Libra men don't like Libra women. What kind of women does a Libra man like? Marriage and family relationships

Such a person, if he has already decided to family relationships, will always love his wife, but he will never give up casual flirting on the side. We are not talking about physical betrayal, it’s just important for him to feel that he is still on top and can be in demand. In general, a Libra husband is perfect couple for woman. They are almost always ideal family men, they take everything home and try to make their woman happy. But they are often distant and even cold.

If your husband is Libra

Libra men are very ambiguous natures. They often doubt something, they rarely have a specific thought regarding anything. It is important for them to have someone who understands and beautiful woman.

Libra's husband is polite and courteous, tolerant. Although Libra is interested in how you feel or how your day went, his thoughts may be occupied with something else. Their word should usually be the last, if it was not possible to come to a compromise right away, it will not be possible to achieve it over time.

You only risk angering and pissing off your man. Typically, such men have high self-esteem, they sometimes tend to overestimate their achievements, and it is important for them to have a woman nearby who will look at the world in almost the same way as he does.

What a Libra man's wife needs to know

Women need to know the facts that Libra men may not be satisfied with the following parameters as a husband:

Libra husbands are rarely willing to do housework. Often these men are supporters of the idea that the beloved woman should bring chic and shine to everyday life, because... for them this is a kind of manifestation of love and respect towards him. However, if Libra’s husband allows material wealth to maintain the appropriate staff in the house, he will easily free his woman from routine work.

Libra husbands simply hate physical labor. Even hammering a nail into a wall can cause aggression in them. They are ready to pay money to someone rather than waste their energy on such “useless” (as it seems to them) work.

These men find it difficult to bear any psychological stress. It is not easy to drive them into a state of depression, but if this happens, the recovery period can take a lot of time.

Such representatives of the stronger sex are often adamant in their opinions. If Libra’s husband has finally decided on something (having gone through a difficult path of evaluation and “weighing”), he will firmly stand his ground. Rational arguments and common sense from the outside do not always help here.

Therefore, before choosing a Libra husband for yourself, you need to think through everything carefully. After all, these men are capable of causing mad love and ardent hatred. If you are ready to experience such a seething volcano of emotions, this is the man who suits you.

Dating a Libra man is a great success for a girl. As gentlemen, they are extremely gallant, they have excellent manners and a sense of taste, they adore women, they know how and love to look after them. Not a lover, but a dream. But what is a Libra man like? family life?

In order to answer this question, let's look at the main character traits of Libra, learn about their positive and negative qualities Oh. About the ability to bear responsibility and remain faithful to your woman and your obligations. Is it worth marrying a man of the zodiac sign Libra and what will await you beyond the threshold of the zaksa.

General characteristics of the sign

The Libra man is well-mannered, reliable and very kind. Here are three key characteristics of his character. You can absolutely trust him in everything - this man knows how to be responsible for his words and will never let you down.

They are sociable, excellent conversationalists, able to find a common language and maintain a conversation with absolutely any person. These two qualities usually lead to Libra being very wide circle communication, a sea of ​​friends and good acquaintances with whom they maintain excellent relationships.

But before we begin to figure out which women Libra sees as the most attractive, it is very advisable to understand: what is the compatibility of your sign with a Libra man? After all, there are cases when you are simply not compatible according to your horoscope - and then any efforts to attract a Libra man may go in vain.

To find out your exact compatibility with a Libra man, click on the button below and you will get an answer to this exciting question.

So, the life of the company, a merry fellow, a jokester. Kind and sympathetic, a man of this sign believes in the same qualities in the people around him. You could say that he lives for today; making plans is not his favorite activity. He is focused on what is happening here and now and knows how to enjoy it to the fullest.

Libra man in love

Men of this zodiac sign adore women. They feel them perfectly and therefore know how to find a common language with them and establish a deep internal connection. Libras are subtle connoisseurs of female beauty, both external and internal, spiritual.

In love - dreamers and romantics. In addition, they belong to that rare type of men who actively express their feelings to a woman. If a Libra man falls in love, it will be very difficult for a woman to resist him - he is very beautiful and actively courtes: attentions, compliments, gifts, admiration and openly expressed adoration.

But before we continue - do you know what your compatibility with a man is? After all, there are cases when you are simply not compatible according to your horoscope - and then any efforts to attract a man may be in vain. To find out your exact compatibility with a man, click on the button below and you will get the answer to this exciting question.

Such men often fall in love at first sight - aesthetes, they are able to submit to the external image of a girl. And, although in love relationships They can be a little frivolous, they take marriage very seriously, they want to live with their only chosen one until the end of their days.

Libras are not afraid and do not avoid marriage, they are looking for an ideal companion - always with an unusual attractive appearance, but most importantly - a partner in spirit. Due to his natural charm and gallantry, the Libra man sometimes seems flighty to others, but this is not so. Communication with women is a source of inspiration for him, and he sincerely considers his chosen one the best woman in the world. That, however, does not stop him from sometimes flirting and turning someone else’s head.

Compatibility with other zodiac signs in marriage is very wide; they get along well with almost everyone. Ideal companions are Cancer and Taurus women. Relationships with representatives of water signs will also be excellent.

How to marry a Libra man?

Representatives of this zodiac sign need a female partner and constant support from her. It is quite difficult for them to make decisions, so they need a lifelong friend not just as a woman, but also as their closest friend, main ally, team partner.

Show him that you will cope with this task perfectly - and the engagement ring will be on your finger in no time. Listen carefully to him when he shares problems or plans, show him that you perceive them as your own. Take care of him, show maximum patience and sensitivity of which you are capable.

Because of his difficulties with making decisions, the Libra man must see that you, firstly, accept this trait of his, and, secondly, take it upon yourself. Under no circumstances should you put pressure on him or express dissatisfaction with his indecisiveness. By the way, if she infuriates you, you shouldn’t cast your lot in with Libra - he won’t change, even if, God forbid, you undertake to remake him.

Remember the main thing - your behavior means a lot to a Libra man, but if there is no harmony at the level of signs, then the relationship will be very tense, no matter how hard you try. Therefore, it is very advisable to find out the exact compatibility of your zodiac sign with a Libra man. This can be done by clicking on the button below:

Remember the main thing - your behavior means a lot to a man, but if there is no harmony at the level of signs, then the relationship will be very tense. It is very advisable to find out the exact compatibility of your zodiac sign with the sign of a man. This can be done by clicking on the button below:

In general, managing such a man is not difficult - he himself will happily hand over the reins to you, and he will admire with admiration how deftly you manage it all.

What does a Libra zodiac sign man look for in family life?

What is a Libra man like in family life? This man’s wife should be an ideal housewife. An established life and comfort are mandatory, but no less important is Libra, who desperately needs a psychologically comfortable environment for themselves; if you manage to create it, your union will last for many years.

In return, he will give you all his responsiveness and kindness, the feeling that you are the main person in his life. The Libra man will be happy to share household responsibilities with you and will be your support and support in all your endeavors.

Some self-centeredness of Libra in the first stages of a relationship can be the cause of frequent conflicts. Such men are not particularly willing to compromise, and expect the woman to adapt to them, and not they to adapt to her. You will have to teach him to yield to you, but to do it very gently, without compromising his self-esteem.

You don’t have to worry about the material component at all. The craving for comfort pushes Libra towards an excellent career and good earnings. They are not workaholics, but a Libra man will earn as much as is needed for the comfortable conditions of your existence.

Fatherly qualities

It cannot be said that Libra strives to have offspring, but at the same time they treat children calmly and attentively. These are loving and fair fathers who enjoy authority and adoration among their children.


A Libra man can hardly be called an exemplary family man. If you decide to connect your life with him, be prepared to take full responsibility for this “event.” The advantages include ease of character and the ability to make a woman’s life exciting and bright.

At the same time, if you are looking for seriousness and thoroughness, this is not about Libra. So seriously think about what is important to you in marriage before agreeing to move through life together with a representative of this sign.

But still, the main thing is that before building a relationship with a Libra man, meeting each other, getting to know each other, falling in love and building a family, you need to figure out in detail whether you are compatible according to your zodiac sign? If compatibility is great, you're in luck! And you can safely enter into a relationship with a Libra man.

But if it is weak, or your signs are not at all compatible... Then you can expect trouble, and this will definitely come back to haunt you in the future. Therefore, be sure to find out your exact compatibility with a Libra man - click on the button below and get detailed information astrological chart compatibility of your sign with Libra:

If you want to be with the man you love, you need to figure out in detail whether you are compatible according to your zodiac sign? If compatibility is great, you're in luck! But if it is weak, or your signs are not at all compatible... Then you can expect trouble, and this will definitely come back to haunt you in the future. Therefore, be sure to find out your exact compatibility with a man by clicking on the button just below.

The Libra man is a very graceful person, they have courteous, simply wonderful manners. They are very concerned about the impression they will make on others with their appearance. They love to evoke sympathy from others. Moreover, they like to give people pleasure and always be useful to someone.

The most important thing is that representatives of this zodiac sign are good at it. A man of this sign always works on his image, always tries to come up with something new and very interesting. They are able to use not only good perfume, but even use cosmetics.

You can turn to them for advice at any moment. He likes this, since he is a big fan of giving advice to everyone, even those who do not ask for it. Being in the same company with them, all people feel quite comfortable and pleasant. Through communication with others, Libra tries to express their own personality more clearly. Thanks to this, they assert themselves.

They are excellent at talking about other people's relationships, while it is quite difficult for them to figure out their personal lives. They simply hate hearing criticism directed at them. Libras are capable of showing off dust in the eyes of others and often boasting about their own achievements. They do not accept it if their communication or relationship with other people begins to deteriorate. It is because of this that his contacts are always friendly and very simple.

Libra's mood changes quite often. At a time when they have been thinking for a long time about making this or that decision and at the same time weighing the pros and cons, they may suddenly begin to doubt their own decision.

As for work, these people will be able to achieve great success only if they overcome constant laziness and relaxation. They can achieve particular success if their main work is related to art or constant communication with people. Very often the team in which they work becomes a second family for Libra.

If a representative of this sign runs his own business, then his relationships with colleagues work out very well. They love it very much if all the responsibility is placed on them.

Libra man in love and marriage

Representatives of this zodiac sign cannot stand loneliness, but it is worth noting that it does not threaten them at all. Men of this sign are simply born for love; they are intended for constant communication with representatives of the fair half of humanity. They can look after you beautifully, which is what wins hearts.

These men are very sociable people, moreover, they are very cheerful and can conquer every unapproachable woman. It often happens that after Libra has won another lady, he doesn’t know what to do next. They become confused whether to continue building a relationship with this lady or not.

It should be noted that such men turn their attention to women as an object of sexual significance; they are not at all interested in what advantages and disadvantages lie in this person. This man can very quickly leave a woman immediately after she stops satisfying him sexually.

Before deciding to tie the knot, a man of this sign will need a lot of time, especially if we take into account his indecision. Considering the fact that Libras are fair, they will try in every possible way not to offend their beloved in any way, but if you look at it from the other side, they do not want to lose their own freedom. Libras are prone to cheating because they do not like monotony.

How to understand that he is in love

To do this, simply observe his behavior. If he is really in love with you, then in this case he will be very worried and fussing. If you want to be with this person, then you must be prepared for the fact that you should not expect romance from him.

Libra man in bed

His intimate needs fully correspond to his capabilities, but before you go to bed with this man, you need to remember that for him his own satisfaction comes first. They are able to conquer a lady not with the quality of sex, but with its quantity.

What kind of women does a Libra man like?

Men of this sign have a clear idea of ​​what a woman should be like. They know what kind of behavior a woman should have and what appearance she should have. Remember that when he meets a woman, he will evaluate her from head to toe. Even the smallest details will not pass him by. Based on this, many women believe that it is very difficult to please such a man, but in fact, everything is completely the opposite.

In order for him to like her, a woman must be dressed the way he likes. In addition, she will be forced to adhere to a line of behavior that will undoubtedly help attract the attention of this man.

What kind of women are suitable for him?

  • He likes women who can dress with taste. Clothes must be stylish and fit properly. You need to try to ensure that clothes, shoes and all included accessories are selected in the same style. You should not wear very bright clothes.
  • If you want to be with this man, you must behave correctly and with dignity. In order to understand what exactly you should do, pay special attention to how he behaves.
  • Libras see only brave and self-confident women around them. If you are timid and are not capable of decisive actions, then you will not be able to be with such a man.
Remember that he is attracted to fairly calm women who are confident in themselves, their abilities and clearly know what they want to get from life.

The wise, sensible and sociable Libra man (September 23 – October 22) is popular in society and adored in the family. The sign rarely gets into quarrels and conflicts. Therefore, it seems that he is ideal. The astrological characteristics will tell you what secrets are hidden by an imperturbable man born under the sign of Libra.

Brief character description

Libra is a rather controversial zodiac sign. His personality characteristics combine seemingly opposite qualities:

  • relaxation and hard work;
  • external coldness and hidden passion;
  • unwillingness to obey and complaisance;
  • optimism and a tendency to sudden depression.

The Libra man has a philosophical attitude towards everything in life, taking good and bad events for granted. This fatalistic approach gives peace of mind and protects against stress. At the same time, this zodiac sign often cannot make a choice and misses favorable opportunities. Libras are not upset about this; the main thing for them is internal harmony and the love of loved ones.

The characteristics of the negative qualities of Libra men are limited to their indecision and suspiciousness. These traits can manifest themselves in any situation and significantly ruin the lives of both Libra and those around them. This zodiac sign does not tolerate conflicts and is ready to do anything to avoid them. In most cases, this works to his advantage. But sometimes a Libra man can seem weak and defenseless.

Appearance and health

The appearance characteristics of a Libra man correspond to general features personality of the sign. He places a lot of importance on how people perceive him. Therefore, Libras are always dressed with taste, elegantly and simply. Good manners, smooth gestures and a proportionate physique make a man of this sign very attractive to female representatives.

The Libra guy takes care of his health, constantly works to improve his physical fitness, and monitors the quality of his diet. Thanks to this, he manages to avoid illness for many years. Innate caution and foresight protect him from extreme sports, and, consequently, from injuries. When feeling unwell, this zodiac sign requires even more attention and care than usual.

Career and finance

The characteristics of Libra indicate that the sign is most suitable for professions related to communication. They achieve great success in the diplomatic field thanks to their talent for negotiating and finding a compromise. Great responsibility, as well as the need to make quick decisions, frightens Libra. They may give up a brilliant career and wealth if this means being responsible for a large team or large sums money.

In business, the Libra man remains in the “middle”; he lacks the arrogance and aggressiveness to defeat competitors. The sign can achieve significant success in creative professions, science or literature. For Libra, it is important not only to recognize and admire the results of their work, but also to receive sufficient payment for them. A man of this astrological month will not work for pennies. He values ​​financial stability and material wealth too much.

Relationships and marriage

The Libra man needs love like air. This zodiac sign cannot be lonely for a long time; he needs to constantly feel that he is loved, appreciated and respected. A guy born in this astrological period easily wins women's hearts. Most often, at the beginning of a relationship, he only needs sex; love comes later, when the sign can find out more about his chosen one and weigh all the pros and cons Serious relationships with her.

In Libra's bed, a man cares about his own pleasure, the desires of his partner are in the background for him. If there are any problems, this zodiac sign will keep everything to itself for a long time, fool the girl’s head, fearing a showdown and scandals. Libra does not consider such selfishness as something reprehensible and does not notice how a woman is hurt. Only love can change a sign, make it attentive, sensitive and caring.

To marry a Libra man, his chosen one will have to try hard. In addition to her attractive appearance and broad outlook, she will need wisdom, tact and persuasion to push the doubting Zodiac sign to the decision to start a family.

Libras do not want to limit their freedom, including sexual freedom. They can keep their love for their wife for years, and at the same time have several mistresses. This zodiac sign values ​​harmony, peace and tranquility in the family. A well-equipped life, delicious food and a beautiful wife are important to him. A woman will have to make many decisions on her own if she wants to quickly solve problems and everyday issues.

Libra is a zodiac sign that characterizes its representatives as very friendly, pleasant, and cheerful people. A Libra man can easily become the object of adoration of many women, but he does not want to rush into choosing the one. It’s not that passion doesn’t suit him, it’s just that it’s always difficult for Libra to choose. They are capable of tormenting for a long time, weighing the pros and cons, and in the end still find themselves at a crossroads.

In order for a woman to become the object of Libra’s adoration, she needs to know all the subtleties of character determined by the zodiac sign, and understand the reasons for this or that behavior of a man. This information will be useful for a general idea of ​​what kind of spouse and father a representative of this sign will be, whether he will be faithful or flighty, passionate or cold, etc.

Libra man character and behavior

The character of Libra men consists of an absolutely equal number of positive and negative features. Among the main advantages of this sign are:

  • - modesty;
  • - friendliness and charm;
  • - kindness and tenderness;
  • - justice;
  • - elegance and grace;
  • - communication skills, etc.

Among the shortcomings, the most common manifestations are the following:

  • - indecisiveness, constant doubts;
  • - uncertainty;
  • - impatience and misunderstanding;
  • - laziness and others.

Libra men are excellent strategists; they see several steps ahead, because before taking on a new business, they calculate and weigh everything in detail.

Representatives of this sign are distinguished by their enviable performance. Having a goal to achieve something, they are able to work almost exhaustively. However, after achieving the desired result, they can amaze you with their apathy towards any kind of activity.

Purposefulness is also one of their virtues. Libras do not retreat from temporary difficulties and see things through to the end.
However, the tendency of representatives of this sign to weigh and evaluate everything in advance often manifests itself in indecision or unwillingness to choose something specific. This also manifests itself in some lack of confidence in oneself and one’s strengths.

Libra man in work and career

Libras take work seriously, although at times there is a manifestation of apathy and indifference to business issues. Often the work team becomes a second family for representatives of this sign, and the office becomes a home.

They prefer to work in a team because they do not like to make decisions on their own. For this reason, they do not often occupy leadership positions.
They keep their workplace in order and do not tolerate chaos. They prefer work related to communication and movement; they do not like monotony and monotony.

If you can’t decide what to do in life, use the techniques from

Which zodiac signs suit Libra men in relationships?

The most suitable zodiac signs for Libra will be women under the zodiac sign:

  • - Cancer;

The Cancer girl, vulnerable and sophisticated, will be protected by Libra, cherished by her tender feelings, loved and cared for. The bright and bold energy of Scorpio is able to suppress the constant doubts of Libra, so this union can be very successful.

However, Libras are unlikely to get along with Geminis. When the first ones soar in free flight, Libra will invent incredible reasons for the absence of a partner nearby and will put themselves in a desperate state.

On the other hand, there is always the opportunity to get along with another person if you know how to build relationships correctly. And this is exactly what you can learn by reading.

Libra man in marriage (family)

Libra is a very caring and loving sign, so their partner will not have to beg for affection and tenderness; there will already be plenty of it. But representatives of this sign themselves are not always happy in marriage. They are characterized by suspiciousness; every act of their partner, word, phrase will be pondered by Libra for a long time.

Such men can be very demanding of their partner. They want either everything or nothing; they do not tolerate intermediate results.
In a life partner, a Libra man will look, first of all, for a friend, an intellectual partner, a buddy. You should be prepared for the difficult first two years of married life with Libra. Representatives of this sign will get used to their partner’s habits and preferences for a long time, but time will pass, Libra will understand that you should not look for subtext or hidden meaning in every spoken phrase and will calm down.

In the role of a husband, some Libras show themselves to be callous and despotic people. They are ready to criticize their spouse for almost every action she takes. This fact should not be taken to heart, since Libras do this solely out of good intentions, while loving their partner with all their hearts.

Libra man in love

In love, Libra men prefer regularity, calmness and stability. Possible manifestations of women's tears, whims, and hysterics will be ignored by Libra.

Representatives of this sign know how to beautifully look after their chosen one, are not stingy with gifts and surprises, and are quite romantic. However, all their courtship is conservative in nature; you should not expect anything original and refined.

Libra man in sex

In sexual relations they do not like banalities, being by nature aesthetes, great attention give caresses and tenderness. They try to please their partner, but for Libra men their satisfaction comes first. They can have several sexual partners at the same time, because they do not dare to make a choice in favor of one.

They value emotional contact; for Libras, silence in bed is unacceptable; they prefer to hear praise and positive assessment of their actions. If they have doubts about whether they are good lovers, they will suffer and suffer for a long time. Therefore, your partner should constantly admire and praise the scales.

Libra man as a father

People are in no hurry to have a child, so they rarely initiate a new addition to the family. They treat the birth of children calmly and without much enthusiasm. However, they are good fathers. Often Libra is perceived by their children as the only authority.
They will not in vain punish and scold their child themselves and will not allow their wife to do this. They prefer to calmly explain and show everything.

Libra man appearance

Libras take great care of their own appearance. Wanting to make a pleasant impression on others, they will think through all the details of their image, not forgetting about accessories. They often go to gyms, so their figure is often athletic and fit.

What to give a Libra man

The Libra man, being a connoisseur of everything beautiful and expensive, will be delighted with any precious items (expensive pen, cufflinks, jewelry keychains), exquisite figurines, fashionable clothes, bright accessories, etc.

When choosing a gift, you should refuse cash gifts or various types of certificates. Libras do not like to make decisions, so they will suffer for a long time after making a purchase, reproaching themselves for making the wrong choice.

It is worth knowing that Libra will appreciate a gift whose meaning is known to few. They are attracted by the very idea of ​​mystery and hidden subtext.


The Libra man is very pleasant to talk to, a fair and elegant person. Representatives of this sign sometimes find it difficult to make decisions, so choosing a partner can take many years. Libra is able to take care of loved ones, treat them with love and tenderness, the same They also demand from the partner.

Libra is a rather suspicious sign, so you should be careful in your words and actions, as they can be taken to heart by Libra.

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