Ilya Gazhienko latest news, rumors, gossip. Interview with Ilya Gazhienko's father, Igor Genadyevich Gazhienko House 2 in contact Ilya Gazhienko

Igor Gennadievich, do you think “D0M-2” is a suitable place for Ilya or does he need to do something more serious?

Ilya likes creativity, show business, he likes to be in the public eye. I remember that as a child, my son often asked to be put on a chair so that he could read poetry and speak in front of the public. So he's in his element now. But sometimes I don’t like the way Ilya behaves.

What was the last time they reprimanded him?
I ask him to be a little more flamboyant with women. Be more delicate, calmer, “smooth out corners.” She and Olga are still so young, their blood is boiling, so they quarrel over trifles, but over time, Ilya’s impulsiveness will fade away.
Ilya and Olga do not deny that they may soon get married. Do you feel as a father that your son is really ready for this?
Yes, as long as I remember Ilya, such Serious relationships he didn't have one yet. She and Olya came to Krasnodar on May 12. I met her, talked on the Internet and realized that the difference between reality and what is shown on the screen is very great. There, at the project, Olya gives the impression of being hysterical, but in fact she is very calm, serious and reasonable. I liked Olga
both as a person and as a future daughter-in-law.

There is an opinion on the project that the Agibalovs, whether they like it or not, turn men into henpecked men. Do you think this threatens Ilya?!
I'm sure not. Olga would rather lean towards Ilya than he would turn into a kind of mute performer of any lady’s whim. My son is capable of making compromises, he may remain silent somewhere, but he knows how to make decisions, he is used to being listened to. Can you make a henpecked person out of such a person?
Would you come to DOM-2 if you were 20 years old now?
No, I remember myself at this age - I have different values. I wanted to quickly make a career, to be confident in myself, in tomorrow-that's what I did. Although on duty I had to communicate with the press. And build love on television, you know, to the Soviet man it would be a novelty.

Who do you like from House-2?

I can’t judge from what I saw on air - that would be wrong. But on the whole, Sergei Pynzar (although he can be hot-tempered at times) and the Kolisnichenko sisters make a favorable impression. Although they have a “village reserve,” I’m sure it will soon dry up and the girls will become even brighter. I talked with Nadya Ermakova, I liked her too - I love it when people have a good sense of humor.
How did you meet your love?
-I served in the army in Maykop and was drafted together with my classmates from the university. One of them was at a party and introduced me to my future wife Tamara. The girl was his sister, and by the way, I still don’t know whether they brought us together on purpose or just a coincidence. I’ll have to find out (laughs). Tamara and I began to see each other from time to time at our relaxation evenings. At first these were bachelor meetings, and then all my friends began to have families and the events turned into family ones. On one of these evenings, I proposed to Tamara. We had a beautiful, cheerful wedding, and in 1985, by the end of my service, our daughter Lena was born. Then Ilya and Alexey appeared. Unfortunately, in 2000, after a long illness, Tamara died.
How did you cope with Tamara's death?
“It was hard, of course.” And I’m scared that I will do something wrong, make the wrong decision in raising children. When the time came to enroll them in universities, I asked the guys what profession they dreamed of. I didn’t want anyone to say later that his career didn’t work out due to his parents’ fault. Lena and Ilya decided to enter the same institute, but Alexey said that he wanted to study foreign languages.
How did your personal life turn out after the death of your wife?
- Fate brought me together with an old friend Larisa, who became my second wife. She has two children, so we have a big family (laughs). I was afraid that the children would not accept the new mother, but they loved her

thank you fisherman's wife

Participant's name: Ilya Igorevich Gazhienko

Age (birthday): 7.02.1987

City: Krasnodar, Moscow

Family: Married to Olga Agibalova, son Kirill 04/14/13

Height and weight: 175 cm, 80 kg

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He was brought up in large family In addition to him, his parents Igor and Tamara raised their daughter Elena and son Alexei.

Unfortunately, Ilya’s mother died after a serious long-term illness in 2000, when he was 13 years old.

After some time, my father met Larisa, and she became his second wife. She also had her own children, Dima and Masha, and so Ilya also had a half-brother and sister.

Ilya claims that Larisa and her children are family and friends for him, and he is very glad that mutual understanding, respect and love reign in their family.

Ilya has been playing music since childhood, and my favorite musical genre is rap. In 2000, he graduated with honors from the Krasnodar music school in piano class.

Despite the fact that he devoted a lot of time to creativity, it did not become Ilya’s main occupation.

After school, he entered the Kuban Institute of International Entrepreneurship and Management with a degree in Economics and Management, and completed his studies in 2009.

In the same year, Gazhienko learned about the television project House 2 and successfully passed the casting.

On his first arrival, Ilya won the heart with his determination and confidence.

These qualities appeared in young man not out of nowhere, by this time he had already recorded his first rap album, he successfully performed in Krasnodar nightclubs with the group Rich Bang.

However, Ilya’s relationship with Evgenia was difficult, quarrels often broke out on domestic grounds, leading to breaking dishes and temporary separations, and after another scandal, Ilya hit the girl, for which he was kicked out of the project.

The guy tried his luck for the second time at the end of 2010. Although he came again to Feofilaktova, he did not break up the couple in which she was with Alexander Zadoynov.

Then he drew attention to Olga Agibalova. The girl was lonely at that moment, and they began a relationship.

He won the heart of his potential (future) mother-in-law, Ilya extinguished conflicts between mother and daughter, helped Irina Alexandrova in many matters, and even babysat Olya’s nephew Mitya Kuzin.

At the presentation of the “Person of the Year” competition, Ilya proposed marriage to Olga.

On September 21, 2011, the wedding of Ilya Gazhienko and Olga Agibalova took place; it was one of the most magnificent, romantic and beautiful weddings on the project. Then they went on an eleven-day honeymoon to the Maldives.

Two years later (04/14/2013) Olga gave birth to a son, Kirill weighing 3.640 kg and height 55 cm. The happy parents decided to leave the television project and devote themselves to raising him.

For some time the couple and the baby lived in country house from Olga’s mother Irina Alexandrovna, but then they bought a cozy apartment in Moscow.

After finishing the renovation, which they did with the whole family, even Kiryusha took part in this, went with his parents to choose interior items in new house, the couple is thinking about a second child.

The guys each work in their own way. On this moment Olga is engaged in design, produces her own clothing line, has excelled in the art of photography and, of course, first of all, is raising her only child.

Ilya continues to pursue his hobby, writes rap, is preparing to release a second album with famous performers this direction. But his main job was not at all creative; he worked as a manager at a Renault car dealership.

They still remain one of the brightest couples of the project and in September 2016 celebrated their fifth wedding anniversary at the spa.

Together they took part in the filming of one of the episodes of the “Eat and Lose Weight” program, which was broadcast on the TNT channel.

Photo by Ilya

He has an Instagram where he constantly posts family photos. The guys also used to record video blogs; there are still videos on their channel (link above). They broadcast on Periscope.

On the famous TV project “House 2” they celebrated a wedding again! And this time Ilya Gazhienko and Olga Agibalova became a happy married couple. The guys were even given a plot of land in the Moscow region in honor of their wedding. The gift was given by Olya’s mother, Irina Aleksandrovna Agibalova. The ceremony took place on September 21. Many guys noted that this wedding is one of the most luxurious and luxurious weddings on the television project.

The wedding ceremony was held in the Griboyedovsky registry office in Moscow. It is also known that it was in this registry office that Presnyakov and Podolskaya got engaged. After the end of the ceremony, having exchanged wedding rings, the guys, already legally husband and wife, went to continue celebrating. The banquet was in the restaurant - the River Palace ship.

Project participants Denis Lysenko and, as expected, Olya’s sister Margarita Agibalova were chosen as witnesses for Olga and Ilya. Your wedding White dress Olya bought it in Chelyabinsk, where they gave her a discount on the purchase, since her friends there own a wedding salon. Having tried on almost all the dresses, she chose a classic luxurious dress with a beautiful veil.

Wedding rings for the guys, they were made of two types of gold, and now Olga had two rings - one for the engagement, with diamonds, and the second, a wedding ring, for the wedding itself. When the wedding day arrived, the girl could not hold back her tears of happiness and burst into tears when she saw her beloved Ilya in a snow-white wedding suit. Even the autumn weather did not spoil the wedding; on the contrary, Olya was pleased with the weather, and was very proud that it was on this day that she began to bear the name Gazhienko. The magnificent, luxurious wedding was paid for for the newlyweds by their parents.

It is worth noting that in the winter of this year there was also a wedding on the “House 2” project. Nelly Ermolaeva and Nikita Kuznetsov got engaged and chose a very romantic date for their wedding - February fourteenth, Valentine's Day. The wedding took place in Verona, Italy - the birthplace of the famous Romeo and Juliet.

The very next day after the wedding, the newlyweds walked around the city and took many photographs, and after that they decided to go to Paris to celebrate the legal Honeymoon. On the twenty-fifth of February, the husband and wife had already arrived at the “House 2” project and solemnly celebrated it an important event with participants and friends. Full information about the wedding of Nelly and Nikita here.


Ilya Gazhienko born in the winter of 1987 in Krasnodar. He graduated from the Kuban Institute of International Entrepreneurship and Management, and performed recitatives in clubs in his hometown.

I studied at the Institute and received higher education specialty manager of the oil and gas industry. In general, I have been making music all my life to this day. Music education I don’t have one, I’m self-taught, but quite professional. There are a lot of creative results, we released an album before I first came here, and we are preparing for the release of a second album, which will include joint tracks with Timati and his whole gang, with Nikita Malinin, in general, with many people from the Russian show business of the middle strata.

Personal life of Ilya Gazhienko / Ilya Gazhienko

November 5, 2010 Ilya Gazhienko ended up in the perimeter of the television project “Dom-2”. He began to build a relationship with Evgenia Feofilaktova, and their couple lived like on a volcano - passions either subsided or flared up with renewed vigor. Ilya Gazhienko more than once I used all my rough male strength to prove to the girl his unearthly love. Another fight led to the presenters asking Ilya Gazhienko leave the reality show "Dom-2".

A year later, the participant returned to the clearing again, declaring that his former feelings for the charming Evgenia Feofilaktova had not cooled down. However, by this time the girl had a long-term relationship with Alexander Zadoynov. Ilya Gazhienko I didn’t intend to destroy the couple, since I was sure that the guys would break up without his participation.

Soon Ilya Gazhienko began dating Olga Agibalova, who was going through a series of non-committal romances after her Native sister Margarita Agibalova stole a young man from her, Andrey Cherkasov, right under the guns of television cameras.

Participants in the television project "Dom-2" were sure that Ilya Gazhienko will not stay in the company of members scandalous famous family. However, even after Alexander Zadoynov left the project due to fraudulent machinations, ex-lover I was in no hurry to return to Evgenia Feofilaktova.

Vice versa, Ilya Gazhienko He no longer had a violent temper, but pacified his new girlfriend, who made scandals for him every month. As part of the presentation at the “Person of the Year” competition Ilya Gazhienko proposed to his beloved girlfriend, and on September 21, 2011, they formalized their relationship.

The newlyweds spent their honeymoon in the Maldives, and, returning to the sights of television cameras, began to attract the attention of viewers with renewed vigor. The reasons for their loud quarrels were often the wife’s relatives, for example, her mother Irina Aleksandrovna and nephew Mitya Kuzin. Surprisingly, Ilya Gazhienko was not averse to babysitting Margarita Agibalova’s child or helping his mother-in-law in this or that matter, unlike Olga.

IN Lately Information began to appear on the pages of fashion glossy publications that Olga Agibalova gave birth to her second child. The girl was a top participant in the television project “Dom-2”, so interest in her person continues to this day. In this article we will try to figure out how a young family lives and whether the baby really appeared?

Biography of a girl

Olga Agibalova is a native Muscovite. The girl grew up and was brought up in a large family. She had a younger sister and brother. It was this factor that influenced the character of the young beauty. She always wanted to be a leader.

During her studies, Olya was actively involved in rhythmic gymnastics, and with the same coach as Alina Kabaeva. Received the rank of master of sports. But she didn’t want to connect her future fate with this type of activity.

After school, the girl decided to study as a psychologist. She succeeded. Olga is a certified specialist.

Happy third try

In 2007, the girl visited the television set of the Dom-2 project. Olga Agibalova came to build a relationship with the most eligible groom, Andrei Cherkasov. The guy was interested in the fragile brunette, who also knew how to communicate well and cook deliciously. It even got to the point where the younger sister Margarita was also presented. Who would have thought that this acquaintance would become Olga’s fatal mistake. The young womanizer quickly moved over to Rita, leaving his older sister.

After that, the girl had other guys on the project, but there were no strong relationships. Therefore, she decided to leave the television set and, behind the perimeter, figure out what needed to be changed in herself.

Olya visited Dom-2 for the second time, completely changing her image. She became a fatal blonde. She purposefully came to Gleb Klubnichka, but love ended before it began. Agibalova again left the project in tears.

The third arrival was successful. Ilya Gazhienko was on the television set. The guy didn’t give the other participants any chance and easily won the young girl.

Oh, this wedding!

The strong relationship, as expected, ended with a magnificent wedding. Olga was a real princess. Luxurious white dress, veil, beautiful hairstyle. The girl's image was perfect. Ilya Gazhienko was not inferior to her, who that day looked more stylish and fashionable than ever.

The wedding was held in a European style. were dressed in identical outfits. Their chiseled figures were decorated Long Dresses pale purple color. The main celebration took place in a floating restaurant. The young people were happy, their day was undoubtedly a success.

It was decided to spend the honeymoon in the Maldives, and after that the couple returned to the project.

Olga Agibalova: children are heirs

In 2013, a joyful event occurred in the Agibalov family: Olga and Ilya had their first child. The baby was named Kirill.

After this, it was decided to leave the Dom-2 project. Parents protected the baby from annoying journalists and cameras. IN in social networks Only occasionally did photographs with his son appear.

There is a lot of falsehood on television projects, but this couple proved that love exists under the supervision of television cameras. One can truly envy the Gazhienko family. The young people found each other, created a community unit and raised little son who will become the heir. All that remains is for them to wish for the birth of a little princess.

Life outside the project

Recently, information has increasingly appeared on social networks that Olga Agibalova has given birth to a second child. The girl herself is reluctant to comment on these rumors. Most recently, she published a photo of her son with a comment that she only now realized what a blessing it is to have a family and a child. Of course, the young family is only planning a second baby.

At the moment, Olya and her husband have moved to a new house, which they have been furnishing for a long time. The documents for the plot were presented to the spouses at the wedding, as a gift from the bride's parents. Now the family is enjoying their new living space and realizing their plans and ideas.

After the project, Olga Agibalova did not start modeling, as many predicted for her. She devoted herself to designing and creating her own clothing line. In addition, the girl was quite successful in the art of photography. It's as if she feels the photo from the inside.

Increasingly, you can see information on the Internet that Olga Agibalova gave birth to her second child. Unfortunately, at the moment these are just rumors and speculation from reporters.

Gossip and rumors

As you know, television does not like happy endings. Viewers are much more interested in watching quarrels, squabbles, and betrayals. In order to increase the ratings of projects, many editors come up with “dirty” stories. Thanks to them, participants become top and popular.

The same thing happened with Olga. Rumors were spread that the girl allegedly gave birth to a child at the age of 13, and later abandoned him. In order not to give the crumbs to Orphanage, mother Irina Aleksandrovna decided to adopt the boy and register him as her own. There was talk that Olga's younger brother Oleg was actually her son.

The girl herself considers the rumors vile slander and says that at that age she was ugly duckling, who spends all his time at school and in gymnastics classes. Olga didn’t even think about any guys, much less they didn’t exist.

When information appears in the press that Olga Agibalova gave birth to a second child, the girl smiles and says that she is not yet ready for such an act. Don't forget that her firstborn is only 3 years old. A young family has just acquired living space and moved to a new house. Perhaps the arrival of a second baby is just around the corner, you just need to wait a little.