Musical dictations for self-study. L. Sinitsyna. Solfege dictations for elementary grades. How to write musical dictations

Musical dictation


Alekseev B. On the question of the methodology for recording music. dictation // Education of music. hearing M., 1985. Issue. 2.

Blum D. The role of dictation in the development of professional music. hearing M., 1977.

Vakhromeev V. Musical dictation // Music. encyclopedia. M., 1974.T. 2.

Davydova E. Methods of teaching music. dictation M., 1962.

Muller T. On the meaning of music. dictation in the solfeggio course // Education of music. hearing M., 1985. Issue. 2.

Response plan

1. What is musical dictation

2. Goals and objectives of the dictation

3. Dictation material and dictation recording algorithm

4. Dictation forms

1.Musical dictation- recording by ear one-, two-, three- and four-voice musical constructions. Recording a dictation can take place from memory (recording a well-known, familiar melody), while listening, and in special classes in a solfeggio course.

(According to E. Ioffe, dictation is the “culmination” in assessing the level of development of a full-fledged ear for music.

Leading theorist and solfegist E.V. Davydova noted that dictation, like auditory analysis, is the result of knowledge and skills that determine the level of musical and auditory development of the student.

(Sladkov) is a recording of music by ear, revealing the individual level and quality of musical perception.)

For a long time in the history of the development of solfeggio, the only, and then leading, forms of work were singing from notes and intonation exercises. Dictation and special analytical exercises (as ways to implement the skills acquired in the aggregate) began to be introduced into the educational process quite late.

Musical dictation is the most important and very responsible form of work in solfeggio classes at all levels of musical education (from children's music schools to higher, professional education). In the process of recording a dictation, a variety of aspects of hearing and different properties of psychological activity are involved:

    thinking that ensures awareness of what is heard;

    memory, which makes it possible to recall and clarify what is heard;

    inner hearing,

    the ability to mentally hear and imagine sounds,

    rhythm and other elements.

Recording music develops a sense of style and forms the necessary stock of musical elements and phrases (musical vocabulary).

2. Goals and objectives of musical dictation

Purpose musical dictation is to develop the skills of translating perceived musical images into clear auditory representations and quickly consolidating them in musical notation.

Main tasks musical dictation are:

Formation and consolidation of the connection between the visible and the audible

Development and training of musical memory and inner hearing

A way to check the individual capabilities of each student

Serve as a means of consolidating theoretical and practical skills

3. Musical dictation material

Dictation material has a significant impact on its memorization. Both artistic samples of music and samples of instructional plans are used as examples for dictations.

Predominance instructive, non-fiction material sharply reduces the efficiency of memorization. Its stylistic monotony impoverishes the student’s auditory experience and can lead to standard (template) thinking (especially if the examples are often composed by the teacher). As exercises, the instructional material is quite appropriate, but within moderate limits.

When perceiving the same sample art music auditory consciousness receives the support of a powerful factor - artistic emotion. Positive emotions generate student interest in working on dictation and activate the memorization process.

Dictation recording algorithm (Ostrovsky):

    general impression


    integral, but already clearly realized image

When recording a dictation, basic and auxiliary forms of work can be used.


– rewriting music text

– autodictation (selection of a familiar melody – recording it)

– written transposition of selected melodies

– graphic fixation of the melody line

– oral dictation

– rhythmic design of notes written on the board

– dictations-variations (teacher playing a melody written on the board in a modified version)

– dictation “with errors” (students look for errors on the board)

4. Dictation forms:

1. demonstrative (the goal is to show the recording process)

2. dictation with preliminary analysis

3. sketchy (for example, first recording only cadences)

4. from memory

5. dictation - shorthand (not addressed to the inner ear, musical memory, and, therefore, it cannot be made the main type of work)

6. with tuning in an arbitrary key (or without key determination)

8. autodictation or self-dictation (recording familiar melodies from memory, possible as homework)

9. rhythmic.

Oral dictation promotes memory training, development of the ability to recreate the “graphic”, intonation and rhythmic appearance of a melody. Memorization is facilitated by analysis aimed at understanding the form, characteristic intonation, modal, rhythmic, register and genre features of music. Check - playing the instrument, solfing this melody; transposition to another key, homework assignment to record a worked melody, or return to it in the next lesson.

A variant of this task is memorizing music by looking at the musical text and then writing it down (relying on inner hearing, not on visual memory). Then - solfeggio, transposition. Homework: composing similar melodies, followed by collective analysis and criticism in class.

The most important thing during oral dictation is the process of dividing what is heard, clarifying the compositional logic; During recording, if possible, it is necessary to keep in memory all phases of the musical structure, comparing them in terms of repetition, modification, and contrast. In this regard, the most important condition is the use of adapted material.

Stands out 4 stages in the oral dictation process :

– formation of an idea of ​​the stylistic affiliation of a musical passage (with a focus on certain means of expression)

– syntactic division of the fragment

– analysis of musical structure in relation to intonation patterns

– comparison and contrast of constructions.

According to texture There are 1-voice, 2-voice and multi-voice dictations.

1.understand the structure of the melody, the number of constructions, phrases, the nature of the final turns, the feeling of reliance on stable sounds of the tonality

2. determine the mode-functional meaning of individual turns and parts

3. the ability to record individual intonation turns, being aware of the line of movement of the melody. When checking the distance between individual steps, one must not lose the perspective of the whole; orientation to the interval when checking large jumps, lines of hidden 2-voice and when recording melodies with deviations and modulations

4. It is impossible to separate pitch and meter-rhythmic relationships: in the recording process, both pitch and rhythm should be formalized simultaneously. You need to get used to, having determined the size and tempo, conduct the melody, then, mentally remembering, lightly tap the rhythm.

    write down consonances, relying on vertical hearing

The first method was developed by Ladukhin in the manual “1000 examples of musical dictation” (however, this method does not contribute to the development of students’ harmonic hearing).

Ostrovsky suggests first recording the dictation by numbering the intervals (without notes), but in this case attention is not directed to hearing the melody and the integrity of the impression is violated.

In groups of vocalists, wind players, and populists, a schematic recording of polyphony is possible:

a) tonal plan, functions and rhythm;

Polyphonic examples can be written as follows:

Record only the theme and answer in pre-marked measures

Record only the opposites to the topics pre-written by the teacher.

Dictation – an interesting and fruitful form of training for the development of musical ear. Consequently, a solfeggio teacher needs to approach his work with knowledge of the psychology of students, take into account their age and individual characteristics and interests, and plan the lesson so that the closest attention is constantly paid to musical dictation.

First part teaching aid“Solfeggio with pleasure” is intended for high school students of children’s music schools and children’s art schools and consists of explanatory note, including some guidelines, a collection of dictations and an audio CD. The collection of dictations includes 151 samples of classical and modern music domestic and foreign authors, as well as samples of modern pop music and meets the requirements of children's music schools and children's art schools for each level of education.

Task of this manual – intensification of the educational process, expansion of the auditory base of students, formation of their artistic taste, and the main purpose is education wide range competent music lovers who, depending on their abilities, can become simply listeners or music lovers, and with certain abilities and efforts - professionals.

The manual was created on the basis of the author’s 35 years of experience. All presented materials have been tested over 15 years of work at the Akkord State Budgetary Educational Institution of Children's Art School. The author presents musical dictation as a series of exciting tasks. In addition, many examples can be used for auditory analysis and solfège, for example Nos. 29, 33, 35, 36, 64, 73.



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Musical dictation is one of the most important, responsible and complex forms of work in a solfeggio lesson. It develops students' musical memory, promotes conscious perception of melody and other elements of musical speech, and teaches them to write down what they hear.

When working on a musical dictation, all the knowledge and skills of students are synthesized, and the level of their auditory development is determined. This is a kind of result of the entire learning process, because it is in dictation that the student must show, on the one hand, the level of development of musical memory, thinking, all types of musical hearing, and on the other hand, certain theoretical knowledge that helps him correctly write down what he heard.

The purpose of musical dictation is to develop the skills of translating perceived musical images into clear auditory representations and quickly consolidating them in musical notation.

The main tasks Work on the dictation can be called the following:

  • create and strengthen the connection between the visible and the audible, that is, teach the audible to make visible;
  • develop musical memory and inner hearing of students;
  • serve as a means to consolidate students’ theoretical and practical skills.

Stage of preparation for recording a musical dictation

The process of recording a dictation requires the development of special, special skills and therefore, before starting this form of work, the teacher must be sure that the students are very well prepared for it. It is advisable to start recording full-fledged dictations only after certain preparation, the duration of which depends on the age, degree of development and receptivity of the group. Preparatory work, which lays in students a fundamental basis of skills and abilities, ensuring in the future the ability to competently and painlessly record musical dictations, should consist of several sections.

Mastering musical notation.

One of the most important tasks The initial period of training in the solfeggio course is the formation and development of the skill of “quick recording” of sounds. From the first lessons, students should be taught to write notes correctly graphically: in small circles, not very close to each other; ensure the correct spelling of stems and accidental signs.

Mastering durations.

It is an absolutely indisputable fact that the correct metro-rhythmic design of a melody is even more difficult for students than its direct musical notation. Therefore, the “rhythmic component” of the dictation needs to be given special attention. At the initial stage of training, it is very important that students simply understand the graphic representation and name of each duration well. In parallel with mastering the graphic representation of durations and their names, you need to work on the immediate awareness of long and short sounds. After the names and designations of durations are well mastered, it is necessary to begin mastering the concepts beat, beat, meter, rhythm, size. Once children have realized and mastered these concepts, it is necessary to introduce conducting practice. And only after all this work should we begin to explain the splitting of shares. In the future, students will become familiar with various rhythmic figures, and for better mastery of them, these rhythmic figures should definitely be introduced into musical dictations.

Rewriting notes.

In first grade, simply copying out notes seems very helpful. The rules of musical notation calligraphy are simple and do not require such detailed elaboration as the spelling of letters. Therefore, all exercises related to the correct recording of musical texts can be transferred to homework.

Mastering the order of notes.

At the first stage of learning, auditory assimilation of the order of notes is also very important. A clear understanding of the musical sequence up and down, awareness of a single note in relation to others, the ability to clearly and quickly count notes in order, one or two at a time - this is, in the future, the key to successful and competent recording of a full-fledged dictation. Practice shows that simply memorizing notes is not enough. It is necessary to bring this skill to the level of automatism so that the child perceives and reproduces notes almost without thinking. And this requires constant and painstaking work. Various games of teasing, repeating and all kinds of echoes help here. But the most invaluable assistance in this work is provided by sequences.

Working on comprehension and auditory perception steps seems to be one of the most important in developing the skill of recording musical dictation. Work on the levels should be carried out constantly, in every lesson, and carried out in different directions. The first is the ability to think in steps. It is very important at first to develop the ability to quickly and accurately find any individual step in the tonality. Here again, sequences can help - chants that are memorized over several lessons until they become automatic. It is very helpful to sing the sequence of steps; Also, singing the steps according to hand signs and the Bulgarian column provides good assistance in such rapid step orientation.

Melodic elements.

Despite the huge variety of melodic material, music also has enough a large number of standard phrases, which are often repeated, are perfectly isolated from the context and are recognized both by ear and when analyzing the musical text. Such revolutions include scales - trichord, tetrachord and pentachord, movement from introductory tones to the tonic, singing, auxiliary notes, as well as various modifications of these revolutions. After becoming familiar with the basic melodic elements, it is necessary to develop in students a quick, literally automatic recognition of them both in the musical text in sight reading and in auditory analysis. Therefore, melodic turns by ear, sight reading exercises, and dictations of this period should contain as many of these elements as possible or simply consist of them.

Very often the melody moves along the sounds of the chords. The ability to isolate a familiar chord from the context of a melody is a very important skill that students need to develop. Initial exercises should be aimed at purely visual and auditory perception of the chord. Invaluable help in memorizing the melody of chords is provided by small chants in which the desired chord is sung and called at the same time.

As you know, the biggest difficulty in recording a dictation is caused by jumps. Therefore, they must be worked out as carefully as other melodic elements.

Definition of form.

The work of determining and understanding the musical form is of great importance for the successful recording of musical dictation. Students must be very aware of the location of sentences, cadences, phrases, motives, as well as their relationships. This work should also begin from the first grade.

In addition to all this preparatory work, some forms of tasks that directly prepare the recording of a full-fledged dictation are very useful:

Recording a previously learned song from memory.

Dictation with an error. The melody “with an error” is written on the board. The teacher plays the correct option, and students must find and correct the mistakes.

Dictation with passes. A fragment of the melody is written on the board. Students should hear and fill in the missing bars.

The melody is written on the board in the form of a stepped path. Students, listening to a melody, write it down with notes, correctly rhythmically designing it.

Recording ordinary rhythmic dictations.

Note heads are written on the board. Students must formulate the melody rhythmically correctly.

So, summing up all of the above, we can conclude that in the first grade the main, basic skills of recording a musical dictation are laid. This is the ability to “listen” correctly; remember, analyze and understand musical text; the ability to comprehend it graphically and write it down correctly; the ability to correctly identify and understand the metro-rhythmic component of a melody, clearly conduct it, feeling the pulsation of the beats and being aware of each beat. All further work comes down to developing these basic skills and complicating the theoretical material.

Forms of musical dictations

Dictation forms can be different. When recording a dictation, it is important to choose the form of work that is most suitable for mastering a given melody.

Dictation is demonstrative.

A demonstration dictation is conducted by a teacher. Its purpose and task is to show the writing process on the board. The teacher aloud, in front of the whole class, tells the students how he listens, conducts, hums the melody and thereby becomes aware of it and records it in musical notation. Such a dictation is very useful before moving on, after preparatory exercises, to independent recording, as well as when mastering new difficulties or varieties of dictations.

Dictation with preliminary analysis.

Students, with the help of a teacher, determine the mode and tonality of a given melody, its size, tempo, structural aspects, features of the rhythmic pattern, analyze the pattern of development of the melody, and then begin recording. The preliminary analysis should take no more than 5–10 minutes. It is more appropriate to use this form of dictation in junior classes, as well as when recording melodies in which new elements of musical language appear.

Dictation without preliminary analysis.

Such a dictation is recorded by students for a set time, with a certain number of plays. Such dictations are more appropriate in middle and high schools, i.e. only when students learn to independently analyze the melody.

Oral dictation.

An oral dictation is a short melody built on melodic turns familiar to students, which the teacher plays two to three times. Students repeat the melody first for any syllable and only then sing a dictation with the name of the sounds. This form of dictation should be used as widely as possible, since it is oral dictation that helps students consciously perceive individual difficulties of the melody and develops musical memory.

“Self-dictation”, recording of familiar music.

To develop inner hearing, students should be offered “self-dictation,” a recording of a familiar melody from memory. Of course, this form will not replace a full-fledged musical dictation, since there is no need to grasp and remember new music, that is, the student’s musical memory is not trained. But for working on a recording based on your inner ear, this is a very good technique. The form of “self-dictation” also helps to develop students’ creative initiative. This is very convenient form for independent work, homework, and recording training.

Control dictation.

Of course, the learning process should also include control dictations, which students write without the help of a teacher. They can be used when completing work on a specific topic, when all the difficulties of dictation are familiar to children and well understood. Typically, this form of dictation is used in test lessons or exams.

Other forms of dictation are also possible, for example, harmonic (recording of the listened sequence of intervals, chords), rhythmic. It is useful to write down melodies that you have previously sight-read. It is useful to learn written dictations by heart, transpose them into the studied keys, and select an accompaniment for the dictations. It is also necessary to teach students to write dictation in different registers, both in treble and bass clefs.

Methodological guidelines for writing a dictation

Choice musical material.

When working on a musical dictation, one of the most important conditions is the correct choice of musical material. The musical material for dictation can be melodies from musical literature, special collections of dictations, and also, in some cases, melodies composed by the teacher. When selecting material for a dictation, a teacher must first ensure that the music of the example is bright, expressive, artistically convincing, meaningful and clear in form. The selection of just such musical material not only helps students remember the dictation melody more easily, but also has great educational significance, broadens the students’ horizons, and enriches their musical erudition. Determining the difficulty of an example is extremely important. Dictations don't have to be too difficult. If students do not have time to comprehend, remember and write the dictation or write it with a large number of errors, then they begin to be afraid of this form of work and avoid it. Therefore, it is preferable that the dictations be simpler, but there should be a lot of them. The complication of dictations should be gradual, invisible to students, strictly thought out and justified. It should also be noted that when selecting dictations, the teacher must use a differentiated approach. Since the composition of groups is usually “motley”, difficult dictations need to be alternated with easier ones so that weak students can also complete the recording, whereas in complex dictations this is not always available to them. When choosing musical material for dictation, it is also very important that the material is distributed in detail by topic. The teacher must strictly think through and justify the sequence of dictations.

Performing a dictation.

In order for a student to be able to fully and competently record on paper what he heard, it is necessary that the performance of the dictation be as perfect as possible. First of all, you should execute the example correctly and accurately. No underlining or highlighting of individual difficult intonations or harmonies should be allowed. It is especially harmful to emphasize, by artificially loudly tapping, the strong beat of a bar. First, you should perform the passage at the present tempo indicated by the author. Later, with repeated playback, this initial tempo usually slows down. But it is important that the first impression is convincing and correct.

Fixation of musical text.

When recording music, the teacher must pay special attention to the accuracy and completeness of students recording on paper what they heard. In the process of recording a dictation, students must: write notes correctly and beautifully; arrange leagues; mark phrases and breathing with caesuras; distinguish and designate legato and staccato, dynamics; determine the tempo and character of a musical example.

Basic principles of the dictation recording process.

The environment that the teacher creates before starting work on recording a dictation is of great importance. Experience suggests that the best environment for working on a dictation recording is to create interest in what students are about to hear. The teacher needs to arouse interest in what will be played, concentrate the attention of students, and possibly relieve tension before such difficult work, which children always perceive as a kind of “control”, by analogy with dictation in a secondary school. Therefore, small “conversations” about the genre of the future dictation are appropriate (if this is not an obvious hint from the metro-rhythmic component), the composer who composed the melody, and the like. Depending on the class and level of the group, it is necessary to choose melodies for dictation that are accessible in terms of difficulty; set recording time and number of plays. Usually the dictation is written with 8-10 plays. Fret tuning is required before recording begins.

The first playback is an introductory one. It should be very expressive, “beautiful”, at an appropriate tempo and with dynamic shades. After this playback, you can determine the genre, size, and nature of the phrases.

The second playback should occur immediately after the first. It can be performed more slowly. After it, you can talk about specific mode-harmonic, structural and metro-rhythmic features of music. Talk about cadences, phrases, etc. You can immediately invite students to formulate the final cadence, determine the location of the Tonic and how the melody approached the Tonic - scale-like, jumping, a familiar melodic turn, etc. This beginning of the dictation “on the contrary” is justified by the fact that the final cadence is “remembered” most of all, while the entire dictation has not yet been deposited in memory.

If the dictation is long and complex, if there are no repetitions in it, then the third playback is allowed to be divided in half. That is, play the first half and analyze its features, determine the cadence, etc.

Usually, after the fourth playback, students are already sufficiently oriented in the dictation and have memorized it, if not in its entirety, then at least in some phrases. From this moment on, children write dictation almost from memory.

You can take a longer break between plays. After most of the children have written the first sentence, only the second half of the dictation can be played, which remains from the unfinished third play.

It is very important to avoid “shorthanding” the dictation, so each time you play it, you need to ask students to put down their pencils and try to remember the melody. Required condition it is necessary to conduct when playing and recording the dictation. If a student has difficulty determining a rhythmic turn, it is imperative to make him conduct and analyze each beat of the measure.

At the end of the allotted time, you need to check the dictation. The dictation also needs to be assessed. You don’t even have to put a grade in the notebook, especially if the student didn’t cope with the work, but at least verbally voice it so that he can really assess his skills and capabilities. When assessing, it is necessary to focus the student not on what he did not succeed, but on what he coped with, to reward him for every success, no matter how small, even if the student is very weak and dictations are not given to him due to natural characteristics.

When considering the psychological aspects of organizing the process of recording a dictation, one cannot ignore important point dictation locations in a solfeggio lesson. Along with such forms of work as the development of vocal and intonation skills, solfegging, and definition by ear, more time is devoted to writing a dictation, and it is usually assigned to the end of the lesson. Dictation, rich in complex elements, leads to deformation of the lesson, as it requires a lot of time. Students' lack of confidence in their abilities leads to a loss of interest in dictation, and a state of boredom may arise. In order to optimize work on a musical dictation, it is better to conduct it not at the end of the lesson, but in the middle or closer to the beginning, when the students’ attention is still fresh.

The time for recording the dictation is set by the teacher, as already mentioned, depending on the class and level of the group, as well as depending on its volume and difficulty of the dictation. In lower grades (grades 1, 2), where small and simple melodies are recorded, this is usually 5 - 10 minutes; in seniors, where the difficulty and volume of dictations increase - 20–25 minutes.

In the process of working on a dictation, the role of the teacher is very responsible: he is obliged, working in a group, to take into account the individual characteristics of each student, guide his work, and teach him to write a dictation. The teacher should not simply sit at the instrument, play the dictation and wait for the students to write it themselves. It is necessary to periodically approach each child; point out errors. Of course, you can’t directly suggest, but you can do it in a “streamlined” form by saying: “Think about this place” or “Check this phrase again.”

Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that dictation is a form of work in which all the existing knowledge and skills of students are applied and used.

Dictation is the result of knowledge and skills that determines the level of musical and auditory development of students. Therefore, in solfeggio lessons at a children's music school, musical dictation should be a mandatory and constantly used form of work.

List of used literature

  1. Davydova E. Methods of teaching solfeggio. – M.: Muzyka, 1993.
  2. Zhakovich V. Getting ready for a musical dictation. – Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2013.
  3. Kondratyeva I. Single-voice dictation: Practical recommendations. – St. Petersburg: Composer, 2006.
  4. Ostrovsky A. Methodology of music theory and solfeggio. – M.: Muzyka, 1989.
  5. Oskina S. Ear for music: theory and methodology of development and improvement. – M.: AST, 2005.
  6. Fokina L. Methods of teaching musical dictation. – M.: Muzyka, 1993.
  7. Fridkin G. Musical dictations. - M.: Music, 1996.

This manual is a collection of original melodic dictations aimed at students junior classes music department (8-year training period).

The main goal of creating the manual is to find new creative approaches to carrying out fruitful work with primary school students in solfeggio lessons.

Working with students on dictation is one of the most complex species activities in teaching solfeggio. As a rule, the dictation summarizes both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. All this is a whole complex aimed at performing several tasks at once, combined into one - writing a melody that is complete in meaning.

Where to start, how to organize work on the dictation? Developments in solving this issue are given in the proposed manual.

Undoubtedly, before a little first-grader musician can independently record a melody, he must master musical notation, meter and rhythm, accumulate auditory experience in the relationship of steps in a scale, and much more. In the process of learning the basics musical literacy, we begin to write the first dictations, analyze musical fragments by ear and record them using graphic images (here the teacher can show his imagination). In such dictations, the teacher performs easy-to-understand pieces on the piano. After listening to them, students should, for example, hear and record the mood of the music, how the melody moves (after, of course, having talked about this), clap the pulse, you can count the beats, determine the strong one, etc.

Approximately from the second grade onwards, the level of difficulty increases in accordance with the curriculum. Here the child should already be proficient in musical notation and know certain keys, principles of gravity in harmony, duration, be able to group them.

Working with rhythm deserves special attention. Rhythmic dictations aimed at recording a rhythmic pattern provide excellent training. In melodic dictations, I find it convenient to record the rhythm separately from the melody (in to a greater extent This is relevant for elementary school students).

The process of writing a dictation is based on following a plan. After each playback, you need to determine and record:

  • key;
  • musical time signature, dictation form, structural features;
  • Start dictation (first measure) - tonic, middle cadence(4th cycle) - presence of V stage, final cadence(7–8 bars) -

V stage tonic;

  • rhythm;
  • melodic intonations using graphic symbols;
  • musical notation;

When performing a melody, students must be given a specific task. At the same time, I think it is important not to focus on hearing something specific, on the contrary, to note the maximum possible (based on the plan). It is not so important in what order you start recording what you hear - from the first note or from the end, it all depends on the specific melody. It is important to choose a “reference point”: it could be the tonic at the end, “what’s before the tonic?” and the V step in bar 4, “how did we get to it?” etc. It is also important to orient children not on the relationship between two adjacent notes, but on a motive of 5-6 sounds, perceiving it “as one word”, then children will quickly learn the entire melody. It is this skill that will subsequently help generalize the musical text when reading from sight in a specialty.

For the most part, the collection contains dictations in the form of a period, consisting of two sentences of repeated structure. We also write dictations of a similar structure in the classroom. Relying on classical tradition, we discuss with students that Start dictation - from tonic or other stable level, in bar 4 - middle cadence- presence of V stage, 7–8 bars - final cadence- V stage tonic;

After writing the rhythm (above the bars), we analyze the melody and the intonations that make it up. To do this, we identified the main elements of the melody and assigned each its own symbol. (Here the teacher’s imagination is limitless).

Basic elements of musical intonation:

An example of a dictation with graphic symbols:

The “key” to successful dictation writing is the ability to analyze and think logically. IN practical activities I had to meet students with a good musical memory, with pure “naturally” intonation, who experienced difficulties in writing a dictation. On the contrary, a student who has weak intonation and memorizes a melody for a long time, with the ability to think logically, copes well with dictation. Hence the conclusion that for successful writing dictation, children should be taught not only to memorize, but analyze heard .

Musical dictation is an interesting and fruitful form of work in the solfeggio course. It concentrates modal, intonation, and meter-rhythmic difficulties. Working on a dictation organizes students' attention, develops auditory memory and the ability to analyze what they hear. The development of all of the above fundamentals occurs equally in all disciplines studied in music schools, art schools, especially in specialty and solfeggio. These items are certainly complementary. However, the approach to studying a new work in the specialty and a dictation in solfeggio is noticeably different: by reproducing the musical text from the notes in the specialty, a finished work is gradually formed from the details in the student’s mind. This is reflected in the diagram:

When creating a musical notation of a listened piece in solfeggio, the process of working with new material occurs in the opposite direction: first, students are offered the sound of the finished piece, then the teacher helps analyze it, then what they have learned is turned into a musical text:

At the stage of dictation analysis, it is important to follow from the general (features of structure and phrasing) to the specific (the direction of movement of the melody, for example), without disturbing the natural flow of the process.

Recording a dictation is not creating a whole from individual elements (melody + rhythm + meter + shape = result), but the ability to analyze the whole as a complex of its constituent elements.

In order for students to get used to actively perceiving the musical text, it is very useful different shape working on a dictation. For example:

  • Stepped dictation - the teacher plays a melody, which the students write down as a step sequence. This type of dictation helps to expand orientation in harmony and develops the useful ability to think in steps.
  • Dictation with errors - a dictation is written on the board, but with errors. The children's task is to correct them and write down the correct option.
  • Dictation with options - useful for expanding musical horizons and understanding the possibilities of developing musical material. In such dictations, you can use both rhythmic and melodic variations.
  • Dictation from memory - the dictation is analyzed and learned until every student remembers it. The task is to formulate the musical text correctly from memory.
  • Graphic dictation - the teacher indicates on the board only some steps, graphic symbols indicating elements of melodic intonation.
  • Dictation with completion of the melody develops students' creative abilities based on three stages of melodic development: beginning, middle (development) and conclusion.
  • Selection and recording of familiar melodies . First, the melody is selected on the instrument, and then compiled in writing.
  • Self-dictation - recording from memory the numbers learned from the textbook. In this form of dictation, inner hearing develops and the ability to graphically formulate what is heard occurs.
  • Dictation without preparation (control) - reflects the degree of mastery of the material. As a material, you can choose a dictation that is one or two grades easier.

Any form of dictation is a kind of development monitoring musical thinking the child, the level of his assimilation of new material, as well as a way to give children the opportunity to realize their skills independently or make “discoveries” under the guidance of a teacher.

Examples of dictations for grade 2:

Examples of dictations for grade 3:

Examples of dictations for grade 4:

The dictations presented in the manual are created on the basis of the elements of musical intonation described above and are classified as instructive. In my opinion, in this form it is convenient to “hear” and analyze them, and therefore cope with the task without difficulty. This is what I wish for our students - young musicians!

I hope for a creative approach from teachers to what is presented in this methodological manual material.


To purchase Lyudmila Sinitsina’s manual “Solfeggio Dictations for Junior Grades,” please contact the author at

Musical dictations are one of the most interesting and useful exercises for the development of hearing, it is a pity that many do not like this form of work in the lesson. To the question “why?”, the answer is usually: “we don’t know how.” Well, then it's time to learn. Let us comprehend this wisdom. Here are two rules for you.

Rule one. It's corny, of course, but in order to learn how to write dictations in solfeggio, you just need to write them! Often and a lot. This leads to the first and most important rule: do not miss lessons, since a musical dictation is written at each of them.

Rule two. Act independently and boldly! After each play, you should strive to write down as much as possible in your notebook - not just one note in the first bar, but a lot of things in different places (at the end, in the middle, in the penultimate bar, in the fifth bar, in the third, etc.). There is no need to be afraid of writing something down incorrectly! A mistake can always be corrected, but getting stuck somewhere at the beginning and leaving the sheet of music empty for a long time is very unpleasant.

How to write musical dictations?

First of all, before the playback starts, we decide on the key and immediately set key signs and imagine this tonality (well, a scale there, a tonic triad, introductory degrees, etc.). Before starting a dictation, the teacher usually sets the class to the tone of the dictation. Rest assured, if you sang steps in A major for half the lesson, then with a 90% probability the dictation will be in the same key. Hence the new rule: if you were told that the key has five flats, then don’t pull the cat by the tail, and immediately put these flats where they should be - better right on two lines.

First playback of a musical dictation.

Usually, after the first playback, the dictation is discussed in approximately the following way: how many bars? what size? are there any repeats? What note does it start with and what note does it end with? Are there any unusual rhythmic patterns (dotted rhythm, syncopation, sixteenth notes, triplets, rests, etc.)? All these questions you should ask yourself, they should serve as a guideline for you before listening, and after playing, you should naturally answer them.

Ideally, after the first playback in your notebook you should have:

  • key signs,
  • size,
  • all measures are marked,
  • the first and last notes are written.

Regarding the number of cycles. There are usually eight bars. How should they be marked? Either all eight bars are on one line, or four bars on one line and four on the other- this is the only way, and nothing else! If you do it differently (5+3 or 6+2, in especially difficult cases 7+1), then, sorry, you are a loser! Sometimes there are 16 bars, in this case we mark either 4 per line, or 8. Very rarely there are 9 (3+3+3) or 12 (6+6) bars, even less often, but sometimes there are dictations of 10 bars ( 4+6).

Dictation in solfeggio - second play

We listen to the second playback with the following settings: what motives does the melody begin with and how does it develop further: are there any repetitions in it?, which ones and in which places. For example, repetition in sentences– the beginnings of sentences are often repeated in music – measures 1-2 and 5-6; the melody may also contain sequences- this is when the same motive is repeated from different steps, usually all repetitions are clearly audible.

After the second playback, you also need to remember and write down what is in the first measure and in the penultimate one, and in the fourth, if you remember. If the second sentence begins with a repetition of the first, then it is also better to write out this repetition immediately.

Very important! If after the second playback you still don’t have the time signature, the first and last notes written in your notebook, and the bars aren’t marked, then you need to “get active.” You can’t get stuck on this, you need to brazenly ask: “Hey, teacher, how many bars and what size?” If the teacher does not answer, then someone from the class will probably react, and if not, then we ask a neighbor loudly. In general, we act as we want, we are arbitrary, but we find out everything we need.

Writing a dictation in solfeggio - third and subsequent plays

Third and subsequent plays. Firstly, it is necessary conduct , remember and record the rhythm. Secondly, if you can’t immediately hear the notes, then you need to actively analyze the melody , for example, according to the following parameters: direction of movement (up or down), smoothness (in a row in steps or in jumps - at what intervals), movement according to the sounds of chords, etc. Thirdly, you need listen to hints , which the teacher tells the other children when “walking around” during a solfeggio dictation, and correct what is written in your notebook.

The last two plays are intended to test a ready-made musical dictation. It is necessary to check not only the pitch of the notes, but also the correct spelling of stems, leagues, and the placement of accidental signs (for example, after a bekar, the restoration of a sharp or flat).

Today we talked about how to learn how to write dictations in solfeggio. As you can see, write musical dictations It’s not at all difficult if you approach it wisely. In conclusion, get a couple more recommendations for developing skills that will help in musical dictation.

  1. Listen at home works that are covered in musical literature, following the notes (you get music from VKontakte, you also find sheet music on the Internet).
  2. Sing the notes those plays that you play in your specialty. For example, when you study at home.
  3. Sometimes rewrite notes manually . You can use the same plays that you study in your specialty; it will be especially useful to rewrite a polyphonic work. This method also helps to quickly learn by heart.

These are proven ways to develop the skill of recording dictations in solfeggio, so take it at your leisure - you yourself will be surprised at the result: you will write musical dictations with a bang!