The most famous American names. English surnames

The history of American names and surnames has evolved over several centuries. In them you can trace the traditions of many countries and peoples who moved to these places. Thanks to the large flow of immigrants, over a long period of time a general culture countries and names and surnames changed, acquiring new forms of sound.

Many common American names have their origins in Greek, Italian, Latin, even ancient Germanic origins. IN modern world Rare names, which are obtained by abbreviating historical places, surnames, are becoming extremely popular in America. famous people, there are even combinations of several names into one big one.

The origins of American names can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Names whose meanings are associated with the outlines of a person’s character (cheerful, brave, courageous) have gained most popularity;
  2. names related to the names of animals, flowers, trees, natural phenomena;
  3. names meaning different professions;
  4. names of a religious nature taken from the Bible.

List of the most popular American male names

America is a colonial country; depending on the state, the overall popularity of names differs significantly from each other. Popular in Spanish villages male name Federico (Federico), in Irish regions – Patrick (Patrick), in Italian – Paulo (Paulo).

When choosing a name for a newborn, Americans give great importance to two main principles in their choice:

  • the name should sound beautifully with the surname, as one whole;
  • another main point - secret meaning name and its origin.

Respecting your ancestors and family traditions, many families name their children in honor of their fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers. If several family members have one name, the prefix “senior” or “junior” is placed at the beginning of the name for a specific person.

Currently, Americans are trying to add special uniqueness (originality) to the names of their children, choosing their favorite car brand, favorite political figure, or favorite city for the name. In such a situation, the choice falls on the most unexpected objects. You can meet children named Lexus, Madison, Infinity.

Americans have old tradition associated with names - giving the child a double name. For example: Anna-Maria (Anna-Maria), John-Robert (John-Robert), Matthew - William (Matthew-William). Explaining this by saying that as the child grows up, he will be able to choose a name to his liking.

The most popular American names today

  • Ethan (Ethan) - from English, “durable.”
  • Kevin (Kevin) – from Irish, “beautiful”, “cute”.
  • Justin (Justin) - from English, “fair”.
  • Matthew (Matthew) - from English, “gift of God,” “God’s man.”
  • William (William) - from English, “desired.”
  • Christopher (Christopher) - from English, “follower of Christ.”
  • Anthony (Anthony) - from English, “invaluable”, “competing”.
  • Ryan (Ryan) - from Arabic, “little king.”
  • Nicholas (Nicholas) - from French, “conqueror of nations.”
  • David (David) – Hebrew, “beloved”, “beloved”.
  • Alex (Alex) – from Greek, “protector”.
  • James (James) - from English, “invader”.
  • Josh (Josh) – Hebrew, “god, salvation.”
  • Dillon - Welsh origin, "big sea".
  • Brandon (Brandon) - from German, “prince”.
  • Philip (Philip) - from Greek, “horse lover.”
  • Fred (Fred) - from English, “peaceful ruler.”
  • Tyler (Tyler) – from English, “stylish”.
  • Caleb (Caleb) - from Hebrew, “loyal, brave.”
  • Thomas (Thomas) – Polish, “twin”.

List of common American surnames

American surnames acquired their own modern look many years. Over time, they changed significantly. There has always been a large influx of refugees and migrants into American cities.

In order not to differ from local residents, do not attract special attention, the settlers deliberately modified and shortened their surnames in the local American way. The main feature of the surnames of US residents is the regular mixing different nations and peoples.

The list of the most famous surnames in America opens with Smith (Smith), Williams (Williams), Jones (Jones), Wilson (Wilson). According to statistics, there are well over a million registered owners of such surnames.

Lesser known American surnames, but popular:

  • Johnson (Johnson).
  • Brown (Brown).
  • Walker (Walker).
  • Hall (Hall).
  • White (White).
  • Wilson (Wilson).
  • Thompson (Thompson).
  • Moore (Moore).
  • Taylor (Taylor).
  • Anderson (Anderson).
  • Thomas (Thomas).
  • Jackson (Jackson).
  • Harris (Harris).
  • Martin (Martin).
  • Young (Yang).
  • Hernandez (Hernandez).
  • Garcia (Garcia).
  • Davis (Davis).
  • Miller (Miller).
  • Martinez (Martinez).
  • Robinson (Robinson).
  • Clark (Clark).
  • Rodrigues (Rodrigues).
  • Lewis (Lewis).
  • Lee (Lee).
  • Allen (Allen).
  • King (King).

Beautiful American surnames

Beautiful surnames differ significantly from all others in their euphony. Thanks to the melody and beauty of the sound, Americans wear them with pride.

IN Lately In the USA, changing names and surnames to more famous and beautiful ones has gained popularity.

Citizens give their preference to surnames and given names famous stars Hollywood and political figures.

Surprisingly, the surnames of American residents can take their origin from the most unexpected sources: professions, plants, flowers, animals, natural phenomena, cities, streets of residence, character traits. Thanks to such improvisations, the most beautiful, unpredictable names and surnames are sometimes born.

Examples beautiful surnames There are many, common ones are:

  • Collins (Collins).
  • Daniels (Daniels).
  • Evans (Evans).
  • Ford (Ford).
  • Gilmore (Gilmore).
  • Holmes (Holmes).
  • Labert (Labert).
  • Newman (Newman).
  • Riley (Riley).
  • Stephenson (Stephenson).
  • Moore (Moore).
  • Beverly (Beverly).
  • Washington (Washington).
  • Wallace (Wallace).
  • Harris (Harris).

The surname of every person is a legacy left to him by his ancestors. The American people respect and appreciate the foundations of their distant relatives. The surname, in their understanding, is a valuable heirloom that they cherish and proudly pass on to their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

This main feature makes the American people a strong, confident nation that preserves its history and traditions.

For Russian girls, America seems a piece of paradise: beautiful men, a rich country and an unusual mentality.

I would like to learn a little more about the inhabitants of the other end of the planet, dream about marriage and try on beautiful name. Read what beautiful and unusual American surnames there are.

Like all oldest surnames, the carriers of the most popular ones can be attributed to the most ancient family.

In ancient times, personal names were given to families for their lifestyle, profession, or in honor of the area in which they lived.

One of the most popular surnames in America is Smith. Translated from English - “blacksmith”.

Apparently the first representative of the family worked in a blacksmith shop and was popular in his area.

Other most popular names include:

  • Wilson (formed from a proper name).
  • Johnson (derived from a male personal name).
  • Taylor is a seamstress or tailor.
  • Davids (from a personal male name).
  • Brown - brown.
  • Jones (from a male name).

Many common surnames are derived from the first head of the family.

Apparently, several centuries ago, John, William and David were held in high esteem by the family. Celebrities often take advantage of privileges and take on popular pseudonyms.

Important! Most famous Smith– Hollywood actor Will Smith.

List of beautiful and rare names in English and their meaning in Russian

Sweet-sounding female names also caress the ear. And if combined with a rare American surname, then the pleasure is double.

Depending on the purpose of your choice, find suitable name according to the instructions described in the table:

Purpose of interest Advice
Nickname for the game The popular option is not suitable, since in online games you can rarely identify yourself popular surname without a lot of numbers after. Choose a rare name
Nickname for show business There are two options here: a well-known name and a rare name.

Shakira will be an unusual nickname in Russia, absorbing success, but Olivia rarely appears in everyday life and may arouse interest

Login for social networks For VK or Instagram, in order not to advertise his identity, he wants to pretend to be an important American person. Choose the option you like
Change of real name In this case, you should also change your last name in your passport. Choose a new name that will be in harmony with the groom's surname

Important! The meaning of a name affects a person’s character and his life.

Friends will begin to perceive you anew, calling you not “Polina”, but “Pamella”. Read the meaning of the nickname before changing it.

To the most beautiful and rare names in America include:

  • Abbey. This cheerful girl who chooses the easy path in life. Translated as "father's joy." Will always be a real treasure among male attention.
  • Arena A unique girl who is distinguished by her gentle character and patience often has amazing mental abilities. The literal translation is “high mountain.”
  • Bottlenose dolphin. A free person who is not used to going with the flow, but creates it. The woman is self-sufficient and independent. From English to Russian it sounds like “little bird”.
  • Elinor. This is the most faithful and devoted friend, she is like a hero of fairy tales - she sings with the birds, draws rainbows, smiles at the sun. The literal translation is shepherdess.
  • Shanna. Translated from English as “aristocrat”. Since ancient times, it was customary to call only noblewomen or ladies of blue blood with this name.
  • Avalon. Smart and responsible. The young lady is a match only for the goddess of wisdom, Athena. Translated from English as “apple”.
  • Olivia. Despite the softness of sound, the owner of the name Strong and independent girl. She does not need protection, she herself will stand up for her honor. The word is translated as “army of elves.”
  • Holly. Kind, gentle and affectionate. Such a girl gets married early and has many children, loves quiet family gatherings and listening to children's laughter. The literal translation is “sister.”
  • Adamina. A nice and brave girl who has been fighting for justice all her life. A strong-willed person with a stable psyche. The beauty has a real masculine character.
  • Anabella. The appearance of the young lady may not be attractive, but as soon as she speaks, all men fall to the ground. She has an innate charm, translated as “graceful beauty.”
  • Eleanor. Always kind and active. A person is rarely left alone and loves large and noisy companies. “Friendship” is the meaning of her internal state.
  • Doris. Very optimistic and witty, she looks at life with a positive attitude, often turns out to be the life of the party and travels around the globe in search of friends. Literally – “funny”.
  • Laurie. Strange and mysterious, but attracts people to her. Often has an innate gift of clairvoyance and predicts his own future. The literal translation from English is “seer.”
  • Margaret. Beautiful outside and inside, she attracts with her cheerfulness and activity. Always in difficult situation will lend a helping hand. From English it means “flower”.
  • Nicole. For one simple reason, mothers choose this name - the girl will be clean and tidy from the cradle. The name is also translated into Russian.
  • Chloe. Another representative of the strong and independent. It is impossible to stop her from reaching her goal, and only the best of men will win a girl’s heart.

Rare female surnames

Rare American surnames for girls include so-called middle names, which are often based on family affiliation to a particular nationality.

A surname is a family hereditary name. It indicates that a person belongs to the same genus, which originates from some common ancestor. Most people have a generic name foreign languages Of course, the British are no exception. If you try to sort out popular English surnames piece by piece, you can learn a lot of interesting things both about the history and culture of Great Britain, and about the English language.

Origin of English surnames

The origin of modern British surnames has deep roots and is closely connected with the culture and history of the country in general and the English language in particular. For a long time, foreign, like Russian, family names, even the most beautiful ones, came from nicknames that were given to certain people. When exactly did nicknames become family names It is impossible to establish precisely; it is only known that first of all this happened among the feudal lords. Family names can be divided into several classes:

  1. Ottoponymic or derived from foreign place names (names of counties, cities, provinces, villages, hills, etc.)

  2. Oanthroponymous or derived from personal names.

  3. Formed from nicknames - epithets (common nouns). Most often such nicknames were described appearance, behavior, similarity of a person with someone/something, or even hinted at the scope of his activity.

List of English surnames in a table

There are a lot of surnames and we will not try to list them all here. Some generic names are heard more often than others, while others are very rare. We have prepared for you a table with sixty generic names, many of which will probably seem familiar to you.

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Surname Translation into Russian
Adamson Adamson
Adderiy Adderley
Aldridge Aldridge
Allford Allford
Anderson Anderson
Andrews Andrews
Archibald Archibald
Austin Austin
Backer Baker
Becker Becker
Baldwin Baldwin
Barnes Barnes
Barrington Barrington
Bishop Bishop
Black Black
Blare Blair
Bosworth Bosworth
Bradberry Bradberry
Brooks Brooks
Bush Bush
Campbell Campbell
Carter Carter
Chesterton Chesterton
Clapton Clapton
Coleman Coleman
Cooper Cooper
Day Day
Dickinson Dickinson
Donovan Donovan
Dalton Dalton
Duncan Duncan
Edwards Edwards
Ferguson Ferguson
Fitzgerald Fitzgerald
Ford Ford
Foster Foster
Gilbert Gilbert
Gilmore Gilmore
Goodman Goodman
Green Green
Harris Harris
Hancock Hancock
Hoggarth Hoggart
Hill Hill
Jerome Jerome
Kelly Kelly
King King
Little Little
MacDonald McDonald
Nash Nash
Oliver Oliver
Phillips Phillips
Paterson Paterson
Ramacey Ramsay
Scott Scott
Simpson Simpson
White White
Walker Walker
Wesley Weasley
Wood Wood

The most common English surnames

There are common surnames in every country. Just like the Russians Ivanov Smirnov and Kuznetsov, some British family names are more common than others.

The most common American surnames

American surnames have their roots in nicknames that Americans began to come up with for each other when calling people by their names (which many had the same) became difficult. The list of the most common American surnames largely duplicates British family names, but there are also differences. We have prepared for you a list of the 10 most common American surnames.

Useful video on the topic:

Common features of American surnames.

History of American surnames as rich as the population of the United States, a state of immigrants, is diverse. Essentially, an American surname can reveal its “kinship” with any nation. And yet the core American nation are native English speakers (Scots, Irish, English, Welsh), who mixed with other peoples, which largely determined the characteristics of American surnames. common feature American surnames - they do not differ by gender and are essentially masculine. As for the spelling and pronunciation of American surnames in Russian, they are subject to the laws of Russian spelling. That is, declension of American surnames complies with the rules for declension of Russian surnames.

The dominant role of English-speaking surnames.

Interpretation of American surnames the most varied. According to meaning, American surnames can be divided into five main groups. One includes surnames that are derived from the father's names (Peterson, Williams). Others are based on the name of the profession in which the first bearer of the surname was engaged (Smith, “blacksmith”). A large group of American surnames are associated with geographical names(England, Lancaster). Some surnames reflect the characteristics of the area (Pul, “reservoir, whirlpool”). Quite a few American surnames were born from common nouns - Bush (“bush”), Fish (“fish”). The surnames of non-English-speaking Americans are forced to constantly adapt to the sound familiar in the country in order to correspond to easier spelling and easier pronunciation. Some surnames are simply abbreviated (Pappadakis-Pappas, Vinareski-Vinar). Others are translated into English (Koning-King). Still others are remade in the English style (Cartier-Carter, White-Bellows). However, some surnames retained their national meaning and were not influenced American surnames. For example, spanish surnames if they have changed, it is insignificant.

Surnames of Indians and Africans.

Native American surnames were historically formed from personal names and nicknames. But if you look dictionary of American surnames, then you can notice that there are very few of them. Nowadays, most Indians have common American surnames. The same goes for African American surnames. In the course of history, they gradually lost their unique names and subsequently began to take familiar American surnames. True, recently descendants of people from Africa have been trying to give their surnames a national flavor.

A list of American surnames in alphabetical order shows that a certain part of Americans come up with fictitious, sonorous surnames that are memorable for their originality and help their bearers stand out.

List of common American surnames will help you find out which surnames are the most popular in America (USA).

The most popular American surnames and their meanings

We present to your attention a list of the most popular American surnames.
Smith– Smith
Johnson– Johnson
Williams– Williams
Jones– Jones
Brown– Brown
Davis– Davis
Miller– Miller
Wilson– Wilson
Moore– Moore
Taylor– Taylor
Anderson– Anderson
Thomas– Thomas
Jackson– Jackson
White– White
Harris– Harris
Martin– Martin
Thompson– Thompson
Garcia– Garcia
Martinez– Martinez
Robinson– Robinson
Rodriguez– Rodriguez
Lewis– Lewis
Lee– Lee
Walker– Walker
Hall– Hall
Allen– Allen
Young– Young
Hernandez– Hernandez
King– King
Wright– Wright
Lopez– Lopez
Hill– Hill
Scott– Scott
Green– Green
Adams– Adams
Baker– Baker
Gonzalez– Gonzalez
Nelson– Nelson
Carter– Carter
Mitchell– Mitchell
Perez– Perez
Roberts– Roberts
Turner– Turner
Phillips– Phillips
Campbell– Campbell
Parker– Parker
Evans– Evans
Edwards– Edwards
Collins– Collins

Choosing a cool yet appropriate name for your baby is not an easy task. After all, your child will live with it all his life! Many parents begin to rack their brains even before his birth, trying to figure everything out and agree on opinions, and also so that later, when the baby grows up, it doesn’t occur to him to change his name. You need to choose wisely and without fanaticism, don't forget this. Well, we bring to your attention interesting names in USA. Check it

On the Nameberry website you can not only choose a special, cool and pleasant-to-hear name, but also find out its true meaning and popularity. It's also a great opportunity to check out a list of the decade's biggest trends, whether you're a trendsetter or a follower.

A name is a gift so meaningful, so powerful and personal that only you can select it for your child.
A name is a gift so significant, so powerful and personal that only you can choose it for your child.

Today names that start with " Ad" or end with " lee", are among the most popular for children. So run into a bunch of kids called Kinsley ( Kinsley), Bentley ( Bently) or even Edeline ( Addelyn), in our time it becomes more probable than, say, in the 50s. By the way, about them. Meet tons of Jennifer ( Jennifer) or Jasons ( Jason) was much more likely than today. And now children in the USA and Britain, in contrast to Russian names, are quite willingly given the names of the so-called “ superlatives" Get it? Well, for example, such as Legend, Royalty or King. Would you like this for yourself? They could pathetically declare to someone: “I am a legend!” and Will Smith himself would envy you. Hurry up to change the names before they become boring, because they are becoming more popular every day!

Also on the list of fashionable baby names are the names of celebrities. These days, naming your baby Lennon, Monroe or Hendrix can take the world by storm! We believe that this trend is worth following. Why? Well... because paying homage to legendary stars can inspire your child to be the most cool kid in the world!

We would not like to upset you, but Mother Murphy with her laws is not at all against it. One of them, for example, reads: “No matter how harmless the name you give your child may seem, he will definitely be teased with this name.” So, name your child so that such a law does not come into effect.

Popular American names

List of male names:

List of female names:

Well, if you still want to know the history, then on the Social Security Administration website ( Social Security Administration or S.S.A., but don't read backwards tho) there is a whole table with the five most popular male and female names in the USA for newborn flowers of life, starting from 1917 to 2016. Over the past 100 years, for example, the name " Michael» still holds the lead (44 times), while female name « Mary"over the years has become a leader 39 times.

Other American names

While some names come and go, those that we have indicated below, be that as it may, are “stuck” with the people thoroughly. They may not be #1 today, but they will certainly never go out of fashion and are heading towards the top of the list every day.

English male names:

  • Everett. Means "brave as a wild boar" - " brave as a wild boar" English version of the German name " Eberhard».
  • Henry. German name meaning "household manager" - " ruler of the household" or "household manager."
  • Charlie. "Free guy" - " free man" English soft form of the name "Charles".
  • Edwin. "Prosperous Friend" - " prosperous friend" or "rich friend." English name.
  • Sam. The Hebrew meaning of the name is “to hear.” Also means "declared by God" - " told by God" English name, full form - "Samuel".
  • Marshall. French name meaning "guardian of horses" - " the keeper of hours».
  • Calvin. Latin name meaning "bald" or "uncovered" - " bald boy».
  • Edgar. English name meaning "great spearman" - " great spear man

English female names:

  • Lola. Spanish name, meaning "strong woman".
  • Lillian. French name, derived from the name "Elizabeth" (Elizabeth). Oddly enough, it means “lily”.
  • Stella. Latin name, derived from " stellar", which means "starry".
  • Genevieve(read as, "Genevieve") - Genevieve. Nice name from France. Means "white wave".
  • Cora. Not the one in the trees. It's like Corinna, only Cora. In ancient Greek it means “filled heart” - “ filled heart" In mythology, the name Kore was an epithet of Persephone, the goddess of fertility and mistress of the underworld.
  • Evelyn. Evelina is a Hebrew name meaning " life force" Traditionally an English surname that was a boy's name, but is now used primarily for girls.
  • Lucy. Lucille - English Catholic name, meaning “luminous.” You can say " Lucia» as well.
  • Clara. She stole corals, but in general she is “light” and “clean”. Latin name.
  • Ruby. Again Latin for "dark red gem".
  • Eva["i:və]. The name of the progenitor of all mankind means "life-giver" or simply "life". Cool, right? The Latin form of the Hebrew name "Eve".

Rare and unusual English names

A unique name is chosen as a symbol of a unique, special child and family.
A unique name is chosen as a symbol of an exceptional, special child and family.

TOP 5 unusual male names in English

  • Prescott. This superb English name meaning "Rectory" was given to 18 boys in 2016. It can be shortened to "Scott" as a nickname if he thinks it sounds too strict.
  • Grover. Although there were many Grovers during the 20th century, such as President Cleveland, as well as the lovable blue weirdo from Sesame Street. Another famous Grover is jazz saxophonist Grover Washington Jr. But only 19 boys were named Grover in 2016.
  • Oberon. The character Oberon in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream is the king of fairies and elves, but the name itself, with the accented "o" at the beginning, conveys a much more masculine image. Oberon was also seen as a fairy-tale king in an ancient Germanic legend, a French heroic song, in dramatic work for the Ben-Johnson Mask Theater and in several operas. He also appeared in animated film Disney's Gargoyles. In ancient England the name was written as "Auberon".
  • Regis. This is sacred French name means "royal". Today this name is most often associated with the venerable talk show host Regis Philbin
    (Regis Philbin). Only 10 parents chose this name for their son in 2016, so chances are your son will be the only "Regis" in your life.
  • Thelonious. Best known as the name of legendary jazz pianist Thelonious Monk, 20 boys received this unique name in 2016. The origin is due to the German name "Tillman", which means "one who tills the earth", and "Thelonius" is a Latinized variation of this word.

TOP 5 unusual female names in English

Since many people are looking for a "unique" name, finding something truly unique can be extremely difficult, especially when it comes to girls. Historically, girls' names have tended to be fashionable, while boys' names have been more conservative. For example, while the most popular girl's name changed every 10 years, the name "Michael" has remained in the top 10 for over 75 years. Thanks to this, there are more popular beautiful female names than male ones. In addition, many trending “unusual” names for girls come from men’s names. So if you're looking for something unusual but distinctly feminine, then you might have to dig a little deeper.

The names below are given to 10 or fewer baby girls each year, so of course there's a small chance she'll have to share hers. unique name with anyone else. But, if you want your new addition to the family to stand out among the Emmas, Olivias and Sophias, then feel free to choose one of the unusual names below for your little princess.

  • Flannery. You may not have gotten around to reading Flannery O'Connor's most famous story, "Everything That Rises Must Converge." But don't let that stop you from giving this warm-sounding one a try. Irish name "Flannery" comes from "flann" and "gal", which means "ruddy" and "bravery" in Irish. Only 10 little girls received this name in 2016.
  • Alberta. The English name, meaning "noble" and "bright", probably comes from the western province of Canada. However, there is information that the province is actually named after Princess Louise Caroline Alberta, one of Queen Victoria's daughters. Although the name may be quite popular abroad, only 9 girls were named with it in 2016.
  • Sigourney. Who knows, maybe the new “Alien” would have turned out to be quite tolerable if it had featured the main woman of the entire franchise. Not many parents name their daughters Sigourney. In fact, only 8 families chose it in 2016, but we do know that it is the name of the winner (which is what it means, by the way). Even Sigourney Weaver herself once admitted in an interview that she changed her first name “Susan”, inspired by a character from the novel “The Great Gatsby” by Francis Scott Fitzgerald.
  • Talullah. The main thing is that it is not Tanunnah. While celebrities like Demi Moore, Patrick Dempsey and Philip Seymour Hoffman have named their daughters Tallulah, only seven families chose this charming Choctaw name meaning "jumping water" in 2016. Previously the name was associated with greatest star stage and screen by Talullah Bankhead, now largely established as the go-to name for Southern belles. Another meaning of the name is “shining girl.”
  • Antigone. Just like the name of the anti-theft system. The meaning of the name is “instead of a child.” If you want to make a solid name choice with a good history, Antigone is a good choice. The brave and principled heroine of an oft-told story in Greek mythology- hits the target and even more. Although the name has been known throughout history, parents have made it a slightly unusual choice for their daughters - only 8 families named their daughters Antigone in 2016. We'd say "Tig" sounds pretty cute too. Girls named Antigone are distinguished by their courage and independence. In childhood, this manifests itself in the form of pronounced self-will and excessive curiosity even for a child.

Double English names

If one name is not enough for you, you can try another route. In fact, giving children double names is a relatively recent tradition. Until the 18th century, people got by with only one first and last name. For a long time, the source of names was mainly the only one - a list of saints and holidays in calendar order ( church calendar). But there were quite a lot of variations on the theme of church names among the people: in English, the Latin form “Maria” was transformed into “Mary” (Mary), which, in turn, gave the diminutive “Molly” (Molly), and then “Polly” ( Polly). The name "Joannes" comes from Hebrew. Yohanan, gave in medieval England the forms “Jan”, “Iohn” and “John” (John), as well as the diminutives “Jankin”, “Jackin”, and only then popular name"Jack" (Jack). And the female form “Ioanna”, borrowed from the French “Jeanne” (Jeanne), immediately turned into three independent names: “Jane” (Jane), “Jean” (Jean) and “Joan” (Joan).

That's all for us. If you suddenly decide to move to the USA and start a family there, you will definitely know what to name your offspring!

Big and friendly EnglishDom family