A message on the topic of where the homeland begins. Essay “Where does the Motherland begin?” Where does the Motherland begin? For everyone, their homeland begins with something different. This is my home, my mother, my village. The small homeland is inseparable from the whole country, Russia. Motherland is

A person cannot live without his homeland, just as he cannot live without a heart.

K. Paustovsky


1. Russia, Motherland, Fatherland...

2. Small and large Motherland:

a) homeland begins with mother;

b) the region where you were born;

c) thoughts about the Motherland.

3. Everyone has one homeland.

When a person thinks about his homeland, he often remembers his home, the place where he was born. For me, the Motherland is, first of all, my mother and the city in which I live. And if a person is far away, he remembers his country. This is also the Motherland. Russia, Motherland, Fatherland...

Each of us has a small homeland - the place where we were born, where we spent our childhood. But there is also a big Motherland - the country in which we live. The concepts of a large and small Motherland are inseparable from each other, because, as L. Leonov believed, “great patriotism begins with love for small things - for the place where you live.” A person cannot live without his homeland. It’s not for nothing that they say: there is different countries in the world, but there is only one Motherland.

Where does the Motherland begin? Probably, for everyone, the Motherland begins with something different. Everyone has their own homeland. This could be the place where you spent your childhood. This is family, relatives and friends. It's mom who is the most dear person in the world. These are mother's hands - the embodiment of tenderness. These are our toys, fairy tales, the street, the forest, clouds in the sky and much, much more, from which our first idea of ​​the Motherland, of the world in which we live, is formed. Over the years, our views change. But no matter what happens to us, two words remain the most important: mother and Motherland.

Where does the Motherland begin? A person will not answer this question right away. One can remember the sky in his native village, the street stretching into the distance; gray threads of rain on a cloudy day, a delicate stalk of a snowdrop, the ground overgrown with soft grass or covered with fluffy snow. Another may imagine the southern sky, graceful cypress trees, noble palm trees. The third will call, for example, Arkhangelsk region, where he was born. This is the region from where Mikhail Lomonosov left on foot to the capital in order to later glorify Russia. For Leo Tolstoy, the Motherland began with Yasnaya Polyana, without which he could not imagine Russia.

We will forever cherish the place where we spent our childhood. It is in childhood that a person’s feeling of love for the Motherland is born. What do people think about when they say “my homeland”? Probably not only about places and experiences associated with childhood. The homeland is the vast expanses of our country: forests, fields, rivers, seas, minerals. These are the people who live in our country, and the language that has been heard around us since childhood. This is the culture of the people, their customs, traditions that need to be honored. Everything that once happened on our land, sorrows, troubles, victories, achievements - all this is also our Motherland. Thinking about the Motherland means thinking about its past, about our current affairs, and dreaming about the future.

A person has one homeland. Each of us cherishes that corner of the earth where we grew up and where we became human. Each of us remembers our small homeland. Probably this is where the Motherland begins. Love for the great Motherland, which we call patriotism, begins with it.



1. Russia, Motherland, Fatherland.

2. Small and large Motherland:

a) homeland begins with mother;

b) the region where you were born;

c) thoughts about the Motherland.

3. Everyone has one homeland.

A person cannot live without his homeland, just as he cannot live without a heart. K. Paustovsky

When a person thinks about his homeland, he often remembers his home, the place where he was born. For me, the Motherland is, first of all, my mother and the city in which I live. And if a person is far away, he remembers his country. This is also the Motherland. Russia, Motherland, Fatherland.

Each of us has a small homeland - the place where we were born, where we spent our childhood. But there is also a big Motherland - the country in which we live. The concepts of a large and small Motherland are inseparable from each other, because, as L. Leonov believed, “great patriotism begins with love for small things - for the place where you live.” A person cannot live without his homeland. It’s not for nothing that they say: there are different countries in the world, but there is only one Motherland.

Where does the Motherland begin? Probably, for everyone, the Motherland begins with something different. Everyone has their own homeland. This could be the place where you spent your childhood. This is family, relatives and friends. This is mom, who is the most precious person in the world. These are mother's hands - the embodiment of tenderness. These are our toys, fairy tales, the street, the forest, clouds in the sky and much, much more, from which our first idea of ​​the Motherland, of the world in which we live, is formed. Over the years, our views change. But no matter what happens to us, two words remain the most important: mother and Motherland.

Where does the Motherland begin? A person will not answer this question right away. One can remember the sky in his native village, the street stretching into the distance; gray threads of rain on a cloudy day, a delicate stalk of a snowdrop, the ground overgrown with soft grass or covered with fluffy snow. Another may imagine the southern sky, graceful cypress trees, noble palm trees. The third will name, for example, the Arkhangelsk region where he was born. This is the region from where Mikhail Lomonosov left on foot to the capital in order to later glorify Russia. For Leo Tolstoy, the Motherland began with Yasnaya Polyana, without which he could not imagine Russia.

We will forever cherish the place where we spent our childhood. It is in childhood that a person’s feeling of love for the Motherland is born. What do people think about when they say “my homeland”? Probably not only about places and experiences associated with childhood. The homeland is the vast expanses of our country: forests, fields, rivers, seas, minerals. These are the people who live in our country, and the language that has been heard around us since childhood. This is the culture of the people, their customs, traditions that need to be honored. Everything that once happened on our land, sorrows, troubles, victories, achievements - all this is also our Motherland. Thinking about the Motherland means thinking about its past, about our current affairs, and dreaming about the future.

A person has one homeland. Each of us cherishes that corner of the earth where we grew up and where we became human. Each of us remembers our small homeland. Probably this is where the Motherland begins. Love for the great Motherland, which we call patriotism, begins with it.

When you hear the word Motherland, everyone begins to think about something different. Homeland does not always mean only the city or country in which a person lives. Homeland - most often this is the place where you were born and began to grow up. Everyone has their own small homeland, which can only be one and you cannot choose another, no one can change it. This is probably where the real Motherland begins.

This is the place where you grew up as a child, with which your very first memories, first emotions and feelings are associated. For some, this is their family, home, for others, the street, and for others, the whole city. After all, everything big starts from small things. Homeland can begin with the mother’s first smile, her hug, the first laugh and games in the yard. Homeland is the people who surround you from birth, those with whom you communicate and grow. First friends and school - this is the real beginning of the Motherland!

Even if a person moves to live in another place, no matter how far he goes, he will never forget his homeland. She always leaves a mark on his soul. Often people may even dream about their childhood, their favorite places to go. All these are memories of the Motherland. And this can happen even when it is good for a person to live in another place. All this happens because the Motherland becomes part of the person himself; this cannot be changed.

In his homeland, a person always feels comfortable and knows that he is surrounded by people like himself. Here everything is familiar and familiar to him. Therefore, we always have tender feelings for our Motherland. This is the same as love for your mother and your family. After all, we don’t choose our relatives either, but we still love them. It’s not for nothing that the words “Motherland” and “mother” are sometimes even put together. Your homeland may not be the most beautiful place in the world, but it still evokes pleasant emotions. After all, everything has its shortcomings, without them real life is impossible.

Essay for 4th grade

Many poets write poems and songs about the Motherland, writers write stories, and soldiers protect it from enemies, simple people they give their lives for it. All this happens because those very first memories of the Motherland are dear to them, they want to preserve them, protect them from everything bad.

In fact, our huge planet Earth is also our common Motherland. It unites all the people living on it. The earth is so amazing, beautiful and diverse. Therefore, we must respect, love and try to take care of her!

Essay on the topic Where does the Motherland begin? asked in 4th grade and 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th grades.

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Where does the Motherland begin?

Each person has his own homeland. For me, my homeland is the place where I was born. The place where my family lives, my friends, where I study. For me, my homeland begins with mine cozy home. From the playground under the windows. Homeland is kindergarten, where I went. And the school where I study. My homeland is my parents and friends. This is mom, who is the most precious person in the world. Her caring hands, kind smile, her love.

It is in childhood that a person develops love for his homeland. A person has one homeland. Each of us cherishes the corner of the earth where he grew up. With love for your small homeland, love for your big homeland begins.

Where does the Motherland begin?

Homeland is the place where you were born and raised. If a person is far away, then he remembers his homeland and misses it. For me, my homeland begins with my mother’s kind eyes and my father’s joyful smile, when we walked in the park and had a lot of fun.

The place where we spent our childhood will be dear to us. What do people think about when they say “My homeland?” Probably not only about the place and impressions from childhood, but also about family. The homeland is vast expanses: forests, fields, lakes and rivers.

But only each person has his own answer to the question: “Where does the Motherland begin?”


Russia is our homeland. For this reason, it is more important and dearer to us than all other countries. Her fate, her achievements and troubles are reflected in each of us. A person never stops loving his homeland even if he doesn’t like something. She is ready to give her homeland the most precious thing she has - her life.

Where does the homeland begin? Homeland begins with our parents and with what surrounds us from birth. For some, homeland begins with a village house or city apartment. From your favorite pets, from your parents.

For me, my homeland begins with a cozy courtyard, in which I am used to walking with my mom and dad.


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Where does the Motherland begin?

Homeland. For everyone there is the concept of Motherland. And it doesn’t matter which letter you write with. This word is in the soul of every person. I immediately remember the words from the famous song sung by M. Bernes: “Where does the homeland begin? From the picture in your primer." Yes, it is at this moment that we begin to understand and realize ourselves, when we go to school, when we master school curriculum, we gain new knowledge.

The homeland begins with the first word “mother”, with the first steps that you took already in the year of your life. This is also a home where it is warm and cozy with your parents, brothers and sisters. For me, my homeland begins with my home, my village of Blagoveshchenka, where I was born. The world of childhood is the world of fairy tales. Gradually, the fairy tale begins to turn into reality, and I experience the world in a different way. I read, travel, explore the world and expand its overview.

Then it became a school and lovely teachers who became family. And how many friends did I make, first at school, then at different corners countries thanks to the Internet - and this is also the Motherland.

The homeland begins with memories, those origins that you want to know and remember. From the first breath of native air, from the first steps along native land. This is the only place to which you are tied by the roots of kinship, training and upbringing. This is a huge world with a variety of sounds and colors, impressions and discoveries.

"There's not much to see here,

Here you need to take a closer look,

So that with clear love

The heart was filled" N.I. Rylenkov

I realized myself as a citizen of Russia already from full responsibility when I received my passport.

My homeland gives me the right to education, to work, and I inevitably understand that I must do something for her. What have I done for my Motherland?

I am a person who tries to study well.

I am a person who makes a contribution to the common cause: I always work on community cleanups, I plant flowers at home and at school so that everything pleases me and those around me, I actively participate in olympiads, competitions, and conferences. And for this I receive awards and gratitude.

I am a person helping my homeland good deeds and honest actions.

I am a person who loves it with its rough roads, sad and dying villages, but wants to see it beautiful and prosperous.

My brother served far from home, but his heart always yearned for home. This means that this is that irresistible, heart-piercing feeling for the homeland.

My homeland with its beauties always takes my breath away when I relax in nature. In every blade of grass, in every flower, in every bush you feel something familiar, warm, and it irresistibly draws you towards it. Admiring the exotic nature of overseas countries, I often think that our birches are more beautiful and dearer. Dear and dear birch trees, and the homeland begins with you. Native fields and endless meadows, sweet cloudless sky, how good I feel with you!

When you leave for a visit, for some reason you inevitably begin to miss your home - and it’s so nice to return home to your parents with a light, bright feeling, with a feeling of unconscious joy. And shout so loudly: “I love you, Motherland!”

Alibaeva Alema 9th grade