Scenario for a concert in the style of chanson. Scenario of the concert program of creative talents “wider circle”

Muz von F/G “How beautiful this world is”

Good evening, dear friends!
How often do we presenters repeat these words without thinking about the meaning of what was said.
But if you think about it...
KIND – and the whole world becomes a little kinder
EVENING - and you will see how the city lights up
DEAR – and you understand, those in this square
They somehow become dear to you!
FRIENDS - there are not so many of them, but friendship is worth a lot.

And you understand HOW BEAUTIFUL THIS WORLD IS!!!
So let this festive evening, in this friendly company
you will find out how dear you are to us!
And opening our retro party, we, the creative teams and employees of the House of Culture “Builder” and the presenter Lyubov Ermolina congratulate you on the holiday and wish you only goodness and friendship!

“Friendship” – Antipova E.

We are glad to welcome you to our retro party “How wonderful this world is”
Today we decided to talk to you about people and the “retro” era, plunging into the bright songwriting of those years.
We decided to do this in the summer, when flowers delight us with colorful colors and gardens are ripening, when everyone feels light, warmth and extraordinary joy.
Just recently the lilies of the valley have bloomed, and we all involuntarily hum
“Lilies of the valley, lilies of the valley, bright May greetings...”
For men, their heads are spinning from the contemplation of female beauty and they hear everywhere “So many good girls...” and feel more than ever “You don’t want peace in your heart, how good it is to live in the world!”
And everywhere there are glances, searches, dates, kisses, and sometimes unrequited love “because according to statistics, for every 10 girls there are 9 guys”
And we girls still encourage each other, because we are “Good girls, cherished friends...”
So many feelings and emotions! Young guys swear and say, “We honestly want to tell you, we don’t look at girls anymore...”, and the girls smile at all this and say, “There’s no escape, you’ll fall in love and get married.”
Everything around, the whole world is saturated with light and love!
“Honestly speaking” – Minnibaev D.

The “Retro” era is a huge era, filled with strength, energy, tenderness, dignity and faith, despite all its difficulties. Let's remember today, maybe not everything, but a lot: created, sung, played, lived, felt,
which gave us the opportunity to be sensitive and beautiful people.
How nice it is to turn on the TV and meet the kind eyes of Nikolai Rybnikov on the screen and hear his painfully familiar voice, which makes your soul feel so warm.
And I really want to turn back time, go back to childhood and hear my loved ones and beloved presenters Nina Kondratova, Valentina Leontyeva...
To see the wide, childish eyes of Nadezhda Rumyantseva, the bright eyes of Klara Luchko,
And, of course, hear the touching and gentle voice of Anna German, who performed many songs about love. One of them will be performed for you at our retro evening performed by Elena Antipova.
“Once a year” - Antipova E.

So, dear friends, let's remember. I suggest starting with cinema.
I think that each of you has favorite old films. We can talk a lot about films. And how many phrases we love, the so-called “catchphrases”, are in these films. I suggest you remember them. I say a phrase, and you name the movie.

Auction “Catchphrases”
They'll screw you, but don't steal - "Beware of the car"
...and you will be cured... - “Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession”
To live well! A good life is even better! – “ Caucasian captive»
You will be with us in Kolyma, you are welcome - “The Diamond Arm”
Stole, drank - go to jail! Romance! - "Gentlemen of Fortune"
I demand that the banquet continue! – “Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession”
Announce the whole list, please! – “Operation Y and other adventures of Shurik”
It’s always like this: you work, you work, and then - bam! — and the second shift — “ Big change»
Whoever takes a pack of tickets will get a water pump! "The Diamond Arm"
Beauty is a terrible power! - "Spring"
Lepota!.. – “Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession”
Down with prejudices! A woman is also a person! - "White Sun of the Desert"
Yes, because without water - neither here nor there! – “Volga, Volga”
You shouldn't sit there, there won't be any apartments until next spring! – “Girls”
Hey citizen! Don't go there, go here! The snow will hit your head... – “Gentlemen of Fortune”
Everybody dance! — “Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession”
Found good people... Warmed up, robbed. That is, they picked it up, warmed it up... - “The irony of fate...”
Komsomol member, athlete and simply beautiful! – “Prisoner of the Caucasus”
The speaker will give a brief report, about forty minutes... - “Carnival Night”
And I won’t prolong the report, but will sing a song, the melody of which you know. I think the film, which uses the wonderful music of Michel Legrand, you also know.
"Good bye honey"

In the 50s and 60s, a large number of musical comedy films were created.
The songs that sound in them become, one might say, “folk”.
Let's go over the songs. I name the phrases of the songs - you are the film in which it sounds
(Invite those who guessed it to the stage)
And a smile without a doubt will suddenly touch your eyes - “Carnival Night”
In the dark blue forest, where the aspen trees tremble - “The Diamond Hand”
Happiness suddenly knocked on the door in silence - “Iv.Vas”
I don’t know when spring will come - “Spring on Zarechnaya Street”
Somewhere in this world - “Prisoner of the Caucasus”
Your Honor, Lady Separation – “White Sun of the Desert”
What were you like - “Kuban Cossacks”
If you don't have an aunt - "The Irony of Fate"
Rise and Shine - "Gentlemen of Fortune"
There are so many golden lights - “It happened in Penkovo”
Fatigue is forgotten - “New Adventures of the Elusive”
I met Marusya on the river sand - “Wedding in Malinovka”
In pink stockings, waist - in a corset!

While we were guessing the songs, I remembered another “catch phrase”:
“I will command the parade!” Where is she from? ("12 chairs")
At our retro evening (by the way, what is it called? There’s a prize for the first person to answer)
At our retro evening “How wonderful this world is,” the moment comes for the lottery drawing “Treasures of Madame Petukhova.” The same treasures sewn into one of the 12 chairs that Ostap Bender unsuccessfully tried to find.
We did not display chairs, I suggest you draw a lucky ticket (take out the box with tickets). Please unwrap your tickets. What do you have written there? (number 12) Someone didn’t have the number 12? Who? How unlucky you are. This is the only ticket without a number! Introduce youreself!………
______(name) How lucky you are, because this is the lucky ticket.
Thank you all, and for you (addresses the winner) a prize and, of course, a musical gift performed by Oks. Lazareva.
You will hear a song from a rap by a singer who did not imitate anyone, did not copy anyone. Which had its own manner, its own style.
Maya Kristalinskaya sang easily and freely. Meet Oks.Lazarev with the song...
"And outside the window"

Songs, they accompany us all our lives. So different and close to our hearts, which have become an integral part of us. Let's continue to remember and sing our favorite songs together. I give you options for song lines, and you continue them.

Auction “Favorite Songs”

People meet
At the edge of the forest
Lilies of the valley, lilies of the valley
Summer wanders through the streets
We'll go, we'll rush

And there are songs that can be recognized literally from 2 letters. Let's try.

Oh... the viburnum is blooming
Oh... frost
And... in our yard
Eh... it’s good to live in a Soviet country
We... honestly want to tell you
There... where the maple makes noise
Everything... kings can

Well, like the Wolf from the famous film “Well, Just Wait”
No be sad

Well done, you sing simply wonderful. If someone wants to perform a retro song solo, do not hesitate, approach the operator, choose and delight us with your singing.
And we bring to your attention songs from popular films of those years
“Girls” and “Spring on Zarechnaya Street”
"Good Girls"
"Old Maple"

Concert script “Everything for you”

(fanfare sounds, presenters come out)

Ved 1: Everyone! Everyone! Good afternoon Radiant smiles and Have a good mood!

Ved 2: Hello, dear friends!We welcome everyone gathered in this hall!Ved 1: One of the greats said: If there is nothing on the calendar, but your soul is restless, then you need to come up with a small holiday and celebrate it, otherwise it will be completely sad.

Ved 2: and todayWe invited you to such a holiday! A holiday of children's creativity, and we called it very simply - “Everything for you”!

Ved 1 : And in fact, who among us has not dreamed of being on stage, of feeling at least for a moment like a singer and musician, dancer and actor.

Ved 2: But talent is not enough for this. You need courage and despair, boundless faith in yourself and your capabilities.

Ved 1: Yes, not each of us will become worldwide famous star, but we are quite capable of surprising and delighting each other.

Ved 2: No wonder one of our contemporary said:

You are all talented from the cradle

One is a dancer, the other is a singer.

And even the most Small child

Artist, star and just great!


Ved 1: Fanfare sounds! Fanfare sounds!

Violins play and drums beat!

We will remember this event forever,

Like a bright, colorful, big firework!

At our concert it is obligatory

The performances are demonstrative.

This is a bright, interesting range

Talented show program!!!
Ved 2: Good luck to you, young talents! Our festive concert opens

Folk group "Sibirinka" with a cheerful song "Children of Candy"

    Song "Children of Candy"

Ved 1: I think that “Sibirinka” gave a good start and a bright start to our concert. Let's applaud them again. But the next participant, perhaps, can rightfully call himself a daredevil. After all, he faces the difficult task of presenting his acting talent one-on-one with the audience. Meet Ilya Devishchenko with Sergei Mikhalkov’s poem “Bulka”

    Poem "Bulka"

Ved 2: Thank you, Ilya! A wonderful poem, although it was written a long time ago, has not lost its significance today. All this applause is for you.

Ved 1:

The world of children's talents is so amazing,

Either he is mysterious, or he is swift,

From the light of smiles it begins to move.

Full of fantasy and imagination.

Ved 2: yes, imagination, fantasies, dreams... Who among us doesn’t like to daydream from time to time? And in our concert we have the song “Dreams”. Ksenia Beryulina will perform it for you.

3. Song “Dreams”

Ved 1: (asks the audience): Do you like to solve riddles? Guess one of them.

Sparrows, swifts, penguins,

Bullfinches, rooks, peacocks,

Parrots and tits:

In one word it is... BIRDS

Ved 2: That's right - birds! And now we will go to the poultry market. This is the name of Eduard Uspensky’s poem, and Alina Bannikova will read it to us. Meet her.

4. Poem "Bird Market"

Ved 1: This bird noise reminds me of something...

Ved 2: Certainly. It reminds you of the coming spring. In ancient times, when man animated not only all living things around, but also the seasons, the custom arose at the end of winter to call and call spring. Children put bird figures on poles, threw them up and sang chants. In them they asked the birds to bring the keys - to close the winter and open the spring.

Ved 1: So Alina Potapova wants real spring, because she chose the song “They Called Spring” to sing.

Ved 2: So let's call her on stage. Greet our participant with applause.

5. Song “Spring was called”

Ved 1: Good song. And Alina sang it well.

Ved 2: And I’m sure that Irina Nikitina will also sing her song “The Songbird” well. Moreover, it is also about spring.

6. Song “Songbird”

Ved 2: It’s so good that April is coming soon, then May, and then summer is not far away.

Ved 1: And May is so great! I want to sing, dance, believe in bright dreams...

Ved 2: Wait a minute, somewhere I’ve already heard these words...

Ved 1: Certainly. After all, these are the words from the song that the second grade vocal group will now sing for us. And it's called " Good fairy tales».

Ved 2: So let's call the guys on stage. Greet them with applause.

7. Song “Good Tales”

Ved 2: Well done boys,and we continue our concert.

We all depend on each other

Is life bad or good?

Is it raining outside the window, is there a blizzard swirling around?

With goodness the soul is always bright.

Ved 1: That's for sure. But in life, not everything is always good. As, for example, in Tamara Shesheva’s poem “Bonfire” performed by Ulyana Domnina.

8. Poem "Bonfire"

Ved 2: Let's applaud Ulyana, who wonderfully read the poem.

Ved 1: Yes, we need to protect and love the world in which we live, nature and its inhabitants. We need to be responsible for those we have tamed.

Ved 2: And in continuation of this topic, we invite you to listen to the poemEduard Asadov "About the red mongrel". And Yana Nikitina will read it

9. Poem “About the Red Mongrel”

Ved 1: Nice poem. But for some reason I felt a little sad.

Ved 2: There is no need to be sad, because we need to continue leading our concert. Friends, do you know that this often happens in life: a sad mood, everything is falling out of hand, nothing is going well, and suddenly a person appears next to you, like a ray of sunshine. Next to him, sadness dissipates, work progresses, and everything in life gets better.

Ved 1: And clowns appear at our concert. Let's encourage them with our applause.

10. Scene "Clowns"

Ved 2: Thanks to the guys from the theater club. They played a wonderful prank on all of us. I even believed in magic myself.

Ved 1: Well, it’s not in vain that they do it – they should surprise and delight everyone. I know what else can please us is dance. For you a dancing group The House of Culture will perform an incendiary gypsy dance.

11. Dance "Gypsy"

Ved 1: Wherever a person is, no matter what mood he is in, he sings songs, or simply hums some simple tune. Have you noticed?

Ved 2: Certainly. Songs help a person in difficult times, in joyful times, and in Peaceful time, and during the war years. They are sung when they are resting and when they are working. And now in our concert, the folk group “Sibirinka” will perform Russian folk song“I will sow quinoa on the shore.”

12. Song “I will sow quinoa on the shore”

Ved 1: Have you noticed - we somehow switched to folk theme. Either it’s a gypsy melody, or it’s a Russian folk melody, and then we’ll get to the Japanese one.

Ved 2: No, we probably won’t get there today. But I promise you a meeting with the Japanese. This is the name of the sketch performed by Katya Rodionova. Malyarenko Alena and Beryulina Ksyusha.

Ved 1: Well, that’s interesting. Let's see.

13. Scene “Meeting with the Japanese”

Ved 2: It’s not for nothing that they say: “The more a Russian speaks in terms of concepts, the less he is understandable.”

Ved 1: That's true, but it turned out funny.

Ved 2: And we continue our concert and we have “Modern Disco” next.

14. Dance "Modern disco"

Ved 2: Ugh. How fun it was.We should also learn the moves and dance it at the school disco.

Ved 1: And backstage I was already dancing it with all my heart and was even out of breath. I want to relax a little, listen to calmer music.

Ved 2: It seems to me that I can help with this, because the next number in our program will sound a good melody, and against its background you will hear the poem “Mom”, written by Kristina Shtogrina and Anna Lebedeva.

15. Poem "Mom"

Ved 1: We love mothers with all our hearts. Mom means the whole world to us. And for every person more beautiful than a woman than his mom doesn't. Russian women are beautiful, and this is recognized all over the world.

Ved 2: By the way, Ksyusha Beryulina and Ira Nikitina sing about this in the song “Russian Beauties.” Well, greet our duet with applause.

16. Song “Russian beauties”

Ved 1: Let us once again thank our duet with applause, and our vocal and instrumental ensemble “Sonnet” is ready to take the stage. They will perform the song “Take care of yourselves, boys”

17. Song “Take care of yourself, guys”

Ved 1: We invite you to listen to another number performed by the ensemble. For you Siberians the song “My Motherland is Siberia” sounds

18. Song " My homeland is Siberia »

Ved 1: Our concert today takes place on an unusual day - the day of the presidential elections in Russia. Russia is our Motherland. A dance with the same name is performed for you.

19. Dance "Russia"

Ved 2: And I would like to know from you, dear viewers, do you have a closest friend or girlfriend? I'm sure everyone has one. How joyful it is when you get together. So we are gathered in this hall today, and it’s great!

And we just have a song about this. Alina Potapova and I will perform it for you.

20. Song “How Great”

Ved1: We tried our best - we played and sang,

They managed to show you their talents.

Ved 2:

Rus' is rich in talents,

You convinced yourself

We are glad that the entire concert

You were next to us!

Together: See you again, friends!

Music – 1

9.00. Leading: Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen! It is with pleasure that I open in the cafe...a world-famous entertainment performance - a spectacular and vibrant show - Cabaret!

Paradise - Broadway


  1. How is KaBaRe translated? (entertainment establishment - an acronym formed from the words CAFE, BARS, Restaurants)
  2. What songs are mostly sung in cabaret? (chanson)

By the way, chanson used to have a different meaning, not as it does now – “blotnyak”, but polyphonic French songs.

  1. Who is a cabaret entertainer? (leading)
  2. Cabaret appeared for the first time? (Paris)
  3. When? (late 19th century)
  4. The cabaret acquired its main significance as a place where bold, outspoken dances are performed. Which? (can-can, molene rouge, burlesque) prize for each answer.
  5. who mostly visited the cabaret? Men or women? (M)

Host: and we continue the show in the style of bohemian France -

9.15. Diamond

9.20. Host: yes, I’m gradually immersing myself in a bohemian atmosphere: gorgeous women, flowers, a glass of whiskey and ice, a cigar, cards. And all this is veiled by tobacco smoke.


Moose – 2

2 men are invited. There are glasses of vodka and water on the tray. Men call variants of cards, for example, “black and red”; if they guess 1 card - 1 water, 2 - 2 waters, if they don’t guess - vodka. The one who guesses the most wins. (Cards)

Host: I suggest immersing yourself in explicit dancing.

9.30. dance block

9.50. Host: We continue the evening in cabaret style. This is the place where our great-great-grandfathers enjoyed the slenderness of women's legs, as in Everyday life this was impossible to see. Only in special places - cabarets - and for a fee...

9.51. Paradise - mani-mani

10.00. Presenter: in the cabaret, many things that were forbidden and carnal became accessible, as in our next competition.


Muz – 3

Participants stand in a circle (and if they are unable to do so, they can play at the table) and pass a toy cow to each other, kissing it somewhere. It’s easiest, of course, for the one who starts, because you can’t kiss in the same place. When the kissed toy makes a circle, this is not the end of the competition. The second and most interesting part of it is to kiss your neighbor where you kissed the plush toy. Everyone who doesn't refuse to give their neighbor a kiss is the winner.

Host: for you classical dance cabaret with a French name - Molen Rouge!

10.10. Victoria - molen rouge

10.15. Presenter: few people in the cabaret were sober; old films with drunken debauchery immediately come to mind...

To prevent this from happening, the next competition! Who considers himself to have breastfed enough?

10.16. COMPETITION No. 4 MARTIN– sobriety test

Muses – 4

Participants portray a swallow. At the same time, the presenter must especially emphasize that the “swallow” must turn out flawless, as proof that the participant is as sober as a piece of glass. When the players draw a figure, the best one is chosen, and the toastmaster loudly announces that despite the fact that the figure was very good, the winner is still drunk. In response to the participant’s indignation, they explain to him that a sober person would never do such a thing in front of others.

10.26. Host: I’ll pause again to let you experience the bohemian atmosphere for yourself.

10.26. dance block

10.46. Host: And what about the legendary cabaret dance that has conquered the whole world? That's right kan-kan!! Girls, watch carefully and learn!

10.47.Victoria – can-can

10.52. Host: Yes, the cann-can is the main theme of the cabaret, so the girls must show how they can dance this dance. The movements are very simple, I don’t think you need to show them. The secret is simple: the higher the leg lifts...


Music — 5

prize - French bun

11.00. Host: I wish you to continue in the same spirit Kabaret!

We are waiting for you and your teams at our New Year's Eve parties at very affordable prices!

Q1.Good afternoon!
Q2. Hello, dear comrades!
Q1. This is exactly how, in the spirit of that time, we decided to address our audience today
Q2.: Friends, do you remember your first impression of watching the well-known film “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!”? Or, as Khrushchev firmly promised to build communism in the USSR by 1980, but, as one joke says, the Olympics got in the way?
IN 1. And a touching song about a bear for the closing of this Olympics?
AT 2. Tonight is for those who remember the country where gasoline was cheaper than soda with syrup!!!
Q 1: We invite you to return to the USSR again! Visit a festival of memories and nostalgia...
Q 2: Feel the time of change, the first freedom and the spirit of pioneering! Plunge into the golden time!
Q 1: Today, throughout this evening, we invite you to remember what was popular during the Soviet Union!
Q 2: And, of course, no evening will be truly bright in the evening without a good mood. So, are you ready?
Q 1: Then we start our concert
TOGETHER: “Hipsters NEW”
Q1: Why NEW?
Q 2: because today we will remember not only the golden time of the 60s dudes, but we will also go through the recent past... after all, even the 90s can already be called a retro era... which also had its own style...

Albina Khusnutdinova – Gray eyes.

Q 2: Let's plunge into the not-so-distant 90s...
Q1.Do you remember how everyone lived then?
Q2.What did you wear and how did you get the food?
Q 1: Yes, everything was different before.....
Q 2: New artists began to appear on the stage, some of them had great success - Hands up, Zemfira, the Strelki group, Irina Saltykova, gr. Bravo and many others...
Q 1: I suggest you remember how it was

Nikolai Malinovsky – I’m just what you need.
In 2: Perestroika, new Russians in crimson jackets with gold chains on Mercedes,
Q 1: Chewing gum “Turbo” and “Love is”... let’s remember some things from the 90s:
Adiki – Adidas sneakers,
Soap dishes – Rubber sandals.
Palm - Women's hairstyle. The hair was gathered into a ponytail at the crown of the head, secured with a colored elastic band(s), then fluffed out in the shape of a palm tree.
Laces are parents.
Bicycle shorts are short, tight pants.
Kapor is a women's headdress-hood (the fluffy form of an angora).
Varenki (jeans that were specially boiled in bleach)
Zuko, Yuppii, Invite – dry drinks.
What products were included in the food order? (packages of “Buckwheat”, Tea “With a Baby Elephant”, sausage “Doctorskaya”, jars of “Riga Sprats”, “Bulls in Tomato”)…
Q 1: and as a rule, food was put on the shelves almost always before the holidays...
Q 2: oh, how do you know???? /leave/

T\K\ “Stars” – Kolyada.

In 1: we continue the tour through the years... we move to the 80s... remember how they rolled bell pepper to the banks...
Q 2: And now the bell pepper himself is throwing tantrums, asking for 20 thousand dollars for a concert and driving around in a white limousine.
Q 1: And “Prima”? They used to smoke “Prima”, but now they are expelling it from the Bolshoi Theater...
Q 2: Yes, they used to do a lot of things that you wouldn’t even think of doing now.
Well, for example, remember the soda fountains. There was also a faceted glass - one for everyone. Today it would never even occur to anyone to drink from a common glass!
Q 1: But before, everyone drank from these glasses... It’s a common thing! And no one was afraid of catching some kind of infection...
B 2: B greengrocer we drank juice. The most delicious was tomato, and the spoons for salt were in a glass of water.
AT 2. A pie with jam – isn’t it a miracle? You'll never guess from which side the jam will come out!
IN 1. and remember the boy pissing on the toilet door...
AT 2. TV “Rubin” - you take pliers and tyn-tyn-tyn!..: And such a miracle, a string bag of meat behind the window?
IN 1. Or a small window from the kitchen to the bathroom - what to see there?
B 2: ...Smoke is pouring out, there is a pungent smell throughout the apartment. Are the pioneers learning to make a fire? No. In fact, this is a process of you-zhi-ga-ni-ya. The usual thing!
Q 1: Just millions of Soviet children burned out postcards for their beloved mothers on March 8th. “Mommy, I congratulate you on International Women’s Day! I wish you a peaceful sky above your head, and I wish your son a bicycle...”

Vladik Stasenok - Lucy.

In 2: 80s...I am associated with Alla Pugacheva..
Q 1: And we cannot leave our concert without a song from the legendary Alla Borisovna... Of course it will be Harlequin...
Q 2: But I didn’t guess... throughout her creative life, Alla Pugacheva performed many good and beautiful songs... and here is one of them.

Natalya Samsonova - You.

Q 2: You remember Soviet films well, don’t you? And now we will check this.
Q 1: Say the famous phrase from the movie “Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession,” which Ivan the Terrible said when he saw the newly built Moscow.
Answer: What a beauty! Lepota!
Q 2: List everything positive traits the main character Nina from the film. “Caucasian captive”, which Comrade Saakhov described at the event.
Answer: Komsomol member, student, athlete and simply beautiful.
Q 1: Who did you work for? main character with film “Gentlemen of Fortune” before he became a notorious prisoner nicknamed Associate Professor.
Answer: the head of a kindergarten.
Q 2: Sing your favorite song by Semyon Semyonich from the film. “The Diamond Hand”, which he brilliantly performed at the “Iva” restaurant.
Answer: A song about hares.
Q 1: Where did Evgeniy Lukashin go every year on December 31st with his friends from the film. "Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath!".
Answer: To the bathhouse.
Q 2: “What disgusting, what disgusting this is yours...” - what did Ippolit mean from the film? "Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath!" calling it “disgusting”.
Answer: Jellied fish.
Q 1: “Georgy Ivanovich, aka Goga, aka Gosha, aka Yuri, aka Gora, aka Zhora, lives here?” – from which film? this quote.
Answer: “Moscow doesn’t believe in tears.”
B 2: “- Girl, ah, girl, what’s your name?
- Tanya.
“And I’m Fedya!”
Answer: - What a fool!

Alexander Shcherbakov - Anastasia.

Q1: In the era of stagnation, people lived poorly, but cheerfully. And now they have become too serious, and this despite great amount humorous programs that have filled our television
B2 Although there are still TV shows that we can watch from that time, these are KVN, and the “What Where When” club, Good Night Kids...
Q 1: Speaking of kids... Now our youngest participants will take the stage... and they are making their debut today... So we ask you to support them with thunderous applause.

T\K "Buttons" - Hussars.

Q 1: It's time to remember the old movie. A lot can be said about those kind, naive and noble films.
In 2. Computer graphics and special effects were not so developed then - but this did not prevent the creation of masterpieces in films such as “The Diamond Arm”, “Gentlemen of Fortune” or “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession”.
Q 1: And if you remember such a wonderful film as “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears.” While watching this film, which matured over time and became filled with wondrous aromas, nostalgia and charm, the younger generation really learned how people lived in the USSR.

Q 2: In one year, 1975, the following were filmed in the USSR:
“Afonya”, (dir. Georgy Danelia)
“The Star of Captivating Happiness”, (dir. Vladimir Motyl)
“Hello, I’m your aunt!”, (dir. Viktor Titov)
“The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!”, (dir. Eldar Ryazanov)
“Prisoner of the Caucasus”, (dir. Georgiy Kalatozishvili)
“They Fought for the Motherland” (dir. Sergei Bondarchuk)
“The Adventures of Pinocchio”, (dir. Leonid Nechaev)
“The Camp Goes to Heaven”, (dir. Emil Loteanu)
“There, beyond the horizon”, (dir. Yuri Egorov)
“Finist - Clear Falcon”, (dir. Gennady Vasiliev)
“We didn’t go through this” (dir. Ilya Frez)
Q 1: and that's not yet full list films created during these years... and how much wonderful music there was....
Q 2: Especially for children... Orange song, Song about a grasshopper, Gena's crocodile song, Forest deer and many others.

Lera Mineeva - Forest deer.

Q 1: In the 70s, jazz orchestras were replaced by groups of electric musical instruments. Accompanied by them, the mass song sounded in a new way.
Q 2: Without vocal and instrumental ensembles, the history of popular music cannot be fully represented. The 70s were a turning point in the history of popular music.
Let's remember VIA of those times... After all, it was Vocal-instrumental ensembles that became popular in those years...
Funny boys
Singing guitars
Good fellows
Leisya, song... The list can be endless...
Q 1: But on the eve of the great holiday, we will remember one wonderful song of that time...

Alsou Khazieva – A soldier is walking through the city

Q 2: The rhythms of the new songs are beautiful,
Love them and sing them,
But the years test the word,
And in your hobbies.
Q 1: Don’t forget the old songs,
They will tell you a lot
They were sung with an accordion and a guitar,
And just like that, and just like that.
Q 2: They were blown around the world by the wind,
But in our years, in our days,
For bright joy and sadness,
They will come to you as friends.

Guzel Sultanova - Tenderness.

Q 1: Eh, what kind of dancing were there in those years...
Q 2: They are still classics of choreographic art - Twist, rock and roll, and from Russian - this is of course a round dance and a lady... classics...

T/C “Buttons” – Lady.

Q 1: In the 50s and 60s, a large number of musical comedy films were created.
The songs that sound in them become, one might say, “folk”.
Q 2: Let's go over the songs. I name the phrases of the songs - you are the film in which it sounds
And a smile without a doubt will suddenly touch your eyes - “Carnival Night”
In the dark blue forest, where the aspen trees tremble - “The Diamond Hand”
Happiness suddenly knocked on the door in silence - “Iv.Vas”
I don’t know when spring will come - “Spring on Zarechnaya Street”
Somewhere in this world - “Prisoner of the Caucasus”
Your Honor, Lady Separation – “White Sun of the Desert”
What were you like - “Kuban Cossacks”
If you don't have an aunt - "The Irony of Fate"
Rise and Shine - "Gentlemen of Fortune"
There are so many golden lights - “It happened in Penkovo”
Fatigue is forgotten - “New Adventures of the Elusive”
Hey sailor! - "Amphibian Man"

Dinara Marsutdinova - Hey, sailor!

In 1: Songs different years... Those that we always love to listen to and sing. They have been part of our lives since childhood.
At 2: 60 years... On the concert stage, on the radio and from the first long-playing records, kind lyrical melodies are heard - about peaceful and happy life, friendship and love... The country was reborn and sang songs from the Youth and Student Festivals, songs that came from the silver screen, and after that from more screens black and white televisions – first heard in the legendary “Blue Lights” and during broadcasts of large holiday concerts.

ANS. Elegy – Willows.

Q 1: Songs, they accompany us all our lives. So different and close to our hearts, which have become an integral part of us.
Q 2: Let's continue to remember and sing our favorite songs together. I give you options for song lines, and you continue them.
People meet...
At the edge of the forest...
Lilies of the valley, lilies of the valley...
Summer wanders through the alleys...
We will go, we will rush….
Q 1: And there are songs that can be recognized literally from 2 letters. Let's try.
Oh... the viburnum is blooming
Oh... frost
And... in our yard
Eh... it’s good to live in a Soviet country
We... honestly want to tell you
There... where the maple makes noise
Everything... kings can
No be sad
Q 1: Well done, you sing simply wonderful. And we continue to sing old songs from good and kind films.

Alexandra Ovchinnikova - The girls are standing.

Q 1: No matter how strange it may seem, but in last years The boogie-woogie dance has become very widespread and fashionable...
Q 2: But this dance came to us from the West, and it was in the 60s that it gained great popularity among young people...
Q 1: It became fashionable to dress brightly, to behave differently from everyone else... and for such behavior they could be expelled from the party, and this did not frighten anyone... Because it was the time of the Hipsters.

T\K "Yoldyz" - Boogie-woogie.

Q 1: Soviet songs are loved by people of all ages and professions.
Q 2: Songs are loved for the beauty of the melody, breadth and depth of feelings. The best of them, prompted by life, become our true friends. They are with us both in joy and in moments of sadness.
In 1: The most meaningful, deep ones become the musical call signs of Time. In the language of poetry and music they write a song chronicle of our deeds. Singers give life to the song.
Q 2: The search continues, just as the influx of new young forces on the stage continues - the key to its development, its future. The audience applauds the new pop talents, pinning their hopes on them.
Q 1: Who can say whether they will come true?
Q 2: Considering the characteristics of previous years, it is impossible, of course, to establish direct connections between the old and new stage, but we must not forget that there were wonderful masters on the stage. Their names should be next to the names of those who take the stage today, bringing joy to the audience.
Q 1: And today they performed for:
Dance group “Yoldyz”, Guzel Sultanova, Albina Khusnutdinova, Dinara Marsutdinova, Dance group “Zvezdochki”, Alsou Khazieva, Alexandra Ovchinnikova
Vladik Stasenok, Valeria Mineeva, Alexander Shcherbakov, Dance group “Knopochki”
Ensemble__Elegy, Nikolai Malinovsky
The hosts of the concert are Viktor Praporov and Natalya Samsonova.
Q 1: Allow me to give the floor to the Director of our Center for National Cultures, Dania Galimzyanovna Musina. /presentation/

Q 2: Our dear friends! Our retro concert has come to an end... We would like to thank our friends - patrons of the arts, this:........
And of course you, our dear viewers! After all, you are our best and true friends!

Final Song! "Friendship"
Thank you for your attention!
See you again!



There are tables on the stage. Joe Dassin's song “Café destroiscolombes” is playing. The waitress comes out and sets the tables. Leaves. Then he brings in a candle on a tray. Lights it and puts it on the table. Leaves. The presenters come on stage to the music (one of them will speak French, the second will translate the words of the presenter and cafe guests into Russian). They are talking about something. They approach one of the tables. The waitress comes up to them, places their order and leaves.

– On dit, qu’en France tout commence par des chansons. Quand la musique a-t-elle commencé? Personne ne le sait. On chante peut-être depuis toujours. Mais dans chaque pays les chansons sont differentes. On ne chante pas la même chose à Paris, à Londres, à Dakar ou à Rio-de-Janeïro. Et connaître la chanson d'un pays, la comprendre, c'est connaître et mieux comprendre ce pays, l'âme du peuple.

(During the presenter’s speech, a waitress quietly enters with a tray, puts the glasses with “wine” on the table and leaves).

– They say that in France everything starts with a song. But when did they start singing? No one knows. They probably always sang. But every country has its own songs. And different songs are sung in Paris and London, in Dakar and Rio de Janeiro. And to know the songs of a country, to understand them, means to know and better understand this country, the soul of the people.

– La chanson française a commencé il y a très longtemps. A partir de l'année 1000 de notre ère les troubadours et les trouvères parlent de la guerre, de l'amour. Certains mettent des mélodies sur des poésies.

– French song began a very long time ago. Since 1000 BC, troubadours and trouvères have talked about war and love. Some works were set to music. This is how the rock opera “Notre Dame de Paris” appeared in our days.

The melody from “Notre Dame de Paris” sounds. Gringoire takes the stage. The song “Le temps des cathédrales” is performed. On the screen there are pictures with images of the cathedral.

C'est une histoire qui a pour lieu
Paris la belle en l'âge de Dieu

Histoire d'amour et de désir

Nous les artistes anonymes
De la sculpture ou de la rime
Tenterons de vous la transcrire
Pour des siècles à venir

Il est venu le temps des cathédrales
Le monde est entre
Dans un nouveau millinaire

Ecrire son histoire
Dans le verre ou dans la pierre.

Pierre après pierre, jour après jour
De sciècle en sciècle avec amour
Il a vu s'élever les tours
Qu'il avait battu de ses mains
Les poètes et les troubadours
Ont chanté des chansons d'amour
Qui promettaient au genre humaine
De meilleurs lendemains
Il est venu le temps des cathédrales
Le monde est entre
Dans un nouveau millinaire
L'homme a voulu monter vers les étoiles
Ecrire son histoire
Dans le verre ou dans la pièrre.

Gringoire sits down at the next table. The waitress serves him.

– On chante alors dans les rues, dans les fêtes. Le café français c'est un lieu public où les Français aiment se rencontrer pour parler de ce qui les intéresse, de leurs affaires, des nouvelles du jour, pour lire des journaux, jouer aux cartes et écouter de la musique.

– They sing everywhere – on the streets, at holidays. A French cafe is a place where the French like to meet to talk about what interests them: about business, about the news of the day, to read newspapers, play cards and listen to music. Here you can meet famous singers...

Joe Dassin comes on stage to the music and performs the song “Salut”. Pictures – Paris, lovers.

Salut! C'est encore moi.
Salut! Comment tu vas?
Le temps m'a paru très long
Loin de ma maison j'ai pensé à toi.

J'ai un peu trop navigé
Et je me sens fatigue
Fais-moi un bon café
J'ai une histoire à te raconteur

Il était une fois quelqu'un
Quelqu'un que tu connais bien
Il est parti très loin. Il s'est perdu, il est revenu.

Tu sais, j'ai beaucoup change
Je m'étais fait des ideas
Sur toi, sur moi, sur nous
Des idées folles, mais j'étais fou

Tu n'as plus rien à me dire
Je ne suis qu'un souvenir
Peut-être pas trop mauvais
Jamais plus je ne te dirai:

Salut! c"est encore moi!
Salut, comment tu vas?
Le temps m"a paru très long
Loin de la maison j"ai pensé à toi.

– C'est notre ami Joe Dassin. Bonjour! Comment ça va, Joe?
- This is our friend Joe. How are you, Joe?
- Bonjour! Merci, maintenant tout va très bien. Mais autrefois j'étais riche de trois cents francs et je me suis inscrit en faculté de médicine.
- Thank you. Now everything is fine. But I used to be poor and had to enroll in medical school.
– Après trois ans de medicine, je me suis arrêté car je n’ai pas pu disséquer un cadavre. Pour me nourrir durant toutes ces années j'ai fait tous les métiers: plombier, éboueur, cammionneur et même testeur psychologique. Ensuite je me suis decidé de chanter. Comme ça, j'ai trouvé ma vocation.
– After studying at the institute for three years, I left it because I was still unable to dissect corpses. To support myself, I tried many jobs: I was a plumber, a garbage man, a truck driver, and even conducted psychological research. And then I decided to sing. That's how I found my calling.
– Tout le monde adore votre chanson “Champs-Elysées”. Vous pouvez la chanter pour nous?
– Mais avec plaisir!
“Everyone just loves your song.” Champs Elysees" Could you perform it for us?
- With pleasure!

The song “Champs–Elysées” is performed.

Pictures with a view of the Champs Elysees

Je m"baladais sur l"avenue le coeur ouvert à l"inconnu
J"avais envie de dire bonjour à n"importe qui
N"importe qui et ce fût toi, je t"ai dit n"importe quoi
Il suffisait de te parler, pour t"apprivoiser...

– Sur les rythmes diffèrents des chansons parisiennes, l'on retrouve les vieux thèmes de toujours: amour impossible, amour brisé, réflexion sur le temps qui passe et surtout l'adoration de sa capitale, Paris, l'adoration de ses quais, de ses boulevards, de ses marroniers, de ses pigeons, de son histoire, de son ciel.

– In various Parisian songs, eternal themes can be traced: themes of broken love and mutual love, reflections on the time that passes and especially admiration for its capital - Paris, admiration for its boulevards and piers, chestnut trees and doves, its history and its sky.

Enter Edith Piaf. She says.

– Je m'appelle Giavanna Gassion. Mais tout le monde me connaît comme Edith Piaf. Oui, j'ai connu la misère de la rue, mais j'ai chanté de toute mon âme. Je suis née en 1915 sur un trottoir, parce que l'ambulence était en retard. Mes parents etaient separés. C'est ma grand-mère qui m'a élevée. Après une adolescence difficile, je chantais dans les casernes, dans les rues... Un jour de 1935 un passant, frappé par ma voix, m'a proposé de passer en cabaret. C’était Louis Leplée, directeur du cabaret “Gerny’s 54”.

– My name is Giavanna Gassion. But everyone knows me as Edith Piaf. I knew the poverty of the streets, but I sang with all my soul. I was born in 1915 on the sidewalk, because the ambulance did not have time to arrive. My parents were divorced, so my grandmother raised me. I sang in the barracks and just on the streets. But one day, in 1935, a passerby, amazed by my voice, invited me to sing in a cabaret. It was Louis Leple, director of the cabaret "Zernis 54", where I made my debut


– Ses chansons, sa voix forte, émouvante et tragique d’actrice ont enrichi la chanson française de nouvelles intonations compréhensible et proches pour chacun de ceux qui l’écoutaient. Ses thèmes préférés étaient l’amour non partagé et la solitude. Son répertoire exprimait la fatalité du destin et la croyance en l'amour malgré la souffrance qu'il apporte.

– Her songs, her voice - strong, exciting, the voice of a tragic actress enriched the French song with new intonations, close to everyone who listened to her. Her favorite themes were unrequited love and loneliness. Her songs talked about the inevitability of fate and faith in love, despite the suffering it brings.

Song "Non, rien de rien".

Non! Rien de rien...
Non! Je ne regrette rien
Ni le bien qu"on m"a fait
Ni le mal tout ça m"est bien égal!

Non! Rien de rien...
Non! Je ne regrette rien
Car ma vie, car me joies
Aujourd"hui, commence avec toi!

- Notre soirée est finie. Nous dissons: “Au revoir” au café “Trois colombes”!

- This ends our evening. Our cafe is closing. We say goodbye to you and... see you again!

Edith Piaf's song "Sous le ciel de Paris".
The lyrics are on the screen so everyone can sing along.
People are dancing a waltz in the background.

Sous le ciel de Paris
S'envole une chanson
Elle est née d'aujourd'hui
Dans le cœur d'un garçon
Sous le ciel de Paris
Marchent des amoureux
Leur bonheur se construit
Sur un air fait pour eux