Describe yourself negatively. What to write about yourself, how to describe yourself in a resume: example, employee qualities that employers value. Personal and personal qualities for a resume - positive and negative for men, women, etc.

Competently writing a resume will serve a person well when applying for a job.. This document should be written in such a way that it intrigues a potential employer. In addition to education and work experience, personal qualities are very important in a resume. Examples and life experience show that it is this information that is of serious interest to managers and personnel officers.

Before indicating personal qualities in your resume, you must carefully study the samples and examples in order to fill out the required section according to all the rules:

  • The information must be truthful and reliable, since the deception will still be revealed sooner or later, so there is no need to “philosophize with the crafty.”
  • Personal qualities should be stated clearly and briefly, but you should not use only general, hackneyed phrases that will not give a potential employer complete information about your strengths and weaknesses.
  • This section must be written correctly, without colloquial vocabulary or errors.
  • As a rule, you need to indicate the most important personal qualities (5 options), so you should not be too zealous in indicating everything. It is necessary to analyze everything and enter only those character traits that will really be useful for a vacant position or profession. For example, a salesperson will need the ability to resolve conflict situations, but this is not at all necessary for an economist.

Groups and Templates

Personal qualities for a resume can be divided into several groups, which have their own specific templates.

First job

If work activity just starting and the resume is being compiled for the first time, then the section on personal qualities can be filled out as follows:

  • Desire to work fruitfully in a team.
  • Creative approach to business and creativity.
  • Activity.
  • Good memory.
  • Easy to learn.
  • Desire to improve and learn.

For a specific vacancy, you need to determine your priority options for personal qualities - depending on the proposed position and profession.

It is not always necessary to indicate your weak sides. But if, nevertheless, you need to indicate character weaknesses in your resume, examples of them may not be so fatal. Therefore, you should not be afraid to describe them.

Everyone has their own shortcomings, but it is important for the employer to see how adequately you evaluate yourself. Therefore, try to choose traits of your character that in everyday life can be considered a disadvantage, but for performing the proposed work these qualities will be an advantage, for example:

  • Fear of air travel.
  • Hyperactivity.
  • Slowness.
  • Restlessness.
  • Love of formalism.
  • Excessive emotionality, hot temper.
  • Increased anxiety.
  • Reliability.
  • Inability to show flexibility.
  • Excessive directness.

All these weaknesses can be looked at from a different angle, and then they can turn into strengths for the employer. For example, restlessness for an active manager or sales representative is more of a plus than a minus. Or reliability, which will give the manager a reason to think that you can always be trusted to work overtime.

Weaknesses and professional qualities

Each applicant must correctly focus his weaknesses on the profession in which he wants to work. For example, a design engineer or future accountant might write the following:

Although such a list is not at all suitable for a person who must constantly communicate with people in the process of work. For example, a future sales manager might provide the following negative qualities for a resume:

  • Excessive sociability.
  • Workaholism.
  • Straightforwardness.
  • Mistrust.
  • The need for external motivation.
  • Impulsiveness.
  • Restlessness.
  • Self-confidence.
  • Hyperactivity.

An applicant for a leadership position needs to prepare more thoroughly before filling out the column that will indicate his weaknesses. He can write about following features of his character:

Little tricks

To prevent an employer from immediately trashing your resume after reading about your shortcomings, don't be too open. Neutral qualities that cannot in any way affect future work are quite suitable. The following are suitable for almost any vacancy: personal qualities(flaws):

  • Fear of airplanes.
  • Ophidiophobia (fear of snakes).
  • Vespertiliophobia (fear of bats).
  • Arachnophobia (fear of spiders).
  • Love for sweets.
  • Lack of experience.
  • Love for shopping.
  • Excess weight.

This information is quite transparent and will not pose any “danger” to the applicant during the employment process.

You can also write:

  • I am overly interested in analyzing past mistakes.
  • Prone to reflection.
  • Too trusting.
  • I can’t always accurately express my thoughts.

These are negative qualities for a resume, but they very rarely affect the work process.

You can specify the following:

  • When I have to lie, I get noticeably worried.
  • I can't swear.
  • I take everything to heart.
  • I don't like gossip.
  • I’m an overly addicted person, so I forget to take breaks.

Some nuances

There are points that it is better not to include in your resume. For example, you should not write:

  • I love office romances.
  • I get distracted often.
  • Unpunctual.
  • I don't like making independent decisions.
  • I'm afraid of responsibility.
  • I don't like getting up early.
  • Sometimes laziness overcomes.

For example, after reading about laziness, the employer will decide that you are not eager to work.

Strengths in your resume

To get a decent job, you need to provide an excellent reference and profile. Indicating your positive sides, you need to adequately evaluate yourself in professionally and enter into the required columns only the most best qualities, which, without a doubt, will be appreciated by the employer. Sample list The strengths look like this:

You should also indicate your business characteristics, which should be described in one sentence, for example: “Seven years of work as a chief accountant.” It is important to ensure that personal and business qualities did not conflict with each other.

Several examples of job descriptions


Mandatory qualities: responsibility, learning ability, attentiveness.

Will be well appreciated: scrupulousness, non-conflict, stress resistance.

Sales Manager

Required qualities: result orientation, activity, communication skills.

Well appreciated: competent speech, out-of-the-box thinking, stress resistance.


Required qualities: diligence, accuracy, resistance to stress, competent speech.

Will be well appreciated: neatness, well-groomed, pleasant appearance.

Universal positive qualities

  • No bad habits.
  • Stress resistance.
  • Initiative.
  • Honesty.
  • Fast learner.

Don't forget to include the personal qualities that your future employer wants to see. To do this, put yourself in his place and think about who you would like to take on your team.

Checking the veracity of what is written

Most job seekers tend to embellish their resumes, so employers invite applicants for interviews and ask additional questions that help reveal a person better.

For example, they will want to know your opinion on a specific conflict, and based on the answers received, they will conclude how truthful the answers in your resume are regarding squabbles and scandals.

There are a number of things to remember simple rules points to be observed during the interview:

Focusing on the following advice from professional personnel officers, you can quite easily please your future bosses:

  1. The resume should be written in a discreet manner, and humor is inappropriate here. However, creative and creative positions may involve this.
  2. Copied, template resumes will not bring success, since personnel officers see such tricks right away.
  3. Five professional characteristics will be quite enough. Among them, stress resistance is always highly valued.
  4. You should indicate only the necessary qualities for the desired position.
  5. You need to answer questions only to the point. You won’t be able to chat up the HR officer, but the impression of the applicant will be ruined.

In order to attract the attention of the employer, it is very important to think through all the points of the resume that relate to the personal qualities of the applicant. Correct filling This document will guarantee your employment.

Attention, TODAY only!

Not everyone requires you to list your weaknesses on your resume. But if there is such a clause on the form, then putting a dash through would be a mistake. Better look at an example of character weaknesses in your resume.

Before filling out the box in which you need to indicate your shortcomings, think about your answer. Don't miss it under any circumstances, because ideal people does not exist. As a rule, managers want to see how adequately you evaluate yourself. If you don't know what to write, look at the suggested options and choose something that suits you best.

Universal formula: select character traits that are an advantage for performing this particular job, and in ordinary life may indeed be considered a human flaw.

The following weaknesses can be written:

  • excessive directness, the habit of telling the truth face to face;
  • difficulty establishing contact with strangers;
  • inability to show flexibility in labor issues;
  • reliability;
  • increased anxiety;
  • excessive emotionality, hot temper;
  • love of formalism;
  • restlessness;
  • slowness;
  • hyperactivity;
  • fear of air travel.

All of the weaknesses listed in your resume can become strengths if you look at them from a different angle. An example is restlessness. For a sales representative or active sales manager, this can even be a plus. The same goes for reliability. This is a signal to the manager that you may be the person who will do all the overtime work.

All applicants should think about how to write my weaknesses for a resume. For example, a future accountant or design engineer might write:

  • distrust;
  • excessive scrupulousness;
  • increased anxiety;
  • excessive demands on oneself;
  • straightforwardness;
  • pedantry;
  • modesty;
  • inability to lie;
  • difficulties in establishing contact with strangers;
  • self-esteem;
  • lack of flexibility in labor matters;
  • integrity;
  • inflated sense of responsibility;
  • lack of diplomacy.
  • hyperactivity;
  • self-confidence;
  • restlessness;
  • impulsiveness;
  • the need for external motivation;
  • distrust, desire to double-check and confirm all information.

Disadvantages for one profession can become advantages for another.

You can also indicate in your resume among your negative qualities:

  • straightforwardness;
  • workaholism;
  • excessive love of communication.

Applicants for the position of manager must prepare before filling out this column. It is better to think in advance about what weaknesses to include in your resume. You can write to them about the following character traits:

  • excessive emotionality;
  • pedantry;
  • love for little things;
  • thoughts about work and planning occupy most of your free time;
  • increased demands on others.

A good example would be the following:

  • inability to respond to rudeness with rudeness;
  • tendency to make decisions based on one’s own opinion;
  • distrust of people and love of confirmation of facts.

Some applicants prefer to indicate that they:

  • overly trusting;
  • can raise their voice to subordinates;
  • straightforward, express their opinions without veiled embellishments;
  • hot-tempered;
  • always looking for confirmation of words;
  • have a hypertrophied sense of responsibility;
  • prone to formalism and pay excessive attention to detail;
  • irritated by clutter;
  • slow;
  • do not like to do something to please others.

Many people are afraid to write about shortcomings, believing that the employer will immediately send their resume to the trash bin. Of course, you shouldn’t be too frank, but you shouldn’t completely skip this section of the questionnaire. In this case, you can write about some neutral qualities that will not affect your work in any way. For a person applying for any vacancy, among the inherent weaknesses one can indicate:

  • fear of airplanes;
  • arachnophobia (fear of spiders), vespertiliophobia (fear of bats), ophidiophobia (fear of snakes);
  • excess weight;
  • lack of experience;
  • age (suitable for people over 40 years old);
  • love of shopping;
  • love for sweets.

This information does not characterize you in any way, it simply speaks about your fears or small weaknesses.

The following disadvantages can be mentioned:

  • I don’t always express my thoughts accurately;
  • I trust people too much;
  • prone to reflection;
  • I often analyze past mistakes, focusing too much attention on them;
  • I spend a lot of time evaluating my actions.

This negative qualities, but they should not affect the workflow.

Regardless of the position for which you are applying, you can write the following weaknesses in your resume:

  • I get so carried away with work that I forget to take breaks;
  • I can’t build relationships with colleagues because I don’t like gossip;
  • I can’t fight back in response to boorish treatment;
  • I constantly pass all situations through myself;
  • I let people get too close;
  • I don’t know how to swear;
  • I get noticeably worried when I have to lie.

Please note that there are items that are best left unindicated. You should not write, for example, that you:

  • love to be lazy;
  • afraid to take responsibility;
  • don't like making decisions;
  • unpunctual;
  • are often distracted;
  • you only think about your salary;
  • love office romances.

For example, if you write about your laziness in your resume, you run the risk that the employer will decide that you don’t want to work.

It is known that there are no phenomena or events that would have only positive or negative consequences, therefore each of the factors of the external or internal environment must have a comprehensive assessment of the mechanisms and results of the impact. In addition, it must be borne in mind that environmental analysis is carried out by certain persons who can evaluate events and phenomena differently and develop various approaches regarding the behavior of an enterprise in certain conditions. There is still a basic rule: you need to analyze the external and internal environments in their interrelation and dependence.

Strategic balance is a certain combination of negatively and positively influencing factors (threats and opportunities) affecting the activity of the enterprise, which objectively exist in the external environment of the enterprise and are subjectively changed by managers, with relatively strong and weak points in the functioning of the enterprise. In addition, the greatest threats arise when the negative development of the situation in the environment is superimposed on the weaknesses of the enterprise; opportunities are situations in external environment, a positive process or phenomenon in which an enterprise has the opportunity to demonstrate its strengths. It is necessary to identify threats in a timely manner in order to prevent a crisis of the enterprise, and knowledge about potential opportunities makes it possible to write in advance for their most effective use.

Drawing up a strategic balance in Western literature is called SWOT analysis.


Potential Internal Benefits

Potential Internal Weaknesses

competitive advantages(uniqueness)

the most important features in competence regarding certain activities

strong position in specific market segments, well known leader

tough competitor in the market (use of aggressive initiative)

offensive strategy or other special strategy, justified "strategic set"

promoting growth in the number of target consumer groups or their loyalty

above average awareness of market conditions

knowledge of the most important strategic groups, possibilities of protection from competitors

concentration on fast-growing market segments

lack of real competitive

constant attacks from key competitors (competitive position worsens)

a loss competitive position, as a result.

lower average growth rate

lack of some key skills to compete effectively

lack of financial resources, insufficient profitability

loss of reputation among consumers

“shepherding” in product development, narrow specialization or unjustified diversification

working in a strategic group losing its foundation, shortcomings in strategic activities

weakness in areas that have high market potential, insufficient attention to research and development

product differentiation, justified diversification

competition to reduce costs

higher average profitability and

sufficient financial resources

above average marketing skills

above average technological and innovative skills

creative, entrepreneurial management

well-researched market, needs

ability to realize the capabilities of competitive personnel skills

image of a reliable partner

lack of action to mitigate competitive pressures

weak distribution system

high-cost production, aging capacity

production sizes are too small to influence the market situation or too large - the “disease of large companies” begins

lack of real specific management skills, lack of talent

a "newbie" in business whose reputation has not yet been proven

poorly chosen and insufficiently justified strategic actions (including market relocation), lack of a clear understanding of the strategic directions of development

lack of a strong position to deal with threats


To develop strategies, it is not enough to state the influence of certain environmental factors. To ensure the survival of the enterprise in the long-term trade union perspective, it is necessary to predict trends in the development of chances and thunderstorms. The fact that analysis and forecasting of trends should be carried out simultaneously is confirmed by the list of stages of conducting a SWOT analysis (Table 2.15).

The need to process large amounts of information predetermines the use of various statistical methods data analysis: single and multifactorial, descriptive and inductive methods, dependency analysis methods and relationship analysis methods. In many enterprises, when applying SWOT analysis, regression, variation, discriminant, factor and cluster analysis are widely used. The use of a particular method depends on the level of scaling of dependent and independent variables, as well as the content of the phenomenon or problem that is the object of analysis. The quality of the analysis performed ensures the reliability of the forecasts constructed on its basis (see Section 2.7).


Analysis of the current situation (diagnosis)

Future analysis (forecast)

1. Analysis of critical internal and external factors

2. Assessment of external factors (expertise)

5. Forecasting development trends for each (selected) external factor

3. Assessment of internal factors (expertise)

4. Who are we and what are our competitive advantages (disadvantages)?

I bet that sometimes a wave of self-flagellation and introspection “rolls over” you, when you begin to zealously rummage around in your soul and sort out your character “on the shelves” in order to find out what strengths you have and which would be nice to work on.

And it turns out: you are lazy, but you are always ready to help. You are very touchy, but you get along with people easily. Or you never finish the job you start, but you are simply bursting with ideas and your friends. What are considered strengths and what are weaknesses? By what general criteria are these strongest and weakest sides of a person determined?

There is only one criterion: public opinion.

Public opinion

This has been “drilled” into our heads since childhood: a person must be kind, sympathetic, intelligent, moral and all that stuff. From the point of view of public morality, only he can bear the proud title of “man” who fully meets all these requirements.

No one disputes that all these character traits are positive. But how, tell me, then can a kind, “understanding” person make a career in business, who understands the position of all his employees and forgives them for absenteeism, drunkenness at work or rudeness with clients? And if you punish such careless workers, you automatically fall into the category of “snobs” and “bastards.” So think about it now, is responsiveness a strong character trait or a weak one?

A ? It seems that in all respects, it fits the definition of “weak character trait,” but in this case the world would not know what a TV remote control or ordinary ear sticks, which were invented when a person got tired of getting up from the couch and switching channels and winding cotton wool on a match.

Everything is very relative. Excessive talkativeness may be a weak character trait when you are a spy and carrying out a task for the Motherland in the territory of a hostile state, but it also becomes a strong character trait for a conversational artist.

Human Strengths

Strong character traits are those that make a person move forward. It could be:

  • Determination;
  • Persistence;
  • Strength of will;
  • Organization;
  • Responsibility;
  • Communication skills, etc.

These qualities may be partially present in the character, or some of them may dominate over the others. But balance is important here: a well-organized person is a strong character trait, but an overly pedantic person will irritate others, and no one will consider such organization a strong trait.

Weaknesses of a person

There are people who, from birth, have the ability to make decisions with lightning speed and not “get hung up” on the past, but they are few. Everyone else has to develop such qualities on their own. “Sculpting yourself” is a titanic work, but if you have already disassembled your character into small nuts and screws, then now you simply need to assemble it again. As a designer, you will need patience, but the resulting figure will be completely different.

Character weaknesses are not those to be ashamed of, but those that need to be developed. And not for society, but for himself personally. Many of these “weak” character traits can easily be corrected on their own within a month. Some require the intervention of a psychoanalyst. And one part is easier to adapt to than to correct.

For example, you are always late. No matter how much you move the clock forward an hour, meetings are still disrupted. Here you need to adapt - make appointments in work time right in the office or during your lunch break in the cafe where you always have lunch. You definitely won't be late there.

Or you are constantly overwhelmed with tasks that become more and more difficult to complete every day. Choose the one that is most important and do it. Then the other most important thing, and until you bring it to its logical conclusion, don’t take on anything else. In a week, you won’t even notice how you’ve gotten rid of the lion’s share of things that were hanging over your neck like a “sword of Damocles.”

Identify your weaknesses. Write them down in a notepad. It could be:

  • Inability to “keep your mouth shut”;
  • Excessive emotionality;
  • Lack of willpower;
  • Sloppiness;
  • Shyness;
  • Aggressiveness;
  • Inability to refuse, etc.

Choose the most “disgusting” character trait for yourself and start correcting it. It’s impossible to fix everything at once, start with one. If you are ready to tell everyone and everything about your problems or gossip about your neighbors, then at the first word spoken in this direction, pinch yourself on the arm. Just strong enough to feel it. In a few days you will be afraid to open your mouth, just so as not to get another bruise.

Or you are embarrassed to be in public. Sign up for courses, start communicating with children in the yard, after which you can start conversations with their parents, then with neighbors, then with strangers.


Since you have already grown up, you have already received a certain upbringing. If you don’t like the way your parents raised you, re-educate yourself. Anyone who sincerely wants to become one can become a successful person.

It’s easier to blame everything on your weaknesses: “I didn’t write the report because I forgot. You know how forgetful I am!” or “Everyone offends me because I am weak and cowardly.” How about doing something to stop being weak and cowardly? Maybe at least take a couple of kickboxing classes, huh?

Without working on your weaknesses and improving your strengths, you will forever remain in the quagmire of life. Maybe, of course, you are one of the people who only need bread, butter, and beer, then you shouldn’t have read this. And if you want to get out of the quagmire, then start working. Right now. Take a pen, a notepad, sit at the table and write:

“I have a lot of strengths. This is…..” and, as a conclusion, “I have a few shortcomings, this is…..”. Have you written? Now correct your laziness physical exercise– go for a walk or start doing some spring cleaning. Good luck, you will succeed!

Image: gcoldironjr2003(

When applying for a job, employers often require a resume. Some of them, in addition to work experience, general information and listing the merits, they are asked to indicate character weaknesses. And here a dilemma arises: how to properly disclose your shortcomings in your resume? If you think that they do not need to be indicated at all and that it is enough to simply put a dash in the corresponding column, then you are deeply mistaken. To avoid getting into trouble if you find yourself in a similar situation, read what HR specialists advise on this matter.

Features of writing a resume

On the one hand, writing a few words about yourself is a simple task and does not require special knowledge and skills. However, as practice shows, those who adhere to this point of view are often refused employment. Therefore, the more reputable the company you want to work for, the more important it is to write your resume correctly.

The volume of the resume is not conducive to presentation large quantity information. It usually fits on 1-2 computer sheets. Therefore, it is especially important to briefly summarize the necessary information that will highlight your individuality and attract the attention of the HR specialist. When writing a text, weigh each word and present your weaknesses correctly.

For example, if you are worried about your belonging to a certain age category, start with enumeration professional qualities or work experience. Move your date of birth information to the end of your resume. Or if your future job involves frequent business trips, and your Small child, be sure to indicate that you will be able to leave him in the care of relatives or a nanny.

To correctly reflect your weaknesses in your resume, adopt a few basic rules.

  • Pay special attention to the style of presentation of information. The text must be written clearly and understandably. If you can convey information during an interview different ways, then what is written will be perceived unambiguously.
  • Never ignore the column in which you need to indicate your weaknesses and character traits. This can lead to you either being classified as insecure and complex people, or being considered a person with overly high self-esteem.
  • Don't be afraid to be honest. A truthful reflection of information, especially regarding your weaknesses, indicates how self-critical you are and adequately assess your own strengths and weaknesses.

Examples of weaknesses

When filling out the column about existing shortcomings, take your time and carefully consider each phrase. If you don't know what to include, look through the options below and choose the ones that describe you. At the same time, try to select character traits that, if desired, can be wrapped in advantages.

Among the weaknesses in your resume, indicate, for example, the habit of saying everything directly and frankly; difficulties in establishing contacts with strangers; hyperactivity and restlessness; excessive emotionality, sensitivity and impressionability; tendency towards fatalism, etc.

Try to select character traits that can be turned into advantages if desired.

However, there is no need to be overly frank. Add to one or two professional traits and several that do not play an important role in work activities. For example, indicate that you are afraid of air travel or are overweight. You can also indicate such shortcomings as excessive gullibility, a tendency to reflect, or frequent self-examination and self-criticism.

Among social weaknesses, you can write that you don’t fit well into the work team, because you don’t like gossip, or you can’t fight back in response to boorish behavior. With a skillful approach, you can really turn every flaw into an advantage. And if among your weak character traits you indicate reliability, then this only plays into the hands of the employer himself, since he will see in you a person who can be entrusted with overtime tasks.

How to properly present character weaknesses

Some weak traits can be directly correlated with the characteristics of the profession. So, for example, for an accountant or storekeeper, such shortcomings as distrust, pedantry, inability to lie, an increased sense of responsibility, lack of diplomacy and flexibility in labor matters can become positive in work activities. But it is better for a manager or realtor to indicate hyperactivity, self-confidence, impulsiveness, inability to take one’s word for it and a desire to double-check the information themselves.

It should be noted that often job seekers people use cunning and present their strengths in their resumes under the guise of weaknesses. Before doing so, it is worth carefully weighing the consequences of such actions. Of course, you can indicate among your weaknesses the desire for perfectionism or excessive hard work, but keep in mind that the employer can easily suspect you of insincerity.

Important nuances

Honesty is good. However, some negative traits Still, it’s not worth pointing out. Under no circumstances write that you like to be lazy, are afraid to take responsibility, or are unable to make decisions, are unpunctual, are often distracted, etc. There is no need to get too carried away when listing your weaknesses. It is enough to name 2-3 negative qualities. Do not use streamlined language and do not indicate features that will run counter to the requirements for the position.

Hello, dear blog readers! It doesn’t matter whether you are on its pages for the first time, or are regular visitors - in any case, you are welcome. Today, our topics related to earnings and employment will be supplemented with another interesting problem - how to indicate a person’s strengths and weaknesses in a resume. An example of how NOT to do this is quite simple.

Some applicants, having read Western literature, which calls for being extremely sincere with the employer, do not hesitate to dump all their ins and outs in front of him, and then naively wonder why they were “pushed forward” with the vacancy. Ideally, of course, you shouldn’t do this, but you shouldn’t describe yourself as an impeccable person and worker either - in any case, the truth will become clear as soon as you begin your immediate responsibilities.

From this article you will learn:

When a person writes a resume, he rarely puts himself in the employer’s shoes and in most cases does not understand that texts containing entirely positive characteristics, became pretty boring, and the understanding came that in 90 percent of cases they are not true. This is easy to understand, because the applicant’s task is to make a good impression on potential superiors, and the strengths listed in the text help to do this in the best possible way.

However, there is little secret: when you write about weaknesses, it seems to involuntarily set the employer up to the fact that you are a sincere person, so they can do business with you.

Read below about how to find the “golden mean” between a resume that only lists the pros and one that will scare off the employer because of the cons.

Tell the truth

When writing a resume, do not try to exaggerate too much and make something up. Just tell the truth. There are numerous examples of how a beautiful legend, invented when applying for a job, crumbled after a couple of clarifying questions or a check by the company's security service, so it is better to be sincere with the employer. Everything you want to write on your resume must be supported, otherwise it will greatly discredit you. Before you do, check again whether you have attributed to yourself, carried away by your fantasies, the third higher education or experience working in a foreign corporation abroad.

Answer the questions asked

Often, many employers provide a ready-made resume form, offering to answer a question about their negative qualities. Leaving this field empty is, at a minimum, impolite, so write something there that can hardly be called a serious flaw. In doing so, it is best to focus on those personality traits and character traits that you can work on and improve.

For example, write that you are shy - for a person who works in the field of communication this is a critical, but surmountable disadvantage.

By the way, if you are thinking, it is better to use standard “template expressions” in it and do not write anything about your disadvantages! In order to describe them briefly, a small column in the resume is enough.

Don't forget to praise yourself

Each of us has achievements, and in a resume it is very important to highlight exactly what interests the employer. If you know how to make cool presentations or are a master of graphic editors, or speak fluent English, be sure to mention this, especially if the vacancy suggests something similar.

Make advantages out of disadvantages

When describing your negative traits, try to present them in such a way that the employer perceives them as positive.

For example:

self-confidence can be presented as leadership qualities;

restless character– as readiness to perform new tasks;

straightforwardness– as the self-confidence necessary to conduct important negotiations.

Do not confuse personal with professional!

When deciding on your employment, do not forget: first of all, employers are interested in your work achievements, and that is what they should focus on. That is, if you still intend to indicate the negative aspects, let them not be personal traits, but something related exclusively to the work process (excessive meticulousness, difficulties with the team due to a dislike for “freeloaders”, inability to deceive, lack of experience work, etc.).

The same goes for your advantages - list only those that are directly related to the job, because it is unlikely that your excellent culinary skills can become a decisive argument in your favor if you apply for the position of purchasing manager.

The main thing is moderation

Try not to write a “sheet” that is not too easy to understand. The best option is to indicate 4-5 of your characteristics, which are the main ones. By the way, if your resume successfully passed the first stage, and you were called for a personal interview, you shouldn’t get too carried away there either and lay out all your ins and outs to the personnel officer - answer strictly the questions posed, it’s unlikely that your interlocutor is interested in anything else.

So, we figured out how best to tell about your positive and negative sides in your resume, now you just have to try it in practice. If the material is of interest to you and is useful, share it on in social networks with your friends - let them also know how to make the employment process easier for themselves! Don't forget to subscribe to blog updates so you don't miss new publications. And now I say goodbye to you for a moment.