6 FSB department. FSB generals: names, positions. Management of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation

Different testimony in a criminal case and in arbitration does not bother anyone yet, only because law enforcement officers do not combine all processes and decisions on them into one scheme. But lawlessness cannot last indefinitely, and in the event of a fair trial, the documents indicated on the paper with Ushakov’s name will greatly hinder the raiders.

General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation

The criminal case initiated against Ekimov was investigated for six years. Investigator of the Russian Department of Internal Affairs for the Istra district, Petr Zvonkov, closes the case at the stage of signing the indictment. The position of the investigation is that Ekimov’s guilt has been fully proven.

It is impossible to find this criminal case now. To all inquiries about where the materials are located, PASMI journalists are answered with a refusal to provide data.

Obviously, the Prosecutor General's Office knows where the case is. An inspection carried out there showed that it was illegally closed. The prosecutor's office insists on resuming the investigation, which is reported to Deputy Prosecutor General Viktor Grin.

“Studying the case in the Prosecutor General’s Office Russian Federation showed that the preliminary investigation into the second episode of Ekimov V.S. the act was terminated by the investigator unreasonably, the resolution in this part, in violation of part 4 of article 7 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, is not motivated and not substantiated on the collected materials of the criminal case,” the document says. – “Taking into account the above, as well as the fact that the investigation of the criminal case based on the appeals of Churin V.V. has taken on a protracted nature, the investigative body has repeatedly made illegal procedural decisions, which were canceled in the order of supervision and departmental control, in order to intensify the investigation, I propose to instruct the prosecutor of the Moscow region to cancel the illegal decision to terminate the investigation dated 04/02/2015, to take measures aimed at establishing all the circumstances of the crime crimes, making a lawful decision.”

The actions specified in the letter have not yet been completed. I would like to print the name of that employee of the prosecutor’s office who, after thousands of appeals from social activists, journalists and deputies, nevertheless saw signs of a violation of the law and reported this to higher management. But the source's name is hidden for his safety. Such a paradox.

PASMI sends a request to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yuri Chaika and the Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Viktor Grin with a request to provide data on the deadlines for completing the actions specified in this document.

The main candidate for the post of the new head of the “K” department of the FSB was an employee of the intelligence service’s Internal Security Directorate, Ivan Tkachev. He was involved in the development of the case of MVD generals Sugrobov and Kolesnikov

FSB building in Moscow (Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC)

"Banking" department

The main contender for the post of head of the “K” department of the FSB was the head of the 6th service of the FSB Internal Security Directorate, Ivan Tkachev, an interlocutor close to the counterintelligence leadership told RBC, and a source in the FSB confirmed.

Tkachev’s appointment is expected in the near future, says one of RBC’s interlocutors. But his candidacy has yet to be approved by FSB Director Alexander Bortnikov. If the appointment takes place, for Tkachev the transition from the post of head of the service to the post of head of the department will be “a jump through several steps at once,” says a source in the intelligence service.

The 6th Internal Security Service of the FSB was created in 2008, it includes only 35 people, says an RBC source. The powers of this unit were not officially announced.

Tkachev played a key role in the case ex-head of the Main Directorate of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, says RBC’s FSB interlocutor.

Sugrobov and his deputy Boris Kolesnikov were detained in 2014 on charges of provoking a bribe, exceeding official authority and organizing a criminal community. In June of the same year, Kolesnikov died after falling from a balcony in the Investigative Committee building after interrogation.

Resignations in two departments

According to Rosbalt, resignation reports were written by the heads of two more departments that are part of the structure of the FSB SEB - these are the heads of divisions “P” and “T”, which are engaged in counterintelligence support for industrial and transport enterprises, respectively.

“The heads of the entire economic bloc of the FSB are leaving the department. All of them have been in place for a long time, age. But, of course, this is not the reason for the resignation. IN Lately SEB's relations with the Internal Security Department of the FSB of the Russian Federation became strained; scandalous stories began to arise that developed into criminal cases or so-called operational reports. There was a rather difficult situation last summer, but then somehow the parties were “taken to the corners.” Now it didn’t work out,” said a Rosbalt source in the intelligence services.

According to him, Oleg Feoktistov, who is now the deputy head of the department, could become the head of the CSS.

Let's start with the declaration of FSB Director Alexander Bortnikov, who graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Railway Engineers, from 2003 to 2004 served as head of the FSB department for St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, then, under the former director of the FSB Patrushev, he headed the economic security service (SEB) of the FSB.

For a long time, the Bortnikovs lived quite modestly: a caravan was registered for the head of the family, and a VAZ 21093 car was registered for the wife Tatyana Borisovna (on the night of July 14, 2005, unknown attackers stole the license plate from the car). The couple owned an apartment in St. Petersburg on Zagreb Boulevard.

After moving to the capital, the family significantly improved their living conditions. According to published data, they acquired another apartment (115 sq. m), a plot of land (1198 sq. m), country house(150 sq. m) and two individual parking spaces. It is true that what kind of cars are parked in these parking lots is not specified.

The only son of the Bortnikovs* graduated from the St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance in 1996. Until 2004, he worked at Industrial Construction Bank OJSC, then as an adviser to the manager of the Guta-Bank branch, and in 2005 he moved to the position of deputy manager of Vneshtorgbank Retail Services CJSC. Since 2006 - Deputy Manager of the VTB branch in St. Petersburg. In 2007, he was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Board of VTB North-West.

First Deputy Director of the FSB Sergei Smirnov, while working as the head of the FSB Directorate for St. Petersburg and the region, lived with his wife Natalya Pavlovna in house number 27 on Novgorodskaya Street and officially owned a Zhiguli car produced in 1983. Now the Smirnovs have moved to a “Chekist” house on Udaltsova Street. In addition to two apartments, they have a plot of land (2500 sq. m) and a parking space (832.5 sq. m). It is not known what their son Evgeniy does.

Director of the FSB border service, Hero of Russia (received for “Nord-Ost”) and concurrently chairman of the Dynamo society Vladimir Pronichev, according to published data, owns a land plot (5028 sq. m.), a residential building (811.3 sq. m.) and an apartment (204 sq. m.).

My wife, Lyudmila Aleksandrovna, works at the Investment Company Global-Invest LLC. Just two years ago, I was driving a Toyota RAV with criminal license plates - O***MR 77. Now my husband gave Lyudmila Alexandrovna his Lexus GC 470, and he himself moved to an LX 570 worth three and a half million rubles. In addition, another plot of land (3000 sq. m), a residential building (604.3 sq. m), a garage (123.4 sq. m) and an outbuilding (172.4 sq. m.) were registered in the name of the spouse. Eldest daughter- lawyer, drives an Infinity FX 3. The youngest graduated from MGIMO, worked at Gazprom, owns a Honda Accord car, also with criminal plates - A *** MP 77.

Deputy Director of the FSB Vyacheslav Ushakov met his other half in the 8th grade, sitting at the same desk. Now Valentina Petrovna is a housewife. The youngest daughter graduated from the Lyceum in Petrozavodsk, and then from the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, she is a co-founder of Eigers LLC (the company has its own cinema and also leases retail space in Sheremetyevo). She owns a Mercedes.

The Ushakovs’ eldest daughter married businessman Ruslan, studied at the FSB Academy, and is now a successful businesswoman. Her name can be seen among the founders of the Arizo trading house, Yunika MS LLC (production and sale of finishing materials), Platon Service CJSC, Eigers LLC and the Youth Leisure Center (office on the territory of the Central Air Terminal). In addition, the daughter and her father, a security officer, established non-commercial partnership individual developers "Beijing" (management real estate) at the address: “Gorki-2” UMTO FSB of the Russian Federation, site No. 51. In addition to the Ushakovs, the founders of “Beijing” included tax officer Boris Korol and two Muscovites - Umarpasha Khanaliev and Hammyat Suleymanov. She gets around in a Volvo.

On the FSB website, Ushakov indicated that he owns a residential building (210 sq. m) and rents a plot of land (2461 sq. m). But for some reason there is a dash in the “spouse” column.

Another deputy director of the FSB is State Secretary Yuri Gorbunov - Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Associate Professor, member of the Russian Association of International Law, author of more than 70 scientific works. The President was thanked twice for his services in improving the legal framework for countering terrorism.

Previously, the Gorbunovs lived in an old house on Troitskaya Street. The wife, Tatyana Evgenievna, first worked at Atompromresursy OJSC, and then moved to a management position at the Federal Tax Service for the Moscow Region. According to published data, Mr. Gorbunov does not own any property. However, a land plot (1040 sq. m.) has been registered for the second half. new flat(117.3 sq. m.) and a summer house (193 sq. m.).

Sergei Buravlev has been in the security forces since August 1971. Appointed to the position of Deputy Director of the FSB in June 2005. Together with his wife and daughter, they own two apartments (55 and 80 sq. m.), a plot of land (1025 sq. m. and rent another 495 sq. m.) and drive a Kia Sefia car, manufactured in 1998. It is unknown where the son and daughter work.

Deputy Director of the FSB Vladimir Kulishov was born on July 20, 1957 in the Rostov region. In 1979 he graduated from the Kiev Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers, then the USSR KGB Higher School, since 2000 he worked in the central office of the FSB, commanded security officers in the Saratov region (he headed the regional society "Dynamo") and in Chechnya. According to official data, Kulishov and his wife own a plot of land (1,487 sq. m), a residential building (374.4 sq. m), an apartment (87.2 sq. m) and a Volga car manufactured in 1999.

According to our source from the presidential administration, several more heads of departments of the central apparatus, as well as heads of the FSB departments of republics, regions and large cities, will soon report on their income and property.

Structure of the FSB

Existing on the money of Russian taxpayers, the FSB has tightly fenced itself off from the country. They have everything of their own: operational services, investigation, aviation, navy, construction department, design institutes, fire service, educational establishments, medicine, rest homes, sanitary and epidemiological services and the press.

In 1993, by decree of Boris Yeltsin, the FSB Investigation Department was dissolved, and Lefortovo prison was transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. But two years later, under pressure from the security officers, Yeltsin “gave in,” and the SU was revived again. Immediately, criminal cases began to be filed against environmentalists, scientists, and especially recalcitrant businessmen accused of espionage. Moreover, the prosecutors supervising the KGB investigation almost never found any violations.

The system itself also started high-profile scandals. The most recent one happened in Nizhny Novgorod. According to the materials of the criminal case, the head of the investigation department of the FSB Directorate for Nizhny Novgorod region Oleg Efremov and his predecessor Vladimir Obukhov traded heroin (39 kg) seized from drug dealers in 2002 for six years. Both security officers were detained in 2008, but a year ago Efremov was killed in solitary confinement. The circumstances of Efremov’s death leave a lot of questions. For example, on what basis was he transferred to a special colony without being convicted? Do you know how he was killed? I quote: “... Having previously opened the cell, detective Kruchinin, prisoners Arkhipov and Toropov (former sparring partner of the Klitschko brothers) wrapped Efremov with tape, hung him on a rope from the ceiling so that his feet barely touched the floor, and inflicted at least 70 blows with their fists, feet and rubber with a baton..."

There are rumors that just before his death, Efremov was allegedly going to tell investigators who else from the leadership of the FSB had a share. According to other sources, the opera and the lessons beat him out of the location of caches with “grandmas” and drugs.

The widow has her own version: “Oleg was forced to testify against the former head of the FSB Directorate for the Nizhny Novgorod Region, Vladimir Bulavin (now the head of the apparatus of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee), but he refused. That’s why he suffered.”

The FSB control service conducts financial audits within the department, monitors moral character and catches security officers who were werewolves. The service is headed by an old acquaintance of Putin - 62-year-old Yuri Ignashchenkov, who at one time worked as the head of the security service of the Sheraton Nevsky Palace hotel, and then as the head of the St. Petersburg FSB Directorate (his wife, Lyudmila Vasilievna, is a housewife. The daughter graduated from the Faculty of Biology and Soil Sciences of St. Petersburg State University, at the university of the German city Tübingen worked on her dissertation: “Neural mechanisms underlying secret changes in attention”)

The Control Service includes five departments: financial and economic, inspectorate, control and audit, information support for operational intelligence activities and the department of internal security (USB).

We haven’t heard much about the first four, but we have heard about the CSS. At one time, even the head of the special unit, General Alexander Kupryazhkin, “distinguished himself” by actually divulging the secret of the investigation into the murder of Anna Politkovskaya. If you remember, in 2007, on the eve of the arrests of the main suspects, Kupryazkin unexpectedly appeared on air and named the name of one of the defendants - an employee of the capital's FSB Directorate, Lieutenant Colonel Ryaguzov.

General Kupryazhkin was born in 1957 in Voronezh region. My wife, Olga Nikolaevna, is engaged in business. My son worked at OJSC MMZ Vympel, and there is also a daughter.

Several of Kupryazkin’s subordinates appeared in a criminal case, according to which Far East Entire trainloads of Chinese contraband were delivered to the address of the FSB warehouse (military unit 54729) (criminal case No. 290724). Special officers and generals of the central apparatus associated with this case were either fired or reinstated, and in the end they ended up as vice-presidents and heads of security services in large banks and state corporations. But the criminal case quietly fizzled out.

Another important body is the Organizational and Personnel Work Service (ORS). The head is Colonel General Evgeny Lovyrev (part-time director of the Dynamo women's volleyball club). His wife Anna Viktorovna and son work at Zarubezhneft OJSC. The SOKR includes three departments: special registrations, organizational planning management and personnel management.

We have heard a lot about the sporting successes of the girls from Dynamo. But many are tormented by doubts about the state of affairs with FSB personnel. For example, do all employees follow the covenants? former director FSB Patrushev (now Secretary of the Security Council)? I quote last interview: “Security officers have always had such qualities as patriotism, a sense of civic responsibility for the fate of the Motherland, and loyalty to the military oath. For them, honor, courage, courage and readiness for self-sacrifice are not in simple words, but with concepts filled with deep inner content, moral basis life"

SEB and management "M"

One of the key structures is the Economic Security Service (ESS). The service includes seven departments: for counterintelligence support for industrial enterprises (directorate “P”), for counterintelligence support for transport (directorate “T”), for counterintelligence support for the credit and financial system (directorate “K”), for counterintelligence support for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Justice (directorate “M”), organizational and analytical, combating smuggling and drug trafficking (directorate “N”) and administrative service.

Let us dwell on the “M” department, which “grasses” the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Justice. The guys are so secretive that even the address of their office in the center of Moscow is a state secret. Although ordinary sergeants from the Central Administrative District Internal Affairs Directorate showed it to me.

After the execution of innocent people by the head of the Tsaritsyno police department, Evsyukov, almost two dozen generals of the Ministry of Internal Affairs lost their posts. There was also a personnel purge in the “M” department: the immediate police supervisor, the head of the Nikolaev department, lost his post. But the head of the “M” department, Vladimir Kryuchkov, on the contrary, went for a promotion and became deputy head of the organizational and inspection department. Patrushev’s protégé, Alexey Dorofeev, who previously held the position of head of the FSB Directorate in Karelia, was appointed in his place. The structure has also been changed. Previously, the “M” department reported to Smirnov, now it reports directly to FSB Director Bortnikov.

After the historical publication of data on the income and property of security officers, I dare to ask the director of the FSB a couple of questions:

Dear Alexander Vasilievich! As one knowledgeable person said, many police chiefs were caught by your subordinates from the “M” department in unseemly acts, and now they not only “knock on the door”, but also allegedly give part of the profits to their curators. This is true?

A MUR operative told me about another problem:

In order to track all the movements of Ded Hassan (oldest thief in law Aslan Usoyan - See Novaya's information), we placed a "watch" on him at airports and train stations (the "Rozysk-Magistral" system). Previously, we knew where he went and where he came from. And recently Grandfather Hasan visited Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan on “working visits”. But the FSB border service did not notify us about this. I wonder why?

By the way, how is the search going for Vladimir Volkov (nicknamed Volchar, Volodya the Shlepnog), who has been on the federal wanted list since 1992, and who escaped from ITC-2 in Tatarstan? According to your and the police files, he passes as “Ded Hassan’s regular killer.” The operational information contains addresses in Eastern Europe where he might be hiding. Among other things, there are references to the fact that as soon as Volchara appears in Russia, contract killings are sure to occur. I wonder where the surveillance reports on Volkov go and who supplies him with fake passports of Serbia, the Czech Republic and Poland and gives him a “green corridor” when crossing the border? And how does he actually get through border control?


At the beginning of the 2000s, under the slogan of fighting crime, corruption and chaos, the FSB sent its career officers to various ministries, departments and even commercial structures to strengthen personnel. What came out of this is well known: drug addiction has become a national disaster, it is better not to mention the increase in crime, and in terms of the level of corruption, Russia has dropped to 147th place and ranks on the same line with Kenya, Syria and Bangladesh.

Of course, you can’t list all the “fortified people,” but you can list the most noticeable ones.

Presidential plenipotentiary representative in the Central Federal District Georgy Poltavchenko (served in the KGB of Leningrad), plenipotentiary representative in the Volga region Grigory Rapota (since 1966 in the ranks of the KGB).

The former head of the FSB inspectorate department is now the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Nurgaliev, the head of the internal security department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a native of the KGB Draguntsov, the head of the administrative department is the security officer Maidanov.

The head of the State Drug Control Service is the former head of the FSB Internal Security Service - Ivanov, the head of the Moscow department of this department is the security officer Davydov, the head of the St. Petersburg department is the security officer Shesterikov, the head of the Orenburg department is the security officer Ivanov. And this list goes on and on.

By the way, I would really like to ask Comrade Davydov how the story ended with the discovery of the bodies of detectives Dmitry Mazanov and Vakhtang Gvakharia (son-in-law of Yeltsin’s former security guard, now State Duma deputy Korzhakov) in the office of the Federal Drug Control Service in the Closed Administrative District of Moscow, who died from a heroin overdose? Have you found out where the deceased purchased drugs and who protected this outlet? And what kind of high official tried to prevent the autopsy of the bodies to establish the cause of death?

Well, the head of customs - former employee The KGB and Putin's friend Belyaninov - readers already know.

In addition, a whole army of comrades working under the guise has settled in local authorities, large enterprises, state corporations, the oil and gas complex (for example, another friend of the prime minister, Mr. Tokarev), the management of state television channels, newspapers, universities and even theaters. And all this, not counting the numerous agents and anonymous people.

* The editors, for security reasons, naturally omit the names of children and personal transport numbers.

Who and how is called upon to control all this hectic economy - in the nearest rooms.

Help "Novaya"

Usoyan Aslan Rashidovich(Grandfather Hasan) was born on February 27 (28), 1937 in Tbilisi. By nationality - Yezidi Kurd. A thief in law. From 1980 to 1992, he served a prison sentence in the Urals for selling counterfeit gold coins (he was arrested in Kazakhstan). He has extensive connections among corrupt officials in Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Stavropol and Krasnodar territories, as well as in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB. In almost every region of Russia, from Ded Hassan there are “watchers” who control commercial banks, illegal money flows, drug trafficking, gambling, residential robberies, robberies and thefts of foreign cars.

In 1998, at a gathering of thieves in Moscow, Usoyan was “crowned” for collaborating with the authorities and departing from the “thieves’” traditions. The initiator was the famous thief in law Rudolf Oganov (nickname Rudik - he was soon killed in the capital).

Dorofeev Alexey Nikolaevich


Born in 1960 in St. Petersburg.


He received a civilian education at the Leningrad Mechanical Institute, after which he entered the KGB Higher School.

Service career

After graduation, he still serves in the security agencies to this day; he worked for a long time in the FSB Directorate for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. In 2006, he headed the FSB Directorate for Karelia.

From 2010 to 2012, he headed the FSB department for counterintelligence support of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Federal Drug Control Service and the Ministry of Justice - the “M” department.

Since 2012 - Head of the FSB department for Moscow and the Moscow region.

Compromising evidence

Shortly before his death, Minkin, through his lawyer, gave me a letter that he wrote at the end of July of this year to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Don’t think that the addressee’s last name is important here. The businessman’s acquaintances unanimously assure that the author himself had little faith that his appeal would ever deserve the attention of the president. This is just a prison diary turned into a prison confession. “Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich! In complete despair, I appeal directly to you as the first person of the state and the guarantor of the Constitution with a request to protect my constitutional rights. I remember very well your words spoken at the congress of the Popular Front, it seems, in the fall of 2011: the main goal of your politics - to create conditions under which it is not the person who exists for the state, but the state for the person. The repressive apparatus of the state has fallen upon me with all its might, I ask you to protect me as an individual, especially since this apparatus in my case personifies not the state, but the state. a certain group of people who have appropriated the right to speak on behalf of the state, although they represent a real organized criminal group. I will say right away: I will not swear that I have always been an ardent supporter of the political line pursued by you, but over time I have increasingly begun to understand the correctness of what. You do. That's why I joined the party." United Russia“at the beginning of 2011, when, according to certain signs, a certain weakness of the political line pursued by you began to be felt and I sincerely wanted to support it. I was increasingly satisfied with the fact that in addition to building a vertical power<…>Strong elements of enlightened conservatism and a social market economy began to emerge more and more in it.<…>In addition to supporting your political line as a member of the party in power, even earlier, at the beginning of the first decade of our century, I became, so to speak, an ardent supporter of the FSB, realizing that this service is the only body that can resist the tendency of Russia to slide into a corrupt state . That is why, in a situation where the Berezovsky-Rybkin party was illegally collecting signatures to promote its presidential candidate, I found the strength and civic courage, despite the considerable money offered to me, to assist the FSB in suppressing the illegal activities of this party. The above information does not mean that all the facts of my business activities and my life are impeccable, but I have always tried not to cross the line of the law. On November 19, 2013, several dozen employees of the Fourth Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation arrived in the building at the address: Volokolamskoe Highway, 95, building 6, which is rented by Infrastructure Service Plus LLC, where I am Deputy General Director, as part of Operation Zaslon-2. During the inspection, out of more than a thousand residents, 6 people were identified, according to police officers, without properly executed documents. Already on November 20, 2013, a criminal case was initiated under Part 2 of Art. <…>322.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (organization of illegal migration) and two managers were arrested - 26-year-old Vitaly Olshevsky and 35-year-old Zhanna Babitskaya. It should be said right away: I will always firmly stand on the opinion that none of the police officers wanted to look into the situation in good faith. Of the 6 identified migrants, three were included in the protection lists (PSC FOSST), that is, their documents were duly photocopied and transferred to the Federal Migration Service for registration; two were let through by a security officer 10-20 minutes before the raid. I do not know the reasons for the entry and presence of one migrant. At least two of the detained migrants subsequently returned safely to Russian territory legally. Around the same time, representatives of one of the ethnic criminal groups appear at the enterprise, beat our general director and offer their “protection.” After some time, someone Nikolai (who later turned out to be Kamal Tarziev) contacts me, who threatens me with murder by representatives of this group, offers his help, claims that he represents the interests of serious. On the recommendation of the holding’s security service, we sent appeals to the ethnic crime department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Central Federal District. It clearly said: Tarziev is a fraudster who demands money for nothing. Although Tarziev constantly insisted that if we refuse to come under the “roof” of these security forces, they will create unbearable conditions for us to do business. He said that his high-ranking patrons, the generals, were very unhappy with my behavior; that a lot of such dissenters have already been sent to prison. I didn’t quite believe it, but the threats were real. When Tarziev was detained on January 13, 2014, exactly one day later he confessed to everything: that all his actions were directed by Damir Salimov, the chief of police of the fourth department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. As soon as this became clear, I, to be honest, shuddered. Although I have many elements of courage, here I was not so naive as not to understand what was threatening me personally... I immediately turned to the deputy head of the ethnic crime department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Central Federal District, Mikhail Shatalkin, employee Alexander Gorshkov and head of the department Kuznetsov. They assured me personally that I had nothing to fear. I told them that I was ready to renounce the statement, since I understood perfectly well that if Salimov, having connections and positions in law enforcement agencies, conditionally “wins,” then I will be ground into powder. After that, Shatalkin introduced me to two, as he said, responsible employees of the FSB: Evgeny Ivanovich Sviridov (according to him, curator of the fourth department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation) and Denis Nikolaevich Demenkov, supposedly curator of the Central Federal District. They assured me that the FSB was conducting operational research on Salimov.  <…>Tarziev’s phrases kept spinning in my head that if I didn’t cooperate [with him], then problems would be created for me; that they sent many entrepreneurs who refused to work with them to prison.<…>I was introduced to a seconded FSB officer to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Central Federal District, who assured me of full support from the FSB and asked me to hold on. The fact is that at that time my physical condition was simply terrible - I had multiple intervertebral hernia, and I moved with great difficulty on two crutches. At the same time, all [FSB employees] argued that the criminal case against illegal migration was fabricated and could be considered closed. I was asked not to tell anyone about Salimov’s ongoing development, while it was argued that the FSB and the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs would remove Salimov from the post of chief of police. I was faced with a terrible choice: either to ensure a calm future for myself and others by standing under the “police roof”, or to trust the FSB officers and act on their recommendations. And I believed it. But not to the employees - but first of all to the authority of the body for the protection of state security. I had no intention of participating in any showdowns.<…>I was clearly assured: you are acting in the interests of the state, the operation was coordinated with the leadership of the FSB Directorate (Dorofeev), the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Moscow (Yakunin), the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Central Federal District (Derevianko), the situation was reported to the Minister of Internal Affairs (I forgot his last name out of excitement). I was also told: the head of the fourth department (Vasilevsky) is a representative of the new leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he really wants to get rid of Salimov. I was very scared on March 5, 2014, when Salimov was detained.<…>I remember this day very well - I was called at night, right when Salimov was being detained. They told me: “We have achieved our goal!” But this was not my goal, but the goal of the people responsible for state security. I turned out to be a cog that will soon be broken. Easy to use. Everyone will come to an agreement with each other, and I will end up in prison... I remember that to all my fears for my own fate, as well as the fate of my son, the fate of other possible defendants in the criminal case, I was given the answer: forget it, we guarantee everyone’s safety, otherwise how could will we fight corruption? They even promised me a program for protecting victims, but then they somehow forgot this topic... I was also told that the criminal case on organizing illegal migration was taken away from the Investigative Department of the Fourth Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation due to a biased investigation in the Main Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in Moscow and will soon be closed . As for the question of why Salimov was released, they told me: this is a slap in the face for the FSB, he strained his connections and money, but the FSB will not forgive him for this. Vladimir Vladimirovich, I want to emphasize once again: I was not that naive, but I believed everything that was told to me, because I believed in the authority of the FSB. And assurances of support came from senior FSB officers during numerous meetings: not far from the building where the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Central Federal District was located on Shabolovka, and not far from the building of the Moscow FSB department on Lubyanka, and not far from the building of the RF IC department on Tatarskaya. And then the topic suddenly changed... I was told that the case was filed legally and that I had to pay to keep my son and I safe. They told me the amount of 15 million rubles. I said that I didn’t have that kind of money in my accounts and that I needed to sell the apartment. After which they told me that the money is needed now. Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich! I know the complaints procedure. While the complaint is being written to<…>investigative bodies at various levels - my health will be completely undermined. I fear for the fate of my son - he has had five heart surgeries.<…>My business is already destroyed. My life is trampled, my honor is trampled upon. The torment is unbearable. And even bigger ones await.<…>Who will ever believe in the state and the FSB if those who believe in the fight against corruption and agree to participate [in the fight] will face cruel and merciless revenge, prison and ruined lives? On July 15, 2014, Tarziev’s trial was supposed to take place. On July 11, my lawyer received a summons [for questioning] for me on July 15. On July 12, I was recognized as a suspect in absentia, immediately put on the wanted list, on July 13 they conducted a search, detained me, recognized me as an accused, and on July 14 I was arrested. So, I was taken away on the night of July 13th. And Tarziev was beaten on the eve of his trial. His pre-trial agreement was rejected - does that mean he is a fraudster and made it all up? What objectivity of the investigation can one count on if Salimov<…>actually heads the fully operational support of a criminal case involving illegal migrants? Vladimir Vladimirovich, I believe in you, I believe in the fight against corruption, I continue to believe in the FSB. Don't let this faith die with me. Do not let this faith perish among many of your sincere supporters. Sorry for the somewhat crumpled and chaotic style - my thoughts are confused. The conditions in which I am writing an appeal to you are not conducive to calm reflection. After all, it turns out that by believing those who urged me not to be afraid, I ruined my son and myself. Help! Minkin Yuri Borisovich, Butyrka prison cell, July 26, 2014.”

Golushko Nikolay Mikhailovich

He devoted his life to serving in state security agencies. He worked in a structural unit of counterintelligence of the USSR, Ukraine and Russia. 1992 became a landmark year, Golushko was awarded the rank of Colonel General. He first served as director of the Federal Security Service from 1993 to 1994. In Yeltsin's government he was approved as Minister of Security. He was awarded three orders and six medals, three of which were anniversary ones.

Russian politician. He was appointed second head of the security agencies, where Stepashin worked from 1994 to 1995 with the rank of Colonel General. Collaborated with the government of Yeltsin, Putin and Medvedev. IN different years was Minister of Justice, Minister of Internal Affairs, Chairman of the Accounts Chamber and the Government of the Russian Federation. Awarded dozens of orders and medals.

A prominent figure in the government and military fields. Graduated military school, then studied at the Frunze Military Academy. He worked as director of the FSB from 1995 to 1996. Having received a leadership position, Barsukov was promoted to army general. He began his activities in the KGB and joined the Security Committee in 1964. In the 90s, he was appointed commandant of the Moscow Kremlin. Since 1995, he has been a member of the Russian Security Council. In 1997, Mikhail Ivanovich made a decision and resigned.

Along with his work in the special services, he is a prominent political figure. He headed the FSB from 1996 to 1998. In 1998, he was awarded the rank of Army General. Member of the State Duma of the third convocation. Currently, he continues to be active and holds positions in the government. He is a member of the Duma for ensuring security and combating corruption, and heads the State Duma in the OSCE parliamentary organization. After Kovalev, Vladimir Putin came to the leadership of the FSB; he is the only director with a military rank: colonel.

He was director of the FSB for a long time, from 1999 to 2008. The year 2001 became important; Patrushev was promoted to army general. And a year before the event - Hero of Russia. Patrushev was appointed Secretary of the Security Council in 2008. Two years earlier, Nikolai Platonovich was called one of Putin’s successors and a presidential candidate. He received dozens of state awards, including medals from foreign countries.

He has headed the leadership of the FSB since 2008. Two years before his appointment, Bortnikov became an army general. He holds the post of chairman in charge of the national anti-terrorism cabinet. Bortnikov works as the head of the Council of Security Agencies. Included in constant number members of the Russian Security Council. During his work he was awarded 8 orders.

FSB generals - first deputy directors

Zorin graduated from the Pedagogical Institute and began his career as a physics teacher in the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1964 he joined the KGB. He holds the rank of Colonel General of the FSB. From 1995 to 1997 he was first deputy director of the FSB. Since 1995, he has held the position of head of the Anti-Terrorism Center of the FSB of the Russian Federation. Awarded orders, medals and badges of honor.

Klimashin Nikolay Vasilievich

A security officer, from 2004 to 2010 he was the first deputy director of the FSB. In 2009 he received the rank of army general. Over the years, Klimashin was a member of government commissions concerning security and disarmament issues. He is an active state adviser of the Russian Federation, 2nd class.

Employee Russian authorities state security. Since 2013, he has been First Deputy Director of the FSB. He was awarded the rank of army general. Over the years, he was the head of the department for combating terrorism, was in the leadership of the FSB in the Chechen Republic and in the apparatus of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee. Awarded orders, medals and badges.

Pronichev Vladimir Egorovich

He headed the FSB Border Service from 2003 to 2013, a prominent figure in the domestic intelligence services. In 2002 he received the title of Hero of the Russian Federation, and in 2005 - the rank of army general. He worked in the border troops and the FSB, in 1999 he received the post of first deputy director of the FSB. He was one of the leaders of the operation to free hostages at the Dubrovka theater in 2002 (Nord Ost).

From 1994 to 1997, he served as First Deputy Director of the FSB. He holds the rank of Colonel General of the FSB. In Putin's government he was Deputy Minister of Security and Minister of Foreign Affairs. From 2004 to 2011, he served as the special representative of the president on international cooperation in the fight against terrorists. In 2005, he received the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Russia.

An employee of the Russian Federal Security Service. He has served in the authorities since 1974. He has held the rank of Army General since 2006. In 2001, he became the head of the FSB for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. Two years later he received the post of first deputy director of the FSB. He is an honorary foreign intelligence officer and has been awarded orders and medals testifying to his services to the fatherland.

Sobolev Valentin Alekseevich

A figure in the security agencies of both the USSR and the Russian Federation. He holds the rank of Colonel General of the FSB. He began working at the State Security Committee in 1972, and graduated two years later. High school FSB. From 1997 to 1999, he served as First Deputy Director of the FSB. Over the years, he held the positions of head of the FSB for combating terrorism, and was Deputy Secretary of Security of the Russian Federation. In 2012, he was appointed President of Veterans of Counterintelligence.

A prominent statesman, he began his career working in the investigative committee. He holds the rank of reserve colonel general and police general. He was the director of the drug trafficking service. He was a member of the State Duma of the sixth convocation from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Worked in the authorities Federal Security, from 1998 to 2000 served as deputy director of the FSB.

FSB generals – deputy directors

He worked as Deputy Director of the FSB from 2002 to 2005. He was awarded the rank of Colonel General. From 2002 to 2004 he was the head of the Inspection Department. He was one of the leaders of the operational headquarters that freed hostages during the terrorist attack at the Beslan school in 2004. Was sent to the reserve of the Federal Security Service in 2005.

Bespalov Alexander Alexandrovich

He worked in the border troops and collaborated with state security agencies since 1961. He was deputy chief and head of the KGB for the Transcaucasian district. He worked as the head of the 8th department of the KGB of the USSR. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, he remained in the police. In 1995, he was awarded the rank of Colonel General. From 1995 to 1999 he served as deputy director of the FSB.

Public and statesman. He holds the rank of Colonel General of the FSB. He worked as Deputy Director of the Federal Security Service from 2006 to 2008. Since 2016, he has been heading the Federal Customs Service of Russia. He worked as the official representative of the President for the North-Western District, and Deputy Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

From 2005 to 2013, he served as Deputy Director of the FSB. He was awarded the rank of Colonel General. Serves in state security agencies since 1971. He has repeatedly expressed the opinion that the main task FSB - fight against terrorism. To do this, it is necessary to constantly improve and modernize the weapons of the Russian armed forces.

Bykov Andrey Petrovich

He graduated from the Bauman Higher School and worked in state security agencies since 1966. He was deputy chief and head of the Operational and Technical Department of the KGB. Then he joined the FSB. He worked as deputy director from 1994 to 1996. Subsequently, he was a member of the directors of Rostelecom and Rosvooruzhenie. He holds the rank of Colonel General.

Gorbunov Yuri Sergeevich

Wears military rank Colonel General of Justice. He worked as Deputy Director of the FSB from 2005 to 2015. The main position held is State Secretary. He began working in security agencies in 1977, before that he worked at a research institute studying automatic systems. He is a Doctor of Law and has state awards.

Grigoriev Alexander Andreevich

Prominent statesman, led Federal agency according to internal reserves from 2001 to 2008, until death. He held the military rank of Colonel General. From 1998 to 2001 he served as adviser to the director of the FSB. Participated in military operations in Afghanistan. Awarded 4 orders and 2 medals (one of them was awarded by the government of Kyrgyzstan).

Ezhkov Anatoly Pavlovich

He holds the rank of Colonel General. Prominent figure in state security agencies. From 2001 to 2003 he worked as the head of the FSB for the North Caucasus District. From 2001 to 2004 he was Deputy Director of the FSB. Sacked after militants attacked Central Ministry of Internal Affairs Ingushetia. Subsequently collaborated with government agencies"Sibur", where he managed the security system.

Zhdankov Alexander Ivanovich

Prominent statesman. Awarded the rank of lieutenant general. From 2001 to 2004 he worked as Deputy Director of the FSB. He was the head of the department responsible for protecting the constitutional order and combating terrorism. Since 2007, he was appointed auditor of the Accounts Chamber of Russia. He has many awards: orders, medals, memorial signs.

Zaostrovtsev Yuri Evgenievich

He holds the rank of Colonel General of the FSB. He worked as Deputy Director of the Federal Security Service from 2000 to 2004. He was the head of the economic security department. From 2004 to 2007 he worked as Deputy Chairman of Vnesheconombank. Since 1998, he has been an acting adviser to the President, 1st class.

This is a prominent statesman. He served as Deputy Director of the FSB from 1999 to 2000. He holds the rank of lieutenant general. For eight years, from 2008 to 2016, he served as director civil service on drug trafficking control. He was the chairman of the state anti-drug committee. Since 2012, he has been considered an active state adviser to the President, 1st class.

Political and military figure, began his work during the USSR. He holds the rank of Colonel General, but is in the reserves. From 1998 to 1999 he was Deputy Director of the FSB. From 2001 to 2007 – Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. Awarded dozens of orders, became a laureate in 2006 national award"Russian of the Year" Currently he is the Presidential Representative on Environmental Affairs.

Activist of security agencies. He holds the rank of Colonel General. From 1999 to 2004 he was Deputy Director of the FSB. The main position held is the head of the Department involved in analysis, forecasting and strategic planning. Komogorov also works as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Military Sports Fund.

Kupryazhkin Alexander Nikolaevich

He took the post of Deputy Director of the FSB in 2011, and currently holds the same position. Awarded the rank of Colonel General. Kupryazkin has been working in state security agencies since 1983. He held the position of head of the FSB's internal security department. Awarded orders and medals.

Lovyrev Evgeniy Nikolaevich

He worked as Deputy Director of the FSB from 2001 to 2004. Lovyrev’s main position is the head of the Department responsible for the organizational work of the FSB with personnel. He holds the rank of Colonel General. He is an active member of the Presidium of the Civil Committee on Interaction with Law Enforcement Agencies.

Mezhakov Igor Alekseevich

He began his work in the State Security Committee of the USSR. Already in 1972 he became the head of the 5th Directorate of the KGB of Kazakhstan. In 1986 he moved to the KGB inspection department. In 1991, he was a member of the commission that investigated the August coup. He served as deputy director of the FSB for several months, from February to September 1995. Awarded the rank of lieutenant general.

Russian politician. He worked as Minister of Internal Affairs from 2004 to 2012. In 2005 he received the rank of army general. He began working in the KGB in 1981, before that he worked as a physics teacher in a small village. In 1999, he was appointed head of the FSB in charge of combating drug smuggling. From 2000 to 2002 he worked as Deputy Director of the FSB of Russia.

Osobenkov Oleg Mikhailovich

He holds the rank of Colonel General. He worked as Deputy Director of the FSB from 1996 to 1998. Headed the department of analysis, forecast and strategic development FSB. Since 1999, he has been a member of the board of Aeroflot. Currently, he is the head of the personnel department of Aeroflot OJSC.

Pereverzev Petr Tikhonovich

Colonel General of the reserve, began his journey as a simple cadet at a military school. Participated in the Afghan War. From 2000 to 2004, he worked as Deputy Director of the FSB and served as Head of the Operations Support Department. He has a number of state awards - medals and orders.

Pechenkin Valery Pavlovich

He devoted thirty years of his life to working in the security agencies of the USSR and Russia. In the 90s he headed the department of the Ministry of Security for the Novosibirsk region. From 1997 to 2000 he worked as Deputy Director of the FSB. He was the head of the counterintelligence operations department and headed the counterintelligence department. Military rank: Colonel General.

Ponomarenko Boris Fedoseevich

Since 1968 he worked in the KGB. He holds the military rank of lieutenant general in reserve. From 1996 to 1997 he was Deputy Director of the Federal Security Service. In 1997, Ponomarenko was approved as Deputy Chairman of the Telecommunications Commission. Two years later, he was elected chairman of the Board of Directors of Svyazinvest.

Politician and entrepreneur. Worked in the KGB and FSB. In 1993 he received the rank of major general. From January to December 1994 he served as deputy director of the FSB. He worked as the head of the Federal Disaster Control Department for Moscow and the Moscow region. He worked as Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration. In 2015, he was appointed chairman of the council for the protection of intellectual property.

He has been working in security agencies since 1983. Military rank – lieutenant general. In 2015, Sirotkin was appointed deputy director of the FSB of the Russian Federation. He still holds this position. He works as the chief of staff of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee.

Soloviev Evgeniy Borisovich

From 1999 to 2001, he served as Deputy Director of the FSB of Russia. Military rank – Colonel General. Headed the Department of Organizational and Personnel Work of the Federal Security Service. In 2001, Solovyov was appointed Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia. In 2003 he became a laureate of the Andropov Prize.

Strelkov Alexander Alexandrovich

State security official. He holds the military rank of Colonel General. He worked as Deputy Director of the FSB from 1994 to 2000, and since 1997 he headed the Department for Supporting the Activities of the FSB. Today he is a member of the Council for Government Interaction with Associations of Veterans and Reserve Officers.

An employee of Russian state security agencies, a political figure in Russia. He holds the military rank of army general. Since 2015, he has served as Minister of Foreign Affairs on issues related to combating global terrorism. He began his career in security agencies in 1979. From 2000 to 2004 he worked as Deputy Director of the FSB. Involved in preparations for the 2014 Winter Olympics.

Activist of security agencies. He holds the military rank of Colonel General. He began his career in the KGB in 1983. He was the head of the FSB for the Novosibirsk region. He headed the Council of Chiefs of FSB agencies in the Siberian Federal District. From 2013 to 2015, he served as deputy head of the Russian FSB. He headed the National Anti-Terrorism Cabinet.

Timofeev Valery Alexandrovich

He began his work as an operational commissioner. He served as Deputy Director of the FSB from 1994 to 1995. Military rank – Colonel General. Worked as Deputy Minister of Education. Recognized as an Honored Worker of the Security Agencies of the Russian Federation. Awarded medals, orders and badge of honor.

Trofimov Anatoly Vasilievich

He served as Deputy Director of the FSB from 1995 to 1997. He worked as the head of the FSB in Moscow and the Moscow region. Military rank – Colonel General. Served in the KGB since 1962. He was shot in 2005, the killer was never found. At the time of the murder he was working as deputy director of the Finvest company.

State security officer. He died the day after he was awarded the rank of admiral. Since 1975, he served in counterintelligence agencies in the naval forces. He distinguished himself in the interethnic conflict in Transcaucasia. He was the leader of the participants in the withdrawal of the flotilla from the Caspian Sea to Baku after the collapse of the USSR. He served as deputy director of the FSB from 1999 to 2001, until his death. In 2000, Ugryumov was awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

Ushakov Vyacheslav Nikolaevich

Since 1975 he has worked in state security agencies. From 2003 to 2011, he worked as Deputy Director of the FSB, his main position being State Secretary. He was scandalously dismissed from the authorities in 2011 due to violations of official ethics. He holds the military rank of Colonel General. Ushakov oversaw the information support of the FSB of the Russian Federation, the public relations center of state security agencies.

Tsarenko Alexander Vasilievich

State security officer. He began his service back in Soviet times. He was deputy chief and head of the FSB for Moscow and the Moscow region. From 1997 to 2000, he was Deputy Director of the Russian FSB. From 2000 to 2011, he served as head of the special programs department of the President of Russia. Military rank: Colonel General.

Shalkov Dmitry Alexandrovich

A member of the Russian intelligence services and a prominent political figure. Since 2018, he was appointed head of the control department of the President of Russia. He holds the rank of Colonel General of Justice. In 2015, he was appointed to the position of deputy director of the Federal Security Service of Russia.

Shultz Vladimir Leopoldovich

State security officer, sociologist and social philosopher. He is a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy. He holds the military rank of Colonel General. From 2000 to 2003 he was Deputy Director of the FSB and Secretary of State. Shultz is an honorary counterintelligence officer and laureate of a government award in the field of science.

He has held the position of Deputy Director of the FSB from 2016 to the present. He began his career in the State Security Committee in 1987. Military rank – lieutenant general. He holds the post of Minister of the Russian Federation for issues civil defense and disaster relief. He is also a member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

Heads of the FSB service

Conversation Sergey Orestovich

From 2009 to the present, he has held the position of head of the Fifth Service of the FSB. This is a service for operational information and international relations. He holds the rank of Colonel General of the FSB. Included in the European Union sanctions list since 2014. In 2014, he signed an agreement with an employee of the Serbian government on the mutual protection of classified information.

A member of the intelligence services of the USSR and the Russian Federation, he holds the rank of Colonel General. Graduated in 1979 Higher courses KGB. He was the head of the FSB in Mordovia, then in the Chelyabinsk region. In 2004, he was appointed head of the counter-terrorism service of the FSB of the Russian Federation. In 2008, he received the position of Deputy Director of the FSB for technical and export control.

Ignashchenkov Yuri Yurievich

From 2007 to 2013, he headed the FSB Control Service. He holds the military rank of Colonel General. He began his service in the KGB and served in various positions. In 2004, he was the head of the FSB Directorate for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, after which he was transferred to Moscow. Today he is the chairman of the All-Russian Physical Culture Society "Dynamo".

Kryuchkov Vladimir Vasilievich

Since 2012, the Colonel General has headed the FSB Control Service. He began working in security agencies in 1977 and graduated from the KGB Academy. He took his first steps in the FSB of St. Petersburg, climbing the ladder from an ordinary detective to the head of the economic security service. In 2002, he was appointed to the post of head of the FSB of the Lipetsk region.

Since 2015, Lieutenant General Menshchikov has been in charge of the 1st FSB Service, responsible for counterintelligence. He began working in security agencies in 1983. In 2014, Menshchikov was appointed by presidential decree as the chief responsible for managing special programs. Has state awards.

Sedov Alexey Semenovich

Russian intelligence officer, army general. Since 2006, he was elected to the post of head of the 2nd FSB Service. This is the service responsible for protecting the constitutional order and combating terrorism. Over the years, he was the head of the FSNP department for Moscow, deputy chairman of the State Drug Control Service, and head of the FSNP for the North-Western District.

Shishin Sergey Vladimirovich

Entered the KGB school in 1984. He made a difficult journey from an ordinary employee to a colonel general in the FSB. He took part in military operations in Afghanistan, and later in Chechnya and Dagestan. From 2002 to 2004, he was the head of the FSB’s own security. From 2004 to 2006, he served as deputy director of the FSB, heading the 7th service (this is the service that ensures the activities of the structure). Today Shishin works as senior vice president of VTB.

Yakovlev Yuri Vladimirovich

From 2008 to 2016 he worked as head of the 4th FSB Service. During his service, Yuri Vladimirovich was awarded the rank of army general. Currently he is the General Director of Rosatom Corporation. Worked in security agencies from 1976 to 2016. In 2016, Putin signed a decree dismissing Yakovlev. Awarded many state awards.

Korolev Sergey Borisovich

Lieutenant General of the FSB, headed the 4th FSB Service from 2016 to May 2018. This Service ensured the economic security of the FSB. Korolev began serving in the FSB in 2000, in St. Petersburg. Then he became an adviser to the Minister of Defense, head of the FSB's own security department. Korolev’s team handled many high-profile cases, and during his time there were massive layoffs of security officials.