Yearly horoscope for a tiger man. Money, material well-being. Horoscope for a woman

TIGER (1962.1974.1986.1998.2010)

Horoscope 2016 for Tiger

Despite all the incompatibility of the Tiger’s character with the nature of the Monkey, in 2016 representatives of this sign will be lucky. After all, the Monkey who rules this year is Fiery! Accordingly, the Mistress of the Year will like both the bold adventurism of the Tigers and the persistence with which they strive for the goals they have set for themselves... So, the year promises to be interesting and eventful for them. Although sometimes situations will develop so extraordinary and unexpected that it will even seem to the Tigers that luck, on the contrary, has turned away from them.


Tigers will enter the Year of the Red Monkey with sufficient health potential. For some time they can live as they please, solving pressing problems and not thinking about how overwork and surrounding negativity affect their body. But at some point the ideal picture may begin to become distorted. First of all, don't in the best possible way Tigers will feel “burdened” with bad habits. The next wave of health problems may hit those who have a weak heart, because even such strong personalities as Tigers are probably familiar with the word “stress.” By the way, nervous breakdowns are fraught with skin diseases for Tigers.

Those of the Tigers who are able to comply with the minimum necessary set of rules for “survival” in modern world– normally prepared foods (not in the microwave), good sleep, etc. – you don’t have to worry about your well-being in 2016.


The Horn of Plenty seems to be about to shower its bounty on the heads of the Tigers. Firstly, they will be able to quite successfully resolve the financial difficulties that significantly poisoned their lives in 2015. Secondly, many of them will be lucky in gambling. Thirdly, their efforts in the professional sphere will begin to pay dividends. As a result, later in the year of the Fire Monkey they will be able to state with pleasure: “Life is getting better!”


Many Tigers will have the opportunity to improve their career performance in 2016. For some this will be expressed in an offer of a new job, for others - in a promotion. You may even receive a rather unexpected offer to work abroad. Good luck promises to accompany those who do business.

Recommend to in this case only one thing is possible: no proposals should be rejected immediately and unconditionally, even if they seem unrealistic or unlikely to you. Weigh carefully and compare the pros and cons before abandoning anything, because in the year of the Red Monkey there will be few ideas or projects that the Tigers will not be able to handle.


In relationships with the opposite sex, Tigers are prescribed patience and prudence. They need to understand that ideal unions are found only in movies. In life, any person can be dissatisfied with his partner, especially since anyone can be attacked by an attack of irritability and selfishness.

All this means that you should not rush to conclusions if your loved one seems insufficiently noble, honest, etc. Only time can show his (or her) true face. In addition, you should not blame your partner for the unsuccessful development of the relationship, because in most situations the Tigers will need to look for the cause of the problems in themselves.

Tigers who met the Year of the Fire Monkey alone can end it in the same way. This, of course, does not mean that during the year they will not enjoy attention and popularity among the opposite sex. Simply dealing with the Tigers in 2016 will be very difficult. Those who know how to truly fight for their love will be able to save their relationship.

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Tigers will understand from the very beginning of 2016 that the period has come when in order to succeed they just need to remain themselves, without hiding their own disadvantages and flaws. It was before the Fire Monkey came to power that you were forced to carefully control your explosive emotions. Lo and behold, dear Tigers, now it’s time to unleash your unbridled nature! The Mistress of 2016, like you, loves turmoil, commotion and tireless movement in a variety of (sometimes very contradictory) directions. It will be very comfortable and easy for you to walk hand in hand with the Monkey! She will fully support every bold project that you try to implement in the next 12 months. And is it worth clarifying that your star tandem will have no equal during friendly parties, social events and other forms of entertainment?

Tiger women in the year of the Monkey will shine wherever they have the chance to appear. You will accept admiring glances and “multi-volumes” of the most exquisite compliments quite calmly. It shouldn’t be otherwise, you will think and continue to proudly pluck the fruits of your popularity. Tiger men in 2016 will have to try a little for recognition in society. Stronger, luckier or more enterprising competitors will periodically appear on your path. But it’s not for nothing that the Monkey volunteered to help you! You will defeat all your opponents almost without difficulty, and then calmly continue your path to success.

Everything that happens in 2016 in the personal sphere of the Tigers’ lives will look like a very extravagant love story, the author of which himself does not know how the adventures of the main characters will end. If you are single, be prepared that in the year of the Monkey the opposite sex will begin to look for an opportunity to get to know you better. At first you will not respond to all signs of attention. However, a little later, “sports passion” will come to you, and you will bring each new fan (or admirer) closer to you, and for the sake of a banal tick in your “track record”. Family Tigers will find themselves a very strange hobby in 2016. You will happily attend all parties, corporate events and other events, pursuing only one goal - to show everyone around that your married couple deserves endless admiration. It’s bad if the person who once became your soul mate refuses to support this desire for fame! Then you will alone strive for the status of a “local star.” At the same time, you will begin to look around in search of equally bright partners.

In the financial sphere, 2016 will be a rather simple and calm period for the Tigers. If from the very beginning of the year you correctly prioritize between your passion for entertainment and rationalism, then in September you will be able to make a major acquisition (it is possible that we are talking about new car or a spacious apartment). At the same time, you should not rush the course of events! If you want to make the purchase of your dreams as quickly as possible, please completely refuse quick (and probably dubious) schemes to get rich.

The career of Tigers in the year of the Monkey will advance at a rapid pace. Dreams of recognition will no longer poison your peace at night, as this fantasy will finally turn into reality. One clarification - no one said that success will come to you without work and worry!

Mine " finest hour"(2016) Tigers will meet without any health problems. Your energy, passion for life and willingness to overcome all obstacles in your path will be the key to your excellent well-being. Tireless exercise will help you consolidate this success.

Attention, the horoscope for the Tiger for 2016 gives only general idea about the coming 2016, for a more accurate forecast you should make personal horoscope for 2016 with a person’s individual birth card.

This year tigers will go hunting for a tasty morsel. The patron animal will help people born in the year of the Tiger to realize their strength and gain self-confidence. A positive attitude will ensure 50% of success, the rest will be done by your natural skills and winning instinct. Don't let smaller predators get around you.

Don't be afraid to imagine in your work. original ideas, and on the personal front, rely on your own charm and talent to gracefully overcome obstacles.

Tiger woman

For the Tiger Woman in 2016, it is important to learn to concentrate on a specific goal. There is no need to chase mirages and fight on several fronts at once. Persistence in your priority direction will be rewarded. Other areas of life will be balanced by fate, as the world around you strives for harmony. Minor troubles happen in the life of every person, but often they are solved as easily and simply as they appeared. Remember this and strive for your goal.

Tiger man

For men born under the sign of the Tiger, it is better to plan the year so that it is divided into stages of hard work and good rest. It’s good if you can take vacations twice a year, even if the rest periods are shorter. Just don’t spend your treasured vacation weeks with someone you don’t love. homework. Household chores can be done step by step on the weekend, and it is better to devote your vacation to health improvement, positive emotions and vivid impressions.

Love horoscope for Tiger

In love, Tigers will experience an emotional outburst. In the summer, new hobbies are likely, but not every person who meets on your way during the warm season will pass your tough selection. Try to keep your distance and carefully choose your companion. But if your chosen one really expresses his readiness to follow you through life, this union will bring happiness, good luck and mutual understanding to both.

IN family relationships will have to learn to cope with difficulties and not quarrel with relatives over everyday issues. The Universe is telling you to stick together. The combination of forces and potentials will turn your general course of life in a direction where there are almost no steep “thresholds”, and any adversity will be within your reach.

Finance and career

The financial year for the Tiger will be fruitful. However, we must not forget that a rich harvest requires considerable effort, since it still needs to be collected. Be patient and roll up your sleeves. Do not dry up the soil of your well-being, work for results and do not forget about preserving the fruits of your labor.

Don't be overly modest at work. The stars say that your bosses will appreciate your efforts, but for this they need to be openly demonstrated, and not hidden in a far corner. At the end of the year, plans are likely to be disrupted due to circumstances beyond your control, so it is better to “spread straws” and complete some things in advance.


The health of the Tigers will be the cornerstone in matters life success. You should learn to perceive taking care of your body as an investment, otherwise you risk losing your chances of a career takeoff. The stars advise you to convert Special attention on physical exercise. At the same time, you should eat well and not overdo it with sports. Be sure to consider your contraindications, and even better, consult with specialists. Gym membership (or other sports facility) and consultations with a qualified trainer will open the way for you not only to healthy body, but they will also give you useful contacts, as well as experience that will later be useful at work.

Horoscope by zodiac sign


For Tigers-Aries, 2016 will bring a lot of vivid impressions. But in order to take advantage of all the chances and enjoy the gifts of fate, you will have to make a lot of effort. Try to act rationally and systematically achieve your goals. Not all points of your life plan will develop according to a predetermined scenario, but a lot of surprises can come positive emotions and suggest more shortcut to dream.


For Tigers born under the sign of Taurus, this year will be associated with a serious life test. The world will challenge you, but don't be afraid to take it on. In the course of completing your task, you will gain invaluable experience and be able to enlist the support of reliable people whose help will be useful to you more than once. Having achieved your goal, you will rethink your own personality and be able to get rid of old grievances or childhood traumas. This will give you the strength to move in the chosen direction and conquer more and more new heights.


Tiger-Gemini is one of those signs for whom 2016 prepared an unexpected opportunity to radically change their lives. It is unknown at what turn a great success will await you, but this is the mystery of fate: you must be prepared in advance, both morally and in the sphere of tasks of the material world. Try to be proactive and resolve issues faster than the stated deadline. This way you can grab onto your dream and hold it tightly in your hands, otherwise you will be forced to be distracted by trifles, and the blue bird may fly into the sky.


Tigers will need to be careful in 2016 financial affairs. Do not take risks over trifles, carefully consider every major expense and any investment. Good luck will accompany you in the little things. In family matters and love, the stars show you extraordinary favor. Do not betray their trust - and then you will be able to immerse yourself in a sea of ​​pleasant romantic impressions and even experience emotions that you have not experienced since your youth.

a lion

Leo, born in the year of the Tiger, should listen to his intuition. Learn to hear your inner voice and trust the deepest, most ancient feelings inherent in you. The natural insight of your sign will be greatly enhanced by the favorable placement of the stars. If you can feel and think one step ahead, luck will hold your hand throughout 2016. Every successful task completed this year increases your potential exponentially, so don't waste time. Now you have a fantastic opportunity to build a springboard for achievements that you could only dream of last year.


For the Tiger-Virgo, 2016 prepared a new interesting life turn. You will have a chance to start a new business, move, or otherwise seriously change the usual order of things. The stars say that changes will be successful if you really choose your path. In any case, none of the roads at this fork will be wrong. The main thing for you is to deal with own desires. You will have to dive into the depths of your own “I” and clearly set priorities, guided not by momentary wishes, but by the values ​​that shape your personality.


Tigers-Libra will spend a significant part of the year in pleasant chores. You will learn to appreciate the little things and begin to approach family matters differently. This way of looking at things will also help you financially, since the position of the stars in your astrological forecast speaks of the desire for harmony. Starting in spring, your aesthetic perception will sharpen. Try to use this to your advantage: surround yourself with beautiful things, enjoy the views of nature, go on a trip, or find yourself an applied hobby in which you can express your artistic potential.


In 2016, Tiger-Scorpio should devote more time to self-development and education. Your mind will be sharper than ever, and constant intellectual exercise will help develop your memory. All the knowledge you gain this year will definitely be useful to you in the future. The most productive results will be learning new languages ​​or in-depth research in areas in which you already feel quite fluent. Practical skills, ranging from business practices and ending with “scout” tricks. Best choice for relaxation unusual cities and countries or devote your vacation to art.


Tigers-Sagittarius in 2016 will be extremely popular with the opposite sex. Successful astrological chart indicates that you will feel great and learn to appreciate your own strengths. Combined with hard work on your shortcomings, this will give you tremendous self-confidence and the ability to cope with any tasks that life decides to throw at you. Having secured natural charm, healthy love to yourself and with due persistence, you will be able to conquer new heights of success.


For Tiger-Capricorn, 2016 will bring warm relationships with loved ones. You can find new friends or reconnect with old friends. Lonely Capricorns will meet their love, and already lovers will transfer their relationship to new level. In winter, you should take care of the health of your family members. In October or November, you will be especially productive at work. If by this time you can resolve all existing disagreements with colleagues and build strong relationships with the team based on mutual respect, your common work will bear fruit that can be reaped next year.


Tigers-Aquarius will have good luck in 2016. Your charisma will increase to unprecedented heights, so you can captivate others with your own enthusiasm. Keep in mind that you will still have to work hard, but your love for your own business and natural charm will contribute to the fact that others will want to help you. On the personal front, everything will be harmonious if you can manage your time wisely and pay enough attention to your partner.


For Tigers born under the sign of Pisces, this is a time of pleasant changes and a good chance to try themselves in a new capacity. You can carry out old plans or try on a role that is completely unusual for you. This is a time of risk and adventure, but try not to spread your excitement to financial questions. In summer or autumn, life will give you an interesting acquaintance that can develop into a closer relationship.

People born under the sign of the Tiger are courageous, selfless and endowed with leadership qualities. These people are not afraid to overcome difficulties; they easily set goals and achieve them. Tigers are inspirers and mentors. They can lead people, but they cannot always tell the difference good idea from a dangerous adventure. The Tiger's character is such that he loves adventure and is not afraid to take risks, since adrenaline is often more important than calm. Among the Tigers there are many people who have chosen a dangerous or extreme profession.

What can the Tigers expect in the New Year 2016, and what will it be like for these formidable and beautiful cats? Let's take a closer look at the Tiger's horoscope for 2016.

general information

For Tigers, the Year of the Monkey will be ambiguous. This means that the one who works will definitely have success, but the one who is used to lying in the shadows will have a hard time. Those who are brave, persistent and persistent can expect success, good money, a career boost, a profitable marriage, starting their own business or changing their place of residence.

The greatest success can be expected in the fall of 2016, since at a time when many are beginning to “hibernate,” the Tiger goes out hunting and wins. In general, the year promises to be interesting, eventful and love adventures.

Tiger man

In the New Year, Tigers should learn to properly plan their time in order to separate the stages of hard work and time for leisure. Hard work should be paid, which means it's best for you to split your vacation into two parts so you can rest. Just don't plan trips in the fall, as this time will need to be devoted to hard work.

The eastern horoscope of the tiger for 2016 will be an excellent time to create a strong and strong family. Young and stubborn Tigers may have difficulties with their parents, who either will not accept their new lover or will be against their choice of university, place of work, or lifestyle.

In the new year, you can try to organize your own business or look for new job. However, you shouldn’t rush to break here, since it’s always better to measure seven times...

Tiger woman

In the new year, tigresses should moderate their ardor and cunning, since the Fire Monkey does not accept such antics. Working women in the new year can get new position, raise or increase in salary. Since the Monkey, known for its intelligence, talents and eccentricities, will be the mistress of the year, you can also not be shy and express yourself to the maximum at work, at home, and in love.

Friends will need your attention, family will require more care and love. New Year- this is a great time to renew your relationship, go on a romantic trip, have new novel or get married. Finances will not become a big obstacle in achieving new goals, but on the contrary, they will indulge them.

Tiger health

The Tiger horoscope for 2016 is an opportunity to find out what awaits the representatives of this sign in the New Year. Tigers should pay special attention to their diet, as there is a risk of diseases and exacerbations of the gastrointestinal tract. If you have any chronic diseases, it is important to undergo examination and carry out prevention. If possible, it is recommended to avoid bad habits. The Year of the Monkey will be easy for the final cessation of smoking and alcohol abuse.

Tigers should pay special attention to their skin, as there is a risk of dermatitis and allergies. If the calm flow of life is often disrupted by stress and neuroses, you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe sedative drops. Be attentive to your heart and try to react calmly to troubles.

Tiger love

The tiger's horoscope for 2016 for the Monkey will be full of love events, breakups and stormy reconciliations. Be attentive to new acquaintances, as not all of them will be useful for you. Also try to avoid casual relationships and adultery, as family life may get bogged down in scandals and breakups.

Free from obligations, Tigers are unlikely to find a reliable and faithful companion in the year of the Monkey, since all relationships are likely to be fleeting and short-lived, albeit passionate. If the relationship is not working out, it is recommended to reconsider your views on life and think about what pushes people away from you. In 2016, there is a high probability of starting several relationships at the same time, and making a choice in favor of one person or another will be extremely difficult.

Tiger finance

In terms of finances, the Tigers will be successful. However, it is worth remembering that success does not come just like that; it must be achieved, which is called “sweat and blood.” There is a lot of work to be done, so be patient in advance and luck will certainly smile on you in the form of crisp bills.

At work, you should openly demonstrate your efforts, do not be afraid to express your suggestions and give advice. The Monkey does not like excessive modesty, and opens the way only to those who take risks and are not afraid to fall, and then get up and move on.

At the end of the year, large financial expenses may arise. Finally, you will be able to buy for yourself those things that you have dreamed of for so long. It is not recommended to save too much, but you also don’t need to waste everything down to the last minute. Try to always have a certain amount just in case.

This is the Tiger horoscope for 2016 that the stars have prepared for you. Listen to them, but also remember your intuition, and always try to calculate your moves in advance.

Tigers in July will become very disciplined, responsible and successful. That is, the proverb “He who gets up early, God gives to him” will turn out to be surprisingly relevant.

Love and family horoscope. The second month of summer is quite favorable for personal life. Unfriendly spouses may decide that “a bad peace is better than a good quarrel” and act accordingly. Divorcing couples will resolve the most complex financial issues, as well as those related to real estate. At the end of the month, the stars promise peace negotiations to lovers. You will give in a little, your passion will give in a little, and gradually you will come to terms that suit both of you. Lovers separated by distance can count on a happy meeting towards the end of the month. Trips planned for the last week of July or August will turn out very well.

Career and business horoscope. In July 2016, you will grasp everything on the fly and with the most complex tasks get it done before others. Your authority will grow, and you will calmly deal with all the problems of the past month. And, most likely, with a big advantage for yourself and your business. Conflict situations with partners are resolved one way or another, which will immediately affect finances, of which there will be a noticeable increase. The employee will be able to establish relationships with both his superiors and his colleagues, and this will happen without much effort, somehow by itself. Suddenly everyone will see how valuable and the right person, you will do your job so competently and expertly. And if last month you decided to change organization, then in July there will be excellent chances to start a career in a new place. Towards the end of the month, plans related to travel will appear; successful meetings with partners living in another city or in another country are possible.

Money horoscope. In financial terms, this month is one of the best of the year for the Tigers. A real “golden shower” of cash receipts and other material benefits will fall on you. Good support from parents and loved ones is possible. Many will profit from successful real estate transactions.

Health horoscope. Heavy loads this month will lead to the fact that from time to time you may feel tired and de-energized. Be in nature more often, get enough sleep and remember the benefits of diet, as there will be a clear tendency to gain weight.

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