Sergei Amoralov: biography, photos and interesting facts. Singer Sergei Amoralov: biography, career and family. Inveterate swindlers singers

After the politically difficult period of perestroika, trends in art, popular abroad, and, in particular, music, began to penetrate the post-Soviet space. This is how Russian rap was born, and after it a new direction appeared - mix-rap and dance music.

The founder of this trend was the group “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels”. Their songs “Everything is different”, “Girls are different”, “Pay attention” in a short period of time gathered an entire army of fans in the person of mainly teenagers and young people. Although since its inception musical group More than 20 years have passed, the guys continue to work and record new ones interesting compositions, experimenting with musical styles.


At the beginning of December 1996, 3 young extravagant guys appeared on the stage of the “Dancing City” festival, which took place in the city of Cherepovets, Vologda Region, with catchy songs performed in a then unusual style. This is how the new Russian musical project “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” was born.

And it all started long before the first performance. The soloist, known to fans under the pseudonym Amoralov, said in an interview that the guys’ work began with hard and obscene rap. Soon Sergey met Vyacheslav Zinurov, better known as Tom Chaos, who worked as a DJ. A new acquaintance suggested that the guys reformat the project, adding dance music and drive.

So little by little the creative backbone and repertoire of the group began to take shape. Sergei Amoralov and his childhood friend Garik Bogomazov wrote simple lyrics, and Slava created catchy music for them. As a result, the compositions were obtained, although without deep philosophical meaning, but original and easily won not only the sympathy of fans, but also first positions in the music charts.

Soon the famous Russian producer Evgeny Petrovich Orlov, whose works include “SMASH!!”, “Guests from the Future”, musical projects“Voice”, “Star Factory”, “ New wave"and others, offered the starting guys to sign a contract. From this moment the success story of the group “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” begins.

The first hit of the “scammers” was the song “Quit Smoking,” which sounded from all the speakers in Russia. The guys themselves worked selflessly to record their debut album, which was released in 1997 under the title “From Colored Plasticine.” After the release of the record, people learned about the group, but it was too early to talk about widespread popularity.

The success of “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” came in 1998 and the album “Everything and Everything.” The guys gained regular fans who united in local fan clubs, and the number of concerts did not leave the young people even time for their personal lives. The motive of the title song of the same name from the second album “Everything and Everything” was sung by the whole country, regardless of age and gender. At the same time, Sergei Amoralov became the leader of the team - he became the main soloist and actor in the clips.

The period of popularity of “Fraudsters” occurred in the late 1990s – early 2000s. All of Russia repeated after Amoralov the words of the songs “Girls are different”, “And by the river”, and young people at discos danced slow dances to the lyrical composition “Love me, love”. For their contribution to the development of music, the guys received a number of prestigious awards, including the Golden Gramophone.

In 2003, “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” recorded a duet with the song “Border,” which was included in Agutin’s album “Deja Vu.” The song brought success to all the performers, but soon the popularity of “Fraudsters” began to decline, and even the presentation of the seventh album “Spite the Records” in 2008 could not save the situation.

Despite this, the musicians do not despair: in 2012 the guys recorded the song “Russo Touristo”, which, although it did not become a musical breakthrough, still helped “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” remind themselves of themselves.


The idea of ​​creation music group, then still in the yard format of hip-hop performance, belonged to Sergei Surovenko (Amoralov). A native of St. Petersburg, the boy dreamed of the stage since childhood. At the same time, he was involved in sports and painting. Sergei's musical tastes were quite diverse: he listened to techno performed by and American rock from .

Sergei’s passion for music was supported by his neighbor Garik Bogomazov, and soon the guys were singing in the yard in two voices their own hip-hop, generously seasoned with profanity. Thus, at impromptu youth concerts, the backbone of the future group was formed.

Later, the guys found the third participant, Vyacheslav Zinurov. Sergey Amoralov (Sergey Surovenko), Tom-Chaos Junior (Vyacheslav Zinurov) and Igor “Garik” Bogomazov presented the first line-up of the group. The three of them worked for 5 years, recording most of famous hits and achieving popularity.

In 2011, Igor Bogomazov left the team. Due to his busy work schedule, Igor was practically never at home; most of his time was taken up by touring, performing and working in the studio. For this reason, Bogomazov increasingly had conflicts in his family: his wife Yulia demanded attention to herself and their daughter Varya. Yielding to his wife’s persuasion, Igor left the group, but this did not save his family; the young people soon divorced.

In the interview, Igor notes that parting with the guys was not easy and it didn’t work out to remain friends. Now Igor is developing solo career with active participation new wife Victoria and at solo performances sometimes perform the beloved songs of “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” to the delight of fans.

The departed Garik was replaced by a new soloist. Before “Fraudsters,” Andrey worked as a DJ and organized the “Rap Pik” music festival. In the mid-1990s, Repnikov performed in the group “Two Pterodactyls”, and since 1998 he has collaborated with “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” as a songwriter. In 2016, Repnikov was seriously injured in car accident and did not perform for a long time, as he required a complex operation and a long period of rehabilitation.

Inveterate Fraudsters now

Despite the decline in popularity, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels continue to perform on music festivals, holidays and give solo concerts. IN New Year's Eve In 2018, the guys performed in Moscow at a themed concert, and at the end of 2017 they visited the cities of Mirny, Kondopoga and others with concerts. On February 17, 2018, “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” is scheduled to perform at the grand “Back to the 90s” party, which will be held in Arkhangelsk.

However, popularity also has a downside. The lead singer of the group, Sergei Amoralov, spoke in an interview about how one of his young fans bullies the musician’s wife, Maria. The girl wrote threatening messages on Instagram, where Maria periodically posts family photos. Sergei himself urges his wife not to pay attention to the quirks of young fans and recalls with nostalgia the times when he had to hide and run away from fans in secret.


  • 1997 - “From colored plasticine”
  • 1998 - “All sorts of things”
  • 1999 - “Bullshit”
  • 2000 - “Sticky Hands-2”
  • 2002 - “Provocation”
  • 2005 - “All sorts of songs about different things”
  • 2008 - “In spite of records”


  • 1997 - “Quit Smoking”
  • 1998 - “All sorts of things”
  • 1999 - “Love me, love”
  • 1999 - “Move your body”
  • 2000 - “Girls are different”
  • 2000 - “Don’t tell me anything”
  • 2001 - “And by the river”
  • 2003 - “Pay attention”
  • 2003 - “Border”
  • 2003 - “My Star”
  • 2005 - “Summer is...”
  • 2008 - “Hands off the oligarchs”
  • 2012 - “Russo Tourist”
  • 2013 - “Capital”
  • 2015 - “Getting Married”

The “Chief” attended the birthday party of the Maximilian restaurant and talked with the headliners of the event - the group “Dirty Rotten Fraudsters”, which has been making women’s hearts beat twice as fast for the past ten years.


The group was formed on December 8, 1996. On at the moment the team consists of veterans: Sergei “Amoralov” Surovenko, Vyacheslav “Tom-Chaos the Younger” Zinurov, as well as Andrei Repnikov “Repa” Albinovich - he has been in the group since 2011. First solo concert group took place in Cherepovets at the “Dancing City” festival in 1996. According to the group's vocalist Sergei Amoralov, "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" were the first in Russia to rap to dance music. Over the years, 27 video clips were shot and 7 albums were recorded. The group’s hits include the songs “Quit Smoking”, “All sorts of things”, “Love” (cover of the song “Blue (Da Ba Dee)” by Eiffel 65), “Love me, love” (created in collaboration with the songwriter Dmitry Panfilov), “Girls are different”, “And by the river” and others. "Inveterate" scammers" are the owners of different music awards Russian show business.

- More than 20 years have passed since the creation of the team. But everyone still remembers your songs by heart. Why do you think they became eternal?

As they say good song you can't ruin it with the arrangement. People like it. This is good news. We didn’t ask ourselves such questions: why, how, and what? We have a lot of tracks that no one likes. Probably, people associate our songs, which everyone knows by heart, with that time, and the time was good, kind, and not like now.

- What is it like to be a sex symbol, and did star fever pass you by?

Sergey Amoralov: Once upon a time, the MUZ TV channel recognized me as a sex symbol. At first it was flattering, but in reality it doesn’t matter. What is it like for them? I don't know. Next year will be my 10th wedding anniversary. Therefore, about the sex symbol, it’s probably better to ask your wife.

- In one of the interviews you said that fans were guarding you at the entrance, and there were such huge amount that I had to get home through the roof.

Sergey Amoralov: It was, but it passed. And thank God! I never liked this special attention to your person. So we wear hats, caps, and glasses all the time. I don't like being recognized. This is very unpleasant for me - it becomes uncomfortable. But this wave of activity ended quite a long time ago, which is very cool. Now we have a certain circle of fans with whom we often communicate. They come to perform. And this format is much closer to me. I value my personal space.

Vyacheslav Zinurov: The worst thing is when they follow you, start pointing fingers, shouting to their friends: “Oh, look, look!”

Sergey Amoralov: In any business, no fanaticism is needed - be it vodka, be it herring.

- Have you changed over the years, or are the daredevil guys on stage and in life still the same?

Sergey Amoralov, Vyacheslav Zinurov: Nothing has changed. We sometimes look at our peers and joke a little - they are such real guys. And we are all the same as we were 20 years ago. Maybe they just became a little calmer.

- For you personally, is being an artist a job or a state of mind?

Vyacheslav Zinurov: It's a drug - once you try it, you'll like it. Moreover, we do this for pleasure, and we also get paid for it.

- Did you start on your own, without producers?

Sergey Amoralov, Vyacheslav Zinurov: There was no one at all. And they perceived us in a very unusual way. One day at the studio the sound engineer became ill when we brought in a new track for recording. We leave the studio booth and there is no sound engineer. He heard our music and said: “What is this?! Something feels bad, my heart hurts.” They almost called an ambulance.

- What is the hardest thing in your profession?

Sergey Amoralov: Count money (laugh).

- After 20 years, haven’t you gotten tired of the endless flights and travel?

Sergey Amoralov, Vyacheslav Zinurov: Man, after all, is, by and large, a weed. For example, we were placed on the Moon, and we will find our way there too. It's a matter of habit. This is our gypsy way of life. And without him it’s already hard. The schedule is stupid, of course. And if there are no tours for two weeks, then you already miss them. You think, oh, I’ll rest now, but no!

- How does the wife react to such a nomadic life?

Sergey Amoralov: Generally ok. I think she's flattered by this. On the other hand, he’s probably jealous, but he doesn’t show it. I think she's pleased that she lives with a more or less recognizable person, and not just an office clerk. We don’t really talk about this topic with her.

- Sergey, in one of your interviews you said that you write at night. What about inspiration?

Sergey Amoralov: Absolute silence now. I haven’t written anything for two or three months. I used to be skeptical about the issue of inspiration, I thought it was nonsense. What muse? I sat down, wrote it, and it was done. Nothing of the kind! Now I go to the computer, play the guitar, and that’s where it all ends. For lately I didn’t write a single track. Maybe this is due to hibernation, but for now there is “silence in the air.” I want to compose something, but I can’t. I don’t want to force myself, so I go and put on a movie and get distracted.

- By the way, about the film. After all, the name of the group was formed thanks to the film “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels”.

Sergey Amoralov, Vyacheslav Zinurov: By chance the cassette caught my eye. They wouldn't call it that now.

- What would you call them?

Sergey Amoralov, Vyacheslav Zinurov: In theory, it’s an unfortunate name for the team. There were a lot of problems with performances. We could not participate in any political events. Can you imagine this: at a concert dedicated, for example, to “ United Russia", "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" perform? Or on Police Day: meet, “Inveterate Scoundrels”! Now I wish they could come up with a simpler name.

- What was the story when they brought you to the concert in a police car, took off the handcuffs, let you go to the performance, and then took you back?

Sergey Amoralov, Vyacheslav Zinurov: And so it was. We had an argument in some cafe with a waiter. And they took us away. After the concert, they put me in the car again and said: “Okay, guys, we listened to you. You rock great." And they released me immediately.

- Vyacheslav, you are a DJ, and I know that not so long ago you signed a contract with Warner Music.

Vyacheslav Zinurov: I collaborate with DJ Ivan Martin. He is an excellent musician. We have been working with him since 2009 and have done a lot of remixes for various artists, for example, Maxim and Lena Temnikova. And last summer we decided to write our songs on English. They found a soloist, and everything coincided. We made a good track, showed it to people, and they liked it. They also received an offer from Universal Music, but chose Warner Music.

- So your song could very well become a soundtrack to some movie?

Vyacheslav Zinurov: Yes, sure! We are now working on the second composition.

- What songs do you have in your player? Don't you get tired of music?

Vyacheslav Zinurov: No. I mostly listen to music in the car. Seryozha and I got hooked on new wave. I listened to all the songs of Depeche Mode, A-Ha, Duran Duran. And I got a huge buzz and a charge of energy. These groups greatly influenced me in my creativity. I am a music lover and listen to different music: heavy music, dubstep, breakbeat, and drum and bass.

- Can you highlight any of the Russian performers?

Sergey Amoralov, Vyacheslav Zinurov: No one. We don't listen to Russian music. Anyone Russian project you can find a Western analogue. So it all looks like a fake. They are not doing anything new in Russia.

- Is fame a matter of chance or the result of hard work?

Sergey Amoralov, Vyacheslav Zinurov: Definitely a matter of chance. We know a lot of talented people who write interesting music, but they are not popular. Today, big money decides a lot. And if you have them, then you are lucky and you can afford to become famous. As for us, we can definitely say that Mr. Chance helped us.

The official date of birth of "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" is considered to be December 8, 1996, when the group gave its first big concert in the city of Cherepovets at the festival "Dancing City".

In St. Petersburg at the beginning of 1997, Sergey, Garik and Tom released their debut album, and then everyone learned about the dangers of smoking: with the song “Quit Smoking.” In December 1996, a video clip was shot for this song.

The group was noticed in Moscow, and further fate"scammers" was practically solved.

A year later, a video for the song “I’m learning to dance” appears, and after another six months, the “scammers” shoot their third video, “Everything and Everything,” which reached the top of all possible charts.

This hit leaves no doubt about the success of the group's second album of the same name, which was released in 1998.

In Kazakhstan, the group shoots a video for the song “Hali-Gali”, and in between tours writes a third album, which is released in the summer of 1999. Before the release of "Bullshit", the group manages to fly to Spain to film the fifth video clip - "If you're tired of it."

In the spring of 1999, the video work for the lyrical composition “Love Me, Love” breaks all records for the number of airplays and highest positions in the music charts!

In July 1999, the mysterious video “I Moved My Body” was filmed.

In the fall of 1999, "Dirty Rotten" will film "Mu-mu" - the story "that Shurik told you."

From 1999 to 2001, 4 video clips were shot: “I love”, “Don’t tell me anything”, the video was filmed in Spain in the Canary Islands. The materials used in the video clip were: creative activity"Dirty Rotten" filmed from 1996 to 2000, "Girls are different", filmed in France, dir. A. Igudin, “And by the River” is the last video clip for today, dir. - Mironov.

The group consists of three people:
Sergei Amoralov, aka Surovenko, is a soloist, author of many lyrics for the songs of “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels”. S. Amoralov has the first adult category in gymnastics and the category of candidate master of sports in sambo. Dreams of skydiving and never misses a single one football match, from time to time going out onto the field by myself to kick the ball with friends. He loves Formula 1 and constantly watches news broadcasts on TV to keep abreast of the internal political situation in the country and the world.

Tom-Chaos Jr., aka Sr., aka Vyacheslav Zinurov, is the main “inveterate” choreographer, the music and arrangements of almost all the songs of “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” are his doing. Tom-Chaos has vast experience in stage work. In 1996 he took first place among St. Petersburg roller skaters. For five years he worked in the teenage show "Neon Boy" (danced and played the trumpet). His DJ past also makes itself felt: Tom has retained a reverent attitude towards vinyl.

Garik, aka Igor Bogomazov, is the author of lyrics for the songs of "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels", reading nasal rap. studied for 8 years St. Petersburg school football team "Zenith", studied for 2 years pop vocals at the Academy of Culture. A year and a half ago, Igor got married, and soon a daughter was born, who was named Varvara.

Awards and prizes:
1998 - presentation of the Golden Gramophone award at the Kremlin Palace of Congresses
1999 - presentation of the "Stopudovy Hit" award
1999 - presentation of the second Golden Gramophone award
1999 - presentation of the "Stylish Things" award
2000 - presentation of the “Stopudovy Hit” award (2nd)
2000 - presentation of the third Golden Gramophone award
2000 - presentation of the Popov Prize
2000 - laying of a star on the Avenue of Stars on Arbat
1997 - 2000 - participation in Songs of the Year

Inveterate swindlers (group) Inveterate swindlers (group)

Inveterate scammers- Russian pop group.


“Our pride lies in the fact that we are not a production project. We were not selected based on the casting results. Initially, we had a different team, we read social rap almost with obscenities. Then we met Tom Chaos, a DJ, and started making dance music. Producers, Moscow - all this appeared much later. We first performed at school discos“We didn’t think that our project would be so famous.”

Sergey "Amoralov" Surovenko

Over the years of creativity of the group, 27 video clips were shot and 7 albums were recorded. The group’s hits include the songs “Quit Smoking”, “All sorts of things”, “I Love” (a cover of the song “Blue (Da Ba Dee)” by Eiffel 65), “Love me, love” (created in collaboration with the poet- songwriter Dmitry Panfilov), “Girls are different”, “And by the river”, “Pay attention” and others.

In the song “Hali-Gali” the group borrowed the main lead from the composition “I’ll Meet You at Midnight” (album “Midnight Cafe” 1976) by the British group Smokie, and in the composition “I Moved My Body” a sample was used from the group’s song “ a-ha "Lie Down in Darkness"

Group composition

  • Sergei "Sergei Amoralov" Surovenko (born January 11, 1979)
  • Vyacheslav "Tom-Chaos Junior" Zinurov (born October 20, 1971)
  • Andrey Repnikov Albinovich (born July 18, 1970) - in the group since 2011
Former members
  • Igor "Garik" Bogomazov (born August 31, 1975) - in the group from 1996 to 2011


  • - "From colored plasticine"
  • - "All sorts of things"
  • - "Bullshit"
  • - "Sticky Hands-2"
  • - "Provocation"
  • - "All sorts of songs about different things"
  • - "In spite of the records"

Video clips

  1. - Stop smoking
  2. - I'm learning to dance
  3. - All sorts of things
  4. - Hali-gali
  5. - Love me, love me
  6. - Mu, mu
  7. - Move your body
  8. - I moved my body
  9. - I love
  10. - Girls are different
  11. - Don't tell me anything
  12. - And by the river
  13. - Pumps
  14. - “Muz-TV with you” (together with the stars of the Muz-TV channel)
  15. - Please note
  16. - Border (feat. Leonid Agutin)
  17. - My star (feat. VIA Slivki)
  18. - Money-mani
  19. - Summer is...
  20. - Summer-winter
  21. - Traffic cops
  22. - Heart to Heart (feat. A "Studio)
  23. - Hands off the oligarchs
  24. - College (feat Dominic Joker)
  25. - This is mine
  26. - Russo Touristo
  27. - Capital
  28. - Get married

??? – She was 25, and I was only 18

Prizes and awards

  • 1998-2000, 2003 - III-V, VIII “Golden Gramophone” for the songs “Everything and different”, “Love me, love”, “Girls are different”, “Border” (duet with Leonid Agutin)
  • 1999-2008 - Laureates of the festival “Song of the Year”
  • 1999-2000 - Winners of the “Stopudovy Hit” award
  • 2000 - Popov Prize for the song “Love me, love”

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  • Alekseev A. S., Burlaka A. P.“DIRTINANT SCAMMERS” // Encyclopedia of Russian pop and rock music / Ed. S. Rubis. - M.: Eksmo-Press, 2001. - P. 301. - 432 p. - 7000 copies. - ISBN 5040066767.


  • on "Yandex.Music"
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  • on the website - And even then, who called them to us? Serves them right, m... and... in g.... - he suddenly said, raising his head. And, swinging his whip, he galloped, for the first time in the entire campaign, away from the joyfully laughing and roaring cheers that upset the ranks of the soldiers.
    The words spoken by Kutuzov were hardly understood by the troops. No one would be able to convey the content of the field marshal’s first solemn and at the end innocently old man’s speech; but the heartfelt meaning of this speech was not only understood, but that same, that very feeling of majestic triumph, combined with pity for the enemies and the consciousness of one’s rightness, expressed by this, precisely this old man’s, good-natured curse - this very (feeling lay in the soul of every soldier and expressed himself with a joyful cry that did not cease for a long time. When after this one of the generals turned to him with a question about whether the commander-in-chief would order the carriage to arrive, Kutuzov, answering, unexpectedly sobbed, apparently in great excitement.

    November 8th is the last day of the Krasnensky battles; It was already dark when the troops arrived at their overnight camp. The whole day was quiet, frosty, with light, sparse snow falling; By evening it began to become clear. A black purple starry sky could be seen through the snowflakes, and the frost began to intensify.
    The musketeer regiment, which left Tarutino in the number of three thousand, now, in the number of nine hundred people, was one of the first to arrive at the appointed place for the night, in the village on high road. The quartermasters who met the regiment announced that all the huts were occupied by sick and dead Frenchmen, cavalrymen and staff. There was only one hut for the regimental commander.
    The regimental commander drove up to his hut. The regiment passed through the village and placed the guns on the goats at the outer huts on the road.
    Like a huge, multi-membered animal, the regiment set to work organizing its lair and food. One part of the soldiers scattered, knee-deep in the snow, into the birch forest that was to the right of the village, and immediately the sound of axes, cutlasses, the crackling of breaking branches and cheerful voices were heard in the forest; the other part was busy around the center of the regimental carts and horses, placed in a pile, taking out cauldrons, crackers and giving food to the horses; the third part scattered in the village, arranging quarters for headquarters, selecting the dead bodies of the French lying in the huts, and taking away boards, dry firewood and straw from the roofs for fires and wattle fences for protection.
    About fifteen soldiers behind the huts, from the edge of the village, with a cheerful cry, were swinging the high fence of the barn, from which the roof had already been removed.
    - Well, well, together, lie down! - voices shouted, and in the darkness of the night a huge fence covered with snow swayed with a frosty crack. The lower stakes cracked more and more often, and finally the fence collapsed along with the soldiers pressing on it. There was a loud, crudely joyful cry and laughter.
    - Take two at a time! bring the horn here! that's it. Where are you going?
    - Well, at once... Stop, guys!.. With a shout!
    Everyone fell silent, and a quiet, velvety pleasant voice sang a song. At the end of the third stanza, at the same time as the end of the last sound, twenty voices cried out in unison: “Uuuu!” It's coming! Together! Pile on, kids!..” But, despite the united efforts, the fence moved little, and in the established silence one could hear heavy panting.
    - Hey you, sixth company! Devils, devils! Help us... we will also come in handy.
    Of the sixth company, about twenty people who were going to the village joined those dragging them; and the fence, five fathoms long and a fathom wide, bending, pressing and cutting the shoulders of the puffing soldiers, moved forward along the village street.
    - Go, or what... Fall, Eka... What happened? This and that... The funny, ugly curses did not stop.
    - What are you doing? – suddenly the commanding voice of a soldier was heard, running towards the carriers.
    - Gentlemen are here; in the hut he himself was anal, and you, devils, devils, swearers. I you! – the sergeant-major shouted and hit the first soldier who turned up in the back. – Can’t you be quiet?
    The soldiers fell silent. The soldier who had been hit by the sergeant-major began, grunting, to wipe his face, which he had torn into blood when he stumbled upon a fence.
    - Look, damn, how he fights! My whole face was bleeding,” he said. in a timid whisper when the sergeant-major left.
    - Don’t you love Ali? - said a laughing voice; and, moderating the sounds of voices, the soldiers moved on. Having got out of the village, they spoke again just as loudly, peppering the conversation with the same aimless curses.