Borodina's ex-boyfriend who crashed on a motorcycle. Children of Ksenia Borodina: daughters Marusya and Teon, who gave birth to her and who is her husband (Photo and Video). Cozy family nest

Kurban Omarov(or Winter, as his friends call him) was born on August 25, 1980 in the Dagestan village of Khadzhalmakhi (Levashinsky district). Dagestani by nationality, like his father Omar Omarov, owner of a large developer from Makhachkala. Kurban's mother is Russian. Kurban is the eldest son in the family.

Having moved from Dagestan to Moscow, Kurban lived for some time in a hostel on Yaroslavskoye Highway. Judging by photographs on the Internet, in the 90s Omarov worked in law enforcement agencies. In 2003 he moved to own apartment on Pilot Babushkin Street.

Kurban Omarov succeeded Building bussiness father and is the owner of several companies not only in the capital, but also in Canada. Led Housing Initiative LLC, which was engaged in general construction work and construction of buildings, together with his father Omar and brother Ansar. Omarova t They are also represented as a transportation organizer. In Moscow and Makhachkala, more than ten companies were registered in his name, including taxi services. In the media, Omarov is called the “diamond king”, however, what is the reason for calling Kurban this way is not clear.

Kurban Omarov. Personal life

Kurban is raising a son from his first marriage, who was named Omar in honor of his grandfather. Nothing is known about the businessman’s first wife.

In 2012 Kurban Omarov at a birthday party former member reality show “House 2” Stepan Menshchikov met a TV presenter Ksenia Borodina. It is known that before meeting Ksenia, Kurban had a profile on several dating sites. In turn, Ksenia, before Kurban, had a long-term relationship with former participant in the “House 2” project Mikhail Terekhin.

Almost a year after they met, Borodina introduced her lover, writing on the microblog: “The time has come to clarify the name of my man (future husband, beloved). His name is Kurban, his friends have called him Winter since childhood. He is proud of his name, does not hide it and never asked to be called Andrei, Dima, etc.”

July 3, 2015 Kurban Omarov And Ksenia Borodina signed at the Kutuzovsky registry office in Moscow. The wedding, which became one of the most high-profile in 2015 in Russian show business, was held at the Napoleon restaurant. After some time, it became known that the TV presenter and her husband were expecting a child. In December 2015, Borodina gave birth to a daughter, Teya, from Omarov. in one of the elite metropolitan clinics.

A year after the marriage was registered, there was discord in the young family and the couple separated. Later, Ksenia said that she was tired of her husband’s constant cheating. However, later the couple found wisdom in themselves and were able to maintain their relationship and family. As Omarov admitted, he and Ksenia had to go through many trials, but the couple only became convinced of the sincerity of their feelings for each other and became stronger.

According to the businessman, the main things in their family are children, love and care for each other.

“My whole upbringing comes down to dialogue. I under no circumstances show my strength to my son. If necessary, we sit down and talk. I never directly point out mistakes to Omar, but I ask questions, answering which he himself draws conclusions about whether he did the right thing or not. First of all, we raise a personality in our son. But orders cannot achieve this,” Kurban said.

Many viewers of the TNT channel were interested in the question of what Kurban Omarov does? This personality became of interest to everyone after fans of the TV show “Dom-2” learned about the wedding of the project’s TV presenter, Ksenia Borodina, which took place on July 3.

Borodina's husband Kurban Omarov, who is he?

The TV presenter chose businessman Kurban Omarov as her next chosen one. This year he turned 35 years old. According to preliminary data, Ksenia Borodina’s husband moved to Moscow not so long ago. There is different information about what a young entrepreneur does. One version is that he has a network of jewelry stores in the capital and other regions. Kurbat Omarov is also presented as a transportation organizer. In Moscow and Makhachkala, more than ten companies were registered in his name, including taxi services.

among the people future husband The famous TV presenter was not known until information about their engagement appeared.

Kurban Omarov's first wife

Before meeting Ksenia Borodina, the young entrepreneur was a family man. He had a wife with whom he raised his son. On this moment the newlyweds carefully hide the fact. All attempts by journalists to declassify their little secret were unsuccessful. What is known is that Kurban divorced his wife at the beginning of 2014.

As for Ksenia Borodina, she was also previously married. Her ex-husband was a young businessman Yuri Budagov, whom she met at a TNT party.

The husband could not stand the TV presenter’s busy work schedule, due to which she was unable to support her family, and filed for divorce about three years ago. From her first marriage, Ksenia Borodina had a daughter named Marusya. The little girl and Kurban Omarov’s son were also present at the newlyweds’ magnificent wedding.

Kurban Omarov - nationality

As soon as photos of the couple in love appeared online, fans of the TV presenter immediately asked the question of what nationality her new fan was. As it became known, he recently moved to Moscow in order to expand his business network. A young man was born and lived previously in Dagestan. Kurban Omarov grew up in the village of Khadzhapmakhi and was raised according to Muslim traditions. The young husband also has Russian roots, since his mother is of this nationality. The father is also Dagestani. Kurban grew up in big family, he has several older and younger brothers.

Ksenia Borodina is Armenian by nationality. Unfortunately, her family broke up when the young presenter was not even one year old. After which, her mother successfully married an Italian. The girl was raised by her grandparents living in Moscow. Ksyusha Borodina became known to the whole world after the release of the show “House 2”.

Introduction and first meeting

All the details about how the relationship between Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov developed became known recently. Before famous TV presenter carefully hid her personal life. She talked about him several times on her show, but cryptically called him Mr Z. Fans tried to find out who he really was, but they could only guess. Journalists also asked a lot of questions about this. One beautiful presenter only told everyone that she dreams of trying again to start a family and give birth to a baby.

Before Kurban Omarov met Ksenia, he was registered on several dating sites. Moreover, everywhere there was a note that he needed an exclusively wealthy lady. This couple met about three years ago. Ksenia and her new boyfriend met at the birthday party of Stepan Menshikov, a former participant in the “House 2” project.

The young presenter admitted that a spark flashed between them at the gala event. What prevented them from starting a relationship was the fact that they were both in relationships with other people. However, soon the lovers could no longer restrain their feelings and decided to try to be together.

Wedding with Ksyusha Borodina

The wedding of Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov took place on July 3, 2015. For all fans of the TV presenter, this news came as a surprise. However, in fact, the couple planned the main celebration of their lives back in early March. At first, the wedding was scheduled for autumn, but the lovers decided to celebrate it a little earlier.

After the wedding, the young wife said that her dream had come true, and the event went exactly the way she wanted. Ksenia also reported her endless happiness. Fans learned that their favorite presenter got married for the second time in the popular social network, where she posted photos with her new husband. The magnificent event took place in one of the capital's restaurants. It was invited to great amount relatives and friends, among whom were participants in the famous project.

Video from the wedding:

The newlyweds thought for a long time about where they would go to Honeymoon. Ultimately, they decided that they would spend their vacation in Turkey. They went there after the wedding, where they spent 13 days. Ksenia Borodina managed to call her friends and told them about how new husband constantly gives her romantic surprises.

There is also a rumor that Ksenia Borodina is expecting a child again. However, she has not given any official confirmation regarding this.

Are fans still actively seeking information about what businessman Kurban Omarov does? There are many rumors about this. Some are sincerely happy for the young couple, but there are people who believe that this wedding is just another PR stunt. However, none of this matters. The main thing is that the young presenter is now incredibly happy. She never tires of rejoicing and publishes information online about how much she loves her husband. For example, on their first wedding anniversary, which took place 3 July, she told the whole world that it was incredibly pleasant to be his wife.

Video about Borodina's husband

On my official page on Instagram, Kurban Omarov commented on the words of his wife Ksenia Borodina, who announced that she was getting a divorce due to her husband’s infidelity. Kurban published a photo of himself with his little daughter Teona, whom Borodina gave him, and wrote: “Of course, it’s very unpleasant for me to read everything that Ksenia writes about me. I don’t know why she does this, but she is a woman and this is what she wants forgivable."


Omarov further admitted that he worries most about the children. " I am very attached to my children, and today the hardest thing for me is realizing that I will miss how my little princess will explore this world, her first steps, first word, emotions.I am sure that Ksenia and I, as adults, will be able to find a solution to the issue of children.Children are the most sacred thing for me, and all my life, no matter what, I will fulfill my fatherly duty.My eldest son Omar is proof of this,” said Omarov.

Kurban then began to argue that the public should not take sides. " I was born into a male family, and I had a corresponding upbringing. I will not allow myself any kind of statements towards the woman to whom I spoke words of love, the woman who gave birth to me a daughter with eyes as blue as the sky. I won’t write anything in my defense, I don’t want this controversy, and I also won’t allow anyone to offend or insult little Teona’s mother.Ksenia is a caring mother who constantly pays attention to her children, despite her busy schedule. We had honest, sincere love, we burned like two suns and, unfortunately, it burned us,” Omarov admitted bitterly.

In conclusion he wrote: "We lived as best we could, don’t judge us and you won’t be judged.”

Let us remind you that rumors about the separation of the presenter from her husband have been circulating for a long time. It all started with the fact that all the photos with her husband disappeared from Borodina’s account, then she unfollowed him in social networks(he did the same). And only now Ksenia admitted that Kurban cheated on her.

"There are many reasons, I thought he could be loving husband and a caring father (as he presents himself to the public). But I remembered this night of December 12th for the rest of my life, my husband came home at 7 am from another party, and I had 10 days left before giving birth (hereinafter, the authors’ spelling and punctuation have been preserved. – Ed.).”

Next, Ksenia provided screenshots of correspondence with Omarov’s acquaintances. According to this information, Kurban brought one of the girls home to his friend. “Everything that has been written about betrayal is the pure truth, and I found out about it,” Borodina commented. “I even know the apartment of our mutual friend, who “covered” his tough parties with betrayals.” Borodina explained that she looked at her husband through rose-colored glasses, hoping that when her daughter was born, her husband would come to his senses, but this did not happen.

The last couple of weeks gossips They persistently talk about the discord in the relationship between Ksenia Borodina and her husband Kurban Omarov. And, as it turned out, not without reason. Today Ksenia decided to admit that her marriage really broke up.

Photo by @borodylia

On her Instagram page, the TV presenter told fans that she was divorcing her husband. What made Ksenia write such an emotional post is unknown. However, what the popular TV presenter said is, to put it mildly, shocking.

“It’s just that this is the child’s father, so I’m trying to file a divorce in a more dignified manner (as far as the messy situation allows). There are many reasons, I thought he could be a loving husband and a caring father (as he presents himself to the public). But I will remember this night of December 12th for the rest of my life. My husband came home from another party at 7 am, and I had 10 days left before giving birth! Everything that is written about treason is the pure truth, and I found out about it. I even know the apartment of our mutual friend (Grisha Zhuzhin), who “covered up” his hard parties with cheating.

I wish health to such Yulias, Tanyas, Oksanas and everyone else. If you want to sleep with Borodina’s man, go ahead if you’re not afraid. We all walk under God. It may seem to you that this is a piece of glory, but in reality you are unlikely to wash away such dirt for the rest of your life.”

Ksenia admitted that she lived in pink glasses. She hoped that after the birth of the child her husband would change.

"But that did not happen. “He prefers to take one photo a week for subscribers and leave after 5 minutes,” writes the star presenter. - By the way, everyone who writes about Omar, I love him very much, and I’m sorry that he can’t come to our home anymore! In the meantime, I live for the sake of my children, for myself and my loved ones.”

Finally, Borodina gave parting words to all her married fans. She wished women to remain themselves regardless of the situation.

“And remember, no matter whose wife you are (Dagestan, Chechen, Russian, Armenian), it does not matter at all. The main thing is that you are a woman who deserves respect, love and care for yourself and your children! - noted Ksenia. - Someday I will tell the whole truth. In the meantime, I want to say that it doesn’t matter how many children and marriages you have, the main thing is to remain faithful to yourself! And I would never allow you to rent for money and sell your family to you. My refusal was the right decision. I will not allow any person (not even my husband) to sell us.”

Let us remember that after a high-profile breakup with Mikhail Terekhin, it seemed that Ksenia would not soon come to her senses. It was very difficult for them to separate. The popular TV presenter tried not to wash dirty linen in public, but the former policeman was happy to share in his interviews juicy details personal life.

Kurban appeared in the star’s life unexpectedly. I immediately surrounded him with attention and love. As soon as new photos of Omarov began appearing almost daily on the TV presenter’s microblog on Instagram, fans had no doubt: the wedding was just around the corner. And so, on July 3, 2015, Ksyusha and Kurban became husband and wife.

The celebration was gorgeous; the wedding of the famous TV presenter was considered one of the most anticipated events of that summer. The young couple did not skimp on anything; the bride's dress was made by the famous designer David Fielder.

The young couple ordered the rings from jeweler Albert Kingsley and his brand The Saplings. They are made of white gold, inside there is an engraving “Ksenia - Kurban” and, as a feature, their family hashtag #BOROZIMA.

The wedding was memorable for the amazingly decorated hall. The famous wedding decorator Yulia Shakirova worked on the decor of the premises. It was she and the lovers who created the image of winter in the middle of summer. And, of course, the guests were impressed by the newlyweds’ dance. After the holiday, Ksenia admitted that the couple rehearsed the composition, performed with professional dancers, only twice. Despite this, the number turned out to be gorgeous and without a single misfire. But what a surprise the guests were when not only the newlyweds’ friends, but also Ksyusha herself danced the Lezginka together with the “Pride of the Caucasus” ensemble. Kurban's relatives later noted more than once how cleverly she did it.

Russian TV presenter and DJ, 35-year-old Ksenia Borodina - a bright and extraordinary lady, accustomed to always being in the spotlight. She has a lot of novels with famous men, which were heatedly discussed in the press, but the first legal spouse of the TV personality was the capital’s entrepreneur Yuri Budagov, to whom she gave a daughter, Marusya. In this article we will tell you about how the relationship between the leading TV show “Dom-2” and a Moscow businessman developed, and why they failed to save their family.

Ksenia Borodina and Yuri Budagov: a love story

Photo: Ksenia Borodina and Yuri Budagov

In the mid-00s, Ksenia Borodina briefly dated a young performer, Leonid Nerushenko, the vocalist of the pop group Dynamite. The girl’s lover crashed on a motorcycle at the age of 27, and she experienced this loss for a very long time and hard. Salvation for Ksenia was a chance acquaintance with businessman Yuri Budagov. They first met in the studio of the comedy TV show " Comedy Club" Then the girl found herself at the same table with an attractive young man who also came to watch the show. They started talking, and sympathy arose between them. That same evening, Ksenia and Yuri exchanged phone numbers, but long time they all did not dare to call.

A couple of months later, the TV presenter’s car suddenly broke down, and then the girl remembered her new friend, who had just mentioned in the conversation that he was well versed in cars. She called the man, told him about her problem and asked for help, and Yuri, of course, did not leave the lady in trouble. He immediately rushed to Ksenia, and from that day they began to communicate regularly and spend more and more time together. Their friendship and mutual sympathy quickly grew into true love. The businessman literally showered his beloved with expensive gifts, luxurious bouquets of flowers, took her to fashionable restaurants and took her to resorts. Soon the young people, who were almost never separated anyway, decided to move in and start living together.

Photo: Ksenia Borodina and Yuri Budagov wedding

Yuri turned out to be a very attentive and caring person, Ksenia liked that he took on all the problems, and protected and pampered her in every possible way. The man made a marriage proposal completely unexpectedly, without choosing any special place or date for this. Just one day, while relaxing together in a karaoke club, Budagov invited his beloved to become his wife, and she agreed without hesitation. But for the wedding they chose a special date, with three eights - 08/08/08, but they decided to make the celebration itself modest and spend it in a narrow family circle. Ksenia chose a non-traditional curvy White dress, but a rather modest evening golden color. The lovers did not advertise such a significant event in their lives, and therefore, many learned that they had legalized their relationship after the fact, and even Borodina’s colleagues were in the dark.

In June of the following year, the couple had a daughter, whom they named Marusya, and it seemed that nothing could interfere with their quiet family happiness. However, in 2011, unexpectedly for everyone, it became known that the businessman and TV presenter were getting a divorce.

Photo: Ksenia Borodina and Yuri Budagov with their daughter

True, it is not known for certain what exactly caused the discord in the family, because the versions of each spouse differ significantly from each other. So, according to Yuri, his chosen one was to blame for everything, who, while working on television and endless fashionable parties, completely neglected her family, did not do household chores and raise her daughter. In addition, the man clearly hinted at the infidelity of his star wife. The businessman says that he is tired of the always empty refrigerator and Ksenia’s constant absence from home, and therefore, after several unsuccessful attempts to improve relations, he decided to end the marriage.

Reasons for divorce according to Ksenia Borodina

Photo: Ksenia Borodina

And here is Borodina’s version regarding the collapse family life, is radically different from the one voiced by her ex-husband. The TV presenter claims that her husband simply tormented her with his jealousy and nagging, and also wanted her to leave her job on television, turn into a housewife, and deal exclusively with the child and the house. Ksenia appeared in the talk show studio " Sincere confession", where she talked about many piquant moments from her family life with Yuri, in addition, according to the girl, her former chosen one has a very hot-tempered character, and sometimes, during attacks of rage, he ceases to control himself, and can descend to outright insults, and even use your fists.

Photo: Ksenia Borodina with her daughter

After official registration divorce, ex-spouses decided that their common heiress would live with her mother. However, soon the man, fearing that his ex-wife might take his daughter to a permanent place of residence abroad, unexpectedly revoked the power of attorney to take the child out. Then many believed that Yuri was pushed to take such a step by Ksenia’s interviews, in which she said that he did not help her and Marusya financially at all, and was not particularly interested in how the baby was doing. According to Borodina, she did not plan to take the heiress anywhere for permanent residence, but only wanted to organize a comfortable holiday for the girl sea ​​coast, A ex-husband forbade her to do this because of personal grievances and a desire to annoy her. After lengthy trials and mutual accusations in the press, Yuri, nevertheless, again gave his permission for Marusya to leave the country, so that now she can travel with her mother anywhere in the world.

Ksenia Borodina and Yuri Budagov: life after divorce

Photo: Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov

After the divorce, Ksenia noticeably changed: she lost weight, became prettier, changed her image and went in search of personal happiness. The girl had previously, so to speak, office romances with participants in the Dom-2 project, and soon she began openly dating Mikhail Terekhin. The man helped her completely erase the memories of an unsuccessful marriage from her life, and many fans were waiting for the announcement of the imminent wedding. True, these relationships were by no means stable; the lovers either loudly scandalized and separated, then again reconciled and swore to each other eternal love. Ultimately, they decided to separate completely. According to Ksenia, she simply could not stand Terekhin’s difficult character, who limited her freedom and tried to control her every step.

Photo: Ksenia Borodina with children

In July 2015, the TV presenter got married for the second time. Her chosen one was the Dagestan entrepreneur Kurban Omarov, whom she had known since 2012. At the time of the wedding, Ksenia was already pregnant, and in December of the same year the couple had a daughter, Theona. It is also very difficult to call this marriage measured and stable, because when the baby was only a year old, the family almost broke up. Fortunately, the TV presenter and businessman managed to overcome the crisis in their relationship, make peace and save their family. In addition to their common daughter Teona, the couple are also raising Ksenia’s eldest daughter Marusya, and Kurban’s son from his first marriage, Omar.

Photo: Yuri Budagov

As for Yuri Budagov, after divorcing his star wife, he tries to stay away from the cameras of society photographers, does not give interviews and avoids noisy events. The man continues to conduct business in the capital, but tries not to advertise his personal life. Some time ago, information appeared that Yuri got married for the second time and he and his wife had a son. According to Borodina, her father eldest daughter Now he often sees Marusya, communicates with her on the phone and takes the girl to his place for the weekend. The baby even helps babysit her little brother. Nowadays, everyone mostly learns about the events taking place in Budagov’s life from his interviews ex-wife. Fortunately, the TV presenter and businessman managed to forget all the past disagreements and grievances, and improve their relationship for the sake of raising their common daughter.