Dinara Aliyeva biography. Dinara Aliyeva: “A person is most comfortable at home, and I consider Baku my home” - photo. How Russian singers are treated abroad

She is called a “singer from God”, whose path to the stage was “blessed” by Montserrat Caballe herself. And someone is quite sure that Dinara Aliyeva is the reincarnation of the queen of world opera, Maria Callas. The owner of the “divine soprano” has won many prestigious awards. Bolshoi Theater soloist Dinara Aliyeva performs romances by Rachmaninov, Dvorak, Karaev, as well as works by Gershwin and Kann. The singer devotes her time to popularizing the art of opera. special attention. She not only performs on the leading stages of the world, but is also the organizer of the Opera-Art festival. However, in life, the opera diva is an easy-to-communicate person, very interesting conversationalist with a wonderful sense of humor. We met with Dinara Aliyeva in Athens, before her solo concert, which she performed in front of the Greek public on the “Days of Remembrance of Maria Callas”.

- Dinara, please tell us how you are going to conquer the Greeks this time?

This is not my first visit to Greece. In 2006 and 2009 I visited Hellas and took part in a competition dedicated to Maria Callas. Once before one of my trips to Greece, I had a problem with a visa. To clarify the circumstances, I went personally to the Greek Embassy in Moscow. They asked me for what purpose I was going to the country. When I announced that I was going to Greece to take part in a performing competition dedicated to Maria Callas, the Greek ambassador immediately gave instructions to issue me a visa, stating that I was the reincarnation of Maria Callas. I can say that this concert has special meaning and very important to me. In it I collected the main repertoire that Maria Callas once performed. The first part will be performed by Verdi, in the second part by Puccini.

- Dinara, you have to tour a lot around the world. What are your impressions of the audience? Where is the “hottest” and where is the most “demanding”?

I perform at many venues around the world, and I can say that almost everywhere I receive a warm welcome. Although, of course, it cannot be compared with the Greek public. I was born in Azerbaijan, in Baku, and I think there are some similarities between our peoples. When you come to Athens, you feel at home in sunny Baku.

- You are the organizer and inspirer of the festival that you created. Please tell us about this.

I organized my own festival, which will take place for the third time in 2019. It's called Opera-Art. I have close contact with world stars. I had the opportunity to work with this famous performer as Rollando Villazon. My last partners were: Placido Domingo, Dmitry Hvorostovsky. In addition, I have experience working with Greek performers. I invite you to my festival famous singers and conductors, soloists. May God grant that the festival prospers! Now we have expanded the geography; in addition to Moscow, it will be held in Prague, and possibly in Greece. I'm glad if this project we will be able to implement it together with Greek partners and organizers.

- Which aria is “to your liking”, and which is “to your voice”?

The thing is that when I work on a particular part, it becomes my favorite. So it’s hard for me to say which one is my favorite.

I put a lot of effort into each image, which then becomes “my favorite image.” Therefore, it is difficult to choose just one.

- What was your most memorable performance?

I received a special welcome in Greece at the Maria Callas competition in 2006. And this despite the fact that I was awarded the second prize, not the first.

It is interesting to note that the public, and then the jury, agreed that the first place rightfully belonged to me, it simply had to be mine! In general, when I was awarded the second prize, the audience rushed forward, began to shout, and stomp their feet, expressing their displeasure, thereby declaring that it was “unfair to me.” I will remember this evening for the rest of my life, although ten years have passed.

- Which singer would you like to be like? Who do you take your example from?

- Nowadays there are quite a lot of singers who imitate Callas. In fact, I believe that Callas is an icon of world opera and I am extremely flattered to be compared to her. I think perhaps more due to the external resemblance. I myself did not imitate this great Greek singer. Because she is the one and only. I believe that you need to have your own individuality to have a say in world opera in order to become outstanding and unforgettable like her. Maria Callas was not limited to virtuoso coloraturas in the operas of Bellini, Rossini and Donizetti, but turned her voice into the main thing means of expression. She became a versatile singer with repertoire ranging from classical opera seria such as Spontini's The Vestals to latest operas Verdi, Puccini's verist operas and Wagner's musical dramas.

- Your favorite singers?

My favorite singers are Maria Callas, Montserrat Caballe, with whom, by the way, I have a lot in common. While still a girl, I met her in Baku. It was she who gave me the “green light” and publicly praised me, noting that “the girl has a “God’s gift” and a voice that “does not require cutting.” Caballe said that I don’t even need voice training lessons, since nature has excellent vocal abilities. The praise of a world celebrity changed my life once and for all. I realized what I need to strive for. At that young age, I made the decision that I would achieve everything on my own, no matter what. Of course, I study with teachers and vocal coaches to this day.

- Is it only external resemblance Does it make you and Maria Callas “related”?

We can say that Maria Callas turned the entire vocal world upside down with her artistry and charisma. She turned a simple performance into a performance, a theatrical performance. In this we are similar to her. I can't just go on stage and sing. Each piece of music I let it pass through me, I often cry on stage, embodied in the character. This is exactly how I reveal myself on stage. It is important for me that the public perceives me; I get a great charge of emotions from this.

-Who do you consider to be the giants, the icons of the opera world?

Among her contemporaries, this is Anna Netrebko. She destroyed all stereotypes about an opera singer. There used to be canons: the singer must be a plump, stately lady. Why are so many people now trying to be like Netrebko? Anya is different. Thanks to her intelligence and talent, she has made a dizzying career, and has now moved from the lyrical repertoire to the dramatic one. I admire what she does on stage. She's a big worker. Today, at her age, she has such a powerful classical repertoire and, moreover, is a star in show business. Of course, I am incredibly grateful and have immense respect for Montserrat Caballe. I'm a big fan of her virtuoso technique. I love Angela Georgiou, especially the flowering of her work. Renee Fleming. In fact, there were a lot of great performers. The 20th century is “golden” for the opera stage. He gave a magnificent galaxy of artists.

There are singers who live according to the regime. They don’t talk on the phone before a concert and strictly adhere to their rest schedule. I can't do that. I can’t go to bed on time or eat on a schedule. I just physically don’t have time. The only thing, I guess, is trying to protect myself from cold food. Although there are performers who calmly eat ice cream before a concert. Everything is very individual. Cold, salty and nuts affect my voice. I assure you, it is a myth that singers drink before performing. raw eggs- has sunk into oblivion. Breathing is actually very important. If you breathe correctly, your voice will remain fresh for a long time and will not get tired. And, of course, you need to give your voice a rest. Vocalists are laconic in life; they protect their voices and try to talk less.

- What is your main dream for today?

As for my career, I would like to leave some kind of mark in the history of music. I believe that if you do something, you should do it one hundred percent. That's why I didn't become a pianist, although I played the piano for a long time. I didn't want to be one of many.

- How do you think this should be done? classical music more widespread and attractive to listeners?

Maybe hold more open air concerts. Look how often they do this in Germany, and how many spectators there are. But we only recently began to practice this; perhaps there are still few suitable sites.

- Dinara, what is the highest happiness for you? Love?

Love is happiness. Peace, peace of mind. When all your friends and family are nearby, everyone is healthy. When you know that in difficult times and in joy you are not alone. When you realize that in addition to the stage you have a home, comfort, affection, a child. Now after concerts I run home because a little man is waiting for me. He will smile at me and say “mom” - that’s happiness.

- But can you cook? And what Greek dish do you like best?

I cook well, but I don’t have enough time for it. Azerbaijani cuisine is quite diverse and very tasty. Among Greek dishes, I love tzatziki and Greek salad. Alas, I don’t know the exact names of the dishes, but I can note that Greek cuisine is very tasty.

To be honest, I don’t know myself... But I certainly stick to certain diets. Sometimes I try to balance my diet, because you can get fat very easily. Probably, if I had a regime, I would look different. I think my secret is that I do everything quickly. I don't have time to bask and feel sorry for myself. I don’t know what I’ll look like in ten years. But for now, thank God that everything is as it is.

- Do you have time for human pleasures: books, movies, dancing? What do you prefer?

Unfortunately, I have absolutely no time for books. For cinema and TV - at a minimum. It's rare that you get the opportunity to see something. And instead of a hobby, I have work, work and more work. There is rarely time left to relax and travel with family.

- Is it possible to combine personal life and work without damaging the nervous system?

Unfortunately, it succeeds, but to the detriment of personal life. The child hardly sees me. While he is small, I cannot take him to concerts with me. But we go on long trips with a whole staff: mother, nanny. Once we all went to Berlin together, and in the end we also got sick together, and I didn’t sing the first two premieres. It was terribly disappointing to rehearse for a month and not sing. Why sing, I couldn’t even speak. Here's a virus. Therefore, of course, from a technical and professional point of view, it is better to tour alone. But it’s incredibly hard to be separated from your loved one for a long time!


The editors express gratitude to the President of the Greek-Eurasian Alliance Xenophon Lambrakis for his assistance in organizing the interview

Photo - video Pavel Onoiko

To achieve something in life, you need to have ambitious goals. Dinara Aliyeva thinks so - opera singer, soloist of the Bolshoi Theater. That is why she went to conquer Moscow. Dinara was confident that everything would work out for her, and her intuition did not disappoint. Why did she decide to connect her life with music? Probably because her whole family was connected with this art. But first things first.


Dinara Aliyeva was born on December 17, 1980 in the city of Baku. Since, as she put it, she absorbed music with her mother’s milk, there was no doubt that music was her calling. It was clear from her very birth that the girl was talented. That is why her parents brought her to the famous Azerbaijani school named after Bulbul, where she studied piano. After graduating from school, Dinara enters the Baku Academy of Music. Dinara's class leads famous singer Khuraman Kasimova.

The master classes held in Baku by Elena Obraztsova and Monserat Caballe are memorable for Dinara Aliyeva. It was Montserrat Caballe’s master class that changed Dinara’s whole life. The celebrity tagged the girl as " young talent". Dinara realized that she was going in the right direction, that she would become an opera singer, and that the whole world would talk about her. In 2004, Diana graduated from the academy with flying colors. Her career began in her native Azerbaijan in the opera and ballet named after M.F. Akhundov. True , Dinara has been performing in this theater since 2002, while still studying at the academy. happy biography at Dinara Aliyeva's. Family, music, opera, festivals, tours - that’s what makes it up.

Soloist of the Bolshoi Theater

In 2007, Dinara Aliyeva was invited to the international arts festival, which was led by And in 2009, she made her debut on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater. Aliyeva performed the role of Liu in Puccini's Turandot, and with her voice captivated not only the public, but also critics. The singer gladly accepted the invitation to perform on the day of memory of Maria Callas on September 16, 2009 in Athens. This was one of her favorite singers. In Athens, she performed arias from the operas La Traviata and Tosca. Dinara Aliyeva's repertoire on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater includes the roles of Violetta from La Traviata, Donna Elvira in Don Giovanni, Eleanor in Il Trovatore, Martha in To the Tsar's Bride"You can't count them all.

Dinara likes Moscow and the Bolshoi Theater; in her interviews she says that Moscow is the city that became her second home and gave her fame. It was where her formation and professional path began.

Vienna Opera

Smiling, singer Dinara Aliyeva recalls her debut in Vienna Opera. This performance was like a test of fate. It happened like this: a phone call came from Vienna with a request to replace the sick singer. It was necessary to perform Donna Elvira's aria in Italian. Dinara had already performed the aria, but it was exciting, since the audience knew this part very well.

The theater greeted Aliyeva very friendly. The theater building, flooded with lights, seemed like a magical dream to her. She couldn’t believe that she was at the Vienna Opera, and that this was not a dream, but reality. The performance was a success. After this, Dinara received invitations to Vienna more than once. The capital of Austria amazed the young singer with the spirit of music that reigned everywhere there. Struck Dinara and touching tradition Viennese audiences will not miss a single debut of an aspiring artist. Her, young, who came to replace the famous, but ill opera diva, no one knew in Vienna, but people were in a hurry to get her autograph. This touched the young singer to the depths of her soul.

About the singer's tour

Everyone who serves in theaters regularly goes on tour, and Dinara Aliyeva is no exception. The solo concert in Prague, which took place in 2010, was accompanied by the National symphony orchestra Czech Republic. Dinara made her debut on the stage of the Alter Opera in Germany in 2011. Success awaited her at New York's Carnegie Hall and at a gala concert at the Gaveau Hall in Paris. The singer performs concerts on the stages of leading opera houses in Russia, Europe, the USA and Japan. She is always happy to tour in her homeland and looks forward to meeting the city of her childhood, Baku, and periodically gives concerts there. In this city she had the opportunity to sing with Placido Domingo.

Diana Aliyeva's repertoire consists not only of chamber works, she performs the main roles for soprano, vocal miniatures by composers Schumann, Brahms, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov.

About plans and dreams

When Diana Aliyeva is asked about her dreams and their implementation, she replies that her dream of becoming a soloist of the Bolshoi Theater has already come true. Trusting her intuition, she came to Moscow. However, the singer says that it is not enough to trust only intuition, it is equally important to believe that you can achieve what you want. When you achieve a goal or your dream comes true, something appears that you move on to. And the most cherished dream Dinars: to achieve such mastery that with your singing you can touch the souls of people and remain in their memory, go down in the history of music. The dream is ambitious, but it helps to realize plans that initially seem impossible.

Festival "Opera Art"

In 2015, the singer decided to hold her own Opera Art festival. As part of it, concerts were held in Moscow. The festival tour included the following major cities, like St. Petersburg, Prague, Berlin, Budapest. By the end of 2015, her new CD with the famous tenor Alexander Antonenko was released. In March 2017, the next festival started, at which meetings took place with interesting singers, conductors and stage directors.

The demand for Dinara Aliyeva as an opera singer, her participation in charity concerts and festivals - all this requires time, energy, and desires. Where does she get such dedication? Dinara explains this with her crazy love for opera. She cannot imagine herself without singing, without a stage, without spectators. For her, the most important thing is serving the art of opera.

To achieve something in life, you need to have ambitious goals. Dinara Aliyeva, an opera singer and soloist of the Bolshoi Theater, thinks so. That is why she went to conquer Moscow. Dinara was confident that everything would work out for her, and her intuition did not disappoint. Why did she decide to connect her life with music? Probably because her whole family was connected with this art. But first things first.


Dinara Aliyeva was born on December 17, 1980 in the city of Baku. Since, as she put it, she absorbed music with her mother’s milk, there was no doubt that music was her calling. It was clear from her very birth that the girl was talented. That is why her parents brought her to the famous Azerbaijani school named after Bulbul, where she studied piano. After graduating from school, Dinara enters the Baku Academy of Music. Dinara's class is taught by the famous singer Khuraman Kasimova.

The master classes held in Baku by Elena Obraztsova and Monserat Caballe are memorable for Dinara Aliyeva. It was Montserrat Caballe’s master class that changed Dinara’s whole life. The celebrity noted the girl as a “young talent.” Dinara realized that she was going in the right direction, that she would become an opera singer, and that the whole world would talk about her. In 2004, Diana graduated from the academy with flying colors. Her career began in her native Azerbaijan at the Drama Theater of Opera and Ballet named after M.F. Akhundova. True, Dinara has been performing in this theater since 2002, while still studying at the academy. We can say that Dinara Aliyeva has a very happy biography. Family, music, opera, festivals, tours - that’s what makes it up.

Soloist of the Bolshoi Theater

In 2007, Dinara Aliyeva was invited to the international arts festival, led by Yuri Bashmet. And in 2009 she made her debut on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater. Aliyeva performed the role of Liu in Puccini's Turandot, and with her voice captivated not only the public, but also critics. The singer gladly accepted the invitation to perform on the day of memory of Maria Callas on September 16, 2009 in Athens. This was one of her favorite singers. In Athens, she performed arias from the operas La Traviata and Tosca. Dinara Aliyeva's repertoire on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater includes the roles of Violetta from La Traviata, Donna Elvira in Don Juan, Eleanor in Il Trovatore, Martha in The Tsar's Bride - you can't count them all.

Dinara likes Moscow and the Bolshoi Theater; in her interviews she says that Moscow is the city that became her second home and gave her fame. It was where her formation and professional path began.

Vienna Opera

Smiling, singer Dinara Aliyeva recalls her debut at the Vienna Opera. This performance was like a test of fate. It happened like this: a phone call came from Vienna with a request to replace the sick singer. It was necessary to perform Donna Elvira's aria in Italian. Dinara had already performed the aria, but it was exciting, since the audience knew this part very well.

The theater greeted Aliyeva very friendly. The theater building, flooded with lights, seemed like a magical dream to her. She couldn’t believe that she was at the Vienna Opera, and that this was not a dream, but reality. The performance was a success. After this, Dinara received invitations to Vienna more than once. The capital of Austria amazed the young singer with the spirit of music that reigned everywhere there. Dinara was also struck by the touching tradition of Viennese audiences not to miss a single debut of a beginning artist. No one in Vienna knew her, a young woman who had come to replace a famous but ill opera diva, but people were in a hurry to get her autograph. This touched the young singer to the depths of her soul.

About the singer's tour

Everyone who serves in theaters regularly goes on tour, and Dinara Aliyeva is no exception. The solo concert in Prague, which took place in 2010, was accompanied by the National Symphony Orchestra of the Czech Republic. Dinara made her debut on the stage of the Alter Opera in Germany in 2011. Success awaited her at New York's Carnegie Hall and at a gala concert at the Gaveau Hall in Paris. The singer performs concerts on the stages of leading opera houses in Russia, Europe, the USA and Japan. She is always happy to tour in her homeland and looks forward to meeting the city of her childhood, Baku, and periodically gives concerts there. In this city she had the opportunity to sing with Placido Domingo.

Diana Aliyeva's repertoire consists not only of chamber works, she performs the main roles for soprano, vocal miniatures by composers Schumann, Brahms, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov.

About plans and dreams

When Diana Aliyeva is asked about her dreams and their implementation, she replies that her dream of becoming a soloist of the Bolshoi Theater has already come true. Trusting her intuition, she came to Moscow. However, the singer says that it is not enough to trust only intuition, it is equally important to believe that you can achieve what you want. When you achieve a goal or your dream comes true, something appears that you move on to. And Dinara’s most cherished dream: to achieve such mastery in order to touch the souls of people with her singing and remain in their memory, to go down in the history of music. The dream is ambitious, but it helps to realize plans that initially seem impossible.

Festival "Opera Art"

In 2015, the singer decided to hold her own Opera Art festival. As part of it, concerts were held in Moscow. The festival tour included such large cities as St. Petersburg, Prague, Berlin, and Budapest. By the end of 2015, her new CD with the famous tenor Alexander Antonenko was released. In March 2017, the next festival started, where meetings with interesting singers, conductors and directors took place.

The demand for Dinara Aliyeva as an opera singer, her participation in charity concerts and festivals - all this requires time, energy, and desires. Where does she get such dedication? Dinara explains this with her crazy love for opera. She cannot imagine herself without singing, without a stage, without spectators. For her, the most important thing is serving the art of opera.

Dinara Alieva

Dinara Aliyeva (soprano) was born on December 17, 1980 in Baku (Azerbaijan). Music school Graduated from piano class. In 1998 she entered the Baku Academy of Music, from which she graduated in 2004.

The singer has won awards international competitions: named after Maria Callass (Athens, 2007, second prize), Elena Obraztsova (St. Petersburg, 2007, second prize), Galina Vishnevskaya (Moscow, 2006, diploma), named after Bul-Bul (Baku, 2005, third prize). As a result of her performance at the Bulbul competition, Dinara Aliyeva was also awarded an honorary medal from the International Foundation for Musicians Irina Arkhipova, who headed the jury of the competition. Based on the results of the speech at the Eighteenth international festival“Christmas meetings in Northern Palmyra” (2007) the artist was awarded by the artistic director of the festival Yuri Temirkanov special diploma"For a triumphant debut."

Dinara Aliyeva took part in master classes by Montserrat Caballe and Elena Obraztsova. Currently, he continues to improve his skills under the guidance of Professor S.G. Nesterenko.

Since 2004, Dinara Aliyeva has been the soloist of the Baku opera house opera and ballet, where she performed leading roles in a number of performances, including Leonora (Il Trovatore by Verdi), Mimi (La Bohème by Puccini), Violetta (La Traviata by Verdi), Nedda (Pagliacci by Leoncavallo).

Since 2007, Dinara Aliyeva has been a member of the Union of Concert Workers of St. Petersburg.

Continuing cooperation with the Baku Opera and Ballet Theater, the singer is actively concert activities and performs as an opera soloist on the stages of leading opera houses and concert halls in Russia and abroad.

The artist has repeatedly held various chamber programs and performances with orchestras in Baku, as well as in different cities of Russia - Irkutsk, Yaroslavl, Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg, etc.

Dinara Aliyeva has repeatedly taken part in concert programs dedicated to meetings at top level government delegations of Russia and Azerbaijan, in particular, participated in a concert in October 2004, dedicated to the Days culture of Azerbaijan in the State Kremlin Palace in Moscow.

Dinara Aliyeva's solo concerts took place on the best academic stages in Moscow: in the Bolshoi and Rachmaninov Halls of the Moscow Conservatory, in the Chamber and Svetlanov Halls of the Moscow International House of Music. Taking part in various opera gala concerts, the singer regularly presents various opera and chamber repertoire on the stages of the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall in Moscow, the Small and Great halls St. Petersburg Philharmonic.

She took part in the performance of Verdi's Requiem at the Yaroslavl Philharmonic together with the UNESCO World Choir, the choir of the Academy of Choral Arts ( artistic director Victor Popov) and the Yaroslavl Symphony Governor's Orchestra, conductor – Murad Annamamedov (March, 2007).

As an opera soloist, Dinara Aliyeva performed the main roles in productions of the Mikhailovsky Theater in St. Petersburg (Violetta, La Traviata by Verdi, 2008), the Baku Opera Theater (Violetta, La Traviata by Verdi, 2008), the Stuttgart Opera House (Michaela, "Carmen" Bizet, 2007). The singer took part in a concert performance of Verdi's La Traviata (Violetta) at the Bolshoi concert hall in Thessaloniki Concert Hall, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the death of Maria Callas and uniting the best performing forces of Greece and invited soloists from different European countries. She took part in the anniversary gala concert of Elena Obraztsova in Bolshoi Theater Russia (2008).

Dinara Aliyeva constantly collaborates with leading Russian conductors and symphony orchestras, including Vladimir Fedoseev and the Tchaikovsky Grand Symphony Orchestra, Vladimir Spivakov and the Moscow Virtuosi Chamber Orchestra, Mark Gorenstein and the State Academic Symphony Orchestra of Russia, Yuri Temirkanov and the Symphony Orchestra the St. Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra, Nikolai Kornev and the St. Petersburg State Symphony Orchestra. Long-term collaboration connects the singer with pianist Denis Matsuev, with whom Dinara Aliyeva has repeatedly performed in Moscow, Baku, Irkutsk, Eakterinburg, presenting not only academic, but also jazz repertoire.

Dinara Aliyeva regularly takes part in international music festivals, including “Crescendo” (artistic director Denis Matsuev), “Christmas meetings” and “Arts Square” (artistic director Yuri Temirkanov), “ Musical Olympus».

Dinara Aliyeva's tour was a success in different countries Europe and the USA. Among the singer's foreign performances are a tour of Italy with the St. Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Yuri Temirkanov, participation in the gala concert of the Crescendo festival in the Gaveau hall in Paris (2007), and in a concert of the Musical Olympus festival in New York's Carnegie -hall" (2008).

The singer’s extraordinary talent and brilliant skill, brilliant artistry and extraordinary charm are amazing strong voice, captivating the public with the incredible richness of timbre and beauty of sound - all this today rightfully elevates Dinara Aliyeva to the rank of isolated phenomena in opera art. The singer is quickly and confidently gaining leading positions both domestically and internationally. opera stage. It is doubly important that this is the result of the thoughtful and dedicated work of an artist who is alien to the external side of success and strives for complete dedication in art.

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