The USA is a general characteristic of the state. Brief information about the USA

General information

United States of America, a federal republic in North America, consisting of 50 states: Alaska, Hawaii and 48 states in the territory between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans and between Canada and Mexico. The United States is a giant state, a leading economic and military power, ranking third in the world in terms of area and population.

Geographical position, nature

The main part of the United States is divided into eight provinces based on topography: Appalachia, Coastal Plains, Inland Uplands, Inland Plains, Lake Superior Uplands, Rocky Mountains, Intermountain Plateaus and Pacific Coast Mountains. Alaska and the Hawaiian Islands are also independent provinces. The area of ​​the country is 9.4 million square meters. km.

Capital, largest cities

Washington (2.7 million people). The city was named after the first US President George Washington. He himself chose the location for the future city on the Potomac River between Maryland and Virginia, where the state capital was founded in 1790. Washington does not belong to any state, but is considered a separate entity - the federal (metropolitan) District of Columbia, the boundaries of which coincide with the boundaries of the city.

Weather and Climate

Moderate. Subtropical on the Pacific coast (here the average annual temperature is +20 degrees C); continental-marine - on the Atlantic coast (average annual temperature +12 degrees C); continental - in the center of the country (average annual temperature +8 degrees C), arctic - in Alaska (average annual temperature -5 degrees C).


270 million people. United States - multinational country: Americans - 78%, including Africans - 12%, American Indians - 1%.

English. Spanish is spoken in the south and southeast.

Christianity. Protestants - 55%, Catholics - 35%.

Holidays and weekends

January 1 - New Year's Day, 3rd Monday of January - Martin Luther King Day, 3rd Monday of February - George Washington's Birthday, Last Monday May - Memorial Day, July 4 - Independence Day, July 21 - President Day, 1st Monday of September - Labor Day, 2nd Monday of October - Columbus Day (Columbus Day), 4th Thursday of November - Thanksgiving Day, December 25th - Christmas Day. These holidays are established at the federal level and are celebrated throughout the country. In addition, there are a number of local holidays. If a holiday falls on a weekend, then the following Monday is considered a non-working day. IN holidays All government institutions, including museums, (with rare exceptions) are closed.

Americans' favorite dishes are vegetable and fruit salads (not a single breakfast, lunch, or dinner is complete without them), meat and poultry with vegetable garnish, and fruit desserts. Green salad is very popular, served coarsely chopped, in its natural form, and already flavored with various spices at the table. In America, in general, in many restaurants and cafes, the cost of a vegetable salad is included in the price of the main dish, and it serves as a mandatory addition to breakfast or lunch, just like a glass of ice water. Americans prefer puree soups, broths or fruit soups as first courses. The second choice is mainly beef, lean pork, chicken, and turkey. All meat dishes are prepared mildly, lightly salted; everyone puts spices and sauces to taste already on the table. Favorite national dishes are rare roast beef and steak. For side dishes, only vegetables are used (stewed green beans and beans, green peas, creamed corn, asparagus, cauliflower etc.) and potatoes (boiled, fried, stewed).

All kinds of dessert dishes and confectionery: cakes, pies, cookies, puddings; fruit juices and fresh fruits, citrus fruits; compotes from fresh fruits, from oranges; whipped cream, etc. After dessert, Americans like to drink a cup of coffee, or less often, tea. No matter how popular first courses are in America, they consume so many different drinks. Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, ginger beer, coffee, tea, cold unsweetened tea with lemon and ice are very common, and finally, the custom of drinking ice water before meals has become traditional.


The USA is a car country. There are many highways and high quality roads. Urban transport includes buses (most operate 24 hours a day) and metro (in some large cities). Taxis can be ordered by phone or “caught” on the street. Renting a car is very easy. Rent - subject to availability credit card or with a cash deposit.

The country has 6 time zones. The time is 8 to 13 hours behind Moscow. In the eastern part (Washington, New York, Philadelphia, Boston) time is 8 hours behind Moscow.

U.S. dollar.

Consulates and Embassies

US Embassy and Consulate in the Russian Federation
Moscow, Novinsky Blvd., 19/23 (metro stations "Barrikadnaya", "Krasnopresnenskaya").
Tel. 252-24-51, 252-24-59;
Information: 252-24-59;
Commercial department: 255-46-60, 255-48-48.
Reception days: Mon-Fri 9:00 - 18:00;
The language of communication with embassy staff is English.

The USA and Canada are two countries in North America. Canada ranks second in area after Russia, the United States is fourth after China. Despite their proximity, these countries are very different from each other. Although the United States is considered the leader of the world economy, in aggregate terms the standard of living in America is lower than that of its northern neighbor. The states rank 11th in this ranking, while Canada ranks 6th. The characteristics of the United States will help to understand the reasons for this. After all, the overall rating takes into account not only the level of the economy, but also the percentage of employed residents and other indicators.

Economic and geographical description of the USA

The rating of the largest countries in the world places the States in 4th place (9.5 million sq. km.) The geographical position is very favorable, the state occupies the bulk of the continent. The coasts of the United States are washed by the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. This promotes trade with other countries while protecting against international conflicts. The USA neighbors Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. Alaska and the Hawaiian Islands are isolated from the mainland. Through the state it borders with Russia.

State structure

The United States is a federal republic. The state is headed by a president, elected for a term of 4 years. The highest legislative body is the Congress, consisting of the House of Representatives and the Senate. The country consists of 50 states and the separate Federal District of Columbia, where the capital is Washington.

US Population

About 325 million people live on the territory of the state. The bulk of the population consists of immigrants from other countries. The indigenous inhabitants of the country - Indians and Eskimos (in Alaska) - are only 0.4% of the total population. In the USA you can meet representatives of all races. National composition very diverse, which is explained by the history of the state. After the discovery of the continent, settlers from Europe poured here: the British, Irish, French, Dutch, etc. Then the colonialists brought black slaves from Africa to work on the plantations.

After World War II, there was a massive migration of Mexicans and Puerto Ricans from Latin America to the United States. Modern American nation- This is the result of the ethnic mixing of all settlers. The census divides the US population into the following groups:

  • white - 79%;
  • African Americans - 12%;
  • Asian Mongoloids - 4.4%.

Immigrants from Latin America are not included in a separate line, since they belong to different groups. The number of native Spanish speakers is 16% of the total population.

General characteristics of the USA as the leader of the world economy

The United States leads the world in terms of industrial production. That's why general characteristics The United States as a state cannot do without economic indicators. The country plays a leading role in many sectors. It accounts for 75% of the aviation, rocket and space industries, 65% of electronic computing, and about 30% of grain harvesting. The economic characteristics of the United States make it clear that the state is a leader in labor productivity and high-tech technologies. The country's leadership is providing significant influence on the development of a particular area of ​​the economy, on the location of production, its structure. A variety of methods are used for this - from introducing tax breaks to subsidizing entire industries. However, this coin also has a downside. Economic crises are making themselves felt more and more often. Unjustified loans cause inflation to rise, which undermines the economy. Characteristics of US regions is to consider each of them. The differences between them are significant. The following areas are distinguished:

  • North;
  • Western USA.

The characteristics of the last area are the most interesting, because it is just developing.

Economic regions of the United States

Each of the country's macroregions has its own specifics. The regional characteristics of the United States depend on its geographic location.

1. Industrial north. This area is the main center of industry and Agriculture in the country. 80% of the population lives in cities. The largest city in the United States, New York, is located on the coast. It is not only the largest port, the most important industrial center, but also the center of the financial and business life of the state. Moreover, New York is Cultural Center, in the city the most a large number of libraries, theaters, educational institutions, cinemas and museums. Most of it is on the islands. One of them, Manhattan, is home to business districts located in skyscrapers. The UN headquarters is also located here. Special role Mechanical engineering enterprises, chemical plants, clothing and printing industries play a role in the country's economy. The characterization of the United States as a leader in world trade also involves a description of the most important transport hubs. Philadelphia is another port and industrial center. Here, the petrochemical and metallurgical industries, oil refining and mechanical engineering are even more widely developed than in New York.

The most powerful metallurgical complex in the United States is located in Baltimore. It is also the largest port and center for shipbuilding and oil refining. Another of the most important cities providing transport function is Chicago. Not only does it serve ocean-going ships, but it is also the starting point for 30 mainline railways. In industry, ferrous metallurgy, the production of electrical equipment, as well as food industry. Another American city, Detroit, is famous for its automotive industry. It was here that Henry Ford built his first plant. Now there are many of them. And they forgot to build other factories nearby that produce related equipment. The agro-industrial characteristics of the United States make it possible to give the palm to the North in agriculture. This economic region produces half of the country's agricultural goods. Both plant growing and livestock farming enterprises are concentrated here.

2. South USA. This economic region is called the former slave south. The economic characteristics of the United States as the most important cotton producer relate specifically to this region of the country. For 150 years, slaves grew cotton on plantations. was an agricultural appendage of the country, a supplier of raw materials.

It was considered the poorest region. But in Lately the situation is changing. The area of ​​cotton plantations decreased significantly, agriculture became more developed and diversified. 90% of tobacco products and textiles are produced here. The south produces the most oil, natural gas, coal, and phosphates in the country. Without exaggeration, the South can be called many-sided. This is also the place where the famous broiler chickens are still produced and the center for raising broiler chickens, and traditional cotton production is also located here. This is where the sunny state of Florida is located, and the resorts of Miami are visited by millions of tourists. The main US spaceport - Canaveral - is also in the south. Thanks to the oil rush, the ultra-modern cities of Houston and Dallas grew rapidly. Now it is the main center of the aerospace industry.

West. The characteristics of the United States according to the economic description plan make it possible to classify the west of the country as the youngest and fastest-growing region. In addition, it is also the largest of the districts. Therefore, the contrasts are most noticeable here. Here highest mountains in the country, the deepest canyons, vast areas of desert in Arizona, the richest soils in the valleys. Before World War II, the economy's specialization was in the mining industry and livestock farming. Afterwards, other areas of the economy began to develop quickly. Nowadays, the Western United States occupies a special place in the life of the state. The characteristics of its economic sectors make it clear that the region’s potential is still being revealed. Sunny California, the famous Silicon Valley, Alaska and Hawaii are located here.

Economic and geographical position of Canada

Canada is located in the northern part of North America and occupies a huge territory - almost 10 million square meters. km. This is 1/12 of the entire landmass. It is washed by the waters of three oceans - the Arctic, Pacific and Atlantic. Canada's coastline is recognized as the longest in the world. And the land border with the United States is the world's longest unguarded border. In the north, Canada neighbors Russia. And acts as a boundary material point- North Pole. A huge territory of Canada is located beyond the Arctic Circle, but the main population lives in the southern regions, next to its neighbor - the United States. In addition to the mainland, the country maple leaf has many large and small islands in the oceans - Newfoundland, Victoria, Devon, Baffin Island, etc.

Political structure of Canada

It consists of 10 provinces and 2 federal territories. Canada's form of government is a constitutional monarchy. represented by a bicameral parliament - the Senate and the House of Commons. The government of the country is formed by the Prime Minister, who is elected by a majority in the House of Commons.

Population of Canada

The Aborigines living in this country make up a tiny percentage of the total population, and even they were pushed to the north of the territory. The vast majority of the population are descendants of either immigrants from Europe or colonists. Canada continues its traditions: the country has the most favorable conditions for emigrants. In total, 30 million people live in the state. Canada is a mystery country. Despite the crisis and difficult economic situation in the world, it manages to achieve the highest employment rates and continues to accept people from other countries. The majority of the country's inhabitants are Christians. The population is distributed very unevenly. The north of the country is practically uninhabited, while 90% of the population lives in the south. There are 2 official languages ​​in Canada - English and French.

Climate, flora and fauna of Canada

Due to the large extent of the country, the climate varies from polar in the north to tropical in the south. Temperatures in the Arctic Circle rarely rise above 0 degrees. Canadian winters are long and frosty. This is facilitated by the movement of cold air masses from the North Pole; they reach far into the continent. It juts deep into the mainland and is cold and covered with ice almost throughout the year. In the east this northern country washed by the cold Labrador Current. Canada has more rivers and lakes than anywhere else. They give great amount water energy. There are huge reserves of timber here, more only in Russia and Brazil. The most valuable species are white and red cedar, yellow birch, oak and, of course, cedar. In the south there are vast areas of fertile land. There are a lot of fish in the coastal waters, special meaning have salmon.

Industry Canada

  • Mining. Almost all the world's minerals are mined and exported here - iron ore, zinc, copper, lead, nickel, cobalt, titanium, gold, silver, platinum, oil, gas, etc.
  • Energy. The country ranks 5th in the world in electricity production and 3rd in natural gas production.
  • Metallurgy. Non-ferrous metallurgy is aimed at export. They produce cobalt, zinc, and nickel. The share of ferrous metallurgy is significantly lower.
  • Mechanical engineering. The production of transport, equipment for agriculture, mining and paper industries has been developed.
  • Chemical. They mainly produce potash fertilizers (2nd place in the world). Also produce polymer materials, pharmaceutical products, explosives.
  • Paper. Canada ranks 1st in the world in the production of newspaper paper and 2nd in terms of production volumes.

Agriculture Canada

It is concentrated in the continental part of the state and specializes in the production and export of grain crops - wheat, corn, and potatoes. Fishing is widely developed in the coastal zone. Canada is a major exporter of agricultural products. It fully satisfies its own needs and supplies more than half of its products to other countries.

Transport Canada

Large areas of the country contributed to the development of all types of transport.

  • Railway. Length railways more only in Russia and the USA.
  • Automotive. The country has well-functioning roads for internal communications; Canada's length is second only to the United States.
  • Aviation transport. Huge distances within the country, a sharp change in climate, and terrain features have become the reason for the development of air traffic not only in international format, but also within the country.
  • Water. Internal communication and delivery of goods by water - timber and grain - are very developed.

USA and Canada. Characteristic

It is interesting to compare the two neighboring countries in terms of basic indicators. The USA and its northern neighbor are presented in the table.

Area, million sq. km9,5 10
Form of governmentfederal Republica constitutional monarchy
Population, million people323 31
average life expectancy78,1 80,5
Population density33,1 3,43
Official languageEnglishEnglish French
CurrencyU.S. $Canadian dollar
Land borderCanada, MexicoUSA
Access to the oceansQuiet, AtlanticPacific, Atlantic, Arctic
Access to the seaBering, Beaufort, Gulf of MexicoLabrador, Baffin, Beaufort, Gulf of St. Lawrence, Hudson Bay

We have offered a complete description of the USA. The table above gives an idea of ​​the differences and similarities between the States and Canada. Hundreds of thousands of people come to the United States in pursuit of the “American Dream”; some find happiness in Canada. After all, any characteristics of countries give only a general idea of ​​them.

Hello dear readers! In this article I want to talk about one of the most developed countries in the world - USA. Here I will tell you about the basic facts of this country that will help you get an idea of ​​America.

Here a brief description of USA:

The name of the country comes from the continent of America.

Full title: USA.

Capital: Washington.

Area: 9,629,091 km2.

Population: 278,000 thousand people.

Location: The USA is the fourth largest country in the world. It is located on the territory from the Pacific to the Atlantic. From the Rocky Mountains and Cordilleras in the west to the Appalachian Mountains in the east.

The Hawaiian Islands, Alaska and a number of other islands in the western Pacific Ocean also belong to the United States. Alaska is separated from Asia by the Bering Strait and borders Canada. The USA borders Mexico in the south and Canada in the north.

Administrative division: 50 states are part of the United States: the federal (metropolitan) District of Columbia and 48 contiguous states, as well as Hawaii and Alaska.

US flag and coat of arms:

Form of government: A republic with a federal government structure.

Head of State: President, who is elected for a term of 4 years.

Supreme legislative body: Congress, which consists of two chambers: the House of Representatives (term of office 2 years) and the Senate (term of office 6 years).

Higher executive agency: Government – ​​The Cabinet of Ministers, which is appointed by the President with the consent of the Senate.

Major cities: Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, St. Louis, Chicago, Miami, Dallas, Atlanta, Buffalo, Boston, Cleveland, Phoenix, Detroit, San Diego, Houston, Dallas.

Official language: English.

Religion: Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism.

Ethnic composition: Europeans - 84%, African Americans - 12%, Asians - 3%, Indians - 0.8%.

Currency: US dollar = 100 cents.

Climate: In the United States, mostly subtropical continental and temperate. Alaska has an arctic climate. The average temperature in January is -25˚С, on the Florida Peninsula + 20˚С.

On the west coast, the average July temperature ranges from +14˚С to +22˚С, and on the east – from +16˚С to + 25˚С. At American resorts, summer practically reigns all year round. In winter, temperatures below 0˚C are observed throughout the territory. The only exceptions are Hawaii, California and Florida.

The Mojave Desert receives the least amount of precipitation, less than 100 mm per year, while Hawaii receives the most precipitation, 10,000 mm per year.

Flora: A third of the country's territory is covered with forests. In Central America, mixed forests grow (sycamore, spruce, oak, pine, birch, ash).

Southern Alaska has extensive coniferous forests, while the rest of Alaska is predominantly covered with lichens, mosses, and tundra.

In the north of the east coast there are deciduous, cedar and pine forests.

And to the south, the vegetation acquires a subtropical character: rubber plants and magnolias appear in these places. Mangrove forests grow along the Gulf Coast.

The western United States is a region of semi-deserts and deserts. They are characterized by subshrubs, shrubs and yucca. There are also many succulents and cacti growing in desert areas. A variety of palm and citrus trees are common in California. And the Sierra Nevada is considered the land of giant sequoias.

Fauna: In the United States, wildlife also differs depending on the region. The coast of Alaska is home to seals and walruses.

In the northern regions of America there are deer, bears, ground squirrels, and lynxes.

In the eastern regions there are wolves, grizzly bears, foxes, deer, badgers, and many birds, including flamingos, pelicans, and kingfishers. These areas are also home to many different snakes and alligators.

Rodents, small mammals, and reptiles are found here.

In the mountains there are pronghorns, elk, bighorns, mountain goats, wolves, and bears. The Great Plains are inhabited primarily by ungulates, herds of bison.

Rivers and lakes: Main Americas - St. Lawrence River, Missouri, Mississippi, Colorado, Columbia. America's Largest Five Greats lakes: Ontario, Huron, Superior, Erie and Michigan.

Attractions: Natural attractions - bay coasts, mountain ranges, etc. Places worth visiting in NYC– Statue of Liberty, New York Public Library, St. Patrick’s Cathedral (19th century), Rockefeller Center (15 skyscrapers), Radio Corporation of America building, British Empire Building, Metropolitan Opera building, Immigration Museum, UN Headquarters, building Central Station, New York state theater, Museum contemporary art, Museum of the Sea, Empire State Building (102 floors), Egyptian obelisk "Cleopatra's Needle", Museum of African Art, Museum of the American Indian, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Museum of the City and much more.

In this way, we have briefly described the United States of America. Personally, I would like to see all the attractions listed above, what about you?

The United States of America (USA) is a country of contrasts, speed, stability and measured life. All these opportunities attract representatives of the most different nations and nationalities that created a completely unique nation - the American one.


According to the latest data, the United States ranks 4th in the world in terms of territory (about 9.5 million km²) and 3rd in population (320 million people). The USA is recognized as one of the world's largest centers of economic, financial and political activity.


The USA is located on the continent of North America. It borders on the north with Canada, on the south with Mexico and has a maritime border with Russia. The United States of America is washed by the Pacific Ocean from the west, the Atlantic Ocean from the east, and the Arctic Ocean from the north.


Residents of the USA are called "Americans". The identity of US Americans is determined by citizenship, as they are extremely diverse in racial, ethnic and religious composition. The USA does not have an official state language. Most people in the country speak American in English; the second most popular language is Spanish.

The USA is often mistakenly called “America”, which is not entirely true and sounds unofficial. America is a continent divided into two continents: North America (Canada, USA, Mexico are located here) and South America or Latin America(Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Ecuador and other countries are located here). US citizens do not call their country "America".


The United States of America was formed in 1776 by the unification of thirteen British colonies that declared their independence. This is how 13 US states originally appeared. Now the state is divided administratively into 50 states and the Federal District of Columbia (a special region in which federal government agencies are located). The United States has a special status for territories that are administered by the United States but do not belong to any state: Puerto Rico, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, American Virgin Islands, American Samoa and others.

Most state names come from the names of Indian tribes and the names of the kings of England and France. Each state has its own flag and motto. States are divided into constituencies – administrative units smaller than the state.

Constituency information is important when voting. You can find your congressional district at US Census: County Lookup by zip code or state.


The national flag of the United States of America has changed throughout its history. The flag now features 13 stripes, symbolizing the 13 original American colonies, and 50 stars, one for each state. An interesting fact is that the US national flag also has an informal name: "Stars and Stripes"["Stars and Stripes"].


The US national anthem is dedicated to the national flag and is called "The Star-Spangled Banner" ["The Star-Spangled Banner"]. One of the most beloved songs of Americans is the patriotic American march of composer John Philip Sousa - “The Stars and Stripes Forever” ["The Stars and Stripes Forever"].

The words and music of the US anthem can be found at US Army National Anthem. You can listen to the patriotic march on Wiki: The Stars and Stripes Forever.


There are many interesting facts in US history:

The capital of USA- city Washington, which is located in the District of Columbia on the East Coast of the United States. It should not be confused with the state of Washington, located on South coast USA.

US national motto– “In God We Trust” [“We Trust in God”]- was adopted by the US Congress and is part of the national anthem, and is also used in the minting of coins and banknotes.

National bird- the bald eagle, symbolizing freedom, is depicted on the national coat of arms, presidential seal and coins.

National flowerrose - was named the national emblem in 1986, in honor of the first US President, George Washington, who loved to grow roses in his garden.

Largest US state– Alaska ; smallest state– Rhode Island.


Almost all climatic zones are represented on the territory of the United States of America: from the arctic climate in northern Alaska to the tropical climate in Hawaii and southern Florida.

To find out the weather forecast for the United States by day, week, month, just go to Gismeteo.

Time Zones

The USA is located in 4 time zones:

EET represents GMT time - 5 hours: Washington, New York, Philadelphia;

Central time represents GMT time - 6 hours: Chicago, New Orleans, Houston;

Winter time zone represents GMT - 7 o'clock: Denver, Santa Fe, Phoenix;

Pacific Time represents GMT time - 8 hours: Seattle, San Francisco, Las Vegas.

The United States of America, or USA for short, is the largest country in North America. The state ranks 4th in terms of area in the world and 3rd in terms of population. Subordinate to five dozen states, one federal district and some island territories.

Geographical characteristics

The total territory of the United States is more than 9.5 million km 2. The state neighbors Canada on its northern borders. The southern side has a border with Mexico. The United States also has a maritime border with the Russian Federation in the Bering Strait area. The USA owns some islands in the Caribbean and Pacific Ocean. Also under state control are territories with different state statuses, for example, Puerto Rico.

The total population of the United States is currently approximately 325 million people. The first tribes migrated to Alaska from Siberia about 10 thousand years ago. The current population is the descendants of European and African settlers from the 17th to 20th centuries.


The natural features of the United States of America have a significant impact on the social and economic situation states. The long-term formation of the relief over many millennia has left its mark on modern history USA.


The main part of the country has a flat topography, with the exception of the Appalachian Mountains and the Cordillera mountain system. The Cordillera system includes a huge plateau that occupies the entire western territory from Alaska to California and New Mexico. The length of the mountain range is more than 1.5 thousand km. Some of the Cascade Mountains have volcanoes of varying activity and pose a seismic hazard. The tops of the mountains are covered with glaciers, and many rivers originate on their slopes. The inner Cordillera belt is also characterized by dry lakes with a thick layer of salt. The Cordillera as a whole covers a third of the United States, with the rest of the mountains being the Appalachians and ancient eroded plateaus.

The Appalachians stretch from northeast to southwest and consist of two large plateaus: the Cumberland in the south and the Allegan in the north. The length of the mountain system is 2600 km. In the northwest of the continent, Alaska is formed from branches of the Cordillera. Also worth noting is the Hawaiian archipelago with a large number of underground and surface volcanoes...


Canyons are sheer mountain gaps formed as a result of soil erosion, movement of entire rock layers and tectonic activity. The largest and most famous canyons are located in the USA. In particular, the Grand Canyon, formed several million years ago along the Colorado River in Arizona. The depth of this canyon is almost 2000 meters, the width is 30 km, and the length is almost 450 km. The first erosion processes in this territory began 17 million years ago. They continue to be active and the depth of the Grand Canyon is constantly growing. Also in Arizona is the Oak Creek Canyon, which appeared 10 million years ago. Its depth does not exceed 600 meters, and its length is 20 km. The third most popular is the Arizona Canyon de Chey, located in the protected area of ​​the Navajo Indian tribe reservation. Actually, this canyon is completely managed by the Indians and is visited only with their participation. There are unique canyons in the states of Utah, Nevada, New Mexico...


The foothills of the Cordillera plateau are the Great Plains. Their height varies from 500 to 1500 meters. The plateau is a divided network of valleys, some of which are very dense and not suitable for economic activity. In the northern part there are so-called bad lands without soil cover. The southern plains area includes the Edwards and Llano Estacado plateaus...


The main flow of rivers in the United States occurs in the basins of the Arctic, Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. The regime of the rivers themselves is not stable, especially in the continental part. Most rivers located in the United States are subject to industrial impacts. For example, Susquehanna in New York or Roanoke in Virginia.

The main water flow in the USA is the longest river in America - the Mississippi. The basin of this reservoir is located, in particular, in Canada, and originates in Nicolette Creek. The length of the Mississippi is more than 3.5 thousand km. An important water stream is the Mississippi River, a tributary of the Mississippi River, which originates in the Rocky Mountains. Also running through the states is the Columbia River, which has a mountain current and is fed by glaciers. The Colorado River flows to the southwest...


The largest lake bodies of water in America include the Great Lakes, connected by straits and rivers. Their total area is 245,000 km 2. The average depth of the lakes exceeds that of the North Sea. The system includes 5 large freshwater lakes and many small ones. Of particular note are Lakes Superior, Huron, Michigan, Erie and Ontario. In the Great Lakes region, shipping, tourism activities to visit small islands and Niagara Falls. Also worth noting is the largest lake in the western hemisphere in Utah. This Great Salt Lake has no drainage and changes its area according to rainfall levels. Large lakes located in the states of Alaska, California, Oregon, Nevada...

Oceans and seas surrounding the USA

The country's land area is washed in the west by the Pacific Ocean, in the east by the Atlantic, and in the north by the Arctic Ocean. The Pacific Ocean basin in the United States includes the large Columbia, Willamette, Colorado, Yukon, Kuskokwim, and San Francisco Bay rivers.

The Arctic Ocean basin includes rivers in Minnesota and North Dakota, as well as northern Alaska reservoirs such as Colville and Noatak. As for the Atlantic Ocean, the main part of the river flow belongs to its basin, namely the Gulf of Mexico: Mississippi, Missouri, Arkansas, Ohio, Rio Grande, Trinity.

Regarding marine bodies of water, it should be said that the United States is washed by the Bering, Sargasso and Caribbean seas...


Forest vegetation accounts for approximately 70% of the country's total area. Closer to Alaska, where the tundra ends, there are taiga-type forests, most of which are not only undeveloped, but also unstudied. The Cordillera mountain system has coniferous forests, while the Appalachian Mountains have broadleaf forests.

IN late XIX century, the United States created a system of national forests where resources are used for recreational and industrial purposes. Commercial use of such forests is not only permitted, but encouraged...

Plants and animals of the USA

The presence of several natural zones with different weather conditions determines the existence of a rich world of flora and fauna in the United States. Here you can find ecosystems typical of tundra, taiga, desert, mixed and tropical forests. The most popular trees are pine, cedar, oak, larch, birch, and spruce. Magnolias, rubber plants, cacti and succulents grow in dry areas. Palm and citrus orchards are abundant along the Gulf Coast.

The fauna of the United States practically duplicates the biological diversity of Eurasian species. In the tundra you can find deer, hares, wolves, lemmings, and in the taiga - moose, bears, badgers and raccoons. In mixed forests there are alligators, possums and turtles, and on the plains and steppes - bison, horses, scorpions and snakes...

USA climate

Throughout the United States, there are areas with very different climatic characteristics. The main part of the country lies in the subtropical zone. Closer to the north there is a temperate climate, and further - the polar regions. South coast represented by tropical and Mediterranean climates. In the Great Plains, the climate is closer to a desert. In general, the climate can change throughout one zone due to transformation of the topography, human activity and the location of the ocean. The favorable climate of the main part of the United States contributed to the rapid settlement of the country and its development.

The disadvantage of the climatic features of the United States is the large number of natural disasters. Hurricanes, droughts, tornadoes, floods and tsunamis are not uncommon here...


With a diverse array of natural resources and strong industrial growth, the U.S. economy has a distinct high level GDP and decent social indicators.

US Natural Resources

To the most common mineral resources The United States includes gold, mercury, iron and manganese ore, coal, copper, and silver. There are also deposits of zinc, lead, tungsten, titanium, uranium, etc. The most important source natural resources America has an extensive network of rivers and lakes, as well as the Cordilleras, Great Plains, canyons and lowlands. The abundance of vegetation contributes to the development of the wood processing industry...

US Industry and Agriculture

Industrial production in the United States includes different manufacturing branches according to territorial divisions. It is industry that provides at least 20% of GDP in this country. Light industry is represented in the North Atlantic states, and chemical industry is represented in Texas and Louisiana. The extraction and processing of petroleum products is also developing here. The national industry of the United States can be considered mechanical engineering, which includes automobile manufacturing, shipbuilding, as well as the nuclear, aviation and rocket and space sectors.

A certain share of GDP is also provided by the development of agriculture in the United States. Thus, the country is developing a market for the export of fruits, corn and soybeans. Agricultural processes in the United States are distinguished by their orientation towards commodity capitalist relations, as well as the narrow specialization of each region...


Peoples in the USA

The cultural traditions of the United States have long been influenced by the ethnic and racial traditions of the population. Native Hawaiians, American Indians, African descendants and immigrants from Europe played a huge role here. The fundamental symbols of world American culture can be considered cinema and TV, musical styles such as jazz and blues, as well as numerous religious holidays, literature, cooking and family values...