How to tell fortunes for your future. The best ways to tell your own fortunes for the future

In this article I will talk about ways to get an answer to an important question for yourself, even if you do not have psychic abilities at all.

An important rule is that questions should not be asked too often. The question should concern you personally (and not your mother-in-law, daughter, neighbor...). The question must be positive character(for example, not “Will I still get seriously ill?”, but “When will I be healthy?”). Lastly, the question does not need to be asked if you are in a nervous, tense state and your body is unbalanced. If all the rules are followed, life will give you the answer in the most different forms. Because everything in our world is alive.

One of the most basic ways is using a radio. Turn on the radio and agree with yourself that, for example, the third song that plays will answer your question. It is only very important to specifically determine in advance that the answer is “Yes” if a man sings, “No” if a woman sings, “Maybe” if a duet. And also you must determine which song you will consider first. The one that sounded as soon as you turned on the radio? Or the one that started from the very beginning after you turned on the music. Some people try to "fudge" the desired answer. If they heard the answer “No” where they would like to hear “Yes”, then they begin to deceive themselves, saying that the first song ended quickly, and therefore cannot be considered the first, and so on. You can't do that. You must clearly know the rules of the game in advance. Another method is good for those who travel, for example, on a bus. This is fortune telling by banners. The principle is the same as in fortune telling by radio. That is, you agree with yourself that, say, the third banner will answer your question. Banners are good because they contain a short advertising phrase. Usually such answers are understandable and do not require additional interpretation. For example, if you ask: “Will I get paid this week?”, and as an answer you receive a banner advertising a jewelry chain “ gold fish“Obviously, your wish will come true. Sometimes life can bring you an answer unexpectedly, even if you haven’t asked it yet, but were just thinking about it. So, for example, a friend of mine was waiting for a transfer from America (payment for his work) and was very nervous that he was late. The next day he had to pay his mortgage. Suddenly the doorbell rang. The young man handed him a flyer advertising the Internet, with the words: “Night, 1000, New York.” And that same night he received an electronic transfer for a decent amount. Surprisingly, there are more such clues than we think. We just don't notice them. Another way in everyday life is passers-by. You can guess that if the fifth person walking towards you is a man, then the answer is “Yes”. A friend of mine had an interesting case here too. He asked if he would make peace with the woman he loved, and the passerby who was supposed to answer turned out to be a man with a large bouquet of flowers and a cake. In this case, the answer also contained a hint: you should not only call, but also come with gifts. The result was positive. Another pretty one reliable way- observe whether circumstances are favorable to the business you have in mind. For example, you are going for an interview regarding new job. And everything seems to be against you. You burned your shirt, missed the bus, lost your glasses, and so on. It’s worth seriously thinking about whether you should go? And vice versa, you don’t want to do something. And everything around seems to be pushing you towards it. Friends are calling who can help with it. The circumstances are perfect. This means that the wind is fair and we need to take advantage of it. And don't doubt it! Often life gives us answers in snatches of deliberately loud conversations of passers-by, who seem to have set out to shout right in our ears! One friend told me an interesting story. She had to make a decision that day - whether to ask for a larger salary for old job or look for a new place. She was pessimistic and was sure that asking for money from a greedy boss would only be a waste of time to worry herself. With sad thoughts she boarded the bus. And behind her sat a man with a very loud voice, who spoke all the way in mobile phone. Moreover, he repeated the same thought to his interlocutor: “You are like an ostrich, you always hide your head in the sand. Try it first, and then talk.” He repeated this so annoyingly that the woman got the idea that perhaps she should still try to ask for a raise. And come what may. As soon as she made this decision, the man magically calmed down and stopped tormenting all the bus passengers with his annoying intonations. And the last thing I wanted to say: each person has his own “ lucky signs fate." It could be Maple Leaf, a man with a cake, a woman with a child, a certain color. If we encounter such a sign, regardless of whether we asked our question or not, then everything will work out! Remember your lucky signs well, and forget about others! Let the glass always be half full, not half empty.

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Fortune telling for the future is one of the effective methods of lifting the veil of secrecy and receiving clues from fate.

At the same time, you need to ask questions as accurately as possible and focus on main problem.

This way you can get an accurate answer to your query and find correct solution using hints.

We have already talked about how to tell fortunes about relationships and how to tell fortunes about love.

Let's find out today how you can tell fortunes for the future to find out what awaits us ahead.

Fortune telling from a book

Fortune telling from a book is one of the fascinating methods that has been familiar to humanity since ancient times.

Its essence is as simple as possible - you need to pick up a closed book, ask an exciting question, name the page and line number in this book. Open it on the given page and read the answer. This will be the forecast regarding your question.

Fortune telling with buttons

An interesting way to find out your future is button fortune telling. To do this, place 2 large and several small buttons in a cup, make a wish or a question. Shake the cup thoroughly and pour its contents onto the table. Based on the resulting picture, you can judge the future.

It should be said that when this method you need a good enough imagination to be able to see some image among a mountain of buttons.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds

Brew a cup of natural ground bean coffee and slowly drink it.

During the brewing and drinking process, mentally focus on your future and the issues that concern you.

After you drink your coffee, study the remaining drawings from coffee grounds on the walls of the cup. You can see your future in the guessing outlines.

Fortune telling by coin

This is the simplest fortune telling that allows you to find out the future.

This type of fortune telling has been preserved unchanged since the times Ancient Rome.

You need to guess using a coin like this:

  • Take a coin of any denomination.
  • Ask a question and guess “heads” or “tails”.
  • Toss a coin up. If the side of the coin that turns out to be at the top coincides with your wish, then the answer to the question is “yes”. If it doesn’t match, then “no”.

For example, if you wished for “tails” and it came up “tails,” then the answer to the question is positive. If you wished for “tails” and it came up “heads” - negative.

Card reading

This is a very simple but effective method of fortune telling for the future using simple playing cards Oh. For this you will need a deck of 36 cards.

Choose from them the queen of any suit that best suits you (if you are a woman) or the king (if you are a man). Place the card centered on the table.

Shuffle the rest of the deck and draw three cards one at a time, placing them next to the queen (or king) you drew first.

The first card will mean obvious events, the second - hidden, and the third - what will happen to you in the near future.

Fortune telling card meaning:

6 - a person will appear in your life who will be able to gain trust and bring benefits;
7 - important message and positive emotions;
8 - do not offend your loved ones and those who are dear to you, otherwise it will be worse;
9 - the heart is torn with feelings, be careful when deciding not to take some steps;
10 - don’t worry, you’re thinking about the same thing;
Jack - you think a lot about a person who is far from you, an unexpected meeting;
Lady - one of your wishes will come true this month, don’t tell others about it;
King - don’t worry, you will be appreciated;
Ace - you have an open heart and your thoughts are pure, expect good luck.

6 - you create difficulties for yourself, listen to the advice of your elders;
7 - complications are likely, put your ideas aside for a while;
8 - bad news, a minor problem will help solve close person(girlfriend or friend);
9 - a loved one is capable of meanness and deception, be careful;
10 - don’t be upset over trifles, happiness is nearby;
Jack - be indifferent to the offender, for him this is the ultimate punishment;
A lady - a loved one skillfully hides indifference behind imaginary warmth and affection, take a closer look at him;
A king is a good deed that will bring success, but can bring damage or disappointment to others, think about what you say;
Ace - there is someone nearby whom you do not notice, pay attention to him, it will be useful.

6 - do not trust this person, rely only on yourself;
7 - those around you are brazenly taking advantage of your kindness; soon your eyes will be opened to this;
8 - be vigilant, there is a chance of getting caught in a love network, keep a secret;
9 - you did everything right on the path to your dream, everything will get better soon;
10 - the card promises quiet peace and changes for the better, do not be sad in vain;
Jack - your deepest wish will come true, even if you don’t believe in it, you just need patience and time;
Lady is great luck and happy love, do not stop there;
King - stay away from the person with whom you spend all your time, this is the only way you can understand how much you care about him;
Ace - help your neighbors, they will repay you in the same coin, minor troubles will soon pass, do not despair.

6 - listen to the opinions of independent people, this will be beneficial and help you draw the right conclusions;
7 - you spend too much time on others, think about yourself;
8 - good news, don’t rely on words and empty promises, wait for actions;
9 - don’t open up to people, they won’t understand you, it’s not time yet;
10 - take time for something you have long wanted to do, it will bring tangible results;
Jack - your feelings are mutual, there is no reason to doubt;
Lady - you are on the right path to success, all you have to do is set your priorities;
The king is a deception of a close friend, be careful and lies will bypass you;
Ace - don’t rush things, everything has its time.

Next time we'll find out

This method of fortune telling using 36 playing cards will help you briefly and clearly outline your very near future, and with the help of this layout you can get an answer to a question or clarify a situation that worries you.

Preparing for fortune telling

The deck of cards on which you are going to guess should not have previously been used for games. Choose a card that will represent you in the layout, or the person who wants to get an answer to their question. Young people who have no experience family life, are designated by the king and queen of diamonds. The suit of hearts is related to middle-aged people, and can also symbolize fair-haired people with light eyes. Club cards are used to indicate a brunette or brunette, but not too young. The King of Spades symbolizes a military man or official. It is not customary to place spades on the queen.

Layout technique

Hold the cards in your hands, mentally formulating the question that worries you, then carefully shuffle the deck. The cards need to be laid out into four piles sequentially, but for fortune telling you will only need the pile in which the picture card indicating the client appears. There is no need to shuffle these nine cards. Lay them out in three horizontal rows of three cards each, after which you can begin interpretation.

Video: Fortune telling for the near future using playing cards

See other methods of fortune telling with playing cards:

The meaning of each card


Ace - native home, house of a brown-haired or brown-haired woman;

King- married, or previously married, brown-haired;

Lady- for a man - a woman who will give him happiness, for a woman - a rival or friend (depending on the neighboring cards);

Jack- love affairs, concerns of a brown-haired man or woman;

Ten- interest;

Nine- sincere love, happiness;

Eight- talk;

Seven- a love date, a meeting with a fair-haired man;

Six- road or journey.


Ace- success in business, state house, house of a dark-haired man;

King- brunette;

Lady- for a man - a work colleague or beloved woman, for a woman - a two-faced friend, rival;

Jack- concerns of a dark-haired man, solving material problems;

Ten- the interest of a brunette or brunette, in some cases - selfish interest;

Nine- the love of a dark-haired man;

Eight- conversation with a brunette, business negotiations;

Seven- date or business meeting;

Six- business trip, the road of a dark-haired man.


Ace- news, house of a blonde or blond;

King- an unmarried young man;

Lady- for a man - a daughter or a young mistress, for a woman - a dangerous rival, her husband’s mistress;

Jack- the troubles of a fair-haired man, busyness at work;

Ten- interest of a blonde or blond, approval of superiors;

Nine- a new feeling, passionate love;

Eight- conversation with a fair-haired man, business conversation;

Seven- a date with a blond or blonde, a business meeting;

Six- a short journey, a visit or departure of a person with blond hair.


Ace- point up - a noisy party, point down - a blow;

King- chief, government official, military man;

Lady- an ill-wisher, a middle-aged or elderly lady;

Jack- empty chores;

Ten- unexpected event;

Nine- grief, disappointment, illness;

Eight- if this card falls close to the king or queen, it indicates that the person likes to drink. In other cases, it means an unpleasant conversation, a scandal;

Seven- suffering and tears;

Six- long or late journey. Next to a picture card can indicate a foreigner or a person who often travels on business trips.

Video: The meaning of playing cards in fortune telling (36 card layout)

Sometimes you really want to know what will happen in the future, but there is a fear of falling into the network of sorcerers and swindlers. In this article, we invite you to figure out how you can tell fortunes on your own hand and the methods we previously mentioned.

Ways to tell fortunes to yourself

In fact, telling fortunes to yourself is very simple. Previously, we have already described many methods of independent fortune-telling. So, if you are interested in the love sphere, then use, or.

If you want to cast a spell on future events, the past or the present, you can do this with the help of a pendulum, or with the help of.

The most popular way to get answers to all your questions is, of course, divination using cards. In this case, both and are used.

Remember, before you start working with such magical attributes, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules that will allow you to avoid fatal mistakes in layouts and interpretation.

Palmistry is an ancient, complex science. In order to clearly answer the question of when a person will walk down the aisle, how many children he will have, whether there will be health problems, ups and downs, it is not enough to know the basics. However, basic knowledge will help you learn more about your character and overall personality.

First of all, look at your palms. This will help determine which element is your patron.

Equally short palm and fingers - Earth. You are stubborn, not ready to give in, have your own principles, and are full of strength. You are materialistic, very practical, and love to work.

The palm is longer than the fingers - Fire. You are spontaneous, full of energy, ready to take on any job, and most often listen to your instincts rather than your common sense. You may be selfish, people think that you do not know what pangs of conscience are, but in your soul you are quite vulnerable.

The length of the fingers is longer than the length of the palms - Air. You are witty, talkative, and sociable. You are undoubtedly a leader who is ready to move any mountains to achieve what you want. You often get carried away and are ready to take radical measures to get what you want.

Fingers and palm are equally long - Water. Such people are very sensitive, creative, sophisticated, introverted, and are not ready to share their world with the first person they meet. They are very closed, capricious, and rely mainly only on their intuition.

Responsible for a person’s emotional background, it begins at the edge of the palm and follows the index or middle finger. If it ends between these two fingers, then the person is always ready to compromise, unobtrusive, helps others, and may even forget about himself.

Short and direct - you don’t know how to express your emotions, you always store everything inside yourself. The line ends under the middle finger - you are an egoist, your desires come first. Ends under index finger- you are a perfectionist, constantly idealizing the world around you.

A clear line speaks of a logical mindset; a person has high intelligence. A thin, barely visible line - a person is not endowed with special talents, it is very difficult for him to study. A long, descending line speaks of a person who is passionate about his work, a true professional.

The greater the bend, the closer the line is to the wrist, the more developed a person’s imagination. How straighter line, the higher the risk that a person will be poor, he will not have time for self-education, and will have to constantly work. At the end of the line there is a split - a large number of plans that can be implemented.

It can show a person’s physical condition, tell about many diseases, and shows a person’s attitude towards life in general. The further it is located from the thumb, the greater the love of life the individual has. If she's too close to thumb, then you have a lack of vital energy.

Frequent breaks can warn of illness or sudden changes in views. The appearance of an additional life line indicates that the individual is protected from severe diseases and stress. The appearance of small horizontal lines indicates strong nervous feelings.

It indicates the purpose of the individual, the meaning of his life. Not all people have this line on their hands. Its absence indicates that the individual has no meaning or purpose in life. Direct and straight line indicates that a person, from childhood, clearly understands what he wants.

There is one very simple, but surprisingly true card fortune telling to predict the future. To perform it, you do not need to be a professional fortune teller, and it is even better if the fortune teller is new to fortune telling.

Subject to simple rules you can peek at your own future and prepare for possible changes.

The best predictors are women; they usually have more developed intuition and sensitivity to otherworldly forces, but this fortune-telling is not reserved for men either. For women there is a restriction - you cannot guess on menstrual days. For both sexes, the restriction concerns a bad, aggressive mood, illness, and loss of strength. You cannot guess out of “empty”, idle curiosity.

The best time for fortune telling is closer to midnight on one of the special days– Christmastide, Christmas, the night of Ivan Kupala, Maslenitsa, on pagan holidays. Interesting fortune telling happens on a full moon. But other Christian holidays are best avoided.

It’s better to take a completely new, simple, ordinary deck that no one has used yet. It is better for the deck to know only one hand.

They don't like cards sunlight, and artificial ones are also best guessed by candlelight. It is also better to store cards in the dark, in a special box, or at least just in a case in a closet.

The place for fortune telling may be the most common, but there are still several simple rules: avoid mirrors (this also applies to the table surface, which is best covered) and windows into which random witnesses can look. It is better to curtain the windows. And of course, ancient fortune-telling has a negative attitude towards modern gadgets - telephones, televisions, etc. They need to be turned off, or better yet, left in another place.

It is desirable that the fortuneteller can concentrate and not be disturbed by anyone at the time of the sacrament.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of conditions, but all of them are easy to remember and fulfill. Let's proceed directly to fortune telling.

A deck of 36 cards is taken and shuffled. With your left hand, from left to right, they begin to lay out cards in rows, 5 cards in each. 3 rows are laid out, and another card is placed at the bottom, in the middle. The layout is ready, the remaining cards are removed.

The interpretation of the cards is carried out in columns, and not in rows, as the cards were laid out. To begin with, simply turn over the cards one by one, from top to bottom, starting from the top left.

The leftmost column is a prediction concerning the most important events in future.

The far right shows big picture future.

The penultimate one, fourth from the left, are events from the past that determine the events of the future.

The second column from the left concerns personal life events.

And finally, the central column in fortune telling predicts events in the family.

After all the cards have been turned over, you can look at the last card that was at the very bottom. She talks about what will bring relief, as fortune tellers say - “what will calm the heart.”

Cards are interpreted by suit.


This suit speaks of good, favorable events.

Ace – prosperity, success, luck, marriage

The king is a patron, but not a boss, senior comrade, sage, teacher, spouse

Lady - the same thing, but female, perhaps a friend or wife

Jack - friend, comrade, old acquaintance

10 – money not related to commercial activities. Perhaps a gift, a find.

9 – pleasant acquaintances, relationships, love

8 – happiness, pleasure, good conversation.

7 – changes (positive)

6 – sudden meeting (joyful), love journey


This suit speaks of the business, commercial side of the future.

Ace - successful commercial activity, bonus. Sometimes this card is commented on as a “state house” in the sense of relations with the state, work, or bank.

The king is the boss, or an official, possibly an officer

Lady - help from the mother or an important lady. In some combinations - a lady from a “state house”.

Jack – colleague, partner, rival, competitor (determined by adjacent cards)

10 – losses, unsuccessful business operations, changes

9 - if the point on the central figure is directed upward - it concerns real estate, construction, if downward - a strong passion, doubts

8 – business news, meetings

7 – understanding, support

6- sudden departure


Ace - inheritance, good news

King - the birth of a boy or meeting a young man

Lady - the birth of a girl or meeting a girl

Jack – news (brought by a messenger), sometimes means grandchildren

10 is a good deal, especially good when paired with 9 diamonds

9 – successful negotiations

8 – news, conversations, plans (on the topic of money)

7 – troubles, misunderstanding, vanity

6 – business trip, perhaps a business trip, a short road. This card also suggests that by being active you can avoid troubles caused by neighboring “bad” cards.


This suit speaks of troubles, as well as difficulties, responsibilities, and debts.

Ace - shock, blow, big trouble. If it’s straight, it’s in business, if it’s upside down, it’s in love. In a bad environment - even to death. Sometimes they also say about such an ace “the government house,” meaning troubles from the law.

King - wealth, a respectable powerful person, sometimes a competitor

Lady - hostility, jealousy, intrigue, rival

Jack - a swindler, a swindler, a fight, wrong actions, sometimes they say “empty troubles”

10 – condemnation, problems, false information

9 – ailments, diseases, sometimes the illness of a friend, carnal desires

8- disappointment, drinking, bad news regarding someone close

7 – minor troubles, tears, sadness

6 – separation, which is usually called “ long road", usually undesirable

As you can see, each card when fortune telling for the future has several interpretations. Depending on neighboring cards in the same column, the meaning of the cards can vary significantly. But, as experienced fortune tellers say, a person immediately understands what the cards told him, even if to an outsider it seems that the layout is completely confusing. The main thing is to trust your intuition and know what is really important and significant.