Surnames for social networks. How to put a last name

You can always change something in your life, even your last name. Beautiful surnames for girls– it’s like the “clothes” by which you will be greeted. In this regard, it is easier for a girl, if she didn’t like her last name as a child, then she can always change it when she gets married. However, it often happens that a girl with a dissonant surname marries a man who is also far from a fountain. Paradoxical but true. You will not specifically look for a husband with a beautiful surname; you will not live with her, but with a man. Don’t be discouraged; you can always change your last name yourself at the passport office.

Beautiful Russian surnames for girls: list

There are many wonderful surnames among Russian options, the list has been expanded. Only they must be combined with the name and patronymic, otherwise it will turn out ugly.

  1. Turn your attention to the names that were noble family. Romanova, Vorontsova, Obolenskaya.
  2. Beautiful surnames can have meaning. Sweet, Happy, Cold, Queen.
  3. For girls, surnames derived from proper names are suitable. Pavlova, Vladimirova, Maksimova.
  4. Names of animals and birds. Orlova, Panterov, Solovyov.
  5. Surnames of Russian poets and writers. Bulgakov, Akhmatov, Nekrasov.
  6. Originally Russian. Birch, Wood.

Beautiful foreign surnames for girls: list

You can choose your last name in foreign version. Sounds nice.

  1. Beautiful names from the world of cinema. They give sophistication, a sign of elitism. Hemburn, O'Hara, Jolie, Diaz.
  2. The Poles have excellent options. Podolskaya, Vilenskaya, Koval.
  3. The Bulgarians are not far behind. Toneva, Vladova, Angelova.
  4. Beautiful English surnames for girls. You immediately feel like a lady. Taylor, Mills, Day.
  5. German list. Suitable for smart and educated girls. Wagner, Koch, Richter.

Beautiful surnames for girls on VKontakte

It’s very scary to immediately take and change your last name officially. Moreover, there are so many beautiful surnames, it is difficult to choose. Therefore, you can first conduct an experiment: change the last name on VKontakte. Social networks will allow you to wear a mask in the form new name. You will be able to feel yourself in a new way.

  1. An original version, a little eccentric. Luxurious, Fairy Tale, Beloved, Cat, Beauty.
  2. Noble. Preobrazhenskaya, Voskresenskaya.
  3. Indeclinable. A touch of individualism and rebellion. Grass, Us, Roof.

When choosing a beautiful surname for yourself, be careful - you are doing important step. There is an opinion that for girls, a change in personal data means changes in their personal lives. Think about whether it will offend decision your loved ones. After all, a surname belongs to your family!

The list of popular genus names is endless, because as many people there are as many opinions. Each person will point out beautiful surnames that he personally likes. But, according to the majority, the most popular are aristocratic designations of family names. Let's figure out which surnames are more common and respected, and where they even came from.

List of the most beautiful Russian surnames in the world

The word "surname" is translated from Latin as "family". This means that this indicates that a person belongs to the clan from which he came. The emergence of family nicknames was often associated with the profession that the family practiced from generation to generation or with the name of the area in which the family lived, or the name of the family indicated character traits, specific appearance, and a nickname. It’s not for nothing that there is a saying “not in the eye, but in the eye” - people have always applied labels very accurately.

In Russia, at first there was only a first name and patronymic, and the first surnames appeared only in the 14th century. Naturally, noble people received them: princes, boyars, nobles. Peasants received official family names only at the end of the 19th century, when they abolished serfdom. The first names of dynasties came from the names of places of residence, birth or possessions: Tver, Arkhangelsk, Zvenigorod, Moskvin.

  1. Sobolev
  2. Morozov
  3. Gromov
  4. Almazov
  5. Derzhavin
  6. Bogatyrev
  7. Mayorov
  8. Admirals
  9. Lyubimov
  10. Vorontsov

List of the most beautiful surnames for girls:

  1. Voskresenskaya
  2. Lebedeva
  3. Alexandrova
  4. Serebryanskaya
  5. Korolkova
  6. Vinogradova
  7. Talnikova
  8. Generous
  9. Zolotareva
  10. Tsvetaeva

A selection of the most beautiful foreign surnames

Foreigners believe that a beautiful surname helps the family, brings good luck and happiness. But, it’s true, a person with a family nickname is teased by his peers from childhood, and subsequently he grows up insecure with a whole baggage of complexes. So it turns out that family name brought bad luck. For people with a beautiful family heritage, everything turns out differently. From childhood they know that they can do anything in this world, so they walk with their heads held high.

Each country has its own beautiful surnames, which are unusual to the Russian ear. But the origin of family designations is the same all over the world. Some took the name of their city, while others took the nickname of the founder of the clan, the occupation of the family, and their status. Among foreign names You can also often find the names of plants, birds, and animals. If a Russian person chooses foreign name, then, as a rule, he does not delve into its meaning, but makes a choice according to its euphony.

For example, Spaniards have beautiful surnames - not uncommon. The most common are:

  • Rodriguez
  • Fernandez
  • Gonzalez
  • Perez
  • Martinez
  • Sanchez

Russian girls often choose generic names of Spanish origin:

  • Alvarez
  • Torres
  • Romero
  • Flores
  • Castillo
  • Garcia
  • Pascual

French surnames

All variants of French surnames are endowed with special beauty and charm. This language is very different from its other European counterparts. If it is always pronounced correctly, then French ones are pronounced differently. For example, the popular Le Pen can sound like “Le Pen”, “Le Pen”, “De Le Pen”. The first French family names were granted to the highest circle of nobility in the 11th century. It was only in the 16th century that a royal decree ordered that every French citizen be given a hereditary nickname.

Since then French surnames from generation to generation they are included in the church metrics. The most beautiful family nicknames in France come from proper names, from the occupation of the family or from geographical names, in which the family was born. Widespread French male family names:

  • Robert
  • Richard
  • Bernard
  • Duran
  • Lefebvre

Female generic names are not much different from male ones. French history ordered that no differences or other endings, as in the Russian language, exist between surnames, therefore beautiful generic names for women also have their own name, for example:

  • Leroy
  • Bonn
  • Francois


Generic names in Germany arose in the same way as in other countries: first they were received by the nobility, then by feudal lords and small landowners, and then by the lower strata of the population. The entire process of forming hereditary nicknames took about 8 centuries, and the first surnames appeared based on proper names. Vivid examples are German male generic nicknames:

  1. Werner
  2. Hermann
  3. Jacobi
  4. Peters

Beautiful family designations in Germany arose from the names of rivers, mountains and other words related to nature: Bern, Vogelweid. But the most popular generic names come from the occupations of their ancestors. For example, Müller means “miller”, and Schmidt means “blacksmith”. Rare ones sound beautiful: Wagner, Zimmerman. Women in Germany, as a rule, leave their mother's surname, and the most beautiful are considered to be:

  1. Lehmann
  2. Mayer
  3. Peters
  4. Fisher
  5. Weiss


Beautiful American family names compare favorably with other foreign ones - they are very consonant, and the owners wear them with pride. If surnames are not inherited, then any citizen of the United States can change their family name to a more harmonious one. So, the 10 most beautiful names of American men:

  1. Robinson
  2. Harris
  3. Evans
  4. Gilmore
  5. Florence
  6. Stone
  7. Lambert
  8. Newman

Concerning American women, then, as in the whole world, at birth they take the family name of their father, and upon marriage - their husband. Even if a girl wants to keep the name of her family, then after marriage she will have a double surname, for example, Maria Goldman Mrs. Roberts (by her husband). Beautiful generic names for American women:

  1. Bellows
  2. Houston
  3. Taylor
  4. Davis
  5. Foster

Video: the most common surnames in the world

The most common surnames in the world seem beautiful, because their bearers are popular people, and therefore happy. For example, there are about one hundred million people on the planet who have the generic name Li. In second place in terms of polarity is the surname Wang (about 93 million people). In third place is family name Garcia, common in South America(about 10 million people).

A surname is a way to identify any person. It reveals information about nationality, and some can indicate the occupation of their ancestors.

Here you can exchange personal information, contacts, and share your own views on life. You can post photos and video materials in your personal profile.

Important! During registration, the program asks you to indicate your last name.

The user needs to provide data, but it does not need to be confirmed or undergo a complex verification procedure. This is why it is allowed to put fake surnames and names for VK.

The reasons for the action are hidden in the following:

  1. There is no desire to disclose your personal data. Sometimes people create fake pages to remain incognito.

    Friends and family will not be able to find the person via search.

  2. Creating a special image. If the surname is beautiful, it helps create an original image among subscribers and friends. Interest in this page is constantly increasing.
  3. Confidentiality and complete anonymity. Some companies and government agencies are beginning to monitor their employees and take an interest in them life position and friends.

    Photos from a party or noisy gatherings with friends can cause you to lose your job.

  4. Protection from intruders and scammers. Many people imagine persecution and danger everywhere.

    They protect their own information so that fraudsters do not obtain it for financial gain and their own gain.

Note! According to statistics, it is teenagers who use fake names. They increase their own self-esteem and attract interest from subscribers.

Below is a list of interesting and original surnames:

  1. Girls who like to stand out from the general list of friends. They can choose options such as Malinovskaya, Tsareva, Naughty, Solnechnaya, Star, Fairy Tale, Ogonyok, Rainbow or Yuzhnaya.
  2. Last name can be used famous people. These are Tsvetaeva, Mayakovskaya, Pushkina, Boyarskaya.
  3. The surname is perfect for the social network VKontakte literary characters. This is Larina, Bolkonskaya, Karenina or Dubrovskaya.

You need to select options that are consonant with the name and read correctly. In this case, subscribers and friends will definitely pay attention to your subscribers.

Top Russian cool surnames and names

Girls will be able to choose a surname for their account from the following list:

Meaning List of the most unusual and popular options
Education from proper names. The data must be harmoniously combined with the name. If the design sounds overloaded, you should abandon the idea Romanova, Grigorievna, Pavlova, Semenova or Vasilyeva
Beautiful and noble options that have more roots in Orthodox traditions Voskresenskaya, Preobrazhenskaya or Rozhdestvenskaya
Last name with meaning. Here you can not limit your own imagination and write different cool options Moscow, Rodina, Slavic
Surnames that are borrowed from the names of beautiful animals and birds Orlova, Solovyova, Sokolova, Lebedeva and others
Surname of the count dynasty Vorontsova, Obolenskaya, Heyden
Neutral with good pronunciation Vlasova, Svetlova, Batalina, Krasnova, Lavrova

What surname can you give a girl in English?

Girls often put with a Russian name English surname. It is important to use common sense when choosing. It should be harmoniously combined with the patronymic and first name.

Personal information for a girl in English is perfect for people of European appearance and origin. You can put different variants in English.

Thanks to this solution, you can attract great amount subscribers and friends.

They will immediately pay attention to the bold step. The most beautiful and original: Elison, Barlova, Hall, Bentley, Beverly, Black, Jane, Lavlai.

You don’t have to limit your own imagination and come up with your own options.

The most unusual names for a fake

Many people who use Everyday life social networks know what a fake page is.

Users maintain their anonymity and introduce a certain amount of mystery. At the beginning of the Internet, everything was anonymous and encrypted.

People used fictitious nicknames, names, nicknames, pseudonyms. Instead of their own photographs they often posted best pictures animals, as well as natural landscapes.

Today the situation has changed, and people openly publish their personal information and share photos.

You can convey your mood or experience to your subscribers using interesting statuses. But there are still people who create fake pages. A fictitious first and last name is placed here.

Note! There are several interesting options for girls: Lisa Forget-Me-Not, Olga Odintsova, Nastya Kraeva, Veronika Otradnaya, Alexa Leonova and many others.

When choosing a fake first and last name, you can choose any options. Such pages appear for various reasons. Some people do not want to share their own information, facts about themselves.

They wish to remain anonymous. Another reason for creating a fake page is to copy the profile of a famous and famous person.

Thanks to this, you can make many new acquaintances, gain communication and popularity on the Internet.

Teenagers often choose original and cute options that will help them rise to the TOP of the ranking.

Useful video

There are many reasons why people choose to use a nickname instead of their birth name. A new name is an act of rethinking oneself, a peculiar business card. And before choosing it, you need to think carefully. The Internet is replete with name generators that help you create a new nickname very quickly and easily according to several criteria. Their lists are huge.

We offer you examples of pseudonyms for various cases, which will not only be of interest to you, but may also help you choose your own (individual and original pseudonym).

In English with translation into Russian

For inspiration in your creativity, we offer English versions of pseudonyms:

  • TearPrincess (princess of tears);
  • Freedom;
  • Lovely (beautiful);
  • ◄Only god can judge me (only God will judge me);
  • Funny girl (cheerful girl);
  • Sweetest (the sweetest);
  • Simply Girl;
  • Angel on duty (Angel on duty);
  • Flying Star (Flying_Star);
  • Cherry Pie (Cherry pie);
  • Amazing (Amazing);
  • Baby Angel, Baby Love - do not require translation;
  • Better Half;
  • Flower Child;
  • Honey Bun.

For YouTube

How to choose a nickname for YouTube? Can be taken as a basis keywords, symbols of your niche, or use universal ones, such as picture - Pictures, program - Programme, channel - Channel, TV, Zoom, Films, Show, Stories, Productions, Exclusive and add them to your abbreviated nickname.

Then we get:

  • VirginiaTV;
  • TainaShow;
  • Yolonda Program;
  • Delfina:
  • NinaChannel;
  • StudiosSabrina – StudSab;
  • Portia;
  • SabraFocus;
  • Zula;
  • TeodoraProductions;

Remember, for Youtube names can only be up to 50 characters in length. Some girls choose nicknames that don’t mean anything, but that sound good and are easy to remember.

Nicknames for social networks, for example, for VKontakte

When communicating on the Internet, not everyone wants to tell everything about themselves (which is absolutely correct). In the first stages of acquaintance, the name is hidden in most cases, some abstract nickname is taken that says nothing about the person or only slightly lifts the veil of uncertainty.

Girls prefer something light, sometimes funny or cool, they decorate the name with all sorts of symbols, like here:

We come up with a nickname based on the last name for girls

Sometimes circumstances force you to change your real name(due to its cacophony or unpleasant memories). And young ladies are looking for a pseudonym for their creative sites, dating, only partially reminiscent of their former last name. Then their friends will easily recognize them, and the previous discontent will disappear. Choose an option that is easy to remember, concise, and looks beautiful in Latin. The name, as a rule, is preserved more often in its short form.

For example, for Svetlana Prus, you can offer the following options: Pruss Lana, Lana Pruss, Svetlana Locust (translated as locust, cicada) or Lana Tarakanova.

  • Irina Naumenko - Iren Naumenko, Naum Irina, Naira$;
  • Solar - Sun, Sun;
  • Kuznetsova - Blacksmith, Smith, Farrier (blacksmith in English).

You can fantasize endlessly. For example, taking my childhood nickname as a basis, most of them were very accurate. And your friends will recognize you easily. Another option is to swap your last name and first name.

  • Ivanova Nastya - Ivanna Nastina;
  • Alexandrova Tatyana - Alex Tannin, Alex Tannin;
  • Marinina Ekaterina - Marianna Katina.

Or completely move away from the old surname: Tatyana Petrushkina can become Tanya Fortuna, Cool, Beautiful or Smart.

Names are pseudonyms. Examples

A nickname can be formed simply from a name, shortening it, writing it in Latin, or slightly altering it.

  • Caterina;
  • Kira;
  • Kati;
  • Sonya;
  • Stacy;
  • Clar;
  • Marian;
  • Kitty;
  • Irene;
  • Lana.

Cool - (cool), cool and interesting nicknames

Some girls want to show wit. They come up with cute, cute names that convey their mood, or use nicknames that cause surprise, laughter, and even dissatisfaction from the public. And thereby making the owner herself happy.

How do you like these nicknames collected on the Internet:

  • ★Malenkaya pakost★●;
  • Girl Shock Therapy;
  • Stealing_Souls_Expensive;
  • PrIkoL`nAyA_GeRLa;
  • DREAMS_WILL COME TRUE (nickname of the optimist);
  • Dreams come true? (nickname of a pessimist);
  • What came to mind =) (funny);
  • Awesome_me;
  • ॐYour_personal_NightMareॐ (your personal nightmare:);
  • Harmful. ;
  • Bubble;
  • Sweet candy.

Names associated with color also sound interesting:

  • Pink;
  • Aqua;
  • Phlox.

It is possible to create a nickname by combining your nickname and color or using verbs.

It will turn out incredibly cute:

  • Pink candy;
  • BlueLemon;
  • Flying Kitty.

You can take the syllables that sound nice to you and create the perfect name. It will take time to come up with something decent.

  • Prekacho;
  • Kachoray;
  • Psikatoni;

Yes, they sound Chinese, but perhaps you can come up with something more euphonious.

How can a girl choose (come up with) a suitable nickname?

Your nickname should set you apart from others. Therefore, take his choice responsibly. Although... humor will not be superfluous.

  • Try to make the name look good. For example, TainaShow looks better than tainashow.
  • Do not use special characters such as ★~](]( often, this is not always appropriate.
  • If you create a nickname based on your last name or first name, use them short form, Then final version will be concise.
  • The nickname should be easy to pronounce.
  • When choosing, remember your talents and hobbies. Such applications (Act, Dancer, Speaker, Coach, Violin) to the name - in combination they will give a good nickname: AnnaViolin, LanaDancer, AlexCoach.
  • You can associate a nickname with your place of birth or residence. Lesya Ukrainka is a great example.
  • After reading our recommendations, come up with a few names, write them down on paper and read them out loud. Are you pleased to hear them? Choose the most euphonious one, ask your friend to address you this way for several days. Do you manage to get used to the new nickname, isn’t it annoying? Something is wrong, look for an alternative.
  • Remember, overly loud nicknames (Mistress, Goddess, Demon) are unlikely to take root and will cause rejection among friends. But too funny ones (Malenkaya pakost), on the contrary, can stick very tightly and cause laughter in others, and of course - dissatisfaction in you.

Log in to your VK account, under your profile photo, find the line Edit page. A page will appear on the device where you can change your first and last name, write your s.p. and other facts.

To change your name in Contact, you must enter a new name in the cell labeled Name. If you want to change your last name, then in the line opposite the inscription Last Name you need to change the old one to the new one. Make the necessary changes, as well as the reason for changing the first and last names, and click on the box labeled Save.

After this, a message with the following content will appear at the top: Your application has been accepted. It will be submitted for manual review.

How to change your first and last name in VKontakte without an administrator?

If you entered all the data correctly, and the administrators rejected your application, you can solve everything without their help.

    There are 2 options:
  • If you have written real data, then you can write to the support agents so that they can decide this problem. Help is located near the exit panel. Next, enter the Name - click Resolve the issue with the name or None of the above is correct and describe in more detail the fact of the violation. They will ask you to send them a photo of the first page of your passport.
  • You can also look for a person with the desired last name and ask him to put Family status with your fate, and you set the status with his participation and then try again to change your data.

How to change your first and last name to English on VKontakte?

This means changing the data to translit. Personal data will automatically change to English language, that is, in transliteration, if you put Europe, America or other countries as your place of birth. Previously, because of the transliteration, you would not have been found, but today, if you enter a name in Russian, you can find a person with the same name in transliteration. Advantageous name change to foreign language will only be for foreign residents.