Anime where gg is allergic to girls. "Cool and independent" anime characters

New hero was born about 60-50 years ago, which was greatly influenced by the “noir” genre. The signs of a new hero are silent, cynical, usually at odds with the law and society, torn by internal conflicts, but hiding a vulnerable soul under an icy armor. This “anti-hero” became a contrast to the usual image of a “knight without fear or reproach” with an open face, friendly and correct.

Over the years, the image of a gloomy cynic acquired new details in the spirit of the times, was enriched with meanings, gradually transforming into a gloomy romantic, and became so seductive that Japanese animators simply could not pass by. Of course – such scope for imagination with a minimum of effort! ^_^ Moreover, the authors got so carried away that the current hero - “terrible in character on the outside, but beautiful on the inside” - has also become a common cliche. But the presence of such a hero guarantees high interest on the part of the audience, because dark romance has always excited the female heart.

This strange young man loves only his warplane. Has difficulty obeying the orders of his commander and friend Jack Bookhar. Ignores any attempts by others to penetrate him inner world. This hero is extremely closed and independent, lives in his own world, limited by the cockpit of a combat aircraft and the sky of an alien planet. It is difficult to communicate with him, he makes an unpleasant impression on many, but circumstances develop in such a way that over time those around him begin to trust his opinion unconditionally. The guy sparkled like a shooting star, but left a very deep mark in the hearts of those who knew him, and, literally, decided the outcome of the war between humanity and alien intelligence.

The independence of this hero has its origins in his deep knowledge of human nature. At the same time, the Pharmacist is calm and generous in a Buddhist way, and always secretly hopes to be mistaken with his conclusions. His dual nature is under strict control and manifests itself only when the culprit is found, actions are weighed and considered, and motives are determined. The pharmacist does not like to talk a lot, but his comments are accurate, and he sees right through people. This is the case when knowledge is power. His coolness lies in his wisdom, knowledge of the world and people. Well, in magic, of course.

Unlike most of the heroes on our list, this young man has an explosive and angry character, incontinence of emotions and bias towards others, often unfounded. With all this, Kanda is one of the best exorcists of the Order. His weakness is his comrades in the order, especially Lenalee Lee and Lavi. He carefully hides this weakness under feigned coldness. But as soon as his friends find themselves in danger, the cold-blooded Kanda simply breaks the roof and is capable of doing both stupid things and heroic deeds. He is connected with other heroes from our list by the belief that silence is golden, reluctance to show one’s weaknesses, rhinoceros-like stubbornness and courage.

How, you ask, how did this cynical careerist end up on the list of our heroes?! But what about the demonstrated lack of emotion, the arrogantly patronizing tone, the ostentatious cynicism and cruelty, under which are hidden deeply hidden strong and pure feelings - anger, thirst for revenge, tenderness and love? Definitely our man. In addition to purely external signs " cool guy", Roy Mustang is shown as a professional in his field, an excellent strategist, a person who is able to keep his feelings in check for the sake of a higher goal, but is ready to let go of emotions when necessary.

They say about these people: “A follower of the law!” This hero is the twenty-eighth head of the Kuchiki clan, one of the great noble houses of Soul Society. He is also the captain of the sixth division of the Gotei 13. He is an aristocrat and wears his noble origins like armor, demanding from himself and others unconditional obedience to rules and traditions. Outwardly he is always calm, indifferent and arrogant. All this hides a deep internal conflict, because Byakuya himself broke the rules, albeit for a good purpose. But for a pedant like him, this is no excuse. Fortunately, Byakuya is a noble soul and knows how to admit his mistakes.

Police detective, executor of the "Public Security Bureau" in a brave new world ruled by "Sibyl", a computer system. A proud loner who has made the decision to be out of society consciously and for compelling personal reasons. He is silent and does not let others in on his plans, not out of arrogance, but out of concern, so as not to harm people whose views he does not share, but whom he respects. He is so independent that it doesn’t even occur to “Sibyl” to win him over to his side, only to kill him. Because such a person cannot be caught either by vanity, or by money, or by promises of power. It's pointless to even suggest it.

One of the Dragons of heaven, the Guardians. A representative of the powerful onmeji clan, possessing magical powers, at first he does not believe in victory and is ready for defeat. A character with whom not only girls fall in love en masse, he is so romantic. Robert Patisson enviously smokes on the sidelines, because he will never play such submission to fate. It’s good that the hero changes over the course of the series, stops doomedly following his predestined fate and fights for the future of people seriously, and not out of “duty of duty.”

The older demonic brother, who is quite contemptuous of the younger one, the human race, enemies, surrounding reality, fatherly behests... And this contempt is not feigned, don’t get your hopes up. But, as it unexpectedly turns out, this arrogant demon is very soft in his soul, remembers goodness, does not destroy the world without reason, takes in a child to raise, and still does not raise his hand to kill his hated brother. But he gets up - to fight with Naraku and even save his younger brother and his horde of friends who are getting tangled under his feet. A classic example of a pathetic hero who has one and only weakness... Fatal for pathos.

For once, we have before us an adult man, a whole personality, not burdened with teenage complexes. The complete opposite of the eccentric Mugen. Almost always serious, cold-blooded in battle, measured in words. At the same time, it’s not a fool to visit the red light district on occasion and sharpen a katana on the heads of your enemies. He always and with great enthusiasm takes the opportunity to show Mugen who is d'Artagnan and who is just out for a walk. He hides his true feelings deep inside, but becomes very attached to his strange traveling companions.

Vice-president of the famous school club. So cynical that he extracts money from everything: romantic feelings, the desire of girls to listen to compliments, the complexes of rich ladies, the general secret of club members... A secretive cracker, always with a calculator, knows everything in advance, calculates everything... And turns out to be completely defenseless in the face of the sincerity and love of life of his friend Tamaki, the innocence of Haruhi, the defenseless prickliness of the twins, the calm patience of Morizuka and the foolishness of Honey. It is not easy for a super-rich smart guy, the heir to a super-corporation, to one day discover that money is not everything in this life. But Kay definitely liked this discovery...definitely...

This is who is truly dangerous, independent and cool. Of course, the guy has the ability to control electricity, is an agent of a secret organization, a “cleaner”, knows quite a lot and is persistently trying to find out even more. Smart, easily fools the police, a worthy adversary, whom enemies take into account, a devoted friend. Like a true hero, he has weaknesses. Like a true man, these weaknesses are girls. A striking example of a hero overcoming himself, circumstances and fate.

NICHOLAS D. WOLFWOOD "Trigun". A ruthless killer, a cold-blooded traitor, a cynical lover. A devoted friend, a gentle lover, a daredevil and a joker. All this is about him, the two-faced one. In the image of Nicholas there are many allusions to St. Paul, who also went through a complete reassessment of values ​​after meeting another eccentric. An anti-hero in the full sense, charismatic, unpretentious, and at times talkative. At first he evokes burning sympathy with his courage and adult, if not cynical, attitude towards life. And at the end - warm sympathy.

SASUKE SAGARA "Full Metal Panic!" This is an image completely devoid of romance - a stupid martinet, not a word to say to the girls, just waving guns, that is, he knows how to control the bellows. True, as soon as the authors slightly lift the veil of secrecy over Sagara’s past, the attitude of the audience, especially female spectators, changes towards him. And there is an explanation for his ignorance, and awkwardness with girls, and stubbornness, and cruelty. And despite all his shortcomings, no one ever doubted Sagara’s courage and devotion, right? No one doubted that Sagara would come and save everyone. There is no one else.

KENJI HARIMA "School Rumble". And here we have a “reverse antihero.” Under the guise of a hooligan, cynic and stupid brawler hid a generous, vulnerable, talented and loving young man. What a pity that girls pay attention to appearances and rarely look into the soul! This is accessible only to a few girls who themselves have a subtle, vulnerable soul. What a pity that boys fall in love with pretty, stupid girls who are unable to appreciate them! But that’s what love is for, it strikes like lightning without aiming – and there’s no point in grumbling. But Kenji is a hero, although comedic, but unconditional. Such work on oneself, such changes are available only to true cool heroes!

The silent hero circles through the labyrinths of “dense metallurgical forests” of a strange city that devours itself and builds itself. He fights with terrible cybernetic creatures, finds people, accepts help or refuses it, and searches for what truth he doesn’t know. Cold and dazzling - without a future or past, without hesitation, a shadow of fear or doubt in actions, he takes any reality for granted. Such a merciless image of an absolute hero, almost devoid of human emotions, which, by the way, is so...

TATSUMI OGA "Beelzebub". Children are the flowers of life, even satanic children. It’s hard to argue with this, but if you suddenly want to, look how the pathological brawler Oga Tatsumi has changed from communicating with a child and realizing a sense of responsibility! If earlier he fought just because his fists were itching, then after he received a child from hell to raise, all his fights took on a deeper meaning and a clear purpose! And without joking, the example of this comedy character shows the unsuspecting viewer that even a gopnik can turn out to be sensitive and generous, and, without losing the purely boyish ability to fight deftly and not retreat, learn to compromise and see in people and good. Such sincere work shows a true hero, albeit somewhat noisy for an ideal, but very, very persistent.

STAZ CHARLIE VLAD (Blood Lad). Will a kind, sympathetic and sensitive person be able to lead one of the largest sectors of the afterlife for several years? It was impossible to suspect Staz, a cruel vampire who drinks human blood, of such character traits. But the appearance of Fuyumi Anagi in hell allowed the viewer to enjoy true character this hero. Under the mask of a vampire hides a person who, for the sake of love, is capable of turning rivers into a new direction, destroying a couple of cities with residents and tearing to shreds anyone who gets in her way of Fuyumi’s return to the human world. And when listing the capabilities of Staz, I am not speaking figuratively. In his heart sits a bullet, fired as a child by his own older brother in order to reduce the boundless power of the young vampire.

The works of Japanese animators do not remain meaningless: anime is gaining enormous popularity around the world. The first thing that attracts viewers is the drawing style. Unusual, bright characters attract attention and make you fall in love with yourself. With the development of animation, anime creators began to focus not only on the appearance of their characters, but also on their characters and behavior.

Detailed portrayal of characters and the desire to understand the essence generates enough rare anime, Where main character strong, but pretends to be weak for some reason.

Attack on Titan: Armin Arleth

It should be noted that there are heroes who, although physically weak, are incredibly strong intellectually.

Armin Arlert is one of the main characters in the anime Attack on Titan. Unlike his best friend Eren, he does not have outstanding physical abilities, but he has unsurpassed tactical intuition.

"The Seven Deadly Sins": Meliodas

A relatively new series (released in October 2014) “The Seven Lasting Sins” tells the story of the adventures of seven great warriors... Former great warriors, and now persecuted and persecuted for the murder of a holy knight attributed to them.

10 years later, after an attempted coup, the holy knights of the kingdom captured the king. The princess managed to escape. Thus begins the journey that will bring together the Seven Deadly Sins.

The Seven Deadly Sins is a typical example of an anime where the main character pretends to be weak.

The character Meliodas personifies the sin of anger (the sin of the dragon). He is the leader of the former Seven Great Warriors. It is in it that it is reflected typical feature An anime where the main character pretends to be a weakling. Outwardly, Meliodas is a cute boy. An indicative moment is the episode with the sword, when it turns out that it is broken. However, appearances can be deceiving. In battle, Meliodas turns out to be a skilled, invincible warrior, and his sword is an excellent weapon.

Meliodas has the ability to reproduce attacks, directing them to the opposing side, while multiplying the power of the blow. According to the plot, Meliodas is strong as a warrior in this anime. The weak protagonist appears in quiet moments when there is no need to show combat prowess. He is a little funny, lustful and very hot-tempered.

Fairy Tail: Mirajane and Makarov Dreyar

Without a shadow of a doubt, we can say that Fairy Tail is an anime where the main character pretends to be weak. Moreover, it is here that you can meet not one, but several similar characters.

Mirajane Strauss, aka Demon Mirajane, is outwardly sweet, calm, smiling, but you shouldn’t make her angry. Because by angering her, you can awaken a terrible demon.

Mirazhana is formerly one of the strongest magicians of the Fairy Tail guild. After the death of her younger sister, Mira lost her ability to transform. The magic “Demon Transformation”, which was previously under her control, becomes temporarily inaccessible to her... For as long as 16 years.

After losing Lisanna, Mira transforms from the explosive Demoness Mirajane into the sympathetic, patient and kind Mirochka.

Abilities inherent in an outwardly kind heroine (some of them): a master of close (hand-to-hand) combat, can transform both and the whole thing, has dark magic and the magic of transformation, the magic of water, lightning.

One of Mirajane's most powerful spells can be called “Soul of Satan.” This fighting form gives her the abilities and strength of the demon Halfas.

In addition to Mirajane Strauss in anime, where the main character pretends to be weak, there are a number of characters who also do not seem to have great strength outwardly.

For example, Guild Master Makarov Dreyar. The puny, decrepit and short Makarov turns out to be a Titan, capable of increasing the size of his body several times.

"Deathman Wonderland": Ganta Igarashi

Ganta Igarashi is a sentenced fourteen-year-old student who, not only in appearance, but also in reality, turns out to be not strong enough. He is an impressionable and sensitive teenager who, by tragic coincidence, became the only survivor of an incident where an entire class was murdered. The mysterious Red Man not only did not kill Gantu, but also placed a Crystal in his chest. It is thanks to him that Ganta can now control blood.

He has average combat skills, average intelligence, but is extremely durable. His weak side is a limited supply of blood. With the ability to change the shape of blood, he can die from blood loss if the battle lasts for a long time. And the ability to collect blood into a fist is ineffective over long distances.

"Darker than Black": Li Shenshun

Li Shenshun, aka Hei, is a prominent example of an anime where the main character pretends to be weak so as not to be found out.

IN ordinary world he wears a nondescript black jacket and is rather awkward. However, transforming from the everyman Lee into Hei, known as the Black Reaper, he becomes a formidable opponent.

He has the ability to control electricity, can change the structure of substances, and also masterfully wields a special knife. He is easy to recognize by his appearance: he wears a distinctive black cloak.

When you first meet Li Shenshun, you think that he is an ordinary guy, but after seeing his skills and abilities during the battle, in the future you simply don’t remember his imaginary awkwardness and weakness. And all because you understand that this is just a game, necessary for the hero for reasons known only to him.

Do you want to know which anime series are considered the best in the world? We have them all on our list!

Nothing is impossible in the world of anime, and if you are willing to try your best to achieve your goals, you will eventually achieve the result. Unlike American cartoons, quite often the best anime has a deep meaning, in which there are always metaphors that are not immediately discovered.

List of the best anime series: One Piece (Snatch)

It's actually difficult to describe hundreds of series and episodes, but we can guarantee you that the main character, Luffy, will teach you life lesson. He will teach that if you decide to do something, you will have to give your all and fight to the last to achieve your goal. This message alone makes the anime great.

No Game No Life (No game - no life)

This brilliant anime can be fun for gamers thanks to its unique plot and the concept of a fantasy world where almost everything is governed by certain rules that are binding on everyone. The two main characters are brother and sister Shiro and Sora, who were forcibly transported to another world controlled by games, where they will have to survive in a world in which games are not so innocent.


Psycho-Pass is an intelligent series that deeply analyzes the issues of free will and the psychological abilities of a person, determining whether he will become a threat to society. Using a special weapon known as the "Dominator", detectives can continuously read and send psychological data to determine a person's crime quotient. Depending on how stable psychological state person, he is either sent for forced rehabilitation, or everything is corrected on the spot. Fans of social dramas should pay attention to this anime.

Akame ga Kill! (Akame Ga Kill)

At first glance, the story doesn't start out very impressive, but as events unfold, the plot becomes one of the most exciting of any anime you've ever seen. The story focuses on a village boy named Tatsumi who goes on a journey to the capital to become self-sufficient. He encounters a seemingly dangerous group of assassins known as the Night Raid. Will you join his adventures?

Rurouni Kenshin (Vagabond Kenshin)

This fantasy series is dedicated to the adventures of a young wandering swordsman who encounters a martial arts school in Meiji Japan. So, if dramatic characters, great action scenes, a bit of history (set in the 1870s), and some philosophizing about how to live in a violent world intrigue you, you should definitely watch this masterpiece.

One-Punch Man

The main character can end all his fights with one hit, and this frustrates him. You might be thinking, what's so interesting about this? How could anyone not want a hero to try to kill his enemy? But not this time. Here you will see a super-obsessed hero trying to find a stronger opponent, trying to feel the thrill and adrenaline of fights that he felt once before. Watch the series to get answers to philosophical questions.

Inuyasha (Inuyasha)

Kagome, modern girl from Tokyo, accidentally finds a portal that leads to medieval Japan, where she meets the half-demon Inuyasha. She decides to help him find the magic crystal and fight the evil demon Naraku. With its unusual combination of romance, comedy, action, fantasy and horror, Inuyasha has managed to win millions of fans around the world and is considered a classic in the anime community.


According to critics and fans, Trigan combines the funniest, most absurd and at the same time clever dialogues with a powerful dramatic component and notes of horror. The main character is one of the most controversial characters in any anime you've ever seen. He is a killer who hates killing, but commits it anyway. He is almost invulnerable and at the same time very vulnerable. He has the ability to destroy life, and at the same time becomes upset about death. With a price of $60 billion on his head, he is the most popular man on the planet!

Samurai Champloo

The plot of this excellent anime follows Jin, a skilled samurai who observes traditions; Mugen, an equally experienced samurai who prefers everything new; Ugh, the girl who works in the tea shop. When Jin and Mugen are caught and about to be executed, Fu bravely saves their lives, and in return asks them to help find the samurai. You probably think that the plot of this anime sounds simple and childish, but we assure you that you should take the time to watch this exciting series.

Soul Eater

It seems that most fans like Soul Eater because it offers something new in terms of storyline. The plot focuses on Shibusen, a school of "Weapons and Masters" in the fictional Deadly City, Nevada. To get a clearer understanding, a weapon in Soul Eater is a person born with the ability to turn into a weapon.

Tokyo Ghoul

Ghouls are terrible creatures that feed on human flesh. When Kaneki is almost killed in an attack, he turns into a half-monster and is forced to adapt to his new lifestyle in order to survive. If you feel anxiety somewhere deep in your soul, then you just need to watch this anime.

Cowboy Bebop

Can you imagine that a brilliant idea could fit into an ordinary short film? This is how his many fans describe him. Considering the style of anime, we can note it as a space film, with elements of gothic horror and extraordinary fantastic creatures. It contains black comedy, spy detective, crime, romance, tragedy, philosophy, science, spirituality, fatalism, optimism and much more.

Fullmetal Alchemist

Fullmetal Alchemist became one of the most popular anime in America and Japan due to its extremely touching storyline; a story that revolves around Edward and Elric who will try their best to save their mother from death by trying to transmutate a human. This anime series will make you think deeply about your life.

Code Geass

Code Geass is set in an alternate universe after Japan conquered the Holy Britannian Empire with their powerful robotic weapons, the Nightmare Missiles, which deprived Japan of all rights and freedoms in an attempt to rename it "Area 11". Lelouch is a British prince who renounced his right to the throne after his mother was killed and vowed to destroy her own father, Emperor of Britain. It's breathtaking when family problems mix with the thirst for geopolitical conquest and domination.


Student high school Kurosaki Ichigo is different from any other child in that he can see ghosts. After an accident in the forest he received magical power. Thus begins Kurosaki Ichigo's training as a Shinigami, the Soul of the Reaper. Most likely, you will like this anime because it will capture the breath of any viewer, regardless of their age.

Fairy Tail

In a world where magic is used and traded at every turn, a team of guild members take on various missions to earn enough money to pay the rent. Among them are Lucy, a celestial spirit mage, Natsu, a fire-breathing dragon slayer, and a happy blue-winged cat.

Sword Art Online

Welcome to Sword Art Online - a world where magic can buy everything. In 2022, gamers around the world lined up for the launch day of Sword Art Online, a hotly anticipated MMORPG that allows players to connect to the world of virtual reality using special headsets called Nerve Gear. Kirito is one such gamer who wants to get back into the game. He spent a lot of time in the beta test, where he quickly became friends with rookie warrior Klein. The rest is just part of the courageous story.

Dragon Ball Z

Dragonball Z, learning that he is from another planet, asks to protect him from the attack of extraterrestrial enemies named Goku and his friends. It is the most famous Asian anime of all time in the West. Dragon Ball Z was and will always be, for many fans, one of the most impressive animated films ever created by animators.

Naruto Shippūden (Naruto Shippuden)

Naruto Uzumaki, a loud, hyperactive teenage ninja who constantly sought approval and recognition, becomes Hokage, considered the leader and strongest of all the ninja in the village. The storyline is beautiful and features epic fights combined with deep emotions and unpredictable twists and turns that will blow your mind.

Attack on Titan

Attack on Titan is a truly innovative anime. After hometown With the hero destroyed and his mother killed, young Eren Jagar promises to cleanse the earth of the giant humanoid titans that have brought humanity to the brink of extinction. This is a truly fantastic anime with many layers: plot, imagery, vision and atmosphere. The basic motives of mindless giants who eat people may seem stupid, but watching this picture gives rise to completely different feelings.

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

One of best anime-serials for adults, "Fullmetal Alchemist": "Brotherhood" is an attempt by two brothers to find the philosopher's stone that can resurrect them deceased mother. However, everything does not go as expected and the brothers encounter many obstacles. This is a very exciting series that fascinates throughout its sixty-four episodes.

Dragon Ball

It is one of the legendary anime that has become a global phenomenon and has won millions of fans. The story is dedicated to extraordinary adventures strong boy named Goku, who is searching for the seven dragonballs (dragon balls). When they are united, they can fulfill any wish for the owner.


What about the legendary adventures of Ash Ketchum and his pet Pikachu as they travel the world in hopes of becoming Pokémon Masters? This story is very famous and popular all over the world! While Pokémon isn't the best anime artistically or even story-wise, it is undoubtedly the most famous and globally influential animated film.

Future Diary

One of the most fascinating stories we've ever seen. The hero of this series comes into the hands of a diary that can predict the future and send the owner into battle with eleven others, where the last survivor becomes God. Sounds pretty nice, doesn't it?

Death Note

This dark series was recognized as the best anime of all time in Japan. One of the things that many dedicated fans find interesting about Death Note, is that main character is a typical good guy, a typical stereotypical hero. The fact that the series deals with topics that few others dare to tackle from a moral perspective is definitely one of the reasons you'll be hooked on watching it.

Anime is becoming more and more popular with everyone every year. age groups. These japanese cartoons They captivate not only with their originality and originality, but also with thoughtful plots with deep meaning.

For die-hard fans and those just getting into the world of anime, check out our list of the best anime of all time.

TOP 25

The plot of the anime " One Piece» (« Big jackpot") begins with the execution of the Pirate King Gold Roger, who, before his death, managed to talk about the most important treasure called One Piece. Many adventurers go in search of treasure, and a massive rampant of piracy begins, which will later be called the Great Era of Pirates.

24. No Game No Life

In the game world of the anime There is No Life Without a Game, brother and sister Sora and Shiro are known as "Hollows". They are called this because player account names were always left blank. They complement each other perfectly - Sora has well-developed intuition, and Shiro has excellent intellect.

After another victory in an online game, they are offered to be reborn in another world called Disboard, where everything is solved through games, and they agree. Now they have to help the Imanity race conquer the world and defeat the insidious goddess Teta.

23. Psycho-Pass

The anime "Psycho-Pass" is about the future. In 2112, the world is almost completely automated - robots, transforming houses, smart suits and much more. Justice, acceptance important decisions, development and much more is involved special system"Sibyl". This system maintains a special “psycho-passport” for each person, which reflects the person’s abilities, his condition and crime rate.

An increased crime rate can contribute to sending a person for compulsory treatment or even destruction. The main character, the young idealist Tsunemori Akane, will have to face the ambiguity of the crime rate in the Public Security Bureau.

22. Akame ga Kill!

The story of Akame, who decided to go to the big city to earn money and save the inhabitants of his native village from dying in poverty. The story unfolds when the protagonist joins the Night Raid clan of assassins.

As part of the clan, Akame begins a hunt for officials who have plunged the city into corruption and violence.

21. Rurouni Kenshin: Wandering Samurai

Warrior Himur Kenshin travels around the country and helps people in need. Anime is not strictly consistent real story Japan, but it mentions many real people of the Meiji period and the troubled time of bakumatsu that preceded it.

TOP 20

20. One-Punch Man

The One Punch Man anime can be called a kind of parody of all the cliches and cliches of superheroes. The plot is quite simple - a guy named Saitama has always dreamed of becoming a superhero, but having gained power, he is faced with the mundanity and routine of superhero existence.

In order to have some fun, the main character joins the Superhero Association, where everyone perceives him as a newcomer and the weakest hero. In fact, One-Punch Man can defeat any opponent with one punch.

19. Inuyasha

The plot of the anime "Inuyasha" (Guardian Dog Demon) revolves around the Stone of Four Souls. Schoolgirl Kagome Higurashi, in search of her dog, enters a small building with an old well. From this well, a centipede demon pounces on her and demands to give up the ill-fated stone. The girl manages to fight back, but ends up in medieval Japan, where her adventures begin.

18. Trigun

The anime Trigun takes place on the desert planet Gunsmoke, which is inhabited by people who arrived from a depleted Earth. The planet itself, as well as the customs on it, are very reminiscent of the Wild West. The main character, Vash Hurricane, immediately gets into trouble and a bounty is placed on his head.

17. Samurai Champloo

The story of the anime Samurai Champloo is set in a time better known as the Edo Period. The three main characters, Mugen, Jin and Fuu, are completely different from each other, but their fates are closely intertwined.

16. Soul Eater

To fight the evil Kissin, an Academy is created where Weapons and Lords are trained.

The universe of the anime “Soul Eater” (Russian: “Soul Eater”) is a parody of the modern world.

15. Tokyo Ghoul

Student Ken Kaneki was attacked by a ghoul and could have died if he had not received a ghoul organ transplant. Now Kaneki himself becomes half a ghoul and is confronted by their society, habits and thirst for human flesh.

14. Cowboy Bebop

Another anime with a plot about the future. Cowboy Bebop tells the story of four bounty hunters who hunt down the solar system's most desperate criminals for a reward.

13. Fullmetal Alchemist

The anime Fullmetal Alchemist is about two brothers, Edward and Alphonse, who unsuccessfully tried to resurrect their deceased mother. Now they are looking for the legendary philosopher's stone, which is capable of returning body parts to the brothers that they lost during an unsuccessful transmutation.

12. Code Geass

The anime series takes place in an alternate history. The first season tells the story of the war between the Holy Britannian Empire and Japan, which ended with the defeat of Japan and the subsequent oppression of the entire population of that country.

11. Bleach

The main character is a boy named Bleach, who quite by accident receives the supernatural powers of the Shinigami - the gods of death. Now Bleach is forced to protect people, fight evil spirits and send the souls of dead people to the afterlife.

TOP 10

10. Fairy Tail

The world of the anime "Fairy Tail" is populated by magicians and magic. Main character, spirit whisperer Lucy Heartfilia joins the Fairy Tail guild, whose members are known for not the best deeds.

9. Sword Art Online

In 2022, gamers around the world are lining up to dive into a world of new online games"Sword Art Online". Its main feature is that with the help of a special helmet, all the player’s real feelings are blocked and he is completely immersed in the game. Among gamers, the main character of this anime is Kirito.

Things get complicated when players learn that they cannot quit the game themselves until someone passes level 100.

8.Dragon Ball Z

Continuation of the famous anime series "Dragon Ball". The story takes place 5 years after the end of the original anime. Viewers will learn about Goku's adult life, as well as the development of his son Gohan.

7. Naruto Shippūden

The main character Naruto Uzumaki is a hyperactive teenage ninja who wants to become the strongest ninja. This anime will give viewers a lot of colorful fights, deep meaning and real worries about the fate of the main character.

6.Attack on Titan

100 years ago, humanity was almost completely destroyed by huge titans. The surviving people hid behind three high walls called Sina, Rose and Maria, and set up small towns, but the titans do not intend to just leave people alone.

5. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

Continuation of the original anime. TV series in to a greater extent aimed at adult viewers.

4.Dragon Ball

The story is based on one of the classic Chinese novels. A boy with a monkey tail, Son Goku, learns martial arts and explores the world in search of the "Dragon Ball".


One of the first anime series that appeared in Russia and was loved by millions of children. The story is about a boy Ash who dreams of becoming the best coach Pokemon. Together with his friends, he travels the world, catching new Pokemon and participating in the Pokemon League tournament.

2. Future Diary

The deity called "Deus ex machina" commands not only space, but also time. The days of this deity are coming to an end, so the world must use a survival game to get itself a new God.

1. Death Note

Japan's best student, Light Yagami, receives the mystical Death Note. It is enough to write in it the name of a person you know by sight, and he will die. Light decides to use the notebook to fight criminals.

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