning, some on the waxing moon, some only at certain days, some sitting, some lying down, some alone, and some in company. In fact, when you start practicing, you yourself will understand how, when and where you are more comfortable to practice, you will come to this yourself. And this will be the most correct!

    We can give you a little advice: You shouldn’t limit yourself to just a specific ritual or time. After all, you can repeat mantras everywhere and always! On buses while traveling to work, while washing dishes or walking the dog, etc.. By the way, you can purchase CDs with mantras recorded, or download your favorite mantras on the Internet. You can just listen to them or sing along.

    It is also very useful to play mantras in your home or office. After all, they clean the space very well!

    And also, if you have the opportunity, you should not practice only alone with yourself. If you have like-minded people, for example, a husband, children, parents, friends, practice with them! After all, collective practice will greatly enhance the Energy and further enhance the result!


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