How to open a taxi driver's name. Independent work in a taxi is a difficult formation and documents. The procedure for obtaining permits

During an economic downturn, many car owners are considering taking on a primary or secondary job in the form of driving people. Taxi drivers made good money at any time, so this profession looks quite attractive even for owners of quite expensive cars who are unemployed or dissatisfied with their earnings. Becoming a taxi driver is quite simple; in our country, to legally work in this field, it is enough to complete simple registration and pay very little tax. However, a considerable part of modern taxi drivers work without registration, breaking the law, but earning more money. The choice is yours, but it is easier to register an individual entrepreneur with a special type of activity code and work officially, paying tax.

In order to become a taxi driver in Russia, it is enough to have a car, and in some cases, just the desire to work as a cab driver. Many drivers, even without a car, find work in taxi companies with company transport, so even to kill your car Russian roads no need to. However, earnings in this case are reduced by the amount necessary to maintain the car, as well as to pay the company’s profits. The vast majority of taxi drivers in Russia use their own vehicles to provide transportation services. Today we will look at the main subtleties of how to become a taxi driver, whether it may not be really profitable, and also what methods of mastering this profession are available in our country today. If you want a new permanent or temporary job, use the tips in the article and try yourself as a taxi driver.

Independent work in a taxi - difficult formation and documents

To work as a taxi driver in your own car, you just need to fill out the necessary documents with the tax service, as well as obtain a license to transport passengers. Registration of an individual entrepreneur today turned out to be quite simple, but remember that you will have to pay not only tax, but also make certain deductions to social funds, what in Lately turns out to be quite a significant payment. It is not difficult to obtain a license if your car is in good technical condition and is ready to transport passengers. The capital's Department of Transport is not too picky about taxi cars; in the regions things are worse. The following steps will also be required:

  • putting visual signs on the car that it is a taxi and not a private car in front of the potential client (traffic police officers will also know this);
  • placing information on the front panel of the car in front of the passenger’s eyes indicating fares, as well as data from your individual entrepreneur, opened in advance;
  • placing driver business cards with photos on the front panel, as well as indicating contact information for the Department of Transport of your region or city;
  • installing a ceiling light on the roof, covering the entire car with color-graphic signs in the form of checkered pieces - the officially accepted symbol of a taxi;
  • regular technical inspection of the vehicle in accordance with the rules established for private cab drivers and all commercial vehicles;
  • ensuring normal conditions for the transportation of passengers and luggage, otherwise passengers may complain to the Department of Transport, which will take away your transportation license.

Interestingly, today there are considerable fines for illegal work as a taxi driver. In particular, driving without a special license will cost you 2,500 rubles, and not having this license with you will cost you 5,000 rubles. A fine of 5,000 rubles is also provided for installing taxi identification marks without obtaining permission for such actions. So it’s better not to joke with modern rules and fines by registering your activities legally. Moreover, payments to the state remain quite democratic and have not increased beyond what is reasonable. However, working independently in a taxi may disappoint you with the lack of clients.

We work as a taxi driver in dispatch centers and companies

One of the optimal solutions is to join a taxi driver with a license and a prepared car to one of the dispatch services. Considering you have your own car, you can get much more money than in other situations. Dispatchers charge from 10 to 30 percent for each call provided to you - it is better to look for a company with small commissions. Using a well-promoted taxi service brand, you don’t have to look for clients. In the meantime, you can hand out your business cards and eventually gain your own clientele without paying a commission to the dispatch company. The benefits of such work are obvious:

  • you use the symbols of the dispatcher, decorate the car with a special design, that is, you are not afraid of “bombed” robbers who do not really like competition;
  • you constantly receive new orders, do not sit without work and can start earning money on the very first day after completing all the necessary documents;
  • dispatchers often have a large number of orders, so you will have to spend less fuel to get to the client and return to the point;
  • less idle mileage will mean more income and lower vehicle costs, so working with a dispatcher will be beneficial in many aspects;
  • there will be many positive aspects in the fact that you will have a lot of partners who are ready to help in the most difficult situations;
  • Nobody needs walkie-talkies today, everything happens according to mobile network or internal telephony systems with convenient and inexpensive connection options.

Considering all these advantages, we can safely say that it is worth starting your career as a taxi driver with a dispatcher. This way you can significantly improve the quality and productivity of your work, and also receive the protection of a large company that is interested in your earnings, since it receives a percentage of it. Often you do not have to calculate the fare by mileage; the dispatcher himself will determine the optimal fare and communicate it to you or the client. Thus, all you have to do is take the person to the right place and take the specified amount of money. Don’t forget that recently in big cities many clients give tips, which has become one of the parts of taxi drivers’ income.

How to become a taxi driver without a personal car?

IN major cities Today you can find a job as a taxi driver even if you do not have your own car. IN in this case you will not need to obtain documents and licenses for the car, and in some situations you will not even need an individual entrepreneur, since the company will register you as an employee. Other companies require registration of an individual entrepreneur to gain access to a fleet of cars. Working with large companies that have developed their own fleet of vehicles is quite simple and convenient, in this case you get convenient opportunities that will help you earn very real money:

  • come to the company, show your license and tell us about your experience in driving a car, your knowledge of the city and other skills important for a taxi driver;
  • submit documents for your registration as an employee so that the company can establish the legality of working with you and draw up the necessary documents;
  • some dispatchers also ask you to undergo a medical examination, which will not take you even a day of time, but will give you access to opportunities for convenient cooperation;
  • then you take the car from the parking lot, carefully inspecting it and writing down with the issuing employee all imperfections, scratches, defects, and so on;
  • in this car you go on a route and follow the company’s instructions, transport people taking into account the internal rules of the taxi service;
  • you receive money or payment using a card, and once in a certain period (often two weeks) you receive wages driver.

This method of working in a taxi, of course, will bring less money than working in your own car, but in this case you are provided with a comfortable, serviceable car with the necessary conditions for transporting passengers, and are also given a legal basis for work. All you have to do is go in the right direction and receive payment for the work done at the end of a certain period. This is a fairly simple way to become a taxi driver, which is available to anyone who wants to get this profession and increase their income, or simply find a job and give themselves time to look for a more profitable occupation. Watch a short video about the work of a taxi driver in Moscow:

Let's sum it up

Earning income from working as a taxi driver today is not as tangible as it was during the heyday of this activity. For normal income, everything must be done in a civilized and official manner, so the majority of the income is taken up by the preparatory stage and ensuring that the documents and the machine itself fully comply with legal requirements. Nevertheless, motorists continue to become taxi drivers if they have no other job or really like traveling while driving. If driving your car all day doesn't frighten you, you should consider becoming a taxi driver and enjoying endless driving.

If the steering wheel is not your thing, then becoming a taxi driver with a normal income will be quite difficult for you. It is better to find another job that will require fewer hours of driving. Having a car, you can get a job as a driver for some company and move along a certain route or only at the request of your manager. It is much calmer and often more profitable and easier than working in a taxi. However, the choice is always yours. Would you work in a taxi, taking into account all the features and difficulties of this profession in our time?

To get started successful business, you initially need to decide on the type of activity that will generate income. Passenger transportation is considered one of the most profitable ones. Almost all residents of our country use taxi and other transport services. This is an indispensable way to solve the problem in order to get to the the right place when your car breaks down, time is short, or in other situations. But to start such a business, it is worth determining what tax for individual entrepreneurs in 2019 is due for taxi activities.

The first stage of the taxi business

To open a taxi business, you must obtain a license. This is the first step towards transporting passengers. A license must be issued for all cars that the individual entrepreneur plans to use for taxis. The issuance is carried out by the responsible government bodies, which may be called differently in each region.

You will also have to pay for a license in 2019 to operate a taxi in each region differently. The period for which this document-permit for motor transport services is issued is the same for everyone. A license is issued for a minimum of 5 years. That is, those who just want to try what being a taxi driver is like will not be able to officially open an individual entrepreneur for transporting passengers for just a month or two.
To obtain a taxi license, you must provide:

  • certificate of assignment of TIN;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • leasing agreement, if any;
  • vehicle registration document;
  • a completed application in the prescribed form.

Requirements for car and driver:

  • car after technical inspection;
  • The driver has held a license for at least 3 years before applying for a license.

After submitting a package of documents, the license is issued within 30 days.

What type of taxation can I choose?

An entrepreneur who transports passengers in a taxi service is the same individual entrepreneur for the tax authorities as all others, but only with a certain OKVED code (OK 029-2014. ed. 2), namely 49.32 with the decoding “Taxi activities”. That is why taxi drivers, in order to open a business, can choose their type of taxation.

According to tax legislation, individual entrepreneurs have the right to pay taxes according to the following systems:

  • OSNO is the main one, which involves paying 13% of your personal income tax plus 18% of VAT to the country’s budget. This is the basic accrual and payment method, but it is considered the most labor-intensive in the accrual process, and you will also have to pay more.
  • UTII – single tax on imputed income. The amount to be paid when choosing such a taxation system depends on the number of seats in the transport used for transportation, which is registered to a given individual entrepreneur. At the same time, entrepreneurs can pay UTII by taxi not in all regions. Important: in 2018, UTII was extended until 2021.
  • PSN is a tax payment system that operates on the basis of a purchased patent. It can become a profitable alternative to UTII in those regions where it is not available for transporting passengers. The amount of this tax, namely the cost of the patent, also depends on the number of taxi cars the individual entrepreneur has.
  • The simplified tax system is a simplified tax payment system. The amount can be calculated according to two schemes at the entrepreneur’s choice and amount to either 6% of the amount of income or 15% of the difference between profits and expenses.

More information about the taxi driver license: video

What type of taxation is most beneficial?

To choose the right tax system for individual entrepreneur who in 2019 decided to open a business and will be engaged in transporting passengers by taxi, it is necessary not only to calculate how much he will pay to the state budget from his profits, but also to take into account the documentation for filling out and reporting to the tax control authorities.

OSNO is considered completely impractical for taxi driver entrepreneurs. In addition to income tax and VAT amounts, it is necessary to constantly record all financial transactions. That is, each income and expense will need to be confirmed accordingly. It is almost impossible to do this without accounting experience, which in turn will incur salary costs.

UTII is practiced by many individual entrepreneurs who transport passengers by taxi. But there are some restrictions on the possibility of switching to this type of tax payment:

  1. not in all regions the economic activity code “Taxi activity” refers to those that have the right to switch to UTII;
  2. UTII can be applied by an individual entrepreneur who uses no more than 20 vehicles to carry out his business activities.

The calculation of UTII is carried out in accordance with the norms of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 346.27. The formula for finding out how much you need to pay is as follows:

Basic yield (Implied income)*number of seats*deflator coefficient*15%*adjustment coefficient, where

  • basic yield for motor transport services is equal to 6000 rubles,
  • seat- This is a place for passengers to sit. Their number is established in the vehicle manufacturer’s data sheet or can be determined by those responsible government agencies technical supervision. For a taxi, 4 seats are considered.

The deflator coefficient for 2017 is 1.798. The adjustment coefficient is set in the region of registration of the individual entrepreneur and can be from 0.005 to 1.

That is, entrepreneurs who provide taxi passenger transportation services must pay from several rubles per month if the adjustment factor is at the lowest level. But at the same time, UTII also has its downsides:

  • reporting is submitted quarterly;
  • it is necessary to draw up all financial documents very carefully and competently, which is very difficult if you yourself are an entrepreneur and a driver at the same time;
  • UTII is valid only until 2021.

Although for those who use hired workers, it is the single tax that is optimal in the taxation system.

PSN also has a number of advantages. But at the same time, how much to pay in this case also depends on the amount of transport that is used to conduct business. The cost of a patent is calculated not just for one individual entrepreneur, but taking into account possible profit for every car. In addition, if an entrepreneur uses hired employees, then under the PSN there cannot be more than 15 people.

The most optimal for taxi driver entrepreneurs is the simplified tax system. This is due to its following advantages:

  • You need to pay only 6% of income or 15% of the difference between profits and expenses; in this case, the entrepreneur himself chooses how much to pay;
  • conducting accounting documentation requires minimal effort and time;
  • allowed for all individual entrepreneurs.

When comparing all tax payment systems, it is necessary to carefully consider all the pros and cons. If you have questions, it is better to seek advice from tax authorities so as not to lose later.

Do taxi drivers need CCT?

The legislation of the Russian Federation stipulates that individual entrepreneurs must use cash register systems in their work. But for entrepreneurs who transport passengers, work without it is allowed. Although this does not mean that there is no need to prepare documents when receiving money from a client. This must be taken into account for those who plan to open an individual entrepreneur.

An entrepreneur who provides passenger transportation services must provide passengers with strict reporting forms. There is no set form for taxi drivers yet. But there are mandatory details that must be present on the document:

  • name, series and number of this form for payment for taxi services;
  • client name;
  • date of registration;
  • service price;
  • details of the authorized person from the individual entrepreneur.

The stamp can be placed using a taximeter, a device that carries out all the taxi driver’s calculations and can issue a receipt.

Responsibility for failure to comply with the requirements for issuing BSO is provided:

  • deprivation of the right to apply preferential tax systems;
  • a fine of 1,000 rubles is imposed on the driver;
  • a fine of 10,000 rubles is imposed on individual entrepreneurs.

Therefore, it is better to follow all the rules so as not to reduce your own income and not pay extra. In general, entrepreneurship in the field of passenger transportation is quite profitable business, which you can do in 2019.

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This article will help you figure out how to open an individual taxi on your own, what documents are needed to obtain permission for an individual taxi, what tax system to choose for an individual taxi

If you have a personal car, then perhaps you are already thinking about starting your own business. And perhaps transporting passengers using a passenger taxi will become a very good source of income for you. And I will help you understand all the intricacies of the legislation.

So you decided to open your taxi. Where to begin?

1. First of all, you need to register an individual entrepreneur. When registering you need to select the following OKVED codes

60.22 “Taxi activities” - this code is used to provide services to individuals

60.23 “Activities of other land passenger transport” - this code can only be used in cases where you will provide services to corporate clients on the basis of a written agreement.

2. Obtain permission (license) to operate a taxi. ().

Driver requirements and vehicle

To open an individual entrepreneur, a taxi must meet the following requirements:

1. The taxi must be equipped with identification marks in the form of a composition of contrasting squares (so-called “checkers”) on the side surface of the body
2. There must be an orange identification light on the roof of the taxi.

We advise you to do everything according to the law, since for the lack of identification marks, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 11.14.1 of the Administrative Code, the driver can be fined 3,000 rubles. and individual entrepreneur - for 10,000 rubles. And for illegally applying identification marks individual may be fined 2,500 rubles, and an individual entrepreneur 20,000 rubles.

Requirements for private taxi drivers

1. The total driving experience must be at least 3 years.
2. Before the flight, the driver must undergo a medical examination. In practice, dispatch services can provide such a service to individual entrepreneurs. This option is the most convenient for an entrepreneur, since you don’t have to strain every time to find medical worker(after all, in fact, the procedure is essentially formal, but the mark on the waybill must be mandatory).
3. Before the trip, you need to check the technical condition of the car and make a note on the waybill. If you are an individual entrepreneur in the singular, then you do such an inspection yourself (in essence, it is also formal, but you should not neglect this, because not only your life, but also the life and health of your passengers depends on it).
4. Taxi must be equipped

The taxi service is one of the most popular business projects in Russia. This business can bring significant profits if everything is organized correctly. Unlike the trade sector, the business associated with the transportation of passengers does not experience negative influence crisis, since people will always take taxis. We will tell you how to open an individual entrepreneur in a taxi, give advice on choosing a taxation system, and consider which new BSO will be used for settlements with passengers from 07/01/2018.

Where to begin?

Every good business starts with a well-thought-out plan. First, you should think through all the details and analyze your competitors. To see the business from the inside, you can register a business and start working in a large taxi fleet with a dispatch service. This will be the first step towards creating your own project.

Step-by-step instruction

To register a business in the taxi industry, you need to complete several steps:

  1. Decide on OKVED 2018 for individual taxi drivers: according to the new OKVED 2 directory, the main code is 49.32 “Taxi activities”, you can additionally indicate 52.21.29 as an auxiliary type, and 63.99 if you plan to create a taxi service with your own dispatchers.
  2. Calculate which taxation system (USN, patent, general) will be more profitable to be in, in order to submit the corresponding application simultaneously with tax registration.
  3. Collect a package of documents for state registration of individual entrepreneurs: fill out an application f. No. Р21001, take a copy of your passport and have it certified by a notary if you plan to send papers by post, pay 800 rubles of state duty and keep the receipt. This procedure can be simplified if you use the Federal Tax Service website or the Government Services Portal.
  4. After registration as an individual entrepreneur, apply for a license.

Along with obtaining a license, all this will take a little more than a month.

Choosing a tax system

Every tax regime has its advantages and disadvantages. To be in the most favorable conditions, you should take into account the specifics of the taxi service. All possible tax regimes for a taxi driver entrepreneur can be presented in a comparative table:

BASICUTIIsimplified tax systemPSN
Tax rate13% on all income
18% VAT
15% of imputed income (minus insurance premiums)6% of income
15% of the difference in income minus expenses
ConditionsSeveral types of reporting tax burden increasedThe declaration is submitted 4 times a year, maximum 20 cars in the taxi fleetDeclaration once a year, keeping records of income and expensesNo reporting, purchased only for one type of activity
Is it suitable for taxi?Not profitable for individual entrepreneursDepends on the region, since not everywhere an individual entrepreneur taxi driver can use it, extended until 2020FitsThe most profitable

For a novice businessman, the PSN system is the most acceptable. The cost of a patent for an individual entrepreneur for a taxi in 2018 will depend on the subject of the Federation; regional authorities themselves establish the tax base of the PSN as a possible annual income.

To the tax burden of an entrepreneur, obligations to funds (PFR, Social Insurance Fund, Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund) are added. All businessmen must do insurance premiums for himself and hired drivers, even if the individual entrepreneur himself is a pensioner.

The procedure for obtaining permits

Passenger transportation is one of the areas of activity that an entrepreneur cannot engage in without prior permission from Rostransnadzor. Therefore, any organizer of passenger transportation should inquire in advance how to obtain a taxi license.

Since most taxis are passenger cars for 4 passengers, Rostransnadzor only issues a permit. A car requires a full license if it has 8 or more seats.

Important! Each car in the taxi fleet must have either a permit or a license. The validity period of the document is 5 years, and the place of validity is limited to one subject of the country. Because of this restriction, taxi drivers cannot deliver people to any cities in Russia, but only to those between which an agreement has been concluded.


The transport supervisory authority will not issue a permit if the operation of the taxi fleet is not organized according to all the rules. In different cities, these requirements may become slightly stricter, but the following laws apply everywhere:

  1. All taxi fleet vehicles must be in good working order before each departure, have a vehicle inspection certificate no longer than six months old, meet the requirements for transporting people, and be equipped with a trunk.
  2. Drivers with less than continuous driving experience three years not allowed.
  3. At the beginning of the shift, each driver who starts work must be examined by a doctor. To do this, you must first conclude an agreement with a medical institution.
  4. The taxi must have an international identification mark: “checkered” on an orange lamp.
  5. Equipping with a meter is mandatory if payment is made by mileage or by travel time.
  6. In some cities, special painting of cars is provided, and certain number taxi fleet cars. Therefore, a taxi license without an individual entrepreneur and without yellow color You won't be able to get it everywhere.
  7. Each taxi driver must have a separate permit for his car.

Attention! A taxi license without an individual entrepreneur is not issued under any circumstances. Tax registration is one of the main requirements for issuing permits. Don't trust scammers who promise otherwise.

List of documents

To obtain permission to operate a taxi, an entrepreneur will need to collect an impressive package of papers. Documents must confirm the facts:

  • tax registration (extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs);
  • absence of debt to the budget and funds (certificate from the tax office);
  • ownership of a car (sale or lease agreement);
  • required driving experience (copy of license);
  • fulfilling the requirements for the car (copy of the inspection ticket, photo of the installed light with “checkers” in front and profile of the car);
  • passing a medical examination for drivers (agreement with a medical institution).

Attention! Taxi permits are issued only by government agencies or through the mediation of the MFC. Third-party organizations who offer services such as obtaining a license for your own car without an individual entrepreneur are engaged in fraud.

Permits and licenses may look different in different regions. Their prices also differ. Each issued license is registered in a special register, and access to this information is provided to everyone on the official websites of departments.

New payment system for passengers

For now, the old strict reporting forms are in use among taxi drivers. They replace them, since individual entrepreneurs may not use cash registers, but are required to issue BSO when receiving payment for transportation services. But from July 2018 they will all have to switch to new system settlements with passengers.

In essence, new types of BSO are receipts generated electronically and printed using automated system taximeter. Such a system replaces the old BSO reporting book, which entrepreneurs previously kept on paper.

The new sample of filling out the BSO for a taxi on an individual entrepreneur must contain a long list of details. Among them are:

  • name and serial number;
  • IP data;
  • make and number of the car, as the place of payment, place of registration of the entrepreneur or website address, if payment is made by electronic payment systems;
  • taxation regime and calculation indicator (receipt, return, expense);
  • description of the service;
  • payment amount and payment method (cash or bank transfer);
  • information about cash register equipment: serial and registration number;
  • email addresses of the taxi driver of the individual entrepreneur and the client, if the BSO is sent via the Internet.

Thus, the new BSO for taxis are Internet checks that are automatically sent online to the tax office. The client can also receive the BSO to his email address. To implement this mechanism, you will need to purchase new cash register equipment or a special taximeter, which must be present in every taxi car.

What should be present in a taxi driver's cabin?

The driver should not travel if he lacks any of the following items:

  • IP details of the owner of the taxi service (full name, INN and OGRIP) and driver details;
  • mode and rules of operation of the taxi fleet;
  • phone number local authority Rostransnadzor;
  • waybill received after passing a medical examination by the driver and technical inspection of the car;
  • unexpired GTO coupon;
  • OSAGO policy;
  • Starting from the second half of the year, every taxi driver will have to acquire a new taximeter or cash register for generating BSO or payment checks.


In the field of passenger transportation, the following violations most often occur:

  1. A taxi driver works without registering as an individual entrepreneur: a fine of 500-2000 rubles (clause 1 of article 14.1 of the Administrative Code).
  2. A permit or license for one of the taxi service cars has not been issued: the fine for the driver is 2,500 rubles, the fine for the owner, the entrepreneur, is 5,000 rubles (Clause 2 of Article 14.1 of the Administrative Code).
  3. The salon lacks information about the carrier, payment terms, and supervisory authorities: fines of 1,000 and 10,000 rubles for the driver and entrepreneur, respectively (Clause 1 of Article 11.14.1 of the Administrative Code).
  4. The same amount of fines if the taxi driver did not give the passenger a BSO or a check. An individual entrepreneur may be deprived of the right to use the simplified tax system if he does not keep a BSO accounting book.
  5. The car does not have identifying marks of a taxi: the fine for the driver is 3,000 rubles, for an individual entrepreneur – 10,000 rubles (clause 3 of article 11.14.1 of the Administrative Code).

In addition, a taxi driver is obliged to drive according to the rules, like any other road user.

Pros and cons of creating a taxi service

The existing taxi fleet brings good profit to the owner even in a crisis year. This business can be organized not only in big city, but also in a small town. In this case, the dispatch service may well be limited to one person coordinating the movement of several drivers using radio communication.

Like any line of business, a taxi service has its advantages and disadvantages.

  1. People prefer taxis more than other types public transport because of the ability to get to anywhere in the city: faster and without unnecessary stops.
  2. The number of orders does not depend on the time of year, revenue is always stable.
  1. High competition. Despite the tightening of laws, there are still many drivers working illegally without a license, they take away some of the clients.
  2. To organize a business, you will have to make an effort: obtaining a permit for each taxi car is costly and requires a lot of paperwork.
  3. Taxi cars quickly become unusable due to bad roads, and significant amounts of money have to be spent on their repairs.

In addition, difficulties may arise with personnel selection. It can be problematic to find good drivers with experience, in whose reliability the owner can be confident.

Bottom line

Transporting passengers by taxi is a business that has fewer risks. There will be a stable profit in any case. If you organize the whole thing according to the rules, you can avoid unnecessary fines, so you shouldn’t neglect obtaining licenses and equipping your cars with new taximeters.

Today, working as a taxi driver is quite a popular occupation. Many companies, great competition, and, accordingly, a flexible choice of prices allow a large number people use private transportation services. But what is a taxi if you look at it through an entrepreneurial lens? It's the same business. Transporting passengers can be a lucrative business. However, like any commercial activity, a taxi must be properly registered as an individual entrepreneur activity. And there are some peculiarities that are better to know before you start in this niche.

Pros and cons of transporting passengers

Taxi includes in the essence of its action not only services for transporting people. This also includes the transportation of small cargo. The case itself is classified under the section of public transport. The scheme of working with the consumer is simple. Payment is made upon completion of the order at the cost of the initial calculation, or by marking up the counter. Internal regulations- each company has its own, but the general rule for all is that a vehicle involved in transportation must undergo maintenance and comply with safety standards.

There is also a division of transport into budget, middle and luxury classes. And services also vary based on this factor. In addition to standard transportation, you can find specialized options, for example, taxis for the disabled. In this case, the taxi is additionally equipped or equipped with the necessary equipment.

There are those who work with coordinators-dispatchers, as well as those who use only GPS navigators and company software that automatically calculates the cost of a trip based on mileage and downtime. Each entrepreneur has his own approach.

But let’s see what the main advantages and disadvantages of this type of business can be identified.

Pros of taxi

  • Taxi is not has restrictions on geographical principle. If the passenger is willing to pay for long-distance transportation, which means that such a service can be provided to him and earn extra money.
  • An entrepreneur who is the organizer of a company can make a profit of up to 70 percent from each transport.
  • Demand taxi is constant, not seasonal susceptible A bad weather conditions, on the contrary, lead to growth of orders.

Cons of taxi

  • For a person with average income in in our country, taxis are not always a convenient tool first of all, because this type of transportation is much more expensive than public transport.
  • Work with clients is difficult. There will always be dissatisfied people who write negative reviews and even those filing complaints your drivers. At the same time not It is imperative that the driver is really at fault.
  • The level of competition is really high. This is especially noticeable on those markets where giants have come, such as Uber or Yandex-taxi, working on intermediary scheme. In addition, the EUthere are many drivers who do not received licenses, but they still get stuck in market.

There are many disadvantages, but with a competent analysis of the competitive environment, the level of demand, the solvency of the target audience and its quantity, as well as when drawing up a high-quality business plan, positive sides will outweigh, and the business will become profitable.

The main thing is to start. And the beginning is not only a business idea and its implementation on paper. This is also correct design all documents.

For understanding, it is not necessary for an individual entrepreneur to create a large fleet of vehicles to open this type of business. With the help of documents, you can even work through someone else's dispatch service.

What does an individual entrepreneur need to open a taxi service?

First thing is to register business law and get permission. This is a simple matter. You will need to file an application with the federal tax office.

One of the points of the application will be the selected OKVED codes. For a taxi service, this is

60.22 - taxi activities that allow the provision of passenger transportation services.

60.23 - activities of other land transport.

The second point will be needed for the subsequent expansion of the commercial business. This way you will have access to mass transportation under the contract. No one also prohibits you from choosing a larger number of codes at your discretion. Yes, it would be useful for further activities open also cargo transportation.

To the question - why is it worth immediately deciding on OKVED, taking into account the strategy for the future development of the company - the choice of codes is free only for the initial registration of an individual entrepreneur. In the future, installing additional features will cost you a certain amount for each type of service.

Previously, only those who had a car were allowed to open a taxi service. After 2012, the licensing option also extended to fleets with vehicles on lease, which were driven by proxy.

Documents for opening an individual taxi business

  1. Receipt that you paid the state duty required for registration of business rights.
  2. Statement. The form can be found at official resource of the Federal Tax Service.
  3. Copy of the passport. Her will need to be certified by notary.

The processing time for your documents is about five working days. But you receive a taxi license no earlier than one month has passed. Take this into account when planning, because you can do a lot of useful things in a month - find a place for a control room, if one is provided in your business, for example. Or purchase the necessary equipment - walkie-talkies, antennas, etc.

Why do you need a taxi license?

A license as a document was introduced only in 2011, when the Taxi Law was adopted. Since then, acquiring a license is a mandatory parameter for all individual entrepreneurs and companies that plan to transport passengers. In addition, the opposite pattern also applies. You will not be able to obtain a taxi license if you Federal service for supervision in the transport sector will not be provided with a basis in the form of the existence of an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

When obtaining a taxi license, remember that it is issued to operate in a specific territory. If you need to combine several regions in the operation of your taxi, you will need an additional agreement. The license is valid for five years from the date of issue.

There are also a number of nuances of commercial activity. To obtain a license, your business must meet certain standards:

  • A certain number of cars owned IP, or uses on lease rights. It is determined differently for each subject of the country.
  • The machine involved in the execution of taxi services must comply with the requirements for transporting people and luggage
  • Technical inspection of machines operating in taxis must pass once every six months.
  • Distinctive marks, or whatever they are called “checkers” should be an integral attribute of the car.
  • Orange “checkers” on top, which have a backlight function. This mandatory requirement. It is also recommended to have a taximeter.
  • Driver requirements - three years of experience without a break, or general- at least five years.
  • Each away day must be accompanied by a vehicle inspection and a medical inspection of the driver.

On the roads, taxi drivers will often encounter traffic police officers. And upon their request, they are required to present at least a copy of the certificate. So, the entrepreneur’s task is to ensure that each of his drivers has this copy with him.

In some regions of the country, there is a rule that all taxis must be of the same color scheme. But you will think about this a little later. Because it is unrealistic for a new company to immediately provide such uniformity.

To obtain a license, you will need the following papers:

  • Statement from individual entrepreneur
  • A copy of his passport
  • A copy of the vehicle's registration certificate. In the case when the vehicle is in leasing, or loan, an agreement is also provided with banking organization.

For each car owned or leased by an individual entrepreneur, a separate package of documents is submitted.

Fines for not having a license

As already mentioned, it is impossible to obtain a licensed permit to operate a taxi without the participation and presence of an individual entrepreneur in our country. But, of course, there is also a black market. Mostly now - on the Internet. However, beware. Fraudulent schemes used by companies that entice entrepreneurs to purchase such documents from them for a certain amount, bypassing official bodies, will cause you to simply get stuck with large fines and sanctions after the first inspection, up to the impossibility of obtaining and using such licenses anymore .

If an individual entrepreneur does not have a license, but operates as a taxi, then he is automatically considered guilty of violating the law. Namely, paragraph 3 of Article 11.14.1 of the Code of Administrative Offences. In this case, a fine of 3 thousand rubles is imposed on the driver and 10 thousand rubles on the individual entrepreneur.

An additional fine is also provided in case taxi identification marks (checkered) are also used in the absence of a license. This will be equated to the article “illegal use of a special sign”, for which 2,500 rubles are due from the driver and 20 thousand rubles from the company.

The cost of such penalties will not benefit anyone, so be careful and study all the laws related to your commercial activities. If you don't know about something, it won't relieve you of responsibility.

What should be in the cabin of a taxi car

This applies to each vehicle used by the entrepreneur to operate as a taxi:

  1. Set of rules for services for passengers
  2. Information about the owner of the individual entrepreneur (in including full name, INN, OGRNIP)
  3. Driver information card with driver details and photo
  4. Phone number to contact government supervisory authorities. That there is one service that can receive complaints from your taxi client in region.
  5. Taxi schedule
  6. Driver documents
  7. They are provided by the first request of the traffic police inspector
  8. Waybill (in this document must be marked that the technical and body check).
  9. OSAGO
  10. Technical certificate

When you take out insurance for your car, be sure to indicate that it will be used as a taxi vehicle. Because otherwise, unpleasant moments may arise in resolving disputes with insurers. Indeed, if the required stamp is missing, the company has the right to refuse compensation in your favor.

Taxi taxes

Firstly, everything will depend on the taxation system that you choose when registering the right to entrepreneurial activity. Don’t rush into choosing, weigh the pros and cons.

In general, the following systems may be suitable for taxis:


Working on it, an individual entrepreneur will pay 13 percent tax on his income (personal income tax) and 18 percent VAT. This is the least popular path due to difficulties with reporting documents, declarations, and simply costs.


This system places a limit of twenty cars per taxi fleet. But now it’s too late for you to think about it, because the government plans for 2018 to cancel this system taxation.


Now one of the types of activities in the register of permitted activities under the patent system is just a taxi. The most simple circuit work and minimum reporting. But there are also large restrictions on income, staff and vehicle fleet.

How to pay passengers

A cash register as a mandatory means of paying a client does not belong to this business niche. That is, a cash register is not needed. However, as in any other case, at the client’s request, it will be necessary to provide him with any other document confirming the fact of payment. First of all, this is a BSO - a strict reporting form. The BSO can be formed by the individual entrepreneur itself. The main thing is that it includes the following points:

  1. Series and document number
  2. Taxi fleet names
  3. Customer name
  4. Cost of the service provided
  5. Service implementation date
  6. Full name of the driver who made the payment with the client

Printing enough forms with the help of a printing agency in the case of a taxi is not the best the best option. After all, if you are successful, you will still need to print them. Therefore, you can immediately set your sights on purchasing a special check printing machine (CHP).

Important! They cannot be printed on a printer!

Or, simply equip each car with a specialized system - a taximeter, which will issue receipts.

An entrepreneur will need to keep a book of BSO reports. Otherwise, you may be deprived of the right to act “in a simplified manner” and a fine of ten thousand rubles will be imposed.

If you need to close an individual entrepreneur on which a taxi service operated, then do not forget about payments in Pension Fund. You will need to pay all fees, and then submit an application to the Federal Tax Service. This procedure is quick and takes place almost immediately after submitting the application.

Bottom line

Registering an individual entrepreneur to start a business in the taxi niche is not too difficult. But as always, there are nuances and features that you not only have to know, they need to be taken into account when planning a business strategy. Otherwise, you will simply run into large fines and jeopardize the success of the case. Be careful and take a responsible approach to any documentation and rules of record keeping.