Physical exercises for osteochondrosis. How to strengthen your back muscles: effective exercises for osteochondrosis

Dystrophic disorders in the joints of the spine (osteochondrosis) are accompanied by pain, muscle spasms, blockage individual parts backs. And if the back muscles themselves are weakened, then they are unable to adequately support the spine, which aggravates the course of the disease.

Does physical exercise help with osteochondrosis?

With osteochondrosis, disorders develop in the following parts of the vertebra:

  • in the neck;
  • in the sternum area;
  • in the lumbar region.

The progressive stage of the disease is characterized by thinning of the discs, which sometimes extend beyond the spine, which contributes to the appearance of hernias. To prevent such a process, it is necessary to strengthen the muscular system of the back, in which physical therapy (physical therapy) successfully helps.
When starting therapeutic exercises, you need to consult a doctor, since the patient first needs to take anti-inflammatory, analgesic therapy and physiotherapy. When the exacerbation stage has passed and the pain can be eliminated, the doctor may prescribe therapeutic exercises.

Over time, when performing the exercises correctly, exercise therapy completely replaces drug therapy. Since the classes are based on natural movements, observing the recommended pace and using feasible loads, neither sprains nor excessive fatigue threaten the patient.

Important! A complex of physical therapy for osteochondrosis should be selected individually for each person, based on an accurate diagnosis.

Acting strengthening on the muscular corset of the back, physical therapy promotes:

  • “unloading” of the vertebra;
  • keeping your back in an acceptable position;
  • developing beautiful posture;
  • reducing compression of nerve endings;
  • mobility of the spinal column;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • better blood and lymph circulation;
  • establishing metabolic processes in affected tissues;
  • strengthening the leg muscles and ligaments;
  • normalization of the nervous system;
  • gentle repositioning of displaced discs.

Contraindications and precautions

There are some restrictions for practicing therapeutic exercises, which are dangerous to ignore.

Exercise therapy should not be used if:

  • exacerbation of diseases;
  • chronic recurrent diseases;
  • infarction state (up to 12 months after the attack);
  • oncological problems;
  • infectious diseases;
  • myocarditis;
  • aneurysm of the heart and pulmonary arteries;
  • sinus tachycardia (over one hundred beats per minute);
  • arterial hypertension;
  • postoperative period;
  • disorders of the vestibular apparatus;
  • diabetes mellitus in severe forms;
  • significant myopia;
  • glaucoma.

Even if there are no significant contraindications for exercise therapeutic exercises, you still need to remember certain precautions:

  1. By doing physical therapy, it is sometimes possible to provoke an exacerbation of the disease in the lumbar region: for example, when lifting the legs while lying on the floor, the discs in this sector are heavily loaded. Therefore, when performing such exercises, you need to bend your legs a little to reduce the load.
  2. If there is pain in the neck and sternum, you should not lift or spread your arms with weights, since there is tension in the trapezius and rhomboid muscles, and this can increase the pain.
  3. Therapeutic exercises should not be done on an empty stomach or in the first minutes after eating.
  4. If you experience dizziness, nausea and vomiting while doing gymnastics, you should stop exercising and consult a doctor.

Important! Painful sensations may occur during exercise, which may be caused by too much range of motion or too much muscle tension. In this case, you need to slow down the pace a little and reduce muscle tension.

Warm up before charging

When developing a complex for the back muscles, the doctor usually includes a warm-up to stretch the muscles, which helps improve the elasticity of the ligaments and increase joint mobility. When performing a warm-up, it is necessary to alternate a relaxed state with a tense one, which will help avoid spasms in the back and neck, and increase the permeability of the capillaries.

Here are some simple warm-up exercises to perform before exercise:


This exercise works your back, lower back and abs, and significantly improves your posture.

The “boat” is performed as follows:


Stretching exercise. Promotes high-quality stretching and flexibility of the vertebra.



Relieves pain in the vertebrae.


There is a good stretching of the back muscles and their development.

A set of exercises for the back with osteochondrosis

We present a selection of exercises for different parts of the spine.

Did you know? The age of a vertebra does not necessarily correspond to the years a person has lived, since it is determined by flexibility. For example, a 75-year-old yogi’s vertebra is in the same young state as a teenager’s.

For the cervical spine

Gymnastics for the neck are designed to treat osteochondrosis and relieve pain. The exercises are performed with a slight bend, avoiding strong tilting of the head forward or backward, as this contributes to the appearance of pain and dizziness.

The exercises are performed as follows:

  1. While sitting on the floor or chair, make slight nods of your head, imitating assent to someone. Keep your back straight. Repeat nodding slowly, with the same amplitude, until you feel warming in the cervical vertebrae.
  2. Sit with your head slightly tilted forward and shake it with a small amplitude, as if you are denying something.
  3. Lie on one side. Slowly raise and lower your head. Perform identical movements on the other side. The number of repetitions on each side is 5 times.
  4. Lying on a pillow, apply light pressure to it. Execution - up to 10 times.
  5. At a slow pace, turn your head first in one direction, then in the other, trying to reach your collarbone with your chin and holding the turn for a few moments. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Video: technique of performing exercises for the cervical spine

For infants

With osteochondrosis of the heart muscle, pain is felt in the vertebra between the shoulder blades, in the heart and muscles. If the described disease is not treated, it can subsequently provoke a heart attack, tachycardia and other cardiovascular problems.

Did you know? Spinal flexibility can be developed at any age. This requires regular and properly selected exercises that can not only strengthen bones, but also contribute to the renewal of the body.

To prevent such pathologies, it is necessary to do the following exercises daily:

  1. Sitting on a chair, with a straight back line and without straining your body, slowly squeeze your shoulder blades together, throwing your shoulders back.
  2. Sitting in a straight position, alternately move your arms to the side, up, to the side, down. 5 reps for each arm.
  3. Make circles with your shoulders: first up, then as far back as possible, down and as far forward as possible.
  4. While sitting on a chair, rise and sit down, while keeping your arms pressed to your sides.
  5. While standing, raise your shoulders up as much as possible, lingering at the top point for up to 10 seconds, then return to the starting position.
  6. Lie on your back, place your arms along your body, straighten your legs. Raise your head as much as possible and smoothly lower to the starting position.
  7. Lie on your stomach, focus on your hands, rise on your hands and tilt your head back. Lower to the starting position.
  8. Standing position, legs straight. Raise your hands up and join your palms. Exhaling and bending, bend back and then slowly return to the starting position.
Each exercise must be repeated up to 10 times.

Video: technique of performing exercises for the thoracic spine

For the lumbar region

Painful sensations accompanied by lumbar osteochondrosis may intensify when coughing, bending the body or walking. When experiencing pain, a person involuntarily limits his movements, which leads to weakening of the muscle corset and deformation of posture.

To alleviate the condition of disorders in the lumbar region, it is necessary to do the following exercises:

  1. Position on all fours (on palms and knees). Exhale, slowly lower your buttocks onto your heels and hold. Then bend your back forward, remaining on your palms. Repeat 12 times.
  2. Starting position - on all fours. Lift your feet off the floor, keep your knees closed. Make turns with your legs in one direction and the other. Breathe arbitrarily.
  3. From a position on all fours, slowly lower your pelvis, first in one direction and then in the other, reaching to the floor. Do it 3 times.
  4. Lying on your back, move your right arm to the side, while inhaling, look at it, and while exhaling, return to the starting position. Do the same to the left. Do 8 times in each direction.
  5. Lying on your back, first with your right leg and then with your left, imitate riding a bicycle. Repeat 8 times for each leg.
  6. In a lying position, clasp your bent lower limb with your hands. As you exhale, slowly pull your leg toward your body. Do a similar repetition for the other limb. For each leg - 8 repetitions.
  7. Lie on your abdomen, arms above your head, not touching the flooring. Bend, raising the shoulder girdle and head. Repeat 4 times.
  8. Lie on your stomach and lift your opposite arms and legs at the same time. Repeat 8 times.
  9. While in the same position (on your stomach), use your hands to imitate the movements of a swimmer using the breaststroke method.

Video: technique of performing exercises for the lumbar spine

Rules for performing gymnastics

A complex of physical therapy in the treatment of osteochondrosis requires the implementation of some basic rules in order to protect the patient from excessive stress:

  1. Daily exercises should be preceded by a control measurement of blood pressure.
  2. To reduce the risk of injury, preliminary “stretching” of the muscles is necessary.
  3. Regularity is required when performing the treatment complex.
  4. All exercises are performed at a smooth pace, since energetic movements in case of the described vertebral pathology, they are contraindicated.
  5. Increase the intensity and number of repetitions carefully and gradually.
  6. If severe pain occurs, exercise therapy should be suspended and the attending physician should be informed.
  7. Exercise therapy for osteochondrosis gives a feeling of lightness. If the patient feels tired during the exercises, we can conclude that the complex was chosen incorrectly or the exercises were performed incorrectly.

Therapeutic gymnastics to strengthen the back muscles for osteochondrosis is a current method of treatment, although it does not replace the use of pharmacological agents and physical therapy. But with the help of exercise therapy, it becomes possible to significantly reduce the doses of painkillers, and, as a result, their side effects are reduced.

The lower back is considered the most mobile part of the spine, so it is subject to more stress than others and is more often affected by osteochondrosis (more details). Exercises are considered one of the effective ways to eliminate osteochondrosis symptoms in the lower back.

This pathology is characterized by very unpleasant and painful manifestations such as stiffness and severe pain in the sacrum and lumbar area.

Often such signs deprive the patient of the ability to move normally, which significantly reduces the quality of life.

Positive effects of exercises for lumbar osteochondrosis

Gymnastic elements prescribed by a physiotherapist for osteochondrosis disease are aimed at alleviating the spinal condition and relieving characteristic symptoms.

Gymnastic therapy can achieve very impressive results. Thanks to this treatment:

  1. Normalization of blood supply is achieved;
  2. The motor ability of the spine increases;
  3. Spasms are eliminated, which promotes muscle relaxation;
  4. The lumbar muscular corset is strengthened;
  5. Pain symptoms are relieved;
  6. All metabolic processes are activated.

Such therapy is prescribed on an individual basis and only after a thorough diagnostic examination.

Gymnastic treatment significantly accelerates the healing and restoration processes and helps alleviate joint and muscle conditions. But such results are achieved only if performed correctly in accordance with medical prescription.


It should be noted that gymnastic therapy has several rather serious contraindications:

  • One of the main requirements to fulfill is remission. In other words, training is contraindicated for patients whose osteochondrosis is at an acute stage of development;
  • It is strictly forbidden to exercise if you have intense pain. In such a situation, it is necessary to first carry out pain relief measures (tablets, injections or electrophoresis, etc.) and only then begin therapeutic and gymnastic training;
  • It is unacceptable to start gymnastic therapy at the final stages of pathological development, when only surgical treatment can correct the situation.

Otherwise, there are no contraindications to doing therapeutic exercises.

Execution Rules

Such rules must be followed in order for the therapeutic effectiveness of therapeutic and gymnastic exercises to be maximum, and the healing processes to be significantly reduced.

  1. Gymnastic treatment of the lumbosacral spine is indicated no earlier than 3 days after the exacerbation subsides;
  2. The principle of regularity should become life credo the patient, since only daily exercise at the same time will help stop further tissue degeneration, relieve the inflammatory process and pain, and shorten the recovery period;
  3. At first, it is enough to devote only a few minutes to therapeutic exercises, gradually increasing their duration. A lasting result, according to observations, appears after approximately 5-6 months of regular gymnastic procedures;
  4. Carrying out all the elements smoothly and carefully will allow you to avoid various kinds of pathological osteochondrosis complications;
  5. It is advisable to repeat each element no more than 3-5 times at first; after getting used to it, gradually increase the number of repetitions to 10, or even more;
  6. Avoid performing overly intense or sharp elements in advance, as they can provoke additional pain and complication of the disease;
  7. You should perform the exercises constantly, selecting no more than 8 elements that have a moderate load; you should not immediately start classes with a large number of different movements. In the future, when the condition of the vertebrae becomes more stable, you can supplement the main general strengthening elements with some special movements.

Workouts to be used

For lumbar osteochondrosis pathology, the main purpose of the physical exercises performed is to stretch, form and strengthen the corset muscles of the press and back.

To avoid overload and injury, start training by warming up the muscles, then begin performing simple exercises from a supine position. This way the muscles are gradually prepared for more intense movements.

Then a set of elements is performed on the stomach, which is replaced by a position on all fours, then sitting. You need to finish your workout with exercises performed while standing. Specialists in therapeutic gymnastics recommend conducting classes with exactly this sequence of execution, then the effectiveness and safety of gymnastics will be as high as possible.

Complexes for the treatment of the lumbar spine

We have already talked above about the sequence of exercises, which involves starting the workout with movements performed in a lying position.

Lying down

After completing such elements, you can begin exercises on all fours.

In the “on all fours” position

The complex in this position involves the implementation of the following elements:

  • Perform movements that simulate attempts to crawl under some obstacle, resting your palms and knees on the floor;
  • Slowly raise your head up, smoothly bending your spine down, then lower your head, arching your back like an arch;
  • Perform leg lifts with your toes extended, hold your leg in weight for a few seconds, then put it back on your knee. Carry out the same manipulations with the second limb.

At the end of this stage of training, you can proceed to performing elements in a sitting position.

In a sitting position

  • Make inclined movements, trying to reach your toes with your palms. Such movements contribute to the formation of the corset muscles of the abs and back;
  • Sitting on the floor, you need to put your palms on your stomach, bend your legs and rest your chin on your chest. You need to slowly lower and raise your body, holding your feet on a chair, sofa or closet.

Standing gymnastics

The final part of the training involves performing therapeutic gymnastic elements in a standing position:

  • Turn your head, trying to look at your heels over your shoulder; such a movement provides a gentle stretch to the muscles of the lumbar area;
  • Perform body turns with your hands on your hips. Movements should be performed to the maximum possible stop with a delay at the end point;
  • Perform backbends while simultaneously reaching your hands towards your heels. This exercise helps improve the clinical picture of osteochondrosis and provides sufficient nutrition to the affected tissues.

When performing the listed exercises in accordance with the specified sequence, the vertebrae are not subjected to excessive stress, but muscle tissue is formed and strengthened.

Strengthening your back muscles at home

The simplest and most useful way to train the spine for osteochondrosis lesions is considered to be regular pull-ups or hangs.

The simplest horizontal bar can be built independently in an interior doorway. Hanging on the bar should last no more than a minute. This time is enough for the spine to gradually begin to stretch.

In addition to the horizontal bar, it is useful to do strengthening movements while lying on the floor:

  • Lying on your stomach, lift your torso with your arms spread to the sides;
  • Lying as in the previous exercise, place your palms behind your head. Perform simultaneous lifts of the legs and body, bending in the lumbar area and trying to lift the femur off the floor.

Good results are obtained by regularly performing the “scissors” exercise: with your arms extended along your body, lie on your stomach, lift and cross your legs.

All exercises are aimed at relieving tension and eliminating pain symptoms, as well as significantly increasing the flexibility of the spine. The main thing is to carry them out correctly and as prescribed by a specialist.

Video of gymnastic exercises for the back with osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine:

Weakened muscles are definitely not able to adequately support the spine, and its instability is one of the factors that lead to deformities. This is why strengthening the back muscles with osteochondrosis is very important.

Features of exercise therapy

Therapeutic gymnastics is prescribed not in acute cases, but when pain has been eliminated. If you do gymnastics correctly, over time it will completely replace drug therapy.

The complexes are based on natural, physiological body movements, so at the recommended pace and volume of loads there will be no sprains or excessive fatigue.

Allows you to correct and strengthen the muscle corset. Consequently:

  • the back is “unloaded”;
  • correct posture is developed;
  • weakens;
  • the spine becomes naturally flexible;
  • metabolism is normalized.

It is necessary to train, as this will force the muscles to hold the spine in the correct position and prevent the problem from returning.

During an exacerbation, physical activity is contraindicated. When some exercises for the back with osteochondrosis cause pain, it is necessary to stop doing them or significantly limit their amplitude or the degree of muscle tension.

Return to these movements periodically to check your progress and, if possible, expand the scope of what you can accomplish. And if the condition worsens, it is better to stay in bed.

You shouldn't overload your back either. If at any moment you feel very tense, then rest or do a relaxation routine. Another important note - you need to move smoothly, not abruptly, without forgetting about correct posture.

And, of course, we must not forget about consultation with a specialist, since exercises for osteochondrosis, no matter how useful they may be, must be selected individually, based on an accurate diagnosis.

Main complex

One way or another, there is a traditional complex suitable for various types of osteochondrosis. It can be performed on all patients: it will reduce spasms and help strengthen muscles, making them more elastic.

  1. Lie on your stomach face down with your arms extended forward. As you inhale, smoothly raise your arms and legs at the same time to a height of about 10 cm and hold for 5-8 seconds.
  2. Stretch your arms out to the sides, palms down. Raise your arms, legs and chest from the floor, hold for 8-10 seconds.
  3. Lie on your stomach, bring your legs together, spread your arms to the sides. Lift your chest off the floor and turn (as far as possible) left and right, while moving one arm forward and the other back. Carefully lower yourself to the floor.
  4. The situation is the same, but with elbows bent. Raise your legs and chest, bringing your shoulder blades together as much as possible.
  5. Place your hands behind your back, raise your legs and top part torso (to the lower back).
  6. Also lying on your stomach, grab your shins and pull your legs forward.

Exercises to strengthen the back muscles can be repeated 5 or 7 times. When the load becomes acceptable for you, you can increase the amplitude and number of repetitions to 12 or 15. But this is only permissible if the tension does not cause pain and does not worsen your overall well-being.

Once you start strengthening your back, you cannot stop exercising, otherwise all the unpleasant and painful sensations that accompany osteochondrosis will return. You can perform the complex prescribed by your doctor regularly three times a week, on the same days.

The main thing is that you feel comfortable and do not overexert yourself. Of course, we should not forget about

​If you want to “protect” yourself and your children in the future from back problems and discomfort, which tend to significantly ruin life with osteochondrosis, scoliosis, hernia and other diseases of the spine, you should regularly perform exercises at home to strengthen it. The health-improving set of activities that your doctor will help you create will not only relieve your current problems, but will also significantly improve your quality of life. Forgetting about pain in your back, neck or lumbar region, you can feel in excellent physical shape.​

General exercise rules

​Twisting. Starting position: lying on the floor with arms extended along the body and legs bent at the knees, pulled slightly towards the buttocks. When taking the required position, it is necessary to ensure that the pelvis and lumbar region are pressed tightly to the floor so that a deflection does not form in the back. Having taken the starting position, you need to raise your head and shoulders until your shoulder blades come off the floor, and, after holding for 5-10 seconds, lower yourself. You will need to repeat the movements 10 times.​

​You should also not use such an exercise to strengthen the back muscles as hanging on the bar, because this causes a very strong tension in the muscles of the torso. It is necessary to exclude diving, throwing discs, rowing, and all that are uncoordinated movements, because they (jumping, etc.) can lead to rupture of an already damaged spinal disc and aggravation of pain.​
​One leg is straight. The other is bent at the knee. Pull your leg bent at the knee towards you, trying to rise. Return to IP. Same with the other leg. 6-8 performances.​
  • ​(Physical exercises for osteochondrosis require compliance with the breathing mode - exhale with effort, inhale with relaxation.)​
  • ​bending the back left and right in a position on all fours;​
  • ​head turns to the sides;​
  • ​If possible, use a simulator that will expand the types of exercises.​
  • ​The intensity of blood circulation and nutrition of spinal tissues increases.​
  • ​As a rule, the main stage of strengthening the back muscles is performed while lying on your back or on your stomach (on a hard surface). Each exercise must be performed 5 times. Over time, the number of approaches and movements can be increased, but do not overdo it.​
  • ​You can’t intentionally exhaust yourself; you shouldn’t feel tired after exercise.​
  • ​The back muscles should not only be elastic and flexible, but also necessarily strong. Only in this case will they be able to support the spinal column and resist the development of spinal diseases. Gymnastics to strengthen the back muscles is not only preventive, but also therapeutic. Often patients neglect this type of treatment, which they do in vain. After all, strong and healthy back muscles can reduce the number of exacerbations of osteochondrosis and other spinal pathologies, relieve a person from back pain, and improve posture.​
  • Oblique crunches are exercises that perfectly strengthen the spinal trunk and oblique muscles of the back. Starting position: lying on the floor as described above. You need to raise your arms and point them straight, first stretch your shoulders towards the thigh of your left leg, then, lowering yourself to the floor, reach for the thigh of your right leg.​
  • ​Author of the article:​

​Hands under your head. Bike. We perform until slight fatigue.

Warm-up exercises

​(Exercises are performed for both legs alternately.)​

​stay on the bar with outstretched arms for 1 minute.​

  • ​head rotation;​
  • ​The result will not be noticeable immediately, but after a certain period of time you can feel changes in the back muscles and an improvement in your general condition.​
  • ​The development of dystrophic changes in the discs between the vertebrae is prevented.​
  • ​Exercising on a table will perfectly strengthen your back muscles​
  • ​These are absolutely simple rules that are easy to remember and follow. But these recommendations will protect you from exacerbation of osteochondrosis and eliminate the possibility of aggravating your condition.​
  • ​If you decide to do exercises to strengthen your back muscles, then you should remember a few general rules for yourself:​
  • ​A simple and effective exercise is “Superman”, which is performed without weights. It is enough to take the starting position lying on the floor face down and take a superhero pose, maintaining tension in the gluteal muscles, neck and lumbar region. When performing body movements, you must try to raise your arms, shoulders, and head as high as possible and hold this position for about 5-10 seconds.​
  • ​Expert of the site Bolit​

​Perform “scissors” at a small height from the floor. We perform until slight fatigue. Do not hold your breath.​

The main stage of gymnastics

​Pull your knee towards your chest, straighten your leg. Repeat 6-8 times.​

​Features of performing exercises for major diseases of the spine​

​lowering your head while trying to press your chin to your chest for a few seconds.​

  1. ​Exercises to strengthen the back muscles are performed in 3 stages, which follow in strict order:​
  2. ​The general well-being and mood significantly improves with systematic implementation.​
  3. ​Complex for strengthening the back muscles:​
  4. ​Warm-up gymnastics will prepare your body for the main stage of exercise therapy. Such movements will increase blood circulation in the muscles, which will make them more elastic and flexible. This will prevent tissue damage when performing the main stage of therapeutic exercises.​

​You can also read:​

​As a preventative complex, you can also perform the exercises that the following video introduces.​

​ Nick Shklyarenko​

Positive effects of gymnastics

  • ​Arms along the body. Legs are bent at the knees. Alternately lower your knees to the right and left and gradually move your legs forward, bending your knees. Return to IP. Breathing is arbitrary. 3-4 times.​
  • Alternately raise straight legs. 8-10 reps.​
  • ​In case of a herniated disc, it is preferable to perform exercises to stretch the spine - hanging on a bar, using special exercise equipment, sleeping on an inclined surface.​
  • ​Gymnastics for the thoracic spine:​
  • ​introductory stage​
  • ​The exercises are simple and can be done at home.​
  • ​Exercise “let’s bend back.” We lie down on our stomach, place a small pillow under it, arms along the body. Slowly and smoothly lift the head and upper chest off the floor. We freeze for a few seconds in this position, then slowly return to the starting position. Then we raise our legs in the same way, about 15 cm from the floor, again to the starting position. The third stage is to raise both the head and legs together. We do everything smoothly and slowly.​

General approaches to strengthening your back muscles

​Set of warm-up exercises:​

  • ​Beneficial exercises for osteochondrosis​
  • ​It is important to perform exercises that target several muscle groups at once and allow you to strengthen different parts of the spine. This will help exercise therapy complex, intended for use in various diseases (osteochondrosis, scoliosis, lumbar or neck hernia).​
  • Quite a useful article. Is it possible to perform such exercises with severe forms of osteochondrosis? Or should you do slightly different exercises?​
  • ​1. The left hand is under the head, the right hand is in front. Move the straightened leg to the side. Also on the other side. Repeat 6-8 times in both directions. Avoid shortness of breath. When it appears, reduce the number of exercises.​
  • ​Legs are bent at the knees. We move the bent leg to the right - to the left. Repeat 8-10 times.​
  • ​For osteochondrosis, it is useful to perform a general set of exercises that strengthen all the back muscles.​
  • ​maximum extension of arms forward;​
  • ​allows you to warm up your muscles, prepare your respiratory and cardiovascular systems for upcoming stress. To do this, do a light warm-up for 10 minutes, which includes general exercises for all muscle groups - movements with legs, arms, head rotation, squats;​
  • ​For greater effectiveness, a set of exercises must be performed adhering to the following basic recommendations:​

​Exercise “bend your back.” We lie on our backs, bend our knees. We reach with the palms of our hands towards our bent knees, while arching our back. Then we bend our back and try to reach our right knee with our left elbow and vice versa, alternately.​

Stages of gymnastics

​to begin, breathe deeply several times while standing on your feet (feet shoulder-width apart);​

  • ​if during exercise you feel pain in your back, then you need to stop training for a few days;​​If you have this unpleasant disease, like an intervertebral hernia, then on initial stage Doctors always prescribe a set of exercises that strengthen the back muscles and normalize blood supply to the tissues. A complex of exercise therapy for intervertebral hernia is an essential part of therapy.​
  • ​Health and preventative complex of activities for children​​2. Straighten the affected leg and put it forward, then lay it on the healthy one, take it back and return it to the IP. We do 8-10r. Breathe arbitrarily.​
  • ​Do the same as in exercise 3, but with straight legs.​​For scoliosis (curvature of the spine to the left or right), the preferred exercises are to strengthen the lateral muscles and stretch, which will help straighten the spine.​

Exercises of the main stage of exercises

​pulling your arms back, clutching your hands together in a “lock” and raising them up as much as possible for a few seconds;​

  • ​main stage​
  • ​exercises can be performed at any time of the day, but no later than 4 hours before bedtime;​
  • ​Exercise “raise your legs.” For this exercise you will need a stable table. This is an ideal exercise for strengthening your back muscles, but it is difficult to do. We lie down on the table with our stomach down, our hips should be on the edge of the table, and we clasp the table top with our hands. We begin to slowly lift our legs off the floor and raise them to the level of the table, pause for a second, and slowly lower our legs.​
  • ​do these movements 5 times - raise your shoulders up and down, then make several circular movements with your shoulders;​
  • ​if you notice some discomfort while performing a gymnastics routine, then the amplitude of movements should be reduced, so you adapt the exercises to your body;​
  • ​For a hernia localized in the neck area, exercise therapy includes exercises that can be performed at home while standing straight with your arms hanging straight down or sitting on a chair with your back straight:​

​Despite the fact that the spine is a strong foundation of the body, it will not be able to serve us forever if it is not provided with timely protection. By regularly performing a set of special physical exercises, you can forget about pain and enjoy life.​

  • ​1. Hands under the chin. Raise alternating right and left legs. Inhale with effort, exhale with relaxation. 4-6 approaches.​
  • ​Circular movements clockwise and counterclockwise, with straightened legs alternately.​
  • ​It is especially worth noting that for children such exercises have special meaning, as they contribute to the formation of posture. The load and range of movements depend on the age of the child, so consultation with a physical therapy methodologist or a pediatrician is advisable.​
  • ​bending your back with your palms parallel to the edge of the table;​

​– basic static and dynamic exercises are performed. The duration of the stage is about 30 minutes;​

  • ​during the exercises there should be no pain (sometimes during the first sessions there may be a slight pain in the muscles, which gradually decreases);​
  • ​Exercise “bicycle”, “scissors”, “leg swings”. Such movements are familiar to everyone; they are very effective for strengthening the back muscles.​
  • ​head movements - right, left, and then down, up;​
  • ​during classes, try not to make sudden and jerky movements; all exercises must be performed carefully, smoothly and slowly;​
  • ​Slowly turn your head alternately left and right 5 times, applying maximum effort.​
  • Few people regularly perform exercises to strengthen their back muscles. Most people suffering from this problem remember them only when a threat to their health arises. Basically, home workouts aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back, neck, spine, and in particular the lumbar region, are performed under the influence of enthusiasm. With a decrease in pain in “problem” areas, they are usually forgotten about.​

​2. Bend your leg at the knee and lift it up. Take turns with both legs. 4-6 r.​

  • ​Arms along the body, palms down. Alternately stretch your straight legs forward as far as possible. 8-10 times. Breathing is voluntary.​
  • ​Recently, yoga has become widespread as an excellent alternative to regular gymnastics. Almost all exercises are static and improve muscle flexibility and elasticity. For good results from yoga classes, a systematic approach with a gradual expansion of the set of exercises under the supervision of an instructor is very important. Before starting classes, it is advisable to consult a doctor if you have problems with the spine.​
  • ​in a supine position, a cushion (10 cm high) is placed under the thoracic spine, hands are placed under the head, then the head is raised and shoulder girdle up.​

​final stage​

​the load and volume of exercises must be increased gradually;​

​Yoga instructor will select the necessary set of exercises for you​

​swing your arms, gradually increasing the range of movements;​

​It is especially important that the gymnastic complex should be regular and performed every day;​

​Lower your head to your chest 10 times, trying to touch it with your chin.​

​Similar exercises designed for people suffering from discomfort in the neck, back and the resulting consequences are considered effective, provided they are performed regularly. They are intended not only to maintain muscle tone, but also as a preventive measure for diseases: scoliosis, osteochondrosis, hernia and the like. There are also special exercise therapy classes for children that help them form a beautiful, correct posture and from the very early age develop spinal plasticity.​

A set of exercises for osteochondrosis

​3.Boat.4-6 lifts.​

Starting position: lying on your back

​Hands under your head, feet shoulder-width apart. We understand the pelvis and bring the feet closer to ourselves - a bridge on the shoulder blades. In this exercise, you inhale while making effort, and exhale while relaxing. 8-10 reps.​

  1. ​Sedentary lifestyle in modern world– the main factor in the development of various diseases. The use of gymnastics will help prevent pathology of the musculoskeletal system and spine in the future.​
  2. ​Strengthening the lower back muscles:​
  3. ​necessary for the gradual restoration of the body and all its systems after physical activity. An important element of it is breathing exercises - deep inhalation with parallel raising of the arms and exhalation when lowering them, duration - 5-10 minutes.​
  4. ​before exercising you need to warm up your muscles;​
  5. ​Also ideal exercises for the prevention and treatment of spinal diseases are the basic yoga poses. You can do yoga on your own at home or with an instructor. The latter option is more suitable for people with spinal diseases. The instructor will select a set of exercises that will not cause harm, but will only strengthen your muscle frame and relieve back pain.​
  6. ​circular movements of the pelvis;​
  7. ​It is strictly forbidden to train during an exacerbation of osteochondrosis or other spinal disease;​
  8. ​Slowly throw your head back 10 times, trying to pull your chin up.​
  9. ​It is worth noting that back problems that arise from scoliosis, intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis and other similar diseases affect the life activity and condition of a person as a whole. And in order to prevent unwanted consequences, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the complex, which includes preventive exercises to strengthen the spine and back muscles. They can be freely performed at home.​
  10. For a set of exercises to give a positive result, you need to do therapeutic exercises daily. A set of exercises to strengthen the back muscles should be performed correctly, without distorting the essence, at a moderate pace with proper breathing. After a certain time, consult a doctor.​
  11. ​Bridge with support on the arms, feet and head. 6-8 executions. Breathing is voluntary.​
  12. With a disease such as osteochondrosis, preventive measures are important. These are measures to strengthen the spine and prevent muscle fatigue. The goal of back exercises is to strengthen the muscles. The main thing is to strengthen the muscles of the lower back and abdominal wall. Back exercises for osteochondrosis are recommended to be performed after the acute pain disappears. The complex is performed several times a day, and then twice a day. The amplitude of movements at the beginning of the complex should be small, then it is gradually increased.​
  13. ​raising straightened legs and pelvis while lying on your stomach;​
  14. ​Exercising involves separate exercises for the muscles of the neck, thoracic spine and lower back. Basic exercises for the neck and collar area:​
  15. ​alternate dynamic exercises (with changes in the length of muscle fibers) with static exercises (tension without changes in the length of muscle fibers);​

Starting position: lying on your left side

The spine experiences significant loads throughout a person’s life, most of them in the lumbar region. Strong back muscles reduce pressure on the osteochondral base of the spine, which helps prevent the development of osteochondrosis, herniated discs, and curvature of the ridge.​

​bend over to your knees (legs straight), stretch your fingers towards your toes, then straighten up and bend back;​

Starting position: lying on your stomach

​physical therapy is an important component treatment, but not the only one - everyone needs to remember this;​

For a hernia, which is located in the lumbar region and is one of the most common, you should perform basic exercises to strengthen the back muscles. They involve lifting the torso from a position lying on the floor on your stomach and resting your full feet against a wall or other surface. In general, exercise therapy for hernia, osteochondrosis, scoliosis and other diseases of the spine should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.​

​If the lumbar region, pelvis and back muscle tissue are sufficiently developed, this reduces the risk of injury. Therefore, it is worth regularly preparing your back muscles for physical activity. For this purpose, stretching exercises have been developed that will relieve tension and warm up the tissues. They are recommended to be performed before the main workout to avoid injury. All instructions are designed to be executed slowly.​

​During the period of remission, you need to perform a set of exercises for the mobility of the spinal column, against its overload or tension. Physical exercises for osteochondrosis should be done carefully, listening to your condition, in easier starting positions. Exercises for osteochondrosis of the spine will allow you to achieve automaticity in maintaining posture while walking and standing.​

Bend your legs at the knees and straighten them. Bend it again and straighten it to the floor. 7-8 repetitions.​

​Before using a set of exercises in your arsenal to strengthen the health of the spine, you should definitely consult a doctor so as not to harm yourself.​ ​in the stomach position, straightening the neck upward with raising the shoulder girdle;​

​raising the head up from a position on the stomach;​

​After each approach, a short rest of 2-3 minutes is necessary;​​Posture is formed, especially in childhood and adolescence.​

  • ​walk in place, raising your knees high and waving your arms;​

    ​you cannot take painkillers before starting exercise - you may not feel pain and will only harm yourself;​

A set of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and spine at home (video lesson)

  • ​A special technique has also been developed for children, allowing them to early childhood develop muscle tissue, flexibility of joints and spine. They are designed for different kids age groups. And, according to experts, it is recommended to carry out special physical therapy exercises with your child, starting from 6 months of age.​

Why do you need to strengthen your back muscles?

​Bending the back in a standing position. This is one of the simplest but most effective procedures, the regular implementation of which will ensure a consistently strong and flexible spinal trunk by strengthening the muscles of the back and neck. It is enough to stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hold your waist with your hands. Then lean as far back as possible while maintaining balance and holding for 5 seconds. After returning to the starting position, do five repetitions.​

​To strengthen your back muscles, you can also do swimming, skiing, running on a treadmill, or do a set of exercises with a rubber band.​

The legs are bent at the knees and closed together. Tilt both knees to the right - back, to the left - back. 4-6 approaches.​

How to prevent back pain?

​But the main criterion that an exercise is suitable for you is the reduction or complete disappearance of pain after performing it. If pain appears when performing an action, then you need to reduce the amplitude, intensity or stop performing it.​

Part 1

​raising straight legs in a supine position;​

​Rotation of the arms, raising them up and down;​

​in the case of acute symptoms of osteochondrosis or other spinal pathology, a medical consultation with recommendations for a special course of exercises - exercise therapy (physical therapy) will not hurt;​

Part 2

​Improves the mobility and plasticity of the spine.​

  1. ​take a deep breath again.​
  2. ​if you suffer from any disease of the spine, then the entire complex of therapeutic exercises should be discussed with your doctor, or even better, if a specialist will draw up a physical therapy program for you;​
  3. ​First, parents need to visit a doctor who will help determine how developed the muscles are using special tests designed for children.​

​Perhaps many will be surprised, but this activity is suitable not only for stretching, but also for strengthening the back, spine, and lumbar region. Starting position – lying on the floor. Legs should be bent at the knees, arms along the body. Then we begin to lift and straighten slowly 1 leg, holding it with our hands. Having held it in this position for 25-30 seconds, we lower it and do the same with the second one. For each limb you need to do 2 times.​

Wellness complex for diseases

​These are the movements that will not bring negative dynamics to the intervertebral discs. And, for such sports as volleyball, basketball, tennis, aerobics, i.e. those that contain sudden movements, jumps, turns in their arsenal must be treated with great caution so as not to worsen osteochondrosis.

​Hands behind your head. Sit down. Return to IP. 4-6 executions.​

​There is enough big set exercises to strengthen muscles, against overstrain. But it is important for the patient to choose for himself the complex that he will perform without increasing pain and significant stress. As you complete the exercises, the muscles will become stronger and the number of repetitions will increase to 20-25 times. The usefulness of exercises is not only in strengthening muscles, but also in giving a slim figure, thereby improving the patient’s mood, which is an undoubted therapeutic effect.​

  • ​Alternating tilts of the torso to the sides, forward and backward are useful for strengthening the muscular corset (muscles directly adjacent to the spine) of the ridge in the lower back;​
  • Lifting small weights upward;
  • ​It is important to be systematic in doing gymnastics, try not to miss it, and conduct classes at the same time;​

​The static load on all parts of the spine is reduced, primarily on the lower back.​

Health and preventive complex of activities for children

​After such a warm-up, you can begin exercises to strengthen the muscular corset of the back.​

​before the main gymnastics complex, always perform warm-up exercises;​

​In addition to exercising your child with a complex of exercise therapy aimed at developing and strengthening the small body, it is important to additionally do massage. In infancy, it allows children to develop strong muscles in the neck and lumbar region. As the baby grows, massage will help prepare the tissues for upcoming physical exercise. In general, a health-improving set of activities, which is designed to develop a strong spine and prevent diseases, should be compiled by a doctor.​

​Strength exercises designed to increase tone and strengthen the back muscles, stabilize the spine, and develop the abdominal muscles.​

Who does not have spinal osteochondrosis? It feels like everyone has it. In general, according to WHO statistics: 80% of people have various disorders of two systems - the musculoskeletal and motor systems. And what’s sad is that the majority of those suffering are of working age: from 29 to 49 years. That is, the majority of the population is diagnosed with certain pathologies of the spine and joints, and this is data only for Russia.

Back pain is felt by many people at different stages of life. When therapy for these pains brought successful outcome, most patients return to the normal course of life and continue their professional activity. In some cases, the disease takes on a chronic form, leading to a decrease in performance, and for some, to its cessation altogether.

The widespread prevalence of back pain is the scourge of our century. And, perhaps, one of the most common pathologies associated with back pain is osteochondrosis.

Osteochondrosis affects the intervertebral cartilage and discs. Their metabolism is disrupted. This causes the development of changes in the skeletal and muscular systems of the spine. But this is not the only reason why osteochondrosis is dangerous.

Dystrophic changes in the spine can lead to pathological changes in the internal organs, since the relationship between the health of the spine and internal organs person. By working with our spine, we heal the entire body. For this reason, it makes sense to take exercise therapy seriously for osteochondrosis, because many doctors claim: physical methods are the most basic therapy for osteochondrosis.

Mechanism of development of osteochondrosis

The spine has 33-35 vertebrae, between them there are elastic discs. They give the spine elasticity and flexibility. Each such disc contains a core framed by an annulus fibrosus and covered above and below with cartilage.

With osteochondrosis, blood circulation in the spine itself and metabolism in it suffer. The elastic discs that are located between the vertebrae begin to dry out, their elasticity and strength are lost, and their height decreases. Gradually, the fibrous ring loses its ability to support the loaded spine, and it protrudes. It happens that the fibrous ring ruptures, and this leads to an intervertebral hernia.

Due to such disorders, the mobility of the entire spinal column may be affected and its curvature may occur.

A favorable environment for spinal health is an active and sporty lifestyle with moderate loads and without overexertion.

In our age of computerization, a person’s lifestyle is mainly sedentary. Prevention and treatment of problems with the spine is physical therapy (physical therapy), which improves the trophism of the discs between the vertebrae, because of this, joint mobility improves; blood saturation of the entire spine also improves, the muscular system of the back is strengthened, and the destruction of the bone components of the spine is slowed down.

Exercise therapy for osteochondrosis is especially useful for people with predisposing factors:

  1. Elderly age.
  2. People who are constantly in an unusual body position.
  3. People with weak muscles and ligaments.
  4. Who has flat feet and club feet.
  5. With existing vertebral injuries.

Osteochondrosis of the spine has different localization and is divided into osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, thoracic and lumbosacral spine.

General principles of exercise therapy for any osteochondrosis

  1. Physical education should take place in a room with good ventilation; an excellent option is outside.
  2. Classes are held only during the period of remission of the disease (when there are no symptoms).
  3. Clothes for exercise therapy classes are expected to be wide, not restrictive, and breathable.
  4. All movements are smooth, the amplitude and number of repetitions gradually increase.
  5. If painful sensations begin, you should stop exercising immediately.
  6. The classes are preceded and completed by measuring blood pressure and pulse. When these indicators differ from normal, the load should be reduced.
  7. It is advisable to listen to your breathing throughout the session, this will increase efficiency. All stretching exercises are performed while exhaling.
  8. It is very important to gradually increase the load and number of repetitions; this will reduce the risk of injury and prevent overwork.
  9. It is important to do the exercises regularly, so you can achieve the fastest results.
  10. Before the beginning independent studies It is necessary to consult a doctor and agree with him on a set of exercises.

It should be remembered that exercise therapy is not carried out when signs of exacerbation begin: pain. After a complex of exercise therapy, they can intensify and cause inconvenience.

Exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the upper (cervical) spine

The cervical segment of the spine is intensely saturated with vessels that feed the brain. Therefore in to a greater extent manifestations of osteochondrosis cause poor blood supply to the head.

There are some neurological syndromes associated with osteochondrosis:

  1. Scapulohumeral periarthritis syndrome.

In this case, the shoulder joint, shoulder and neck suffer the most. Often patients develop neurogenic restriction of movement of the shoulder joint; it protects the axillary nerve from irritation. That is, it manifests itself as pain in the back, arm, and the inability to use the arm on the affected side due to terrible pain.

  1. Radicular syndrome (cervicobrachial radiculitis).

The roots of the spinal column are compressed brain nerves, because the intervertebral foramina are reduced, since the height of the intervertebral discs also decreases.

Symptoms: intense pain, the condition worsens when moving the head. The neck muscles are tense.

  1. Cardiac syndrome.

It is similar to angina pectoris, since there is pain in the area of ​​the heart, but without changes in the heart itself. Other manifestations: tachycardia and extrasystole due to irritation of the spinal nerve roots.

  1. Vertebral artery syndrome.

Characterized by headaches, dizziness with staggering and loss of balance, nausea, vomiting; vision deteriorates, spots appear before the eyes; pain and sensitivity disturbances occur in the pharynx, hard palate, tongue, accompanied by a hoarse voice or it may disappear completely. It also manifests itself as pain or burning on the back of the neck and in the occipital region.

Characterized by sleep and memory disorders, mood swings and anxiety, irritability, resentment, weakness, lethargy and a feeling of heaviness in the head.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis should include both medicinal and physical treatments.

One of the physical methods for the treatment and prevention of osteochondrosis is physiotherapy.

Exercise therapy complex for cervical osteochondrosis

During exposure to cervical region It is important not to overload the neck muscles, so we use a complex of exercise therapy with the participation of other muscle groups.
The complex uses both rest and switching actions. The exercise therapy complex has preparatory, main and final parts.
Preparatory work is a warm-up to get the blood flowing. The main one is exercises directly for the neck, the final one is relaxation and distraction.

Exercises while lying on your back

  1. IP - lie on your back, legs straight, arms along your body. Raise and hold your head in this position for 3-7 seconds. Repeat 1-3 times.
  2. Hands at the shoulders: circular movements with the elbows in one direction and the other 4 times, repeat 2-4 times.
  3. Arms along the body, legs bent at the knee joints. Walking lying down - 30 seconds. Repeat 2-4 times.
  4. Arms extended toward the ceiling, alternately stretch your arms toward the ceiling, lifting your shoulder blade off the floor. Repeat 6-8 times.
  5. Arms along the body, move your arms up to the sides - inhale, pull your knee to your chest - exhale, without lifting your head from the floor. Repeat 4-6 times.
  6. Hands along the body - press the back of the head onto the floor, hold for 4 counts. Repeat the exercise 4-6 times.
  7. Raise your head from the floor, turning it slightly to the right (at the level of the middle of the collarbone) and hold in this position for 4 counts, lower it, relax. Repeat the exercise 4-6 times, then do the same in the other direction.
  8. Hands on the belt. Bend your legs at the knee joints - inhale, straighten them with relaxation - exhale. Repeat 4-6 times.
  9. Hands along the body. Bring your shoulder blades together, pressing them to the floor, and hold this position for 4 counts. Relax. Repeat the exercise 4-6 times.

Physical therapy, lying on the right side

  1. The right arm is extended, the right ear rests on it, raise the right arm along with the head, hold the position for 4 counts, lower and relax. Repeat 2-4 times.
  2. The left hand rests on the floor in front of the chest, the left leg makes swinging movements back and forth. Repeat 6-8 times.
  3. Left arm along the body, raise left hand up - inhale, down - exhale. Repeat 2-4 times.
  4. Left hand on hip. Pull both knees to your chest as you exhale, straighten your legs as you inhale. Repeat the exercise 2-4 times.

Perform the same exercises while lying on your left side.

Exercise therapy for cervical osteochondrosis, lying on the stomach

  1. Head resting on the forehead, hands on the back of the head, elbows parallel to the floor. Raise your head with your hands from the floor, hold this position for 4 counts, lower it and relax. Repeat 2-4 times.
  2. Head resting on the chin, palms under the chin. Stretch your arms forward one time, spread your arms to the sides for two, stretch your arms forward three times, start position four. Repeat 2-4 times.
  3. Arms extended forward. Swimming crawl style, repeat 4-8 times.
  4. Palms under the chin, resting your forehead on your palms. Alternately reaching the buttocks with the heel. Repeat 4-8 times.

Exercise therapy for cervical osteochondrosis in the “sitting” position

All exercises are performed slowly until pain is felt.

  1. With the right palm we press on the right knee, holding 4 counts. Same with the other hand. Then do the same with both hands. Repeat with each hand 4-6 times.
  2. We pull the right shoulder to the right ear, then the left shoulder to the left ear. Repeat the exercise 4-6 times.
  3. We pull both shoulders towards the ears, repeat 4-6 times.
  4. Circular movements first with the right shoulder, then with the left, then with both. Repeat 8 times in each direction.
  5. Extend your right leg, resting on your heel. Press your heel into the floor and hold for 4 counts. Then with the other leg, repeat with each leg 2-4 times.
  6. "Bicycle" while sitting.
  7. Hands to the sides - inhale, hug your shoulders - exhale. Repeat 3-4 times.
  8. We sit on the right side of the chair:
    1. - Hand up and down
    2. - “cutting wood” - hand back and forth,
    3. - hand up - we describe circles clockwise and counterclockwise,
    4. - raise your hand up and down and shake.
  9. We sit down on left side chair - repeat the same exercises.
  10. We sit up straight - arms up - inhale, clasp your knees - exhale.

Lifestyle with cervical osteochondrosis

In order to live fully and without pain, and periods of remission were long, and exacerbations were less frequent, it is necessary to observe general principles exercise therapy classes, which were described above.

It is important to remember that it is better not to make circular rotational movements with your head, as this can lead to neck injury.

Prevention of the development of cervical osteochondrosis

  • Regular visits to an orthopedist from an early age school age. If necessary, correct spinal curvatures and postural abnormalities.
  • Play sports, primarily swimming, to form a muscle corset.
  • Eat foods that bring calcium and magnesium into the body (fish and seafood, spinach, beans, nuts, seeds, peas, wholemeal bread, dairy products, cheeses).
  • Avoid accumulating excess weight.
  • You cannot hang bags on your shoulder; it is advisable to wear backpacks.

Exercise therapy for thoracic osteochondrosis

Thoracic osteochondrosis is less common than other types of disease - cervical and lumbar osteochondrosis due to the least mobility and the greatest protection due to muscles and ribs.

Signs of thoracic osteochondrosis:

  1. chest pain, worsening at night, with prolonged stay in one position of the body, with hypothermia, with bending to the side and turning, with heavy physical activity;
  2. interscapular pain when raising the right or left arms;
  3. pain intensifies with deep breathing;
  4. pain between the ribs while walking;
  5. a feeling of constriction in the chest and back.

Pain during exacerbation of the disease can last several weeks.

There are additional symptoms of thoracic osteochondrosis:

- certain areas of the skin become numb;

- coldness in the legs, sometimes burning and itching;

- skin peels, nails break;

- pain in the pharynx and esophagus;

- the digestive organs do not work well.

Thoracic osteochondrosis has two symptoms - dorsago and dorsalgia.

Dorsago is sharp sharp pain in the chest. Occurs after monotonous work in the same position. When an attack occurs, it becomes difficult to breathe, and if the upper body rotates, the pain intensifies.

Dorsalgia is not severe pain in the area of ​​the affected intervertebral discs; it begins gradually and lasts up to 2-3 weeks. Pain sensations intensify when deep breathing, at night and may lack air. Goes away after a short walk.

Causes of thoracic osteochondrosis:

- computer work;

- frequent driving;

- received spinal injuries;

- weak back muscles;

- scoliosis and other postural disorders.

Why is thoracic osteochondrosis dangerous?

If treatment is not timely and incorrect, then osteochondrosis of the thoracic region can cause the following diseases:

- protrusion and hernia of the thoracic spine;

- compression of the spinal cord;

- problems with the heart, intestines, liver, kidneys and pancreas;

- disturbances in the duodenum, intestinal motility, gallbladder dyskinesia;

- intercostal neuralgia - compression or irritation of the intercostal nerves.

What can be confused with osteochondrosis of the chest?

Due to the variety of symptoms, it can easily be confused with the following diseases:

- angina pectoris, heart attack. Difference: after taking heart medications, chest pain does not go away, the patient’s cardiogram is normal;

- appendicitis, cholecystitis, renal colic;

- gastritis, ulcers, colitis;

— pathology of the mammary glands;

- pneumonia. Pneumonia is distinguished from osteochondrosis by cough, shortness of breath and fever.

Prevention of thoracic osteochondrosis

- lie down for 40-50 minutes during the day - relieves stress from the spine;

- change your position every 2 hours, get up from the chair, bend 2-4 in different directions, stretch, straighten your shoulders if the work is sedentary;

- it is advisable to do aquatic species sports: swimming, diving, water aerobics;

- try not to get too cold, keep your back warm;

- regularly do physical therapy exercises.

The importance of exercise therapy for thoracic osteochondrosis

Exercise therapy is effective method form a strong muscle corset, thanks to this you can avoid relapses of the disease in the future. You can increase the mobility of the thoracic spine, increase the range of motion in the joints: both in the intervertebral and costovertebral;

ensure proper deep breathing; develop and strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle; strengthen the back muscles, restore physiological curves and form correct posture, thereby reducing the load on the spine and intervertebral discs; eliminate stiffness of the deep back muscles; strengthen respiratory muscles; improve lung ventilation; prevent possible complications.

Exercise therapy affects the improvement of pulmonary ventilation - this is very important for patients who are afraid to take a deep breath, since a deep breath provokes severe back pain. The presence of such a connection forces patients to gradually reduce the depth of entry, resulting in hypoventilation (insufficient ventilation) of the lower parts of the lungs, which can provoke the development of pneumonia and a number of other pulmonary pathologies.

Exercise therapy has an extremely positive effect on the course of the disease. To prevent undesirable consequences, you should follow the general principles of exercise described above.

Complex of therapeutic exercises for thoracic osteochondrosis

  1. IP - lying on your back with your knees bent. Press your legs to your chest with your hands, pull them towards you, slightly lifting your lower back, tighten your abdominal muscles. Hold the position for 5 seconds. Slowly return to the IP. Repeat 2 times.
  2. IP – arms extended behind the head, legs straightened. Stretch your left arm and right leg, stretching the spine, hold for a few seconds. Same with the other hand. The pace is slow. Repeat 3 times on each side.
  3. IP - lying on your stomach, arms to the sides. Raise your head and hands. Maintain the state of muscle tension for 3 seconds. Relax with your head and hands down. Repeat 5 times.
  4. IP - lying on your back. Raise your hands behind your head and stretch. Raise your legs and try to touch the floor behind your head with your toes. Do not bend your legs at the knee joints. Remain in this position for 2 seconds. Calmly lower your feet to the floor, arms along your body.
  5. IP - lying on the right side, legs bent at the knees. Raise your left leg up. Record, IP. Do the same with the other leg, lying on your left side. Repeat 4 times with each leg. The pace is slow. Try to abduct your hip as much as possible. Do the exercise with muscle tension.
  6. IP - standing on all fours. Raise your head, bend over, inhale, lower your head, round your back, feel the tension in the muscles of your back and chest, exhale. The pace is slow. Repeat 5 times.
  7. IP - kneeling, hands down. Hands up - inhale. Moving forward, lower and move your arms back to the limit, bend forward slightly and sit on your heels - exhale, IP. The pace is average. Repeat 3 times.
  8. IP - standing on all fours. Raise your head up and carefully bend your spine, IP. Slowly lower your head to your chest and arch your spine. Repeat 3 times.

Exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine

Most often, due to the characteristics of the anatomical structure and functional load, the lumbar spine is affected.

Neurological manifestations of lumbosacral osteochondrosis: pain of various types in the lower back and lower extremities. Pain occurs as a result of irritation of the spinal nerve roots. Swelling appears around the affected area of ​​the root, which increases the pain; the surrounding muscle tissue is involved in the painful process. A muscle spasm occurs, which puts pressure on the affected root, resulting in a vicious circle. To stop this, it is necessary to influence the muscular system, prevent or reduce spasms of the deep back muscles, and strengthen the muscle corset.

To do this, it is necessary to conduct physical therapy classes, self-massage, and behave correctly in everyday life.

In case of severe pain in the lumbar spine and lower extremities, a gentle exercise therapy complex is recommended (in easier positions).

Objectives of exercise therapy during this period:

- stretching and relaxing pathologically tense back muscles;

- increased blood and lymph circulation in the lumbar spine.

When performing exercises, you should follow the general principles of the exercises described above.

Complex of therapeutic exercises for lumbar osteochondrosis

Gentle mode.

Lying on your back

  1. Arms along the body, legs together. Raise your hands up - inhale, lower - exhale. Repeat 4-5 times.
  2. Circular rotations of the feet 4-6 times in each direction. Repeats 2.
  3. Alternately pulling your knees to your chest. 6-8 times.
  4. Alternate abduction to the side of the right hand - right leg, left hand - left leg. 4-6 times.
  5. Hands in a “lock” behind your head. Raising your head, pull your toes towards you. Repeat 8 times.
  6. Hands along the body. Raise your arms up, simultaneously pull your toes away from you - inhale, return to IP - exhale. Repeat 8 times.
  7. Bend your legs at the knees, place them shoulder-width apart. Use your right knee to touch your left foot, then touch your right foot with your left knee. Repeat 4-6 times.
  8. Simulation of riding a “bicycle”. 5 laps in each direction.
  9. Place your hand on your stomach. Take a deep breath into your stomach, then exhale slowly. Repeat 3-4 times.
  10. Left hand along the body, right at the top. Alternately changing the position of the hands. Repeat 10-12 times.
  11. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms spread to the sides. With your right hand, reach for the left hand, return to the position, then with your left hand reach for the right hand. Repeat 6-8 times.
  12. Alternately pulling your knees to your chest using your hands. 6-8 hands.
  13. Bend and straighten your feet while squeezing and unclenching your fingers. 10 times.

Physical therapy, lying on your side

  1. On the left side. Swinging movements of the arm and leg upward. 4-6 times.
  2. Pulling the knee to the chest. 6-8 times.
  3. Swing your leg back and forth. 6-8 times.

On the right side repeat all the exercises you did on your left side.

Exercises on all fours

  1. Alternately abducting straight arms to the sides. 10-12 times.
  2. alternate swinging movements with a straight leg backwards. 8-10 times.
  3. Alternately pulling the right knee to the left hand then the left one to right hand. 6-8 times.
  4. Pull your left knee to your chest, take your leg back, sliding your toe along the floor and sitting on your right heel. Then perform this exercise with your right leg. 6-8 times.
  5. Alternate swinging movement with the straight leg up and back and the opposite arm up. Then repeat with the other arm and leg. 6-8 times.
  6. “Step over” with your hands to the right and left, your legs remain in place. 5 times in each direction.
  7. Sit on your heels without lifting your hands off the floor (at a slow pace). 6-8 times.
  8. Transition to a sitting position on the right and then on the left buttock, without lifting your hands from the floor. 6-8 times.
  9. Place your straight arms on the floor and raise your head. Lowering your head to your chest (without bending your arms), arch your back (especially at the waist), then bend over. Perform slowly, 8-10 times.

Training mode

(in addition to the exercises of the gentle training regime).

For minor pain and beyond the acute stage, therapeutic exercises according to a training regimen are recommended.

— complete the formation of the muscle corset;

— normalize the range of motion in the joints of the lower extremities;

- perform strictly dosed exercises related to movements in the lumbar spine.

Lying on your back.

  1. Starting position - legs bent at the hip and knee joints, shins resting on the support. Hands in a “lock” behind your head. Raising your head and shoulders off the floor. 6-8 times.
  2. IP - shins rest on a support, a heavy ball is clamped between the feet. Carrying the ball right and left. 6-8 times.
  3. The shins rest on a support, and there is a heavy ball between the feet. Pulling your knees to your chin, lifting your head off the floor. 6-8 times.
  4. The legs are bent at the hip joints, the shins rest against the support. Arms along the body, dumbbells in hands. Transition from the “lying” position to the “sitting” position. 6-8 times.
  5. Hands with dumbbells are moved to the left side, knees tilt to the right, and vice versa. 6-8 times.
  6. Legs bent at the knees, a ball held between the feet, and dumbbells in the hands. Take a balanced sitting position. 6-8 times.

Lying on your stomach

  1. Arms extended forward. Raise your head and shoulders, move your left arm back to the side, turning your torso to the left. Repeat the same with your right hand.
  2. Moving your straight arms back, lifting your upper body, raise your legs bent at the knees. 6-8 times.
  3. Alternate flexion and extension of the legs at the knee joints. 15-20 times.

When performing exercises, you need to monitor your heart rate. For the intensity of the load to be optimal, the pulse should not exceed 120-140 beats per minute. Heart rate measurement is carried out at the beginning and at the end of the lesson.

Rules of conduct in everyday life for lumbar osteochondrosis

To prevent osteochondrosis from worsening, you need to avoid physical actions and back positions that lead to a sharp contraction of the lower back muscles.

The lying position reduces the load on the lumbar region (it reduces the pressure inside the disc by 50%), but sitting with such osteochondrosis is important as little as possible. In a standing position, it is necessary to change your position more often and transfer the load from one leg to the other.

You should also avoid a prolonged semi-inclined position of the body - in this position the discs experience maximum load. To do this, every quarter of an hour we straighten up, make several movements in the lower back and very smoothly several turns of the body, as well as a little bending back and forth (3-5 minutes; without tension or effort).

When walking, it is important to avoid sudden movements and steps. It is better to ride while standing in public transport.

When working sedentarily, the patient needs to monitor his posture and by force of will control it - straighten your back, do not forget about regular straightening and smooth bends.

It is important for drivers to consider how to position their seat to provide maximum lumbar support. It is mandatory to take a 5-minute break after 2-3 hours of constant driving, during which you do a warm-up.

Standing work requires optimization of the workplace to avoid bending towards it. To do this, you can increase, for example, the height of the table or lengthen the mop. If you need to reach down, it is important do not bend over, but squat with a straight back.

What to do when you don’t have enough time for exercise therapy?

The complexes compiled above make it possible, when performed correctly, to guarantee improvement of the condition and prevent complications of osteochondrosis. Naturally, this requires a certain amount of time. In addition, most often, osteochondrosis is present in all parts of the spine at once. In a hospital setting, exercise therapy is performed only for the most affected part. However, it is completely logical that the entire spine needs to be treated.

If you perform all the specified complexes, then the patient will develop a muscular corset, and - attention - a bonus: a toned figure will appear. For people with a sedentary lifestyle, there is no need to invent additional stress on the body.
Although these complexes will not replace Gym(of course, there will be no muscle relief), the deep muscles will be strengthened, which is very important for the healthy functioning of not only the musculoskeletal system, but also the internal organs.

When there is no time for a full complex, but you need to exercise to improve your condition and feel lightness in the spine, a five-minute exercise therapy complex consisting of the main most important exercises is proposed.


All exercises are performed sitting, preferably in front of a mirror to control your body, head straight, chin parallel to the floor; hands on the belt, knees together, emphasis on the feet.

  1. Slow turns of the head to the right and left, with a delay in the final positions as you exhale. When you inhale, return to the starting position - head straight, chin parallel to the floor. Repeat 3-4 times.
  2. Slowly tilt your head to the right and left shoulder (do not raise your shoulders!) with a delay in the final positions as you exhale. While inhaling, return to the starting position. Repeat 3-4 times.
  3. Slowly tilt your head down, reach your chin towards your chest (teeth are closed, mouth does not open), stretch as low as possible while exhaling. Return to IP - inhale. Don't throw your head back! Repeat 3-4 times.
  4. Slowly pull your chin to the middle of the right collarbone, then straight ahead to the middle of the left collarbone. Repeat 4 times.
  5. Slowly tilt your head down and “draw” a semicircle with your chin from one shoulder to the other and back (teeth closed, mouth does not open). Repeat 4 times.
  6. Pull your head up, hold for a few seconds and relax your neck. Repeat 2-3 times.
  7. Place your fists on your chin and press down on your fists for a few seconds. Repeat 2-3 times.
  8. Counter-resistance exercise: hands in a “lock” position on the forehead. Press with your palms on your forehead and your forehead on your palms, hold for a few seconds. Repeat 2-3 times.
  9. Same with palms on the back of the head.
  10. Likewise, placing your palm on the side of your head. Tilt your head to the side, offering resistance with your hand.
  11. Also, palm on the temple area. Turn your head to the side, offering resistance with your hand.
  12. IP - arms bent at the elbows, palm over palm, at chin level. Reach your palms alternately with your forehead, chin, right ear, left ear. Repeat 1 time.


  1. I.P. - sitting, arms along the body. Raising your hands up - inhale, lowering your hands - exhale. Repeat 2-3 times.
  2. I.P. - the same. Raising and lowering the shoulders with tension. Repeat 4-6 times.
  3. Sitting, palms to shoulders. Circular movements in the shoulder joints. 5 times in each direction.
  4. Sitting, palms to shoulders, elbows to sides. Bring your elbows in front of you, tilt your head forward, round your back - exhale; pull your elbows back, bend into thoracic region, head straight - inhale. Repeat 3-4 times.
  5. Standing, arms along the body. Tilt your torso to the right, sliding your palm down your leg as you exhale. Then in the other direction. Repeat 2-4 times in each direction. This exercise can be done while sitting.


  1. I.P. - lying on his stomach. Arms are bent at the elbows and pressed to the body, legs are straight. Raise your upper body with straight arms, look to the right - to the left, turning your head. Return to IP, relax. Repeat 2-3 times.
  2. Arms extended forward, legs straight. “Crawl” with your hands, lifting your body. Repeat 4-6 times.
  3. I.P. - also, “Breaststroke” with hands. Repeat with each hand 4-6 times.
  4. Hands under the chin, we crawl “on our bellies”, alternately pulling the knee to the elbow. Repeat 4-6 times in each direction.
  5. Same thing, legs straight. Alternately raise your legs up, the toe “looks” at the floor. Repeat 4-6 times with each leg.
  6. Arms and legs are straightened. At the same time, raise your straight arms and legs up, hold for a few seconds, lower and relax. Repeat 3-4 times.

Adaptive physical education specialist Ekaterina Shishulina