The theme of feeling and reason in a thunderstorm. Essay internal conflict of feelings against reason

The theme of the essay: “Reason and feelings are two forces that equally need each other.” V.G. Belinsky.

What is the mind? Sobriety of thought, calculation, reason, cold heart? What is a feeling? Infatuation, emotion, momentary passion or a higher spiritual impulse?

According to the critic Belinsky, “reason and feelings are two forces that equally need each other.” And one cannot but agree with him. Reason and feeling are dependent on each other, they are very closely intertwined, it is impossible to break the thin thread between them.

Therefore, free choice becomes pain or pleasure. By creating the mental plane, we can consciously change lower planes, such as feelings, the flow of energy or matter. It is clear here that each person has a common influence on their manifestation. Everyone experiences what they want.

Each person is part of a global consciousness that experiences life in all its aspects. So, broadly understood, the passion part of this process. Created to “explore” and know about the totality of creation. Consciousness studies what can be done in the mental area in order to become aware of its creation and possibilities. This is a natural process and develops towards full consciousness. The Universe does not call suffering a bad thing. It's just the movement of energy. Pure in itself, but the mind interprets it as suffering.

There are situations in a person’s life when feeling prevails over reason. As popular wisdom says, “if you love something, your mind will give up.” It is impossible to say for sure whether this is good or bad. This can lead to either a happy ending or a very sad one.
This also happened to the heroine of Kuprin’s story “Olesya”. The girl fell madly in love and gave herself over to this feeling. Although she knew perfectly well what this would lead to, she knew that a sad outcome was inevitable, but at that moment the feeling prevailed over the mind. She did not regret for a second that she allowed her mind to retreat, as she experienced true happiness. Such happiness that not everyone is given the opportunity to experience in life.
Is it good when reason prevails over feelings? A question to which there is also no clear answer. You can not show your feelings and remain unhappy, while making the one you love unhappy. For what? Does this make sense?

We can say that pain is a mechanism that prevents us from experiencing the “same thing” and keeps all evolution in the phase of existence. Without pain any life would be lost simple movement matter. Through feelings, life can survive to create a movement called pain. Subsequently, the mechanism for protecting life becomes instinct.

The Universe is constantly “exploring and searching” The best way. He meets himself through existence. It evolves by continuing all the time in the present to achieve self-awareness. It seems that it is already close, because people are waking up from the dream of matter. They begin to see the universe as one. They emerge from consciousness beyond the ego. They see that they are a manifestation of the Universe and the primordial consciousness that the self experiences. This is also a natural process.

In Pushkin's novel “Eugene Onegin,” feeling and reason collided several times. The first was when “the mind gave way” and Tatyana, succumbing to her first deep feeling, confessed her love to Eugene, which was unacceptable for a girl at that time. Her attempt was in vain. For Eugene, she was just a child and he believed that her fire of love would go out as quickly as it lit up. Little could he imagine that years later he would find himself in her place. But Tatyana appears to us no longer as a little girl. By this time she had learned to manage her feelings with the help of common sense. Despite her love for Eugene, she remained faithful to the man who loved her. Was she happily married? I think not completely, because I loved someone else. Was Evgeny happy? Again, it seems to me that it’s not complete. After all, if it was true love, then reason only made it worse.

He is just beginning to identify himself with the thoughts that are on this plane. Of course, in earlier stages of evolution she did the same and identified herself with this plane of vibration. Just as animals are limited by feelings, and plants are limited by the energy of life. However, it didn't "hurt" as much because it wasn't understood. For example, consciousness limited to the astral plane was limited to feelings and emotions, but it did not create mental suffering and believed that this was somehow wrong.

Animals sense that pain is working correctly to change this movement. But a person can be constantly sick. He has free choice, which was once a blessing and once a curse. Therefore, you choose how you organize your existence. A moment of divinity, Paweł Godlewski.

Guided only by reason, you can remain unhappy for the rest of your life. Guided only by feelings, you can find yourself in situations after which unbearable mental pain will remain forever. It turns out that the mind and feelings need each other and it is very difficult to live guided by one thing.

Internal conflict: reason versus feelings.

Anxiety grew in fear. After half an hour the snow stopped raining and visibility returned. The caution that made me afraid that day may have saved my life. All emotions are actually stimuli that motivate us to act, quick plans to save or maintain the life that evolution has provided us with. The word “emotion” comes from the Latin verb “to move,” and the prefix e means something more “towards something,” indicating the tendency to act in every emotion. The fact that emotions stimulate us to action is most easily demonstrated by observing animals or children.

First you need to understand what feelings and reason are. These are two important forces in a person’s inner world, which very often conflict. There are situations when feelings prevail over reason and a person becomes unable to control himself, but sometimes reason takes over. When discussing the topic of mind and feelings, you wonder whether these two forces should be in harmony. And in literary works we can see this conflict and understand it well.

Only in "civilized" adults can one observe this great anomaly in the animal world - emotions, the first stimuli to action, separated from the real reaction. Because they display their characteristic biological signature, each emotion in our emotional repertoire is unique. With new techniques that allow you to peer into your body and brain, researchers are discovering more and more physiological details about how the body prepares the body for different emotions to respond to vastly different types of reactions.

The heart rate increases and the increased secretion of hormones such as adrenaline provides enough energy to take dynamic action. When you're afraid, blood flows to large skeletal muscles such as your leg muscles, making it easier for you to escape. At the same time, the body froze, even for a moment, in movement, perhaps to have time to judge whether it would be better to hide better. Connections in brain-controlled emotions trigger a wave of hormones that cause the entire body to become alert, making it sensitive to any external stimuli and ready for action while all attention is focused on the immediate danger, so we can better appreciate how it works. to react. However, no specific physiological changes occur other than a calming effect that makes the body freer from the biological stimulation of distressing emotions. This combination of factors puts the body in complete peace, and also creates a willingness and enthusiasm to directly carry out assigned tasks and pursue various goals. Love, affection, and sexual satisfaction are generated by the parasympathetic system, which is the physiological opposite of the body's fight-or-flight mobilization caused by fear and anger. Parasitic stimulation nervous system, also known as the relaxation response, is a complex response throughout the body that produces a state of general contentment and peace that promotes cooperation. Raising the eyebrows in a moment of surprise allows for a wider view of the forehead, thereby increasing the light output of the retina. This gives us more information about an unexpected event and allows us to better understand what is happening and develop a more effective plan of action. Dirty repulsion is the same among people all over the world and sends the same message to the recipient - something unpleasant tastes or smells, or is it in a metaphorical sense. The visible signs of repulsion - a pinched upper lip and a slightly wrinkled nose - indicate, as Darwin noted, an initial reflex of closing the nostrils to a disgusting smell or spitting out poisonous food. The main function of sadness is to help come to terms with a significant loss, such as death loved one or big disappointment. Sadness leads to decreased energy and enthusiasm for various types life activities, especially for fun or pleasure, and as depression deepens and slows down, the body's metabolism decreases and slows down. This care, intimacy and introspection provides the opportunity to mourn loss or disappointment in hope, understand the consequences this has on our lives, and when the energy returns, planning everything again. Such a loss of energy would make them more depressed and therefore more susceptible to shock; primitive people stayed closer to their homes, where they were safer.

  • Blood raises the blood in your hands, making it easier to grab a weapon or punch through an enemy.
  • This causes blood to drain from the face, making it look pale.
Biological action stimuli then shape our life experience and culture.

Let us recall Kuprin’s work “ Garnet bracelet" It tells us about the unrequited love of a stranger for Princess Vera Nikolaevna. Zheltkov, that same stranger, a common person, who lived with a feeling of love for Vera Nikolaevna. Zheltkov understood that he would never be with Vera, she had a husband, but even the fact that she simply received his letters was enough for him; he did not even expect an answer from her. But time passed when he was forbidden to write to her, forbidden to do what he lived for. And he decides to commit suicide. All his feelings overshadow his mind, and he cannot cope with himself or his feelings.
A similar situation exists in Karamzin’s work “Poor Liza.” main character- Poor peasant woman Liza falls in love with the young man Erast. And it seems their love will never stop. Lisa completely surrenders to her feelings, but the young nobleman loses interest and goes on a military campaign, where he loses all his fortune and is forced to marry a rich widow. For Lisa, this becomes a severe blow; she experiences mental pain, but cannot cope with it, jumps into the pond. The mind fails to overcome the feelings, and Lisa makes a huge mistake.

For example, the worldwide loss of a loved one evokes sadness and regret. But the way grief is shown—either publicly revealing emotions or stopping them to live them privately—is shaped by culture, as is how people specifically fall into the category of “loved people” to mourn.

For many generations of people living during this long period of evolution when emotional reactions arose, the reality was certainly more harsh and stifling than for most of their descendants living in the era of historical records. In a time when humans could become predators at any moment, when the vagaries of nature such as floods or droughts meant famine, few survived and few reached the age of thirty. But with the advent of agriculture and even the most basic forms of social organization, the chances of survival began to change radically.

There are so many people around us. Some we know, others we know slightly, and most are strangers to us. At first glance, all these people are so calm and balanced. You might think that they have no thoughts or problems. Only a couple of very close personalities who entrusted their secrets and thoughts seem to us as they really are.

Over the past ten thousand years, as these conquests took place throughout the world, the influence of these brutal forces that kept humanity under control has steadily declined. The weakening of the forces that once made our emotional responses so important for survival has also reduced the benefit of adapting to elements of our emotional repertoire. In the past, however, the sudden onset of anger and the possibility of anger could be critical to a person's survival, but the easy access to automatic weapons of thirteen-year-old children too often caused a reaction with catastrophic consequences.

If a person were able to penetrate with one glance into the mind and heart of his interlocutor, a terrible picture would be revealed to him of the eternal confrontation and conflict between these two forces acting on him. The essence of a human being is such that he is constantly, even in his sleep, busy making decisions, analyzing situations that have happened to him and those around him. In this complex process, everyone faces a lot of questions that require assessment. Depending on a person’s psychology, everyone gives their own special assessment.

A friend told me about his divorce, the painful separation. Her husband fell in love with a young colleague at work, and one day he suddenly announced that he was leaving for another woman. Then there were long months of intense battles for the house, for money and care for children. A few months after the case ended, she told me that she liked her independence, that she was glad to be alone. I just don't think about it. “I don’t care,” she said. But when she spoke, her eyes filled with tears.

These tears could easily go unnoticed. But a sensitive understanding of the fact that someone's glazed eyes mean that this person, despite what he says, is sad, is as certain as we are with the printed word. The first is the action of our emotions, the second is the rational mind. We have two minds, and this is not in a metaphorical sense. One thinks, the other feels.

There are people who tend to analyze everything only with their minds and make decisions depending on how correct a particular action is. Some people give preference to the heart and feeling. Usually these are very sensual people who are sensitive and can imagine themselves in the position of another. Both of these types of people, no matter how different they are and think differently, are equally calm and live in harmony with themselves. The situation is much more complicated if a person does not refers specifically neither to the type of sensual person nor to the person of reason. In this situation, the poor person has to constantly wage an internal war between feelings and reason. All people are mistaken and very often do wrong things. Sometimes a person understands very well that his actions are not correct and, according to the assessment of reason, are in no way justified. However, the heart dictates its own rules. She demands to live by her own laws, ignoring the voice of reason.

These two fundamentally different ways of knowing and “reasoning” are intertwined to create our mental life. One of them, the rational mind, is a mode or center of reasoning more conscious, intelligent, capable of reflection and reflection, and from its actions, which we are usually aware of. But in parallel with this, there is another cognitive system - the impulsive and powerful, even sometimes illogical, emotional mind.

This dichotomy - rational and emotional - corresponds to the familiar division of "heart" and "mind" folk wisdom. To know "to feel in the heart" that something is right is to have a different belief, as if more certain than the analysis of the rational mind.

In any case, it is necessary to balance these two forces, carefully weighing whose side should be taken.

Final essay grade 11.

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